Events for Valentine's Day. Educational event"день святого валентина". Конспект внеклассного мероприятия ко Дню влюблённых!}

Valentine's Day Events

Show program “At the crossroads of love...”

It has become a good tradition for students to celebrate Valentine's Day in the dormitory. The show program called “At the Crossroads of Love” includes theatrical miniatures about how Valentine's Day is celebrated in different countries; competition and game program for couples in love; musical numbers - gifts for all lovers, as well as a festive disco.

During the competitions, couples in love confess their love to each other in an unusual way, compete in dancing, show their intellectual and creative abilities, demonstrate good manners in the relationship between a man and a woman...

As the musical evening continues, halves of “Valentines” are distributed to all boys and girls who must find “their soul mate” during the disco and invite “her” to dance.

The other two scenarios presented below are variant forms of celebrating Valentine's Day.

1st presenter:

Inspired by a high feeling,

Once upon a time

Someone came up with Valentine's Day,

Without knowing it then,

That this day will become your favorite one,

The desired holiday of the year,

What's Happy Valentine's Day

They will call him with respect.

2nd presenter:

Smiles and flowers everywhere

Confessions of love again and again...

So let a miracle happen for everyone -

Let only LOVE rule the world!

1st presenter:

With these kind words about love, we want to start our show program for all lovers called “At the Crossroads of Love.”

2nd presenter:

Valentine's Day is a holiday for everyone who is in love and those who are still looking for love.

1st presenter:

Catholics revere Saint Valentine as the patron saint of lovers. This day is the best time for declarations of love and kind, heartfelt words.

2nd presenter:

In spite of the blizzards and February snowstorms, we will have fun and make each other happy!

(Musical gift. Dance and song performed by students)

1st presenter:

This holiday is cute, funny and unusual. He came to our country quite recently, but has already become a favorite of many.

2nd presenter:

What is the history of this holiday? Who invented it? And who is Saint Valentine?

1st presenter:

Saint Valentine is not a fictional character. This is the name of a bishop who lived near Rome in the 3rd century AD and accepted the crown of martyrdom for the Christian faith.

2nd presenter:

And what does this have to do with lovers?

1st presenter:

According to legends, the bishop healed young people from love fever and other mental suffering.

2nd presenter:

So, the lover is a little “mentally ill”? I don't like this legend. Is there another version?

1st presenter:

There are others too. They write that once a bishop helped a young man and a girl whose parents opposed this marriage get married. The grateful lovers, having become husband and wife, brought rich gifts to the bishop. The fame of the patron saint of lovers spread throughout Italy, and young couples in need of a protector flocked to the bishop. After the death of Valentine, a church was built over his grave, and February 14, the day of his execution, became the day of his memory, and in 496 the Pope declared February 14 as St. Valentine's Day.

2nd presenter:

How everything really happened, we don’t know and will never know, but one thing is certain: St. Valentine really died in the name of Love.

1st presenter:

And he was given an amazing amount of this Love in his one short life - love for God, love for a beautiful girl, love for people in general, whom he helped as a priest, and as a doctor, and as just a wonderful person with a huge, good-doing soul. .

2nd presenter:

What will they say about St. Valentine in other countries?

1st presenter:

And we will now hear about this from the foreign guests themselves who arrived at our show.

(An “English woman” appears on stage)


In England in the Middle Ages, it was customary to choose a Valentine. Several young people got together, wrote the names of girls they knew on pieces of parchment and put the notes in a hat, and then took turns drawing lots. The girl whose name fell out to the young man became his Valentine for a whole year. Valentin composed poems and songs for his girlfriend, gave gifts, accompanied her everywhere - in a word, he behaved like a real knight. We have preserved this tradition to this day. I want to give you one of these love songs.

(After the song is performed, the “Italian” appears on stage)


And here in Italy, every young man always gives his beloved candy or other sweets.

We have the sweetest love messages! For example, the “Kiss from Perugia” sweets are extremely popular. The box depicts lovers tenderly kissing; chocolates with nuts are wrapped in silver foil with stars.

But the most important thing is that hidden under the foil in each candy is a piece of paper with words about love. As a rule, this is a quote from a wonderful book or an aphorism of an outstanding person.

A special team works on these texts in complete secrecy: looks through the literature, selects quotes, and looks for interesting statements.

