Fun starts in the camp for junior units. Scenarios of events for a school camp. Sports festival Sports day at a school camp scenario


  • to arouse interest in the Olympic Games among school-aged children;
  • create conditions for a sense of belonging to the most important events in the sport of Kazakhstan.

Objectives of the event:

  • create the prerequisites for a healthy lifestyle;
  • introduce children to Olympic sports,
  • cultivate creativity, independence and initiative in motor actions;
  • develop interest and love for sports;
  • to form friendly relations in a team of children, a sense of empathy for their teammates.

Phonograms of sports songs are played. All units line up one after another. All have a distinctive sign (ties, balls, T-shirts, etc.). FANFARE.

Presenters: Dear guests! Dear friends! LDP begins the opening ceremony of the Small Olympic Games.

1 Presenter: The Olympic teams take to the central track.
The first to appear is the “(name of the squad)” squad. There are excellent guys in the squad - future masters of sports. They are ready for a serious fight.

2 Presenter: The squad “(name of the squad)” comes out behind them. The squad's team is strong in friendship and the desire to win.

There are many bright sports stars in our squads who will definitely shine on the Olympic horizon. We welcome you and believe that they will have many Olympic awards in their collection! Applause.

1 Presenter: Participants of demonstration performances - the general camp cheerleading team - come out onto the school square. (counselors) For a whole week they carefully prepared for demonstration performances. We thank you for your excellent preparation and believe that you will do well. The national team is determined only to win! We wish you happy starts.

2 Presenter: May today be a successful day for you! Let's meet! We hope that you will definitely remember your first sports festival! We wish you to receive the first awards in our sporting events today!

Fanfare (phonogram).

1 Presenter:
Olympic Games!
Be strong and agile!
And agile and fast!

2 Presenter: Athletes, remember: You must defend your honor, and the honor of the squad and the camp. Be successful. We wish you all to become even more perfect, to strengthen your desire for victory in your life!

Olympic music sounds Presenters: The Olympic Games are friendship between people of 5 continents. This is world peace. (ALIGNMENT of the Olympic rings). (music sounds)

"From Europe friendship trails
Everyone is rushing to the Olympics
What is the color of Europe?
Blue is the color of Europe! (A girl with a blue hoop comes out):
“Everyone knows that black is the color
Hello sultry Africa! (with a black hoop).
“It’s not good for America to be
Without any signs of your own.
She has a ring too
Red color is your answer!”
"The sun from across the ocean
Rising to the zenith.
Early in the east
The sun gilds the windows,
Because the color yellow is
- This is Asia hello!
“The color of the grass is green,
Hello from Australia!

(dance with hoops - performed by counselors)

The chairman of the Olympic Committee and the camp director are at the microphone. He ends his greeting with the words: “The Small Olympic Games are considered open.”

Phonogram of the anthem. The flag is raised.

Presenters: All camp athletes take an oath (the best athletes of the squads.)

1 athlete: On behalf of all athletes, participants in the Small Olympic Games, we solemnly swear: to be faithful to the rules of Kazakhstani sports!

2nd athlete: Respect your opponents and conduct fair sports competition! We swear!

All: We swear!

The flame of the Small Olympics calls us to the beginning of the Olympic starts.

Phonogram. “Sport, jerk and golden finish...” The Olympic flame is lit.
Remember, the Olympic Games are about friendship, perseverance, the will to win; it is a beautiful and fair sport. And sport is the world. Long live the Small Olympic Games! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

(Balloons fly into the sky, demonstration performances take place - a dance with ribbons).

1 Presenter: Happy starts and victorious finishes to you. Teams, AROUND, march. All units leave the parade. Getting ready for games (roller skates, bicycle races, races, etc.)

Small Olympic Games program:

1. Intellectual competition “Children of Kazakhstan choose sports” (school area);
2. Flash mob competition “Best squad exercise”; (Assembly Hall)
3.Games by station (school area, assembly hall, multimedia room)
4. Pioneerball competitions between squads. (school sports ground)

Squads are invited and the “Intellectual Competition” begins

Dear guys, I would like to know from you: how well do you know sports?

