Cool female pirate names for parties. Pirate nicknames and nicknames. Famous female pirates

Or a corporate event or party on the theme of pirate adventures, it is better for guests to announce it in advance so that they come in elements of pirate costumes. This program really brings guests together and creates a fun and lively atmosphere for the whole evening.

To organize the program new scenario for a pirate New Year's party You will need: props for competitions, medallions or badges with pirate names for each guest, as well as cards with the same names, gold and black doubloons for counting points, jars where doubloons will be dropped and musical accompaniment of the holiday.

Pirate party scenario.

Presenter: Greetings, friends! It’s nice to see you on this New Year’s Eve so beautiful and lively, it shouldn’t be otherwise, because we are preparing to celebrate the New Year, and are full of anticipation from the new sensations and impressions that it prepares for us all together and for each individual. Let's quickly fill our glasses and congratulate each other on the upcoming 20... year!

First toast

The last minutes of the passing year are counting down,

Let them be bright, like fireworks!

May this meeting bring us joy and fun!

And the holiday will spin us all around with its carousel!

Today, in the new year and life, everyone leads routes.

Let love await everyone there and everyone be comfortable!

And let it be loud: “Hurray!” under the Christmas tree

It will sound to the clink of glasses, lifting our spirits!

(All guests clink glasses and shout: “Hurray!”)

(Small break).

Presenter: Probably, each of you has noticed that during the New Year holidays there is always a special atmosphere; we all involuntarily fall under the magic of this miracle - welcoming the New Year. And since all the horoscopes vying with each other offer us to spend this night actively and passionately, with positivity and drive, I propose to spend it in a pirate style. A pirate party with full decorations and props was not within our budget, but we will still try to catch the mood and immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of excitement and carefree fun! So let's get started!

The thirst for adventure and exploits is already contained in the word “pirate”; translated from Greek it means “to put to the test”, which today we will do with pleasure, my dear future pirates and pirates! Now each of you will choose a pirate name for the whole evening, for using a secular name - a black mark and punishment!

(Each guest pulls out a medallion or badge with a pirate name, it is advisable that male and female names are kept separately)

The song “Chance” from “Treasure Island” is playing

Presenter: I see that many are shocked by their name. Yes, pirate names are not very euphonious, treat this with humor, especially since respect for your nickname is one of the first commandments of a pirate, so I ask you to love and favor yourself with a new name.

And now, so that you get used to it a little, and others get to know you again, we will conduct a comic forecast - a roll call. I read the text, the one whose new name will be named, even if he does not suspect what he hears, raises his hand or rises himself so that everyone can admire him and get to know him. Go.

(this forecast is designed for 35 guests: 17 women and 18 men; if the composition and quantity are different, then it is better to make appropriate changes to the text of the forecast)

Comic forecast - dating at a pirate party

Where is Indomitable Bonnie, who will amaze everyone with her vocals today?

Ben Long will dance the most.

Today the Vile Miggy will shine and star the most.

Freaky Maggie will be happier and louder than others to shout: “Happy New Year!”

But she will constantly be shouted down by Blind Pew, who will demand: “Pour more!”

In an hour, Katie Kortik will say that she is the coolest.

And Daniela More will giggle and say: “We’ve seen such cool ones.”

In 1.5 hours, Jim Plukh will say that he, in general, sneezed on everyone.

And Little Davey, alas, will fall asleep in 2 hours and won’t say anything to anyone.

He will constantly demand to bring tomato juice to go with the Bloody Mary vodka.

“And more napkins,” Patchkulya Betty will soon shout.

Today Richard Zhelezny will give Tricky Xiao $100.

And Zhanna Blade will happily give Bald Michael her beloved self.

John Cox, having taken a dose of...intoxicant, will give everything to everyone for free, and will immediately forget about it forever.

Only today, Leaky Hands will invite Catherine Black Mark to relax in Haiti all evening.

And Shorty Dark will tell Horrible Mur-r that he is tired of Haiti and will invite her to Lapland to see Santa Claus.

And Hook the Iron Hand will affectionately stroke Viper Party on the knee, and she will pretend that she likes it.

Fiery Grace and Ruffnut Frances will have a showdown about who Devil Jones loves more.

By the end of the evening, angry, Ruthless Ann will say: “Yes, you are all bastards!” and gets drunk out of grief

And only Skinny Annie, standing on a chair, will shout with enthusiasm: “People, I wish you happiness!”

Velcro Skye will pester everyone with the question: “Santa Claus is a red nose, did you bring me anything?”

On her own, practically without staggering, Sonya Black Bones will sing about the fact that she is drunk and will not get home on her own and they will call her a taxi.

And Sam the Bloodthirsty and Bootstrap Bill will hardly take Terrible Leela away from the party, who will shout: “I’m about to melt from love, I’m the Snow Maiden, I know it!”

Gloomy Shpas will invite everyone to his place tomorrow for a hangover

And John the Mad, waking up in the morning in someone else’s bed, will ask in bewilderment: “Where was I yesterday?”

And finally, let me introduce Captain Black Dog and the Elusive Madame Wong, who are tired of listening to all this nonsense and are eager to say a toast about the fact that it’s time to toast the acquaintance.

So, here's to getting to know each other!!! By the way, today you can call me Veselushka Nadine, and DJ Loud Alex.

(you can beat the acquaintance using any other game, you can choose

(small break)

Presenter: And now I’ll ask Captain Black Dog and the Elusive Madame Wong to come to me. These are two captains, let's salute them! Your first task is to come up with a name for your schooner. Remember, whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. And the second, but no less important, is to recruit a loyal and united team. So, the name? (they are called, they need to be written on the banks where prize or penalty doubloons will be added based on the results of competitions). And now everyone gets an equal share of (...) pirates and (..) pirates (the number depends on the composition of the guests).

The captains draw cards with pirate names - they type commands

Presenter: Did you dial it? Tests will show how successful it is. I read out the list of commands.

On a schooner (made up name) under the command of Captain Black Dog, they set off on a voyage for New Year's gifts...

On a schooner (made up name) under the command of the Elusive Madame Wong are sent...

(the cards collected by the captains are read out)

You can divide into teams without drawing lots: according to tables or represented teams.

Presenter: Sit down, dear captains. By the way, the names of our captains once belonged to very famous pirates - cunning, elusive and cruel. And our Captains , I hope they live up to the authority of their nickname. The captains have the last word, I think they will be fair and we won’t have to throw them overboard and start a riot. Before starting the main program, I suggest you take a break and note this matter.

(small break)

Presenter: To undergo the rite of passage as a pirate, you must first become acquainted, at least briefly, with the Pirate Code of Honor.

Pirate Code of Honor .

1. A pirate is proud of his pirate name, no matter how it sounds.

2. The Pirate Code of Honor is the only law that a pirate respects.

3. The pirate brotherhood is the only family for a pirate.

4. A pirate ship is the only home for a pirate.

5. Cowardice and betrayal are the most shameful crimes for a pirate.

6. On a ship, pirates can only swear in approved jargon.

7. Only a determined, brave and resilient woman can be allowed to become a pirate.

8. Fighting on a ship is strictly prohibited.

9. Pirate rank allows a pirate to increase his rank after participating in battles and demonstrating his new skills and abilities.

