Felt gifts for February 14. Felt Valentine hearts for Valentine's Day. Felt flowers

So initially on February 14 you simply must give your loved one a good mood!

You can make these hearts from bright red felt, papier-mâché, or sweets in bright wrappers!

If the hearts are made of felt, prepare scissors, ribbon, pieces of bright felt, stuffing and thread with a needle! You need to cut out two completely identical hearts from felt fabric, sew them with an overcast stitch, leaving a small hole, fill the heart with synthetic padding, sew up the hole and be sure to sew on a bright ribbon! That's all the work! If you really want, embroider the traditional phrase for this day: I LOVE YOU, or just LOVE!

The hearts are ready - hang them on a ribbon wherever we can! You can attach a small scroll with declarations of love to each heart!

You can make such a voluminous, big loving heart yourself!
Take these materials:

  • Cardboard or plastic blank shaped like a heart (ordinary cardboard will also work);
  • Glue;
  • Red paint and brush (if necessary);
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Red fleece (for those who don’t know, it’s such a soft fabric).

Having prepared all this, you can safely begin creating your “heartfelt” masterpiece:

It may be left over from some sweets or cookies. If you are a little unlucky, arm yourself with cardboard and scissors and believe that your base will be no worse! Paint the “freshly cut” heart base with red paint and let dry;

This is what a heart will look like, which your significant other will definitely like:

Did you enjoy CREATING such crafts for your loved ones?
We bring to your attention another “masterpiece” - a box with floating hearts!

For this you will have to work a little:

  • Find a box of a suitable size, quietly transport it to your cozy family nest and hide it there for the time being;
  • The box should be decorated in the style of Valentine’s Day - bright wrappers in hearts, a ribbon and a huge bow on top, creating intrigue;
  • Buy a lot of different balloons and fill them with helium just before the holiday, and, again, sneak all this stuff into the apartment unnoticed;
  • Early in the morning we take out all our stuff, secure the balloon ribbons to the bottom of the box using buttons, all this is neat (so that not a single, even the smallest balloon bursts, otherwise the surprise will end, and the fright is obvious), we stuff it into the box, tie it up beautifully with a ribbon and put on a big bow!

Ready! Just imagine HOW your loved one will react when she opens the holiday box... your multiplied hearts will immediately flow to her!

You can preserve and strengthen relationships only by regularly showing care and attention to each other! But remember, no gifts will save your relationship if on weekdays you are cold, rude, indifferent or jealous of each other!

Be loved and give your love! Be attentive and take attention in return! Give small gifts every day and every day will become a holiday for both of you!

Valentine's Day is coming very soon - February 14th. This is such a wonderful reason to please your soulmate and present a surprise by declaring your love once again! I offer you several simple master classes on how to make DIY felt hearts and how you can then use ready-made felt crafts!

Even novice needlewomen can make hearts; some of the crafts do not even require knowledge of basic sewing skills, so they will be accessible even to children.

1 way:

You will need 2 pieces of rectangular felt approximately 10 cm wide (a little more is possible). You can use hot glue, or you can simply sew it on a typewriter, whichever is more convenient for you. For this craft, it is advisable to choose thick felt, 2 mm wide.

We put the pieces together, glue or stitch one edge.

Then we turn it inside out so that the seam is on the inside, and glue or stitch the other two edges together. We get a long tube of felt, resembling a heart in cross section. Cut the hearts to the desired width.

You can make a garland from these felt hearts by collecting them on a thread, or add a bead and make a pendant. You can even make a separate heart tree.

Method 2:

Look great felt hearts on a stick, placed in a vase or flower pot. You can make a whole hearty bouquet!

You will need:

  • felt 2mm wide (1.2 colors),
  • thin skewer,
  • satin ribbon of a suitable color,
  • hot glue gun,
  • scissors (regular or curly).

We cut out hearts of the same size from felt using regular or figured scissors, place a skewer in the center and glue the hearts together with hot glue (you can carefully stitch the edge - it’s more convenient and faster to use hot glue). The heart can be decorated with a smaller felt heart in a contrasting color and a satin ribbon bow.

3 way:

A little patience and you can make an original one heart shaped hot tray.

For this craft, it is better to use thin felt 1mm wide.

