Vedic family VKontakte. Why is the Vedic family template criticized? “My husband became a Hare Krishna because of me”

“The Vedas destroyed my marriage”: four stories about the search for femininity

Vedic psychology has taken root in Russia. Popular gurus have thousands of followers on Instagram and VKontakte, and their trainings cost a lot of money. They teach you to “follow feminine nature,” “serve your husband,” “be submissive,” and also not to work and to give up trousers. Almost like in Domostroy, only with an oriental accent.

Four heroines told the Kemerovo Newspaper how they developed Vedic femininity and how it ended.

“I asked for forgiveness and cried”

Elena M., economist:

For almost a year I tried to save my marriage with the help of Vedic teachings. After the divorce, she is raising two children, two and six years old. Visits a psychologist.

— My husband and I lived together for 11 years. After the birth of the second child, there was discord in the family. Maybe he couldn't bear the responsibility. I quit my job and we lived on my allowance. I drank and came home with beer almost every evening. Endless garages, pubs...

It finished me off when he spent half the night at the disco. What kind of dancing is there when you have two small children at home? The next morning I put his things on the staircase. The apartment was mine, so the kids and I stayed in it. And my husband went to the one we were renting out at that time.

Everything was heading towards divorce. But I, like all women, hoped to save the family. She blamed herself for losing her temper and kicking her husband out. Things can get worse, and people still live. To get everything back, I first went to the Orthodox Church, then to a fortune teller... At the same time I saw lectures on Vedic femininity on YouTube - Ruslan Narushevich, Oleg Torsunov, Rami Blekt. And I got carried away.

The lecturers taught humility, patience, repentance, and total repentance. That the man is in charge, and only he can earn a living. And I must serve him - feed him, look after him, admire him. Pray for him, forgive him everything. Because he does everything because of me. Drinking? She was not obedient and courteous enough. Not making money? She didn’t inspire or praise.

I felt terribly guilty. I asked my husband for forgiveness, cried, and promised that I would never do that again. She humiliated herself in front of him. She did everything he wanted, praised him for every nonsense. I was ready to sell my apartment in order to buy a common one with him. It seems to me that this blurriness of mine irritated him even more. We came together, then diverged again.

Now I understand that it was a nightmare. The Vedas completely destroyed my marriage. It should have been different. I would go to work earlier, become independent, strong and well-groomed. Maybe then the husband would think about who he was losing. Submission did not appeal to him.

According to the Vedas, I lived for six months. I managed to go to expensive trainings by Narushevich and Rami Blekt. I met Marina* - she had been interested in this for a long time, and recommended books and videos to me. But I already had doubts.

Once I called Marina after a quarrel with my husband - he left again, he was drinking, he didn’t pick up the phone. I wanted to get advice. But she reads minds, just don’t laugh. And he tells me: “Elena, I feel that on the subtle plane you have so many claims, so many grievances towards your husband. How can you! You drove him. So much negativity, what are you even doing? You urgently need to pray...” After this call, I was cut off! I realized that I was deceiving myself.

After that, I turned to a professional psychologist and am still working with him. My husband and I divorced. It’s hard for me to look back - what a nightmare these six months passed.

Now I am convinced that Vedic femininity is not suitable for our mentality. Maybe it works in India. We do not have. When I hear what Vedic lecturers teach, it makes me angry. Because this reckless submission can ruin girls' lives.

What are the Vedas and what does femininity have to do with it?

Veda are the sacred scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit. “Psychologists” present them as divine knowledge. Advice based on sociology, medicine, philosophy and architecture, about God, the essence of man and a harmonious life. Lecturers do not refer to specific texts.

Vedic woman- a divine being who is mentally stronger than her husband. A woman should help a man develop. To do this, she needs to follow the rules: wear a long skirt to accumulate feminine energy, devote most of her time to household chores, and spend no more than four hours on work, devote herself to her husband and family.