But we express our love not only in this way. Today I want to give you my fiery dance of love.

(Dance performed to Italian music)

(After the performance, the “French” appear on stage)

1st Frenchman:

And we, the French, were the first to introduce “Valentine” messages. Every lover sought to dedicate a love quatrain to his lady.

2nd Frenchman:

And if a lady had several admirers, they would organize a literary competition. The lady awarded the winner, the author of the best poem, with a kiss. But we have been composing love songs for a long time. We want to give you one of them.

(A love song is played in French)

(After her performance, the “Japanese woman” appears on stage)

Japan is not a Catholic country. But on Valentine’s Day, you can also take part in a holiday, sometimes quite strange. For example, in one of the squares in Tokyo there is a competition for the loudest love confession. Boys and girls climb onto the stage and take turns screaming at the top of their lungs. The prize is awarded to the one who shouts about his love the loudest.

1st presenter:

This is how Valentine's Day is celebrated in different countries. And we have? After all, the holiday came to us recently...

2nd presenter:

On this day, it is customary to give “Valentines” to friends and girlfriends - cards or letters of love or friendship. You can compose a message in verse, or depict your wishes in a drawing. Flowers and sweet gifts look great with a Valentine's card.

1st presenter:

On Valentine's Day, no “foolishness” is forbidden: sing serenades under the windows of your beloved, write kind words with chalk on the asphalt, give huge bouquets of flowers through open windows, bake heart-shaped cakes.

2nd presenter:

The main thing is not to lose a sense of proportion, not to lose humor and tact. Then the holiday will turn out wonderful and, perhaps, will be remembered for a lifetime!

1st presenter:

Valentine's Day is celebrated by adults and children, because there is no life without love: love for family, loved ones, love for your soulmate.

2nd presenter:

Every person dreams of loving and being loved. But not everyone succeeds. You can find all the treasures of the world, but be endlessly lonely, because it is not easy for a heart without love. Lonely hearts always dream of finding their soul mate. And who knows when and where this meeting will take place? At a disco, in the library, on a trolleybus?.. Or maybe at the CROSSROADS OF LOVE?..

1st presenter:

Crossroads, boulevard, crossing -

Stops one after another.

There are many places for lovers

Meet your destiny.

2nd presenter:

And today, four loving couples met at our crossroads of love. We invite them to the stage!

(Four couples representing different dormitories come on stage to the sound of music to participate in competitions)

1st presenter:

On Valentine's Day, knightly tournaments have always been held. We decided to organize a tournament for the best, ideal couple. A competent jury – our “foreign guests” – will help us determine who will become the ideal couple during the competition. We invite the jury to take their seats.

(The jury takes its place. The conditions for evaluating the competition are agreed upon in advance: each competition is evaluated using a five-point system)

2nd presenter:

And we are starting! The first competition was homework.

Business card competition

Now each couple will introduce themselves in turn and talk about their feelings in a variety of interpretations. The order in which you will perform will be determined by a draw.

(Couples draw lots and begin their performance. Performance time for one pair is up to three minutes)

How to spend Valentine's Day? The most romantic events for all lovers.

On the city streets

1. Flash mob “Kissing City”

On February 14 at eight in the evening, the central avenue of the city will be filled with the sounds of dozens of kisses - it will take place right in front of the Gostiny Dvor building. By joining couples in love or remaining a spectator, you will somehow be able to recharge yourself with the energy of love.

Top 10 events. Source: Top 10 events.

2. Mass launch of Chinese lanterns

For those whose modesty or upbringing does not allow them to openly express their feelings in public, the city has prepared another surprise in the fresh air: . Valentine's Day imbues this action with a special meaning: by launching a glowing heart into the sky, couples communicate their feelings to the world.

Top 10 events. Source: Top 10 events.

3. Bus excursion: St. Petersburg. Love story

On February 14, you will be able to see the city from its romantic side. During the course, you will learn about the great and fatal love of Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Alexander II, princes Yusupov, Sheremetev, Albert Einstein, Matilda Kshesinskaya and many others.

See what else the city has in store for lovers.

In the clubs

Top 10 events. Source: Top 10 events.

4. Concert of the group “After 11”

For lovers, all the most important things begin after eleven... On February 14, perhaps one of the most romantic concerts will be held at the “” club. Not long ago they burst onto the airwaves of radio stations with the song “Wings”, after which their lyrical compositions firmly settled in the players of romantics and dreamers. On Valentine's Day, the group will give you a festive mood by performing hits and songs from the new album "Air".

