Edema during pregnancy: reasons for its appearance in later stages. How to deal with edema during pregnancy? Treatment of edema during pregnancy: eliminating a dangerous condition Pathological edema during pregnancy, what to do

It is a rare expectant mother who does not complain that her face and legs swell from time to time. If swelling becomes constant, accompanied by fatigue and excessive weight gain, we can talk about hydrops of pregnancy - the first, mildest stage of toxicosis in late pregnancy.

An increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine indicate the next stage of gestosis - nephropathy. If treatment is not started at this stage, the woman and fetus may be at risk of dangerous conditions - preeclampsia and eclampsia. The risk group includes women suffering from hypertension, endocrine disorders, and kidney pathology.

Most often, edema occurs at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd trimester. The first sign of fluid retention in the body is a feeling of tightness in rings and shoes. First, the feet and legs, face and fingers swell, then the thighs, external genitalia and abdominal wall. Diagnosis is simple: when you press on the skin, a dimple mark remains in the swollen tissues, which does not disappear immediately.

You should not force yourself to suffer from thirst and sharply reduce your fluid intake: this can lead to the opposite effect - the body will be even more active in storing water for future use. Important: Try to avoid taking diuretic medications. And under no circumstances self-medicate! After consulting with your doctor, choose folk diuretics: lingonberry or cranberry juice, tea with lemon without sugar, a decoction of bearberry leaves, corn silk or kidney tea (orthosiphon).

Take a glass of dried rose hips, brew in a thermos - this sour drink perfectly quenches thirst and, in addition, is rich in vitamins.

How to deal with edema during pregnancy:
  • Constantly monitor three indicators - weight gain, blood pressure and urine analysis (it should not contain protein).
  • In the 2nd trimester, drink no more than 1.5 liters of water per day, getting another 1 liter of liquid from soups, yoghurts, vegetables and fruits. In the 3rd trimester, the total volume of fluid should not exceed 1.2 liters. At the same time, you should not force yourself to suffer from thirst. You should drink in small sips and small portions.
  • In late pregnancy, reduce your salt intake to 4-5 g per day. Choose salt with reduced sodium content. Don't forget that a lot of "unaccounted for" salt is found in chips, sausage, frozen processed foods and soups from bags.
  • Dried apricots, raisin decoction, green apples, black currants, pumpkin, carrots and beets have a mild diuretic effect. Arrange fasting days, for example apple days (6-8 apples per day), once a week.
  • Move more: swim, leisurely walk for at least 2 hours a day, do gentle gymnastics.
  • Take care of your feet. Elevate them when sitting or lying down by placing a low ottoman or a bolster under your feet. At the end of the day, take a cool 20-minute foot bath, then thoroughly rub your feet with a washcloth.
  • Try not to linger in excessively stuffy, heated rooms and do not overuse warm clothes: high temperature provokes the appearance of edema. Sleep with the window open and ventilate the rooms more often.

Many women during pregnancy, especially in the second half, experience swelling, swelling of the fingers, feet, ankles, and heaviness in the legs. You may just have gained weight, but these could be signs of puffiness.

It’s easy to check for fluid retention in the body: you need to press your finger on the place of swelling on the leg. Normally, this place should straighten immediately as soon as the pressure is removed, but if a trace-hole remains for some time, then we need to talk about swelling. During pregnancy, swelling of the fingers and toes up to the calves is acceptable, but if the swelling rises higher to the lower leg, thighs and abdominal wall, these are symptoms of a severe form of gestosis.

Late toxicosis - gestosis - often manifests itself in the third trimester as swelling. Gestational edema can be expressed in slight swelling, slightly greater weight gain, malaise, and fatigue. But there may be more serious problems: protein appears in the urine, blood pressure changes, headaches, even seizures and a threat to the health of the fetus.