10. For failure to comply with the rules of the Pirate Code, a pirate receives a mark on his reputation and a sign of punishment - a Black Mark.

Presenter: Here I have golden doubloons and black marks - based on the results of the tests, we will calculate which team will win. The winning team comes up with a punishment for the losing team; in case of non-compliance, it is deprived of New Year's gifts. Now we will distribute responsibilities according to Pirate rank. We will select the ship's doctors first; this is especially important at such an event. By the way, pirate doctors are like pianists in the Old World - respected and untouchable persons. They were the only ones who had the right not to obey the Pirate Code and to help the enemy. Although, between you and me, the medicine that they really mastered very well was one or another dose of rum.

The schooner's ship's doctor is appointed ………………………(pulls out a card with a name)

I’ll ask the doctors to come to me, choosing an assistant along the way.

Game moment at the New Year's party "Pirate medical examination"

(Participants receive small props from a children's first aid kit or a joke store: a thermometer, a hammer, a stethoscope - for the surroundings and for the "medicine" test: trays with bottles with the word "Rum" written on them: disposable glasses - will be worn by assistants)

Presenter: Dear doctors of pirate schooners, with the help of the received tool, and most importantly, medical intuition, you need, after examining the guests, to identify among them those to whom you can give the diagnoses indicated on the card. And with the help of different doses of medicine, cure them immediately.


1. chronic dancelit; under-hangover; love fever of the first degree.

2. mild holiday mania; severe under-drinking; spicy ditty.

(“Doctors” walk around the hall, examine guests, make diagnoses and treat them with different numbers of glasses)

Presenter: We can admit that both doctors passed the test, and the surest medicine for us this evening will be: love, fun and a bottle of rum. And now to everyone who did not receive the medicine or to whom the therapeutic dose seemed insufficient, I suggest you drink “To your health!”

(banquet break)

Presenter: Thanks to the care of the doctors, everyone got their pirate throat wet, which means it’s time to scream. Do you agree? In the meantime, I suggest you shout a little.

(small break)

Presenter: An equally important person on a pirate ship is Cook or Ship's Cook. The combat effectiveness of the crew depends on good nutrition. We appoint cooks.
Ship's cook schooners ……………………… appointed
Ship's cook schooners ……………………… appointed (pulling out) - …………………………………………..(name)

Game moment with ship's cooks

Presenter: Your test is as follows: from available material, i.e. from what is on the table, come up with a new dish and give it a pirate name, such as “Sea Knot” noodles with “Barracuda’s Last Salvo” sauce. But remember that the dish must be edible, because it will be your captain who will try it, and not the enemy captain. Let's start.

Groovy music sounds - participants create a dish

Presenter: It is clear that with such cooks not a schooner’s crew will be lost (Name), nor the crew of the schooner (Name) Tell me, dear pirates, what else is valuable in sailing? (addresses guests).

The guests answer, the presenter comments on their answers, when something like fun or a joke is heard, she continues the program.

Presenter: Indeed, on a long voyage it can be very boring, so they really love and value representatives of the pirate brotherhood who can tell a funny story, make you laugh, or even lie about something. The next test is the ability to tell a New Year's tale.
From a schooner (Name) are invited (pulls out 7 cards with the names of pirates of one team)

The participants come out, the presenter gives them headbands or character caps and lines. It’s best to rehearse with the “artists” before starting so that they remember their lines well and understand when pronounce them, then they will play more expressively, without looking at the cards with words.

Musical composition plays

They come out, the presenter hands them beads and skirts and quickly explains that they must shout together: “Oh!” and how to move, and that in the finale they must drag everyone onto the dance floor, organizing a lambada train.

Costume act "Natives at the New Year's party"


Among the Yumba-Tumba tribe

The flowers in the flower beds don't bloom,

But bananas and coconuts grow,

And they don’t know cold and frost!

They won't talk much

But they will give us love!

Let's give them a standing ovation,

Yumba-thumba tribe! Let's meet!

The drums sound -

- the “natives” come out dancing

They won't say their wishes -

They will show you a fiery dance.

Seize every moment in life,

Sing, dance, joke, love!

Natives: Oh!

Let there be a lot of delicious food,

And there will be no illnesses, no troubles,

Your children and grandchildren will be healthy,

And so that they don’t know sadness and boredom!

Natives: ABOUT! (everyone grabs their shoulders and spins)

So that your leaders would be smart,

We did everything for the prosperity of the country,

So that everyone definitely gets rich,

They would have everything they wanted!

Natives: ABOUT! (everyone grabs their shoulders and spins)

They wish you a holiday every day,

And so that even a stump blooms in the garden.

But in order for everyone to experience all this

We all need to dance the dance of love!

Natives: ABOUT! (everyone gets on the train and goes to the hall to gather guests)

It sounds like "Lambada". Then a dance break

New Year's toast

Presenter: And we continue our tests. Now we will choose Quartermaster and boatswain (pulls out names). Their task is to provide technical and material support to the team, let's see how they can do it.

Outdoor game "Come on, bring it"

(4 chairs are placed, whoever brings it faster)

1. Alcohol

4. A shoe from a pirate of the opposite sex

(as a result, doubloons are thrown into the jars)

Presenter: Who haven't we tested yet? The pilot and mate, those on whom the correct course of the ship depends.

Team competition "Guess the course"

The phenomenon of piracy has given human history many names of legendary adventurers. The peak of maritime robberies occurred in the 17th century, when the World Ocean was the scene of struggle between Spain, England and some other emerging European colonial powers. Most often, pirates made their living through independent criminal robberies, but some of them ended up in government service and deliberately harmed foreign fleets.

Francis Drake

Born in 1540, he came from an ordinary farming family, and nothing foreshadowed that he would become a great pirate and navigator. A sharp turn in his fate happened at the age of 12, when his parents moved to Kent. There the teenager became a cabin boy on a merchant barque. The owner of the ship was his distant relative. Dying, he handed over the ship as an inheritance to Drake. So, by an amazing coincidence, already at the age of 18, the young man turned out to be a captain.

Like all other contemporary sailors, Francis dreamed of the distant western seas, where the Spaniards continued to rule since their discovery. The most famous pirates of that time, as one, hunted royal galleons loaded with American gold. The Spanish did control the West Indies and had no intention of giving its resources to the British. There were constant skirmishes between the ships of these two countries. In one of them, in 1567, Francis Drake almost lost his life. Of the entire English flotilla, only two ships survived. After this episode, the Spaniards became Drake's sworn enemies.

Francis received from his authorities a privateering patent and the right to freely plunder enemy bases. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the pirate captured Spanish fortresses and outposts in the Caribbean. In 1572, his detachment intercepted a huge cargo of silver. A robber sailed to England with 30 tons of precious metal.

Drake became famous not only as a threat to the Spaniards, but also as a brave navigator. In 1577, Queen Elizabeth I sent him on an expedition around the world. It was this pirate who became the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. During his journey, he found out that Tierra del Fuego is an island, and not the southern mainland, as was previously believed in Europe. After his triumphant return, Francis Drake received a knighthood and became sir. The high rank did not change the habits of the sea wolf. On the contrary, over and over again he was eager to embark on another adventurous voyage.

