Scenarios March 8 kindergarten new

Scenarios for March 8 for preschoolers

Scenarios for festive events, concerts and matinees for preschoolers.

Scenario of the competition program for the holiday of March 8 for the preparatory group

Children enter to the tune of “One Hundred Friends” (phonogram).


Hello, dear friends!

Children and adults,

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Hello everyone present!

We are all lucky today! We gathered for an extraordinary and interesting competition “Supermap-2013 or 2014, etc.” We have to choose the cutest, the smartest, the most savvy, the most musical, the most, the most! And the most unusual thing is that we are holding this competition on the eve of the wonderful holiday of March 8, when we talk a lot about women, sweet, kind, sympathetic.

1st child.

We're talking about teachers -

Our good friends.

2nd child.

We're talking about the nanny

Oh her efforts.

3rd child.

And about my dear grandmother,

And about my dear mother.


Many songs are born about women,

And this song is also dedicated to them.

The children take their seats.


Yes, adults and children know

That there are many women living in the world.

But you must agree that men -

This is the other half of women!

And, of course, it’s no secret to everyone,

What is impossible without women and men

To live in the world, no!

And may the boys do good deeds

In the life of an adult there will be countless

After all, boys are our support,

Our intelligence, courage and honor!

Let men's shoulders be strong

From now on and forever!

So, we invite you to the competition

Adults and children

Hurry up, hurry up

Everyone to the competition quickly!

Music is playing.

Presenter. Who will evaluate our children? In order to determine which of the participants will become a true gentleman, a real knight and receive the title “Superboy-201...”, we need to select a jury.

So, our jury proposes

And we present it to you!

The jury is presenting.

The bell is ringing.


Tili-bom, tili-bom,

We invite everyone to the competition,

The guys are good

Well done, handsome guys.

Take your seats, participants, come on in,

And you, viewers, look at them!

The presenter introduces the competition participants.

Presenter. Seven participants, seven boys - this is just a magnificent seven! I would like to wish all the participants of the competition only good luck! Good luck to all of you! Our boys will try their best for you, dear mothers and grandmothers, dear sisters and girlfriends! Now, pay attention! First task. This competition is called a “business card”, where each participant introduces himself, talks about himself, what he is like, what he does, what he loves most? For this competition, the jury gives scores of up to 5 points.

The boys talk.


Stompers and firecrackers,

Funny ditties for you!

You can't judge boys strictly

Everyone sings to themselves!


Believe it or not -

There are seven of us boys.

Let's dance now

And sing ditties.

Akolotin I am Ivan,

Boy I'm not a bully

And I want to be an example to everyone,

Like my dad is a policeman.

I am Ilyusha - class boy

I want to surprise all of you.

Doesn't look like anyone else

Boy am I still wow!

And I'm Dmitry Popov -

I'm ready to stand up for myself,

I am very dexterous and strong

And always smart in everything!

You, girl, don't cry -

I, Dimaska, am a strong man!

I really like to fight

I will defeat all the boys!

Klyuev, Klyuev I am Seryoga,

I'm a touchy boy

I'm in my favorite kindergarten

I don’t want to sleep at all during the day!

I am Romadin Sashok,

I'm a good guy.

Although I am very small in height,

But he was always smart in business.

Reznikov I'm Dmitry -

Very, very cunning.

Even though he’s still just a little boy,

But an agile daredevil.

We sang ditties for you,

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

May you clap for us!

Presenter. So, the jury’s assessment for the first “Business Card” competition is both a story about yourself and ditties.

A child in a pig costume runs in and sings the song “I am Oink-Pig” with the children, music. A. Abramova, lyrics. P. Sinyavsky.


You were waiting for me at the competition,

Why weren't you invited?

I wasn't invited alone...

Well, I’ll sing for you now!

There are guys in the world

Well, just like piglets:

Stupid and smart

Quiet and noisy

There are clean, tidy,

And there are sloppy ones.

