Eyelash Botox. Is the Botox procedure beneficial for eyelashes: features of the Eyelash Botox procedure at home for yourself

Women go to great lengths to make their eyes expressive - they do makeup and tattoos, glue and extend eyelashes, do coloring and bio-perm. All these manipulations sooner or later lead to a deterioration in the condition of the eyelashes - they become thin and brittle, and begin to fall out. To avoid negative consequences and in search of the answer “which is better,” girls resort to lamination or Botox. What is the difference between Botox for eyelashes and eyelash lamination - just the visual effect or other differences?

Similarities between Botox and lamination

After both procedures, the eyelashes acquire a beautiful shape and curve, and look longer and thicker. Each hair becomes thicker and brighter. The effect is immediately visible - the look becomes more expressive and open. Both lamination and Botox are best done in the salon, because the client’s eyes must be closed throughout the entire procedure.

Botox and lamination have the same contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to one of the serum components;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • infectious eye diseases;
  • any infectious conditions;
  • high eye sensitivity;
  • injuries and damage to the eye area;
  • undergone ophthalmological operations.

Both procedures should be entrusted to a certified specialist whose work is reviewed positively by clients. This is where the similarities between both procedures end.

What is the difference between Botox and lamination?

Despite the fact that Botox and lamination procedures are carried out in three stages: perm, coloring and application of serum, the difference lies in their composition, effect and care after the procedure.

“...and the flutter of her eyelashes sealed his fate.” Every girl would probably like to conquer hearts with one glance, as the heroine of “Gone with the Wind” Scarlett O'Hara did. With long, beautifully curved eyelashes this is much easier to do. And even if nature did not reward you with such, modern cosmetology can easily correct it. She has procedures for extensions, curling, coloring, and lamination of eyelashes. But recently, many are increasingly resorting to a new product - eyelash Botox.

What is eyelash botox?

The “eyelash botox” procedure (in salons you can find the name “Lash Botox”) is a three-phase complex for eyelashes, combining their curling, coloring, and coating with a special product made from active ingredients. The name “Botox” has nothing to do with the use of botulinum toxin, which is used for intramuscular subcutaneous injections. This expression was chosen to emphasize the immediate and pronounced effect of the procedure.

The main goal of this cosmetic technique is to improve the appearance while simultaneously strengthening and healing eyelashes. It is recommended to use it primarily for girls with straight, light, not thick, thin hair. But for those who are happy with everything and are gifted by nature, the product will give the opportunity to give up mascara and make daily makeup easier and faster.

What results does the procedure give?

Manufacturers and cosmetologists who provide eyelash Botox services in salons or at home highlight the following advantages:

  • a ciliary curl appears, thanks to which the eyes visually increase their size and the gaze becomes more open;
  • hairs acquire a darker, richer shade;
  • the effect of eyelash extensions is observed, but with the most natural, natural appearance;
  • fragility and hair loss are significantly reduced;
  • the volume increases by approximately 40-50%, but the softness and elasticity of the eyelashes is preserved.

The results from Lash Botox are quite durable and last for 1-2 months. Another advantage is the absence of restrictions regarding washing, sleeping position, visiting swimming pools, saunas, using cosmetics or oil compositions.

Recently, Botox for eyelashes is increasingly being combined with lamination of this area. The effectiveness and duration of the effect increase significantly

What is included in the product

A special composition was developed for the procedure, called “Lash Botox for Lamination Enhance”.

It consists of components:

  • collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • keratin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • panthenol (provitamin B5);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • argan oil.

The combination of these elements allows not only to make eyelashes more voluminous and well-groomed, but also improves their health, strength, growth rate, and renewal. Each individual component plays its role and complements the action of the others. The effect of the composition of the product on eyelashes is as follows:

  • collagen gives the hairs softness, elasticity, retains moisture and beneficial microelements in the hairs, while preventing external contaminants from entering (dust, cosmetics, harmful compounds from water, air);
  • hyaluronic acid accelerates the process of cell division, due to which the hair follicles are activated and the eyelashes quickly add length;
  • keratin, as the main component of hairs, fills them from the inside, makes them stronger, visually more voluminous;
  • ascorbic (citric) acid slows down the aging of eyelash tissue;
  • panthenol perfectly softens, moisturizes, and restores hair;
  • tocopherol maintains tissue youth and is an effective antioxidant;
  • retinol eliminates dryness, brittleness of eyelashes, gives them thickness;
  • argan oil enhances the color saturation, covers the hairs with a film that prevents the color from quickly washing out, and protects against negative external factors.