The most famous Vedic gurus- “specialist in the field of astrology and psychology of interpersonal relationships” Ruslan Narushevich, dermatovenerologist and reflexologist Oleg Torsunov and his follower, skeptical about academic education for women, Olga Valyaeva, as well as the “Vedic philosopher” Satya Das, aka Sergei Yakovlev.

Most of them are members of the religious organization International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

“We called ourselves a sect”

Victoria Yurieva, sales manager:

I became interested in the Vedas during pregnancy and lived by them for a year. Together with her husband, she is raising a three-year-old daughter and has abandoned “ancient knowledge” in favor of science.

— I went to yoga for pregnant women in Nizhny Tagil. After classes we had lectures. They were led by our trainer, who was passionate about Vedic knowledge. She told me how to behave with my husband, take care of myself, take care of the house... All this seemed interesting.

The only thing I still agree with is that women are not like men. We differ in perception and emotional reactions. But gender psychology and sexology speak about the same thing. Now I understand that there is nothing new in this. And then it seemed that a secret had been revealed to me.

I tried to serve my husband, praise him, and do all the women’s housework. She refused help. But my loved one didn’t like it. He was infuriated by my “services”, praises and feigned words. He felt it was insincere.

I felt uncomfortable. It seemed like there was something wrong with me since I couldn’t be a Vedic woman like in the book. During pregnancy you already withdraw into yourself, and these “practices” alienated me even more from my husband.

After the birth of my daughter, I took on all the worries of caring for her. The Vedas teach that this is women's work. I was also taught that until a child is one year old, he only needs his mother. Because of this, even bigger problems began in my family. I overloaded myself and was very tired. When my daughter stayed with her dad, she cried - I didn’t give her the opportunity to get used to him. The psychologist later explained to me that this is normal: the baby needs to adapt to her father. And I rushed out of the bathroom, covered in foam, just when I heard crying, and took her away...

The Vedas were a beautiful picture that I tried to fit my family into. This prevented me from feeling the real needs of my loved ones and hearing myself. I didn’t see my husband and daughter “teaching.” I tried to be a good girl for my mentor.

When the relationship with my husband deteriorated, it became very difficult for me. I faced real difficulties and misunderstandings. It was hard for me, I came to yoga, but did not receive support from my circle of like-minded women. Nobody noticed my trouble there. I should have run to a psychologist, but I listened to the Vedas. In such situations, you need the help of a specialist, not spiritual practices.

My husband helped. I am grateful to him for his patience and for bringing me back to normal life. Some men like to be served and belittled. I have seen such people before. He is different - it was important for him that our relationship was honest. And I’m ready to help him in everything - but this is our family’s business. Our relationship should not concern anyone.

When I need help, I turn to a professional psychologist. If I read something on the Internet, I check the sources. With surprise, I realized that Vedic femininity does not belong to a real religion. At yoga courses, we called ourselves a sect as a joke - they say, we are in the same bundle, people with common views. But every joke has some truth...

“My husband became a Hare Krishna because of me”

Svetlana K., designer:

For three and a half years I followed the Vedic teachings. I got my husband interested in it. He now condemns her for eating meat, wearing trousers and no longer serving him.

— First I became a vegetarian. This was in my third year at university. I thought it would be an experiment with nutrition, but then I really got involved. At the same time, I became interested in esotericism. I saw Olga Valyaeva’s group “The Purpose of Being a Woman” online. Spirituality, long skirts and dresses... This interested me. The post “The Year Without Pants” really inspired me. I completely changed my wardrobe.

Now I understand that at first I looked funny. I didn’t know how to wear all this, especially in autumn and winter. In cold weather, I wore petticoats, several tights, or even an extra skirt. There were so many layers! The people around looked with interest. Either as a grandmother, or as a gypsy... Then I found out about the Vedic designer Dorokhova and got ideas from her social networks. It turned out elegant.

I plunged into the topic of Vedic femininity. I ate sweets, as the gurus teach. I convinced myself that my purpose was to get married and have children. I constantly talked about this with friends and classmates, and promoted the Vedas. My social circle was narrowing. People didn’t understand how I turned from a party girl into a submissive amoeba.

