The first stage of labor - contractions, what to do? Contractions at different intervals What does cervical dilatation look like

In some cases, contractions begin before labor, occur irregularly, and are accompanied by too slow or no dilatation of the cervix. This condition is called the pathological preliminary period and requires special monitoring of the woman in labor.

What is the pathological preliminary period

The pathology of uterine contractions can be divided into two periods - before childbirth and during childbirth. The appearance of pathological contractions before childbirth is called the pathological preliminary period. During childbirth, uterine contraction anomalies manifest themselves in the form of primary and secondary weakness of labor, rapid and rapid labor, and impaired coordination of labor.

The regulation of contractile activity of the uterus is under the direct control of the cerebral cortex. Thus, labor can begin or, on the contrary, stop under the influence of stress. The cerebral cortex affects the contractility of the uterus, so stress and high emotional stress can lead to disruptions in the correct course of contractions, in particular to the appearance of pathological contractions before childbirth. Contractions before childbirth - how to recognize false contractions?.

All anomalies of labor are accompanied by a violation of the structure of the muscle fibers of the uterus, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in them, inhibition of tissue respiration and disruption of protein metabolism. All this causes a violation of the contractility of the uterus.

The pathological preliminary period appears mainly in women with neuroses, endocrine and metabolic disorders, who are characterized by emotional instability and are not attuned to pregnancy and childbirth.

How it manifests itself

Manifestations of the pathological preliminary period are the appearance before childbirth of irregular, very painful contractions that literally exhaust the woman. Such contractions usually last more than six hours. The pain begins in the sacral area, spreads to the lower abdomen, and then may stop. And after a while it appears again.

Such contractions can lead a woman to complete nervous exhaustion, as they do not allow her to sleep or eat. The longer such unproductive contractions continue, the greater the risk of developing fetal hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, which primarily affects its brain). Uncoordinated and irregular contractions of the muscle fibers of the uterus do not lead to dilatation of the cervix. Often, in this case, a woman can be found to have a deficiency of the female sex hormones estrogen.

During an examination of a woman, an obstetrician-gynecologist may detect increased tone of the uterus, especially in its lower part. In this case, the fetal heartbeat is often poorly audible, which indicates hypoxia. Increased tone of the pelvic floor muscles and spasm of the circular muscles of the vagina are also detected.


The most common complication of this abnormality of uterine contractility is premature discharge of amniotic fluid, that is, amniotic fluid leaves while the cervix does not dilate (normally, amniotic fluid leaves after the cervix is ​​fully dilated by 11–12 cm). This happens due to intense but incorrect contractions of the uterus.

Premature departure creates a real threat of infection of the fetus, but at the same time it is also a positive thing, since after this the tone of the uterus decreases and its contractions become stronger and more regular.

How can you help a woman?

In order to reduce the tone of the uterus and restore its normal contractile activity, a woman is prescribed painkillers (promedol), antispasmodics (medicines that relieve spasms of smooth muscles, for example, no-shpuNo-shpa - reduces the tone of smooth muscles, papaverine), soothing, relieving anxiety and sleep aids (seduxen). Painful, discoordinated contractions of the uterus are relieved with medications such as bricanil.

Estrogens are also prescribed, which speed up the process of cervical dilatation.

As a result of such treatment, labor can be restored. If the cervix is ​​dilated, then the amniotic sac is opened and regular contractions are waited for three hours. If they do not occur on their own, then labor is stimulated.

If, after conservative treatment, the cervix still does not dilate, the fetus is too large, or the fetus is breech, then a cesarean section is usually performed.

Pregnant women eagerly await the birth of their baby. They are sensitive to their body, listen to it and try to understand whether it is their time to give birth. And the more painful the false contractions are, the more similar they are to the true contractions.

What is the origin of false contractions?

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that they come in two types: contractions called Braxton-Hicks contractions, and precursor contractions. The first of those mentioned can begin to appear as early as the fifth month of pregnancy. At the same time, they can be calm and painless. The latter, in turn, are felt more painfully by the pregnant woman and begin to appear a month or less before birth.