Additionally, manufacturers fill the composition of the Botox product with extracts of chamomile, nettle, aloe vera, and other natural gifts that carefully care for both eyelashes and the skin of the eyelids.

How is Lash Botox performed?

For the procedure, the master, in addition to the eyelash Botox product itself, prepares tools, preparations for curling and coloring. For this you need:

  • silicone curlers, selected depending on the length of the eyelashes;
  • brushes and tweezers;
  • cotton pads, patches to protect the lower eyelids;
  • glue for attaching hairs to curlers;
  • mixture for fixing curls;
  • paint of the required shade;
  • composition for removing grease, sticky layer, dust, and other secretions.

The main procedure consists of three stages, which take an average of 1.5-2 hours to complete

The whole complex requires a horizontal position of a girl or woman improving her eyelashes. If Botox is combined with lamination, the time frame may increase; additional laminating components are prepared.

The main steps of the technique:

  1. Thorough cleansing of the eyelids and eyelash area from decorative cosmetics and impurities.
  2. Hair length analysis to select the correct curler size.
  3. Selecting the shade of the dye.
  4. Protection of the lower eyelash row with special patches.
  5. Fixing the upper eyelashes on curlers, straightening, separating each eyelash, fixing with glue.
  6. Treatment with curling compound (10-15 minutes).
  7. Applying a warm towel over the eyelids to create a “steam bath” effect, facilitating deep penetration of the components.
  8. Wash off the previous layer, apply dye for 10 minutes.
  9. Removing paint residues, treating eyelashes with Lash Botox for Lamination Enhance, heated to 70 degrees.
  10. Cover the eyelids with film and leave the product on for up to 15 minutes.
  11. Removing residues, removing curlers.

Most masters do not limit their clients to any recommendations regarding subsequent care. Any thermal, water, or cosmetic effects are allowed immediately after the procedure. But some salons advise not to wash your eyes for 12 to 24 hours after applying the composition.

How to maintain results and when to make corrections

To ensure that the effect of using the drug lasts as long as possible, it is recommended:

  • Use mascara as little as possible;
  • do not use too aggressive cosmetics or cleansers;
  • thoroughly clean your eyelids and eyelashes before going to bed;
  • additionally lubricate the hairs with castor or peach oil.

Correction will be required on average after 1.5-2 months, but there are cases when the eyelashes took their original appearance after 5-6 weeks. The durability of Botox often depends on the individual characteristics of the eyelashes and internal processes in the body. The indicator is also affected by the quality, length, and density of the initially existing eyelashes.

The frequency of repetitions of the procedure depends primarily on the intensity of hair growth. As they grow, they disrupt the shape and stability of the curl. After the first use of Botox for hair, correction may be required earlier than stated.

The longest lasting result is observed after 2-3 repetitions

Who is contraindicated for eyelash botox?

The quality of the resulting curl, the stability of the color pigment, and the duration of the result obtained can be negatively affected by hormonal outbreaks in the body that occur during pregnancy or menstruation. Regarding the latter, specialists always try to schedule the procedure for 4-5 days before or after the menstrual cycle.

The use of Botox composition is prohibited for:

  • any type of allergy accompanied by watery eyes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • conjunctivitis or keratitis;
  • presence of injuries or surgical intervention of the visual organs;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components.

Negative consequences can manifest themselves in the form of pain in the eyes, irritation of the mucous membranes and skin. If they occur, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the eye area and contact the specialist who performed the procedure or an ophthalmologist.

Many girls who use mascara every day for several years note a deterioration in the condition of their eyelashes, manifested in changes in their structure. As a result, eyelashes become thinner, weaker, shorter and sparse.\r\n\r\n \r\n

What is Botox for eyelashes?

\r\n"Botox Lashes" is a unique product for restoring the beauty of eyelashes!\r\n\r\nBotox for eyelashes - what is it? Sometimes it is compared to the well-known procedure of lamination (saturation of eyelashes with keratin). However, there is one cardinal difference between these procedures: without thermal sealing, keratin does not stay on the eyelashes for long, being washed off with each cleansing. Therefore, keratin only affects the shape of the eyelashes and their color, without restoring the structure.\r\n\r\n“Botox Lashes” are much more effective due to the composition:\r\n

  • Collagen (eyelash rejuvenation);
  • Argan oil (nutrition of eyelashes);
  • Hyaluonic acid (moisturizing eyelashes);
  • Keratin (improvement of hair structure due to hydration).

