"День денег". Несерьезный сценарий несуществующего праздника. Театрализованная сценка на день банковского работника Примерные тексты поздравлений!}

Competitions for accountant and bank worker day
The day of an accountant and a Sberbank employee may be different holidays, but still both work with money. And that’s why we came up with and combined competitions for Accountant and Bank Worker Day. These competitions can be held at a corporate event and your company will laugh heartily. Funny, ingenuity, dexterity and other competitions will make your holiday fun and funny. And of course all competitions with money and intelligence.


1. Competition - Best Employee of the Month.
The essence of this competition is to identify the best employee of the month, or any other period of time. For this we need willing people. On the table in front of each participant are piles of coins in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5 and 10 rubles. But each coin is in a separate pile. Team members must start counting the money in each pile, and then add up all their counts, so to speak, balance. The one who is the first, and most importantly, to accurately say the amount in each of his piles and the total, is declared the winner of the competition. In order to prevent the presenter from having to count the coins behind the players, it is better to put the same number of coins on each table for each participant.

2. Competition – Money in the Bank.
And again, we need everyone to participate in the competition. Again, jars or glass containers are placed on the tables. But such that you can stick your hand into them and move it into the jars. Each jar contains paper money of any denomination. And the greater the number of bills, the merrier. Participants are blindfolded and, by putting their hand into their jar, they must determine by touch how much money is in the jar. The one who says more accurately will be the winner. Well, if anyone guesses the exact amount, he can take the money for himself.

3. Competition - Money for free.
This is a team competition. Determine the number of people in teams yourself. For this competition, you need to buy fake banknotes from your country's bank in advance from souvenir shops. And it is important to buy an even number, for example, 10 bills of 10 rubles, 10 bills of 50 rubles, 10 bills of 100 rubles, 10 bills of 500 rubles and 10 bills of 1000 rubles. Each team is given a rope, on which they hang your purchased money again on the rope. And each team needs to put up the same amount of money to make it fair. Money needs to be hung in disarray. Each team member in turn is blindfolded and given scissors in their hands. And they go to the rope and cut off two or one bills. Just make sure that after all the participants have cut off the money on the ropes, the bills must remain hanging, otherwise there will be a draw in the competition. That is, if there are 5 participants in a team, and the bills weigh 20, then each person cuts off 3 bills. And thus each team will have 15 bills, and 5 will hang on the ropes. The team with the most money wins. If there is a draw, then you can start one more participant so that they cut off one bill each. And it is important that in the competition they don’t tell each other, let them remember where and what the banknote weighs.

4. Competition - Emblem made of money.
This competition can be held in teams or one person at a time. And for the competition you can use both real money and money bought in souvenir shops. The essence of the competition is to use money to lay out, or rather, come up with, an emblem for your holiday on the table. It could be a person, it could be a circle, it could be anything. Whoever makes the most beautiful and original emblem wins. And if the money is real, then, according to tradition, you can take it for yourself.

Bank Employee's Day is an unofficial professional holiday for banking workers in our country. The holiday is celebrated on December 2 at the initiative of the Association of Banks of the Russian Federation. This date was not chosen by chance; on November 2, 1990, the law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” was adopted. It was the adoption of this document that marked the beginning of the history of the modern banking system in the Russian Federation.

Banks initially performed the function of credit institutions. The very first bank in Russia was a loan bank - Noble Bank, it was approved according to the Decree of Empress Elizabeth. Over time, banks have become a necessary and obligatory component of the state’s activities. Banking is a prestigious and honorable profession, but at the same time it is also hard work, careful and painstaking work that requires a lot of attention and concentration.

How to celebrate bank worker's day

Corporate parties among colleagues are how this holiday is celebrated today. The celebration is accompanied by solemn ceremonies of awarding well-deserved diplomas and prizes to the best employees of the banking sector. Bank toasts complement the celebration.

Sample texts of congratulations

Dear, Happy Bank Employees' Day! You always manage to do everything - submit reports, remember all the passwords, you always have everything under control! You see bank clients more often than friends, and on weekends you only have time to meet with your children. You are a responsible worker, a real standard! So on this day we raise our glasses just for you!

Today we congratulate all those whose service is related to banking! We sincerely wish you all the best! After all, the sign of civilization is a reliable bank full of money, and you, the workers, make it that way! Continue to bring joy to people, give more loans and do not make mistakes, because our financial situation depends on you!

The bank's anniversary is an event of enormous scale, given the wide range of clients, bank employees, and those grateful to whom the bank has helped throughout its considerable history. The bank's staff, like the sailors on the ship, has one of its main tasks: keeping the ship afloat.

Under the leadership of an experienced captain, the ship has continued its journey for more than 10 years.

All the storms, calms and shallows that have passed over ten long years are left behind. There is only diligence and a look beyond the horizon, with hope for the future. We propose to celebrate your anniversary in the image of the ship's crew.

Guests gather at the pier of the St. Petersburg river port. The ship sets sail in the same way as a 10-year journey began 10 years ago.

On the way, the ship will have to pass 5 tests. In ports where ships will enter or the crew of the ship on boats will have to disembark on their own. On shore, participants will face various challenges.

Fighting the Dragon named Default.

Fighting the Minotaur in the Labyrinth of Bureaucracy, Obstacle Course on the Path to International Relations.

