Victoria beaded water lily diagrams. Detailed lesson on making a pink beaded water lily. Making pistils and stamens

The water lily flower always attracts the attention of others, since it is not often seen on the surface of a reservoir. Therefore, the flowering is so fabulous and bewitching that needlewomen even learned to weave a water lily from beads to capture it like this. In this article we will look at several master classes on beading using different techniques.

To weave this river flower of incredible beauty, you will need to prepare all the necessary materials, or rather:

  • white or pink beads, as well as yellow and green;
  • coil of wire;
  • brown floral tape;
  • scissors with nippers.

The weaving pattern is very simple, with its help you can accurately make such a craft with your own hands.

Let's start weaving with the petals. In figure number 1 you can see the largest petals for the outer tier of the flower. Figures 3 and 4 show how to make the middle and inner tiers. You can make six of each size and a yellow core as shown in the picture. No. 2. Assembly of the product takes place step by step. Six small pieces should be folded around the core, then the middle tier should be carefully laid out. At the very end, large elements are assembled. The edges of all the wire involved should be twisted together, as this will be the stem of the flower.

Next we move on to weaving green leaves. You should start working from the center of the leaf, which looks like a heart shape. In the diagram this is Fig. No. 5. The direction should start from bottom to top. Upon completion, you need to frame the workpiece. Take another piece of wire, put beads on it, and stretch it between the pieces of glass along the entire surface. This completely simple master class is perfect for absolute beginners in this needlework.

Yellow beaded water lily clip

To weave another flower model you will need yellow beads, a decorative stone for decoration, and a fishing line with scissors.

Take a pebble and start braiding it with beads from the back. You can weave chaotically, since in this case you do not need to make a perfectly flat surface. For greater realism, the petals should have humps. When you finish braiding the pebble, you can move on to the next stage of this master class.

The schematic drawing shows how you can make petals with your own hands. You only need five of them.

The finished elements will need to be sewn, but not along the outer bead strip, but slightly beyond the middle. The photo shows with red dots which beads should be sewn together. Since the water lily in nature has slightly covered petals, this stitching technique will give the product the required shape and will help the blanks not to change it.

Now sew the core into the center of the previously woven and fastened parts and we can assume that the water lily is completely ready. It can be used in the form of hairpins and elastic bands, and can also be sewn to a hoop or children's headband. This model can become a beautiful decoration in the form of a brooch or add an interesting twist to your interior. After the master classes, you can watch video lessons for beginners on weaving such an aquatic plant.

A beaded water lily can be an excellent decoration for any interior, especially if it is placed in a container that resembles a pond or water.

This can be horizontal glass or a mirror, or filled with transparent glue. You can make a water lily flower in various ways; sometimes large photos of these flowers are hung on the wall in rooms, which are used for decoration. But today we will figure out how to do it using bead weaving. This is exactly what our master class will be dedicated to.

Beading is a very exciting activity. In addition to having a pleasant time, this handicraft allows you to make a variety of decorations for your home and for yourself with your own hands. So, we get to work. We have supplemented the master class with a video that will clearly demonstrate to you the process of weaving a water lily.

  • For work we will prepare the following materials and tools:
  • white beads;
  • pink beads;
  • yellow beads;
  • green beads;
  • wire 0.3 mm;

floss threads to assemble a water lily flower.

Let's start by making large white petals. To do this, take a wire 15-20 centimeters long and put 3 centimeters of beads on it. This bead will be the basis of our petal. Then we will prepare a long wire and also string beads about 40 centimeters long onto it. Next, we will begin to attach the bead thread to the main wire. We need to make sharp water lily petals using the French technique of weaving in rows (see diagram).

To do this, we wrap the beads around the base bead, screwing it on both sides to the wire on which it is threaded. On each side of the main beads you need to collect four rows of bead thread. The result is a white beaded water lily petal. You need to make eight of these large petals. We continue our weaving of the water lily flower, making four more smaller petals. The base of such petals will be two and a half centimeters.

The next type of petals also has a base 2.5 centimeters long, but at the base you should add some pink beads. We also make four of these petals. The number of rows of beads should be the same in all types of petals. That is, everywhere you should make four arcs after the main row. As you can see, weaving a water lily is simple, and the pattern is also not difficult to understand. This technique is accessible even to beginners.