In 1588, Francis Drake took part in the defeat of the Spanish Invincible Armada. The victory of the English fleet heralded British naval rule for several centuries. After this success, Drake went on expeditions to the West Indies several more times. He destroyed enemy pirate bases that interfered with profitable English trade. Sir Drake died in 1596 while traveling in Panama. His lead coffin was buried in the ocean. Without a doubt, the adventurer is the most famous pirate of the 16th century.

Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan was born in 1635 in the Welsh countryside into the family of a landowner. The boy could have become his father's heir, but from childhood his passion was not agriculture, but the sea. As time has shown, the love for distant horizons turned out to be justified. The most famous pirates were jealous of the success of Henry Morgan, who became a living legend of his time.

As a young man, the Englishman was hired on a ship sailing to the harbor of the island of Barbados. Once in the Caribbean, Morgan began to build an amazing pirate career. Having joined the sea robbers, he moved to Jamaica. Young quickly became a participant in raids, the main purpose of which was to rob ships that came to hand. In a short time, the boy learned all the laws and customs of marine life. Already in his youth, he became the owner of considerable capital, amassed from pirate earnings and winnings at dice. With this money Henry bought his first ship.

Very soon, even the most famous pirates heard about Morgan's daring and luck. A group of like-minded people formed around the pirate. New ships began to join his ship. Growing influence could not but lead to growing ambitions. In 1665, Morgan decided to give up looting ships and began planning an operation to capture the entire city. His first target was Trujillo. The bandit then captured several Spanish bases in Cuba. Both simple privateers and the most famous pirates could not boast of such successes.

Morgan's most famous military enterprise was his campaign against Panama, which took place in 1670. By this time, the robber already had a fleet of 35 ships and a crew of 2 thousand people at his disposal. This gang landed in Panama and moved to the Spanish fortress of the same name. Although the garrison numbered 2.5 thousand soldiers, it was unable to defend the city. Having taken Panama, the pirates exterminated all those who resisted and plundered everything they could reach. The city was set on fire and destroyed. After this raid, the names of the most famous pirates faded in comparison with the name of Henry Morgan.

When the English subject returned to Jamaica, which belonged to the crown, the authorities unexpectedly arrested him. The fact was that the day before London and Madrid made peace. The pirates did not act on behalf of the state, but enjoyed its benevolent connivance. Having made peace with Spain, the English government promised to rein in its pirates. Henry Morgan was exiled to his homeland. A trial awaited him at home, but the trial turned out to be only a sham demonstration. The authorities were not going to punish the pirate who had provided them with so many services in the fight against Spanish rule at sea.

Soon Henry Morgan returned to Jamaica. He became the island's vice-governor and commander-in-chief of its fleet and army. Subsequently, the pirate continued to faithfully serve the crown. He died in 1688 and was buried with honors in Port Royal Church. A few years later, Jamaica was rocked by a catastrophic earthquake, and Morgan's grave was washed into the ocean.

Anne Bonney

Although sea robbery has always been traditionally considered an exclusively male affair, the most famous female pirates are of no less interest. One of them was (born in 1700). The girl came from a wealthy Irish family. When she was still a child, her father acquired an estate in distant America. So Anne moved to the New World.

At the age of 18, the daughter ran away from home and embarked on a path of adventurous adventures. She met a pirate and decided to join his sea adventures. The girl had to get used to men's clothing and master fighting and shooting skills. Rackham's crew was captured by the authorities in 1720. The captain was executed, but the punishment for Anne was constantly postponed due to her pregnancy. Her further fate remained unknown.

According to one version, Bonnie was freed and died during another raid; according to another, her influential father rescued her, after which the former robber spent her entire life in South Carolina and died in 1782 at a ripe old age. Be that as it may, the most famous female pirates (another famous robber at the time) generated even more rumors than their male companions.


The legendary figure of Blackbeard remains one of the most recognizable in the pirate pantheon. Edward Teach was hiding under this nickname. Almost nothing is known about his childhood. The sailor made his presence known in 1713, when at the age of 33 he joined the bandits of Benjamin Hornigold. Like all world-famous pirates, this crew hunted in the Caribbean Sea, attractive for its valuable cargo. Teach was the true ideal of a pirate. He knew nothing except regular raids and robberies. His ship, Queen Anne's Revenge, terrified both sailors and civilians on earth.

In 1717, thanks to the efforts of the governor of the Bahamas, the official authorities began an uncompromising fight against pirates. In new unusual conditions, many robbers (including that same Hornigold) decided to lay down their arms and receive a royal pardon. However, Teach refused to change his lifestyle. From that moment on, he became enemy number one for the British military and naval forces.

Many famous pirates who did not want to fit into the new order joined Blackbeard. The most famous adventure of this captain was the blockade of Charleston in South Carolina. The raiders captured many high-ranking citizens and received a colossal ransom in exchange for their return.

The treachery of the owner of Queen Anne's Revenge did not go unpunished. The authorities promised 100 pounds for the pirate's head, which was a fortune at the time. A real hunt has begun for Blackbeard. Very soon, on November 22, 1718, he died in a boarding battle against the team of Lieutenant Robert Maynard. Often the most famous pirates and their ships haunted the seas for an extremely short but eventful period. The same was the lot of Blackbeard.

Bartholomew Roberts

The fame enjoyed by the most famous pirates in history gave rise to many rumors and myths around them. Bartholomew Roberts was no exception to this rule. It is he who is credited with the authorship of the Pirate Code, a set of rules according to which many generations of sea robbers lived.

Roberts was born in 1682 in the small Welsh town of Haverfordwest. His sea travels began on a slaver ship, where Bartholomew was mate. He became involved with pirates at the age of 37, when he was hired on the ship Princess of London. Within a month and a half, the novice robber was elected captain of his own ship.

Roberts' further independent enterprises made him famous in many seas and countries. At that time it was believed that he was the most famous pirate in the world. Bartholomew's team operated not only in the Caribbean, but also in the coastal waters of West Africa, Brazil and even Canada. The thugs robbed everything that could be sold profitably: ships with precious metals, galleons with northern furs, barges with rare American goods. Roberts made his flagship a hijacked French brig, which he named the Royal Pirate.

Bartholomew was killed in 1722 during another trip to Africa, where he intended to engage in the profitable slave trade. The legendary pirate was ruined by his companions' addiction to drinking. When a British ship unexpectedly attacked Roberts's ship, its entire crew was dead drunk. The most famous pirates of the Caribbean and the admirals of the Royal Navy were amazed at what happened: it seemed to everyone that Bartholomew was invincible. Roberts stood out noticeably from his comrades not only in his own successes, but also in his habit of dressing well, as well as his aversion to gambling and foul language. There is no doubt that he was one of the most extravagant pirates of his time.

Henry Avery

During his short life he managed to acquire many nicknames. Some contemporaries called him Long Ben, others - the Arch-Pirate. Avery's love for the sea was predetermined by his own roots. Henry's father served as a captain in the English fleet. In 1659, a son appeared in the officer’s family, who was destined to become one of the brightest and most legendary pirates of his era.