So I lived in my own world. I dreamed that after college I would become a wife, inspire my husband, and give birth to children. I had a boyfriend at that time. I wasn't in love with him, I almost didn't like him outwardly. But he didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, and worked. Valyaeva taught: you can love a person if you invest time and effort into him.

In our last year we moved in together. I lived with his parents and did all the housework. My husband only went to work. I didn’t even buy groceries—my mother-in-law did that. But he gave flowers and invited me to a cafe. There was love on his part, but not on mine. The Vedas convinced me: happiness will come if you serve a person, even if not a loved one. But that's not true. It's horrible.

After university I didn’t work for almost a year. She sat at home like a real Vedic woman. We got married. I told my husband that skirts are for women’s health, that you can’t eat meat, and that I should inspire him. He went into it all. It ended with us becoming Hare Krishnas together.

He accepted Vedic knowledge as truth. And I gradually moved away from them. There was no peace. I was bored at home: I did housework, sewed, painted, listened to lectures. But I lacked communication and development. It seemed like I was deteriorating.

Love for my husband has not come in three years. But we were like-minded people. It was holding me back. And over time, I chose a different path: I read criticism of Vedic gurus and increasingly doubted their words.

I abandoned Krishnaism and returned to Orthodoxy. I’ve added meat back to my diet, and sometimes I can drink wine. I’m wearing trousers again and went to work - I teach at KemGIK. And he still lives by the witches. He condemns me for “eating corpses” and not serving him. My husband still promotes patriarchal values, but I have a new life.

Now I don't know what femininity is. I'm not against beautiful dresses, just without fanaticism. I like to be soft and gentle sometimes. But sometimes I want to show character, follow principles. Sometimes I like to sew, and sometimes I like to skydive or rock climb. Isn't that why I'm not feminine? The most important thing is to be yourself.

“The Vedas will help those who already have a good husband”

Evgenia Genger, dressmaker and fashion designer:

For three years I developed Vedic femininity. She abandoned it after pregnancy, becoming economically dependent on her husband. The couple do not live together; their daughter is one year and three months old.

— When I met my future husband, we had difficulties. I thought it was because of our difficult characters. She looked for compromises and avoided conflicts. One day, my friend, a mother of three children and a happy wife, recommended me a book by Olga Valyaeva. It seemed like a good idea to become patient and obedient.

My man got into it too. I wore skirts, took part in femininity marathons—I completed tasks for service, gratitude, and all that stuff every day. In relationships, she behaved like a wise Vedic woman - she was silent, nodded her head and did not demand anything.

At the same time, everything in our life remained the same. The refrain of our relationship was that there was something wrong with me. For his sake I changed.

I got pregnant. I was worried because a child is a huge responsibility. But the husband jumped with happiness. That's why I decided to give birth. We moved from Yekaterinburg to Chelyabinsk. There was an apartment there that my parents bought for me. My husband got a job at Metrostroy. We decided to live in this city for a couple of years, closer to our family, so that they could help with the baby.

Soon we started having problems. Pregnancy was not easy for me - hormones, ailments... There was no support. We quarreled, I even went to live with a friend and went to the maternity hospital from her.

After the birth of my daughter, my husband helped me a lot with her. But suddenly he was laid off. Finances became scarce. He didn't like the way I spent money. I accounted for every penny, although I saved on everything I could. I bought used things, looked for those who give them away for free, and used joint purchases. We lived on our savings for six months.

My husband got a job as a surveyor in an office. They paid little. But I behaved like a wise woman: “Darling, your career is important. If working for the company is useful for you, we will tolerate it.” So I endured it. This is how we lived: we had one chicken for a week.

She filed for divorce. He came to me: “We have a child, let’s fix everything.” As a wise woman, I agreed. But we didn't last long. We broke up anyway.