\r\n \r\n\r\nThat's why the Botox Lashes procedure, which does not require any interventions (such as injections), will give your eyelashes natural beauty, strength, silkiness, shine, promoting the restoration and growth of each hair.\r \n\r\n \r\n

I would especially like to note the fact that you can achieve fabulous length and thickness of eyelashes without using eyelash Botox or lamination. Having carefully studied reviews from our readers, we can conclude that the solution for eyelash (and eyebrow) growth Platinus really works! And the best part is that the cost of the product is significantly lower than expensive salon procedures, which have short-lived results and a lot of contraindications.\r\n\r\n Co eyelash growth product Platinum your eyelashes will delight others. See for yourself, because now is the time to be beautiful!\r\n\r\n

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Botox for eyelashes - before and after photos

\r\nThe naked eye can see the differences in the photo before and after the eyelash Botox procedure.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nIn the modern pace of life, when even a minute is expensive, more and more girls do not want to spend a lot of time every day applying makeup, preferring procedures with long-term effects. Botox for eyelashes Botox Lashes gives eyelashes a magnificent look and allows you to forget about mascara for several years!\r\n\r\nThis procedure, using high-quality, modern materials from the Spanish company TAE, is carried out simultaneously with bioperming using the patented technology of the Russian woman E. Kobzeva.\r\n\r\ nMoreover, “Botox Lashes” are exactly that, which are both pleasant and useful. Having an incredible effect, the SPA procedure is not only painless, it is pleasant. So, in addition to healthy, beautiful and strong eyelashes, the client also receives a lot of pleasure and good mood!\r\n\r\nSo, “Botox Lashes” improves the condition of the eyelashes and their appearance: gives them a curve, deep black color, natural shine and volume. For fans of natural beauty, Botox Lashes can completely replace the effect of mascara, although mascara can be used after the procedure.\r\n\r\n \r\n

Botox for eyelashes - price

\r\nHow much does Botox for eyelashes cost, you ask. Depending on the materials and where the procedure is performed, the price of eyelash Botox can range from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles. For example, if a specialist does Botox for eyelashes at home, the price will be lower.\r\n

How often can you do eyelash botox?

\r\nThe most attractive thing about this procedure is the long-term effect. Clients note that the eyelashes remain deep black, strong and expressive for one and a half to two months.\r\n\r\n \r\n

Botox for eyelashes - reviews

\r\nAmong those who have done eyelash botox, the reviews are extremely positive! Read and add your reviews about Botox for eyelashes!\r\n\r\n Natasha M. \r\n\r\n I’ll say right away that my eyelashes were in quite normal condition. The only thing I would like to get is a bright black color without using mascara (in the summer I have no time for it). Having compared the prices for regular coloring and Botox Lashes, I, of course, chose the second: the effect promised to be great! So to speak, three in one: coloring, perm plus health improvement.\r\n\r\n For home-visit work, the master charged me a little over a thousand rubles. In total, the procedure lasted about one and a half hours.\r\n\r\n I especially liked the fact that she explained every action (although, admittedly, little became clear to me). I’ll tell you how it feels: first, the eyelashes were curled with special eyelash curlers, using some special glue; then different substances were applied to them one by one (for that same 3in1 effect).\r\n\r\n I was quite satisfied with the effect and two months later I decided on the next one. In addition to the immediate visual effect, Botox Lashes stimulates the growth of new eyelashes, so each subsequent procedure brings more and more benefits.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n Lena I. \r\n\r\n I had the procedure done at the salon. Lying with your eyes closed for 1.5 hours is not easy, but the master constantly narrated his actions, so the time flew by. First, my eyelashes were curled with eyelash curlers and sealed with special glue. By the way, the curl of the eyelashes is adjustable and done at the discretion of the client. Then my eyelashes were treated with different substances in three stages: first for curling, then for coloring and finally with Botox itself.\r\n In general, the procedure is painless. Just keep in mind: you really shouldn’t open your eyes, as an alcohol-based solution may get in and lead to pain (stinging). In this case, the technician quickly blots the alcohol with a cotton swab and the tingling quickly goes away.\r\n The effect is amazing! Immediately after the procedure, the eyelashes look like after using expensive mascara: bright black, curled, a little longer and more voluminous. It’s especially nice to know that the effect will last at least a whole month (until the eyelashes are replaced with new ones). Imagine, no mascara for a whole month! Beautiful, expressive eyes without wasting time in the morning on makeup, without constant fears like “whether it’s leaking”, calm visits to the pool!\r\n Without a doubt, I will visit the salon again after the action expires! This is the perfect solution for those who are tired of using mascara every day.

