What are the rules for using a knife? Safety precautions in technology lessons material on technology on the topic Rules for handling a knife for children

The main thing in handling a knife is experience and safety precautions, because when working it is important not only not to get hurt yourself, but also not to cut others, and also not to damage the knife itself with a rash action.

It is necessary to guide the knife when cutting safely, away from yourself, carefully assessing the risk of the blade slipping or unexpectedly cutting through the material. If the knife suddenly falls out of your hands, do not try to catch it - it is better to take a step back, try to change your reflex - this way you will not get hurt.

According to the observations of professional hunters, the culture of handling knives comes from childhood - if a child grew up side by side with knives, saw how adults handle them, or had at least a small penknife as a teenager - growing up, he handles dangerous edged weapons much more safely than, for example, a computer game lover who held a knife in his hand only with a computer mouse.

How to hold a knife correctly?

The handle should be firmly and securely clamped in the fist. When doing work that requires a very large amount of pressure, you should not help yourself with your thumb by pressing on the butt, even if the design of the knife provides for this possibility. If you are doing exceptionally fine, concentrated work, you can grasp the knife by the tip of the blade with two fingers, taking maximum care of the safety of your hand and being very careful. If you are cutting the abdominal wall of prey while hunting, it makes sense to place your index finger along the butt of the blade, right up to the tip - so as not to accidentally pierce the insides while working.

They often work with wood in the field or at home using a knife. You should approach wood processing wisely - after all, even the direction in which you cut is important. The greatest resistance to the knife is provided by the direction of the cut across the grain, but if you cut along, there is a possibility of accidental extension of the crack or chipping of the chips, so the optimal direction is slightly at an angle to the grain of the wood.

When cutting branches, they should first be bent, and then cut along the bend on its outer side. This way, the cut fibers will not pinch the blade and will move apart on their own. In principle, with an ordinary hunting knife it is quite possible to cut off even a trunk 5 centimeters thick, you just need to bend it in different directions before doing so in order to soften and prepare it. You need to hold the tree with one hand or press it with your shoulder, and cut the bend from the outside with your working hand. If the trunk resists, you can slightly change the direction of the cut or tap the butt with a stick (never a stone).

For neater ends of the cut sticks, before the main cut, they need to be trimmed with small notches in a circle halfway, after which it will easily break and the cut will be fairly even. The sticks are cut from the knots from the bottom up, from the base to the top.

Connecting two sticks crosswise using a knife, cut each stick in the shape of an hourglass (with the letter X at a perpendicular angle - and lightly cut out the side triangles). Once you connect the sticks at right angles, the cutouts and protrusions will align and you just need to secure the connection with rope or cord.

To be safe pass a sharp knife to another person, they usually clamp the handle between the thumb and forefinger, turn the blade upward outward so that it rests with the butt on the hand in the area of ​​the thumb, and then move the knife forward with the handle.

Improper use of kitchen knives is the most common cause of accidents.

Be extremely careful when handling knives!

Compliance with all the points listed below is the key to your safety.
Basic rules for working with a knife:
- do not work with the knife towards your body;
- hold the knife handle firmly;
- use only well-sharpened knives and tools;
- make sure your hands and knife handle are dry;
- do not leave the knife in the position with the cutting edge up;
- do not leave the knife stuck into food or between them;
- do not try to catch a falling knife;
- do not use a kitchen knife for other purposes;
- wash the knife after each use.

Protective Accessories

The most common metal means of protection are products made from chainmail fabric, formed by a special interweaving of metal rings (made of aluminum, titanium or stainless steel). The widespread use of chain mail protective equipment is due to the fact that they provide the best protection against punctures, cuts and other dangerous injuries when working with sharpened tools, without limiting the mobility of joints or restricting movements.
Welded chainmail gloves are used to protect hands when working with cutting tools, while processing meat or fish products.
Gloves are made three-fingered, five-fingered, with or without sleeves. The glove can be made right (to be worn on the right hand) or left (to be worn on the left hand). The special design of the glove allows it to be worn on both the right and left hands.
The glove can be disinfected with concentrated solutions of acids and alkalis.

Chain mail aprons provide a high degree of protection against injury to personnel when working with cutting tools or when processing meat or fish products.
Aprons are made of aluminum, chrome stainless steel or titanium. Aprons made of titanium are very light and durable, and provide not only reliable protection from damage, but also the comfort of personnel during work.
Aprons have high anti-corrosion resistance, high ductility and provide the necessary comfort when performing various types of work. They are easy to wash, quick and easy to put on.
Aprons can be disinfected with concentrated solutions of acids and alkalis.

