How to weave a bauble from floss in the color of the rainbow. Straight weaving: weaving stripes. Rainbow bauble from floss

At this time of year there is no rain, so there are no rainbows, which is a pity))
I hope that this product will at least remind you of her:

As you can see, in the diagram the pattern is on a white background, but it seems to me that it will look brighter on black, so instead of white I take black. Of course, you can weave in absolutely any color)))
The bauble is woven with oblique weaving, the pattern is of medium complexity, not very large. One difficulty: tatting knots.

As always, I weave floss from the Kirov company - they are softer.

For this bauble you will need: 7 white or black threads (I weave with black ones), one thread each of red, yellow, orange, blue, light blue, green and purple.

Take threads at least a meter long, otherwise you will have to add more, and ugly knots will appear.
The peculiarity of this pattern is that the second time we weave the pattern, the colors change their location. For example:

Well, what can I say: BE SURE to mark where you stopped, otherwise trouble will not be avoided. And in order to understand which row you stopped on, you will have to unravel the last three or four rows - this, firstly, is long, secondly, tedious, and thirdly, there is a high probability that you will tangle ALL the threads.

At the end of the work, I will sew buttons to it, so I start and end with a bauble, candy, .(, End,)
Because of this, I make it longer by about a centimeter so that I can sew on a button, and at the same time, the bauble dangles slightly on my hand.

I spent about 5 hours on this bauble, and here is the result of my efforts:

Everyone has at least once encountered a person wearing a bauble. This small wicker bracelet is a symbol of friendship and peace, and it is not without reason that it has a foreign name “Friendship bracelet”. The history of this simple but stylish decoration began among the Indians of North America, who gave ropes woven in a special way to their friends. It was believed that the longer the bauble is kept on the hand, the stronger the friendship between people. Not torn, but to be independently removed from the hand, symbolized the end of friendly relations, and was one of the most powerful insults. The secret of how to weave baubles from threads was passed down from century to century, until in the early 60s of the last century these bracelets became one of the symbols of hippies and spread throughout the world.

In addition to friendship between people, baubles symbolize a person’s interests and passions. For those who know how to read the secrets of the threads of these cute bracelets, they will reveal a lot about their owners. The picture or pattern depicted and the color of the threads are both important. A widely known example is that if a guy and a girl have the same or very similar baubles on their hands, then these young people are a couple.

Gradually, the original meaning of exchanging baubles was lost, but they did not lose their popularity. These bracelets are a universal decoration and therefore now they can be seen not only on representatives of the hippie subculture or the hands of little needlewomen, but also on secular fashionistas and fashionistas. Baubles made from floss always add brightness and special color to an image.

The easiest way is to push the finished thread onto the wrong side of the product, leaving enough thread to later tie a knot.

We apply a thread of the same color to the tear site from the wrong side

And then we tie this thread with standard two knots.

From the wrong side, we tie the ended thread with the one that was just inserted.

The place where the threads join is hidden, and weaving can continue further.


Hello! Today I want to talk about an unusual bauble that our administrator Sasha (aka Fan Yuus) came up with. She called this bauble “Staircase to the Rainbow,” and it is no coincidence: the rainbow wave is intersected by transverse “steps.”

So, for the “Stairway to the Rainbow” bauble you will need the following number of threads:

Red, orange, yellow, green and blue - 70 cm each.

Violet - 220 cm.

White - 40 cm (instead of white, you can take any other color: we will braid this thread, so it will not be visible in the bauble).

Lay out all the threads like this.

As already mentioned, the “staircase to the rainbow” contains elements of a wave bauble. So now we will weave a wave. 🙂

Separate the white and purple, as well as the blue thread.

Using a blue thread, twist the white and purple together in a knot to the right.

Then also braid the white and purple threads alternately with green, yellow, orange and red thread.

This is what a “half wave” should look like. Now it's ladder time!

Separate the purple thread and braid it with the white one with the same knot to the right.

During weaving, purple knots can lie close to the previous row of multi-colored knots. It's OK. Weave in the way that suits you, the main thing is that the knots are even. You can correct the purple row later.

Now we turn around - we braid all the rainbow threads in the reverse order with a knot to the left.

And now you need to braid the white thread. But at the same time, they should not change places, so we use a tatting knot - left-right.

Now is the time to straighten these rows if they suddenly lie unevenly. The purple rows should be positioned strictly horizontally, as steps should be. So if you have them pressed against the multi-colored row, just carefully move them down to the level you need, while holding the multi-colored row.

So, we have completely woven a single element of the bauble: wave + step. The next element will be woven in a mirror way: the white and purple threads are woven together with each of the rainbow threads in knots to the left, and then the entire step will consist of a row to the left and a row to the right.

Men's bracelets are very popular

Many people mistakenly believe that a bracelet is an exclusively feminine piece of jewelry. It is worth noting that the stronger half of humanity is no less favorable towards all kinds of stylish accessories. A fashionable look, which is promoted by leading designers around the world, necessarily involves original jewelry in the image. Hand made men's accessories have been extremely popular for several seasons now, adding a certain brutality and originality. If you don’t know what to give your boyfriend, then the best solution is stylish handmade baubles for boys.

Features of men's jewelry

A bauble is an ancient accessory that has amazing properties. It has long been believed that such decoration protects its owner from filth and envious glances. But the most common meaning is the manifestation of friendliness and depth of feelings with the help of a handmade bracelet. In the old days, a bracelet could tell a lot about the owner’s life, his occupation, social status, and his passions. In the modern fashion world, baubles are a universal accessory, beloved by both women and men. In a woman's look, the bracelet will emphasize sophistication and grace, and in a man's look - masculinity, a stylish image and excellent taste, the desire to express oneself.