4 way:

Volumetric felt hearts... For this craft, you can use both thick and thin felt.

We cut out two identical hearts from felt, put them together and begin stitching the edge in any way. Almost reaching the edge, we fill the heart with cotton wool or padding and sew it to the end.

This heart can be used for decoration.

Or, for example, having made a loop, decorate a twig with them.

Or play felt hearts in tic-tac-toe I think it's very romantic. 🙂

You can create it yourself as a souvenir felt topiary, heart-shaped.

The eyes and mouth are painted with acrylic paints; ready-made ones can be glued on.

5 way:

If you have a lot of felt scraps left, you can make brooch with felt hearts.

You will need:

  • felt 2mm thick,
  • brooch base,
  • chain,
  • some cardboard
  • hot glue gun.

Cut out a small circle from a piece of cardboard, cover the back with felt and attach a brooch base. Glue the chains on the front side and randomly glue felt hearts onto hot glue.

6 way:

For which we already had a separate detailed master class, so I’ll only add a photo).

Method 7: fridge magnet - heart with arrow.

I think that everything is clear in the photo, so I won’t describe it. Additional parts were fixed with hot glue.

Ideas for creating and using felt hearts can be used not only for February 14, but also for a dating anniversary, a wedding anniversary (for married couples), or just because!

There are, of course, many more ideas on the Internet, some of which I showed you in my execution. I always try to add my own twist, I think that no one can blame me for this. 🙂

I will try, if possible, to supplement this article with new master classes. various felt hearts.

Have fun creating!

I was glad to help!

The great popularity of valentines has swept our country. A postcard that looks like a heart carries a lot of positive feelings. How diverse the number of such works is, anyone can find something to their liking and please their soulmate.

I want to offer you the option of creating such gifts yourself, with your own hands. You don’t need to have any special knowledge to create such beauty. All you need is persistent desire and materials to create.

You can use such a gift as a stand-alone gift, or attach it to the main one. I think this will be much more interesting than buying a regular postcard in a store. Your created work will be filled with your feelings, and your significant other will certainly appreciate it.

Making a felt pattern with your own hands

For Valentine's Day, you can create a card or toy from a material such as felt. Its advantages are such that when cut, its edges do not crumble, it holds its shape perfectly. To create such crafts, you need felt itself, threads of a suitable color and a needle. In addition to the decoration, you can use beads or seed beads, various rhinestones and interesting jewelry.

We will need:

  • felt - red
  • white threads are not thin
  • needle
  • lace
  • sequins or beads
  • hot glue

Let's start collecting our Valentine's card.

  • Place the template on the prepared felt and trace it in 2 copies.

  • We cut out, fold two parts and stitch with white threads, we embroider beautifully, because... This seam will be on the outside.

  • We do not sew our heart completely, fill it with cotton wool and continue sewing.

  • On a stitched valentine, fasten the seam and tear off the thread.
  • Attach the lace and beads using hot glue.

To make a valentine like this you will need templates, I will post them below.

You can create the same hearts, but slightly changing their design.

Well, how difficult is it? It seems to me that not at all, but even in a fascinating, careful way, needlework is addictive. And soon this may become your hobby.

Beautiful paper cards for children

Let’s not forget about our dear and beloved children, who in their own way are also preparing for this wonderful holiday. Children in kindergarten make heart-shaped cards for their moms and dads. Primary schoolchildren can already give them to girls they like.

To create such gifts you don’t need much, of course desire and paper of various colors, glue, you can use beads for decoration, ribbons and beautiful threads, scissors and a pencil. If you write poetry, then use pens of different colors or thin markers and start creating.

These cards should only be made under the supervision of elders.

To make this type of craft we will need:

  • thick paper
  • scissors
  • markers of bright colors

We print out a postcard or template, or redraw it ourselves on thicker paper. Cut along the lines and decorate the heart with bright red color.

Our card is ready, you can sign it and give it as a gift.

Option 2:

  • We attach the template to thick colored cardboard and cut out along the contour.
  • We bend it in the middle to give it the shape of a postcard.
  • We sign the finished work, you can decorate it with rhinestones or a ribbon.