Before starting work:

Check the serviceability of grounding, sanitary condition, as well as the serviceability of ballasts;

Set the thermostat to the required temperature;

Connect the cabinet to the electrical network;

Turn on the working chambers to high heat, and the warning light will light up.

During operation:

Carefully open the doors, place baking trays or pastry sheets with products;

Switch to low or high heat depending on the requirements of the cooking technology;

The amount of steam released during baking is adjusted using the vent depending on the requirements of the cooking process.

After finishing work:

Every day, its outer surface is wiped with a damp cloth or washed with soapy water, and then wiped dry with a flannel;

Chrome parts are wiped with a soft dry cloth;

Before cleaning or inspection, the cabinet must be disconnected from the power supply.

Safety precautions when servicing a meat grinder

Before starting work:

Make sure that the meat grinder body is securely fastened and that the pressure nut is not tightened.

Check grounding and grounding.

Screw the nut until the noise increases slightly.

During operation:

1. Meat or fish, previously freed from bones, is pushed into the loading neck with a wooden pusher.

2. When disassembling the machine, use a pusher or special hooks to remove the auger and cutting tool from the working chamber.

3. For safe operation of the meat grinder, its body is securely fixed in the gearbox tube. A safety ring is installed above the neck of the meat grinder to prevent hands from reaching the moving parts.

4. When working for a long time, the meat grinder must be stopped periodically, and the knives and grates must be cleaned of tendons.

5. It is forbidden to allow the meat grinder to run idle, as this accelerates the wear of the knives and grates of the machine.

6. Do not operate the meat grinder without a safety ring or leave it unattended during operation.

After finishing work:

1. The machine is turned off and disassembled.

2. All parts are cleaned of minced meat residues, washed with hot water and dried.

3. After drying, the screw, knife, grates and working chamber are lubricated with unsalted edible fat.

4. When assembling, pay special attention to the correct installation of working parts, knives and grates, because otherwise the machine will not work and this will lead to its failure.

Safety precautions when working with a knife

Improper use of kitchen knives is the most common cause of accidents.

Be extremely careful when handling knives!

Compliance with all the points listed below is the key to your safety. Basic rules for working with a knife:

Do not work with the knife towards your body;

Hold the knife handle firmly;

Use only well-sharpened knives and tools;

Make sure your hands and knife handle are dry;

Do not leave the knife in the cutting edge up position;

Do not leave the knife stuck into or between foods;

Do not try to catch a falling knife;

Do not use a kitchen knife for other purposes;

Wash the knife after each use.

Protective Accessories

The most common metal means of protection are products made from chainmail fabric, formed by a special interweaving of metal rings (made of aluminum, titanium or stainless steel). The widespread use of chain mail protective equipment is due to the fact that they provide the best protection against punctures, cuts and other dangerous injuries when working with sharpened tools, without limiting the mobility of joints or restricting movements.
Welded chainmail gloves are used to protect hands when working with cutting tools, while processing meat or fish products.
Gloves are made three-fingered, five-fingered, with or without sleeves. The glove can be made right (to be worn on the right hand) or left (to be worn on the left hand). The special design of the glove allows it to be worn on both the right and left hands.
The glove can be disinfected with concentrated solutions of acids and alkalis.

Chain mail aprons provide a high degree of protection against injury to personnel when working with cutting tools or when processing meat or fish products. Aprons are made of aluminum, chrome stainless steel or titanium. Aprons made of titanium are very light and durable, and provide not only reliable protection from damage, but also the comfort of personnel during work.
Aprons have high anti-corrosion resistance, high ductility and provide the necessary comfort when performing various types of work. They are easy to wash, quick and easy to put on.
Aprons can be disinfected with concentrated solutions of acids and alkalis.

Instructions for labor protection when working with a knife

Safety precautions

1. General safety requirements

1.1. The following are allowed to work independently as workers performing various manual operations with a knife (hereinafter referred to as the worker):

1.1.1. persons over 18 years of age;

1.2. have undergone special training in occupational safety;

1.1.3. have undergone a medical examination and are allowed to work for health reasons;

1.1.4. who have undergone induction and initial training at the workplace.

1.2. The employee is obliged:

1.2.1. comply with internal labor regulations;

1.2.2. do not allow the use of alcohol, narcotic and toxic substances, smoking in undesignated places;

1.2.3. perform only assigned work;

1.2.4. study and improve safe work methods.