There are greedy and nasty ones!

There are nice, exemplary ones!

Educator: It’s spring, can I pick another flower?

Spring: Today you can pick all the flowers.

Educator: What flower should we pick? Help me... (names names girls and boys)

Child 4: Yes! Blue flower! (goes and picks a blue flower and brings it to Spring).

Spring: This flower tells me that a couple dance will now be performed for beloved mothers and grandmothers (puts the flower in the basket).

Children dance a dance chosen by the music director.

The first row of lights in the hall goes out.

Educator: It was getting dark. Is it already evening and it’s time for us to leave?

Spring: No, it's not evening yet. But I still don’t understand why it became cloudy. Maybe magic flowers will help us? Let's pick a yellow flower and it will tell us everything (plucks a yellow flower). Flower, what happened? Tell.

Spring distributes yellow ribbons to children.

Educator: Guys, we need to help the sun. Who is the most dexterous and neat? Come out.

Children who received ribbons go to the center and place the ribbons on the carpet, forming a sun circle.

Child 5:
On the Eighth of March
To my beloved mom
I'll give you the sun
Golden-maned ray!

Child 6:
Let the ray touch
Mom's head
Kiss on the cheek
Gently deftly!

The light comes on.

Spring: It’s light again in our clearing and we can pick flowers again.

Educator: It’s spring, can we pick a flower now... ( girl and boy). What flower do you want to pick? Red? ( They pick a flower and give it to Spring).

Spring: Red again, which means the poems and song are heard again.

Educator: Guys, get up! And congratulate your grandmothers!

Child 1:
Affectionate grandmother,
Still young
The most beautiful,
You are always for us,

Child 2:
Congratulations, honey,
Happy holiday to you,
“You are like the sun to us” -
Let's say lovingly!

Child 3:
I want to wish you today
To preserve health forever,
Don't be nervous, my beauty,
And remember - grandchildren love only you!

Song for grandma as chosen by the music director.

Educator: It’s spring, but there’s only one white flower in your garden bed. It’s very interesting, what did he prepare for us? (takes off, examines). I don't understand anything ( gives the flower to Spring, goes to prepare the children for the performance).

Spring: What is unclear here? The white flower has prepared a fairy tale for us. Remember when I said that my meadow is magical?! Now the guys and I will tell, or better yet show, the incredible story that happened in this clearing.

To the music, children go out onto the carpet, sit in a circle and sing a song.

Educator: The children showed us a very interesting fairy tale. And there was only one flower left in the garden. And it seems to me that mothers want to pick this flower!?

Four mothers come out to sing with their children and pick a flower.

Mothers sing a song with their children.

Spring: Thank you, dear mothers, for playing with us.

Educator: In this amazing clearing we picked a whole basket of flowers.

Spring: I have another flower, it grows in a pot here ( goes to a pot with a multi-colored flower, takes it). This flower is quite unusual ( shows the children).

Educator: Are we going to pick this flower too?

Spring: Of course we will! (picks up a flower from a pot, a bag of candies is tied to it). Look what roots this flower has grown! (gives the bag of sweets to the teacher). Dear children! Thank you for visiting my spring meadow and being cheerful and talented here. This sweet bag is for you!

Happy spring holiday!
In this bright hour,
Dear mothers,

Mom is loved by everyone in the world -
Little kids, big kids,
Dad loves, a hundred girlfriends.

Children: Mom is the most faithful friend!

Educator: Dear mothers! This basket is filled with talents and smiles.

Spring: The joy and fun of our children.

Children: We give it to you! ( they put a basket of flowers on the table in front of their parents, and give their mothers crafts for March 8 that they made with their own hands).

An interesting scenario for March 8 in kindergarten “The Adventures of Snow White on Mother’s Day”

Solemn music sounds. Children come out and take turns reading poetry.

Child 1:
Spring begins on the first day of March
Mother's Day - March 8th is celebrated by the whole country.

