Jasper belt of the Chalinsky region. Precious stones Agate, amazonite, quartz, jade, onyx, jasper

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There are 29 presentations in total

Agate “Eye of the Creator” 1.Name and history of the name. 1.Name and history of the name. The mineral, a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz, is a fine-fibrous aggregate of chalcedony with a layered texture and a banded color distribution. Depending on the combination of colors in the layers, they are distinguished: agate onyx (white and black layers), carneolonyx (red and white), sardonyx (red-brown and white), agates (bluish-gray and white). It is found in veins, geodes, and tonsils among volcanic rocks and their tuffs. The name comes from the Achates River in Sicily

2. Chemical composition. 2. Chemical composition. Chemical formula: SiO2 In chemical composition, like quartz, it is silica, but with a large number of impurities. 3.Physical properties. 3.Physical properties. Hardness: 6.5-7. Gloss: dull greasy or matte on a fracture, glassy on a polished surface. Resistant to acids and abrasion. Most agates alternate layers of chalcedony and its structural variety quartzine (lutecin), which differs from chalcedony in the direction of fiber elongation. Agate color: from white or yellow to brown and black. The color of agate depends on the admixture of iron or chlorides: agate stones of yellow, orange, red, brown and black shades are obtained with a large amount of iron in them, and chlorides give it a greenish color.

4.Scope of application. 4.Scope of application. In jewelry it is used as an ornamental and semi-precious stone, as well as a stone for technical products (support stones, prisms for scales, etc.). To obtain bright decorative agates, they are artificially colored. Products made from agates can be seen in many museums around the world. In Russia, the Historical Museum, the Kremlin Armory and the Mineralogical Museum of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, the Mining Museum in St. Petersburg, etc. are very rich in agates. The largest agate product is kept in the Museum of Art History in Vienna: it is an almost flat dish with a diameter of 75 cm, carved from solid agate. According to ancient legends, agate symbolizes health and prosperity, longevity and a normal psyche, protects against thunderstorms, the dangers of disease and prolongs life, protects against the evil eye and enemies, snake and scorpion bites. It has a beneficial effect on the owner, giving him strength, eloquence, persuasiveness, and attracted the sympathy of others.

Amazonite “Protecting the Hearth” 1.Name and history of the name. 1.Name and history of the name. Amazonite is a mineral, a bluish-green variety of potassium feldspar (microcline). The mineral received its name from the Amazon River (according to A.V. Humboldt), on the banks of which several stones were found in 1738.

3.Physical properties 3.Physical properties Chemical formula: (K,Na)AlSi3O8 2.Chemical composition. 2. Chemical composition. Syngony: triclinic Color: emerald green, pale blue, bluish green, apple green, yellowish. Luster: glass Transparency: translucent at the edges Hardness: 6 6.5 Cleavage: perfect according to (001) and (010) Density: 2.55 2.58 g/cm³ Amazonite crystals are opaque, they are rare, but very beautiful - they have a bar-shaped or irregular in shape and sometimes reach sizes of more than 5-8 cm.

4.Scope of application. 4.Scope of application. Small beads and amulets made of amazonite were made in Ancient Egypt, and are also known in the early cultures of Central and South America. Now small stone-cut artistic products, boxes, vases, cabochons, and jewelry (rings, earrings, brooches, beads, cufflinks) are made from amazonite. Using the “Russian mosaic” technique, tabletops for palaces were made from selected pieces of amazonite, and at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900, a mosaic map of France by Yekaterinburg masters was exhibited, the creation of which used Ural amazonite; it was later exhibited at the Louvre and is now in France.

Quartz “Golden Hair” 1.Name and history of the name. 1.Name and history of the name. Quartz is a mineral, one of the most common modifications of silica in nature. 12% of the earth's crust consists of quartz. The name "quartz" was first used, apparently, by miners from the Ore Mountains. In former times the identity of the material subsequently called crystal and the shapeless masses of silica which fill the secant veins was not realized, and it may be supposed that the latter were at first called Querkluftertz, which was shortened to Querertz, and finally to Quartz, or Quarz, in modern German.