At the moment, doctors cannot say exactly why this phenomenon occurs. But they are more inclined to think that this is how the body adjusts the woman, helps her prepare for childbirth.

False contractions: symptoms

They include:

Irregular and unpredictable contractions;

There is no progression of contractions, that is, they manifest themselves in the same way;

The nature of the pain does not change over time.

If contractions remain the same in terms of duration, intensity and interval, then most likely they are false rather than true. For many future parents, the term “false” is misleading. This does not mean that the expectant mother does not experience anything. On the contrary, there are reductions and they are very noticeable, but they do not change over time.

Differences between false and true contractions

The main difference is the time between contractions. If this period decreases and the pain becomes stronger, then these are true contractions.

At the beginning of labor, contractions become more intense. Sometimes it is a gradual transition that occurs over many hours. And sometimes a sharp change in contractions may occur, which is often accompanied by a change in the child’s position, for example, by rotating him. At the time when the baby begins to emerge, the mother has very intense and quite painful contractions.

Don't know how to distinguish false contractions from real contractions? Remember that with real contractions, mom will notice a shift of pain downward, and the pressure inside the abdomen and pain intensity will change. This is a sure sign that the baby is going downhill. When labor begins, pain typically begins high in the abdomen and is felt throughout the abdomen and lower back. In the case of false contractions, pain often manifests itself in the lower abdomen and groin area, but its character does not change.

False contractions have similar symptoms to real ones. Another distinctive feature is the dependence on the motor activity of the expectant mother and contractions. At the beginning of labor, contractions continue regardless of the mother's movements and can increase even more with her increased activity, for example, such as walking. False ones often stop regardless of the mother's actions. They are spontaneous in nature, that is, they begin suddenly and also end suddenly.

But even after identifying these signs, the expectant mother cannot be sure that she is not actually giving birth. It often happens that false contractions turn into true ones. So if you have any doubts, consult your doctor. Keep in mind that if the contractions continue, become stronger and more intense, these are probably real contractions!

Do I need to go to the hospital?

Some women may ignore how they feel. But don't be afraid to visit a doctor. An examination by a specialist will help you figure out what’s wrong. After asking you a few questions, the doctor will determine what kind of contractions you are having and answer all your questions.

The reasons for a trip to the maternity hospital should be not only the appearance of contractions, but also intense contractions of the uterus with a change in intervals, and the appearance of amniotic fluid.

A woman in the process of expecting a child lives a new life. Everything changes: taste sensations, lifestyle. At different times, changes occur in her body: first, a brutal craving for one product awakens, then toxicosis, a heavy belly begins to interfere with movement, and later false contractions appear. It is the latter that need to be given special attention so as not to miss the onset of labor (women often confuse false and true contractions).

Signs of contractions


Training, false contractions (you can find the name “Braxton-Hicks contractions”, named after the scientist who first described them) are felt as rhythmic contractions of the abdomen. More often they do not cause significant discomfort, but this is individual and depends on the threshold of pain sensitivity. They begin randomly and end as suddenly as they appear, with no discernible sequence.

This condition can be traced from about the 20th week and can accompany a woman until the very birth, slightly intensifying in the last months of expecting a baby. More often, contractions are felt in the evening or at night, when all other muscles are relaxed and sensations are focused on changes in the tone of the uterus. Contractions often occur during physical activity. In some women they are asymptomatic.

Symptoms of false contractions:

  • Irregularity of uterine contractions (may appear several times a day, then do not bother you at all for some time, and then appear again).
  • Most often, the sensations during false contractions are painless or cause minor discomfort.
  • The attacks go away when you change position, stop activity, or increase activity.
  • There is no dilatation of the cervix (can only be determined by a doctor).

How to relieve the condition

When false contractions begin, accompanied by discomfort, you can alleviate the condition in several simple ways. First of all, you should calm down and try to relax. Be sure to change the type of activity and body position. Some women find that a warm bath, a nice massage, or a snack helps. You can practice breathing birth exercises, then during real contractions and childbirth the pregnant woman will feel more confident.