Child 2:
And although there are still frosts and icicles above the window,
But fluffy mimosa is already sold all around.

Child 3:
Drops of sunlight, splashes of sunny color
We bring mimosa into the house, give it to grandmothers and mothers -

Children all together: Happy Women's Day!

You know, friends, there are many miracles in the world
And we can’t count them, no matter how hard you work.
But I know the miracle: it is familiar to all of you -
After all, this is a good fairy tale! We ask: “Come to us!”

Fairytale music sounds.

Leading: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a queen and her little daughter, Snow White. The day has come when all children congratulate their mothers and grandmothers - March 8th. Snow White and her friends were diligently preparing in the castle to congratulate the queen and were looking forward to her return.

Snow WhiteHe and his girlfriends are finishing it.

Girl 1:
What a gift for mom
Will we give on Women's Day?
There is a lot for this
Fantastic ideas.

Girl 2:
After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
It is very interesting.
We'll knead the dough in the bathtub
Or wash the chair.

Snow White:
I am a colorful gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils ( shows a portrait).

The Queen Mum appears.

Snow White: Mom mom! My friends and I have prepared a surprise for you!

Girl 3:
The snow melts in the sun,
There was a whiff of spring.
Today is a big holiday
Mom's dear!

Girl 4:
To our mothers on spring day
Spring itself sends greetings.
The sound of streams and birdsong
She gives for the holiday.
The sun shines brighter for us
On the glorious holiday of our mothers!

Girl 5:
Mother's day! Mother's day!
Wear your best dress!
Get up early in the morning
Clean up the house
Something good
Give it to your mom.

Girl 6:
Let our mothers hear
How we sing a song.
You, our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day!

The girls sing a song about their mother.

Mother: How lovely! Thank you dear friends! You clean up the house, and I’ll go into the forest to pick apples for the holiday. (leaves)

Girls dance.

Snow White: Now we need to clean up.

Cheerful music is playing, the girls are cleaning up - sweeping, wiping the table with rags.

Leading: The girls spent a long time cleaning up and finally everything was tidied up and sparkling with cleanliness.

Snow White: Thanks for the help! I'm looking forward to seeing you for the festive dinner!

The girls leave, Snow White is left alone.

Leading: Time passed and Mother still did not return, and Snow White began to worry.

Snow White: So much time has passed and still no mother, something must have happened! Maybe she got lost in the forest when she went to buy apples? I'll go look for her!

Upbeat music sounds.

Leading: Snow White went into the forest, and forest inhabitants met her on the way.

Squirrel comes out.

Here is a little squirrel, dexterous, fast
In a red, fluffy fur coat
I jump from branch to branch deftly
Red back, tail, head.

Snow White:
Oh, what a funny animal!
Fast, dexterous, mischievous.

Bunny jumps out.

Snow White, don't cry,
hide your bitter tears
Believe me, kindness
Your best feature.

All animals: We live together in the forest, and dance, and sing.

Dance of the animals.

Snow White: Animals, have you seen my mother? She went into the forest for apples and disappeared.

Squirrel: We ran past the swamp and saw her there.

Snow White: Thank you for your help! Goodbye!

The animals are leaving. Upbeat music sounds.

Leading: The forest inhabitants helped Snow White - they showed her the right path and she moved on.

Snow White:
I picked it in the field
Blue flower,
I'll bring it as a gift
Dear mom.
I'll pin it on my mom's dress.
More than anything in the world
I love mom!

A bell rings.

Snow White: What kind of ringing is so magical? Where is he from?

Butterflies fly out and dance around.

Snow White: Butterflies, you fly everywhere, have you seen my mother? She disappeared in the forest.

Butterfly: There is a clearing in the thicket of the forest, we saw it there.

Snow White: Thank you for your help!

Butterflies fly away.

Snow White: Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit down to rest.

Gnomes lived in this forest
They have a hundred freckles on each nose.
And if they meet someone in the forest
Freckles will dance on every nose.