2. Chemical composition. 2. Chemical composition. Chemical formula: SiO2 (silicon dioxide). 3.Physical properties. 3.Physical properties. Syngony: trigonal Color: Brown or smoky yellow (cairngorm), colorless (commonly called rock crystal), violet (amethyst), yellow (citrine), pink or rose-red, milky (rainbow quartz or iris) Luster: glassy Hardness: 7 Cleavage: none Fracture: conchoidal Density: 2.62.65 g/cm³ Melting point: °C Dielectric

4.Scope of application. 4.Scope of application. Quartz sand is widely used as an abrasive for making “skins” and cleaning pastes, and also as a component of glass batches. When melted in an oxygen-hydrogen flame, quartz turns into quartz glass, which has completely different physical properties compared to ordinary glass. Quartz glass is widely used in laboratories and households because it can withstand rapid and uneven heating without the risk of breaking. It can be spun into a fiber as fine as silk, but without silk's characteristic tendency to curl, and such fiber is therefore invaluable in fine torsion experimental instruments, such as those used to determine the mass of the Earth. Many varieties are used in jewelry.

Jade “The favorite stone of the Chinese emperors” 1.Name and history of the name. 1.Name and history of the name. Jade is a rock consisting mainly of tangled fibers of amphibole. In ancient times, it was believed that jade had many healing properties: it brings calm, cures kidney diseases, which is what its name is associated with (from the Greek nejroV (nephros) kidney).

2. Chemical composition. 2. Chemical composition. Chemical formula: Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2 3.Physical properties. 3.Physical properties. Syngony: monoclinic Color: ranges from gray (and even milky white) to grass green, can be yellow, blue and black. The color intensity varies depending on the content of iron oxides (FeO) in the mineral. The brown streaks often present are the result of iron oxidation along cracks in the stone. A pale, highly translucent variety of jade with a greasy sheen is highly valued, LusterDull Hardness: 6 6.5 Density: 2.95 g/cm Viscous, polishes well, when polished it always acquires a greasy sheen.

4.Scope of application. 4.Scope of application. There is no ornamental stone in nature that is more viscous and tensile than jade. This property is due to its fibrous structure. It was this feature that ancient masters used to make rings, bracelets and even various tools from jade. Jade was especially popular in Ancient China, where it was valued so highly that it was used to make plaques that were used on a par with coins; jade weights were the standard for weighing gold, and ambassadors were presented with jade plates as credentials. Famous Chinese carvings are known all over the world: vases, bowls, boxes, animal figurines, pagodas, balls located one inside the other, and other jewelry. Currently, jade is widely popular in both domestic and foreign markets. The stone-cutting industry produces vases, stands, boxes, rings, signet rings, bracelets, beads, jewelry inserts, etc. Jade is also used as a decorative material for inlaying mosaic panels, interior decoration, etc. Jade is valued for its deep and smooth color tone, transparency and ability to take a mirror polish.

Onyx “Egyptian alabaster” 1.Name and history of the name. 1.Name and history of the name. Onyx is a mineral, a chalcedony (fibrous) variety of quartz, in which minor impurities create plane-parallel colored layers. The name “onyx” comes from the Greek language and means “nail”. Apparently, the mineral was so named because of its weak transparency or because of its hue, reminiscent of the color of nails. According to another version, “onyx” translated from Arabic meant “sadness” or “sorrow.” Synonyms: onychion, nogate.

2. Chemical composition. 2. Chemical composition. Chemical formula: SiO2 3. Physical properties. 3.Physical properties. Color: black, red, brown, yellow layers of different shades alternate in pairs with white. Arabic onyx (or onyx itself) – contains black and white layers; carneolonyx - a parallel-banded variety with alternating layers of fiery, orange-red, sometimes almost red-black with white; sardonyx – brown and white layers; sometimes Sardonyx and Carneolonyx are considered the same species; chalcedonyx – gray and white layers; onyx agate - gray in various shades (this variety is rarely identified). Black onyx is a single-color dark chalcedony. Other color combinations are also known. Gloss: glassy Hardness: 3-3.5 Density: 2.65-2.667 g/cm³