And one more type of water lily petals that we will need have a base length of only two centimeters, and a rounded end. Pink beads should also be placed at the base of these petals. We make six such petals. After the preparation of all the petals is completed, you need to make the middle of the water lily. To do this, we make a circle of small diameter, and then a couple more rows that close this circle.

We continue beading, making stamens for our water lily. Let's take a thin wire and put seven beads on it. Then we string another one, leaving it separate from the rest, and draw the same end of the wire in reverse through all seven first beads. Then we collect seven more beads for the next stamen on the free end of the wire. Use the eighth bead to close the row, as in the first case. We move these beads to the already finished stamen, and we get a second stamen. Using this technique, we make the number of stamens that we consider necessary.

When all the parts are ready, you can start assembling the flower. When collecting a water lily, you need to follow the instructions that follow from the specific diagram. For ease of assembly, we will lay out all the petals on one horizontal surface. We begin assembling the flower by connecting and twisting all the stamens together, gradually adding petals. We must first tie the smallest of them with a thread, firmly connecting them to the stamens.

Then we add larger petals, and the next ones even larger. We do this until we collect all the petals together and get a water lily flower. We screw all these petals to a common base using threads. After finishing assembling the petals into a flower, straighten them thoroughly, giving the shape of a real water lily.

And now we are weaving a water lily leaf. To do this, we will make a base that consists of three rigid wires twisted together and lying in the same plane. In addition, we screw a wire to this base, which must be positioned vertically to the plane of the base. It will be the leg with which the leaf is held. Now we put a large amount of green beads on a long wire and screw its end to the base mounting spacer. Then we will make circular movements. We fasten the bead thread clockwise and counterclockwise, forming an incomplete circle. This is the shape of an incomplete circle that a water lily leaf has. For the sheet we make 14 rows of beads.

Pattern for weaving a water lily leaf

Having finished weaving the leaf, cut off and bend the ends of the wire. So, our beaded water lily is ready. We are finishing our master class on weaving water lilies. Some visitors to our site have a desire to weave not a water lily, but a lotus from beads. The thing is that these two plants are very similar to each other. But the lotus looks a little different because it does not lie directly on the water, like a water lily. Lotus leaves and flowers are raised quite high above the water. Therefore, it needs to be planted in a container differently than we would do with a water lily. For the water lily, take a small crystal or glass plate with high edges, about three centimeters.

We pour pebbles and beads into it and fill them with transparent glue. Which will hold the entire structure. We place the water lily leaf and flower directly on the surface of the glue, as if they were on the surface of the water. If we make a long stem holding leaves and flowers, then instead of a water lily we will get a beaded lotus. So, we have finished our work on weaving a water lily and a lotus from beads. We strongly recommend that you do not forget to watch the video materials attached to the lesson.

Video: Learning to weave a water lily from beads

IN water lily, water lily or nymph - a charming and delicate flower - nothing more than the famous fairy-tale overpowering grass. Rumor ascribes magical properties to it. She was endowed with the properties of protecting people, she could give strength to overcome the enemy, protect them from troubles and misfortunes, but she could also destroy the one who sought her with unclean thoughts.

Today our lesson will be devoted to weaving this magical flower. I wrote this master class specifically for the Biserok beading school.

Let's clarify the list of materials that we will need:
- pink beads - 70-100 gr.
- white beads - 50-70 g
- yellow beads - 30 gr.
choose beads for the flower of the same type - crystal, sparkle, rainbow or matte
- green beads -100 - 150 gr.

- beaded wire - 2 (3) coils
you can use a green tint of wire for the foliage and gold for the flower, please note - if you use transparent beads for a flower - the silver wire will give the bud a gray tint. The amount of wire may increase depending on the weaving density.
- green threads (or floral tape)
- PVA glue
- floral wire - 1 m.
you can use any copper wire with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm

LESSON 1. Elements of a flower.
Weaving technique - loop, French axial weaving
A few words of theory about French axial weaving. This type of weaving got its name due to the fact that the weaving is performed on an axis with stringed beads. The French weaving technique is perhaps the most common among beading techniques. It’s not surprising, because the flowers and leaves made in it turn out to be openwork and airy. This technique is also called arc weaving or circular weaving. .
So, beads (about 50 cm) are strung on a wire, a so-called bottom is prepared and a small loop is made at the end (which was threaded). As you can see in the diagram, first the axle is prepared with the required amount of beads, i.e. move the beads along the wire, not reaching the edge by about 5 cm. Under the beads on the axis, make a loop about 4 fingers wide.
Then arcs are woven from the prepared base with beads. The first arc braids the axis at the top once, after which it returns down and braids the axis at the bottom. In this case, the angle between the axis and the low one can be 90 or 45 degrees. Arcs are woven in a similar way, the number of beads in them gradually increasing. The number of arcs determines the size of the sheet.

Our water lily is quite complex and consists of three different types of petals - the lower petals are pink, the inner petals are white and the intermediate petals are pink and white.

White petals
On a low with white beads we prepare an axis of 20 beads and, as shown in the photo, we make a lower loop. Then we start weaving arcs. The first half-arc will consist of approximately 24-25 beads. In total you need to weave 3 arcs. Try to keep the angle between the low and upper axis at 45° - then the petal will have a sharp edge. After the third arc, move the beads along the wire, twist the free edge of the wire with the base of the petal. In total you need to weave 6 white leaves.

Rose petals
Weave according to the same pattern as the white petals, but the pink outer petal is larger in size and we need to increase the number of beads on the axis. For this
on a low table with pink beads we prepare an axis of 25 beads and begin weaving arcs. The first half-arc will consist of approximately 29-30 beads. In total you need to weave 3 arcs. The angle between the low and high axis is 45°. In total we will need 15 pink petals.

Pink and white petals
Weave according to the same pattern as white petals, but these petals are intermediate and are made with a transition of colors - the lower part of the petal is pink and the upper part is white. In this type of weaving, low weaving is not prepared.

On the axis below there are approximately 15 pink beads and 10 white ones. We weave the first arc - as shown in the photo below, we distribute the shades of the beads approximately in half, do not count the beads, distribute them approximately by shade, then the petal will have more natural color transitions.
In total, the petal consists of 3 arcs. Number of petals - 12 pcs.

Axle filling
Today I will show you two ways to thread an axle wire.

The first method is to tuck the excess wire into the beads on the axle.

The second method is more complicated, but it turns out very carefully - the wire is inserted into the beads of the extreme arc.

Petal firmware
Because the pink petal turns out to be quite elongated, and it is quite difficult to shape it; the petal must be stitched. This method also helps if you have selected a thin enough wire.
To do this, we need a piece of wire (on which weaving was done) about 15 cm long. The stitching is done from the wrong side in the following way. We fold the piece of wire in half and put it on the axle, so that the ends of the wire come out from the inside “like antennae.” Then we cross the ends of the wire across the petal (see photo below) - we take the left end to the right side, the right end to the left - thus we cross the two ends of the wire around the axis. We continue working with the left end of the wire - we bring this end between the first and second rows (arcs) from the inside to the front side of the petal and bring the wire to the wrong side between the first row and the axis, forming a parallel loop on the arc. Next, we draw the wire onto the face between the second and third rows. We return to the wrong side between the first and second rows. We continue sewing until the last row. Cut off the excess wire on the wrong side. We also repeat with the free end of the wire.

Inner part of a flower
It is woven from yellow beads using a loop method.
The internal part will consist of two elements. Let’s call the first element “large stamens” and weave it like this - we retreat from the edge of the bottom 6-7 cm and weave a loop of 30 beads, weave the next 11 loops close to each other. The leg of the loop is approximately 7-8 mm.
The second element “small stamens” is also woven with loops (12-14 pieces), but in this case they are small and consist of 9-10 beads, we place the loops close to each other.

LESSON 2. LEAF OF A WATER LILY.Weaving on axes.