Top 10 events. Source: Top 10 events.

5. Concert of the group De Phazz

As well as parties and concerts in clubs, organized especially for lovers, see here.

In the theatre

Top 10 events. Source: Top 10 events.

6. Performance “Vocal Hall. 24 love stories"

In museums

Top 10 events. Source: Top 10 events.

7. Valentine's Day in the Botanical Garden

On the most romantic day of the year, he invites couples in love to make a wonderful trip: waterfalls, exotic plants, strange shells - all this miracle awaits those who invite their soulmate to the kingdom of Flora.

Top 10 events.

Description of material: I bring to your attention the script for the game program “February 14 – Valentine’s Day” for students. This event fosters respect for each other. The material will be of interest to teachers, organizers, and class teachers for holding a thematic event among students.
Target: to form a correct understanding of the great feeling of love, mutual respect for each other.
- create a festive and friendly atmosphere;
- attract students for active leisure activities;
- develop communication skills, the ability to work in a team, a sense of mutual assistance.
- enrich children’s knowledge about the history of the holiday; develop a respectful attitude towards each other; create a joyful mood.
Song background: "Don't you know what love does"

Presenters' exit:

Presenter 1:
Inspired by a high feeling
Once upon a time
Someone came up with Valentine's Day
Without knowing then
What will this day be your favorite?
A desired holiday of the year.
Presenter 2:
Love! She's not just a word
What could be more sonorous than others?
You won’t repeat anything else in it,
And you won’t repeat yourself in it.
We are glad to welcome you to the holiday dedicated to lovers of the whole Earth!!!
Presenter 1:
Love has ruled the world since the beginning of its creation, man was created for love and he always strives for it.
Presenter 2:
Today we will try to fill our hearts with love (model on the stand)
There are many legends and stories dedicated to love in the world. We would like to tell you some of them.
Presenter 1:
A long time ago, when people had just learned about love, a girl and a young man were sitting on the bank of the river. The lovers rejoiced at every minute: every breath of the breeze, every movement of a branch bent over the water. Suddenly, a blue spark flashed in the distance, then another, then another... And soon it became clear that these were not lights, but small flowers, whose blueness could compete with the blueness of the skies. The young man noticed how his beloved’s eyes shone and, without hesitation, ran along the path to where the blue corollas swayed. He was already returning with a flower in his hand, all that remained was to pass the edge along which the path lay, but he slipped and fell into the swamp. Realizing that death was inevitable, gathering his last strength, he threw the flower ashore and shouted to his beloved: “Don’t forget!” Since then, this flower has been called forget-me-not.
Presenter 2:
Since then, men in love have been giving flowers to their loved ones.
Presenter 1:
The INCOMPARABLE, CHARMING, ATTRACTIVE ______________ sings for you!!! With the song "___________________"
Presenter 2:
Love was sought and idolized!
Love was lost and not taken care of!
Presenter 1:
Love doesn't exist," people said,
And they themselves died of love!
Presenter 2:
Romeo and Juliet - strength and fragility, tenderness and courage, youth and sacrifice; For the whole world, their names are a symbol of pure and true love that has defeated enmity, hatred and deceit.
Presenter 1:
The beauty of their feelings, the power of high moral achievement is so attractive that for many centuries it continues to delight us with its sincerity and invincible strength. The fire of their hearts warms and comforts us, surprises us more and more and instills hope in us and convinces us that true love exists, it still exists.
Presenter 2:
Let's try to find our heart
Connection of two hearts
From broken halves
Let it finally happen
Owners of "Valentines"!
And so the owners of valetines must find their soul mate. (We say the numbers and ask the resulting pairs to go on stage)
Presenter 1:
Now let's see how you cope with the task:
Your task: start dancing to the music, continue without music, and when the music starts you must not lose the rhythm!
Anyone can dance to the music. Try dancing without music, in silence!
So, the music gradually goes away, and you dance, the music goes away, and you dance...
Finally, the dancers move in complete silence.
Presenter 2:
Now the music will return. Let's see who hasn't lost the rhythm. “The most rhythmic couple gets a piece of their heart and fills it with love”
And on stage we have a dazzling _______________ with the song “You are my happiness”
Presenter 1:
We continue the story of true love. He is a great poet, she is one of the most beautiful women in the country. The love of Natalia Goncharova and Alexander Pushkin began unexpectedly and became the last in everyone’s life. She passed more than one test of strength: they were not believed by both those around her and her relatives, they provoked her to cheat and called the relationship fake, but true feelings will pass through everything.
Presenter 2:
And on stage dear _____________. "I remember a wonderful moment"
I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.
In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the worries of the noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And I dreamed of cute features.
Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice,
Your heavenly features.
In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.
The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.
And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.
Presenter 2:
________________ with the song “My affectionate and gentle beast”