1 Presenter: Name the sports that take place on water.

1. Swimming (all types).
2. Water polo.
3. Jumping into the water.
4. Rowing (all types).
5. Sailing (all types).
6. Water sports (scooter racing).
7. Water skiing. (the counselors give out chips for correct answers)

2 Presenter: Name the sports in which skis are used.

1. Ski racing.
2. Biathlon.
3. Ski jumping.
4. Freestyle.
5. Mogul.
6. Water skiing.
7. Roller skis.
8. Alpine skiing.

1 Presenter: Name sports games in which the ball is played with hands.

1. Volleyball.
2. Basketball.
3. Handball.
4. Tennis court.
5. Table tennis.
6. Water polo.
7. Baseball.
8. Lapta.
9. Streetball.
10. Rugby.
11. American football.

2 Presenter:
Step forward, our teams.
Let everyone look at you.
Celebration of sports and health
It starts with us.

1 Presenter: Teams - to the assembly hall!

The march sounds, the teams enter the assembly hall doing a lap of honor and line up.

2 Presenter: Are the teams ready for sporting competitions? Teams. Yes!

1 Presenter:
To hold a competition,
We need an experienced judge.
And here is the judging team
Let's introduce it to you, friends!

The referee team approaches the work tables. Presentation of the judges.

2 Presenter: Are judges ready to judge fairly and objectively?

Judges. Ready!

1 Presenter: The floor goes to the chairman of the refereeing team. He will introduce us to the rules of the competition.

Chairman of the judging team: Well, let's go for the records! Good luck everyone!

2 Presenter: Let's start the first round. Team presentation.

The teams are being introduced.

1 Presenter: The teams introduced themselves and greeted each other. The judges evaluate your efforts. And the teams get ready for the second test.

2 Presenter:
I want, friends, to confess,
What I love in the morning
Do physical exercise,
What I advise you too.

1 Presenter: Everyone needs to do exercises,
There are a lot of benefits from it.
And health is the reward
For your zeal!
I ask everyone to stand up straight
And what will the commander do?
Everyone do it.

Music is playing and physical exercises are being shown (flash mob).

1 Presenter: This competition will also be appreciated by our judges, and we move on.

For classes, as is known,
We need a hoop.
Both beautiful and useful
Exercise to do with it.

Competitions: “Walk through the hoop” and “Centipede run”.

2 Presenter:
Speed, agility and dexterity -
The jury will evaluate everything about you.
Well, we have to move forward,
A new competition awaits you all.

1 Presenter:
What kind of miracle? Jump and jump.
Look - the bag has moved.
Hey, grab him, catch him,
Grab the bag quickly.

Held"Jumping in a bag" competition.

2 Presenter: Let's not waste time
We shoot at the target.

The task for the teams is to make as many accurate shots as possible on the target, that is, simply knock it down.

A football march sounds.

1 Presenter: You hear? A sports march that has repeatedly made the hearts of a multi-million army of fans beat faster.

2 Presenter: Now imagine that you are on a football field. And in a few seconds the football match will begin, the athletes begin warming up.

1 Presenter: When the whistle blows, the first participants must guide the ball to the pin and back, passing it to the next participant. The team that warms up the players faster will win.

2 Presenter: The ball can be driven with your feet, head, chest, but not with your hands. If a player touches it, the team receives a penalty point.

1 Presenter: The sound of the gong announced to us that our competition was over. All teams line up for the ceremonial march.

2 Presenter: Behind the Olympic flag, March!

The teams march into the hall in formation. Cheerful music is playing. Senior counselors run out and greet the participants in the small Olympic Games. The teams are given the opportunity to catch their breath. The judges can sum up the results.

And we have a concert break again.

Performance by creative groups.

1 Presenter:
Let the pool, and the ring, and the court call you,
And the football field too.
Dear friends, you all love sports,
He will always help you in everything.

Fanfare sounds.

2 Presenter: Fanfare sounds. This means that the most exciting and long-awaited moment has arrived - the presentation of awards! The word is from the panel of judges.

Summing up the results of the competition, presenting awards.

1 Presenter: We thank all participants in the Small Olympic Games.

Remember to grow and harden,
You need to play sports.