And Vedic femininity left my life day after day. I started making decisions myself. I sold an apartment in Chelyabinsk, my relatives added money to me. I chose new housing in Yekaterinburg. Repairs were needed, my husband refused to help. I had to do everything myself.

My journey into Vedic womanhood and back has helped me realize my power. What did Woland say? “Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially among those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!” I would say differently: don’t ask, because you can do everything yourself. We have a lot of resources, especially women.

Each person is valuable in himself. You cannot put your life on someone else’s altar, as the Vedas teach. Don't listen to those who tell you how to behave. It breaks the psyche, families and destinies. If the person next to you is not your friend and partner, then you need to leave on time. No Vedas will save you.

Things are complicated with women in Russia. It’s not for nothing that they say that we are the most patient. We are taught acceptance and forgiveness from childhood. But life is very short. This is some 70 or 80 years. Is it really worth spending it on things that make you unhappy?

Who does Vedic femininity help? Those who were initially lucky in Russian roulette called “Find a normal guy.” If you have a good husband, then this teaching will not spoil him. And if he is a domestic tyrant, then it will be worse. By your submission you will give him all the cards in his hands.

From illusion of control to depression

Evgenia Zadrutskaya, crisis psychologist:

She created the “Listen to the Soul” project, which criticizes Vedic femininity and provides support to those who lived by its principles.

— Why are Vedic gurus popular in Russia? Patriarchal traditions have been preserved in our country. The husband is the head of the family, and the wife is responsible for everyday life and raising children. But in Soviet times, a woman was a comrade and a worker. Therefore, we have a double burden: we both earn money and look after the house.

According to Vedic teachings, a woman can change a man, inspire him and make her life better. At the same time, take a break from work. Earning money is the duty of the husband, not the wife, so you can safely stay at home. The Vedas also put women on a pedestal: we are all goddesses, beauties and bring goodness and love to this world. Looks cute and increases self-esteem and self-confidence.

Vedic femininity gives faith in a just world. Most of us have magical thinking: if you behave correctly, everything will be fine. Like, even ancient knowledge speaks about this.

Why are the Vedas dangerous? We have the illusion of control over our lives. The woman receives a placebo. She makes fewer and fewer decisions, although she thinks she rules the world. Real problems are not being solved, but are getting worse. For example, she quits her job, but the Universe still does not give her and her husband wealth. No matter how much you inspire, his salary does not increase.

If a spouse has a tendency towards aggression and tyranny, submission will only strengthen it. For many women, control on the part of their husbands increased when they began to serve them and agree on everything. And this doesn't have to be beatings. Economic control - how much you spent, social control - with whom you communicated. An adult turns into a dependent child.

But the worst thing is different. Lecturers say: the state of her family depends on what a woman thinks and feels. And sometimes the whole world. And Vedic wives begin to control everything that happens to them. They give an unspoken ban on negative emotions. They forbid themselves to be angry and upset. But we are alive - sooner or later a breakdown will happen. And after him will come guilt for his feelings. This vicious circle leads to depression and apathy. There was a split in personality. I know situations where women ended up in psychiatric clinics after this.

“There is also good in the Vedas”

Larisa Terekhova, psychologist:

Conducts a private practice in Kemerovo. Advises on health, money, love, relationships and development.

— Vedic psychology teaches that a woman should take care of herself, look good, dress smartly and take care of her hair. Always be happy and enjoy life. It's good to be feminine. Nowadays, many people don’t take care of themselves: they don’t do makeup, they don’t attach much importance to appearance. The Vedas teach us to pay attention to this.

Meditation practices can be helpful. They instill happiness, gratitude, and well-being. It helps you think positively.

But you cannot live according to Vedic principles. This teaching has many shortcomings. It is unacceptable for me to constantly wear skirts and dresses in order to “accumulate feminine energy.” A woman can be attractive and sexy in trousers.