Some pregnant women, fearing swelling, reduce the amount of fluid they consume. This is the wrong approach. Reducing the amount of water you drink causes the body to respond - retaining fluid to store for future use. Therefore, at least one and a half liters of water per day are necessary. Due to dehydration, blood thickening occurs, and the mother’s body, as it were, comes into conflict with the placenta, which belongs to the child’s body: the mother’s body does not provide enough water and nutrients, and the placenta is not able to receive the required amount.

Preeclampsia mainly affects women with hypertension, diseases of the endocrine system, and renal pathology. You can also talk about this problem during multiple pregnancies or if the fetus is too large.

The observing doctor will determine the cause of edema and prescribe treatment. It is necessary to monitor weight, blood pressure, and the presence of protein in the urine. But at home, a pregnant woman can help herself. Thus, a positive result is achieved by reducing or completely eliminating salt, spices, alcohol and sweet carbonated water. It is advisable to stay in normal temperature conditions, raise your legs up more often, use cool foot baths, and avoid feeling thirsty. It is useful to massage your feet and drink a glass of hot milk at night. Gymnastic exercises, daily two-hour walks, and a gentle daily routine will help relieve swelling. Due to fluid retention, to reduce swelling, it is preferable for a pregnant woman to be in a horizontal position with a pillow under the lower back, since in this position the kidneys work better and fluid is eliminated faster. And in order not to disturb the movement of fluid, the rings from the fingers must be removed at the beginning of the term.

The attending physician may prescribe a special diet with a reduction or avoidance of fatty, fried, spicy foods, as well as salt, sugar and starchy foods. With your doctor's permission, you can drink fruit and vegetable juices 0.3-0.5 glasses twice a day; decoctions of blackberries, oats, beans; tea with quince pieces added; infusions of dried apricots or apricots (use as a drink). Good results are obtained from decoctions of bearberry leaves, kidney tea, corn silk, as well as infusions of rose hips, lingonberries and cranberries.

Your doctor will recommend a cream or gel as an external remedy to relieve swelling. For example, foot cream with horse chestnut extract or hazel extract, which have a beneficial effect on foot tissue and do not harm the child. It is better to buy cosmetic creams from natural ingredients; they must undergo dermacontrol and be designed specifically for pregnant women.

During pregnancy, a woman may experience hidden and obvious swelling in different parts of the body. This is due to the fact that during this special period, water-salt metabolism changes in the body, leading to the formation of stagnation.

At 35–38 weeks of gestation, the appearance of swelling after a day of work is normal. But, if the problem occurs in the morning and does not go away, this indicates that the girl’s body has a malfunction of the organs. This pathological condition can cause complications in the body and harm the fetus, so you need to consult a doctor and begin comprehensive treatment of the problem. Why edema occurs and how to deal with it - read our article.

Why does swelling occur during pregnancy?

The disease manifests itself for certain reasons, and the main ones are the transformation of the body and hormonal changes. In addition, the disease is a consequence of past pathologies and chronic illnesses that the expectant mother has. During pregnancy, diseases can worsen, causing stagnation in the body.

The physiological reasons that cause the disease include:

  1. Swelling of a pathological nature.
  2. Preeclampsia.
  3. Kidney disease.
  4. Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Chronic varicose veins.
  6. Rapid growth of a child in the womb.

In the 3rd trimester, the baby begins to actively grow and move, because of this, the pressure on the organs increases. The fluid circulates poorly throughout the body and it is difficult to remove it outside. In addition, the problem is further aggravated if a girl aged 36–37 consumes a large amount of salty food.

Development of gestosis

The disease is very dangerous for mother and child. As the pathology progresses, swelling affects the entire body. During this period, rapid weight gain occurs, which puts a lot of pressure on the blood vessels. In the later stages of development, spasms of blood vessels are observed, blood circulates poorly throughout the body, and tissues begin to shrink. This condition in the third trimester requires medical examination and treatment.

Pathological condition of the kidneys

The disease develops due to glomerulonephritis. Most often, the girl is already aware of the disease long before pregnancy. This helps to quickly establish a diagnosis and begin conservative treatment. But there are situations when the pathology becomes known only during the period of pregnancy. The girl develops symptoms of swelling, first on her face, then on her arms and legs. If the swelling appears in exactly this order, then you need to contact your doctor.

Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system

When kidney dysfunction is detected, other body systems cannot function fully, and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular organs are observed. In order for recycled water to come out, the heart must work fully. If it malfunctions, then the following symptoms occur: pain in the heart, swelling of the limbs, weakness, shortness of breath. These signals indicate that the heart cannot cope with the load and is malfunctioning. In this situation, the woman is hospitalized.

Venous insufficiency

Varicose veins are a dangerous disease for a girl in any position. It can cause serious pathological processes in the body, which in severe cases can lead to death. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be very careful. If signs of varicose veins appeared long before pregnancy, then preventive measures should be taken and treatment of the problem should begin from the very beginning of its occurrence.

To treat or not

Physiological edema is safe for the expectant mother; you can get rid of it with the help of a special diet, which is recommended for all girls during pregnancy. They usually occur after 20 weeks of gestation. The swelling appears towards the end of the evening and does not cause discomfort or heaviness. After sleep the next morning everything disappears. The problem should not bother you during the day.

But, in situations where the problem occurs in the morning and affects the face and nasal mucosa, upper and lower extremities, stomach and belly, you should immediately consult your doctor and begin the fight against swelling. Only he will be able to determine what to do with swelling of the limbs and what is the cause of this condition.

What is the danger of the disease

Why is this condition dangerous? If the swelling has spread throughout the entire body or to more parts, this indicates the development of gestosis or preeclampsia. The initial stage of the disease is not dangerous for a woman if she is treated quickly. But if the disease develops into the second degree, then protein forms in the urine and pressure surges occur. The severe stage of gestosis develops into preclampsia.

A woman experiences the following symptoms:

  • convulsions;
  • rapid aging of the placenta;
  • hypoxia in an infant.

If the disease develops into eclampsia, there is a risk of death for both the mother and the unborn child. That is why you should not delay treatment and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.

How to recognize the problem

Swelling on the limbs or face has its own characteristic features, which are clearly visible after 26 weeks.

Swelling of the legs

This type of pathology is most common in pregnant women. Swelling appears after a working day, when the woman spent most of the time on her feet. Swelling affects the feet and legs. To get rid of the problem, it is recommended to wear comfortable, loose shoes without heels and platforms.

If your legs become swollen at 8–9 months of gestation, then the girl should give up long walks and an active lifestyle. According to doctors, during this period it is necessary to lie horizontally most of the time so that all the liquid is evenly distributed throughout the body.

Swelling of the hands

Fingers swell mainly in women who spend most of their time doing fine motor activities (typing, knitting, washing dishes, cleaning). Stagnation in tissues appears due to monotonous work. To eliminate the problem, the expectant mother needs to do exercises for swelling of the hand and fingers.

Swelling of the face

The pathology is characterized by rounding of the facial contour and puffiness. The swelling of the eyelids and the appearance of bags under the eyes causes great discomfort to the girl. This manifestation of the disease is related to the individual structure of the eyelids. The fiber that is located in this area absorbs water abundantly, which leads to the formation of swelling.

Treatment options

What to do if swelling appears on the body during pregnancy? If a woman experiences stagnation in her body, then she needs to start a comprehensive treatment, which includes medications and folk methods.

Medication methods

There are no medications that can help get rid of the disease, since diuretics are prohibited for pregnant women. If the disease has reached a critical point, the girl is prescribed hospitalization and is given medicinal treatment within the walls of the hospital.

Inpatient therapy includes vitamin drips and vascular-strengthening medications. At 39-40, only with the permission of the gynecologist, mild diuretics Khofitol, Fitolysin and Veroshpiron can be prescribed. All medications are taken strictly under the guidance of a doctor. Self-medication in this situation is strictly contraindicated.


A special diet will help relieve body swelling. Heavy, fatty, salty foods are excluded from the diet. Nutrition during illness should be balanced.