Presenter 2.
Toughen up, kids!
Good morning!
Physical education...

All. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Music to end games

Fun starts at summer camp. Scenario

The proposed competitions and games are fully adapted to the conditions and nature of educational and recreational camps.
The developed scenario is offered as an approximate implementation option. Therefore, the material can be supplemented, changed, or simply taken as a basis.
Target: By diversifying children's free leisure with exciting games and competitions, unobtrusively attracting them to more active recreation.
While participating in fun competitions, the guys must understand that in order to win, it is not enough to just be physically strong. At the same time, it is necessary to have sufficient determination, strength of zeros, to be organized and collected, dexterous and resourceful.
The composition of the teams is formed in such a way that their strengths and capabilities are at the same level, while the age data of the opponents is certainly taken into account. Both should have equal chances. And with what results both teams will reach the finish line depends only on their cohesion and organization.
Preparing for competitions does not require much hard work and consists of several stages:
1. Development and approval of the event plan.
2. Appointment of the date and time of the event.
3. Formation of the jury. The jury members, in turn, must decide on which system they will judge (in points or points, etc.).
4. Formation and staffing of two opposing teams.
5. Assigning to each team a responsible counselor who is responsible for preparing his team for the upcoming competitions.
6. Preparation of the necessary attributes for competitions and games, as well as the appointment of someone responsible for this preparation.
7. Formation of support groups and appointment of those responsible for the preparation and performance of group participants: learning chants to encourage teams, preparing colorful posters or banners; preparing rhythmic movements to music during possible pauses and hitches, etc.
8. Preparing the terrain on the camp territory, marking the launch site. It must be level and clean to avoid situations associated with injuries and accidents. The ideal option is to hold such an event at a stadium.
9. Teams develop their own logos and mottos; prepare a greeting for the opposing team; They are preparing one amateur performance on a sports theme. This could be a poem, a composition of movements (with ribbons, a hoop, etc.) or an acrobatic episode, etc.
10. Teams think over their equipment. It is desirable that there is no “multi-color” and scattered clothing. A sporty style is encouraged: plain T-shirts with the team emblem, loose-fitting sports pants (shorts are not advisable - if a child falls, the exposed part of the legs may be damaged), light sports shoes.
So, the preparatory work is left behind. Forward to “Fun Starts”!
Progress of the event
The presenter welcomes the audience and invites the teams. To the sounds of solemn music and applause from spectators and fans, teams enter from opposite ends of the field and take their places of honor in the front row. The presenter introduces and invites the jury to take their seats. The chairman of the refereeing team explains the rules of the competition, which members of both teams must strictly adhere to; explains on what scale and how the competition participants will be assessed and wishes the teams to show the maximum of their abilities and capabilities and win.
1. Warm up. Each team defends its emblem, motto and addresses its opponents with a brief greeting. (Sample team names, mottos and greetings are given below.)
Team. "Energy".
Motto: “Only forward and only together. We have two hundred percent energy!”
Greeting message to the opposing team: “We wish you not to lose all your optimism as you approach the finish line!”
Team "Optimists".
Motto: “Our motto is simple - you can’t get around us, even by half a meter, but we are ahead!”
Greeting message to the opposing team: “There is two hundred energy when you are all together. But as soon as one drops out, all chances are reduced to zero. Don’t let your quantity outweigh your quality!..”

2. Personal acquaintance. The jury and all those present got acquainted with the emblems, mottos and greetings of the teams. There is just a little left: each team member must now introduce himself personally. He must do this in the following way: both teams in full force go to the starting track. Ahead, about fifty meters away, stands an improvised mountain. There is an inscription on it: “We were here...” Further, the space is divided by a line.
Teams are given a bag. At the signal, the first team members must climb into their bag and jump to the “mountain”. Without getting out of the bag, write your name in the space provided with chalk or a felt-tip pen, already prepared in advance and located there, for example: “Kolya.” Next, leaving the chalk there, the competitor must turn around and quickly ride in the bag to his team, get out of the bag and pass it to the next player. He gets into the bag and jumps in it to the “mountain”, writes his name and returns in the same way...
The first team to complete the “personal introduction procedure” wins.
While the jury is tallying up the results of the first two stages of the competition, the presenter asks each team riddles that can fill the pause.
Riddles for the “Energy” team:
- How will the beginning of sports competitions be called in the language of athletes? (Start.)
- This horse doesn't eat oats.
Instead of legs there are two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it,
Just steer better... (Bicycle.)
We are nimble sisters,
Craftswomen run fast.
In the rain we lie down,
Let's run into the snow
This is our regime... (Skis.)
Riddles for the Optimist team:
- What is the end of a sports competition called in the language of athletes? (Finish.)
- Yes, guys, I have
Two silver horses.
I ride both at once
What kind of mines do I have? (Skates.)

Green meadow,
A hundred benches around
From gate to gate
People are running briskly... (Stadium.)
The jury announces the results of the previous two tasks.
3. Collective centipede race.
The upcoming race is unusual in that the whole team participates in it. Having wrapped their arms around the waist of the player in front, they run after the leader to the designated place, for example, the same improvised mountain. They run around it and come back. It is very important not to bump heads with the opposing team, not to stumble and not to make a “heap of trouble”.
The team of centipedes that will go around the “mountain” without delay or hitch and return first back to its starting position is rightfully considered the winner.
The presenter, together with the fans, can encourage the lagging players with remarks like this:
Faster, faster, centipedes,
There's still a little bit to go until the finish line!..
Centipede, move,
One more push... pull yourself up!..
4. Captains competition.
While the rest of the team members are taking a break from the tiring race, the captains are preparing for a new type of competition. A thirty-centimeter peg is driven in approximately two meters from the player. The player must place ten rings on the peg from his seat. The captains compete in turns. The order is determined by drawing lots. The one who achieves the least result in this type of competition loses.
5. “Rope balls” - the task is as follows: the players in front of the teams, at the signal, must jump with the ball held by their ankles to the finish line; exchange the ball for a jump rope and return to the team, moving by jumping over the jump rope. The next team players take the baton and jump rope to the finish line. Then they change it to a ball and return with the ball clamped between the ankles. The team that completes the task first wins.
The presenter gives the signal for the start of the competition with a quatrain, the last words of which indicate the start of the start:
One two three four five,
We will play with you
The ball is cheerful, mischievous,
Let's roll, don't stop!..
During the jury meeting and summing up the results of the competition, the resulting pause is filled by support groups. They demonstrate their prepared performances. Their performances are judged by audience applause.
Next, one of the jury members announces the results of previous competitions.
6. Ball relay.
The teams line up. The first players pass the ball to the next until it reaches the last ones. The last players, each running around their own chain, become the heads of their teams and pass the ball to the players behind them. The ball again hits the last player in the chain, who must also run around it and become the head of the team, and so on.
The team whose players swapped places first wins.
7. Relay race with running.
One of the players on each team holds a hoop standing vertically on the ground. At the signal, the rest of the team players must jump through the hoop. The team that completes the task faster is considered the winner.
8. “Homework”- team members must present three amateur performances on a sports theme to the jury and spectators. This could be, for example, a gymnastic sketch or a hand-to-hand combat demonstration; funny and mischievous ditties; poetry; puzzles; sports dancing, etc.
The jury evaluates the last tasks and sums up the overall result of the competition. The winners are announced. Those who distinguished themselves are awarded with memorable souvenirs, and incentives, such as sweet prizes, are awarded to the rest of the competition participants. The jury members do not ignore the support groups and note the work of the counselors involved in the preparation and conduct of “Fun Starts”. The event ends with cheerful, energetic music.

Target: to form a positive attitude towards sports and the Winter Olympic Games.

Tasks : 1) introducing children to sports;

2) instilling patriotic feelings, pride in one’s city, one’s country and Russians;

3) development of physical skills, formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment e: costumes of ancient Greek women, sports. equipment (skittles 9 pcs., inflatable rings - “sleds” 3 pcs., 3 dolls, cardboard skis 3 pairs, large size slippers 3 pairs, baskets for “snowballs” 3 pcs., snowballs for throwing made of paper, tags distances (cubes or skittles)), medals and certificates for awarding, multi-colored T-shirts for teams, embroidered Olympic flag, fanfare soundtracks, “Anthem of Sochi-2014”, tape recorder, speakers.

3 teams of 10 people are formed. The event is held outdoors. The teams wear jerseys in the colors of the Olympic rings.

Homework: prepare a greeting and team motto.

Progress of the event:

Teams stand along the sides of the court.

Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Hello dear guests and dear guys! Today is a sports holiday! The Russian anthem is playing. The Olympic flag is being carried out.

After the flag is taken out, the “Sochi 2014 Anthem” is played and the Olympic dance is performed.

During the sound, 3 girls in ancient Greek outfits come out.

Leading: The first Olympic Games took place in 776 BC in Ancient Greece and were dedicated to the supreme god Zeus. And guests arrived to us from the mountain of the gods - Olympus.

1 girl: In the old days, in the ancient world,

Twenty six centuries ago

The cities did not live in peace,

Brother went to war against brother.

And the wisest decided:

Eternal quarrels are terrible,

It is possible in courage and strength

Compete without war!

2nd girl: Let him come to Olympia,

Who is brave and strong;

There will be peaceful battles

The battlefield is the stadium!

3 girl: So that we can celebrate the Olympic Games with dignity today,

The best of the best were invited to compete in sports.

(points to the lined up teams)

Leading: Before the start of the competition, on behalf of all participants, we solemnly swear:

Participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held, and respect the obviously weak opponent;

Run only in the direction indicated by the leader - a step to the side is considered an attempt to escape;

Observe the Olympic motto: faster, higher, stronger;

Do not trip up your opponent, do not finish off those who have fallen;

Do not leave the families of victims in trouble and provide all possible assistance;

Compete in a true sportsmanlike spirit, for the glory of the sport and for the honor of your team;

Don't fight over first place, but win at any cost.

The command presentation begins:

Leading: So, we declare our Small Olympic Games open!

Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Competitors, please come to the start.

The teams line up in columns at the start.

The presenter's story about sports.

Leading: The Winter Olympic Games include sports such as biathlon, cross-country skiing, luge, figure skating, alpine skiing, hockey, and ice dancing. And our first competition - luge.

Each team has a sled with a passenger. Your task is to drive the sled to the mark and back without dropping the doll; if the doll falls, you need to stop and put it back on, only then continue moving.

The results are recorded on the board and on the judges' sheets.

Leading: The next sport is speed skating - speed skating. So, speed skating competitions! We don't have ice yet, so we won't need skates. Instead of skates there will be flip-flops. Each team member takes turns putting on his pair and “sliding”, with his hands behind his back, to the mark and also returning back. At the finish line, the next team member puts on the skates.

The score is recorded on the board and by the judges.

Leading: Our Olympians need to rest a little. Now the intellectual competition is a blitz. Let's check how well our athletes know the history of the Olympic Games?

The facilitator asks questions to the teams one by one. If a team finds it difficult to answer, the right to answer passes to the next team.

Team 1: Why did the Olympic Games get this name? (occurred in the village of Olympia in Ancient Greece)

Team 2: In what year did the modern Olympic Games take place for the first time? (in 1896)

Team 3: What does the Olympic emblem look like? (five intertwined rings)

Team 1: What does the red ring in the Olympics emblem mean?

Team 2: What does the black ring in the Olympics emblem mean?

Team 3: What does the yellow ring in the Olympics emblem mean?

Summing up the results of the competition.

Leading: We ask athletes to prepare for the start. Now let's move on to biathlon. Biathlon is a winter Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. Snowballs will replace rifle shooting. In front of you are skis and a basket of snowballs. Your task is to put on your skis, glide to the shooting line, throw the snowball into the basket and glide back. At the finish line, pass the skis to the next team member. The team that comes first gets 3 points, the 2nd team gets 2 points, the 3rd team gets 1 point, and 1 point for each snowball that lands in the basket.

The account is fixed.

Leading: Well, the last competitions are the most beautiful in the Winter Olympic Games. This is, of course, figure skating - the view sports, in which athletes skate on ice while performing additional elements, most often accompanied by music. Your task is to beautifully snake between the pins. The first team member passes between the pins, returns in the same way, picks up the next one and passes between the pins, etc. Try not to knock over the pins.

The account is fixed.

Leading: So, our Olympic Games are over. Athletes can rest for a while while the judges sum up the results and choose the winner. And in honor of our Olympians - a performance by gymnasts!

Children are dancing.

Conduct of results and awards ceremony to the sound of “Anthem 2014”


Deputy Director of VR School Director

Efimova I.N. ______________Chesnokova T.A.

"____"___________ 2014 "____"_____________2014

Sports festival at a summer health camp at a primary school. Scenario

Author: Nadezhda Vasilievna Bykova, primary school teacher at the MKOU "Nikolskaya Secondary School" of the Novousmansky district of the Voronezh region.
Description of work: I offer you a scenario for a sports festival, which is best held outdoors, in a park, on a sports ground. This material will be of interest to primary school teachers working in school health camps and counselors.
In the summer, it is necessary to interest children and create all conditions for their physical development and recovery. In the summer, we spend most of our time with our children outdoors. A ready-made script will help you diversify your children's holidays.
1 student
Oh, how good it is in summer!
You rest and that's it!
And you sunbathe in the sun,
You sing songs loudly,
Don't forget about your friends!
2 student
We came to the camp ourselves,
We are no longer kids!
We relax a lot together,
Let's have fun and play!
Healthy lifestyle
We comply!
Presenter 1.
What does camp mean to you?
Children (in chorus).
Camp - health!
Camp is a sport!
Camp - friendship and delight!
Presenter 1. Why ours
Is the camp called a summer health camp? (Children's answers)
Presenter 2. Right. In our camp we spend almost the whole day doing sports, physical education, playing in the fresh air...
Presenter 1.
Who plays sports
Never catches a cold!
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze,
Avoids all diseases!
Presenter 2.
To grow healthy
Breathe deeply!
Drench yourself, temper yourself,
Eat vitamins!
3 student
The sun is shining - grace!
Here comes our whole squad.
Let's exercise in the park,
Let's warm up, let's relax,
We will hold relay races!
4 student
We are all friends with sports,
We are healthy, we are strong!
We sunbathe all day long:
We walk and relax a lot,
We jump, run, play a lot,
We don't forget about sports!
Presenter 1. Well, let's check how friendly you are with sports. I will ask you riddles, and you answer in unison.
I want to become a strongman.
I come to the strong man:
- Tell me about this -
How did you become a strongman?
He smiled in response:
- Very simple. Many years,
Getting out of bed every day,
I lift... (dumbbells).
Mikhail played football
And scored into the goal…… (goal)
Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer:
This is my... (bicycle).
Along the path, along the path he runs,
And if you hit him with your shoe, he flies.
They throw him up and sideways in the meadow,
They butt his head while running. (Ball.)
Along the green across the field
They rush to the gate at a gallop
As many as twenty adults
And one battered ball. (Football.)
Presenter 1. I see that the fans are ready, and now let’s check the readiness of the teams.
Presenter 2.
1 team ready?
Team 2?
Team 3?
Team 4?
Attention! Attention!
Let's start the competition.
You guys don't yawn,
Complete all tasks.
Remember one rule -
One for all and all for one.
Presenter 2. Both girls and boys
Everyone wants to be first.
For this, friends,
Strong friendship is needed
Strength, will and desire,
And fans, attention!
Presenter 1.(feet shoulder-width apart, pass the ball first at the top, then return it to the first person at the bottom)
Presenter 2 We guys are just great -
Catch up, try us!
(The players stand in pairs, holding the ball between them.
The team-squad that runs the distance the fastest wins.)
Presenter 2. While our teams rest, the fans will play.
There's one game for you.
I'll ask a question now.
Listen, understand,
Answer in unison.
If you agree, then clap your hands and say: “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends!”, like this (show), if you don’t agree, then stomp your feet and say: “No, not me! No, not me! These are not my friends!
like this (show)
-Which one of you, I want to know,
Doesn't like to wash his face in the morning
And do exercises?
-Which one of you, I want to know,
Likes to play sports
Play football and get stronger?
-Which one of you, I want to know,
Do you like to eat pineapple?
-Which one of you, I want to know,
Doesn't like to run and play?
-Which one of you, I want to know,
Remembers only about food?
- Who is at home and everywhere,
Friendly with physical education,
And watches your figure?
-Which one of you, I want to know,
Does it offend kids?
Pushes the girls
Running away from difficulties?
-Which one of you, I want to know,
Likes to sunbathe
Swim in the river
Meet with friends?
Presenter 1. Well done. And now we return to our teams. You and I - we are on duty in the morning
We quickly remove the garbage
We are winning the relay race!
(Players collect “garbage” into buckets using brooms and dustpans. The winner is the one who completes the task faster).
Presenter 2.
Captains, look
We are all strong people!
We will hold a competition for them
And we will find a winner!
Presenter 1. The captains will rest -
They'll chew an orange.
Well, you “cheer” for them
Support, don't be timid!
(Who can eat an orange faster without using their hands)
Presenter 2. We came to the dining room -
We wanted to eat!
The tables were quickly set -
And that’s it – we ate everything!
(Players with a towel over their hand on a tray carry the ball).
Presenter 1.(4 people per team)
The leader has three traffic light circles in his hands: red, green, yellow. If the leader raises a GREEN circle, all the players dance in a circle, moving along the grass, possibly in different directions. If the leader raises a YELLOW circle, everyone dances in place, without moving on the grass. If the presenter raises a RED circle, all the dancers stop and stand in their places, while the fans dance. Those who are inattentive are eliminated from the game.
Presenter 2. Relaxing in the park
And let's not forget about fashion!
We love to dress up
And then change clothes.
Equipment: 3 large T-shirts and 3 scarves.
There are scarves at the feet of the first ones, on command the participants cover the scarves, then they run up to the leaders, take off the scarves and put on their T-shirts, return and give the T-shirt to the next player, and so on until the last participant.
Presenter 1.(children as a whole team run to the place where the upside down letters lie, turn them over and collect words, making sentences from them)
1 team - we are for health
Team 2 – we are for sports
Team 3 - we are for friendship
Team 4 – we are for victory
Presenter 1: Fans collect their words
Fans of 1st team: we are for
Fans of 2 teams: healthy
Fans of the 3rd team: image
Fans 4 teams: lives
Presenter 1: Let's make a proposal together
Presenter 1: Well, now let's give the floor to the jury
Announcing the winners, rewarding the teams
Presenter 2:
If you want to be healthy,
Summer, autumn, winter
And, of course, in the spring,
Play sports, my friend,
Run, jump, harden yourself,
You will be cheerful and fit
You will live to be 100 years old
Knowing the joys of victory!

Olympic day at the children's day camp "Friendship"

Target: Test your knowledge about the Olympic Games, sports, and sports.
-development of cognitive abilities;
-discovery of talents through imagination play;
-consolidate the knowledge acquired in theoretical classes in physical education;
-development of logical thinking and creative abilities;
-quick orientation in sports matters.
Progress of the event:
An express quiz was held in each unit, the children answered
7 questions about sports and a mini-competition on push-ups and lifting the torso in 15 seconds; as a result, 4 participants from each squad were selected.
1 Task:
Each squad received crossword puzzles about sports; 5 minutes were allotted to complete the task.
Which squad will answer the most questions?
2 Task:
Imagination game on the theme of sports. After drawing lots, the squad takes turns doing 3 tasks, the task is to show the sport given in the task as interestingly and realistically as possible.
At this time, other units guess in turns.
3 Task:
The teams answered questions about sports; each question was given 30 seconds.
4 Task:
Tasks were given where a sport was written and several answers to it, you had to choose the correct answers that fit this sport.
5 Task:
“Staircase” push-ups (performed in turn by the whole squad from 1 to 15 times)
The winning team was determined by the highest number of points.
For each correct answer, the team was awarded 3 points.

The awards ceremony took place at the line:
1st squad – the most athletic
2nd squad - the most erudite in sports matters
3rd squad is the most united
4th squad – the strongest
5th squad – the most intelligent in sports matters