Each of the 5 episodes of the holiday will require maximum cohesion from guests, readiness for difficulties and, of course, unconventional thinking.

At the culmination of the holiday, guests will be treated to a festive feast on the banks of the Neva with a bright pyrotechnic show, performances by pop stars and unforgettable moments spent next to colleagues, family and friends. And may there always be 100 feet under the keel and may the sails always be filled with the wind forward to the future, fearless crew and wise captain.

» » script for the corporate holiday “Banker’s Day”

Idea: organize a chic feast with a “banking theme”.

And if you are looking for an unrivaled corporate event scenario

Which all your employees will remember for a long time, we hasten to offer you interesting ideas for organizing your holiday.

  • Choose a good expensive restaurant. It's not a good idea for bankers to sit in cheap bars. Therefore, find out more about this establishment and spend time in it, try the “cuisine” to understand the atmosphere and ambiance of the restaurant as best as possible. If this is what you are looking for, then rent it for your corporate event.
  • Pushkin's Bank", "Hide")">Video: Birthday of Pushkin's Bank

    Birthday of Pushkin Bank

  • Engage in the selection of dance groups and the host of the festive event. Immediately determine the “format of the evening” to the presenter. No vulgarity, no vulgarity, everything is at a good level. Present the same conditions to dance groups.
  • Only good quality drinks and snacks should be on the tables. Check the tables after the waiters have finished their work. So that there is enough cutlery and snacks everywhere. Distribute the tables at which bank employees will sit. So that there is enough space for everyone. It is best to write signs on the tables and assign the tables to “bank departments”. At one table there will be a “cashier”, at another “credit department”, etc.
  • When the guests arrive, begin the proceedings with the bank anthem. Let your guests feel proud of the bank they work for. The first to say the opening, congratulatory speech should be the President of the bank or the shareholders of the bank. They congratulate the employees on the holiday, thank them for their quality work and wish the bank further prosperity.
  • Prizes for competitions: Useful little things up to 100 rubles, Figurines up to 100 rubles, Inexpensive mugs

    Games for the company: Educational for children, For guests, To the office after work

  • If there are employees who have been awarded an honorary award, they are called to the stage and, to the applause of their colleagues, awarded and given memorable souvenirs. The awards are also made by the top officials of the bank. This will highlight the importance of this event.
  • After such a serious event there should be a pause in the form of a performance by the creative team. The number should be beautiful and adequately complete the official part. No amateur performances.
  • After the official part, the presenter begins the festive program. This could be a joke "Bank Account". The presenter, with a three-liter bottle containing money, approaches each table and asks them to say: “Approximately how much money is in the jar?” Whoever was closest to the desired amount receives the first prize of the evening.
  • After several competitions, the Chairman of the Board of the Bank and his first deputies speak to employees and colleagues. After toasts about competent and good employees, the host continues to hold competitions.
  • For the next competition, the presenter already invites one representative from each department. Will evaluate the business abilities of each banker. For this purpose, a “Business Letter” competition is held. Don't forget to give gifts to each winner.
  • And of course, a disco. This is the final chord of any corporate event. And perhaps only on the “dance floor” will employees truly relax.

Prizes for competitions: Diplomas and certificates, orders, medals

Games for the company: For a party, Family, Memory development

Holiday scenarios - scenario for a bank corporate event - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. clownery

  • Fairytale Bank Gnomes: Girls. Bank operators. Charming creatures in fabulous gnome costumes: pants, striped stockings, hats. The gnomes hold plastic hammers in their hands: stamps and seals.
  • Snow White: Head of Operations Department. Man. A powerful creature dressed as Snow White.

Ursik and Semyon Semyonich emerge from the Portal of Time and find themselves at a corporate feast...

Ursik: -Where did we end up?

Semyon Semyonich: - Oh, Ursik! Look, what a beauty! Everyone drinks, eats, no one works! ... - some kind of fairy tale!

Under Snow White’s command “At-two!” At-two! The Dwarfs come out. Semyon Semyonich and Ursik are hiding behind the Time Portal


Snow White: – Well, dwarfs?!…. Relaxed here without the owner's eye?!... Relaxed. You are all gnomes - of the same gender - fabulous. But I will bring you back to reality! “Malinka-raspberry – continuous parties”! What kind of parties? Need to work!

Gnome #1:- So we do - tirelessly! We keep knocking and knocking...

Snow White: - They're knocking!... Who are you knocking on? What we have here is a fairy tale, you know, an economic one. So to speak, the accumulation of initial capital. It is useless to knock - no one will hear: everyone is busy accumulating!

Gnome #2:- So we’re still training...

Snow White:- Don't interrupt me! Don’t you think I’m a gnome?... I’m here, you know, working like Cinderella!...

Gnome #3: (corrects lovingly) Snow White Hedgehog...

Snow White:(irritated) I'm Cinderella! Cinderella! You see, I accept the most corrosive clients! I don’t straighten my back like Papa Karl...

Gnome #3:- Snow White Hedgehog...

Snow White: – I’m Karl’s dad! Carl's dad! All! You got me out! I'm starting to spread! ...

Here you!…. Why do you always come to work so dressed up?

Gnome #4: - And to be noticed...

Snow White: – You have to go to work not to be noticed, but to work! ... And then: no one sees you anyway! Ask any client: “Have you ever seen at least one gnome?” … Here! Nobody has seen! Everyone sees only diamonds and gold - their payments! ...