At first, the future criminal sailed on merchant ships and only then changed them to robber ships. In 1694, 25-year-old Emery was hired on a privateer ship. The main difference between such a ship and a classic pirate ship was that it robbed and attacked foreign traders with the permission of its government. Sometimes contracts were violated: when the ship stopped paying wages, the crew rebelled. The sailors decided to become pirates and chose a new one instead of the old captain. It turned out to be Henry Emery.

The new leader of the robbers left the Caribbean Sea and went to the Indian Ocean, where there was also something to profit from. The place of the first long stop was Madagascar. Emery's team then attacked ships belonging to the Indian Mughal Empire. The robbers managed to seize a huge amount of rare oriental goods and all kinds of jewelry. All American pirates dreamed of such a profitable enterprise. After that expedition, Avery disappeared from view. There were rumors that he moved to England and tried to start an honest business and ended up completely broke.

Thomas Tew

The path that Henry Emery followed during his famous expedition was called the “Pirate Circle”. The first to travel this route (Atlantic - southern Africa - Madagascar - India) was Thomas Tew. Like Emery, he began as a privateer and ended as a pirate. In 1693, he robbed several ships in the Red Sea. Before his attack, European cutthroats had never traded in this area. Perhaps Tew's success is connected to this - no one expected the appearance of the Caribbean gentlemen of luck.

On his second voyage to Madagascar, Thomas met Henry Emery by chance. Due to the spread of rumors about easy money in the eastern countries, the most famous sea robbers now sought to repeat the success of Tew. This captain remained in the memory of the pirates precisely as the discoverer of the “Circle”. He didn't have time to do more. In 1695, Thomas Tew was killed during an attack on a Mughal flotilla.

Thomas Cavendish

A list that includes the most famous pirates in world history cannot be complete without mentioning Thomas Cavendish (1560-1592). He was a contemporary of Francis Drake. The biographies of these two pirates, who acted in the interests of the English crown, have many similarities. Cavendish, following Drake, decided to travel around the world. The expedition, carried out in 1586-1588, was not at all peaceful. Rounding America, English pirates robbed many Spanish ships filled to capacity with gold. In a sense, Thomas Cavendish's journey was an audacity. The Spaniards considered the Pacific Ocean to be their “inner lake” and were furious when foreign robbers entered these still unknown waters.

Cavendish's team made its most profitable attack off the coast of Mexico. Subjects of Elizabeth I attacked a galleon that was carrying an annual supply of Peruvian gold (120 thousand pesos). Another profitable enterprise of the pirates was the stopover in Java. This island was famous for its pepper and cloves. Spices at that time were worth their weight in precious metals. Cavendish managed to obtain a large cargo of this expensive product. The pirates returned to their native Plymouth in 1588. Having traveled around the world in 2 years and 50 days, they set a speed record that lasted for two centuries.

Cavendish quickly spent the fortune he had earned. A few years after his amazing success, he assembled a second expedition, intending to exactly repeat his previous triumph. However, this time the pirate was plagued by failure. In 1592 he died in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Presumably Cavendish's ship sank near Ascension Island.

Francois Ohlone

Although the most famous pirates and their ships were usually associated with England, other countries also had their own nuggets. For example, the Frenchman François Olone (1630-1671) left a significant mark on history. In his youth, he became famous in the main Caribbean pirate port of Tortuga. In 1662, the young robber received a privateering patent and began to hunt Spanish ships. One day the Ohlone ship was wrecked. The pirate washed up on the Mexican coast, where he and his crew were attacked by the Spaniards who arrived in time. All the French died, and only Olona, ​​who pretended to be dead in time, managed to survive.

François's most ambitious undertaking was his capture of the Spanish city of Maracaibo in modern-day Venezuela. The daredevils who attacked the colony fit on only five ships. On the way, the pirates plundered a Spanish ship and obtained a valuable cargo of jewelry and cocoa. Arriving on the mainland, Ohlone led the assault on the fort, which was garrisoned by 800 people. The pirates captured the fortress and obtained 80 thousand silver piastres. In honor of the fall of Maracaibo, the captain received the nickname “scourge of the Spaniards.”

The last campaign for the famous French robber was his expedition to Nicaragua. After three months of searching for profit, pirates captured a ship loaded with cheap paper. Due to failure, part of the team returned to Tortuga. Ohlone continued the raid, but unfortunately for the captain, his ship ran aground near Cartagena. A French detachment of 40 people who reached the shore was attacked by a crowd of Indians. Ohlone and his crew were torn to pieces and eaten by local cannibals.

Amaro Pargo

Amaro Pargo is one of the most famous Spanish pirates. He was born in 1678 on the Canary Islands and already in his youth began to earn his living by transporting slaves from Africa to America. Free workers on plantations were highly valued, thanks to which Pargo quickly became rich. He was the sworn enemy of Blackbeard and all English pirates in general.

Before his death in 1747, Pargo drew up a will in which he indicated that he had buried a chest with fabulous treasures: silver, gold, pearls, jewelry, precious stones and expensive fabrics. For several decades, many adventurers, including the most famous pirates, tried to find this treasure. There are still a lot of blank spots in the story of Pargo's inheritance. Despite a long search for the Spanish pirate's treasure, no one found it.

More and more people, inviting their friends to a party, are wondering what they can do so that everyone is happy and the impressions of the event remain for a long time? To achieve this goal you don’t need to make a lot of effort, you just need to use your imagination a little. One of these fantasies is thematic pirate Party.

If you and your friends are brave and reckless, if you are carefree, desperate and know a lot about entertainment - then you are a real “pirate gang”! It's time to organize a crazy pirate party, filled with the spirit of adventure and freedom!

Meeting with guests

People dressed as pirates, greeting with phrases - “shatter you, who brought it!!!”, “Moor quickly, a thousand devils!!!”.

At the beginning pirate party hand out leaflets with a pirate dictionary to your guests.


You can develop a cover sketch yourself, or you can use existing pictures by searching for suitable ones on the Internet. It could be a map of buried treasure, comic portraits of pirates, or pictures depicting sea battles - the choice is huge.

You should use great imagination when composing the inscription inside the invitation card - the invitation itself. Here you can use pirate words and quotes from films about pirates.

For example: “Old man... (name)! I would consider it an honor to welcome you on board my schooner “The Flying Dutchman” ... (date) this year when the bells strike ... (time). And strike me with thunder if you have to regret your time! Thunderstorm of the seas - Captain... (name).” If you used a buried treasure map on the cover, the invitation text might be something like this: “Sea Wolf... (name) is assembling a crew!

On the secret map, an X marks the gathering place! It’s all about finding the treasure followed by a pirate feast!” If you are planning a costume party, this should also be indicated in the invitation card: “Pirates and their friends are strongly recommended to arrive in proper attire!”
At the end of the evening, invitation cards can be used as tickets in a comic lottery.

More invitations to pirate party : can be designed in the form of a black mark, a round shape, Jolly Roger on one side, information about the event on the other.

Where to mark

Even a small apartment can become the venue for such an event. The main thing is to decorate the apartment properly, to give it the spirit of pirate life. Of course, you can contact a specialized studio where everything will be done for you, but this will require considerable financial expenses.