True contractions occur individually for each pregnant woman. Some women in labor feel severe pain at the beginning, others only experience mild discomfort, which intensifies as contractions become more frequent. The pain may radiate to the back, lower back, lower abdomen, side area, hips, legs, bladder, or rectum. The sensations can be compared to pain in the first days of menstruation with painful periods () or attacks of pain with diarrhea.

A distinctive feature of true contractions is their frequency. A decrease in the interval between attacks of pain is clearly visible, the attacks themselves become longer, and when changing position or changing the type of activity, they do not weaken. Often there is diarrhea, a feeling of nausea and even vomiting. At the same time, the amniotic sac may open with the discharge of amniotic fluid. The obstetrician-gynecologist notes the gradual dilatation of the cervix.

Questions whose answers will help determine the nature of contractions

The difference between false contractions and real ones is quite understandable and clear for doctors, but a panicking pregnant woman, constantly worried about the health of her child, often cannot correctly navigate the many signs and symptoms. Questions will help you get an accurate answer. If the first answer is your case, then the contractions are false; if the second option, then the contractions are true and you need to seek help.

How often do they occur?

  1. Appear from time to time, do not have a specific interval.
  2. Regularity of attacks of contractions is noted, the interval between them is from half a minute to a minute, and they gradually become more frequent and increase in duration.

Do uterine contractions weaken when changing body position and type of activity?

  1. There is a weakening of the condition when changing activities, after resting or walking.
  2. Contractions continue with the same intensity even after changing position and type of activity.

What intensity?

  1. There is a weakening of contractions, the intensity of pain does not increase.
  2. Each contraction feels stronger than the previous one.

Where is the pain located?

  1. There is pain only in the anterior abdominal area or in the pelvic area.
  2. Pain and contraction are first felt in the lower back and then spread to the abdominal area anteriorly.

If most of the answers are the second option, and it’s too early to give birth, then you need to contact the doctor managing the pregnancy and clarify the situation with him, or go straight to the hospital.

When to see a doctor if you have false contractions

It happens that not everything goes smoothly and there are situations when training also requires medical intervention. Moreover, it does not matter how long the false contractions last or what their intensity is, help is required immediately. Such signals include:

  • The appearance of vaginal discharge (it may contain blood or be watery).
  • The discharge of amniotic fluid or its leakage (in the first case, a large volume of liquid splashes out of the vagina, in the second, moisture is constantly felt in the vaginal area, panties quickly get wet).
  • The pain during uterine contractions is severe, but its regularity is not visible.
  • Severe pain is felt in the lumbar region.
  • The child began to move less (less than 10 movements over two hours) or froze completely.
  • Severe contractions at any stage up to 37 weeks of pregnancy.
  • The contractions are not strong, but are repeated frequently (more than 4 attacks per minute).
  • Contractions are not regular, but their intensity is increasing.
  • The pressure on the perineum increases and causes significant discomfort and pain.

Why are training contractions needed?

False contractions are an integral part of preparing the muscles of the uterus and its cervix for childbirth. Contractions help train muscles (as well as exercise for the muscles of the back, legs, arms and other parts of the body). Without them, the uterus will not be able to contract at the right moment and push the baby through the birth canal (and this requires a lot of effort). There is an increase in muscle endurance, because during childbirth they will have to strain themselves more than once. Otherwise, the uterus will “hang like a bag” and will not tone at the right time.

Training contractions also stimulate blood circulation in the reproductive organs, and thereby increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients (including to the baby).

Don't worry if you don't feel any contractions at all. They exist, you just have a high pain threshold or you don’t attach any importance to them (you are constantly busy with work, are on the move, confuse them with increased gas production, attacks of abdominal pain or another phenomenon). A pregnant woman’s body works as an autonomous system and will take the necessary actions on its own.