And you? Where do you get such disdain for your tool?

Gnome #5: - To the head?...

Snow White: – The head is not a tool. This is the place where the cones fall. And the tool of labor is your hammers - stamps! Why do you put a stamp so casually, without idolizing this moment?... Remember! Just as gold without hallmark is not gold, so a piece of paper without your stamp is not a document! This process must be recorded in the eyes of the client! Watch and learn how!

(Snow White artistically puts a stamp on the document, the dwarves repeat)

Now you... Why do you always make eyes at your clients?

Gnome #6: – I focus on the client...

Snow White:– You don’t need to focus, but you need to fixate! No, I don’t argue: A man is, of course, a Man... But a woman?... What is she? Same? ….. Also a man! Therefore, we must love every client. It's clear? ...

So, now you? Why don't you show up at home? The dogs and the police have been looking for you for a week now!

Gnome #7: - Well, the report...

Snow White:- He has a question... There is no need for these fairy tales! Father... You are kind of stingy! You languish over your papers as if they were gold!

What did the King of Beasts order you to do?

Gnome #1: - Dig...

Snow White: – What else can you do?...

Gnome #2: - We don’t have to dig...

Snow White: - No!!! The King of Beasts ordered you to create a stabilization fund for future generations! And what are you doing?

Gnome #3: – We’re digging... We’re digging... for everyone!

Gnome #4: - Yeah! The larger the mound, the more we dig!

Snow White:– And where does it all go then?... Do you bury it back in the ground!?

Gnome #5: – Where should I put all this? Our warehouses are already filled with jewelry...

Snow White: – This is because your warehouses are not correct! And we need to build one, but very large warehouse, so that all this fabulous wealth and…. whoop? It's clear? ...

(all the dwarves nod their heads)

Gnome #6: – What should we call our warehouse?

Snow White: – And... there’s no need to invent anything. Already there: Without Alternative Capital Accumulation! Abbreviated as BANK! Let’s call it “BANK”!

Gnome #7: – How will we increase our wealth?

Snow White: - Well, how?... The client department will work with Koshchei the Immortal. Well, there... Will it be necessary to build the Chinese wall for something? Necessary. They will take our loan. Well, there... tribute to Genghis Khan - we will pay on credit...

Gnome #1: – What if they run out in the future?

Snow White: – The money can’t run out! Money can only be redistributed! Money goes to smart people. And smart people will go to our “BANK”! It's clear?

(all the dwarves nod their heads)

Well, that's okay. Now imagine that the BANK has already been created and you are meeting with your clients.

(The gnomes take turns reading)

We are little gnomes

We love all clients

We are terribly workaholic

Apartment client

We are very, very kind

Fluffy, beautiful

Sometimes they are concerned

But never arrogant

With your hammers

We bring you money

We submit reports accurately

By day and by week

We love all bosses

They are devoted to them - to the toes

Dwarf boys are ready

Forget about the salary

We want to see you more often

Favorite clients

And happiness visits us

From these moments

But it’s still better for us in the bank

Than in dark dungeons

We give you our friendship

Both in everyday life and in fun!


The gnomes run away, playfully waving their hammers. Ursik and Semyon Semyonich appear

Ursik: - Oh, we missed something - we hit it at the wrong time.

Semyon Semyonich:- Yes, indeed. These are some fabulous times! Wealth is not measured. Not taken away yet...

Ursik:- Come on, come on, come on, come on! Closer to reality - closer to reality...

They dive into the time portal. They emerge in hussar times...

Bank anniversary, bank anniversary script, bank anniversary congratulations

A reputable bank celebrates its anniversary in a solid manner. And it’s also 100 percent original, fun and lush! On this day you can afford anything - even commit a bank robbery!

Gangster party in the style of the 30s, or a holiday in the glow of jewels, adventures and treasure hunts - bank anniversary script will give you the opportunity to imagine, play funny scenes from the life of the organization, and even sing a hymn specially written in honor of this event. A holiday that will leave precious memories is the best investment!

Birthday of a large reputable company, especially if it bank anniversary, is not only entertainment, but also a useful event. This is an event that should attract the attention of people, potential clients and partners. This means this is a celebration that works for the image of the business! How to profitably combine a corporate holiday and a social event? We know everything about it. Therefore, we will organize and hold for you the best holiday that you can expect from this day.

Funny competitions, a festival or concert, a Brazilian carnival or a march of Japanese drummers, and a stylized prize draw - we will think of attractive promotions for you, and create an evening program in such a way that both the bank’s employees and its potential clients and partners will enjoy it. Get ready to celebrate and accept congratulations to the bank on its anniversary- fun and solemn.

The ARTNONSTOP event agency takes care of all the worries about organizing and holding the celebration, which means you don’t have to worry about anything.