Modern girls quite often experience fragility and loss of eyelashes due to frequent use of makeup. And, for sure, everyone dreams of correcting this situation. Professors of cosmetology solved this issue with Botox serum for eyelashes.

What it is

Eyelash Botox is a new procedure designed to care and restore eyelashes. The name of the procedure comes from the main component contained in the drug - botulinum toxin. It has the property of increasing hair elasticity and firmness.

The serum also includes:

  • hyaluronic acid
  • keratin
  • collagen
  • panthenol
  • tocopherol
  • lemon acid
  • Argan oil

Operating principle

Now let's understand at the molecular level how eyelashes heal.

The active components contained in the drug penetrate the hair structure and change it:

  1. hyaluronic acid in our body ensures the regeneration of skin and hair, which means that when included in the serum, it will also ensure hair restoration and stimulate its growth,
  2. keratin is a protein that creates mechanical stability of the hair and will increase its thickness,
  3. Collagen provides strength and elasticity, that is, it protects against the aggressive effects of the outside world.

Botox serum for eyelashes includes the most essential vitamins:

  • tocopherol, also known as vitamin E,
  • panthenol, vitamin B.

The first, having antioxidant properties, slows down the aging process. The second has a softening and moisturizing effect on the hair.

Argan oil nourishes eyelashes and allows tocopherol to be better absorbed.

To maintain the optimal acid-base condition of the skin of the eyelids, which also need care, especially when performing eyelash manipulations, the composition contains citric acid.


  • thickness of eyelashes due to thickening of hair,
  • structural strength,
  • stimulation of the hair follicle,
  • softening and moisturizing.

Indications and contraindications

Anyone who wants visually long and voluminous eyelashes with a wonderful curl can use this procedure.

But there are some contraindications. These include:

  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug
  • undergone operations on the organ of vision
  • injuries in the orbital area and the eye itself
  • infectious eye diseases
  • hypersensitivity of the eye to any manipulation
  • increased lacrimation
  • pregnancy (due to a hormone surge, you may not get results from eyelash curling)
  • critical days

How to do it

The total duration of the procedure takes 2 hours. While the procedure is being performed, the client is in a horizontal position, lying on the couch.

The session, before treating eyelashes with Botox, includes bio-curling of eyelashes, and then coloring the eyelashes with paint.

Step by step:

  1. Bio-curling of eyelashes. The procedure is similar to perm hair. A kind of curlers - rollers - are wound on the eyelashes, and then a special composition is applied that secures the curling of the eyelashes.
  2. Eyelash dyeing. Eyelashes are pigmented using a special professional paint. The color depends on the customer's wishes. Usually black or brown shades.
  3. Applying Botox for eyelashes. It will restore the hair structure and consolidate the results of the previous stages.

As a result, this procedure will accelerate the growth rate of eyelashes, since the included components stimulate the work of hair follicles, give the perfect curl and ensure your dark eyelash color.

Photo: Before and after

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's talk about the advantages of the procedure:

  • First of all, it is providing the eyelashes with nutrients and vitamins.
  • Secondly, hair growth increases, and after just a month and a half, you get naturally long and thick eyelashes.
  • Thirdly, after the first procedure, the hair structure is completely restored.
  • Fourthly, the effect of the procedure lasts from two to four months, which allows you to save you from dyeing them every day.
  • Fifthly, immediately after the procedure, you can visit the sauna, swimming pool, wash with soap, oil solution, gel, use your favorite cosmetics, sleep “face down on the pillow” and the effect of the procedure will not change.

The only disadvantages are the presence of contraindications and the financial side of the procedure.

Do not forget that owners of genetically rare eyelashes will not be able to boast of their thickness after the procedure, since Botox only thickens the hair structure and does not extend eyelashes.

Which is better: Botox or eyelash lamination?

What is eyelash lamination? This is one of the options for curling eyelashes, which also includes pigmentation, and then fixing the result with a special composition.

The solution that consolidates the result includes:

  1. keratin,
  2. chamomile extract,
  3. hops and yarrow.