How to Decorate a Venue

  1. In case your pirate Party involves many guests, and there will be more than one table - attach a name to each table - like pirate ships - “Unsinkable”, “Barracuda”, “Black Pearl”, etc. Decorate the walls and columns of the room with inflatable balloons with pirate-themed designs printed on them. Place applications in the form of large sea anchors, masts, and sea creatures on the walls. You can make rope ladders from skeins of twine.
  2. Hang garlands with “jolly Roger” under the ceiling. The same image can be used on the flags with which you decorate the tables. You can come up with an interesting solution for decorating dishes and bottles of drinks. Design a label layout for alcoholic beverage bottles. The real pirate drink is, of course, rum! Make drink analogue labels. For example: “Pirate Rum”, “Tear-Out-Eye. Cuban rum." The menu should have a lot of seafood dishes. Also come up with appropriate names for the dishes: “Sperm whale liver”, “Tongue of a chatty pirate”, “Black cuttlefish” and so on.
  3. If pirate Party takes place in the apartment– your guests will certainly appreciate this find: designate the apartment’s premises with “seaworthy” names by hanging appropriate nameplates on them. The kitchen is a “galley”, the toilet is a “latrine”, the living room is a “wardroom”, the balcony is a “captain’s bridge”, the bedroom is a “cabin” and so on.


Undoubtedly, the “uniform” will give your pirate party special atmosphere.
“Costume rental” is the easiest option for those who want to look their best “pirate-style” at a party and are not strapped for cash. The choice of costumes - both for men and women - in such establishments is quite wide. If you haven’t decided what exactly your pirate look should be, visit several costume rental shops and choose an outfit to your taste.

If you want to choose an outfit for yourself, combining and modifying things from your wardrobe, take a closer look at the suits offered by rental companies - you will probably come up with something original.

Accessories can be bought, or you can make them yourself. For example, a cardboard saber covered with foil and decorated with “jewels” made of colored paper, a black eye patch made from a piece of black material and a wide black elastic band. An old wide belt or belt can easily be styled as a pirate one, just by adding a few thick chains to it. Buy a toy parrot and attach it to your shoulder - it will be very original. In a female pirate look, you can use short dresses with a fluffy skirt - red or black and large fishnet tights. This look will be perfectly complemented by high black boots.

Many stores offer a wide range of costumes and accessories for pirate parties. If you know what your outfit should look like, but you haven’t found a suitable one either in the store or at the rental store, and you don’t dare to make it yourself, contact a tailoring studio.

Music, dancing, entertainment

Guests are greeted either by the host of the event himself, and/or by a specially invited presenter. Both are dressed accordingly. The appearance of each new guest is played out by the host with approximately the following words: “Welcome aboard! Raise anchor! "Thousand devils! Old man, we've been waiting for you! But they still saved a barrel of rum!” and so on.
Any music typical of pubs will be suitable as background music. For example, blues, jazz, rock and roll. It would be very appropriate to play tracks from famous films, cartoons and TV series about pirates from time to time (especially as musical accompaniment for competitions).
To warm up the crowd, you can invite a group of dancers to perform pirate-themed numbers and accompany your guests while they dance themselves. The “Sea Bartender Show” (juggling bottles, making pirate drinks based on rum, etc.) will be interesting for guests. If the event is held outdoors, you can organize a barbecue and/or boiling crayfish in large cauldrons.


        Songs from the movie “Treasure Island” are perfect for a pirate party.
  • “Chance he’s not getting paid, not an ovans”
  • "The Story of Bobby the Boy Who Loved Money"
  • “We are all participants in the regatta”
  • "Song about the dangers of drunkenness"
  • "A Little Dog about Sports"
  • "Song about Greed"
  • "Song about the dangers of smoking"
      1. “Song from the film Blue Puppy”
      2. "King and the Clown"
      3. Pirate song "tequilajazz"
      4. Soundtrack to the film "Pirates of the Caribbean"


Suitable pirate surroundings, they will help you create films and cartoons about pirates that can be played without sound:

      1. "Treasure Island"
      2. "Pirates of the Caribbean"
      3. "Captain Blood's Odyssey"
      4. "Master of the Seas, at the End of the Earth"

Competitions for a pirate party

An interesting quiz that can be diversified by giving out prizes in the form of “golden ducats” or “black marks”.

Pirate Quiz #1(correct answers are highlighted in red):

1. Name your favorite pirate drink:

Coca Cola

2. Who is a pirate?

Sea Robber
The Honorable Gentleman
Office plankton representative

3. Which writer did not write about pirates?

Daniel Defoe
Mayne Reid
Robert Louis Stevenson
Walter Scott

4. Who did the pirates call the gunpowder monkey?

A pirate monkey who was injured in battle
Lowest pirate rank on a ship
Enemy soldier captured in battle
The boy who carried gunpowder and shells during the battle

5. Who is a gunner?

A pirate who writes the canon of the crew and monitors its implementation
Crew member responsible for the condition of the guns on the ship
Convoy Man
First mate

6. Why were the pirates’ noses and ears cut off?

For foul language
For eavesdropping
For stealing from teammates
For curiosity
You can come up with additional tasks for the quiz yourself.

Pirate Quiz #2:

Pirates are rude ignoramuses who do not like to study, but in maritime affairs they have no equal, they must know everything about the sea and ships, because their lives depend on it. Let's check which team is worthy of being called real sea wolves by answering sea questions.

For example:

What is the name of the ship's cook - (cook), what is the name of the captain sparrow - (Jack); Captain Sparrow's ship - (Black Pearl); the name of the captain whose treasure Jim, Trelawney and Dr. Livesey were looking for - (Flint) ... See more questions above.

The team that answers first gets a point.

The two teams with the highest number of points advance to the finals and receive a new task - take turns naming the types of ships; whoever ends up choosing (those who cannot name the ships) loses.

Types of ships:

Aak, Bark, Barquentine, Brig, Brigantine, Galleon, Gallere, Junk, Iol(joll), Caravel, Karakka, Ketch, Cog, Rook, Flute, Frigate, Sloop, Schooner, Cruiser, Battleship, Aircraft Carrier, Destroyer, Dreadnought, Battleship , Boat, Yacht, Longboat, Icebreaker, Tanker.

Competition "Sea Mummy"

Players are called to the center of the hall - approximately 3-4 people. Each person is given a roll of toilet paper. The players' task is to tear the paper into pieces and stuff these pieces into their pockets, collars, trousers, etc. The winner is the player who completed the task first. The “judge” must ensure that the pieces of paper are as small as possible.

Competition "Pearls in a Bottle"

4-5 people are invited to participate. An empty bottle with a narrow neck is placed on the floor in front of each person. Each person is given 15-20 beads or peas, which he must hold in his hand. The second hand must be placed behind the back during the competition. The players’ task is to put all the beads from the hand in which they are held into the bottle: do not help with the other hand! If a pea falls past the bottle, the process begins again - all the peas must again be held in the hand and started to be lowered into the bottle. The competition is won by the one who completes the task first.