Enjoy the holiday to the fullest and receive profitable dividends from investing in your image!

tag: bank anniversary, bank anniversary script, bank anniversary congratulations

Corporate event for bank employees

Kuzmina - Act three “Branch and TELKOV”
Dear Igor Veniaminovich, we ask you to take a place of honor!
(Telkov passes and takes a seat in the chair.)
Kuzmina - My boss, I’m so proud of you
Everything with you is clear, fast and sensible!
Only because I work like a bee,
That I am Telkov’s deputy!
__________ - Our Telkov is beautiful in soul!
To him is honor and honor and glory
And I will say without further ado! -
Long live the branch director!
__________ - I once stood on a mountain plateau
Downstairs everything is beautiful and new
BUT! I learned Russian only for this reason
To communicate with Telkov at the bank.
__________ - And I gained courage on my anniversary
I will also insert my word;
I would have been born in Vladivostok
In the maternity hospital that Telkov received.
__________- And I declare everything honestly and to everyone
And I won’t hide the truth from you
I work in a bank only then
Why is he through the wall with me!
_________ - All the ladies pour oil into his ears
Although I will note that there is no place for flattery in it
Accept from the ladies today on your anniversary
Verses of a ladies' funny song!
__________ - Anniversary - congratulations!
__________ - Damsko - passive!
___________ - August song - “We confess!”
The men step aside. The ladies invite I.V. Telkov, sit him in a chair and sing to the tune -
Alegrova “Hunter” Your office is warm and cozy
No extra papers on the desk
It's just you and your computer in your office.
We're a little uneasy
Fit and fresh, in a snow-white shirt
Enthusiasm in your bright eyes.
But we don't look into your eyes on purpose
So that we can stand on our feet
Chorus - Only us and in Profitbank
We don’t play Shura-Mura
Polunin will not understand us very much in this matter!
May we be in our branch
We suffer because of this
And when we come to you, we only talk about business! We stand before you brightly and sadly
Oh our hopeless idol
You are our most, most beloved boss
Large credits commander
Our service views meet
We'll give them a couple of verses
Even Markman needs a lot from you
And for us, Telkov would be nearby!
Chorus - Igor Svet Veniaminych
We repeat again in detail
That we love you too much, but we won’t break wood
You are the most important
Our beloved boss
Sensitive, gentle and beautiful by the name of Telkov
Losing. The ladies immediately invite the hero of the day and dance in a round dance.
Repeat chorus - Only us and in Profitbank
We don’t play Shura-Mura
Polunin will not understand us very much in this matter!
OH!!! (Everyone jumps away from Telkov,
run away, leaving him alone)
May we be in our branch
We suffer because of this
And when we come to you, we only talk about business!
Oh, our Telkov! (ALL 3 times extending hands to the hero of the day)
Oh, our Telkov!
Oh, our Telkov!
___________ - He smiles, girls!
He's so beautiful at this hour
Hope is always a thin thread
Oh, maidens, it excites us!
______________ - Oh, yes - anxiety and doubt
Here, where the ear is, in the wilderness
There is love, sadness and confusion in my soul...
Let's sing to him - our cry from the soul!
I'm disappearing (Uspenskaya)
On our anniversary, believe me, we are not a bit drunk
It’s just that we are completely in love with Telkova

The team, of course, did not notice anything
We just hide and hide from him
We are disappearing, - Yearning, we are fading
Chorus - We look at him, we look at him and understand
We're lost!
Every day, every day, every day we suffer more
We're disappearing
For him, we will give everything and lose everything
We're disappearing
Without him, without him, without him, we simply have no happiness in life!
Chorus - Before him, they dreamed that a client would come to the bank
We met Telkov and we fell in love instantly
We are disappearing. - We're disappearing
We now have work deep down to the lantern
Telkov doesn’t love us, which means life is wasted
We are disappearing, - Yearning, we are fading!
Chorus -
We love you, why do you need more?
What else should I tell you, Igor?
Now we know in your will
Our salaries will be cut. OH…
Chorus -
Losing. Text - recitative very erotic -
And in our unfortunate lot
Oh, don’t leave us, Igor
We are entirely at your mercy
You are our only compass.
Chorus. – Profitbank, dear, we are suffering furiously
We're disappearing
Dear Profitbank, without it we simply cannot be happy in our lives!
Kuzmina hands Telkov a ribbon with the inscription “The most beloved boss”
Slepova. - During the presentation of the ribbon, the text is spread across the tables and all the extras come out...
Print at least 70 copies. Distribute before the song at the director's command.
Kuzmina - We congratulate all our colleagues on the holiday and give them this
To the tune of Leontiev's song "Augustine"
Profitbank, it is always with you
Both summer and winter
In the heat, blizzard and snow, a man goes to the bank
And it will be so as long as the river flows, flows into the seas
The river flows for centuries!
The bank is located on a noisy street. Cities. Glorious
Cities on the map are very distant! The city is an outpost of the native land
It's like soldiers everywhere - ATMs throw money around.
Our branch is alive - it issues loans - and celebrates its anniversary.

Ah, our dear, dear, dear Profitbank, Profitbank, Profitbank.