How does labor begin? How to distinguish false contractions from real ones? When does the “plug” go away? Why does my back hurt? Experienced sibling mothers share their observations, and Nelly Mikhailovna AGAMYAN, obstetrician-gynecologist, chief physician of the Ultrasound Studio network of medical centers in Novosibirsk, tells what symptoms can signal an impending birth at 37-40 weeks of pregnancy.

  • Abdominal prolapse on the eve of childbirth
  • Weight loss and colon cleansing
  • Removal of the mucus plug before childbirth
  • Painful sensations
  • "Nesting" instinct
  • Changes in how you feel and mood
  • Is it possible that there are no warning signs?

Abdominal prolapse before childbirth

If you look at your exchange card, you will see there the numbers marked during visits to the doctor marked VSD (height of the uterine fundus). These measurements help the doctor monitor the dynamics of the baby's development - during pregnancyAs it grows, the uterus rises higher and higher, reaching its highest point at approximately 37 weeks, and then begins to decline. This happens because the child gets to a “low start” and begins to move closer to the “exit”. Its head (under the condition of cephalic presentation) moves towards the cervix and is located in the pelvic area.

Siblings' experience:


-My stomach dropped 2 days before giving birth.

Christmas tree

- At 24 weeks my baby was already low. At 37 weeks the head was already inserted into the pelvis. The doctors were all worried that I would sneeze, for example, and then give birth. Yeah, of course! I gave birth at 39 weeks and 3 days, and I had to do that because the bladder was flat.

- 5 days before giving birth, I felt an increase in heaviness in my stomach, I thought that my head had dropped, having read books. Something hard pressed. On examination the next day, the prolapse of the head was confirmed.

Abdominal prolapse before childbirth. Expert commentary

The height of the uterine fundus increases by about 1 cm per week throughout pregnancy. This figure reaches 37-40 cm by the 37th week of pregnancy, and a couple of weeks before giving birth, the stomach drops by 2-3 cm. This can happen in just a few hours. The fact is that on the eve of childbirth, the lower segment of the uterus stretches and becomes softer. Because of this, the fetus drops lower and is pressed against the base of the pelvis.

37-40 weeks of pregnancy are accompanied by the following sensations:

  • easier breathing (the uterus no longer puts pressure on the chest);
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen due to the fact that the uterus and fetus press with their entire weight on the lower part of the abdominal cavity;
  • low motor activity of the baby - movements at 37-40 weeks of pregnancy, if the stomach has dropped, are not so noticeable: this is explained by the fact that the child has already assumed a stable position before birth and cannot turn, but only move his legs and arms.

Weight loss and bowel cleansing before childbirth

Many pregnant women are surprised to discover that their weight, which is known to grow by leaps and bounds in the last trimester, unexpectedly decreases by 1-1.5 kg after 37-39 weeks. Weight loss is especially noticeable if severe swelling was observed during pregnancy. Don't be scared - this is an absolutely natural process and another sign that meeting your baby is just around the corner.

Siblings' experience:


- About 2 days before giving birth, I started feeling nauseous (with Polinka I even vomited, but with Leshka I just felt sick) and (sorry for the details) I had loose stools for 3-4 days before the birth itself. The body was cleansing.

Mummy and BABY M.

- I woke up at 4 in the morning and realized that my stomach hurt. Well, this is real indigestion. Sorry, I went to the toilet and pushed... And only when my stomach eased did I realize that something was wrong. I noted the time - contractions go every 7 minutes, like clockwork.


- I didn’t feel a drooping stomach, but... loose stools for 4-5 days before giving birth! And my tummy was aching, it was somehow tugging. And then the water broke in the morning, and she gave birth in the evening.


- The first sign of impending labor was, sorry, diarrhea: about 4 hours before the birth. Then they lowered my water, and after a couple of hours I gave birth. All!

Weight loss and colon cleansing. Expert commentary

Before childbirth, the body gets rid of excess fluid, which leads to slight weight loss. This occurs in order to thicken the blood and, in the future, reduce its loss during childbirth. In addition, the additional fluid that was previously used to produce amniotic fluid is no longer needed and the body gets rid of it. Often this process can be accompanied not only by increased frequency of urination at 37 weeks of pregnancy, but also by nausea or diarrhea.”