Competition "Fortitude"

For the competition you will need empty matchboxes. Those wishing to participate in the competition stand in a line sideways to each other at a distance of a step. A matchbox is placed on the floor opposite each player (at a distance of approximately 20 cm). At the leader's signal, players blow on their boxes as hard as possible to move them as far as possible. Using a ruler or tape measure, the presenter measures the distance by which each box was moved. Based on the results, the winner is announced.

Competition "Who's Who?"

Everyone is invited to participate, confident that they have a rich imagination - about 5 people. Everyone is given paper with a pen and time - 5-7 minutes. During this time, everyone must come up with a “pirate nickname” for themselves (after all, it is not customary for pirates to address each other by name!) After the time has passed, the presenter reads out the nickname of each participant. Spectators in the hall express their sympathy for this or that nickname with applause - this is how the most original one is determined. Now these “names” can be written on badges or special badges and given to competition participants as a prize - let them wear these badges for the rest of the evening.

Competition "Hook"

You will need at least 2 prop hooks, gouache (can be the same color) and large sheets of paper (preferably whatman paper). A sheet of paper is placed in front of the participants and gouache is placed. Then everyone takes the hook in their left hand, and on command begins to draw a portrait of their captain or leader with the hook. The presenter times the time. Whose portrait turns out to be funnier and cooler is the one who wins. The winner is determined by the audience.

Drowned Treasure Competition

We take two basins with water, throw oranges, lemons or any other fruits to the bottom, the participants kneel down, put their hands behind their backs and, on command, take out the fruits with their teeth. Whoever is faster wins.

Competition "Fortune"

And now we will test our pirates for luck. Need 5 participants. Stage 1 - participants draw one card from the deck, the one with the least is eliminated. Stage 2 - you need 4 long fireplace or hunting matches. Participants draw lots: whoever has the shortest match is eliminated. 3rd stage - participants throw dice; whoever gets the lowest number is eliminated. 4th stage final - two remain, in front of them they place two chests, one empty and the other with a gift.

Competition "Fishing"

We call the competition participants, give each of them a fishing rod (fishing rod: a meter stick, we tie a slightly longer rope to it, we tie a small magnet to the end of the rope), we mark a line beyond which the players cannot step. At a short distance from the fishermen we scatter coins, only in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks (others are not magnetic). The presenter times the time. On command, the participants begin to fish by casting their fishing rods. Whoever pulls out the largest amount within the allotted time wins.

Competition "Polundra"

Participants wear thick winter mittens or gloves on their hands. Wide shirts or dressing gowns are placed nearby. At the command “half-hearted” they must get dressed and fasten all the buttons. Whoever wins faster (when choosing mittens, check whether it is possible to fasten buttons in them).

Competition "The Most Accurate"

Cut a ring out of cardboard and hold it vertically. Give the shooters a rattle (for children). The most accurate one will win.

The final and main competition is a treasure hunt:

Hide the treasure with valuable prizes where it will be difficult to find.

Searching for treasure using a treasure map - here you have 2 options.

1. Draw the map only in a confusing and unclear way. You can imagine the venue as an island, the tables at which the guests are sitting are ships, the dance floor is a clearing, the columns are palm trees, the stage is a mountain with a cave.

2. Write a riddle on the map, and the answer should be the object or place where the next riddle is hidden. You need 4-6 riddles. The last riddle will lead to the treasure.

As gifts In all competitions, you can use souvenirs with pirate symbols - mugs, T-shirts, magnets, badges.

A fair wind, a hold full of treasures and no dull everyday life - continuous adventures. Yes, sometimes exciting, but it’s even more fun! And after the on-screen acquaintance with Jack Sparrow, a pirate party for adults has become almost the most favorite holiday theme for Halloween, birthdays, corporate meetings and even weddings!


To start decide what the design will be - cartoon or cinematic. In the first case, almost all the scenery will have to be drawn, cut, and painted. Cartoon attributes for a pirate party are available in stores - garlands, disposable tableware, flags, boats, etc.

This is a more economical option when you just want to have fun with friends without carefully thinking through decorations. Perfect for a family party with many children. Read more.

If we are talking about a party in the style of pirates of the Caribbean, the design is supposed to be more realistic. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon bright holiday paraphernalia. It’s just that the interior should end up looking more like a scene from a movie than like a kindergarten hall hung with colorful decorations.

The colors of the evening are black, white-red and white-blue stripes, red and blue, brown. Some attributes can be decorated with “precious” stones. The interior should have silver and gold - spray paint, glitter.

Easy to implement ideas for a pirate party:

  • remove everything that obviously does not fit into the topic. Cover anything that is difficult to remove. For this print and glue (or draw) ships, chests, etc. onto thick cardboard. Replace inappropriate paintings with photos, movie posters, Jolly Roger flags, sails, fishing nets;
  • the ceiling can be covered with pieces of fabric hanging freely in waves - the same imitation of nets and/or sails;
  • It is advisable to choose rough, wooden or wicker furniture. Instead of chairs, benches, stools without backs and even drawers will fit perfectly;

If the comfortable arrangement of guests is a priority, drape regular armchairs. For a party in a pirate style, chiffon, tulle, burlap, nets - tulle, painting, mosquito nets - are suitable.

  • tie nautical knots from thick ropes, hang on the walls, backs of chairs, ceiling. On the net here and there, attach seahorses and stars, crabs, fish, algae;

  • arrange barrels, roughly knocked together boxes, fake guns. You can place forged lanterns, treats in large bowls, and deliberately dirty bottles of rum on the barrel boxes;
  • certainly use candles in decoration, you can simulate it on batteries. “Antique” candlesticks are easy to make with your own hands, for example, from aluminum cans (painted with silver/gold). Candles in “dirty” bowls, glass jars with shells and sand look atmospheric;

  • if you decide to organize a pirate party for Halloween, don’t skimp on the dark details – skeletons, cobwebs and spiders, bats, creepy sea monsters, gravestones, ghosts (cardboard, figures, silhouettes);
  • make anchors and lifebuoys out of cardboard/plywood, hang and display old maps. It would be great if you could find a marine compass, a telescope, a sextant, a barometer, or a telescope. If not, print the photo, cut it out and glue it onto a cardboard base;

  • use fake precious stones, pearls, silverware in compositions, coins and ancient jewelry, symbolizing countless treasures. Place the most valuable loot in chests. A real pirate chest is still an anachronism, so it’s better to spend time gluing a paper/cardboard template. Although, if you wish, you can put together a pirate chest from a base box or plywood, chipboard. Boxes are also suitable - carved wooden ones, without colorful designs.

  • Even though this is an adult pirate party, without bright holiday accents the decor will turn out too gloomy. Add some color:
    • garlands of recognizable paraphernalia and pirate accessories - ships, flags, anchors, skeletons, pirate figures, weapons, sea monsters;
    • knotted ribbon decoration on a clothesline or sisal rope (imitation rope) they will enliven the space (the fabric is better striped, blue or red and white, plus flags with a skull/crossbones);
    • buy stylized balloons or draw themed attributes on red, black, blue balloons.


  • If you are having a party outdoors, build a “facade” of a pirate ship from scrap materials. Place stools in the back for guests to step onto the deck. Cut out porthole windows in the side.