Before starting weaving, we will prepare a necklace with green beads - quite long, about 4-5 meters. When the base is ready, we begin preparing the axles. To do this, cut 7 pieces of wire, 17-20 cm long.
Because The dimensions of the finished sheet are quite large (diameter about 10 cm) and
ordinary beaded wire is thin and will not retain the shape of the leaf; it is necessary to give it rigidity; for this we use floral wire (1-1.5 mm in diameter). For the axes I use 4 pieces of floral wire and 3 pieces of regular beading wire. We twist the prepared sections to about half, and spread the ends apart (see photos 1 and 2). We will weave the sheet at the separated ends, and the twisted wire will serve as the stem of the sheet. Pay attention to the location of the segments - two stiffer wires are located next to each other - these will be the inner edges of the sheet (cutout).
We take the prepared base, move the beads aside and wind the free edge of the wire (about 5 cm) to the resulting leg (see photo 3). We place the bottom between the axes “on the front side” of the sheet and move the beads towards the core.

So, we start weaving on the axes - low, placed on the outer edge of the sheet, we make a turn on the first axis (in the photo, the lower right floral wire), press one bead and make a low turn on the next axis, and so on. If we make a sheet with a “cutout”, we do not close the circle (see photo 2), without reaching one segment of the first bead, we begin weaving in a circle in the opposite direction.

In the first row, between the axes we place one bead. In the second row of the circle you will already have 2 beads and so on, with each circle the number of beads in the segment between the axes will increase.

A sheet with a diameter of 10 cm consists of approximately 20-21 rows. You weave a sheet of any size.

When all the arcs are woven, it is necessary to fill the remaining axes. We tuck the beaded wire axles into the beads of the top row. We cut the floral wire at a distance of about 1 cm and bend it under the leaf.

This is what I got - I wove 5 sheets for my composition.

LESSON3 . Assembly. Decor.

Let's start assembling. If you use a wire as a frame wire, you need to strip 10 cm from the winding (photo 1). We begin the assembly with a small stamen; to do this, we roll the workpiece into a cone (see photo 2) and insert the end of the frame wire into the hole in it. We begin to tightly wind the workpiece to the wire with a thread. We do the same with the large stamen - we roll up the cone and wrap it with thread close to the small stamen. We wind about 2-3 mm with thread.

After the stamens, we wrap the petals one by one - first white, then two-colored, followed by pink. Place the petals evenly. Try to lay out the turns of the thread evenly. You also lay out the free ends of the wire from the petals evenly along the frame wire (see photo 3). Continue winding the thread around the stem of the flower almost its entire length. You can wrap the last 5 cm of the legs with floral tape.

When the entire stem of the flower is woven with thread, it is necessary to coat the entire length with PVA glue. It is important to apply a large enough layer of glue so that the entire thread is saturated. This will allow you to work freely with the flower when composing the composition - the leg will bend freely, and the thread will not move. PVA glue becomes transparent after complete drying (as seen in photo 3, the glue is not visible).

We do the same with the leaves. We wrap the leg with floral tape (or green thread) and coat it well with PVA glue.

Here are the blanks for the composition that I came up with.

One of the most beautiful water lilies is the Victoria species, which was named after the English Queen Victoria in 1873. A peculiarity of this type of water lily is its color change: from snow-white to deep crimson.

To create a water lily from beads you need to have:

White and pink beads for petals;

Yellow beads for stamens;

Green beads for leaves;


Paper glue;

Wire cutters;


Silk threads.

Typically, water lily petals are woven using the technique of stringing in arcs.

The first row of the flower has three petals, which have a rigid central axis and three pairs of arches, while the edges of the petals should be created using contrasting beads. The second row also has three petals with a centimeter-long central axis of four pairs of arcs, the last of which must be made from a sparkling cutting.

The third row has four petals with a centimeter axis and eight pairs of arcs.

In the end, it is best to make two leaves with a centimeter axis and ten pairs of arcs, as well as two leaves with a thinner axis and the number of arcs.

The leaves for the water lily are woven on eight axes in an arc in the forward and reverse directions. To do this, you need to start with one bead and end with twelve in all sectors. For the leaf you need to create seven sectors. We carefully hide the ends of the wire into the nearby beads.

For the stamens we make five centimeter loops of yellow beads. To do this, take a wire thirty centimeters long and string beads on it; for the first loop you need ten beads. We hold the finished loop with our left hand, and with our right hand we make two turns with the wire around the left side of the wire.

Assembling beads in this way and holding the loop you just made in your left hand, make two full turns with the right end of the wire around the left end of the wire.

Then we collect beads again and make other loops until we get the required number of loops. Then we move all the loops to the right and connect them into a circle - these will be our stamens.