The gnomes come out and dance their dance.

Snow White: Oh, who are you?

Gnome 1: We are gnomes!

Gnome 2: And we go to congratulate grandma!

Snow White: And I go to look for my mother, she went for apples and disappeared.

Gnome 1: Let's ask our grandmother, she knows everything.

Gnome 2: We will help you!

Gnome 3: And you help us.

Snow White: Of course, let's go!

Cheerful music is playing.

Leading: Snow White went with the dwarves to a wise grandmother who lived nearby.

Gnome 1: Dear grandma! We came to congratulate you!

Gnome 2:
We love our grandmother.
We are very friends with her.
With a good, kind grandmother
The guys have more fun.

Gnome 3:
Happy holiday, happy spring holiday
We congratulate all grandmothers in the world!

Gnome 4:
I’ll kiss my dear grandma very hard
After all, my granny is very, very kind!

Gnome 5:
There are many different songs
About everything in the world.
And now we’ll sing a song for you
Let's sing about grandma!

They sing a song about grandma.

Gnome 1:
Knit socks and cook dinner,
Jam knows an old secret,

Gnome 2:
Often bakes pies and pancakes
Our good one is kind.

All gnomes: Grandmother!

Grandmother: Thank you, my darlings! Who is this with you?

Gnome 1: This is Snow White, she is looking for her mother.

Gnome 2: Haven't you seen her?

Grandmother: An enchanted apple tree grows in the depths of the forest; whoever eats its apple will immediately fall asleep! She probably tried the magic apple and fell asleep.

Gnome 1: Thank you, grandma!

Cheerful music is playing.

Leading: The friends wandered through the forest for a long time in search of their mother and finally found her near an apple tree.

Snow White: Oh, trouble, mom is sleeping, what should I do?

Gnome 1: I know how to wake her up; I need to sing a special, magical song.

Gnome 2: Let's call all the forest inhabitants and help Snow White.

Animals and butterflies come out and sing a song.

Mother: Oh, how long I slept! Thank you all for saving me!

Smile, grandmothers,
Smile, moms,
Sing along to the song
Together with us!

Everyone sings a holiday song.

Let the matinee in kindergarten according to one of these scenarios by March 8 become a real decoration of the holiday. We hope that preschoolers will enjoy taking part in such a performance, and parents will enjoy watching their talented children.

The first month of spring does not yet bring warmth and sunshine, but it is still nice to know that spring has come and in a little while it will be summer. But it’s too early to think about this, and I’m still thinking about what skits to show in kindergarten on March 8th. Funny scenes can be shown in the preparatory group to amuse teachers and holiday guests. Check out our ideas and create a funny and fun celebration for your milestones.

The scene is a dispute between boys and girls.

Boys and girls are sitting on chairs. They sit and talk.

Boy 2:
- no, it’s not like that with us. After all, this is a holiday of defenders, and boys become defenders only after the army. And you still know how long it takes us to go to the army...

Girl 2:
- Do you think it’s easier for us than yours?

Girl 1:
- Yes, you know that we girls have been working since childhood! We help mom in the kitchen, and with cleaning, and...

Boy 2:
- Yes, we have been helping dads since childhood! We know what we do with them...

Girl 2:
Yes, we know - go fishing, go to the forest to pick mushrooms. You help them watch TV!

Boy 1:
- but you’re in vain to say that! Try getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning and going fishing! And the next day, get up at five in the morning and go into the forest to look for mushrooms. Do you know what hard work it is!

Girl 1:
- then you try not to play football after kindergarten, but to wash the floors of the house and wipe off the dust. And also have time to help mom with dinner!

Boy 2:
- Yes, it’s as easy as shelling pears!

Girl 2:
- that's agreed!

The girls leave the stage.

Boy 1:
- Listen, I don’t really want to clean the house instead of playing football.

Boy 2:
- yeah, but I don’t want to wash potatoes and help with dinner. Maybe we can go make gifts for March 8th and apologize to the girls?