  • Tantamaresca- a gallant company of pirates celebrates a successful voyage, divides the loot, etc. Cardboard base, printed on top, windows for faces. Or organize the space - the scenery for the selected scene.
  • Boat on a blue background with clouds. In the foreground of the photo zone are paper wings of waves. We climb inside, take pirate accessories - a map, a telescope, a bottle of rum (whatever).

  • Banner with photos of movie pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean is especially popular. You can print repeated photos of characters or your favorite movie scene on the banner.
  • The Black Pearl's cabin, captain's bridge, etc. More suitable for indoor party. Although you can organize it on the street, only the background will have to be covered with wooden shields or the photo zone should be placed against the wall of a house, barn, or in front of a fence.


It's great if invitations to a pirate party reflect the level of preparation for the holiday. If the decorations are simple and cartoonish, so should the invitations.

All at the highest level? Aged paper, elegant antique font, pearls, silver.

  • rolled up message in a sealed bottle with shells and stones;
  • paper pirate schooner, matches, wooden model. Text on the sail or in the hold;
  • card with burnt, frayed edges. Schematic diagram of the road to the party venue (mark several main points along the way). Text over background map;
  • Black Mark. Text on the postcard spread;
  • miniature paper chests. The text is on the letter inside, in a scattering of chocolate coins and candies in foil.

Come up with pirate nicknames for your guests if this moment is not included in the script. Include pirate slang and recognizable phrases in the invitation. Write the time, place, dress code and other official information in the corner below or on the card included with the invitation.

On the sixth day, a company of the most notorious pirates gathers on the deck of *Name of the ship, cafe*. And you are among them, *Guest name*
There will be something to fill the holds and wet the throat. Let's shake the bones in the company of young and very generous girls. Sea urchin in your ass if you don't come!
P.S: There are rumors that, in addition to drinking until the hell out of hell, old *Name of the organizer* is preparing an exciting and profitable business for us!


Girls dressed as ladies - retro dress and hairstyle, elegant, brand new. Or a tomboy, a seductive bandit - torn stockings, fishnet suspenders, a short retro skirt, a corset with a deep neckline, a creative mess on her head, bright makeup.

Costumes in unisex style are perfect for a pirate party. Forgetting for a moment about the stupid story about women on ships, ladies can transform into the most charming crew members. In this case, the clothing differs only in design from a men’s pirate costume - it is more open and not so baggy.


  • vest with blue or red stripes. For girls - with a deep neckline, lowered on one shoulder, tied under the chest with a knot, etc.;
  • Image of a pirate girl easy to recreate from a couple of clothing items: a short dress with a deep neckline, a full skirt and wide sleeves, over which a fitted leather sleeveless vest is thrown or a miniature corset is worn. Themed accessories will complete the look.
  • white or cream shirt. The sleeves are loose, preferably with puffy cuffs. “Pirate” cuffs and frills can be easily sewn with your own hands or assembled with an elastic band (worn as a bracelet, fastened with buttons, eyelets, etc.);

  • not suitable for outdoor heat pirate frock coat, camisole, vest, leather cloak. But indoors/in the sun they are cumbersome. It's better to take a couple of photos and take off your outerwear. Or let this part of the costume be made of light fabric, fake;
  • shortened breeches, like Jack Sparrow's. Baggy pants, loose, tucked into boots. Leather trousers, for ladies - narrow, tight-fitting. Boots with high tops, fabric ones are more convenient: sew fake tops directly to the trousers. For girls, short boots or high-heeled shoes are suitable. Thick knee socks and closed shoes in color will pass for over the knee boots.

Clothes can have holes in several places, become disheveled, and become worn out. This way the image will turn out to be more natural - a well-worn camisole, an unwashed shirt, trampled boots. Transferable tattoos are also in the theme.

Enthusiasts willing to take the time to create an elaborate costume have plenty to choose from: William Ternet, Billy Bootstrap, Tia Dalma, Elizabeth Swan, Davy Jones, Mister Cotton. And that's just Pirates of the Caribbean!

Accessories for a pirate-themed party play almost a bigger role than costumes. They are the ones who make the chosen image unambiguous and recognizable:

  • pistols, saber or sword, knife. Shoulder belt, scabbard;
  • compass, telescope, watch on a chain;
  • a wide sling (a scarf will do, or a deliberately bright one with fringe);
  • leather belt with a buckle (you can have two at once, like Jack Sparrow);
  • neck scarf, bandana, eye patch, cocked hat;
  • stylized jewelry (large rings, hoop earrings, skulls and bones);
  • various little things in the hair, on the belt, wrists. Talismans, amulets made of skins, bones, fabric, beads.

Menu, serving

Simple table decoration ideas for a pirate party:

  • Shared buffet table. Cover with a tablecloth and put on a net. Decorate the “skirt” of the tablecloth with steering wheels, anchors, and ropes. Place the mast with sails in the center of the table or on the back wall, in the background. If there is no room for a mast, you can place the “sail” horizontally, in waves directly above the table, under the ceiling.

  • Several country tables with sticks for installing sun umbrellas. But instead of umbrellas, build masts-sails. Come up with a name for each ship table and sew it on the tablecloth on the front side of the “side”.
  • Move a large table to the wall, cover it to the floor with burlap or thick fabric. Place boxes and barrels on top - several tiers, chaotically. And on them are plates and dishes with snacks, bottles, cans instead of glasses(port surroundings or hold).

  • Choose dishes based on your level of preparation and the importance of the event. These can be stylized paper plates, glasses, glass and crystal, or “silver” - cups, trays, “antique” cutlery.
  • Use pirate flags and other recognizable paraphernalia to decorate skewers, tubes, serving cups. It’s easier to lay out/post cards beautifully than to rack your brains over the thematic design of each dish.

  • Several barrels with taps and globe bar fits perfectly into the theme.
  • Buy ice molds – skulls, bones, balls, fish, boats, diamonds. You can replace them with molds for chocolate and baking.
  • Are you having a pirate party for Halloween? Be sure to use watermelons, melons and pumpkins to decorate the hall and for serving any dishes (bowls of halves).

  • For a pirate birthday, order a cake in a recognizable style. Islands, treasure chests, ships, etc. An unforgettable surprise for the birthday boy and all the guests!
  • Place sweets in cardboard chests and boats, in decorated transparent jars, vases. Buy a lot of candies in multi-colored foil (precious stones, in bulk), chocolate bars (also in foil - ingots). Make flags, anchors, steering wheels, etc. from mastic, decorate cupcakes, cakes, and cookies.

For added ambience, include a large whole baked fish and seafood in the pirate menu. The rest is up to your taste. Sliced ​​vegetables, fruits, any salads. A buffet is ideal when plans include active fun, games, and dancing. Canapés, miniature sandwiches, snacks in baskets and vases, kebabs themselves are a bright decoration for the table.

Any drinks are available, but for atmosphere, you can put a few bottles of rum on the table. Print out the “vintage” labels and re-glue them. You can “age” the bottles themselves - dust them, wrap the necks with twine, and glue them with themed decor.