Unfortunately, in order for keratin to fully consolidate the effect, it must be sealed at high temperature. Naturally, no one will perform such manipulation on the face. Therefore, keratin is quickly washed out from the eyelashes, and the result of this procedure is short-lived. During the Botox procedure, the effect of strengthening the eyelashes is supported by other elements of the serum composition.

After lamination, for 24 hours after the procedure, eyelashes should be protected from external factors, including water. Botox for eyelashes when interacting with water improves the result of the procedure.

The duration of lamination takes 40-45 minutes, Botox treatment takes up to 2 hours. The cost of Botox is more expensive than lamination.

Is it possible to do it with eyebrows?

Botox strengthening can be performed not only on eyelashes, but also on eyebrows. If your eyebrow hair is weak, thin, and light in color, then this procedure will suit you.

This procedure will also appeal to those with thick and unruly eyebrows that have to be constantly styled.

The Botox solution will strengthen the hair, make it thicker and darker. Your eyebrows will look more well-groomed and you won’t have to constantly comb and smooth them, as they will keep their shape on their own without sticking out in different directions.

You will forget about eyebrow correction for at least two months. After the procedure expires, you can repeat it again.

Video: Master class


The consequences of Botox are an expressive look and attractive black healthy eyelashes. However, there are some “buts”:

  • Botulinum toxin remains a poorly understood chemical substance. It can cause an allergic reaction in people who have not previously shown hyperreactivity to this substance. It will appear as red rashes around the eye area and itching.
  • Long-term and frequent use of the drug can lead to disruption of the nerve connections between the eyelash follicle and its feeding nerve ending. The outcome of breaking such a connection will be hair loss, without subsequent restoration.

No special eyelash care is required after the procedure. But there are a couple of tips:

  1. You should always remove your makeup before going to bed, so that the eyelids and eyelashes have the opportunity to rest, and there are no obstacles to receiving oxygen. In addition, in the absence of night rest, the skin around the eyes ages faster and wrinkles appear.
  2. Makeup is removed from the bridge of the nose to the cheekbones. There is no need to rub your eyelashes or your eyes themselves. You should use gentle sweeping movements to get rid of makeup. Otherwise, your eyelashes will start to fall out.
  3. It is not recommended to remove makeup with products containing an alkaline component and/or alcohol. Since this is not the natural pH environment of the skin around the eyes and the hair itself, the eyelashes will thin and become brittle.
  4. In order for your eyelashes to grow healthy, you can fortify them with oils such as castor or burdock.

The effect of oil on eyelashes will not spoil the effect of Botox, but, on the contrary, will help strengthen the hair structure and stimulate growth.

Where can I buy

You can perform Botox for eyelashes in beauty salons. The work will be performed by certified craftsmen with medical education.

The cost of this service in the salon will be from 2000 rubles or more.

The cost of work from home craftsmen will be cheaper. But we advise you to check the certificate with such personnel. Non-certified craftsmen do not bear any responsibility for the service performed.

You can order Botox serum on the Internet or buy it in a specialized cosmetic store and, if you wish, still try the procedure yourself. But it will be quite difficult to carry out the procedure yourself, even if you are a trained master.

For example, you must be lying down all the time, you must see the correctness of your actions (this applies to pigmentation and bio-perm). It is impossible to do this alone. Spend more energy and nerves. Therefore, it is better to turn to the work of a specialist.

Thus, among cosmetic procedures for eyelashes, an undoubted leader appears. And this is eyelash botox, a procedure for which there are no age restrictions and a completely small list of contraindications.

In two hours you will get a stunning effect. Your look will become expressive and attractive due to increased eyelash thickness, curl and attractive black color.

Looking at Hollywood divas, every woman dreams of long, lush, beautifully curved eyelashes. Not every lady has been endowed by nature with such wealth - those who are deprived of it resort to false or extended eyelashes, experiment with coloring and bio-perm, use many types of mascara and means to remove it. All these manipulations significantly worsen the condition of the eyelashes, making them thin, brittle, sparse and falling out. In order to restore the natural beauty of eyelashes, or make them spectacular without harm, you can use the Botox procedure for eyelashes. What Botox for eyelashes is will be discussed below.

How does Botox work on hair?

For most people who are far from aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, Botox is associated with beauty injections, and few people know what eyelash Botox is, how the procedure is carried out, and what effect it has on the hairs.

