Meeting the newlyweds with a loaf. Scenario for meeting the groom at the bride’s house How to meet the groom at the bride’s ransom speech

The ransom is a standard tradition at any wedding. Therefore, it is definitely impossible to resist giving it up. In addition, in order not to make the situation, so to speak, “primitive,” you need to think about a plan of action. The desire to arrange a ransom is welcome, but there is no need to drag out this “event”; 15 minutes is enough. When thinking about how to meet your future husband in the house, you should do it in advance. It is necessary to add some “zest” to the action taking place. The times when neighbors tied up the path with ribbons and did their best to prevent the groom from entering are far behind us. It's time to come up with something more interesting, right? But when thinking about everything carefully, it is necessary to take into account the fact: is it easy for the groom to cope with this or that task? After all, a spoiled mood will ruin all the sweetness of this day.

The tasks should be moderately challenging and interesting. So how can meeting a groom at a ransom be interesting and unpredictable? Therefore, below we will provide competitions that are quite suitable for redemption. They are not complicated, interesting and well thought out. So, if the action takes place in the entrance, then while going up the steps you need to speak kind words about the bride. Moreover, there should be exactly as many replicas as there are steps. Therefore, the groom will have to prepare well. In principle, it is not necessary for the future husband to perform this directly; the witness can fulfill this role. To make the competition more interesting, you need to write a letter on each step, then the groom will have to say an affectionate word that begins with it. Another competition will also be suitable for residents of multi-storey buildings.

Signs should be placed on each step with questions regarding the bride and her family written on them. In order to move forward, the groom or witness will have to give a clear answer. If what is said is not true or does not fully correspond to reality, then you must pay a fine. How to meet the groom at the bride's house in a different way? The next competition is for a witness. You need to take an apple and insert as many matches into it as possible. The guy, taking out each of them, should talk about the positive qualities of the groom. With accuracy, and vice versa, you can replay this competition. The groom takes out matches and says any kind word about his beloved, without hesitation. You can do everything another way.

To do this, several hearts are made (their number should correspond to the staircase openings), and on each of them write phrases in the style of “by flight”, “by calculation”, etc. But it is important to leave the inscription “for love” on the topmost heart. The groom needs to get to the top, but at the same time, without stepping on the hearts where the wrong phrases are written. However, the use of railings is also prohibited. The competition is very interesting, but also somewhat dangerous. But that's not the whole point here. After all, if you think about it, the correct answer is only at the top. Therefore, this competition is a test of the witness’s ingenuity. In theory, he should take the groom in his arms and bring him upstairs. The next competition is somewhat banal. You need to take daisies of two colors, for example, red and blue.

If the groom, while climbing the steps, steps on the color blue, he needs to scold his beloved. If he refuses to do this, then pay. When you step on the color red, you should say a kind word. Everything is simple and childish. Another interesting idea. It is necessary to freeze the key to the apartment in a piece of ice, and so that it is difficult to get it. At the same time, you need to use several fake ones and also place them in ice. The groom needs to find the same key in order to get into the bride’s apartment.

Next, competitions with the participation of neighbors and everyone who wants and takes part in the buyout will be considered. How to greet the groom at the ransom with the whole yard? The beloved must be met near the entrance with a glass of water, and there should be little liquid. The guy needs to put in so many coins so that everything overflows. In three glasses you should put something that rustles, splashes and rings. It’s also a very interesting competition, a test of ingenuity, so to speak. You can offer three glasses containing salty, sour and sweet water. With what face the groom will drink all this, the same way he will live with the bride

There is another interesting variation of the competition. To complete it you will need a lot of coins or ordinary paper money. The groom should post the name of his beloved using any currency. You can try to deceive your lover. After he completes all the tasks, a bride should be waiting for him in the room, but not a real one. It would be better if it was a man in disguise. It's pretty funny. A wedding is a special day for both the groom and the bride. Everything that happens at this moment should be interesting, mysterious and bright. Therefore, everything that happens on this day should be carefully thought through. Because the essence of a wedding is not only the union of two hearts, but also the impeccability of its implementation.

Meeting the groom near the entrance or near the gate of the house.
(This role is better suited to the toastmaster)

What's that noise? What's all the fuss? Who came to us?
Boys, what do you want? Marmalade? Chocolate?
Suit, white collar (looking at the groom)
You are probably the groom?