Relationships with men also raise questions. Lecturers say: stay at home, raise your children and don’t contradict your husband. But this is unrealistic. The modern woman has an active position. She cannot be locked within four walls. Take the same Olga Valyaeva. It works! Conducts practices, writes books. It takes time and effort. But she tells her students something else.

Every person has masculine and feminine traits. Vedic femininity jeopardizes our masculine part, which helps us earn money, act quickly and think logically.

There is some good in this teaching, I don’t argue, but we must approach it wisely. Our world is a symbiosis of all kinds of technologies and practices. Only at their junction does something worthy emerge. You need to treat everything consciously and choose what is right for you.

Two years have already passed since I began to study what we call Vedic culture. I don't like this word. It’s kind of vulgar, worn out... It’s not so important to me where Oleg Torsunov, Ruslan Narushevich, Olga Valyaeva and others took the principles of building a family - from the Vedas, from the research of psychologists or somewhere else. Another thing is important: can this be applied to your life?

And these two years I have constantly heard how everything Vedic is scolded. How they speak sarcastically about Vedic women, about the teachers themselves, about the Vedic family... And now I understand well why. Because many people have a very superficial understanding of what these teachers teach. They don’t have the patience to read more, listen longer, take a broader look... The system that Vedic lectures present to us is, in fact, very harmonious. But it’s also very difficult. In many ways incomprehensible. And contradicting itself. It may indeed not be suitable for everyone (I can’t speak for everyone). But I'm sure it suits many people. It's just that not everyone knows her.

Two years ago, I myself was very skeptical about many of the words of Oleg Torsunov and others. But slowly I became convinced that it really works. And the fact is that all criticism is based on the great Russian rule: “I heard a ringing - I don’t know where it is.”

So, I want to answer some popular myths. Including those that I myself believed in a year or two ago.

A Vedic woman should sit at home and do only household chores

Vedic woman exploited by men

A woman should not have her own opinion, should follow orders unquestioningly, should be quiet, always serve a man... A very popular myth!

I’ll start with the worst thing - service. Listen to Ruslan Narushevich - he loves to talk about how a woman “served herself.” And remember the previous point - first filling and, and only then (from an excess of love!) - service and love for your husband. If you have nothing, if you are empty, what can you give? Who needs this kind of service? It's the same with obedience. If you are self-sufficient, fulfilled, it is easy for you to allow your husband to be in charge, it is easy to give in to him... And in important matters, any Vedic woman will definitely express her opinion (leaving her husband the right to make the final decision himself).

Regarding the fact that a man will not perceive a housewife as a person. To begin with, are our working women often individuals? If a woman has many interests of her own and has a desire for self-development, then dismissal will only help her become an even more interesting woman. After all, there is so much free time for your hobbies and interests!

Vedic woman is not sincere

Oh yes, I thought so myself about a year ago. What are some recommendations worth on how to ask your husband for gifts! Oleg Torsunov orders him to “be sad,” and when the man asks what’s wrong, he will admit his desire with self-flagellation. This scheme seems ridiculous and artificial, looks like manipulation... But! One day I realized that this was not a hoax. This is just a way to talk about your desires in a way that will be easier for a man to perceive. You're not lying. And any normal man understands that you are not dying because you want to buy a new dress. If everything is done correctly, the man will be grateful to you for such “manipulation”. Because if you say directly “give me 10 thousand for a new dress,” it’s stressful for him. He may give it, but with an unpleasant feeling. And if you ask from the position of a “girl,” it won’t be so difficult for him to help you. And then you still feel like a hero. It's not a lie, it's the language you speak. My husband himself now prefers that I communicate with him this way (although I used to). And many other men too, you just need to learn how to be “sad” correctly, taking into account your temperament and the character of your husband.

A Vedic woman must be modest and must deny herself many things.

Where did they get this from? On the contrary, it is often said that you should not suppress your desires. Any man dreams of making his woman even happier, and your desires (not immense) are the best reason for this. But you need to be able to thank and be able to express your joy, and not hide it deep inside yourself.

A Vedic woman should always be happy and cheerful

But what about a man’s responsibility to accept his wife’s emotions? Of course, you can't constantly bombard your husband with negativity (who would like that?), but no one forces you to always be cheerful. Mood changes are normal for women. It is only important to learn how to correctly express your emotions and still be able to be happy. No man can make an unhappy woman happy. But you can make a happy person even happier - that’s what a family is for. And how to become happy without the help of men - there are also whole series of lectures and books about this...

I could write a lot more on this topic. But it is impossible to retell the entire volume of Vedic lectures that I have learned. Some things cannot be learned right away - some time must pass, you must somehow change yourself...

I do not consider these teachings about family to be the only correct ones. But I am sure that they could help many people build strong families where love would reign.

Full family has always been a unit of our society.

And the well-being of our entire culture directly depended on the well-being of each family.

All rulers understood this very well, and therefore they tried to do everything possible so that every subject of society had a strong moral foundation and support.

And a person could receive this support only when he knew that he was always welcome at home, where comfort, love and peace reigned.

It is very interesting that a full-fledged family was considered complete when the parents had at least 9 children, and all of them strived for perfection. Their parents helped them in this and encouraged them in every possible way. In general, our ancestors gave birth to up to 16 children and could fully raise them all.

Our ancestors did this so that after death our souls remain and can incarnate again on earth. Therefore, each of the spouses tried to bring into the world at least nine children from their family in order to embody their great-grandfathers, relatives, etc. We tried to embody our family as much as possible.

In turn, on the energy plane, such a union has always been under the tutelage of its own relatives. All people were healthier, happier, luckier. Now we have practically lost touch with our family.

We, now, should not think about bringing into the world as many children as possible, since now a full-fledged family and its foundations have lost the foundation that they had before. We now simply do not have the strength and the society that will help us support and educate such a large number of descendants.

Based on this, our main task is to create the most beautiful and healthy children in such numbers that we ourselves feel that we are able to raise them. If everyone sets such a task for themselves, then after a while our loved ones and society as a whole will bring us more joy.

Also, full-fledged families could only exist when young people entered into an alliance without previously having had sexual relations with others. This ensured the cleanliness and health of future generations.

Although, this is not the only reason that affects the whole. Much depends on how well each spouse and children know their direct responsibilities. Also, it is very important to choose the right person who has the right character and strives for constant excellence.

If a person does not yet understand why he should now study what a full-fledged family is and its basic principles, then it is better to leave such a person. Although, these words should not be taken fanatically, because if there is a great power of love between people, then everything in this world is possible.

Modern families cannot be called friendly and strong, but even our distant ancestors knew the secrets of maintaining peace and prosperity in the family. Understanding the true nature of men and women, the rules of conception, birth and raising children, rites and rituals of ancient families can be useful in our time.

Vedas about the nature of man and woman

Husbands often do not understand feminine nature and the needs of their wives and make many mistakes. Here, for example, is the ratio of the needs of a man and a woman given in the Vedas. Women are 2 times hungrier, 4 times more fearful, 6 times more impudent, and 8 times more lustful than men! What does this sensational discovery really mean? The statement about fearfulness needs no comment. Increased impudence is a way to compensate for the first two shortcomings. And the first and last statements require clarification. A woman's increased hunger does not manifest itself in the fact that she eats more, but in the fact that she needs to sense tastes more often. Therefore, women can eat more often, but little by little. They also often carry candies, etc. with them to satisfy this need. As for the fact that women are 8 times more lustful than men, sometimes this is true in the literal sense, but more often it refers to the fact that women have significantly more material desires and needs.

If you just look into your wardrobe or shoe rack, you can see how many times more women’s clothing and shoes there will be. Now it becomes clear the statement of the Vedas that exactly “a woman inspires a man to economic progress”. Further it says: “ Attraction between a man and a woman is the main principle of the material world.". This attraction tightly binds the hearts of a man and a woman and gives rise to attachment to one’s body, home, property, children, relatives and money. This is how a person finds himself at the mercy of illusory concepts. "I" And "my"(Srimad-Bhagavatam 5. 5. 8). Thus, if the husband does not follow the instructions of God, but follows the desires of his wife, the entire family from an ashram (spiritual refuge) turns into a “mass grave” from a spiritual point of view.