4.Scope of application. 4.Scope of application. Agate and carnelian onyx (“sardonyx”) have been used by people since prehistoric times to make small carved artistic objects (glyptics, gems), as well as carved cylinder seals. The highest quality varieties are used in jewelry. In folk medicine, there is an opinion that onyx cures many diseases. For example, if products made from onyx are worn on the body, it will improve the functioning of almost all internal organs (the effect of this mineral is especially beneficial on the kidneys and liver), alleviate the condition of weather-dependent people, strengthen the spine, and improve hearing. It is believed that onyx treats nervous diseases, depression, relieves the negative consequences of stressful situations, and relieves insomnia and nightmares. Experts on the medicinal properties of minerals claim that water infused with onyx is useful for obesity: it reduces appetite.

Jasper “Fantasies of Nature” 1.Name and origin of the name. 1.Name and origin of the name. Jasper is a cryptocrystalline rock composed mainly of quartz, chalcedony and pigmented with admixtures of other minerals (epidote, actinolite, chlorite, mica, pyrite, oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese), a semi-precious ornamental stone. The name "jasper" comes from the Greek word meaning "variegated."

2. Chemical composition. 2. Chemical composition. The chemical composition of jasper is approximately as follows: SiO%; Al2O3 and Fe2O3 up to 15%; CaO 36% 3.Physical properties. 3.Physical properties. Color: Jasper coloring is distinguished by its richness and variety of colors. Uniformly colored (monochromatic), banded, ribbon, spotted and the most beautiful variegated jaspers are known. Some jaspers have a complex pattern (landscape, patterned, etc.). The predominant colors are gray, from greenish to dark green, yellow of various shades, wax red, brown, less often from blue to blue or violet. Types of textures: Breccia texture developed vein quartz, which cements the clastic material. Brecciform there is no clear boundary between the clastic material and the cementing quartz. The fluid formation is formed by trail-like segregations of magnetite, garnet, and hematite among the quartz mass. The calico structure of such jasper is micrograined, sometimes glassy, ​​against its background there are developed vein formations of coarser-grained quartz, sometimes fine-fibered chalcedony. Concentric texture. Mottled texture. Density: 2.65 g/cm³ Hardness: high (7)

4. Scope of application. 4. Scope of application. Jasper is an excellent artistic material; it is distinguished by its high strength, amazing beauty of patterns and tones, huge reserves and large sizes of monoliths. Since the XVIII-XIX centuries. Jasper began to be used for the manufacture of small and large highly artistic products - vases, floor lamps and other items that decorated the interiors of palaces. Polished plates of landscape jasper are decorated in the form of paintings, which are highly valued by stone lovers. Currently, they also produce small jewelry (inserts in cufflinks, brooches, pendants), as well as writing instruments and other souvenirs.

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 19"

Report on the topic:

" The oldest stone is jasper"

Head: Kucherova Olga Nikolaevna

Kurgan, 2016.

Since ancient times, humanity has used natural stone in various fields: construction, architecture, artistic stone carving. In many places on our planet, amazing monuments of the past have been preserved, testifying to the high skill of ancient builders, architects, artists, sculptors, who were able to see, reveal and convey to this day the unique beauty of natural stone. In the south of our country, buildings made of basalts, tuffs, and marbled limestones dating back to the first millennium BC have been found. Natural stone was widely used in the architecture of Ancient Rus'. In the monuments of the X-XII centuries. Bas-reliefs and sarcophagi with relief ornaments made of pyrophyllite slate have been preserved.

Currently, Ukraine has practically inexhaustible reserves of natural stones. Blocks of the most valuable types of facing stone are exported to various countries around the world. Natural stone is found in the earth's crust, which is composed of various rocks. Each rock has a different mineral composition. Rocks can be monomineral (eg marble) or polymineral (eg granite).

By origin, all rocks are divided into three large groups: the first - igneous, associated with processes of magmatic activity; the second - sedimentary, associated with exogenous processes; the third is metamorphic, formed as a result of the transformation of igneous and sedimentary rocks. In addition, there is a group of intermediate rocks - volcanogenic-clastic, some representatives of which are close to purely volcanic igneous rocks, while others are connected by continuous transitions with typical sedimentary rocks. The distribution of these rocks is not the same. It is estimated that the lithosphere is composed of 95% igneous and metamorphic rocks and only 5% sedimentary rocks. At the same time, the latter cover 75% of the earth's surface and only 25% of it is occupied by igneous and metamorphic rocks.