Bracelets add style to a man's look

There are many ways to make men's baubles with your own hands. Among the most popular materials for creating jewelry for guys:

  • Metal. The fashion for powerful steel bracelets was introduced by tireless and fearless bikers. In the modern world, such accessories easily fit into urban or military style. As a rule, lovers of such jewelry are young guys with a stable life position, courageous and strong personalities.

Leather bracelet with metal inserts
Biker bracelet with skulls


If you choose a metal bracelet for yourself, stylists do not recommend combining it with a watch on a metal strap or other jewelry. The main thing is a sense of proportion and adherence to the concept of style.

  • Leather. This decoration can be made from cords or an old leather belt. There are various designs for leather baubles that you can easily make with your own hands. Original jewelry is usually chosen by young people who are taking their first steps in the world of fashion accessories. A leather bracelet is universal and will help maintain a sense of formality at work and add a casual touch to your look.

Leather cord bracelet
Leather bracelets are very popular
  • Beading. Not only women fell in love with ancient technology. There are beautiful patterns of beaded baubles that you can weave as a gift to a friend or loved one. Stylish decoration easily adapts to any style. Material, pattern and color will help create an individual combination.

Men's beaded bracelet
Beaded bracelet in ethnic style
  • Marine technology. Knotted macrame weaving is the easiest way to weave a bauble for a guy. Knotted combinations and textured patterns, complemented by beads or shaped metal pendants - all this can be easily combined with a wristwatch. The bracelet accurately characterizes a brave, decisive, but sensitive guy.

Marine style bracelet
Men's bracelet in marine colors

Men's cord bauble

Baubles made from floss with various thematic patterns, decorations made from ribbons, chains or fabrics are popular. The ability to correctly create a stylish look, complementing it with accessories, is a whole science.

Floss bracelets can be worn with a watch

Designer jewelry is a long-term investment, but not everyone can afford it. The best way to create an original, but budget-friendly decoration is to make it yourself. For such a bauble you will also need diagrams.

Making baubles

To make a hand bauble for a boy, a guy or an adult man, you will need a minimum of materials and tools, as well as a creative mood. Why pay more? Let's try to create an exclusive decoration with our own hands.

Bauble is a great gift for a stylish guy
DIY baubles are always a unique decoration

Leather bauble for a real man

A somewhat brutal, massive bracelet can tell about a man’s character without words. By tightly clasping your wrist, the accessory will give you self-confidence and create the image of a person standing firmly on his feet.

Brutal leather bracelet
The bracelet can be decorated with a chain or iron rivets

To work, you will need two pieces of thick leather, buttons for fastening and several rivets for decoration. Tools that will come in handy include scissors, glue, a ruler and a pencil for marking out the baubles diagram and getting in a creative mood.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • Let's cut out a base from one piece of leather, to do this we measure the wrist. Using a pencil from the wrong side, we outline the location of the fastener buttons.
  • We make a hole with scissors, insert the foot of the button, and secure it with the cap.
  • We cut the second piece into several strips, but not completely. We braid all the sections into a braid and secure the ends with glue. We will secure the braid to the base.
  • We insert rivets between the weaving or into the prepared holes.

DIY leather bracelet

This design of the bauble is universal; you can decorate the bracelet at your own discretion. A guy will certainly appreciate an exclusive handmade gift.

Rainbow floss bauble

Thread bracelets made with knotted weaving are evidence of sincere friendship.

Friendship bracelets made of threads
Fenechka is a wonderful way to confirm friendship

To make a bauble, we will need floss of several colors; for the rainbow pattern, we need to choose seven bright shades. The weaving process is as follows:

  • We fold threads 1 meter long in half, tie the ends with a knot and secure them with a pin to the work surface.


Weaving a bauble can be done on a special prepared pillow or board, or simply by attaching it to jeans with a safety pin.

  • We start weaving, tie a double knot from the two outer threads on the left side. We tie the combinations with the first color in order and knit to the middle.
  • Let's change the direction and knit the second line to the middle. We will connect the two central strands together.
  • Next, we weave knots with a new color, moving to the right. We repeat the algorithm, alternately changing direction. It is necessary to use all colors one by one.

The bright bauble for the guy is ready. Let's study the methods of oblique and straight weaving of baubles from threads and you can make any patterns according to the diagrams.

Direct weaving of baubles

Oblique weaving of baubles

Bauble with name

An original gift for a friend is a personalized bracelet that even a beginner in creativity can weave.

Baubles with inscriptions

To weave a personalized bracelet you will need two colors of floss, tape, a pin and scissors. The algorithm is as follows:

  • Separate the threads for weaving the background in the amount of 13 pieces and one leading strand of a contrasting color. We put them together, bend them in half and secure them to the table with tape. The leading thread remains on the left.
  • We weave in the direction from left to right, we knit a knot to the left.
  • We repeat the algorithm from row to row, weaving a name or inscription with a colored thread.

To create a spectacular accessory, you will need a pre-prepared diagram. You can find a ready-made template or sketch a drawing yourself.

Bauble with name

Adding handmade jewelry to your look is a sure way to emphasize style and good taste. Laconic baubles for men are a stylish and original decoration.

Baubles emphasize the originality of the image
Making baubles is a fun and creative process

Thanks to detailed master classes, you can give your friends joy, express your sincere attitude and depth of feelings.

A handmade bauble is the perfect gift