False (training) contractions

One of the most important signs that your uterus is preparing itself for an upcoming event is the appearance of “harbinger” contractions. They are usually not painful and feel more like severe muscle tension. At this moment, the stomach seems to “turn to stone” and shrink, and then gradually relaxes. The main sign by which such contractions can be distinguished from true ones is their irregularity. They occur at random, unequal intervals - sometimes the uterus contracts several times a day, sometimes a couple of times a week. Most often, pregnant women note the appearance of such training contractions in the mornings or evenings.

Siblings' experience:


- About 3 days before giving birth, there were false contractions in the morning - I even woke up from them. They were not strong, but rhythmic, at intervals of 10 minutes, lasting for 2 hours. Another interesting phenomenon - during the week before giving birth, when driving a car, when jumping on bumps, I apparently had a strong sensation of pain in the cervix area. Apparently, this is how the neck opened slightly.


- My training contractions started within 2 weeks. The interval reached 10 minutes, and after 1-2 minutes they stopped. I started writing down the time every time. Same thing on the day of birth: in the morning I woke up in pain, well, I think it was training contractions again... I went to the shower... And then I realized that after a shower it doesn’t get easier (and usually after a shower, training contractions go away), that I got sick about five times while I was washing...

- On the eve of the birth itself, everything was as usual, but a week before that I had false contractions.

False (training) contractions. Expert commentary

At 37-40 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions are the most important sign of impending labor. They differ from prenatal contractions in their irregularity and low intensity. These are training tensions of the uterus that can appear several times a week, and sometimes every day. Such contractions help the cervix to smooth out and make it softer, preparing it for the upcoming labor.

Removal of the mucus plug on the eve of childbirth

Another harbinger of an imminent birth may be the release of a mucous plug - a jelly-like mass that is secreted by the membranes of the cervix during pregnancy. This “plug” fills the cervix and protects the birth canal and fetus from ascending infection. On the eve of childbirth, the cervix begins to soften, open slightly, and as a result, the plug (in the form of colorless, yellowish, or slightly pinkish mucus) may come off before labor begins - sometimes this can happen within a week, or even two. An important point: after the plug comes out, you should refrain from visiting the pool, swimming in reservoirs, and even taking a bath, as this increases the risk of getting . It's better to limit yourself to a shower.

Siblings' experience:

- On the evening of July 10, the plug came off without any preliminary symptoms. At 11 in the morning, water began to leak, by lunchtime small contractions began, I arrived at the maternity hospital at the direction of the midwife at 7 pm, and kept in touch with her by phone all this time. She gave birth on July 12 at 12.20. The PDR was on July 29th.


- The plug came off completely in 1 day (the first half came off in 2 weeks).

- My plug came out gradually, it looked like the result of a prolonged runny nose, with blood streaks.

Removal of the plug. Expert commentary

Mucous discharge may signal the release of a plug that protects the uterus and fetus from external infections. During the period of preparation for childbirth, the plug liquefies and begins to leak. It should be borne in mind that this symptom is individual, for some the plug comes off a week before birth, and for others with the onset of labor. Sometimes this discharge can be confused with amniotic fluid. In this case, it is worth remembering that the latter leak constantly and intensify with a slight cough. If you still have doubts, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for an amnio test.”

Painful sensations before childbirth

In the last weeks before giving birth, many pregnant women begin to complain of nagging and aching pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. This is another sign that the body is intensively preparing for childbirth: the pelvic ligaments begin to soften and stretch and blood flow to the pelvic organs increases. The sensations are specific, a little reminiscent of menstrual pain, but the awareness that at this moment the “exit” for the baby is preparing to open makes it very easy to experience unpleasant sensations.

Siblings' experience


- On the eve of giving birth, my back was strained, my stomach was “felt” and there was a feeling as if my son’s head was already at the very exit. The next day in the delivery room, I was surprised for a long time that this is exactly what the first hours of contractions look like.