There are several cycles of rock formation, the transition processes of which are interconnected and occur in time and space.

The shortest cycle 1 includes the processes of formation of sedimentary rocks, which occur in the following sequence:

Weathering processes that destroy sedimentary rocks;

Sedimentation processes that contribute to the redeposition and accumulation of rocks destroyed as a result of mechanical, chemical and biogenic weathering;

The process of diagenesis is the transformation of sediment into new sedimentary rock.

Cycle 2 - rock formation involves the transition from sedimentary to metamorphic rocks. This cycle includes, in addition to the processes listed in the first cycle, the process of metamorphism, i.e. transformation of rocks as a result of changes in physical conditions under the influence of geological factors, primarily temperature and pressure. The process of metamorphism is associated with continuous transitions from igneous rocks.

The longest cycle of rock formation is cycle 3, which includes mutual transitions between sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. It consists of the further subsidence of metamorphic rocks as a result of migmatization processes, leading to the formation of migmatites and consisting in the mixing of substrate and vein material, as well as the process of anatexis, leading to the melting of rocks and their transformation into secondary magma. Some of the igneous rocks do not reach the Earth’s surface, but move to great depths and are again involved in the processes of metamorphism (cycle 4), leading to the formation of metamorphic rocks: orthogneisses, orthoamphibolites, orthoquartzites, etc.

“Jasper” is a Russian name that replaced it already in the middle of the 19th century. The most common Latin "jasper" or Greek "yatro". It is assumed that both names came from the Assyrian "ashpu". The peoples of Southeast Asia endowed this stone with supernatural powers; it was the subject of intertribal exchange. According to ancient European legends, this stone gives a person strength and protection, wisdom and understanding, the ability to foresee events and withstand any tests sent by fate. Jasper is a symbol of tirelessness and power over all living things. It gives the power to conquer animals, to force them to obey the will of man. Jasper was also used as a remedy. It strengthens memory, sharpens the sense of smell, cures epilepsy and fever. It is used to stop bleeding and generally helps the human body to quickly restore strength after an illness.

In Ancient Greece, jasper was credited with the power to counteract poison and any other toxic substance. If you drink from a jasper bowl, you can be cured of many diseases. In Ancient Rome, jasper was also considered a cure for etching, but in order for the stone to work, it was necessary to cut out a gem with a lion from it and always carry it with you.

Jasper was one of the precious stones. Necklaces, bracelets, seals, cameos and gems, dishes and figurines were made from it. Jasper was used to inlay gold and silver utensils.

In the medieval world, jasper was given a place among the 12 sacred stones. She entered into the decoration of churches, church utensils and clothing. Virtuoso artisans for processing jasper appeared. In 1766, the first map of deposits of colored and precious stones in the Urals was compiled in Yekaterinburg, of which 68 were jasper.

By the second half of the 19th century, almost all the main deposits of Ural and Altai jasper were already known. Jasper was listed among facing and ornamental stones, then it was transferred to the category of semi-precious. In Europe it was considered a second-order precious stone along with opal, malachite, and chrysoprase.

Currently, some varieties of jasper are used as jewelry and semi-precious stones, as well as decorative, decorative and high-strength technical raw materials. jasper rock rock

Jasper consists of 80-90% quartz, the grain size ranges from several nanometers to hundredths and less often tenths of a millimeter. The greater the metamorphic processing of the rock and the higher the content of impurity minerals, the more diverse the color and pattern of the stone, its textural and structural features.

Composition: Jasper is a rock containing significant quantities of quartz, colored in various colors. Nature generously endowed it not only with variegated colors, but also with amazing designs. Jaspers are named according to the nature of their color, with single-colored, striped, wavy, variegated-mottled, ocellated, etc.