Presenter 1:
The fiery girls of the group _______ are dancing, we are greeted with applause. "Modern dance"
Presenter 2:
Let's see what children say about love. (video “Love through the eyes of children”)
Presenter 1:
But love is not pure and sincere; it can also be selfish.
We invite three girls.
Let's check the selfishness of our ladies. We offer to withdraw money from the ATMs that are in front of you; the lady who withdraws a large amount of money in 30 seconds will win.
Presenter 2:
Well, we have found out who our ruiner of millionaires is, and we will offer the most modest lady to fill her heart.
Presenter 1:
And about a true friend the tender and fragile _________________ “My friend” will sing to us
Presenter 2:
We present to your attention “Waltz”
Presenter 1:
I came to the sage and asked him:
"What is love? He said "Nothing"
But, I know, many books have been written:
Some people write eternity, while others say it’s a moment...
Either it will scorch with fire, or it will melt like snow,
Presenter 2:
What is love? "It's all human!"
And then I looked him straight in the face,
How can I understand you? "Nothing or everything?"
He said smiling: “You yourself gave the answer!:
“Nothing or everything!” - there is no middle ground here!”
Presenter 1:
So we filled our hearts with love, and we want our hearts to glow with sincere and bright love in all ages!!!
Final song...

As you know, February 14 is Valentine's Day, and for the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin is also Valentine's Day in books! In today's report we will tell you how the library celebrated a double holiday.

On the eve of Valentine's Day in Central Library named after. A.S. Pushkin took a unique master class from the Green Ribbon club. Ribbon embroidery specialist Lydia Zvereva taught everyone the basics of the craft. Everyone completed the tricky crafts and took home cute handmade valentines. We hope those who were intended as a gift liked them.

February 14 Central Library named after. A.S. Pushkina invited Chelyabinsk residents to "Book Valentine's Day". A book freemarket was organized in the hall of popular science literature. For the opening of the library, avid book lovers gathered with bags full of books to exchange. The literature they brought was quite new and interesting, so there was a good choice for those present.

“Living Newspaper” with readers’ declarations of love, designed in the form of a library exhibition “Love in the Big City,” aroused considerable interest among visitors. However, the “Love Arrhythmia” lottery turned out to be the most popular among young people. Quotes from Russian and foreign classics about love were recognizable to everyone, but it turned out to be quite difficult to remember the author. Participants approached the library shelves with fiction, hoping to find a clue there. They guessed Pushkin, Yesenin, Blok, Lermontov, Shakespeare, but they tried to remember the sayings of other writers and asked the librarians for a hint.

During the day, you could take a beautiful photo against the backdrop of the Wall of Love with confessions in different languages ​​of the world.

For several hours, the round subscription hall turned into the “Vintage” cinema hall, where at cozy tables anyone could watch black and white films of the early 20th century.

In the Book Activity game, participants guessed the names of famous books, and they could explain them using words, gestures or drawings. The game confirmed that true book lovers understand each other perfectly.

In the electronic information room, they shared ideas for organizing a holiday, held a master class on creating holiday packaging, and invited people to take part in the “Confess your love for a book” campaign. Valentines were received by: M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, “Oh” Henry! I love your book “Kings and Cabbage” for its humor and sarcasm”, M. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”, J. McNaught “Battle of Desires”, E. M. Remarque “All Quiet on the Western Front”, A. Exupery “The Little Prince”, B. Akunin Series about Fandorin, Montaigne “Favorites”, Glattauer “The Best Remedy for the North Wind”, V. Sisikin “The Light Under the Ground”, D . Yemets “Tanya Grotter”, “12 chairs” by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, etc.