A diet for pregnant women with swelling of the body involves excluding the following products from the menu:

  • sausages;
  • Hard and soft cheeses;
  • ice cream;
  • confectionery;
  • halva;
  • fatty meats;
  • coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol;
  • olives;
  • salted nuts, fish, vegetables;
  • tomatoes, pumpkin.

Cranberry juice will prevent the formation of congestion and strengthen the immune system, which is important when carrying a baby. In addition, do not forget about the beneficial properties of dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes); mixtures, decoctions and infusions are prepared from them.

Folk remedies

You can use traditional healing methods only with the permission of a doctor. Because not all recipes are allowed for pregnant women. Some of them can harm the fetus and complicate pregnancy.

During the gestation period, the following effective recipes are allowed:

  1. Healing infusions of herbs (bearberry, rosehip, lingonberry and hawthorn). All ingredients are poured with boiling water and left for 4-5 hours. Drink 1/2 cup for a month.
  2. Infusion of parsley root and dill seeds. Plants are poured with a glass of boiling water overnight. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning.
  3. Orthosiphon is considered a kidney tea and is sold in any pharmacies. The medicine is brewed like regular tea and drunk 1/2 glass 2-3 times a day.
  4. A good diuretic that will help relieve swelling is green tea with mint. Freshly brewed raw materials are drunk 2-3 times a day in a mug.
  5. A decoction of dried apricots will help improve metabolism, relieve congestion and strengthen the body.

And also during the treatment of edema, doctors advise doing massages of the affected areas. Light circular movements will remove congestion, make blood vessels more elastic and improve skin condition.

Preventive measures

To avoid the development of diseases, the girl undergoes a monthly examination by a doctor. He checks the woman's body weight, health and general well-being. Expectant mothers often have a question about what to do to prevent the development of pathology.

  1. Make the right diet. Food should contain a lot of protein and fiber. Be sure to do fasting days 1-2 times a month.
  2. Eliminate salty foods. During the gestation period, the amount of salt should be limited to 2 g per day.
  3. Drink. You need to drink at least 2–2.5 liters of liquid per day (water, fruit drinks, juices, teas).
  4. Physical activity. Walking in the fresh air, walking, and performing special exercises minimizes the risk of stagnation.
  5. Don't overexert your legs. Don't tire your legs too much. Walking and walks should be easy and enjoyable. A woman should get plenty of rest.
  6. Special underwear. Compression stockings will help reduce stress on the legs, improve the condition of blood vessels and blood circulation in the extremities.

Watch this video for simple exercises for swelling:


Women in late and early pregnancy often experience different health problems. Internal swelling of the extremities is the most common occurrence during this period. From 20 to 30–34 weeks of gestation, this condition is not dangerous, and you can get rid of it at home. But if the problem arose in recent weeks and causes severe discomfort to the mother in labor, then this requires urgent hospitalization and drug treatment.

This is either an excessive accumulation of fluid in some particular part of the body, or a switching of the entire body to excessive fluid retention. Local edema can be caused by inflammation, insect bites, or trauma. General edema is always a change in the condition of the whole organism.

In order for edema to occur, two factors are necessary: ​​the presence of fluid and tissue capable of holding this fluid. In the summer, in the heat, a person always drinks more fluid, so there are no problems with it. Moreover, there are drinks that themselves strive to stay in the tissues - salty (mineral water) and sweet carbonated ones (Buratino, Kolokolchik, Coca-Cola). With certain diseases and conditions, the body strives to store fluid. Based on the appearance of edema, assumptions are often made about the presence of one or another pathology in the body (edema affects “heart patients,” “renal patients,” and diabetics; edema often appears in women before menstruation), but edema is especially often a concern for pregnant women and their doctors.