Option 3:

  • Cut out a template from red cardboard (there are ready-made templates above).
  • Cut strips 1cm wide from colored paper.
  • We cut along the edge and wrap it around a pencil.
  • We tie the finished flower with a thread and glue it to the finished template.

Our Valentine is ready, give it to your loved one, I think he will really like it.

Very beautiful, isn't it? Can you imagine how much joy it will bring to your children if you create such beauty together?

Master class on making a valentine card from foamiran

I'll start by describing this material more accurately. Foamiran is foam rubber, usually used in various types of needlework. It comes from different companies and manufacturers. Usually on sale you can see Chinese-made, denser ones. Perfect for our Valentines.

Another feature that it has is elasticity. By heating it a little with an iron, it can take any shape. Most often, flower arrangements are created from it.

We will need:

  • foamiran - red
  • glue gun and sticks
  • Thick cardboard - white or red
  • scissors
  • ruler

  • We cut the material into long strips 1 cm wide, then into small rectangles 2-2.5 cm long.

  • We cut off the corners from one edge, rounding them towards the middle.
  • Place the cut pieces on the iron and let the foamiran heat up a little.

  • Quietly remove from the iron. Applying your fingers to the middle, we stretch it, creating a kind of depression inside, giving the shape of a petal.

  • We create a small rose from the finished petals, gluing them to each other from below.

  • We apply the template to the remaining foam material, trace it and cut it out.

  • We apply the finished cut out template in the shape of a heart to the cardboard and glue it.

  • Glue the finished rose onto the prepared “heart”.

  • Glue the remaining petals along the edge of the rose in one row.

Look how beautiful we got it, and all this thanks to ordinary foamiran. I think now your other half will be pleased with such a gift.

Video on how to make valentines from beads

Beads are an excellent material for creating beautiful works. Therefore, we will try and create something very magical from it. For work, we may need a small diameter wire or fishing line, and a larger bead than the bead itself. Of course it will take a lot of time, but believe me it’s worth it.

So what can you say? I liked it, isn’t it very exciting, and to some extent even a little calming. I like it, I myself did this type of creativity for some time and was delighted.

The most beautiful valentines made from sweets and corrugated paper

Well, are you ready to pamper your other halves with something delicious? Do you want a more interesting and original option? I suggest you wrap your sweet gift beautifully in corrugated paper, it will turn out just great. Thanks to the porosity and elasticity of a material such as corrugated paper, your ordinary box of chocolates will turn into a masterpiece. Let's start creating, I recorded a short video tutorial on creating roses from corrugated paper. It is very difficult to show this in pictures. Enjoy watching.

  • After creating similar roses, we hide the candy in the middle.
  • When you have twisted the edges, do not rush to wrap the rose.
  • Secure your candy to the edge with double-sided tape, and then safely begin to twist it.
  • Don't be afraid, the corrugated paper will take the desired shape.
  • We attach the finished roses to a prepared piece of polystyrene foam cut in the shape of a heart, using glue or the same double-sided tape.
  • To prevent your foam from being conspicuous by its white color, first paint it in a color that matches the colors, using paint or covering it with corrugated paper.

Your finished work will look something like this, don’t forget to use your imagination.

It turned out great, but such a gift can be presented on other holidays. An excellent addition to the main gift, especially if made with your own hands.

There are so many ideas that you shouldn’t miss, because such a holiday happens only once a year and it should be fabulously magical. Create, give and just be loved and happy.

Hello everyone! Today we’ll talk to you about what you can present to your loved ones and unique ones on Valentine’s Day. By far the most common option is remember I already gave you some ideas, how did you like them? Along with this, it is also the simplest; for those who have the desire and time, I suggest making crafts with your own hands from all kinds of available materials.

After all, there is nothing more beautiful and better than what you did yourself. Therefore, I hope I will be useful to many today. What thoughts and ideas do you have on this topic? What will you give on this day? If you are still in thought, then I advise you to look at mine, there you will definitely find what you were looking for).

Therefore, start creating in advance, so that when the holiday comes you can be ready, take a suitable beautiful idea and implement it, I wish you good luck and patience.

The symbol of February 14 is a heart, there is no need to explain why it is, it seems to me that everything is clear. Therefore, of course, absolutely everyone will want to give as a gift, and if you want to do something more complicated, then find suitable pictures and fashion masterpieces like these from salt dough.