Siliceous, sedimentary or sedimentary-metamorphic rock, composed of 60-95% of its volume by fine- and micro-grained quartz aggregates, sometimes with a greater or lesser proportion of cryptocrystalline chalcedony, as well as numerous minor minerals, including those that determine its color: iron oxides and hydroxides and manganese, various green and blue minerals (epidote, actinolite, chlorite, alkali amphiboles, prehnite), clay minerals (up to 20%), magnetite, pyrite, etc.

Some weakly metamorphosed jaspers contain the remains of flint skeletons of marine unicellular algae - radiolarians. Rocks in which chalcedony predominates over quartz (up to the complete absence of the latter) are called jasperoids.

Physical properties:

a) The coloring of jasper is distinguished by its richness and variety of colors. Uniformly colored (monochromatic), banded, ribbon, spotted and the most beautiful variegated jaspers are known. Some jaspers have a complex pattern (landscape, patterned, etc.). The predominant colors are gray, from greenish to dark green, yellow of various shades, wax red, brown, less often from blue to blue or violet,

b) Jasper is characterized by a very dense composition, high viscosity, fairly high hardness (7), density of approx. 2.65 and refractive indices 1.54-1.55 (for chalcedony jasperoids - 1.53). Jaspers are always opaque.

Theoretical foundations of the problem of studying the decorative properties of natural stone

To the jaspers Decorative stones include a wide range of rocks of different composition and genesis, united by their siliceous composition, high hardness and bright, unusual color. In the classical sense, jasper is a cryptocrystalline rock composed mainly of quartz and chalcedony (silicon oxide - SiO 2 ), and colored in a wide variety of colors with admixtures of other minerals.

Fine-grained dense jasper always contains impurities, sometimes up to 20%. This causes significant fluctuations in physical properties. Jasper can be brown, gray, red, black, yellow, green, blue, white, purple, orange.

Red, yellow and brown jasper contain varying amounts of ferric oxide Fe 2 O 3 , which indicates an oxidative environment and aerobic conditions of formation or change. Green jasper contains oxides of ferrous iron, and this indicates reducing, anaerobic conditions of formation, possibly at great depths.

Also, the green color can be given by impurities of the minerals epidote and actinolite. Some jaspers contain dendrites of manganese and iron, developing along cracks, which makes the stone even more decorative. Jasper is characterized by different textures - banded, spotted, ribbon, breccia, massive. Hardness 6.5-7. The fracture is splintered and conchoidal, opaque even in thin plates. It fills cracks and veins in sedimentary and volcanic metamorphosed rocks, and can also form individual layers.

In ancient literature, the concept of “jasper” had a collective character. All hard, variegated stones were called jaspers, including jade, volcanic rocks - porphyry, hornfels, flints, etc. In the 19th century. Jasper began to be called only siliceous hard rocks that are well polished.

Today, experts in ornamental stones classify jasper as any hard rock with a microfine-grained structure, with a beautiful decorative color or pattern. An indispensable requirement for jasper is the ability to polish well.

Jasper is divided into two groups according to composition:

1) jasper itself - rocks rich in quartz and chalcedony, genetically associated with volcanogenic and effusive-sedimentary formations;

2) jasper-shaped rocks, strong, dense, well polished, of various genesis, rich or devoid of quartz and its varieties.

Name comes from the Greek burit ("jasper") - "variegated", "spotted" or "speckled stone". There are analogues in other languages: Hebrew “yashpei”, Pers. - “jasper”, Assyrian “ashp”, etc.


-Agate Jasper (" oceanic" ) - mixed color, banded - sintered or ocellated, similar to agate.

-Egyptian jasper(Nile stone) - bright yellow or red.

-Ribbon jasper- has a layered structure with more or less wide stripes.

-Basanite- A fine-grained black jasper from North Carolina, USA, jewelers use it as an abrasive to determine the color of precious metals.

-Breccia jasper- a variegated rock with a breccia structure of various colors and shades. Breccia is pieces of broken and weathered rock - siliceous or other composition - cemented by clay, quartz or carbonate matter.

-Irnimit- blue jasper, a characteristic feature - blue (light blue) veins and spots in cherry, orange, gray jasper-like rocks, is found in the northwestern spurs of the Taikansky ridge in the basins of the Ir and Nimi rivers (Khabarovsk Territory).

-Bloody Jasper- incorrect designation of heliotrope (opaque dark green chalcedony with red dots).

