Vulgar birthday greetings to a girl. Vulgar, funny birthday greetings to a man. The most vulgar birthday greetings

From hundreds of different wishes
The most important thing is to wish
A car of health, without flaws,
Like Atlanta, so to speak!

From now on, work as little as possible
Get as much as possible
And money, and the attention of women,
In short, drown in love!

Three volumes of memoirs
To the three-centenary anniversary
And to know that life was not in vain,
Go ahead, buddy, happy birthday!

Happy Birthday, my friend!
Let life flow around you:
Dreams come true
Difficulties will become simple.

Always be on top -
Everyday and everywhere
Let the holiday bring happiness,
So that there is enough for the whole year!

My friend, on your birthday
Don't hesitate
I wish you fulfillment
All plans and desires.

And if you live, it’s bright,
And if you fly, then up!
And may there be many gifts
Life will give you:

Health and good luck,
And devoted friends
And some money to boot -
Life is more fun with them.

And love, of course
Fate will give it suddenly.
Let in matters of the heart
You're lucky, my friend!

Happy Birthday Buddy!
Baba I wish you a thousand
So that everyone wants you,
But in the end they were left with nothing.
Because everyone knows
You are faithful to one wife.
And for this fortitude
We'll drink to the bottom, brother,
You are undoubtedly great
Standard and sample!
Let there be no sorrows,
All sorts of sad adventures.
Happiness, joy, goodness!
Happy birthday! Hooray!

I wish you enough money
For a house, a car and a vacation in the south.
May your luck fall from the sky
And to be appreciated by friends and girlfriends.
I wish you not to turn sour, away with problems,
Dive headlong into joy and happiness!

My friend, speaking on your birthday,
I want to wish for a lot of things.
The entire list of congratulations worthy of you
Now I will list:

So that in life you will have categorical luck.
The classes are not boring and dynamic.
Let the bosses love you, but in a platonic way.
And even if there is too much money, it’s catastrophic.

There should be statistical order in affairs.
Let the sea and palm trees periodically.
Health and body bodybuilding.
With my beloved, let everything be simply cosmic.

Apartments and cars of the oligarchs.
Mild episodic hangovers.
Problems so that I don’t know pediatric ones.
Minimalist stress and hassle.

On the day when everything turns out good,
My friend, I will move to live in your house.
And I will tell everyone around me:
“And this is my friend, you can’t spill water on us.”

Happy birthday to you
Congratulations, friend,
I wish you good luck
He didn't let go of his hands.

I wish that you
Was richer than Gates
Cooler than you
There would be no pepper.

I wish that you always
The beer was cold
And any sea
It was knee-deep.

So that you butter the bread
Butter and caviar,
I was happy with life
And by your destiny.

I wish to be active
And think positively.
Don't sigh about the past
Light it up more often.

Live without worries
Put a dash on the troubles,
Don't miss your chance
Grab your luck.

Be kind like Leopold the cat
And strong like Arnold.
Talented - like Petrosyan,
And to the wise - like Dzhigarkhanyan.
Like Basque, be vocal.
And like Zhirinovsky, he is eloquent.
To have a yacht, two are better,
May you keep your body warm.
Be like Abramovich, rich
Like Stasik Mikhailov - married.
Like Urgant - funny and crazy,
Like Filya Kirkorov - big.
Like the most carefree cowboy.
But still... Remain yourself!

Happy birthday!
I wish you mountains of joy,
And good luck - to heaven,
There is a whole forest of adventures.

And love - to the horizon,
Bright, joyful, big,
Immense and huge,
And all the others - away!

Your closest friend's birthday is just around the corner. A reasonable question arises: what to surprise? After all, you have been together for so many years, so many holidays have passed during this time. The answer is simple! You need to come up with or choose the most original and interesting congratulations! There are tons of different options, from classic to funky. If you and your friend are close, and she has a good sense of humor, then, by the way, vulgar congratulations are a good idea. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. Congratulations should be humorous. This option will surely surprise your friend and she will remember it for a long time! Isn't this what you wanted?

May your cherished wishes come true,
And everything will be OK with your friend,
The sad suffering will end,
It's your birthday, honey, don't be shy.
Let men lie at your feet,
And the suckers are too shy to approach again,
Shake your butt in front of them,
Let it ring in the pants of impotent people,
And that's it, they want my girlfriend,
But she is unlikely to give it to them.
Be forever young and sexy
The same passionate and impudent girl.

Let every man get a dick,
When he sees you from afar,
Let him stain his trouser leg with seed,
Your love is too much for him.
I wish your dreams to come true,
No need to spread your legs,
In your career yourself, you will achieve everything,
You just have to really wish it.

Happy birthday,
And I wish you orgasms
So that you finish like a tractor,
She released streams of happiness.
I wish on your birthday,
Sex, joy, fun,
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
Embrace life.
Let the smile touch
The sun is shining brightly for you,
Joy overflows
Don't be sad and don't be bored.