And even though we are still young. Young, young!
Half the city is already coming to us in a crowd. The bank will always serve you!
Like stalwart soldiers. ATMs throw money around.
Our branch is alive. His assets are growing
We are celebrating our anniversary!
Ah, our dear, dear, dear Profitbank, Profitbank, Profitbank.
Oh, our dear, dear, dear Profitbank, - It’s good for everyone with you.
Ah, our dear, dear, dear Profitbank, Profitbank, Profitbank.
We need to work for the nice Profitbank
For the joy of people and for evil of enemies.
Profitbank is located on the street. Glorious city
Polunin and Beloborodova are here. Gavrilov and Telkov are here
Our branch without a doubt. The population loves it very much
And all the honest people. Goes to our branch
And we are celebrating our anniversary!
Ah, our dear, dear, dear Profitbank, Profitbank, Profitbank.
Oh, our dear, dear, dear Profitbank, - It’s good for everyone with you.
Ah, our dear, dear, dear Profitbank, Profitbank, Profitbank.
We need to work for the nice Profitbank
For the joy of people and for evil of enemies.
There is a toast to all the employees of the branch.
Episode – “Notre Dame” - Gavrilov, Boyko, Beloborodova,
At the director's command.
1. Gavrilov:
Me – I introduce myself right away, I’m Gavrilov
And - It just dawned on me today
O - How powerfully the Profitbank branch has grown,
I didn't expect such power from him at all.
I tormented them all with questions “WHY”
I created a lot of problems for the branch
O - I beg your pardon, you can’t turn this around
I admit I behaved like Malchish - a bad guy,
I split up the interest for them and their projects
I’m worried now, I don’t have the strength!
2. Boyko.
O - I congratulate you on your anniversary
I send you an air kiss
O - After all, Boyko is where the ATM and terminal are
Always in the arms of computer programs
I constantly monitor the process
So that the enemy cannot get into the epicenter of the bank
Yes I constantly check the epicenter
And at the epicenter of the bank I am the central center
And I am an esthete, and I will not pass by the ladies
I kiss your hands, dear ladies!
A - I select personnel for Profitbank
Me - Oh, how much I know about everyone
But - I’ve already been burned in public seven times
Now, if you please, pardon me, DO NOT PASSER!
No need to pour nectar and incense into your ears
I'll check it seven times, only then will I give the go-ahead
Yes - It even happens that I detect a defect
But after me, please excuse me, the whole Profitbank
Men like to judge everyone by their feet.
I’m watching something else, I’ll tell you by the way.
Together - We congratulate you on your anniversary, friends!
We give holidays to celebrants for three days
Yes - We want to prosper together with the branch
Let your profits increase greatly
And may Polunin send you gratitude
Long live our beloved branch!
Episode – leaders – To the tune – “Planes First”

Chorus - We are all friends of Profitbank together
We love Kamchatprofitbank very much
Profitbank is not a tin can
A serious, reputable bank
Ladies - Why?
Chorus - Because he is famous
He's gained, he's gained solid growth
Profitbank is always extremely honest in everything!
Ladies - And clients with the bank
Chorus - This is their question! (REPEAT)
__________________________________________________ ___________
Chorus - We trust our bank blindly
The bank has always maintained its brand
It would even be ridiculous
As one of our friends said
Ladies - Why?
Chorus - Isn’t it clear?
Just like that, just like that - to spite the enemies
And it’s a pleasure for us to communicate with Polunin!
Ladies - to you and Polunin
Chorus - Of course lucky! (REPEAT)
__________________________________________________ ______________
Solo - With Profitbank warm and with fuel oil
Everyone is cheerful, dressed and shod,
We usually come to the bank in the morning
And at lunch we drain the fuel oil
Ladies - Why?
Chorus - Because in Profitbank
There are no boundaries or limits anymore
Profitbank probably loves the tanker very much -
Ladies - What is this for -
Chorus - Banking secret! (REPEAT) ___________________________________________________ ____
Chorus - Central Banks will not replace him
He doesn't give himself a day off
We trust only Profitbank
And we stand for him like a mountain
Ladies - Why?
Chorus - Because to the capital:
It's a long way, sometimes we go a long way
It’s difficult to achieve much from the capital -
Ladies - Is it really so? –
Chorus - We give five hundred points! (REPEAT)
__________________________________________________ _____
Chorus - The bank does not sow the fields and does not plow
Our only bank, dear
We are proud of our Profitbank
He is our everyday hero
Ladies - Why?
Chorus - - Because there is nothing cooler
He conducts the dialogue without unnecessary words
Profitbank will not be better for us forever -
Ladies - Why is this -
Chorus - Visible without glasses! (REPEAT)
__________________________________________________ _____________
Chorus - We will write in golden tablets
We have the name of the bank in our hearts
We live it, we work it, we breathe it.
We are ready to do anything for him
Ladies - Why?
Solo - - Because with Profitbank
We will come, we will come to the big dream
They install ATMs everywhere, they don’t mind -
Ladies - ATMs? –
Chorus - Everywhere and everywhere! (REPEAT)

What professions deal with money? These are accountants and bank employees. And very soon both will celebrate their professional holidays. And of course they will walk, celebrate and hold corporate parties. And we offer you our competitions for your holiday. Competitions for accountant and bank employee day will be the best and most fun moments of your party. Competitions are designed for people who love excitement, love money and love their work. So throw your friendly team a great party, and they will raise all your indicators for the year several times.

1. Competition - Best Employee of the Month.
The essence of this competition is to identify the best employee of the month, or any other period of time. For this we need willing people. On the table in front of each participant are piles of coins in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5 and 10 rubles. But each coin is in a separate pile. Team members must start counting the money in each pile, and then add up all their counts, so to speak, balance. The one who is the first, and most importantly, to accurately say the amount in each of his piles and the total, is declared the winner of the competition. In order to prevent the presenter from having to count the coins behind the players, it is better to put the same number of coins on each table for each participant.