1.3. The employee must be provided with special clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment:

rubber boots or leather boots;

  • cotton suit (dark);
  • cotton apron with water-repellent impregnation with a bib;
  • headdress;
  • combined mittens;
  • protective helmet;
  • chainmail glove.

1.4. The employee must:

1.4.1. be able to provide first (pre-medical) aid to victims in accidents. Know where the first aid kit with a set of medications is located, and, if necessary, ensure delivery (escort) of the victim to a medical facility;

1.4.2. observe the rules of sanitary and personal hygiene;

1.4.3. do not eat in the workplace.

1.5. An employee may be exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors:

1.5.1. sharp edges of tools (knife blades);

1.5.2. increased air humidity in the working area;

1.5.3. location of the workplace at a significant height (when working with a ladder).

1.6. The employee bears personal responsibility for violation of the requirements of the Instructions in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

1.7. The procedure for notification of cases of injury and detected malfunctions of equipment, devices, tools, and violations of the technological process is established by the employer.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Put your overalls in order, fasten them with all the buttons, and tuck your hair under your headdress.

2.2. Wear personal protective equipment: chest net and chain mail glove (if required). It is prohibited to work without personal protective equipment.

2.3. Get tool knives only with sheaths or special cases. Knives may only be stored and carried in them.

2.4. Check:

2.4.1. cleanliness of the workplace;

2.4.2. absence of foreign objects in the workplace;

2.4.3. the serviceability of the footrest and its correspondence to the height of the worker or the serviceability of the stand, the stairs to it and the railings;

2.4.4. no slipperiness in the workplace;

2.4.5. stability of the board for work, absence of burrs and burrs on it and on the tables.

2.5. Check the serviceability of the blade and handle of the knife, the strength of the attachment of the handle of the knife and the tool, the presence of stops on the handle of the knife and tool, and the sharpness of the blade.

2.6. Lubricate your hands with preventative pastes and ointments (silicone cream and wax-based pastes). As the film disappears during operation, the paste should be reapplied to your hands.

3. Safety requirements when performing work

3.1. Make sure that the chest net is worn correctly. The mesh should completely cover the worker’s chest and stomach and be 10 cm below the table level.

3.2. Do not debone meat when the temperature inside the muscles (near the bone) is below +5°C.

3.3. When performing operations involving constant contact with cold and wet raw materials, it is necessary to periodically take preventive procedures on the hands. This will prevent hand disease.

3.4. Combine movements of the right and left hands so as not to injure your hands.

3.5. Hold the knife primarily away from you; when moving the knife toward you, stand to the side of the line of movement of the knife. Do not keep your hand in the line of movement of the knife.

3.6. Do not make sudden movements with the knife, as this may change the direction of the knife and cause injury.

3.7.1. leave the knife in processed raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products or stick it into boards, meat, etc.;

3.7.2. hold a knife in your hand when rolling carcasses along overhead tracks;

3.7.3. pull up or pass meat with a knife;

3.7.4. waving a knife and pointing with it.

3.8. Place the knife in the case (sheath) even during short breaks in work.

3.9. The knife must be edited away from other workers.

3.10. Work only with standard special knives.

3.11. Keep your hands and knife handle clean. A dirty handle becomes slippery and can cause injury.

3.12. Do not accumulate large stocks of raw materials at your workplace.

3.13. Do not be distracted by extraneous conversations and do not allow unauthorized persons into your workplace.

3.14. The main types of deviations from the technological process and methods for eliminating them must be indicated in the process instructions (equipment operating instructions).

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Stop work immediately if situations arise that could lead to an accident or accident:

4.1.1. turn off the equipment you are using;

4.1.2. In the event of a fire or fire, the employee must:

  • immediately report this to the city fire department by calling 01, indicating the address of the facility and what is burning, and to the manager of the facility;
  • take measures to ensure safety and evacuate people;
  • begin to extinguish the fire using the primary fire extinguishing equipment available at the facility;
  • upon arrival of the fire service units, provide them with the necessary information about the source of the fire and the measures taken to eliminate it;
  • During the fire extinguishing period, the employee must provide security to prevent theft of material assets.

4.2. Provide the necessary first (pre-medical) aid to the injured person at work, freeing him from the influence of a traumatic factor (electric current, machinery, etc.).

4.3. If you receive an injury at work, immediately contact a medical facility, report the incident to your immediate supervisor, and keep the workplace unchanged at the time of injury, if this does not endanger others and does not lead to an accident.