Collection of water lilies

First we take the stamens, around which we add petals corresponding to their rows. We wrap the bottom of the flower with wire to secure the water lily. We cut off the excess and wrap the wire with silk thread.

We add leaves to complete the composition.

Water lily from beads master class.

For work we will prepare the following materials and tools:

  • white beads;

  • pink beads;

  • yellow beads;

  • green beads;

  • wire 0.3 mm;

  1. floss threads to assemble a water lily flower.

French beading pattern

Let's start by making large white petals. To do this, take a wire 15-20 centimeters long and put 3 centimeters of beads on it. This bead will be the basis of our petal. Then we will prepare a long wire and also string beads about 40 centimeters long onto it. Next, we will begin to attach the bead thread to the main wire. We need to make sharp water lily petals using the French technique of weaving in rows (see diagram).

To do this, we wrap the beads around the base bead, screwing it on both sides to the wire on which it is threaded. On each side of the main beads you need to collect four rows of bead thread. The result is a white beaded water lily petal. You need to make eight of these large petals. We continue our weaving of the water lily flower, making four more smaller petals. The base of such petals will be two and a half centimeters.
The next type of petals also has a base 2.5 centimeters long, but at the base you should add some pink beads. We also make four of these petals. The number of rows of beads should be the same in all types of petals. That is, everywhere you should make four arcs after the main row. As you can see, weaving a water lily is simple, and the pattern is also not difficult to understand. This technique is accessible even to beginners

And one more type of water lily petals that we will need have a base length of only two centimeters, and a rounded end. Pink beads should also be placed at the base of these petals. We make six such petals. After the preparation of all the petals is completed, you need to make the middle of the water lily. To do this, we make a circle of small diameter, and then a couple more rows that close this circle.

We continue beading, making stamens for our water lily. Let's take a thin wire and put seven beads on it. Then we string another one, leaving it separate from the rest, and draw the same end of the wire in reverse through all seven first beads. Then we collect seven more beads for the next stamen on the free end of the wire. Use the eighth bead to close the row, as in the first case. We move these beads to the already finished stamen, and we get a second stamen. Using this technique, we make the number of stamens that we consider necessary.

When all the parts are ready, you can start assembling the flower. When collecting a water lily, you need to follow the instructions that follow from the specific diagram. For ease of assembly, we will lay out all the petals on one horizontal surface. We begin assembling the flower by connecting and twisting all the stamens together, gradually adding petals. We must first tie the smallest of them with a thread, firmly connecting them to the stamens.
Then we add larger petals, and the next ones even larger. We do this until we collect all the petals together and get a water lily flower. We screw all these petals to a common base using threads. After finishing assembling the petals into a flower, straighten them thoroughly, giving the shape of a real water lily.
And now we are weaving a water lily leaf. To do this, we will make a base that consists of three rigid wires twisted together and lying in the same plane. In addition, we screw a wire to this base, which must be positioned vertically to the plane of the base. It will be the leg with which the leaf is held. Now we put a large amount of green beads on a long wire and screw its end to the base mounting spacer. Then we will make circular movements. We fasten the bead thread clockwise and counterclockwise, forming an incomplete circle. This is the shape of an incomplete circle that a water lily leaf has. For the sheet we make 14 rows of beads.

  • Having finished weaving the leaf, cut off and bend the ends of the wire. So, our beaded water lily is ready. We are finishing our master class on weaving water lilies. Some visitors to our site have a desire to weave not a water lily, but a lotus from beads. The thing is that these two plants are very similar to each other. But the lotus looks a little different because it does not lie directly on the water, like a water lily. Lotus leaves and flowers are raised quite high above the water. Therefore, it needs to be planted in a container differently than we would do with a water lily. For the water lily, take a small crystal or glass plate with high edges, about three centimeters.

    We pour pebbles and beads into it and fill them with transparent glue. Which will hold the entire structure. We place the water lily leaf and flower directly on the surface of the glue, as if they were on the surface of the water. If we make a long stem holding leaves and flowers, then instead of a water lily we will get a beaded lotus. So, we have finished our work on weaving a water lily and a lotus from beads. We strongly recommend that you do not forget to watch the video materials attached to the lesson.

    Video: Learning to weave a water lily from beads