Come on (Groom's name) the way to his chosen one
put it in banknotes, new and clean.

Do you want to become related to us? So let's take the exam!

On the tray are “tickets” with questions like this:
- Answer a simple question - how tall is the bride?
- Answer, since it’s not a secret, how old is your future mother-in-law?
- Well, surprise us with your answer, what color is your father-in-law's eyes?
- We are very interested to find out what size the bride’s feet are!
- Now tell us exactly how many classes the bride has completed!
- Give an answer to a tricky question: Do they put beets in an omelet?

Right in front of the door.

Three envelopes are glued to the door, and in one of them there is a key to the door.
The groom chooses, makes a mistake - pays a fine.

Door to any room.

In front of the door, the groom reads poetry or sings a song so that the bride can come out.

Well, hello darling. Do you want to see the bride? Give grandma an increase in her pension.

The groom is given a scarf and there are a lot of kisses on it. He must guess
which one belongs to the bride. If you make a mistake, there is a fine.

The groom enters the room.
Sitting next to the bride on both sides are brothers or sisters, nephews...
One person on each side.

Well, hello guests!
- Welcome!
- You have overcome the path to the bride. Do you want the groom to take a seat next to the bride?
- We are waiting for a reward from you. So that (Names of those sitting next to the bride) would be happy to give up their place to you.

A funny bride price scenario in verse

Bride ransom in the verses of "Lost and Found"

- What kind of guy came to us?
Lost something or found something?
What are you looking for in this place?
Answer us (TO THE BRIDE)

Ah, bride, let's see,
I remember that there were, yes.
So you need to go to the warehouse.
Can we find something else?

Maybe a key, keychain, umbrella
Maybe a notepad?

No, oh well. Let's see.
Hey assistant, come here.

(uncle comes out)

- What's happened? They removed it from the place.


Look where our brides are.

Bride ransom in 15 minutes

When arranging the bride ransom, do not delay it, 10-15 minutes will be enough. When selecting competitions, think about whether your chosen one will cope with this or that task (do not go too far, so as not to ruin his mood). There are competitions offered here, among which there will be some that both the groom and you will like.

1. You can write various letters on the steps; the groom, going up the steps, will compliment the bride starting with these letters.

Bride ransom in pioneer style

The ransom process at a wedding is no less important an event than the ceremony itself. After all, it is he who sets the mood for the celebration, brings people together and, finally, allows the groom to take possession of the bride on almost legal grounds.

This ransom is written in pioneer style. Characters: a couple of bridesmaids and a young man.

The entrance is plastered with posters: “Life has become better, life has become more fun,” “Give us youth,” “Give us exceeding the demographic plan.”

Bride ransom scenario "6 tests"

At the door of the entrance (at the gate of the house) where the bride lives, the host greets the groom, his friends and guests with whom he arrived.

Leading: Hello Hello! Are you passing through or visiting us? Why did you come?

The groom answers , who has come for his beloved, begins to negotiate to get to the bride without tests, but of course they don’t let him through.

Original bride price

This scenario is suitable for ransoming a bride living in a private house.

Almost before reaching home, the groom is met by his girlfriends

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Where are you from and where to???
And what do you want anyway? Come on, pass by!
The groom is coming to us now! We are really looking forward to seeing him here!
He will pay us a lot of money, we will go to the registry office together!

Oh! So are you the groom?
Why is it so quiet then???

Where is your zealous horse then? Where is the mustache and dashing look?
Come on in since you’ve arrived, there’s no way to go back!

The beginning of the wedding celebration is one of the most important moments that needs to be thought through and planned in detail. Of course, this includes the first meeting of the bride and groom. This event can be organized traditionally: with a ransom and other similar traditions. But this option may not always be considered appropriate. In addition, today's newlyweds do not fully know the traditions, which as a result are becoming a thing of the past.

Why shouldn't you arrange a traditional buyout?

  1. If the couple had already lived together for some time before the wedding, which is very popular among modern youth, then this tradition actually makes no sense. After all, initially this implies ransoming the lady from her parents.
  2. Many couples dream of a unique wedding, the likes of which no one has ever had before. But here a problem arises, since all sorts of ransom scenarios have already been played out and used. Therefore, this event takes on a completely banal character.
  3. The venue is also unique. The redemption places are completely unoriginal and, again, already hackneyed. And it’s unlikely that even one young couple wants to achieve such an effect.