4.4. A list of situations that could lead to an accident or incident for each technological process is developed by the employer.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. Bring the instrument into proper sanitary condition and hand it over to the instrumental room.

5.2. Protect your fingers from cuts when cleaning and rinsing knives.

5.3. Tidy up your workspace.

5.4. Take off overalls, safety shoes and personal protective equipment and place them in a wardrobe.

5.5. Take a shower.

5.6. The procedure for reporting deficiencies discovered during work is established by the employer.

See other articles section.

The tourist knife that you take with you on a trip, as a rule, is practically no different from your everyday knives that accompany you in your home life and it is intended primarily for cutting something, and certainly not for cutting something. they unscrewed it, picked its teeth, used it as a lever, and performed various actions similar to those mentioned. If, contrary to common sense, you are forced to do something like that with a knife, be prepared for the fact that your knife will lose its cutting qualities many times faster than the manufacturer promises, and sometimes it may simply break, and given the cost of copies from well-known manufacturers, this is sad, to say the least, and if there is no other knife in the group, it can be even sadder.

What are the rules for using a knife?

  • 1. Well, first of all, it is worth saying that you should not sharpen a knife on an electric high-speed sharpener, due to which a thin strip of the blade is subjected to strong heat, as a result of which the hardened steel ceases to be hardened, and even if the blade is heated, you will immerse it in cold water, It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the desired steel characteristics.
  • 2. Working with a poorly sharpened knife is almost always not very pleasant, because it is no secret that a sharp knife cuts more accurately and is easier to work with. In addition, cutting yourself with a dull knife, oddly enough, is much easier, because you have to put unnecessary effort in those directions where it is completely unnecessary.
  • 3. Sharpening a dull, dead blade is much more difficult than straightening a slightly dull one, so you shouldn’t wait for the knife to reach the point of a chisel. Among other things, often a very dull blade cannot be sharpened so easily and you need tools that cost quite a lot of money and, in fact, you can easily do without them in your apartment. In general, do not wait until the knife completely fails.
  • 4. A camping knife always requires at least a little maintenance. If a knife has a dirty, slippery handle, it is much more difficult to work with it, and the remains of sausage or lard clogged in the mechanisms of folding knives look somewhat unpresentable. Well, besides, dirt can damage the knife mechanisms.
  • 5. The steel from which the knife blade is made is often subject to corrosion. Even stainless steels require maintenance, and carbon steels even more so. After the next trip, you should definitely rinse the knife in fresh water and let it dry, after which the knife should be lightly oiled and allowed to lie for a while without sheathing it. There should not be a lot of oil, especially for the mechanisms responsible for the operation of the warehouses. The mechanical parts of such knives can easily work without any oil, but the lubricated ones collect all sorts of crap in the form of grains of sand and other debris that can significantly worsen the operation of such mechanisms and accelerate their wear.
  • 6. There is no need to unnecessarily disassemble your knife, just to look, this is especially true for folders. As a rule, knives come with a manufacturer’s warranty, and disassembly deprives you of that warranty. Specialized offices handle this best - you need to make a reservation if, of course, you have them in the city. Sometimes it’s easier to ignore the warranty and fix the knife right away - but it’s better to entrust the knife to a gunsmith.
  • 7. About folding knives, one of the safety rules is not to throw away the blade with a wave of your hand; what is good in films, in life can easily be traumatic for others.
  • 8. In addition, when working with a folding knife, never apply force along the folding line of the knife - although the proprietary locking mechanisms are reliable, common sense should always be present. I’m generally silent about market Chinese ones - the blade can easily fold at random at the wrong moment and cut you on the fingers, and this is not at all good.
  • 9. If you don’t have throwing knives, don’t throw a regular knife, this action again looks good in an exciting film. Firstly, it is not so easy to hit the target with an ordinary knife, so that it enters with force in the right direction, secondly, the rotational moment can easily break your blade if the knife suddenly lands as it should, and thirdly, having thrown the knife, you are simply left without it with bare hands.
  • 10. From your personal life - do not leave a knife stuck in a tree at a rest stop, there is a possibility that someone will not notice and break it by accident.
  • 11. Well, of course, you should pass the knife with the hilt forward, you should not throw it to anyone, even in its sheath and folded form, and if someone throws you a knife without a sheath, you definitely shouldn’t catch it; it can take a very long time to treat a cut hand.
  • 12. If