2. Competition – Money in the Bank.
And again, we need everyone to participate in the competition. Again, jars or glass containers are placed on the tables. But such that you can stick your hand into them and move it into the jars. Each jar contains paper money of any denomination. And the greater the number of bills, the merrier. Participants are blindfolded and, by putting their hand into their jar, they must determine by touch how much money is in the jar. The one who says more accurately will be the winner. Well, if anyone guesses the exact amount, he can take the money for himself.

3. Competition - Money for free.
This is a team competition. Determine the number of people in teams yourself. For this competition, you need to buy fake banknotes from your country's bank in advance from souvenir shops. And it is important to buy an even number, for example, 10 bills of 10 rubles, 10 bills of 50 rubles, 10 bills of 100 rubles, 10 bills of 500 rubles and 10 bills of 1000 rubles. Each team is given a rope, on which they hang your purchased money again on the rope. And each team needs to put up the same amount of money to make it fair. Money needs to be hung in disarray. Each team member in turn is blindfolded and given scissors in their hands. And they go to the rope and cut off two or one bills. Just make sure that after all the participants have cut off the money on the ropes, the bills must remain hanging, otherwise there will be a draw in the competition. That is, if there are 5 participants in a team, and the bills weigh 20, then each person cuts off 3 bills. And thus each team will have 15 bills, and 5 will hang on the ropes. The team with the most money wins. If there is a draw, then you can start one more participant so that they cut off one bill each. And it is important that in the competition they don’t tell each other, let them remember where and what the banknote weighs.

4. Competition - Emblem made of money.
This competition can be held in teams or one person at a time. And for the competition you can use both real money and money bought in souvenir shops. The essence of the competition is to use money to lay out, or rather, come up with, an emblem for your holiday on the table. It could be a person, it could be a circle, it could be anything. Whoever makes the most beautiful and original emblem wins. And if the money is real, then, according to tradition, you can take it for yourself.

Characters: Young man, Employee 1, Employee 2, Employee 1, Employee 2, Employee 3, Cashier 1, Cashier 2. In the center of the site there is a screen from behind which all the characters come out. There is a chair in front of the screen. The Leader comes out.

Good evening! As you know, bank employees do not produce goods. They produce services and in this respect are not much different from other customer service establishments. Which sometimes leads to funny situations. The story that we are about to tell you could well have happened in any bank, except, of course, ours. And if anything seems familiar to you, I assure you that these are completely random coincidences.

On a sign “...bank” appears on the screen and the name of the department: “Department for work With clients." Two employees come out.

Employee 1. What would you like to wish to your native bank?

Employee 2. Somehow I couldn't figure it out.

Employee 1. And I made a wish.

Employee 2. Curious.

Employee 1. I want to attract a real billionaire here, and so that he...

Employee 2. He entrusted all capital to us.

Employee 1. Yes, and so that he...

Employee 2. He asked for small percentages.

Employee 1. That's right, and so that he...

Employee 2. Remained our client for a long time.

Employee 1. How do you know everything?

Employee 2. So which of us doesn’t want this?

A breathless employee runs in.

Employee 1. Girls, very important

information. Ko-lo-bok is rolling towards us!

Employee 1. And what about Ryaba the chicken?

Are you late?

Employee 1. No need for irony. Nikolay

Vasilievich Kolobok, one of the largest oil magnates in Western Siberia...

He came to us to open a representative office and place orders.

Looking for a suitable bank to work with.

Employee 2. What are you talking about?

Employee 1. And here it is! So, be on your guard... Ciao! (Leaves.)

Employee 2. It looks like wishes are starting to come true.

Employee 1. All hands on deck!

To the music with backup dancers, one verse of the song is performed to a suitable motive.

Some people like about Ivan the Fool. Well A They read “Kolobok” to me at night. He stood at the window, cold, but disappeared somewhere for dinner. Since then, years and centuries have passed, Kolobok has always condemned the people. But the memory of Kolobok lives in him, As he disappeared on a narrow path. Chorus. Always easy to make decisions, Koloboks run around the world. And if you look from under your hand, these are our men.

Employee 1 and Employee 2 remain on the site. A young man enters.

Young man(very timidly). Hello!

Employee 1(timidly, after a pause). Hello. If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Kolobok?

Young man. Not really. That's what they called me at school. How do you know?

Employee 2. Of course. Such a famous person.

Young man. I? Come on, what are you...

Employee 1. AND not only in our own North.

Young man. Come on! Almost no one knows me in the North either. At least I live there.

Employee 2. You will be modest, Mr. Kolobok. So, we are listening to you carefully.

Young man(blushing and turning pale). I don't even know how to start.

Tell me this at Are you being provided with services... mmm... of a certain kind?

Employee 1. The widest range of services. Active and passive operations. Would you like any special ones?

Young man. No, I need something simpler. More traditional

Employee 2. I see. Perhaps you would like to make a contribution.

Young Human (thinking). Contribution?.. Contribution of what?

Employee 1. Contribute your savings.

Young man(after a pause). Thank you! Thank you!

Employee 2. For what?

Young man. For a gentle name for my need. I apologize for the details. I am already 30 years old, and I have never made a savings contribution.

Employee 1. In your situation this is not necessary. Others do it for you.

Young man. But sometimes you still want to do it yourself. And then one good woman invited me to dinner. I'm afraid she'll laugh at me if she finds out I never did this.

Employee 2. A good woman will not laugh. A good woman will help.

Employee 1. And there are many such women in our institution. They will explain everything, explain: what, where and why. In general, the service will be at the highest level.