The name of the procedure, called Botox Lashes in salons, comes from the name botulinum toxin, which is one of the active components of the serum used during the procedure. What effect does Botox, which paralyzes nerve endings, have on eyelashes? By filling the hair scales, it makes them more resilient and elastic.

In addition to botulinum toxin, the serum contains such useful components as:

  • vitamin E, which has anti-aging properties;
  • vitamin B, which softens and prevents moisture loss;
  • keratin and collagen, restoring the hair structure and smoothing out the smallest scales;
  • citric acid, which maintains the natural acid-base balance;
  • hyaluronic acid, which prevents moisture loss and gives a healthy glow;
  • argan oil that nourishes every hair.

The combination of these substances in the serum allows you to restore the structure of eyelashes, prevent their fragility and loss, and give them a beautiful shape and color. The procedure is also suitable for eyebrows. To make them perfect, you can try.

Botox makes eyelashes firmer and more elastic.

The difference between Botox Lashes and eyelash lamination

Although the procedures for lamination and Botox for eyelashes are similar in principle, their consequences differ significantly, as does the time of implementation.

When lamination is done within an hour, a layer of the drug is formed on each hair, which creates the thickening effect. But since it is impossible to complete the procedure on the eyelashes by thermally fixing the substance, this layer becomes thinner with each wash. Although lamination gives an amazing effect at first, after several procedures the eyelashes become thin and brittle.

During the botox lashes procedure, the active ingredients of the serum penetrate deeply into the hair, thanks to open scales that are sealed at the end. Botox for eyelashes does not have such a pronounced visual effect, but the substances included in the serum do not harm the eyelashes, but nourish them and allow them to recover naturally. The procedure itself is not quick; it will take an average of 2-2.5 hours.

How to make Botox Lashes - instructions

For those who decide to do Botox for eyelashes, instructions for the procedure will not be superfluous. The time the procedure takes can be called rest - the client lies on the couch with her eyes closed and tries not to open them.

If you open your eyes, an alcohol solution can get into the mucous membrane, which will cause unpleasant sensations in the form of burning and itching, which will go away immediately after the specialist wipes the drug that got there from the eyes.

How eyelash Botox is done can be described step by step:

  • bioperm– the eyelashes are wrapped on a silicone roller with the degree of bend chosen by the client, after which a fixative composition is applied;
  • pigmentation– eyelashes are smeared with a special paint, depending on the wishes of the customer, most often it is a black or brown pigment;
  • applying serum, which consolidates previously performed manipulations, nourishes and restores eyelashes.

Eyelash care after the procedure

Botox lashes differ favorably from lamination not only in their effect on eyelashes, but also in their simple care. For 24 hours after the procedure, you should not use eye cosmetics, cleansers, or wash your face with hot water.

After the first 24 hours, it is allowed to:

  • visit the sauna and pool, swim in the sea;
  • sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • use any cosmetics and cleansers;
  • wear contact lenses.

Contraindications to Botox for eyelashes

Like any, even the most insignificant effect on the body, botox lashes have a number of contraindications:

  • allergy to serum components;
  • microdamages and injuries in the eyebrows and eyes;
  • previous ophthalmological surgeries;
  • conjunctivitis and other eye diseases;
  • increased eye sensitivity;
  • pregnancy. Is it possible to do Botox during pregnancy?
  • can not use .

To avoid a sudden allergic reaction, you should ask the specialist performing the procedure to apply a little serum to the skin in the crook of your elbow. If no discomfort occurs within 30 minutes, you can begin performing botox lashes.

You should not do Botox for eyelashes if there are changes in hormonal levels caused by taking appropriate medications, pregnancy or menstruation - in these cases, the active ingredients may not work.

For those who have excessive tear production, eyelash Botox treatments can be a waste of time and money, because the specialist will not be able to apply a serum that will simply be washed away by tears. In addition, it may cause harm to health if the drug gets into the eyes.

A correctly performed Botox procedure for eyelashes will accelerate their growth and restoration, give them a beautiful curl and color, and this effect will last from 2 to 2.5 months.

You can watch how eyelash Botox is done in this video:

You can see the result of the procedure immediately after its completion, and after three months the difference before and after Botox for eyelashes will become noticeable. During this time, even dormant hair follicles are activated, the eyelashes will become stronger, longer and thicker. A strong argument in favor of Botox for eyelashes will be the fact that while the effect is visible, you can avoid using mascara, eyeliner and eye makeup removers, which will highlight your natural beauty and save time every day.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.