The boys leave the stage. The girls appear.

Girl 1:
- Do you like to wake up at four in the morning? That's what I don't like.

Girl 2:
- but the next day you will have to get up early again and walk into the forest! Come on, better, let's make tea and cake and treat the boys.

The girls leave the stage. Boys appear with gifts.

Boy 1:
- we can’t see our girls. They were probably offended.

The girls come out here.

Girl 1:
- boys! There you are! Come on, we've prepared tea and cake for you.

Boys give gifts to girls.

Boy 1:
- after all, everyone should mind their own business. And it doesn’t matter who he was born: a boy or a girl.

Boy 2:
- we congratulate all the girls on March 8th and wish them to quickly help their mothers at home and run outside to watch us play football!

On March 8, you should definitely congratulate your beloved grandmothers. This can be done in a very unusual and fun way. For example, dress children up as grandmothers and show them a fiery dance. It looks funny and interesting. Watch the video to see how others did it:

On March 8, all children make and give gifts to their mothers. You can also make a collective gift from the whole group. And it will not be just a gift, but a dance. You need to rehearse it, and then you will do it as great as the children in the video:

01.03.2019 | Looked at the script 126 Human

(The action takes place in a room. A boy is sitting and building a castle. Dad comes into the room with a travel bag.)

Dad: Well, son, don’t forget that you remain the only man in the family! I'm leaving on a business trip. (puts things in bag)

Son: Yep! ...

On the last Sunday of November, Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia. This holiday also exists in other countries of the world. Only each country has its own date for it. You say: “What about March 8?” March 8 is International Women's Day. ...

A fun and interesting scenario for the holiday “Krosh and Nyusha”, dedicated to International Women’s Day on March 8

28.02.2019 | Looked at the script 200 Human

The sun smiled tenderly at us,
A holiday is coming, the holiday of our mothers.

Look how we dressed up
How beautifully the hall was decorated.
We invited the sun to visit,
To make mom's day shine.

We congratulate our mothers,
And from...

28.02.2019 | Looked at the script 232 person

The phonogram “Song of the Baby Mammoth” plays. Children enter the hall together with their mothers in pairs and sit on chairs.

Host: Good evening, we say to you. It is no coincidence that we have gathered today on this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we...

Matinee for March 8th for the preparatory group: “Traveling through countries in search of snowdrops”

26.02.2019 | Looked at the script 304 person

Today we feel as comfortable as at home
Look how many familiar faces there are in the hall.
Moms came to us - we are glad to see you all!
And we will begin the joyful holiday now.
It is dedicated to you - the sweetest and gentlest,
To loved ones, relatives - this is a holiday for everyone...

Congratulations script for March 8th for preschoolers

24.02.2019 | Looked at the script 332 person

Children with tulips in their hands, accompanied by music, enter the hall, walk around it and stand in a semicircle.

A child reads a poem:
Spring holiday in the yard
Cheerful, warmest.
They smile at us brightly.
All grandmothers and mothers.
Perky streams are ringing.
Goodbye, ...

An interesting scenario for March 8 for preschoolers

22.02.2019 | Looked at the script 497 Human

A ray of sunshine looked into this hall,
He gathered dear guests in our hall,
You are with us now - this is a great joy,
So let the congratulations ring out without ceasing!

1st child.

We dressed up today
We will sing and dance.
We shall be together...

Holiday scenario for March 8th

19.02.2019 | Looked at the script 499 Human

Let the snow continue to swirl
Yes, the frost is still naughty.
March climbed the threshold,
And spring looks out the window.
You may have already noticed its first steps:
The blizzards have stopped howling,
Everyone is ready to welcome spring.

Song: “Solar drops” music. S. Sosnina

Scenario of the matinee for March 8th Day

10.02.2019 | Looked at the script 439 Human


Presenter - adults
Organ Grinder
Baba Yaga
A group of children runs in to the sound of cheerful music.