First meeting ideas

Now that you are finally convinced that buying a bride as a first meeting is definitely a bad idea, you can talk about more amazing options for holding this event. The first meeting of the bride and groom can be organized in two main options:

  1. Together. The bride and groom will spend this time only together, enjoying each other's company.
  2. With other guests. In this case, you can organize something similar to a ransom, but not so banal.

Meeting for two

So, first I would like to describe the ideas for this event exclusively for newlyweds, without prying eyes. The first and most popular idea is the “first meeting” itself. This idea is that the bride and groom don't see each other at all before this moment, and then they meet for the first time on the wedding day, but it all happens in a very unusual way. To begin with, without any doubt, you need to decide on the place where this moment will take place. The location depends on the style of the wedding; parks, city squares and similar places are perfect for basic weddings. The groom arrives there in advance and waits for the bride. When the bride is in place, the groom is warned about this, he turns away or closes his eyes, and then the bride is very close and the newlyweds meet. This moment is very touching and often leads to an emotional storm for the couple, but it’s even great. Of course, you can also invite guests to such a meeting between the bride and groom, but they should not participate in the event directly, but simply be “spectators.”

An equally interesting idea is a morning spent together. According to this scenario, the bride and groom can and should see each other on the wedding day the morning after. They have breakfast together, relax, and then prepare together for the wedding ceremony itself. This option is very romantic and sweet, it is perfect for couples who do not particularly like a large number of “extra eyes” and want to remember these moments where it is just the two of them.

By the way, you can completely exclude this ceremony of meeting the bride and groom from the wedding scenario. Instead, newlyweds can simply relax together or separately and enjoy moments of peace before the upcoming turmoil.

When there are many of you

Now it’s worth talking about the first meeting, in which other people will participate. For example, you can arrange a wonderful morning for the bride and groom with their friends and girlfriends, respectively. Of course, they will spend this morning separately. The bride's friends will help with getting ready, as well as support the girl, communicate and everything like that. It's a very pleasant morning. But here, of course, everything needs to be calculated. You must know exactly where you will spend such a morning, and how many friends you will have. After this, you can already arrange a meeting between two companies in a park, for example. All this must be played out in an original way.

Another interesting idea on how to organize a first meeting is the idea of ​​a spectacular exit for the couple. Here you can come up with whatever your heart desires. You can gather all the invited guests in a certain place and then leave the two of you along the carpet from a luxury car. This option will look very impressive and is ideal for a Hollywood style wedding.

Another great idea can be implemented by the groom. This idea is suitable if the bride, for example, is somewhat shy, or you just like this option. It consists in this, that the groom shows large-scale signs of attention to the bride. For example, you can arrange a whole flash mob under her window, or you can organize something more cozy and cute. Something like a song for the bride, if the groom has good vocal abilities.