Women's mistakes

A typical mistake on the part of a wife is the tendency to lecture and even criticize her husband in the presence of others with the desire to show her power over him. This is an unbearable pain for the male ego and only leads to alienation of partners. A reasonable woman understands how to get everything she needs from a man without encroaching on his authority. The power of women's charms is very great, and it is not for nothing that almost no advertising is complete without women. But this feminine power must be under the control of the spiritual mind of a man. Otherwise, the family will turn from an ashram (spiritual refuge) into a trap. So, if a wife constantly humiliates and nags her husband, she herself pushes him towards drunkenness, alienation and betrayal.

The way to a man's heart

One of the traditional women's arts has always been the art of cooking. In the era of semi-finished products and fast-food, it began to fade into oblivion. It's a pity! After all, the way to a man’s heart is through the tongue, and not through the stomach. Tastes are felt by the tongue! Vedic cooking is based on the teaching of six tastes, which create different moods. The taste can be sweet, salty, bitter, spicy, sour and astringent. Ideally, every day a person should receive all six tastes in different proportions, depending on the constitution of the body and state of health. If some taste is regularly lacking, we feel some emotional dissatisfaction. In fact, in order for the mind to be satisfied, it is enough to eat a balanced and tasty diet. If a woman masters this art, she is able to feed and tame any “predator”.

Family hierarchy

The main reason why now people more often degrade in the family than progress is that few people perceive the family as an ashram - spiritual training. Family is truly a school where we learn to sacrifice for the one we love. This experience is necessary to develop the ability to give, because at the end of life everyone must “give his soul to God” in the literal sense of these words. But this must happen with love and consciously. If a person has not learned spiritual sacrifice, he will continue the cruel school of material struggle for survival. Only those who have learned to serve God and their neighbor in this life will be ready to enter the Kingdom of God. Now everyone wants to be served and obeyed, but he himself does not want to become a servant and helper. What will we do then in the Spiritual world, since all the servants of God are there?

In a spiritually oriented family there is no question of who is boss in the house. The answer is known from the very beginning: "God is the master of everything, and His laws govern everything". Laws seem to restrict us, but in fact they protect us and, like a life preserver, prevent us from drowning in the harsh ocean of material life. The law is presented through the hierarchy God - husband - wife - children. If the husband does not follow the higher laws of God, the wife will not obey him, and the children will not listen to either mother or father. This is how chaos ensues in the family and society. If we demand obedience from the younger ones, but at the same time we ourselves do not accept the highest authority of God, then God in our hearts will push our charges to rebel against us, so that we, too, will feel what the Supreme Father feels like from disobedient children.

Conceiving children

By the way, about children. The birth of children in Vedic families is not an accidental by-product of sexual activity, but a planned event, prepared with all responsibility. “One who is unable to rescue his subjects from the cycle of birth and death has no right to become a spiritual teacher, husband, father or mother...”. From these words of the Vedas it is clear that parents are responsible not only for the material, but also for the spiritual education of their children.

Preparations for the birth of a child began even before conception. If parents want to attract some godly soul into their family to become their child, they must create a suitable atmosphere in their minds and surroundings. Conception is like planting a seed. Just as gardeners use the lunar calendar to choose a favorable moment, parents, in consultation with a Vedic astrologer, choose a favorable time for conceiving a child.

Before this, they perform a special cleansing ritual - samskara. In general, the Vedas recommend 10 main samskaras, which are like spiritual vaccinations and accompany the soul from entry into the body (conception) to exit from the body (death), like a tailwind. The purpose of these ceremonies is to instill spiritual tendencies in a person. Some rudiments of these rituals now exist in our country in the form of baptism, the consecration of marriage in church, and funeral services.