1st child:

Today in the whole world
The holiday is big and bright.

Listen, moms, listen,
Children congratulate you!

2nd child:


Theatrical performance for March 8th for children

02.02.2019 | Looked at the script 422 person

Host: This holiday was invented in 1910 by the German revolutionary Clara Zetkin. According to her plan, March 8 was to become a day of struggle for women of all countries for their equality. This holiday has long ago lost its political significance, and...

Progress of the event

Children in pairs (a boy leads a girl) enter the hall to lyrical music, walk around the circle, and line up in a semicircle.

Leading: Hello, dear mothers, grandmothers, dear guests!

Spring has come again,

Again she brought a holiday,

The holiday is joyful, bright and gentle,

A holiday for all our dear women!

May you all smile today,

Your children did their best for you.


  1. Let the snow continue to swirl

And the frost is still naughty

March climbed the threshold

And spring looks out the window.

  1. Winter is over

Rejoice - spring has come!

The sun woke up first

For grandmothers and mothers

She smiled sweetly.

  1. We dressed up today

Let's sing and dance

Let's have fun together

Let's congratulate the women!

  1. Dear grandmothers and mothers,

All women in the world

Happy holiday

Congratulations children!

Let them sound in the hall today

Songs, music and laughter.

We invited mothers to the holiday

All: Our mothers are the best!

Leading: Today the holiday is dedicated to you, dear women and our lovely girls, charming and fabulously elegant.

In my opinion, our hall is so beautiful and radiant only once a year. Because there is nothing more beautiful in the world than female beauty. And today women of all ages have gathered here: these are our charming girls, and dear mothers, and dear grandmothers, and charming teachers and kindergarten staff. So let's greet each other with friendly applause. (Addresses the boys.) And now, dear gentlemen, escort your partners to their seats. (Children take their places on the chairs.)

The phonogram of a hurdy-gurdy melody sounds.

Leading. What do I hear? These are the sounds of a barrel organ. And this means that our “Sharman show” begins.

The organ grinder comes in.

Organ grinder.

With an old barrel organ

I'm not breaking up

She brings joy

Drives away sadness.

It contains balls with wishes

We have it in store for you.

And we'll tell you in advance:

They will all come true.

We ask you not to be shy,

Get the ball out quickly

After all, guys, all the desires

Yours will be fulfilled.

Leading: Dear guests, the barrel organ of our fairy-tale heroes is truly unusual. It contains forfeit balls with numbers. Each forfeit number corresponds to the number of our performance. So here we go!

The organ grinder invites one of the guests to pull a ball out of the organ grinder. The guest calls the number, the host announces it. But this doesn’t matter for the show, because the sequence of concert numbers is determined in advance.

Leading : So, number__. Wonderful! We start the “Sharman Show” program with a song for our beloved mothers.

The song “About Grandmother and Mother” is performed.

Grandma's pancakes are so delicious!
Mommy's cakes are so delicious!
And for this to grandma, and for this to mommy
I will give you the first flowers for the holiday!

No, they don’t know boredom - grandmother’s hands!
And my mother knows no rest.
And for this grandma, and for this mommy
I respect you more than anyone in the world!

I congratulate you on the spring holiday!
I sing a spring song for you
I promise to be obedient all day long.

Because I love you very, very, very much!

Organ Grinder: Choose a forfeit quickly

To make it more fun!

Leading: Fant number __. We're definitely going to have some fun now.

Prick up your ears children

The mothers will sing ditties.

Mothers sing ditties.

We'll sing ditties

Funny, funny!

So that there are all mothers

SATISFIED on this day!

After a delicious lunch

I’ll help mom right away.

And get up off the couch

For some reason I can't.

So as not to oversleep in kindergarten

You have to try

I need to ask my mom

Get up at 5 o'clock!

To mom on Sunday

Don't oversleep on work

I'll set her alarm clock

And I'll slip it under the bed.