Scenario 9. Competitive

Scenario 9. Competitive
In the courtyard of the house, the groom and his retinue are met by the witness and bridesmaids.
- Until you pass the test,
There will be no date with the bride!
First tell us, my dear,
About the purpose of your visit.
The groom says that he came for the bride to go with her to the registry office. The witness accompanies him to the entrance, near which the bride’s friends are standing.
Friends in turn:
- To open this door,
We have to pay the ransom.
-Gold our hands,
And then we'll let you pass.
- And give me some sweets,
Let's know - don't be stingy.
The groom pays his friends, and they let him into the entrance. On the steps of the stairs there are letters cut out of cardboard.
First girlfriend:
- You step on the letter.
And call the bride.
The groom, going up the steps, must say affectionate words beginning with the letter lying on the step. If he cannot find the right word, he pays off. After this he finds himself in front of the next flight of stairs. There are signs on the steps with questions about the bride and her family.
Second friend:
- You won’t answer questions
We'll leave you hanging.
The groom answers the questions, and for each wrong answer he pays a fine. After this he finds himself in front of the next flight of stairs. On the steps there are hearts cut out of paper, on each of which the reason for marriage is written: “Of necessity”, “By calculation”, “Just like that”, “Out of boredom”, “I wanted to go for a walk at the wedding”, “The bride forced me”, etc. . p. On the top step there is a heart with the inscription “For love.”
Third friend:
- Tell me, groom, the reason,
Why are you getting married?
Or we won’t give up the girl,
Until you change.
The groom must reach the top heart without stepping on the steps containing the wrong answers or using the railing. The groom's friends must guess and carry him upstairs in their arms.
A witness meets him on the staircase. In her hands is an apple with matches stuck into it. One of the matches is short.
- Well, what about you, witness?
Are you still silent? And how is it possible
The groom cannot be praised
Can't we pour a drop?
The witness must take one match out of the apple, listing the groom's virtues. The competition ends when he takes out the short match and then fills the bridesmaids' glasses with champagne.
On the last flight of stairs there are daisies cut out of red and blue paper. Having stepped on the red one, the groom must call the bride by an affectionate name, and having stepped on the blue one, he must scold the chosen one. If he does not want to talk badly about his beloved, then he must pay off.
First girlfriend:
– Red chamomile -
The bride is a cutie.
Second friend:
- And the chamomile is blue -
How disgusting!
After this, the groom finds himself on the bride's landing, where he is met by a third friend with a glass of water.
Third friend:
- Throw coins into a glass,
Until the water overflows.
The groom must put so many coins in the glass so that the water flows over the edge.
Having passed the test, the groom finds himself at the door of the bride's apartment. The witness gives him three ice cubes, one of which contains the real key to the apartment, and the rest are fake.
- Melt the ice with your hands,
Take the door key.
The groom must break the ice and find the key. But before opening the door, he is offered three glasses - with salty, sour and sweet water.
First girlfriend:
- With what face will you drink?
This is what you will live with with your fiancée.
If the groom makes a mistake and drinks sour or bitter water, he must pay to get another glass.
The groom goes into an apartment in which all the doors are closed. A piece of paper with a task is attached to each door.
Second friend:
- This is a door and this is a door!
Where is the bride? Check it out!
The groom chooses the door behind which he thinks the bride is, completes the task or pays him off and opens the door. If he doesn’t guess correctly, he chooses another door and completes the task again. Moreover, in each room there is a fake bride - a man dressed in women's clothing, or an old woman in a veil.
At the threshold of the bride's room, the groom is greeted by the bride's mother with a large tray.
Third friend:
– The tray, as you can see, is empty.
What to do? Think! No, wait!
To get the consent of your beloved,
Write her name on the tray with money.
The groom must write the bride's name on the tray with money. After that, he goes with his chosen one to the registry office.

Scenario for meeting the groom at the bride's house

And now we want to know what to call your bride.
If you marry for love, call your bride.
Shout loudly 9 times, show what you can do.

Are you the groom? Are you a witness?
So you are responsible for everything!
I must help a friend answer questions.
Here is your first obstacle: Don’t climb, don’t climb over, don’t jump over. (the tape must be burned with fire)

Wait a minute, groom, don’t rush, tell us the whole truth.
Tell me what you will do around the house on each step.

How much you love your bride - tie it. (let the groom tie the rope into a knot)

And if you want to see it, untie it! (now let him untie)

You, groom, give us an answer: are you affectionate or not?
We want to hear your reserve of tender words now.
So many hearts, so many tender words.

Place the most precious thing the bride has in this basin. (the groom must figure out how to get into the basin himself).

We don’t know the groom at all,
And we want to know everything about him.
Let the friend-witness slowly
He will list the groom's merits to us.
If a friend does not name qualities in advance,
There will be a complete turn from threshold to gate.

Isn't the groom lame? Come on, stomp your foot!
Now it became clear to us that we were afraid in vain.
But again doubts gnaw,
Well, can the groom sing?
Here is the path in front of you,
You walk along it and sing,
You will sing songs about love,
You will come closer to the bride.

Our ears are on top of our heads,
We've been waiting for an hour
Sing some ditties for us guys,
We'll let you through then!

So as not to be a bad father,
Teach children's poems.
Before you rise,
I'll have to collect my thoughts.
Get up on the steps
And read us a poem. (let him recite children's poems)

Well, now the question is, don’t rush, groom, wait.
Remember where you met the bride, what she was wearing, how you noticed her.

Here's a new task
Remember your first date.
Where were you and your bride that day?
How did you spend that day and describe the weather?

Well done to the groom!
I went through a lot of tests and reached the main staircase.

Address to the bride:

Your fiance promises - he will be gentle, he will be quiet.
He won't forget this day
He will carry bags of money.
He will reward and please everyone,
He won't run away from his worries.
He took it all, as they say,
How do you like your groom?