Since this is an adult pirate party, there is no point in fiddling with each dish for a long time. But Some of the appetizers from the menu can be served in “boats” and the “sails” raised. Making a boat with your own hands is very simple. You need a skewer (mast), a board and a sail. Boat - an empty half of a cucumber, orange, egg, diamond-shaped bread, basket, etc. Any filling inside, a sail on a skewer - lettuce, shrimp, a thin slice of cheese, ham, cucumber.


When choosing a scenario for a pirate party for adults, consider the space available to guests. For example, it is better to organize a treasure hunt on a map in nature. Those. literally look for a place marked with a cross, walking nearby and completing quest after quest. Treasures can also be hidden indoors. But if there is not enough space, you won’t be able to roam around much. This means that the quest itself and the competitions must be feasible on the spot.

Pirate scenario options:

  • With the invitation, each guest also receives a piece of a pirate map. Arriving at the party guests put them together into a map with marked points. Tags are games and competitions that “lead” to a hidden chest;
  • The card is torn and lost. Guests complete tasks, receiving a reward for each competition - another fragment. At the end, they fold the card and simply go to the chest;

Theme songs and music for a pirate party will come in handy during competitions. Download several songs from films and cartoons, make cuts. And you can dance and relax to any fiery music, especially since there are not many pirate songs that are truly suitable for a party.

  • Instead of cards, games are rewarded with message fragments. For example, “The treasure is buried under the palm tree.” Cut the text into as many pieces as are provided for in the competition. The chest is placed in a box and in the far corner of the room. And above the box or in front of it is a cardboard “landmark”. In our example, this is a palm tree. You can come up with a riddle instead of a direct indication: “The treasure is where two pirates anchored together.” In pirate slang, “anchors came together” - they fought, i.e. You need to glue a picture of two fighting pirates onto the box.
  • Several teams are fighting for the right to open the treasury. Suitable for large parties, when there are at least a couple of dozen “pirates”;
  • The chest contains rewards with price tags. For each competition, the winners are awarded gold coins, doubloons or black marks. At the end, the accumulated wealth can be spent on gifts from the “dead man's chest”.

Regardless of the chosen scenario, you can schedule both team and solo competitions. If the plot does not provide for division into teams, simply play out this moment, for example, as training for a close-knit pirate gang.

Any competitions will fit into the scenario of a pirate party, for adults (in pairs, far from puritanical - according to the mood of the company) or for children, slightly modified in accordance with the theme. Use pirate slang and nicknames to create an atmosphere:

Moor - sit down
Shake your bones - dance
Fill the hold - have a snack
Where can you whisper with the Jolly Roger? - where is the toilet?
It's stormy in the hold - I'm drunk

Initiation into pirates

Leading: To become a real pirate, it’s not enough to be able to rip your throat, fill your tonsils and drag everything that’s not lying around into the hold. Anchor to my liver if I'm wrong! Every pirate is also obliged to maintain order on the ship! We're not cesspool rats!

Divide the floor into two sections using masking tape or another mark. Scatter balloons and crumpled newspapers. Provide guests with mops. Two teams, on either side of the dividing line. The goal is to throw “garbage” from your “deck” onto your neighbors’ board. For three minutes, guests push “garbage” back and forth with mops to a cheerful song. At the end, you need to evaluate the “cleanliness of the ship” of each team.


IN: Is it difficult to board a combat frigate without preparation? No? Well, let's see if you are sea devils or boiled jellyfish!

Two chairs, two teams. The goal is to climb onto someone else’s chair-ship in a minute. The team whose members were able to fit on the enemy “frigate” in greater numbers wins.

Friendly duel

IN: Hey, on deck! How many holds can be filled? Let's see how you draw with sabers. Otherwise, all the brave ones grind their tongues, but when it comes to it, the fry are inept!

A thin board or bench, a fake weapon. The two wave their sabers, trying to throw the enemy to the floor. The loser gives way to the next pirate.

Not just a battle

IN: You know how to swing mops and sabers, I admit. Well, how will there be nothing to scrub and no one to compare the length of knives with? What if Fortune turns its back on you and throws you onto an uninhabited island?

For a pirate-themed birthday party, you can rent equipment and play “pirates VS savages” paintball. An easier option is to get food on a desert island:

  • darts-spears at the target;
  • rings on hooks suspended on the shield;
  • from a bow with suction cup arrows into prey (the gunpowder got wet, so I have to use the “grandfather’s” method);
  • throw a lasso on mops in a bucket (glue a fake deer head to the mop);
  • any other way to test the pirate's accuracy, depending on the location of the party.

The elbow is close

IN: It’s not for me to tell you how often several worthy teams of thugs and notorious scoundrels travel along the same route. Competition, so that it would be torn apart... And there are less unexcavated treasures left than worthy young ladies in the port at night... I’m grinding something with my tongue like a drunken boatswain, thunder strike me! Let's dig it up already!

A large basin with sand and buried treasure - any shiny nonsense. The goal is to use a teaspoon (or Chinese chopsticks?) to get more treasures than your opponents in a minute. You can do it in teams or every man for himself.

One leg is good!

IN: The pirate, unprepared for any losses, has rotten cuttlefish ink instead of brains! There *pirate nickname of the blindfolded guest* lost his eyes, and nothing happened - invigorating! What if he blows out his leg with a cannonball? Let's see how you cope with such a twist!

Relay race, two teams racing or all together. At the finish line there is a chair with a bottle and glasses. On the bottle is the label “Rum – life-giving drink!” The guest bends one leg and jumps to the finish line, leaning on a crutch or cane (for decoration). Having reached the stool, he pours and drinks the “life-giving swill” - the leg grows back! I ran back and passed the crutch to the next one. If you're having a pirate birthday, have all the party guests toast before the "healing."

Frigate Regatta

IN: All that remains is to test the strength of the pirate spirit. Davy Jones, an anchor in his throat, lets the weak ones go in packs as food for the fish!

Miniature paper boats, start-finish on a smooth surface. You need to blow on your boat so that it “sails” to the finish line before the others. You can use teams of two large ships and all together blow into the “sails” of your frigate.

Where does the rum go all the time? (c) Jack Sparrow

IN: Yo-ho-ho, honorable pirates! I have no more doubts that only the most notorious swindlers, tricksters and other filibusters have gathered here! Let's drink to the bottom for this!

Two teams and two big bowls. Or every man for himself - a large plastic glass. You need to quickly empty the container (it’s funnier through a straw).

Quizzes, table games (minutes of rest)

  • untie sea knots at speed;
  • solve riddles on a maritime and pirate theme;
  • decipher pirate slang (phrases, phrases, curses);
  • test on knowledge of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean” or just pirate life;
  • funny questions and answers. Only one option is correct, the remaining two are absurd. What was the name of J. Sparrow's ship: Devil's Dozen, Black Pearl or Salty Beluzhina? Using a rhyme generator, it’s easy to come up with as many of these questions/answers as you want.

At the end of the scenario - “dig” and open the chest, divide the treasures(themed gifts, medals “The Most Notorious Pirate”). If the party is in honor of a birthday, ceremoniously bring out a pirate cake - a surprise from the cook. You can make an explosion at a powder warehouse (fireworks) or a rain of money (paper show).