Nata K.

- My back ached for about a week before giving birth. Sometimes there were false contractions, also for about a week. And, in general, everything was as always. I drove the car until the last day. I went on Sunday and gave birth on Monday. But! Somewhere inside I felt that I would give birth before the PDR, and that’s what happened.

- My back hurt terribly. My stomach was pulling. And most importantly - a persistent feeling of anxiety.

- And the day before my back hurt so much that I climbed the walls. The plug did not come off.

Painful sensations before childbirth. Expert commentary

At 37-40 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may have a stomach ache. The cause of nagging pain, as a rule, is not only prolapse of the abdomen. The fact is that closer to the beginning of labor, the pregnant woman experiences stretching and softening of the joints of the pelvis, so that the baby can be born more freely. In addition, it can stretch muscles and ligaments; this also prepares the pelvis for labor.

Nesting instinct on the eve of childbirth

On the eve of childbirth, many women receive another “news” from nature that the baby will be born very soon. An indomitable desire arises to prepare him a cozy “nest” and the expectant mother with great pleasure chooses tiny socks and baby vests for her future son or daughter, embroiders diapers, knits a hat and blanket, buys the softest and most beautiful bed linen for the crib, a comfortable stroller, a warm envelope, a lace blanket, a set of bibs and that nice little rattle! Another obligatory item of “building a nest” is often general cleaning (or even repairs). Having set up a children's corner, bought things and “cleaned” the house, the woman breathes a sigh of relief: she can give birth. And... it is at this moment that contractions often begin. - an incredibly happy time, because it reminds you that your dream of meeting your baby soon is about to become a reality!

Siblings' experience

- Two days before giving birth, she became more active -both timesI started big cleanings throughout the apartment, which I no longer had the strength to do for a long time. I paid attention because I read here on the forum that this happens - preparing a nest. And there were no more warning signs.


- At 39 weeks 5 days I woke up with a terrible surge of energy and decided that it was simply vital to rip out all the floors in the house. Then I realized that it would start at night.

- I didn’t have any special feelings before giving birth, except that I, like a field mouse, had been dragging all the groceries home from the store for the last 10 days. Well, I couldn’t pass by the store. I take a full bag and drag it, then I realize that I can’t carry it, it’s hard, so I catch a taxi. Twice I came home by taxi with string bags...

Changes in well-being and mood

All changes in a woman’s body on the eve of childbirth are associated with hormonal changes. At the beginning of pregnancy, the body's main task was to preserve and take care of the safety of the baby. The “boss” of this process was the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. Towards the end of the third trimester, the placenta begins to age and progesterone levels gradually decrease. Now the first violin is played by the female sex hormones estrogens, the level of which increases as the placenta ages and the baby functionally matures. It is estrogens that are “responsible” for softening the cervix, stretching the ligaments and increasing the sensitivity of the uterus, promoting its contraction. Such a hormonal “storm” can affect your mood, causing either sudden tears or bursts of joy. In addition, in the last weeks before giving birth, a woman prepares for serious changes, fears the upcoming birth, in a word, leads a rich emotional life. Treat your changing mood with understanding, because such mood swings are also part of the preparation for one of the most important meetings in life!

Siblings' experience

Cheshire Cat

- The mood before childbirth changes in the direction that you want to kill everyone who even hints at the topic« well, when already» . And in books, by the way, they often write that one of the signs of an approaching birth is hormonal changes, accompanied by changes in mood and a feeling of how tired everything is, no strength, fatigue from a feeling of uncertainty, impatience - when the birth is finally here! There is probably something in this; you really look forward to childbirth as if it were a holiday. But when the contractions begin, there are no more previously tormenting fears, and one thought - well, thank you, God - it has begun!

Changes in well-being and mood. Expert commentary

A few days before giving birth, changes in the well-being and mood of the expectant mother may occur. Some people are concerned about tearfulness, rapid mood swings, irritability, and emotional upsurge. In addition, severe sweating, chills, fever, and dizziness may occur. Such symptoms are caused by hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman on the eve of childbirth. It is important to understand that the precursors of labor at 37-40 weeks are not yet the beginning of labor. However, if you feel such symptoms, you should not ignore them. Be sure to tell your doctor about them.