Pregnancy itself is a condition that promotes water retention in the body, and this is physiological. A person consists of 80% water, and in my mother’s body, “suddenly” in a relatively short period of time, a completely new organism is formed, for which water must be taken somewhere. During a normal pregnancy, as much as 6-8 liters of water are collected, 4-6 of which are outside the body tissues, and 2-3 in the tissues. By the end of pregnancy, the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid accumulate about 3 liters of water. Another three liters are used to increase the mother’s blood volume, to grow and enlarge the uterus and mammary glands. The volume of the liquid part of the blood begins to increase very early, from . It seems that fluid accumulation is a phenomenon of paramount importance, since the body begins to deal with it so early. And it’s true: after all, how liquid and flowing the blood is, so quickly it can deliver nutrients for the growth of the child, uterus, and mammary glands. And blood can fill a whole new vascular system only when there is a lot of it.

However, not all the liquid is always used only. Almost any biological system has excessive “greed” and tries to store the necessary resource in case of its sudden disappearance. This is why edema forms.

There are four degrees of severity of edema:

  • first degree - the appearance of edema on the legs;
  • second degree - swelling of the feet, legs, lower abdomen;
  • third degree - the occurrence of swelling in the hands, the appearance of pastiness on the face;
  • fourth degree - generalized edema (dropsy).

Most often, edema develops with. With gestosis, swelling occurs after, in the morning, the legs become “wobbly”, shortness of breath, weakness and increased fatigue appear. Due to edema, a pregnant woman cannot stand on her feet for a long time, shoes become tight, rings cannot be removed or put on (ring symptom). When pressing on the shin, a hole is formed, which does not disappear immediately. But swelling is not always visible visually. Hidden edema is indicated by an increase in body weight of more than 300-400 g per week.

As already noted, edema is not always a pathology. At the end of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, which creates an obstacle to the outflow of blood from the veins of the lower extremities. In addition, the large uterus puts pressure on the ureters, resulting in fluid retention. In women with varicose veins, when walking or standing for a long time, the feet and legs swell in the evening. Another type of physiological edema is constitutional. They occur in women with short stature and increased body weight.

The development of pathological edema is associated with impaired water-salt metabolism, improper outflow of blood and lymph through the veins of the legs, increased permeability of the vascular wall and thickening of the blood. This mechanism for the occurrence of edema is inherent in gestosis (the old name is toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy), in which there is also an increase in blood pressure and proteinuria (protein in the urine). These symptoms are not always present as a complete triad; moreover, there are “dry” gestosis, when there is no edema at all, and they are considered a more severe case of the disease.

How can you tell if you have swelling?

Answering a few questions will help. Have you been desperately squeezing your favorite worn-out shoes lately? Does the wedding ring squeeze your finger, leaving a mark, or is it difficult or impossible to remove from your finger at all? Do elastic bands from socks and knee socks leave a ribbed, long-lasting mark? Have you started to gain excess weight (more than 300 g per week)?

Of course, obvious swelling will be noticed not only by the doctor, but also by you. But there are also hidden edema, or tissue pastiness (the so-called fluid retention in the body), which are not noticeable. They can only be suspected if the expectant mother experiences a large or uneven weight gain.

Most often, edema in healthy pregnant women who do not have cardiovascular or renal pathology appears in the second half of pregnancy. Usually the legs swell first, then swelling of the arms, abdomen, and face may occur. The latter is especially upsetting for expectant mothers. After all, the eyelids swell the most on the face. This is due to the anatomical features of this area. There is loose fiber located there, which, like a sponge, is ready to retain liquid.

In the morning, swelling in the legs is less noticeable, because at night the fluid spreads evenly throughout the body. But during the day, when you spend more time on your feet, the fluid goes down, accumulating mainly in the ankles, on the back of the feet, on the shins, where the pressure of a finger can cause a slowly leveling hole. Skin with edema is pale, tense and smooth.

Simple home methods will help you understand whether you have hidden swelling, the presence of which must be reported to your doctor.

Dynamic weighing

Possible hidden edema is indicated by excessive (more than 300 g per week) or uneven weight gain of the expectant mother.

Diuresis studies

Compare the amount of fluid drunk and urine excreted (per day). Normally, a healthy person excretes ¾ of the fluid he drinks. Let's say if you drank 1000-1200 ml of liquid per day (including soups and tea-coffee), at least 750-900 ml should be excreted in the urine. The remaining quarter of the fluid is released in the form of sweat and also during breathing. It is usually recommended to count urine output for three days in a row in order to exclude a situation where, on the eve of the study, a large amount of liquid was drunk, which was perfectly excreted on the first day of urine counting.

Dynamic measurement of leg circumference at one level

An increase in the circumference of the ankle joint by 1 cm or more within a week indicates fluid retention in the body.

Western medicine considers edema during pregnancy to be a physiological phenomenon in the absence of increased blood pressure, protein in the urine and concomitant diseases. Russian doctors adhere to the point of view that edema during pregnancy is always the first signs of gestosis, which means they must be treated. Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately predict the course of pregnancy, especially the first one, so a pregnant woman can meet both a doctor with the first and second point of view, and most often the doctor’s personal experience and the course of the observed pregnancies play a role here.

In any case, it is wise to prevent the occurrence of edema.

Primary prevention is an examination of a pregnant woman in the early stages of pregnancy, a blood test for biochemistry and examination by specialists. In the early stages, when there is no edema yet and cannot be, it is already possible to guess which woman is more likely to develop pregnancy pathology. This is why there is so much talk about the need for early registration and early examination of pregnant women.

How to deal with swelling that has already occurred?

After determining the cause of edema, a natural question arises: how to deal with pathological edema (preeclampsia)? First of all, you need to decide on a diet. Nutrition should be balanced and complete. Food should contain an increased amount of protein (meat, fish, chicken), since with gestosis a deficiency occurs, which leads to increased vascular permeability.

We should not forget about carbohydrates - this is an energy material; if they are lacking, proteins will be consumed as energy. Fats are also necessary for energy production and as a building material for fetal organs. Limiting fluid and salt only aggravates the development of edema. There should be at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. But it is better to exclude over-salted, pickled and spicy dishes. You should limit your intake of sweet and carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, lemonade): they lead to fluid retention in the body, creating a vicious circle of edema development.

Edema occurs in about half of all pregnant women. This is explained by an increase in the amount of fluid in the body of the expectant mother. Is this condition dangerous for the fetus? Are swelling signs of some pathologies and are they fraught with further complications? To answer these questions, you need to understand the essence of the phenomenon.

Why does edema occur during pregnancy?

In the later stages of gestation, the cause of edema may be an enlargement of the uterus, which puts pressure on the blood vessels and prevents the outflow of blood from the veins of the lower extremities. This is not a pathology, but a physiological feature.

There may be so-called “constitutional” edema - they occur in women of the hypersthenic type: short, plump, with round shapes, small hands and feet. Such women gain more weight during pregnancy. If you belong to this type and gain more than 25 kg during the period of bearing a child, then the likelihood of edema is very high.

Such swelling may be unsightly and unpleasant, but there is no real danger to health.

It’s another matter when the cause of edema during pregnancy is gestosis - serious toxicosis of pregnant women, in which generalized vasospasm and microcirculation disturbance occur. Such conditions are characterized by increased blood pressure, the presence of protein in the urine, convulsions, disturbances of consciousness and painful swelling.

Pregnant women with diagnosed gestosis need medical care. Treatment is usually carried out on an outpatient basis, but in severe cases hospitalization may be necessary. If you are diagnosed with gestosis, you should:

  • reduce physical activity;
  • avoid stress;
  • take diuretics and sedatives prescribed by your doctor;
  • carry out preventive measures aimed at preventing fetal hypoxia and deviations in its development;

Edema can be caused by exacerbation and complication of existing chronic diseases. Such ailments include:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • heart diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;

In the case of varicose veins, edema can be prevented by using special therapeutic stockings with increased elasticity. All heart and kidney problems should ideally be eliminated before conception. If this fails, the pregnancy should proceed under close medical supervision.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Obvious swelling is noticeable to every woman, and even more so to the doctor observing the pregnancy. But there are also hidden edemas that are difficult to detect, caused by fluid retention in the tissues. A number of signs indicate the presence of edema:

  • excess weight gain (more than 300 g per week);
  • unexpected discomfort when wearing previously comfortable shoes;
  • heaviness in the legs in the evening;

Edema in healthy pregnant women, not associated with gestosis and chronic diseases, usually occurs in the second half of the nine-month period. First, swelling is localized in the lower extremities, then appears on the arms, abdomen and face. The eyelids swell the most due to their anatomical structure (there is spongy tissue that retains fluid).

In the morning, swelling of the legs is less noticeable - during the night the liquid is evenly distributed throughout the body. During the day, especially if you spend more time on your feet, the fluid sinks into the lower part of the body, localizing mainly in the ankles and feet. The skin with swelling is pale, smooth and under some tension.

Medical diagnosis of edema includes:

  • Weighing yourself - excessive or uneven weekly weight gain indicates problems with fluid outflow.
  • Diuresis study (comparing the amount of fluid consumed per day with the amount of water excreted).
  • Measuring the circumference of the legs - an increase in diameter by 1 cm within 7-10 days indicates the presence of edema.
  • “Blister test” - the method involves injecting a small amount of saline solution into the forearm area. In a healthy person, the resulting blister resolves in about 60 minutes; with edema, this time is reduced.

Why are edema dangerous?

The foreign medical community considers edema during pregnancy to be a purely physiological phenomenon that does not require therapy. Treatment, according to Western doctors, is required if protein is present in the urine and blood pressure increases.

Russian obstetricians tend to treat edema. They believe that dropsy during pregnancy indicates the initial stage of gestosis, and in 90% of cases it is subsequently complicated by protein in the urine and high blood pressure. Early treatment will help get rid of serious problems in the future.


You can combat edema during a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy through lifestyle changes. Medical recommendations for reducing symptoms relate mainly to a rational and balanced diet.

It is very important to constantly monitor your weight during pregnancy. If your readings are higher than normal, you should follow a special diet. To prevent edema, you must follow the following nutritional rules:

  • Limit your intake of fatty foods and foods rich in “unhealthy” carbohydrates;
  • Monitor the amount of liquid you consume - in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy you should not drink more than a liter per day (also take into account the liquid contained in soups and juicy fruits);
  • A pregnant woman's food should be under-salted: salt retains excess fluid in the body;
  • Eliminate smoked meats, hot and spicy dishes;
  • Eat only boiled or steamed food;
  • Include healthy, vitamin-rich foods in your diet;

In addition to correcting your diet, procedures to strengthen the vascular walls will help get rid of edema or prevent its occurrence altogether. This will increase the “fluidity” of blood along the bloodstream and prevent fluid from leaking from the vessels into the tissues of the body. This effect is ensured by special vitamins and medications prescribed by the doctor to strengthen blood vessels.

You can avoid swelling with the help of herbal medicine - various herbal teas and decoctions with a diuretic effect. Any herbs can be consumed only after consulting a specialist.

The following plant-based folk remedies will help get rid of swelling:

  1. A mixture of equal proportions of bearberry, horsetail and kidney tea. You need to drink this remedy one glass a day (in three doses) for a month.
  2. Apple peel infusion. Drink half a glass 4 times a day.
  3. Birch sap (undiluted and fresh). Drink 200 g three times a day.
  4. Half an hour before meals, take a couple of tablespoons of fresh celery juice.
  5. Apply cabbage leaves to your feet - they draw out excess liquid.

Special diuretic medications can be prescribed only for very severe swelling. You cannot take such medications on your own - they are fraught with complications.


The following preventive measures will help to avoid the appearance of edema:

  • When resting, position your legs so that your feet are higher than your hips.
  • When sitting, do not cross your legs - this interferes with blood flow.
  • If you have a standing job, shift from foot to foot more often.
  • Foot massage. It should be done in the direction from the feet to the knees.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. At any time, find time for walks or special gymnastics.

If swelling occurs, especially in early pregnancy, be sure to tell your doctor. This can prevent the occurrence of painful and complicated toxicosis and malformations of the developing fetus.