In the Pushkin Hall, the club of author's and bard songs "Sails of Hope" received guests from Magnitogorsk. The audience met the Bard Quartet, which included Olga Yarosh, Sergei and Galina Chechnevy, and Irina Syutkina. All members of the Bard Quartet are diploma winners and laureates of many festivals of bard song.

Olga Yarosh performed songs by A. Dolsky, B. Okudzhava, V. Vysotsky, L. Zakharchenko, E. Bushueva. The audience was amazed by Olga Yarosh’s subtle taste and creative approach to performing the works of classic bard songs.

Sergei and Galina Chechnev became friends with the author's bard song while still a student. The songs of E. Klyachkin, S. Nikitin, N. Zabolotsky sounded brightly in their performance.

Irina Syutkina also lives and works in Magnitogorsk, and has been friends with bard songs for many years. The audience was amazed by her ability to “light up” the hall and lead the audience.

February 14 in the youth department of the library named after. A.S. Pushkin celebrated World Book Giving Day. On this day, not a single reader left without a gift. Everyone was given new books: collections of poems by Russian and foreign poets, albums with reproductions of artists, publications dedicated to the most famous museums in the world and books about the national cuisine of different countries. Personalized thematic selections based on the interests of readers were also compiled and presented. Reader Nadezhda Shcherbaho, a teacher of Russian language and literature, received as a gift the collected works of her favorite author Mark Twain.

Margarita Gumerova, a student at the SUSU Faculty of Aerospace, received books on astrophysics and space as a gift, which will undoubtedly help her penetrate the secrets of the Universe and solve numerous mysteries of space and time. Readers also took part in the event by donating educational publications and fiction to the library.

On the same Sunday, an extraordinary and bold in its concept photo studio “Recognition” opened in the department. Readers took photos in front of the unfinished message “I love...”, holding letters symbolizing the initials of the object of their affection, or making a word out of them, expressing their passion for books or anything else: from their favorite sports team to their love of kefir.

Reader Regina Reshetnikova confessed her love to her chemistry department, and her companion Leonid Kashigin to the social network Vkontakte. There were also frank confessions of boys and girls, which users of the social network will be able to guess. There were also readers with a sense of humor who confessed their love for milk chocolate and for themselves.

The photo studio was visited by the artists of the creative group “Che”, but, unfortunately, with an incomplete composition, so they decided to send a collective valentine to their stage partners. One of the employees of the youth department confessed warm feelings to her favorite basketball club “Dynamo” Chelyabinsk, and the creative Margarita Gumerova to giraffes and to her cat Mister Covalli, for whose life she is fighting with all her might.

Former employees of the youth department Anna and Elizaveta Chervyakov were not spared: Irina Sysa and Pavel Sukhinin sent them a virtual Valentine in St. Petersburg. Gift editions were prepared especially for lovers of classical literature, and there were also “real” pirates waiting for them to take pictures with. Thus, Denis Rylov and Anna Samutina were able to fully express their love for L. Stevenson’s novel “Treasure Island,” and Nadezhda Shcherbaho for J. R. R. Tolkien’s novel “The Lord of the Rings” by taking a photo with a colorful edition of this work. The shooting was carried out by two professional photographers Anton Darenskikh and Konstantin Dubchak. The creative part was led by the artists of the “Che” group, who, after the photo shoot, conducted a master class on stage fencing among young men.

Good afternoon We are happy to greet you. Our event today is dedicated to the holiday - Valentine's Day. This is a holiday for all lovers. The holiday “Valentine's Day” came to us from Europe, where it is celebrated with great pleasure. According to tradition, all young people - both boys and girls - can openly declare their love on this day by sending their beloved or loved one a postcard (“Valentine”), certainly decorated with scarlet hearts, or some kind of heart-shaped gift . On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give red tulips. According to Persian legend, the red tulip grew from the tears of lovers and became an unfading symbol of love. Valentine's Day exists for this reason, so that people remember that they should treat each other with care and love. For adults it is Valentine's Day, and for children it is a holiday of friendship.



Entertainment event

in primary school

The event was prepared and conducted

primary school teacher

Baykova Vera Andreevna

MKOU "Berezhkovskaya secondary school"

Kirovsky district, Kaluga region


Progress of the event.

The classroom is festively decorated.