I love my dear mother

I'll give her some candy.

I'll bring it home

Mom, will you share with me?

To make mom smile

And she was pleased

I’ll draw it in her passport

Cool face.

So that mom doesn't be sad

I won't sleep at night!

I'll jump on the bed

And sing ditties.

What's that noise? What's all the fuss?

Mom is surprised!

Dad is cleaning up!

I'm also happy with cleaning


I'll break all the dishes -

Let everyone be happy!

We sang ditties for you,

How much we love you!

And now we ask you,

Let's clap now.

Organ Grinder: “Sharman show” continues,

We fulfill all wishes!

Leading : Fant number___. Number 5! We are announcing a theatrical production.

"Teremok" in a new way

Everyone is happy to see it.

A little house-teremok is brought into the hall.


There is a miracle tower,

He is neither short nor tall.

Who lives in it?

He is reputed to be an assistant.

Leading: To gather helpers

We need to play out the fairy tale.

Leading: Like a frying pan running across a field.

She, cast iron, is in a hurry to the tower.

She can't wait to become an assistant.

She began to knock insistently on the door.

Mom with a frying pan in her hands knocks on the door of the tower.

Host: Who's there?

Pan: I am a frying pan, let me into the mansion.

I am of excellent quality.

I bake pancakes very well.

Leading: Come on in, let's try your pancakes.

Mom with a frying pan in her hands sits on a chair next to the tower.

Leading: There is a noise on the path: a saucepan is rushing towards us,

She rattles her lid loudly.

Mom with a saucepan in her hands approaches the tower.

Pot: Look at me.

Let me into the mansion.

I will serve you with faith and truth

Cook soups, cabbage soup, and porridge for everyone.

Leading: Come visit us soon

We are glad to have such guests.

Mom with a saucepan in her hands sits on a chair next to the tower.

Leading: Across the field on a thin leg

The little boy is jumping briskly.

Mom with a ladle in her hands approaches the tower.

Ladle: What kind of tower is this?

I'll knock on it once! (Knocks.)

Let me into the mansion

And use it in the kitchen.

Leading: Can't do it without you! Come into the mansion and sit down.

Mom sits down next to the tower with a ladle in her hands.

Leading: The sieve is in a hurry and running across the field,

He stopped at the door and screamed.

Mom with a sieve in her hands approaches the tower.

Sieve: I don't sit still.

I'll sift everything and strain it.

Let me into the little mansion.

Host: Come in.

Mom sits down next to the tower with a sieve in her hands.

Leading: All assistants are in place.

So let's all get together

We will fry and cook,

And feed your children.

Organ grinder.

Don't forget about my barrel organ,

Fun ball with wishes

get it quickly.

Leading . Fant number... Today laughter, jokes, fun - everything is for you, dear women.

Let's stand together in a circle,

Let's shake hands with each other

And we will fulfill it at the same hour

Our favorite dance is the waltz.

The boys dance with their mothers.

Organ Grinder:

You, my organ-organ,

Play more fun.

Wishes to all guests

Do it quickly.

One of the guests pulls out another forfeit ball.

Leading. Number...

It's time to entertain the guests

There will be a new game!

Game for boys “Is it easy to be a girl”

4 people participate. They are divided into pairs and compete to see who can put on a skirt and tie a bow for their partner the fastest. Then the players change places.

Organ Grinder:

Cheerful sounds of a barrel organ

No one is allowed to get bored.

At our holiday everyone jokes,

They dance and sing loudly.

Girls dance with their mothers.

Organ grinder.

With an old barrel organ

And it’s time for me to hit the road.

We had a lot of fun!

Goodbye, kids.

The organ grinder leaves.


  1. We are finishing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, prettier.

  1. We wish our mothers

Never be discouraged

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

  1. May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

  1. We want, for no reason,

They would give you flowers.

All the men were smiling

From your wonderful beauty.

Children give mothers and grandmothers souvenirs made with their own hands.