For example, this little mouse with a bouquet of flowers.

Or something simpler, like this can be seen here:

Of course, those who have experience and who like to tinker with dough can create something amazing. Everything depends only on you and on your abilities and desires.

From a material such as felt you can create an image of a heart, but not a simple one, and decorate it with all sorts of decorations, here a chain from a lock is used, at first glance it seems nothing special, but the result is very cool.

You can also create a romantic atmosphere for your home or apartment using tree bark, or replace it with a sheet of paper, but of course, be careful and think about safety precautions. The candle should stand in a candlestick, and only then the lamp should be put on.

And of course, your photographs, which can be placed in an original way on the wall, are considered a popular type of decoration.

You can arrange a romantic evening or simply feed delicious sweets that you can make yourself from

If you like to knit, then you can use a crochet hook to make such a bright and beautiful thread craft, a knitted heart that resembles a napkin. The circuit is not very difficult, even a beginner can figure it out.

Yesterday I saw another coffee idea, to make a wonderful Valentine card from coffee beans, and also use ground coffee.

What thoughts do you have about this, what will you do for this holiday, how will you conquer your loved ones and relatives?

Now, as for beadwork, for those who are interested in this technique, I offer this fun craft in the form of a tree, which I saw on one site.

We will need:

  • green beads – 21 g
  • white beads – 31 g
  • cream beads – 61 g
  • thin wire
  • floss threads

Stages of work:

1. Form a shape resembling a heart from ordinary thin wire. And start making petals, of which you will need 6 pieces, this is the amount for one rose.

2. Then make small white flowers. There will be approximately 26 of them.

Such beauty will truly delight the eye all year round.

Souvenirs for February 14th made from paper with diagrams

I would like to immediately offer you a three-dimensional postcard in the form of angels. Do you like this offer? I really like it!

We will need:

  • white paper A4 - 2 pcs.
  • colored paper A4 - 1 pc.
  • scissors
  • stationery knife

Stages of work:

1. First of all, you need to make a template, which you can request from me completely free of charge by leaving a review. You will receive a diagram; you will need to cut out a rectangle along the contour. Then you will need to cut out the heart and angels using a knife.

2. Then, using any other color, you will need to cut out cupids from colored paper. And then glue everything with a regular glue stick.

And now you need to find a jug or vase, perhaps a container, and take the wire and wrap it with thread or cloth, or even paper. And after that, put hearts on it that you can cut out of absolutely any material, cardboard, foamiran, or even felt. You will get a love bouquet.

You can copy the heart template and then print it on your printer.

You can also make the work with a brush and paints, using a creative technique. For younger children or very young children, you can use your fingers and stick them into any template. Look how impressive it looks.

Or you can take ready-made diagrams and paint them as if it were a coloring book, write congratulations and wishes.

So take the basics and get weird))).

Choose the one you like best.

Any of them is cute and symbolizes this holiday.

You can make voluminous postcards, remember in I shared with you templates for vytnanok, they may also be appropriate here.

So choose and make, and then give as gifts to your significant other, or friends, mom or dad.

For kids, you can make the simplest option: cut out felt hearts using templates and sew them together, adding angel wings.

Master class on crafts for children Heart with candies

I really liked the box for an interesting presentation of sweets; you can make it together with your child and give it to someone, for example, brothers and sisters. Sweet gifts are always loved and awaited by everyone.

Catch step-by-step instructions from the pictures.

You will need thick cardboard, mark it.

What Valentine's Day crafts can be made from paper?

Friends, I’ll touch on another topic, I’ll show you a lot of ideas about what people do and give on this day. I hope you don't mind). Take this diagram of such a lovely box for love messages and create the same one.

Or make such a beautiful heart out of paper strips, unexpectedly for everyone; this is, of course, an idea for high school students.

If you are still thinking and don’t know what to create, then perhaps there is another idea for you that you can also turn into reality, I will send the layout to anyone who is interested:

Use the same felt or paper and create such a beautiful pendant on the door or wall. You can hang it in a classroom or kindergarten group.