-Hornweed- gray, brown-red, less often green or black, micro-grained rock formed in contact with a magmatic body.

-Landscape Jasper- contains a brown or black pattern of iron oxide dendrites, reminiscent of a natural landscape.

-Leopard Jasper- variegated rock of oolitic or breccia (spheroidal) structure of various colors and shades. Oolites are spherical globules formed in sediments and subsequently cemented. These differently colored pieces and globules make up the "leopard" pattern of the stone. Sometimes leopard jasper may be called metamorphosed limestone-shellstone or altered volcanic rock - rhyolite. Rhyolite has a porphyry structure and consists of volcanic glass and spherical crystals of quartz and feldspar interspersed with it.

-Mookait- cloud stone from pinkish to light red, deposits in Australia.

-Nunkirchen jasper- whitish-gray, less often yellowish or brownish-red. Dyed Prussian blue serves as "German jasper", or "Swiss lapis" to imitate lapis lazuli (lapis lazuli), named after a deposit in the Hunsrück Mountains, Germany.

-Plasma- uniformly fine-grained, dirty green.

-Prase- onion-green, not to be confused with the variety of green quartz of the same name.

-Silex- yellow, brown-red, spotted or striped.

-By texture A.E. Fersman identified 6 classification groups of jasper:

Solid with a uniform color - red, white, pink, fawn, violet, green, as well as with spots and inclusions in the form of dendrites, “clouds” of a delicate pattern, colored dots;

Striped, parallel-striped, ribbon with wide or narrow stripes of red, green, yellow, gray, wavy with curved and “curved” stripes, streamy, soft or sharp transitions;

Porphyritic with a uniform fine-grained background of red, violet, black and interspersed with other colors - feldspars, with transparent grains of quartz and black - augite and amphibole;

Variegated with spotted coloring, colored veins, such as “chintz”, “meat agate”, “brocade”, “watercolor” with a soft, blurry, sometimes wavy color;

Breccias and conglomerates - porphyry breccias, jasper breccias;

Spheroidal - “penny-shaped”, large and small, sintered (agate), banded, layered.

Characteristic primary defects of jasper are cracking, foreign inclusions, weathering crusts and softer areas (“pulp”). Secondary fracturing is formed during mining by explosive methods.

Origin: jaspers and jasperoids are mainly sedimentary-metamorphic rocks, deposited from seawater supersaturated with silica or formed by hydrothermal exposure of volcanic rocks rich in quartz. Sometimes jasper forms pseudomorphs (substitutions) along tree trunks, replacing organic matter, while maintaining the shape of the plant and the structure of the wood. This variety is called xylolite. It may be biogenic-sedimentary, from the siliceous skeletons of marine organisms - radiolarians. According to some researchers, the origin of jasper itself is associated exclusively with volcanic activity, and the process of formation of this rock occurs locally in zones of volcanism. According to A.E. Fersman, Altai jaspers owe their origin to the volcanic activity of lavas - porphyries of various compositions. Other ways of jasper formation are also possible - during the processes of metamorphism of clays, quartzites and other siliceous rocks, but this requires exposure to high temperatures and pressures (metamorphism).

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    Classification of rocks by origin. Features of the structure and formation of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The process of diagenesis. Sedimentary shell of the Earth. Limestones, dolomites and marls. Texture of clastic rocks. Clay pelites.

    presentation, added 11/13/2011

    General description and characteristic features of sedimentary rocks, their main properties and varieties. Types of layering of sedimentary rocks and structure. Contents and elements of clastic rocks. Characteristics and ways of formation of chemical, organogenic rocks.

    abstract, added 10/21/2009

    The essence of intrusive magmatism. Forms of occurrence of igneous and related metasomatic rocks. Classification of chemogenic sedimentary rocks. The concept of rock texture, examples of metamorphic rock textures. Geological activity of rivers.

    abstract, added 04/09/2012

    Lapis lazuli is a dark blue mineral interspersed with golden pyrite. Analysis of the chemical composition and main varieties of azure stone. Formation of lapis lazuli during contact metamorphism at the contact of carbonate rocks with alkaline intrusions.