Posters hang on the board:

1. Love fights back against any fate.

2. The most important and greatest happiness on earth is the confidence that you are loved.

Leading. Good afternoon We are happy to greet you. Our event today is dedicated to the holiday - Valentine's Day. This is a holiday for all lovers. The holiday “Valentine's Day” came to us from Europe, where it is celebrated with great pleasure. According to tradition, all young people - both boys and girls - can openly declare their love on this day by sending their beloved or loved one a postcard (“Valentine”), certainly decorated with scarlet hearts, or some kind of heart-shaped gift . On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give red tulips. According to Persian legend, the red tulip grew from the tears of lovers and became an unfading symbol of love. Valentine's Day exists for this reason, so that people remember that they should treat each other with care and love. For adults it is Valentine's Day, and for children it is a holiday of friendship.

The songs “True Friend” are performed by 2nd grade students

Leading. There are many sayings and quotes about friendship. Here are some of them:

Presenter. Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits.

Leading. Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful; we praise the one who loves his friends, and having many friends seems like something wonderful, and some even think that being a good person and being a friend are the same thing.

Presenter. There are many poems about friendship: humorous and serious, joyful and sad. Friendship is a sacred feeling, and therefore you should never laugh or make fun of those who are friends or fall in childish love with each other.

S. Mikhalkov’s poem “A Boy and a Girl...” is read by a 2nd grade student.

The boy and the girl were friends
The boy valued his friendship.

Like a comrade, like an acquaintance,
As a friend, he more than once
I walked her home
Before the gate at a late hour.

Very often with her
He went to the stadium.
And about her as a bride
He never thought.

But the parents are bourgeois
They said this about them:
"Look! To our Tanya
The groom started showing up!"

The neighbors open the door,
They smile: “Hello!
If you are with Tanya, Fedya,
The bride is not at home!"

Even at school! Even at school
Conversations sometimes went on:
“What are they watching there, in the Komsomol?
This friendship is oh-oh-oh!”

It's worth appearing together
Behind my back: “Hee-hee!
Ivanov decided to get married.
Signed up as a groom!"

The boy and the girl were friends
The boy valued his friendship.

And he didn't think about falling in love
And I didn’t know until now
What will it be called
Stupid word "boyfriend"!

Clean, honest and open
Ball boy friendship.
And now she is forgotten!
What happened to her? She died!

Died from stupid jokes
Evil laughs and whispers,
From bourgeois jokes
Fools and vulgar people.

Leading. A true friend will always come to the rescue, share your joys and sorrows, and support you in difficult times.

The song “Half and Half” is performed by elementary school students


Inspired by a high feeling,

Once upon a time

Someone came up with Valentine's Day,

Without knowing it then,

That this day will become your favorite one,

The desired holiday of the year,

What's Happy Valentine's Day

They will call him with respect.

Smiles and flowers everywhere

Confessions of love again and again...

So let a miracle happen for everyone -

Let only love rule the world!

The song “If there were no lovers in the world” is performed by students in grades 6 and 7.

Pierrot and Harlequin appear.

Harlequin: I am Harlequin, cheerful and perky

And almost completely good-natured,

I was in a hurry to get to you, I was in a hurry,

Almost fell into a ditch

I flew into a birch tree,

I touched two bushes with my nose,

But anyway, I made it to you.

Piero: And I’m Pierrot, and I’m sad,

And I want to tell you,

What I love is Columbine

And I'm ready to turn my back

I am under the blows of love. (crying)

How not to cry here...

(to Columbine appearing)


Columbine: How many days has this game been played?

And every day two bouquets fly to me.

And not a day goes by that I don’t receive

Cool trivia, all white tones.

Similar to each other like drops of milk.

But, in essence, they are two completely different characters.

One is all bright laughter, everything is alive and sharp in it.

The other one is always sad and everything makes him sad.

Who should I think about?

Who will amuse the lady?

Harlequin: I'm happy for your sake too

Ready to dance again.

Piero: And I'm ready to write poetry...

Oh, Columbine, help...

Columbine: I can't choose between you.

And I will answer why.

It's hard for me to choose

Which one of you is worthy?

Everyone is a romantic

And a brave warrior.

Harlequin: I love you!!!

Pierrot: No, I love...

I'll pay you now...

Columbine: My friends! You shouldn't swear.

We'll try to figure it out with you.