For mothers, grandmothers and girlfriends, you and your children can make bouquets in the form of flowers. By the way, there is an option with roses, and we hid sweets in them, remember my article about what to give on this day, if you forgot, go

You can make such a souvenir from hearts in the form of a festive butterfly.

Or use the applique in labor lessons at school and kindergarten.

It would seem so simple and yet it looks original.

Or you can even make such a delight out of beans, a cool option:

The most beautiful and original ideas for crafts for kindergarten children for February 14

For the little ones, there is nothing easier than making presents from plasticine, such as a bear.

Or these frogs in love.

Or you can make a Valentine card from plasticine, but this is for older children or even for primary school.

You can also easily hide a lollipop or lollipop and give it in the form of a flower on a stick, like a topper.

I also came across this idea on the Internet in the form of palms.

By the way, the application can be combined with your photos.

Hearts can even be glued to clothespins, in general, who knows, that’s much easier))).

For a classroom or group, I suggest making a tree from ordinary branches.

And also make a cute angel for him.

Or these works from a cardboard sleeve, a small cupid or a butterfly:

Or make these cool souvenirs on sticks, using this ladybug or just hearts as a basis.

Well, that's not all. I suggest making these funny bears with gifts. Cool idea! It is suitable for all ages, anyone, be it a child or an adult, will enjoy it. And you can do it even in elementary school, even in labor lessons at school.

I am absolutely sure that the children will rejoice when you offer them to create such a masterpiece).

Do you want to know how to create such a miracle? Then look at these instructions in pictures. Good luck.

Find a stencil to make such a bright souvenir.

Children's crafts for Valentine's Day

To decorate the interior and lift the spirits of those around you, you can make a wreath from ordinary cardboard and colored paper.

Or make pictures with your mischievous children from modeling dough or plasticine.

You can also make such a funny bird, you will need fluff for the tail, and chenille wire for the neck and legs.

And if you have a lot of gifts, then you can beautifully decorate the gift bag.

Last time I showed how to make a mouse from a heart, look how many of them we made with my kids, it turned out to be a cheerful family).

The most primitive way is a postcard, decorate it and be sure to sign it.

Let it bring good luck and put a smile on your face and a piece of your warmth.

By the way, you can use balls, beads and even fabric patterns as decoration.

Cute and very cute, don't you think? Is this valentine made using the cutting technique? If you want to know more, go

Or make a garland.

Using paper strips you can easily create a snail or such a voluminous souvenir, see:

Of course, there are a lot of paper crafts, you can’t show them all.

You can also make a heart in the quilling style and it will be very bright and original.

Or a bush with surprises and congratulations.

In general, choose, I hope you will definitely like some option.

For your beloved mother and grandmother, this is what you can create.

Or such a masterpiece for dad or uncle.

Can be done using the quilling technique.

And here is another option, this is a frame for photo illustrations.

Felt Valentines (patterns and templates)

It's no secret that handicraft lovers will give gifts from fabric or knit hearts from yarn on this day. This is also a very great idea, so I suggest you take these stencils as a basis and do a bunch of work.

Draw a heart on felt, cut out two blanks and sew them together, fill with padding polyester. Additionally, you can sew on wings.

Or make products in the form of a funny animal, such as a bunny.

And here is another sweet and beautiful work in format, please check it out.

Making hearts from different materials with children

I would like to touch on this section, because as it turns out, you can take a bunch of available tools for such work. And the main thing is that such waste material is always available at home. And you will be happy to charm your mom with such crafts or give them to a friend, dad, or girlfriend.

You can even make a garland or pendant.

As well as products in the trimming style:

Or use beads and glue, it turned out great!

You can also use regular threads, cut out a paper heart, preferably from cardboard, and then decorate with them.

And here is another creation using the quilling technique.

Even from ordinary napkins you can create something charming, and in large sizes.

And by the way, there is also a version of a valentine card with a surprise inside, and I talked about it in detail in my other articles, for example in this one). It turns out great, tested, and sweet too!

Well, that's all, I was glad to help and offer you ideas and thoughts about Valentine's Day. Come visit more often, I will be only glad, the blog is updated every day and therefore you can easily find something useful and interesting for yourself. See you! As always, have a nice day and good fighting mood! Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova