Fun competitions for adults. Interesting comic competitions at the table for a fun company. Competition “Fairy tales in a modern way”

Funny tasks and games will help you not only have fun, but also get to know each other better, which is especially important in a company where there are many new characters. It is better to select competitions in advance, taking into account the composition of the company and its preferences. And there’s so much to choose from!

In the first part of the article, we offer cool funny competitions for a cheerful company at the table. Funny forfeits, questions, games - all this will help break the ice in an unfamiliar environment and have a fun and useful time. Competitions may require additional props, so it is better to resolve this issue in advance.

The competition is held at the beginning of each event. It is necessary to prepare a comic answer to the question “Why did you come to this holiday?” on several pieces of paper. These answers may vary:

  • free food;
  • look at people and show yourself;
  • no place to sleep;
  • the owner of the house owes me money;
  • I was bored at home;
  • I'm afraid to be alone at home.

All the papers with the answers are put into a bag, and each guest in turn takes out a note and asks a question loudly, and then reads the answer.


You must play without leaving the table and already drunk, which will add a special piquancy to the competition. Identical drawings that have unfinished details should be prepared in advance.

You can make the drawings completely identical and not finish drawing the same parts, or you can leave different details unfinished. The main thing is that the idea of ​​the drawing is the same. Reproduce sheets with pictures in advance using a printer or manually.

The guests' task is simple - finish the drawings the way they want, but use only their left hand (right if the person is left-handed).

The winner is chosen by the entire company by voting.


This competition is designed to allow people around the table to get to know each other better, especially if many of them are seeing each other for the first time. You will need to prepare a box in advance with pieces of paper on which to write questions in advance.

The box is passed around the circle, and each guest pulls out a question and answers it as truthfully as possible. The questions can be different, the main thing is not to ask too frank so that the person does not feel uncomfortable:

You can come up with a large number of questions, funny and serious, the main thing is to create a relaxed atmosphere in the company.

"Where I am"

You should prepare clean sheets of paper and pens in advance according to the number of guests. On each piece of paper, each guest must describe his appearance in words: thin lips, beautiful eyes, a wide smile, a birthmark on his cheek, etc.

Then all the leaves are collected and placed in one container. The presenter takes out sheets of paper one by one and reads aloud the description of the person, and the whole company must guess it. But each guest can name only one person, and the one who guesses the most wins and receives a symbolic prize.


The rules of this game are extremely simple: the company sits in a circle so that all participants can clearly see each other’s eyes. The first person says the word “I”, and after him everyone repeats the same word in turn.

Initially it is simple, but the main rule is not to laugh and not to miss your turn. At first, everything is simple and not funny, but you can pronounce the word “I” in different intonations and lines to make the company laugh.

When someone laughs or misses their turn, the whole company chooses a name for this player and then he says not only “I”, but also the word that was assigned to him. Now it will be more difficult not to laugh, because when an adult man sits next to you and says in a squeaky voice: “I am a flower,” it is very difficult not to laugh and gradually all the guests will have funny nicknames.

For laughter and for a forgotten word, a nickname is again assigned. The funnier the nicknames are, the faster everyone will laugh. The one who finishes the game with the smallest nickname wins.


All guests are in a line next to each other. The first player starts and speaks any word into his neighbor’s ear. His neighbor continues and in his neighbor’s ear he speaks his association with the word he heard. And so all the participants go in a circle.

Example: The first one says “apple”, the neighbor passes on the word association “juice”, then there may be “fruit” - “garden” - “vegetables” - “salad” - “bowl” - “dishes” - “kitchen” and so on . After all participants have said the association and the circle returns to the first player, he says his association out loud.

Now the main task of the guests is to guess the topic and the original word that was at the very beginning.

Each player can express his thoughts only once, but not say his own word. All players must guess every association word; if they fail, the game simply starts over, but with a different participant.


The whole company sits in a circle so that they can clearly see each other's eyes. All players draw lots - these can be matches, coins or notes.

All the tokens for the lot are the same, except for one, which shows who will be the sniper. The lot must be drawn so that the players do not see what falls to whom. There should only be one sniper and he should not give himself away.

Sitting in a circle, the sniper chooses his victim in advance, and then carefully winks at her. The victim, noticing this, loudly shouts “Killed!” and leaves the game, but the victim must not give away the sniper.

The sniper must be extremely careful so that another participant does not notice his wink and call him. The players' goal is to identify and neutralize the killer.

However, this must be done by two players simultaneously pointing at the sniper. This game will require remarkable endurance and speed, as well as quick wits to identify the enemy and not be killed.

"Guess the Prize"

This game will be an excellent option for a birthday celebration, because it can be based on the name of the hero of the occasion. For each letter in the name of the birthday person, a prize is placed in an opaque bag, for example, the name Victor - the bag should contain 6 different small prizes for each letter of the name: a wafer, a toy, candy, a tulip, nuts, a belt.

Guests must guess each prize. The one who guesses and receives a gift. If the prizes are too intricate, then the host should give the guests tips.

This is a very easy competition that requires the preparation of additional props - pens and pieces of paper. First, the whole company is divided into pairs; this can be done randomly, by lot, or at will.

Everyone gets a pen and paper and writes any words. There can be from 10 to 20 words - real nouns, not made-up ones.

All the pieces of paper are collected and placed in a box, and the game begins.

The first pair receives a box and one of the participants pulls out a piece of paper with a word. He tries to explain this word to his partner without mentioning it.

When he guesses the word, they proceed to the next one; the pair has no more than 30 seconds for the entire task. After the time has expired, the box moves on to the next pair.

The one who guesses as many words as possible wins. Thanks to this game, a good time is guaranteed!


You should prepare a couple of buttons in advance - this is all the necessary props. As soon as the leader gives the command, the first participant places the button on the pad of his index finger and tries to pass it to his neighbor.

You cannot use other fingers or drop them, so you must pass them very carefully.

The button must go around a full circle, and the participants who drop it are eliminated. The winner is the one who never drops a button.

Simple comic competitions for a cheerful adult company at the table

At the table, when all the participants have already eaten and drank, it is more fun to play. Moreover, if there are a couple of interesting and unusual competitions that will amuse even the most boring company.

What feast is complete without toast? This is an important attribute of any feast, so you can diversify them a little or help those who don’t like this business or don’t know how to make speeches.

Therefore, the host announces in advance that the toasts will be unusual and must be said while observing the conditions. Conditions written on a piece of paper are placed in the bag in advance: associate the toast with food (let life be all in chocolate), make a speech in a certain style (criminal speech, in the style of “The Hobbit”, stuttering, etc.), associate congratulations with animals ( flutter like a butterfly, be fragile like a moth, love devotedly like swans), say congratulations in poetry or in a foreign language, say a toast where all words begin with the same letter.

The list of tasks can be increased indefinitely, the main thing is that you have enough imagination.

"In my pants"

This spicy game is suitable for a group where everyone knows each other well and is ready to have fun. The presenter cannot reveal the meaning of the game in advance. All guests take their seats, and each guest calls the name of any film in his neighbor's ear.

The player remembers and, in turn, names another movie to his neighbor. All players must receive a title. The presenter, after this, asks the players to say out loud “In my pants...” and add the same name of the film. It's a lot of fun when someone ends up with The Lion King or Resident Evil in their pants!

The main thing is that the company is fun, and no one is offended by jokes!

"Illogical Quiz"

This little quiz is perfect for lovers of intellectual humor. It is good to hold it at the very beginning of the celebration, while the guests can think soberly. It is worth warning everyone in advance to think carefully about the question before giving an answer.

Players can be given pieces of paper and pencils so that they can write down the answers or simply ask questions and immediately out loud, after listening to the answers, name the correct option. The questions are:

How many years did the Hundred Years' War last?

What country did Panama hats come from?

  • Brazil;
  • Panama;
  • America;
  • Ecuador.

When is the October Revolution celebrated?

  • in January;
  • in September;
  • in October;
  • In November.

What was the name of George the Sixth?

  • Albert;
  • Charles;
  • Michael.

What animal does the Canary Islands get its name from?

  • seal;
  • toad;
  • canary;
  • mouse.

Although some of the answers are logical, the correct answers are:

  • 116 years old;
  • Ecuador;
  • In November.
  • Albert.
  • from a seal.

"What I feel?"

You should prepare pieces of paper in advance on which emotions and feelings will be written: rage, love, anxiety, sympathy, flirting, indifference, fear or disdain. All pieces of paper must be in a bag or box.

All players position themselves so that their hands are touching and their eyes are closed. The first participant in the circle or row opens his eyes and pulls out a piece of paper with the name of the feeling from the bag.

He must convey this feeling to his neighbor by touching his hand in a certain way. You can gently stroke the hand, feigning tenderness, or hit, feigning anger.

Then there are two options: either the neighbor must guess the feeling out loud and draw out the next piece of paper with the feeling, or pass on the received feeling further. During the game, you can discuss emotions or play in complete silence.

"Where I am?"

One participant is selected from the company and seated on a chair in the center of the room so that his back is to everyone. A sign with inscriptions is attached to his back using tape.

They can be different: “Bathroom”, “Shop”, “Sobering-up station”, “Maternity room” and others.

The rest of the players should ask him leading questions: how often do you go there, why do you go there, for how long.

The main player must answer these questions and thereby make the company laugh. The players on the chair can change, as long as the company has fun!

"Ladle bowls"

All players sit in a circle. The presenter prepares in advance a box of forfeits, on which various kitchen utensils and attributes are written: forks, spoons, pots, etc.

Each player in turn must take out one forfeit and read its name. He must not be named to anyone. After all players receive the pieces of paper, they sit down or stand in a circle.

The presenter must ask the players, and the players must give the answer that they read on the piece of paper. For example, the question is “What are you sitting in?” the answer is “In a frying pan.” The questions can be different, the presenter’s task is to make the player laugh and then give him a task.


This competition is good to hold in a women's company on March 8, but it is perfect for other events. Small pleasant prizes are prepared in advance and numbered.

Their numbers are written on pieces of paper and put in a bag. All participants in the event must pull out a piece of paper and take the prize. However, this can be turned into a game and the host must ask funny questions to the player. As a result, each guest will leave with a small nice prize.


A bowl with small coins is placed in the center of the table. Each player has his own saucer. The presenter gives the players teaspoons or Chinese chopsticks.

At the signal, everyone begins to scoop coins out of the bowl and drag them to their plate. The presenter should warn in advance how much time the players will have for this task and give a sound signal after the time has elapsed. Afterwards, the presenter counts the coins on the saucer for each player and chooses the winner.


This game is played in a drinking company, where people are not afraid to get drunk. One volunteer goes out the door and doesn’t peek. The group places 3-4 glasses on the table and fills them so that one contains vodka and all the others contain water.

Volunteers are welcome. He should intuitively choose a glass of vodka and drink it with water. Whether he manages to find the right pile depends on his intuition.


A plate is placed on the table and a random object is placed in it. The volunteer is blindfolded and given two forks. He is brought to the table and given time so that he can feel the object with forks and identify it.

You can ask questions, but they should only be answered with “Yes” or “No”. Questions can help the player determine whether an item is edible, whether it can be used to wash their hands or brush their teeth, etc.

The presenter should prepare in advance two forks, a blindfold and items: an orange, candy, a toothbrush, a sponge for washing dishes, a coin, an elastic band, a jewelry box.

This is a famous game that came from America. You don't need tape or sheets of paper, or a marker.

You can use sticky stickers, but check in advance whether they will stick well to the skin. Each participant writes any person or animal on a piece of paper.

These can be celebrities, movie or book characters, or ordinary people. All the pieces of paper are put into a bag and the presenter mixes them. Then all participants sit in a circle and the leader, passing by each one, sticks a piece of paper with an inscription on his forehead.

Each participant has a piece of paper with an inscription attached to their forehead using tape. The players' task is to find out who they are by asking leading questions in turn: “Am I a celebrity?”, “Am I a man?” Questions should be structured so that they can be answered in monosyllables. The one who guesses the character first wins.

An example of another fun table competition is in the next video.





Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a “turnip” - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the “turnip” and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a “turnip” clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

The game involves two people. They each take a basket in their hands. 10 - 12 cones are scattered on the floor. At the signal, the children begin to collect them in their baskets. The one who collects the most cones wins.

Two people play. On one side of the hall there are two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. Each child, at a signal, runs with a basket to the bucket and selects either carrots or potatoes into his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

You can use apples or carrots in the game. Two players sit on chairs opposite each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple. They start feeding each other. The one who eats the apple the fastest wins.

The game involves 3 people. Paper vines, cornflowers and dandelion leaves are scattered around the hall. Children are given a bucket. At a signal, they must collect the weeds in buckets: one - vines, another - leaves, the third - cornflowers. The child who completes the task faster than others wins.

The game involves 2 children. On 2 trays there are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect the piece of paper piece by piece while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.

The game involves two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. At the signal, you need to collect the potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in the basket. The child who collects the most potatoes in a certain time wins.

Two children participate. “Puddle” is a carpet in the center of the room. At a signal, children put on galoshes and run from one end of the carpet to the other and back. The one who runs faster wins.

On one side of the hall there are 2 trucks, on the other side, models of onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets and potatoes, 2 pieces of each, are laid out on the floor. Two people play in the game. At a signal, they drive trucks to the opposite side of the hall, fill them with vegetables and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.
A more difficult option: transport one vegetable at a time.

Two teams participate in it. Fake mushrooms are laid out on the floor. At a signal, the team runs around the mushrooms like a snake along a “winding path” (each child holds on to the shoulders of the one in front). The winner is the team that:
- didn’t drop a single mushroom;
- did not lose a single participant;
- got to the finish line faster.

Two stands are placed at the opposite wall of the hall with a rope stretched between them. Apples and pears are tied to a rope by sticks. The child is blindfolded. He must reach the racks, cut off any fruit with scissors and guess it by touch.

Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to any child and says one of the words: “Vegetable”, “Berry” or “Fruit”. The child, having caught the ball, quickly names the vegetable, berry or fruit that is familiar to him. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

Fruits are drawn on the tablet in several rows (for example: apple, pear, orange). In each row, the fruits are arranged in a different order. The presenter closes any fruit in any row and asks: “What’s missing?” Children must name the fruit that is closed. Options: instead of fruits - vegetables, berries, mushrooms, tree leaves.

They play in twos. Each participant is given an empty basket. There are silhouettes of mushrooms on the floor. Children take turns taking the silhouette of a mushroom, name any mushroom they know, and put it in a basket. The one who “collected” the most mushrooms wins.

Two parent volunteers hold a rope with tied apples hanging from it. The game involves 2 children. They are asked to eat an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with their hands. Who is faster?

Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a “turnip” - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the “turnip” and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a “turnip” clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

Three pairs collect grains (beans, peas, pumpkin seeds) scattered on the floor within one minute. Those who collect the most win.

Blindfolded, the players must taste the vegetables that are offered to them.

Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.
2 teams of 4 people each participate.
The 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down hoops).
The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in the hoop).
The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).
The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).
The faster team wins.

The player must, blindfolded, draw the peas so that they do not go beyond the line of the pod.

Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other participants can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets at a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars. Machines can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.

Musical accompaniment sounds. Children, each of whom is a “scarecrow,” go out to the middle of the hall and spread their arms to the sides. If the presenter says: “Sparrow!”, then you need to wave your hands. If the presenter says: “Crow!” - You have to clap your hands.
The driver ("mushroom picker") is blindfolded. Mushroom children are running around the hall. If they come across a fly agaric, the children shout: “Don’t take it!” The winner is the one who “collects” more “mushrooms” within a certain time.
You need to identify the vegetable or fruit by touch without removing it from the bag.

Two children participate in the game. On 2 trays there are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect the piece of paper piece by piece while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.
There are pieces of different vegetables or fruits in a cup. The child is blindfolded and must determine what it is by taste.

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The entertaining part of the dance evening will make it even more interesting. Team and pair competitions will diversify the program of the autumn ball. Thematic vocal quizzes will lift the spirits of event participants. General dance games will not allow anyone to stand on the sidelines, and each guest will feel at ease. Active competitions will help guys and girls get closer and determine the king and queen of the ball.

    Game "Ladies Invite Gentlemen"

    Girls and boys play. The more participants, the more interesting it is. There should be one less boys than girls. The players take to the dance floor.

    Rhythmic music is turned on. Everyone dances separately, maintaining a small distance. When the fast music gives way to slow music, the girls should invite the boys to dance. The participant who does not get a pair leaves the game and takes with her one gentleman of her choice. The game continues until there is only one pair left. The host announces them as the king and queen of the autumn ball.

    3 boys are participating in the competition. The presenter blindfolds them and places glasses with different drinks on the table (you can use juices, sweet water, compotes).

    In the first stage of the competition, the guys must identify drinks by smell. The participant who recognizes the fewest drinks leaves the competition. In the second stage, boys must identify them by tasting them. To complicate the task, you can mix two drinks in one glass (for example, add a little coffee to Pepsi - this will give strong foam and change the taste, or add cocoa).

    The participant who manages to guess the most drinks wins.

    Game "Leaf Fall"

    The game is played at the end of the autumn ball. All schoolchildren participate in it.

    To carry it out, you must first hang autumn leaves from the ceiling on threads of different lengths in the hall, attach them to the curtains and place them in different places.

    After the leader’s command “the game has begun,” the children begin to actively collect leaves. To obtain leaves that are located high, participants can plant each other. After 1 minute, the leader stops the game and counts the number of leaves that each class has collected.

    The fastest and most resourceful class receives balloons as a gift.

    The competition involves 3 people with good vocal abilities. All spectators receive a ticket (an ordinary small leaf can serve as a ticket).

    The contestants' task is to sing any song with an autumn theme. After all participants complete the task, the audience votes for the best performer by collecting tickets.

    The participant with the most votes wins.

    5 guys are participating in the competition. It takes place in 3 stages. In the first, participants must quickly turn into hussars, that is, draw a mustache, put on a shako and a belt with a saber. All paraphernalia must be prepared in advance. The guy who hesitates is eliminated.

    The hussars then test their luck using cards. A deck is placed on the table, and each participant draws 3 cards from it. The two competitors whose cards turn out to be the lowest leave the game.

    The last stage is a verbal duel. The reason for the discord is announced to the hussars (for example, a dispute about ladies, horses, an insult). The guys should discuss and argue, communicating only in phrases and words inherent in former speech.

    A competitor who manages to out-argue or drive an opponent into a dead end is declared a true hussar.

    5 boy-girl pairs are participating in the competition. If the guys do not know how to waltz, the leader should show them a couple of steps and give them a few minutes to master the movements.

    The music turns on. Pairs line up in the starting position. The presenter gives a foam saber to the gentleman's outstretched hand. The couples begin to waltz. At the moment when the music stops, the gentlemen should quickly get down on one knee, and the ladies should sit down on it and tuck their legs. The saber must be held high above your head. The slowest pair is eliminated from the game.

Natalia Chernikova

The material may be useful to physical education instructors, teachers and music directors when organizing autumn leisure, entertainment, and holidays for preschoolers.

As a rule, the goal of this kind of event is to create a favorable emotional mood in children. A selection of these games, competitions and relay races will help to realize it.

Relay races

Relay "Harvest"

The leader helps the children line up into 2 teams. In front of each team there are fruits and vegetables in a hoop. Their number is equal to the number of children in the team. There is a basket in front of each team at a distance of approximately 10 m. At the presenter’s signal “One – two – three! Harvest! The first participants take any fruit or vegetable from the hoop, run to the basket, put an object in it and return to the team, stand at the end of the column. Next, all team members take turns collecting the harvest. The team that harvests the crop first wins.

Relay race "Let's pick mushrooms"

The leader helps the children divide into two teams. Teams line up in lines, one team opposite the other. The last members of each team are located next to the mushroom clearing. The clearings are covered with a scarf or any other fabric. The presenter takes off the scarves. There is a basket near the first participants. At the leader’s signal: “One – two – three! Collect mushrooms in baskets!” The last participants take mushrooms in turn and pass them along the chain to the next participant. When the mushrooms reach the first participants, they put them in baskets. The team that collects the mushrooms first wins.

Relay race “Carry the potatoes in a spoon”

The leader helps the children line up in 2 columns. The first participants have a spoon in their hands containing 1 potato. Team members receive a task - at the leader’s signal, run around the bag of potatoes and return to their team, pass the spoon with potatoes to the next participant, and stand at the end of the line. The team that completes the task first wins.


Competition "Vegetables and fruits"

The presenter calls 4 people and divides them into 2 teams. Each team is given a basket. One team is asked to select vegetables from the basin and put them in a basket, and the other team is asked to choose fruits.

Competition “Edible and inedible mushrooms”

The leader calls the children at will (6-8 people, divides them into 2 teams. You can divide the children into a team of girls and boys. In front of each team there is a basket of mushrooms, in which among the edible mushrooms there are inedible (poisonous) ones. On command: “One - two - three! Take the inedible mushrooms out of the basket!” Children put the inedible (poisonous) mushrooms aside.

Competition "Let's Harvest Vegetables"

The presenter calls 8 children. Four of them stand on one line, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. In front of each there is a hoop - this is a garden bed, in the hoop there are vegetables of the same type (5-6 pcs.): in one there are potatoes, in the second - carrots, in the third - onions, the fourth - cabbage. Opposite each child, at a distance of about 10 m, stands an assistant - a child with a bag in his hands. The assistants lean toward the bags and hold the bags open. At the leader’s signal: “One – two – three! Harvest! Children take one vegetable from the hoop, run to their helpers, put the vegetable in a bag, and return to their garden bed. They take the vegetable again and run to the assistants. And so on until the vegetables are removed from the garden. The winner is the team that is the first to harvest the crop from the garden.

Competition “Vegetables for soup, fruits for compote”

The leader selects children for 2 teams: 2-3 people for each team. Each team receives a basket and tray. At the leader’s signal: “One – two – three! Get started! Children begin to place vegetables in a basket and fruits on a tray.

Competition "Which of the gnomes is faster"

The presenter places a basket of mushrooms next to him, calls pairs of participants to him, each with a cap on his head. These are gnomes. There is a chair between them. Children say in chorus:

There lived a cheerful gnome in the forest,

He built himself a house.

All of pine cones and foliage,

Unprecedented beauty.

Gnome, gnome, dance.

/music sounds, both participants dance;

at this time, the presenter puts a couple of mushrooms from the basket on the chair and gives a task.

For example: “Show me the fly agaric.”

/each participant tries to grab the mushroom as quickly as possible and lift it up. Whoever does it first is the winner.

Competition "Choose a potato"

In two hoops there are scattered dummies of vegetables, including several potatoes. The presenter calls two people, blindfolds them and asks them to choose potatoes by touch. As soon as the children choose what they think is a potato, they remove the bandages and check whether they completed the task correctly. Then the presenter calls a new pair. It is recommended to mix the dummies in the hoop every time the participants are blindfolded.

Outdoor games

Outdoor game “Naughty mushrooms”

The children and the leader stand in a circle, the driver stands in the middle of the circle.

We are funny mushrooms / children walk in a circle holding hands/

We grow on stumps and hummocks / stop, rise on toes, squat/

We love to hide and play / stomp their feet/

Try to catch up with us! /scatter/

The driver catches up with the children. The game repeats itself again.

Outdoor game “Which tree is the leaf from”

The presenter displays 3 models of wood: maple, oak, birch. Each child has a piece of paper in their hands. To the music, children run in a circle after each other, then spin. When the music ends, the children run up to the corresponding tree and squat down. The presenter checks whether the task was completed correctly. Then the children can exchange leaves. Tree layouts can also be swapped. The game is repeated again.

Outdoor game “Let’s collect a bouquet of leaves of the same color”

Children run around the hall to cheerful music; when the music ends, they squat down. The presenter at this time raises a leaf, for example, yellow, to the top, and then the children who have yellow leaves in their hands run up to the leader and join their hands with the leaves into a bouquet. Then the music starts again and the children scatter around the hall.

The game is repeated as many times as there are leaf colors (you can use red, yellow, green and orange leaves). At the end of the game, the children give the leaves to the leader.

Outdoor game “Let's collect mushrooms”

Mushrooms are laid out in a circle on the floor (the number of mushrooms is less than the number of children). Children walk in a circle saying:

We're going, we're going, we're going,

We'll find mushrooms now

Under a leaf, under a blade of grass,

On a stump, under an aspen tree.

Here's a mushroom, don't yawn

And grab it quickly!

As soon as the last words are spoken, the children must quickly take any mushroom.

You can use music. To the music, children run merrily in a circle; when the music stops, each child must take a mushroom. Whoever doesn’t get a mushroom leaves the game and sits on a chair. The last child is the winner.

Outdoor game “Fruits for compote”

You will need 3 hoops of different sizes - these are jars. The presenter calls the children at will, puts headbands with images of fruits on their heads. Invites them to take a place in a large bank. To do this, first the leader places a large hoop on the floor. Fruits move around the hall to the music. When the music ends, the fruit takes up space in the jar. Whoever does not have enough space is eliminated from the game. The presenter praises the fruits that went into the first jar. The game is repeated again, the leader removes the large hoop and puts in a medium-sized hoop. You can invite others to play the game. The third time, the hoop is placed in a small size and the third jar is filled with fruit.

Outdoor game “The potatoes crumbled”

The driver is selected, he can sit on the bench. The participants of the game stand in a round dance. This is a potato (you can use headbands with a picture of a potato). Children walk in a circle and say the words:

Oh, you potato, you potato,

You feed honest people,

If there are potatoes in the house -

You'll be full all year round!

The presenter says:

And if the potatoes crumble, what should you do?

After these words, the participants scatter, the potatoes seem to crumble. The driver catches up with the children. He takes those whom he has caught up to his bench, as if collecting potatoes. The game repeats itself again. You can choose another child to play the role of driver.

Outdoor game “One-two-three! Collect the leaves!

Leaves are scattered on the floor. Children go for a walk to the music. When the music stops, the presenter gives the command to collect the leaves. For example: “One-two-three! Collect maple leaves!” or “One-two-three! Collect yellow leaves!” Command options can be varied, focusing on size, color, and type of tree. Each time after checking the completion of the task, the children give the leaves to the presenter. He scatters them again. For the last time, the leaves are placed in a basket and removed.

Creative task

"Color the Leaves"

The presenter invites the children to paint the leaves with autumn colors using cotton swabs. To do this, you will need leaf templates that can be mounted on 3 easels. It is necessary to select patterns of maple, oak and birch leaves. You can ask the children which tree the leaves come from and what paints will be needed to paint them. It is recommended to use large templates so that each child has enough space for creativity. Children should be divided into 3 groups accordingly.

Logorhythmic exercises

Logorhythmic exercise “Walk in the autumn forest”

/children turn one after another, go to the center of the hall, form a circle, focusing on the laid out leaves, perform movements/

Along the forest path

Everyone left in a crowd.

Walk together, merrily,

Don't lower your head. walking one after another

We walk carefully

We take care of our legs. walking on your heels, hands behind your head

Our children are not tired

They ran into the thicket of the forest. easy jogging

Logorhythmic exercise “Walk through the autumn forest”

We're walking, we're walking walking in pairs in a circle

We walk through the clearing.

The wind blows from above swing your arms from top to bottom in front of you

Plants herbs and flowers. tilts to the right and left with raised arms

And now it’s easy and together

Together we jump on the spot. jumping on two legs

Higher! Have fun! Like this!

We take a step. walking in place, then one after another

General developmental exercises

"Leaf Fall"

1. “Leaves sway on the trees”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands with leaves below.

1 - raise your hands with the leaf up,

2 - swing from side to side,

3 - return to i. p. (repeat 4-6 times)

2. “Leaves are flying in the wind”

I. p.: the same.

Rocking with straight arms back and forth alternately (repeat 4-6 times)

3. “Leaves are spinning in the air”

I. p.: legs together, both leaves in the right hand

1 – raise your hand with the leaves up,

2 – stand on your toes,

3 - circle over your right shoulder.

Do the same thing, taking the leaves in your left hand, you should spin over your left shoulder (repeat 3 times in each direction)

4. “The leaves fall to the ground”

I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands with leaves below, along the body.

1 - sit down, put the leaves on the ground in front of you,

2 - stand up, straighten up,

3 - sit down, take leaves,

4 – stand up, straighten up (repeat 4 times)

5. “Jumping with leaves”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, feet parallel, hands with leaves in front of the chest.

Jumping while turning around. First in one direction, then in the other (repeat 3 times in each direction)

6. Breathing exercise “The wind plays with the leaves”

Children take the leaf by the stem, take in air through the nose and exhale it, blow on the leaf (repeat 4 times)