Has anyone had a rough start in labor?

- My first birth began in the maternity hospital. A few days before this, the plug came off - but, in my opinion, the doctor just picked it out. And then for several days there was silence, no signs of impending labor - until the first regular, slightly painful stretching in the tummy on the day of birth. It all started very smoothly, I had time to get used to the idea that today I was spending the night with my husband and the doctor in the maternity ward...


- And I had no warning signs, no drooping tummy. Contractions just started at night at 3, and in my sleep I couldn’t understand why my stomach hurt, like during menstruation. At 6 I woke up, realized, measured - the interval between contractions was 5-7 minutes.


- There were no special sensations. I ran around as usual, ate a good meal of cherries at night... in the morning I woke up from strong contractions.

- We were told during the courses that the first-time mother most often does not really feel anything. The congestion and water are a given, but the onset of contractions and other warning signs in a primigravida are most often weakly expressed. Although I understand that this is individual for everyone.

How did you feel before giving birth? Share the link to our article on social networks!

The last trimester of pregnancy is the most exciting period for a woman. The closer the birth gets, the more questions arise. The most relevant ones concern how contractions begin before childbirth, what sensations arise during this process, and whether pain is felt.

It is this process that is most feared by the fair sex, whose pregnancy is their first. There's really no need to be nervous about this. With negative emotions, pain can seem very strong. The less you think about it and fear contractions, the easier the birth will be.

Yes, and there are special techniques to reduce pain during this natural process.

A woman carrying a baby under her heart can be misled by false (training) contractions. They can begin from the 20th week of pregnancy. False contractions before childbirth cause slight discomfort, but are irregular, short-lived and in most cases practically painless. Uterine tension and discomfort can be relieved by a warm bath or walking. It is important to remember that the bath temperature should be between 36 and 38 degrees.

True contractions are the main harbinger of childbirth. How are contractions before childbirth and what are they like? Every woman experiences contractions differently. This depends on the physiological characteristics of the pregnant woman and the position of the baby in the tummy. For example, some may feel weak aching pain in the lumbar region, which after a certain period of time spreads to the abdomen and pelvis, encircling the woman.

Others note that the sensations during contractions are comparable to the discomfort that occurs during menstruation. The pain subsequently intensifies. During contractions, the uterus may seem to turn to stone. This can be clearly seen if you put your hand on your stomach.

All of the above signs may also be characteristic of false uterine contractions. Then how to recognize real contractions before childbirth? There are general signs of this natural process by which every pregnant woman can determine that she will soon begin labor:

  • regularity of occurrence;
  • gradual increase in frequency;
  • increasing pain over time.

At first, a pregnant woman may feel contractions after a long period of time. The pain is not severe. In the future, the intervals between contractions gradually decrease, and the pain of this natural process increases.

Based on the general signs of contractions before childbirth, 3 phases of the process can be distinguished:

  • initial (latent, hidden);
  • active;
  • transitional.

The initial stage lasts on average about 7-8 hours. The duration of the contraction can be 30-45 seconds, the interval between them is about 5 minutes. During this period, the cervix dilates by 0-3 cm.

During the active phase, which lasts from 3 to 5 hours, contractions can last up to 60 seconds. The frequency of contractions during childbirth is 2-4 minutes. The cervix dilates 3-7 cm.

The transition phase (deceleration phase) is the shortest. A woman can stay in it for 0.5-1.5 hours. Contractions become longer. Now they last for 70-90 seconds. The interval between contractions also becomes shorter compared to other phases. After about 0.5-1 minutes, a woman in position will feel uterine contractions. The neck of this organ dilates by 7-10 cm.

Contractions during the second birth are also divided into three phases, but the total duration of each of them is shorter than during the first birth.

What to do if contractions start?