So, having chosen an auspicious moment, having washed their bodies and sanctified their minds with the words of the Holy Scriptures and the Names of God, the parents conceived a child. Fortunately, there were no maternity hospitals with a continuous conveyor belt. No one considered pregnancy a pathology, or childbirth a complex operation. The birth took place in a natural and calm home environment. After the birth of the child, but before cutting the umbilical cord, the father dripped a mixture of honey and ghee onto the newborn's tongue from a golden spoon. A month before the birth, the father read the Bhagavad Gita, the main Vedic treatise, over this substance. This ritual plants the seed of spiritual intelligence in a person's heart, which will bear fruit in the process of learning. And gold, honey and melted butter create the necessary alchemical environment for preserving the mind.

Birth of a child

The umbilical cord was cut only after it stopped pulsating. Recent studies have shown that it is the blood that comes from the placenta into the baby’s body after birth that is especially rich in enzymes that enhance immunity against cancer. With the modern in-line method, when everyone is in a hurry and the umbilical cord is cut at once, the child not only does not receive this valuable blood, but also one-fifth of his blood remains in the placenta. The bottom line is that when a child leaves the mother's body through the birth canal, under natural pressure, blood from his body goes through the umbilical cord into the placenta. Therefore, after giving birth, you need to wait until she returns back to the baby’s body. It is possible that neglect of these details makes each subsequent generation weaker than the previous one and contributes to the spread of cancer.

The next ceremony is naming. The name was chosen on the advice of an astrologer. Depending on which quarter of which constellation the moon was passing through at the time of birth, the name must begin with a certain syllable. A name is not just a fashionable nickname. It should act like a shield. In the article “The Magic of Sound” I already wrote about the power of sound, and a correctly chosen name is another “vaccination” against the problems of this world.

Children in the family

When the child begins to grow teeth and begins to crawl (from 6 months to 1 year), the following ritual is carried out: the first feeding of grain, shaving off the hair and determining the future profession. The hair with which a child is born is considered unclean and must be shaved before one year of age. In front of a shaved, washed and well-fed child, 4 items are laid out on a clean cloth: a book, a weapon, money and a working tool. What he chooses will be the main occupation in his life - knowledge, military affairs (or management), business or physical labor.

Between the ages of 12 and 20, the child underwent a ceremony of spiritual initiation, which the Vedas call “second birth.” Thanks to this, a person could see the world through the prism of spiritual laws and avoided many mistakes. This is a kind of spiritual insurance that helped a person not to drown in the cycle of worldly passions and not lose direction in life.

As for raising a child during this period, until the age of 5 he is treated like a king (everything is allowed); from 5 to 15 - like a slave, that is, education itself begins. And since he was pampered until he was 5 years old, he realized that he was loved and therefore now is not offended, even if he is punished, since he understands that this is done out of love and for his good. From the age of 15 they begin to treat him as a friend, because from this age the child is already internally independent.


The next ritual is the wedding. This is a very magnificent ceremony, including the chanting of sacred mantras, a special ceremony in front of a ritual fire, etc. You can see a fragment of this ceremony in the photo.

A Vedic wedding means that those entering into a sanctified marriage are not only materially, but also spiritually mature individuals, aware of their responsibility before God. Although outwardly they also lead a joint household, the main business of their lives is spiritual development. This is a team of like-minded people going together into the Spiritual world.


And the last ceremony is the funeral one, when the body is cremated, so as not to desecrate the earth with corpse poisons and to help the soul get rid of attachment to this mortal flesh. All those present bless the departed soul and perform rituals to help the soul either achieve a higher incarnation or even reach the Kingdom of God.

This is Vedic culture, given by God and leading to God. She picks up the soul even before birth and guides it even after death.

Nowadays, parents often take care of their children’s bodies rather than their souls, because they are parents of bodies. Therefore, God, the parent of all souls, gives us the Vedas, thanks to which our life becomes healthy, harmonious and filled with higher meaning.