Employee 2. So don't worry. Your contribution will be accepted without any ridicule.

Young man. Thank you. Excuse me, but where will it be received?

Employee 2. At the cash register.

Young man. At the register? (Co-reflects.) Ahh!.. Well, yes, of course, at the box office. Thank you! Thank you for another gentle title. I would never have thought that such a specific establishment had such a high level of culture.

Employee1 . Thank you too for your high rating. Oh, by the way, since you are visiting us, would you like to take advantage of another very traditional service?

Young Human. No, what are you talking about? God willing, let me deal with one.

Employee 1. We are talking about credit.

Young man. About a loan?.. In what sense? Literally or figuratively?

Employee 2. Of course, literally.

Young man. What, can this be done on credit?..

Employee 1. You can do anything on credit. This is what our valued clients enjoy.

Young man (after small pause). You know, I like everything about you better. Such nice, helpful people. I was terribly afraid when I came to you.

Employee 2. So will you take out a loan?

Young man. Why not?

Employee 1. Wonderful... (Employee 2.) Colleague, take Mr. Kolobok to the credit department.

Employee 2. With pleasure.

Young man(bowing to Employee 1). Thank you very much.

Employee 1. All the best!

Employee 2 and the Young Man leave. Employee 1 happily rubs her palms and makes a phone call.

Hello, credit?.. Don't faint, Kolobok is rolling toward you... (With pressure.) Kolobok is the real name of a real oil tycoon from the Far North. A very nice guy. True, a little strange. But who among the rich doesn’t do weird things? So don’t miss out on your benefits... How is it, what’s the collateral?.. And fields, and drilling sites, and wells! Well, thank God, it came. Good luck!

The second verse is performed to the music.

In Rus' for centuries, here and there,

Everyone is scraping that seedy bitch.

And then, pour milk into the flour,

Everyone is stirring and baking koloboks.

And, of course, the men of Russian places -

These are the same koloboks - those are the cross!

It doesn’t matter where you go and disappear,

It's tempting to fall into the fox's mouth.

Always easy to make decisions

Koloboks are running around the world.

And look from under your hand,

So these are our men.

The sign “Credit Department” appears on the screen. On stage are Employee 2, Employee 2, Employee 3 and Young Man.

Employee2. Colleagues! Let me introduce you, the guest of honor of our institution is Mr. Kolobok! Please love and respect! (Leaves.)

Employee2. We have heard and heard a lot, Mr. Kolobok. Have a seat. How do you like it here?

Young Human. Amazing! An institution with such a complex profile and such an amazing culture. Like in the Hermitage. You are just great!

Employee3. Thank you. (Opens a folder.) So, would you like to open a loan with us?

Young man. Not that I wanted to. Your dear ladies persuaded me to do this. I thought: why not?

Employee2. And they did the right thing. I'm sorry, but the rules require us to ask you a few questions. Young man. I'll be honored

Employee3. Where is your mine located?

Young Human. My place of birth: the city of Kogalym, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Employees 2 and 3 look at each other meaningfully. Employee 2 takes notes.

Employee2. Thank you. Next question: do you have drilling rigs?

Young man(very perplexed). Drilling rigs?

Employee3 . Well, yes. You know, the ones that drill. (Makes rotational movements with his hand.)

Young man. My God! How lovely! What great concern for the moral sense of the visitor. In such a place! With such problems! (Grabs Employee 2's hand.) Come on, let me shake your hand!

Employee 2. For mercy's sake, for what?

Young man. For this wonderful term: oil rig! True, it is somewhat unexpected, but still it is better than calling such things by their proper names. Cleaner, subtler, more moral! Write: yes! There is a drilling rig!

Employee 2 (writing down). Amazing. And the last question, arising from the previous one. The number of active wells you have drilled.

Young man(wilting). Alas, gentlemen. What is not there is not.

Employee 3. How did this happen?

Young man(with a sigh). And like this. Shy by nature. Otherwise, why would I come to you?

Employee 2. But then you will have to lay down the drilling rig.

Young man. Do you mean invest?

Employee 3. No, just za-lo-live.

Young man. But why mortgage? Put away for the winter. And I, sorry for the detail, will include this.

Employees 2 and 3 look at each other.

Employee 2. Fine. Let’s formulate it this way: “invest for a loan”—is that okay?

Young man. Excellent wording! Lord, what a pleasure it is to be among educated, intelligent people. Employee 3. Mutually. Please sign here and here. Young man. With pleasure. Employee 2. Thank you. If you allow me, I will personally take you to the cashier. Young man. I'll be honored.

The young man and Employee 2 leave. Employee 3 looks at the folder.

Employee 3. Yes!

The third verse is performed to the music.

When setting out on a long journey, don’t be sad:

All We, baby, are a little koloboks. Having laid the path-path with a tablecloth, We will slide to the edge of the Earth. Call me, distant fate, wave after me, hut, shutters.

Where the redheads' dresses flash, Koloboks are rolling right there. Chorus. Always easy to make decisions, Koloboks run around the world. And if you look from under your hand, these are our men.

A sign “Cash Office” appears on the screen.

Department". Cashier 1 and Cashier 2 are on stage. Employee 2 and Young Man enter

Employee 2. Dear ladies, let me introduce you to our distinguished guest, the owner of large oil fields, Mr. Kolobok.

Cashier 1 and Cashier 2 applaud.