I propose a competition.

Tasks have been created for you,

And you gather the teams,

Take part in competitions.

Only one will be awarded

The opponent will be defeated.

I will reward the worthy one

And I’ll give you a Valentine’s card

And in that “Valentine” there is a confession

And friendship eternal promises.

On the screen is the video “Happy Valentine’s Day” (Internet resource), the song “Valentines, Valentines” is played. Columbine, Harlequin and Pierrot perform a dance.


I need a cool guy, I need a fighting friend.

Hurry up and call your friends and gather a team.

The winner will get a surprise and will receive a prize from me.

Harlequin and Pierrot invite participants to the games. 2 teams are formed: “Harlequin” and “Pierrot”

The teacher holds competitions. Columbine evaluates the participants and presents the winning team with “Valentines”

1 competition "Cool guy"

The rules are as follows: there are 2 participants. You move one arm to the side at shoulder level. With this hand, hold the newspaper by one corner only. At my signal, you try, without lowering your hand or helping the other, to completely crumple the newspaper. At the end, raise your hand up. For victory, like the strongest , I present the “Valentine”.

Musical accompaniment of the game "Dolphin and the Mermaid"

Columbine is awarded to the winner"Valentine"

2nd competition “The Most Vigilant”

The most vigilant - don’t sit, win everyone in the competition.

A vase with a sprig of dried chokeberry is brought out.

The rules are as follows: you need to determine by eye the number of berries on the branch.

The one whose answer is closest to the truth wins.

For the most eagle-eyed Columbinepresents a Valentine's card.

3rd competition "Braids"

Little sisters braids with red ribbon.

This competition is mischievous and funny for the participants.

Show your beauty, braid your friend's hair.

Columbine issues ribbons to players.

The rules are as follows: team players have ribbons in their hands. Bows need to be tied

to the next player. Whose team did it faster and better is the one


Musical accompaniment of the game. The song "Valentine's Day" is playing

Columbine: Team_________________ won (hands out “Valentines”).

Presenter. And now for all participants in the game - a musical gift.

The comic song “Natasha” performed by a group of girls

4th competition “Boxing gloves”

Columbine gives out boxing gloves to two people who want them.

Game conditions: collect as many candies as possible in one minute.

Musical accompaniment of the game.

Columbine: The most dexterous ____________ wins (hands over a “Valentine”).

5 competition "Unfortunate Tree"

One team representative participates.

Try for a moment to imagine yourself as a tree that everyone is falling on.

natural misfortunes. Introduced? Now depict using facial expressions and

plastics, what does it look like...

Tree during drought;

Tree in pouring rain;

Tree in a storm wind.

The most artistic_______(hands over a Valentine card).

6 competition: If you're not tired of making friends, feel free to participate in the competition.

Help your friend, offer him friendship.

Two participants are invited.

Competition "Gesture of greeting"

Imagine and show how savages might greet their relatives


The warlike tribe of Yoho-ho-cho;

The rich tribe of Shoko-ko-tu;

The hospitable tribe of Shosho-ki

Columbine selects the winners and presents a “Valentine” at each show.

For spectators and fans “Song Auction”.

Viewers call songs about love and friendship. And they sing them verse by verse. Wins

a team of fans who knows more songs about love and friendship.

The team that the fans supported and won gets a Valentine card.”

Columbine: (addresses Harlequin and Pierrot)

Friends, I can’t choose between the two of you.

After all, you are my friends, it’s no good for you to swear.

But I will determine the winners among the participants.

Participants count the number of collected “Valentines”. The conclusion is summed up.

Who was lucky and brave in competitions,

Who was accompanied only by luck,

He managed to collect the most hearts.

Welcome, friends, this is a team...

Your names will be inscribed forever in my Heart.

Presenter. Let's open the mail and the main character of our holiday will give you “Valentines” that have been waiting for their recipients for a long time.

Columbine distributes Valentine cards to children

Leading. Love is a small light flickering in the night. Look around – it’s dark, creepy, cold everywhere. And here, in the heart, it’s warm. This light can warm us, it is enough for everyone. Once again love won. And let it always be so, for the world rests on love, and if it disappears, then darkness will swallow us.

Presenter. Give each other joy, friendship and love. Let a kind smile shine on your faces as often as possible.

The holiday ends with a collective performance of the song “Smile”