When contractions occur, a pregnant woman should calm down, because fuss is not the best helper. It is advisable to take a comfortable position in a chair, chair or bed and begin to record the intervals between contractions and their duration. It is advisable to record all this data. There is no need to think about what is more painful: contractions or childbirth. Fear will make the pain seem unbearable.

If contractions do not last long and the duration between them is long (20-30 minutes), then it is too early for the baby to be born. The woman has time to collect the necessary things and call an ambulance. At this time, with the help of loved ones, you can take a warm shower. When contractions occur, the intervals between which are 5-7 minutes, you already need to go to the maternity hospital.

There is no point in postponing a trip to a medical facility, despite the fact that the initial phase of contractions can last several hours. The amniotic fluid may recede earlier, and at this time it is advisable to be under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. When your water breaks, you should never take a warm or hot bath, because this may increase the likelihood of developing infectious complications, bleeding, embolism, etc.

How to induce contractions and labor?

For many women, labor begins at 37-40 weeks. However, there are cases when pregnancy continues at 41, 42 and even 43 weeks. Representatives of the fair sex in such situations begin to worry and get nervous, because they so want to see their baby quickly, but he still doesn’t want to be born. Yes, and there are cases when the child died at this stage in the mother’s tummy, and contractions never began.

The death of a child can occur due to the fact that the placenta begins to age. The baby may no longer have enough oxygen and nutrients. How to induce contractions and childbirth is a question that worries expectant mothers who are carrying a child longer than the expected date of birth, which was calculated by the doctor.

To prevent negative consequences from occurring, contractions and childbirth can be induced. However, this decision should only be made by a doctor. If there are no pathologies and the amniotic fluid is clean, then there is no need to stimulate the birth process. Everything has its time. If any abnormalities are detected, the doctor will certainly offer stimulation of contractions and childbirth. There is no point in giving this up.

Contractions can also be induced independently. For example, they recommend being more upright, walking, moving, but there is no need to provoke fatigue or stress, as this will not be beneficial.

Feelings of contractions before childbirth can occur due to sex. Sperm contains prostaglandins, which prepare the cervix for childbirth by softening it. Sexual arousal and orgasm tone the body and cause uterine contractions.

You can induce contractions by massaging your nipples. You can start doing it from the 37th week of pregnancy. During a massage, the hormone oxytocin is released in the body, due to which the muscles of the uterus can begin to contract. Massage allows you not only to stimulate labor, but also to prepare the skin of your nipples for breastfeeding your baby.

There are also folk remedies for stimulating labor and contractions, but you should not try them on yourself. For example, certain teas and decoctions can negatively affect the health of the mother and her baby, because some herbs are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can cause miscarriage.

How to ease contractions during childbirth?

Doctors can help a pregnant woman reduce pain during labor and childbirth using special medications. However, you should not rely on anesthesia. There is a possibility that the medicine will have a negative effect on the mother and her baby.

The main way to reduce pain is proper breathing during childbirth and labor. With its help, a woman in labor can relax. When a contraction occurs, it is recommended to focus on exhaling. At this moment, it is worth imagining that pain is “leaving” the body along with the air. A woman in labor may also make “noise” during contractions and childbirth. Sighs, groans and screams will ease the condition. Proper breathing should be learned in advance and practiced more often, because childbirth is stressful, due to which all poorly memorized information can be easily forgotten.

A woman in labor can relax thanks to a massage and simple gentle touches from a loved one. Contractions are the beginning of labor. It is when they occur that it is recommended to slowly massage the lower back. At this time, a woman can stand or sit on a chair, leaning on its back with her hands.

Massage of the lumbar back during childbirth is considered very effective. This is because the sacral nerve travels to the spinal cord from the uterus through the lower back. If you massage this area, the pain during contractions will be felt less. It is very good if the spouse wants to be present at the birth and help his beloved at this difficult moment.

The psychological attitude is no less important. Positive emotions and thoughts that you will soon be able to see the baby will help reduce pain. In order to react correctly to what is happening and not worry, a woman needs to understand how childbirth proceeds and what she can feel at this time.