I personally brought him to you with the humblest request to serve you at the highest level. Let me take my leave. All the best! (Leaves.)

Cashier 1. We are listening to you carefully.

Cashier 2. Mr. Kolobok, what's wrong with you?

Cashier 1. You feel bad?

Young man(embarrassing). Sorry. I just wasn't ready for there to be two of you.

Cashier 2. And we don't interfere with each other.

Cashier 1. Each has its own area of ​​work.

Cashier 2. We have a specialization.

Young man(swaying). Oh!

Cashier 1 and 2 rush to him and try to support him. (Almost squeals.) Don't touch me! TO Cashier 1 and Cashier 2 run back.

As you may not understand, I can’t do that. Let one of you come out.

Cashier 1. For God's sake. Just tell me who?

The young man is crying. Cashier 1 and 2 rush towards him.

Young man(through sobs). I can't make that decision.

Cashier 2. Why?

Young man. You are both very beautiful.

Cashier 1. I do not know what to do.

Cashier 2. Let's do this, you go out, and I

I'll calm him down.

Cashier 1. OK. I'll be outside the door. If anything happens, shout. (Leaves.)

The young man sobs on the chest of Cashier 2, who strokes him.

Young man. Sorry. You see, I’m 30 years old, today I had to make my first savings contribution. Agree that this is not an easy act.

Cashier 2. May be. But he's not worth your tears.

Young man. And this is just a reaction. I suddenly imagined the three of us and realized that I couldn’t live without love.

Cashier 2. What can't you do?

Young man. Contribute savings.

Cashier 2. Why?

Young man. Good for you, you're a professional. How can I imagine that the storm of an unloved person, the drilling rig is right there... (Waves his hand.) Eh, what can I say. (Holds back sobs.)

Cashier 2. You probably have problems at the field.

Young man. Yes, I haven’t been there for twenty years. And I came to you in vain. (Takes a breath, wipes away tears.) Tell me, what should I do?.. Like in the movies. Strongly demand that you accept my contribution.

Cashier 2. Why demand? I'll accept it anyway. However, as you wish.

Young man(enthusiastically). And at first you sharply refuse me, and then you lose control of yourself and warmly agree. So, what?

Cashier 2. In truth, we were not taught this. But management asked for you. You can also try.

Young man. Let's!

Cashier 2. Let's!

Young man(moves 2 steps away, pointing). Stand here. And refuse me in the most decisive manner. Agreed?

Cashier 2. Agreed!

Young man(raising his voice sharply). You must! You simply must accept the contribution of my savings!

Cashier 2. I don’t owe anyone anything!.. Not for anything, ever!

Cashier 1 runs in and is perplexed.

Young man. You’ll receive it, like a dear one, this very minute!

Cashier 2. Never! Your savings will never end up in my safe!

All the characters run in, except Employee 1, and stop in bewilderment.

Young man. They'll get there!

Cashier 2. No matter how it is!

“They will hit!”"Never!" The young man abruptly hugs Cashier 2 and kisses him.

Cashier 2 hits him on the back with his fists, but the blows become softer and softer until they turn into gentle strokes.

Employee 1. Fir trees, what are we going to do?

Employee 2. rejoice

Employee 2. Why?

Employee 3. If a respected client falls in love with our cashier, his heart and money will stay in this room for a long time.

Cashier 1. Fuck you, really. He'll strangle her! (Knocks on the Young Man's back.) Mister Kolobok! (The young man waves it off.) Mister Kolobok!

The couple breaks away from each other and stands with their eyes closed, coming to their senses.

Young man. I would ask you not to call me that again. My name is Kolya Lobkov. Nikolai Vasilievich Lobkov. And they used to tease me with Kolobok at school.

The theme of Beethoven's fate sounds, the employees freeze.

Employee 1. Kolya Lobkov?! But you are from the North!

Young man. From the North-West. Komsomolsky Prospekt, 34 "A".

The theme of fate is growing.

Employee 2. Excuse me, what about your Kogalym field?

Young man. I was really born in the city of Kogalym.

The theme of fate is growing.

Employee 3. Sorry! And the drilling rig...

Young man. Let's not talk about this in front of women. Guys, I feel so good with you. Who would have thought that such nice, subtle and warm-hearted people work in such a specific institution. Do you know what, (pointing to Cashier 2) I will take this girl with me. She's still So young Agree, she has no place, I apologize... in a brothel.

The theme of fate is growing.

All. What?!

Young man. There's no place for her here!

Employee 2. Excuse me, Mr. Kolya, why on earth did you give our bank such an unflattering definition?

Young man. When I had known problems, I contacted To friend, and he gave me this address. I tell him, what about the “...bank” sign? And he says: “This is a conspiracy so that the establishment is not closed.” Accordingly, everything is expressed there. Debit-credit, balance-buldo. That's how it all turned out. In general, I am very grateful to you all.

The theme of fate is growing.

Employee 2(with a threat). What's your last name?


Young man. What?

All. What's your friend's last name?

Employee 1 runs in.

Young Human. His last name And here he is.

Everyone looks at Employee 1.

Employee 1. Hello, who haven't you seen?

Employee 2(ominously). Hello!

Employee 1. What are you talking about?

Employee 1. Yes, that's it. We would like to introduce you to the oil tycoon.

Employee 1. Ah, Nikola, great! Are you having fun?.. Come on guys. The usual joke.