Smart, beautiful, sexy,
The figurine is clearly with you,
You always look commendable
Order in a woman's head.
I sincerely wish you
Find love and happiness
And happy birthday,
Good honk today.
And fuck your problems
Don't get distracted, don't be sad,
Crazy changes are coming
Signs of your destiny.

Please accept congratulations today,
On your long-awaited birthday,
Gather your friends
And it's crazy fun.
My bitchy friend
You know how much we love you,
For giving yourself to us,
Treat others lovingly.
Be happy my beauty
Today with a slender gait,
Find a stallion for the holiday,
A cool, slender young man,
And show him love
Let him tumble with you.

Be cute on the dance floor today
Don't forget your condoms
A lot of people want to give a ride,
And surprise you in bed.
The holiday will be the best birthday ever,
Celebrate it without regret
So that later, what happened to remember,
But you can’t tell your friends.

I wish, girlfriend, love,
I wish, beloved, care,
I wish you not to be sad,
I wish you to live a comfortable life.
Be cheerful, always lively,
It's cool to be a perky girl,
To be a friend forever with me,
Always be happy with men
Don't say unnecessary words in front of others,
How do you know how to always have fun,
To want passion, sweet tenderness,
And always understand men.

I'm writing you a letter,
I get excited by him
I'll drag you to bed
I will kiss you tenderly
And we will come to sin,
It's a joke...How are you?

My verse is aimed at your heart,
I'm like a brainless Cupid
I want to help you warm up,
And turn this holiday into a dream.
So that you wake up tomorrow morning,
And smiled sweetly at me,
She undressed again and climbed in,
Look for love in my dick.

Open your arms
And take my words,
Drown in the streams of passion,
In the burning hearths of love.
Happy Birthday Baby,
My sexy, my life
I am your clubfooted Bear,
Climb me quickly.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I'll fuck until the morning
I'll give you pleasure
And then - back to bed.

Happy birthday magical girl,
Let the sun shine on your path,
Stay sensitive, stay brave
Don't give a fuck about your loved one's brains.
May the dreams and joys of the ages haunt you,
Happiness and wishes will come true soon,
Fuck*? all diseases and enemies will follow,
There will be light in life on your path.

What is there to wish for?
So as not to be banal?
Lots of sex and so he
Wasn't virtual.
New and cozy house,
It has a big bed,
To have a sweet sleep,
(And for sex too).
More sports and walks,
Eat fruit, not cake -
It's important for health
However, just like sex.
That's it! Enough about sex
It's so corny.
May life love you!!!
As long as it's not anal!!!

Beautiful, like an angel incarnate
Immensely sexy as a model,
It’s like you’re whispering “Boy! F*cks",
Take me, a*ally and orally.
May your dreams always come true,
Whatever I thought about, let it come true,
May you be lucky in cards and in love,
After all, you are a goddess, you are my queen.

What do women always dream about? –
To become a magical and wonderful maiden,
And you girl is sexy,
And men always want to touch the body.
But try not to twist your butt,
And lock up your *gina,
Try to live peacefully and calmly,
So that they don’t say after him, “FUCK YOU BLACK AGAIN!”

Hello dear sweetie,
Happy birthday SEX BOMB,
Happy holiday, dear baby,
We'll pour a hundred grams for you.
I wish you love
May you be sweet
Happy birthday,
My tender joy.
Don't care about bad weather
I am at any time of the year,
I'll give problems to p**dyles,
Well, quickly pour it for me.

Birthdays are probably one of the few events that bring together the closest and dearest people into a friendly circle. Only the most important people in the life of the birthday person gather at the festive table, in an atmosphere of fun and enthusiasm. Pleasant words and compliments, said for the hundredth time in a row, are often lost among the abundance of adjectives. Don’t be predictable - give your relative an extraordinary “Happy Birthday” greeting in a vulgar form! Imagine the reaction of the birthday boy - you will immediately see how he breaks into a radiant smile and thanks you for your sincere humor and fun.

We have selected the brightest and most unusual birthday wishes, vulgar and clever congratulations. The birthday boy will be delighted - we guarantee it, especially if he is a great joker and mischief-maker! Turn a formal reception, with slow music, into an unforgettable, fun event that all invited guests will remember for many years to come! And for a young company, there is simply no better way to continue the fun!

Vulgar birthday greetings to the birthday boy

We wish you to always stand
Your fighter is on duty,
To surprise the girls

They said “Well done”
So that everything is always appreciated,
Well, they came again!

Original vulgar birthday greetings

Up to a hundred years old,
Screw all your troubles...
Be healthy and in good body,
So that adversity goes crazy.
Drink, drink, don't strain,
And have a blast.
Be successful and rich
So that life is fucked up!
So that there is always an end,
And the enemies got fucked!

Cool vulgar birthday greetings from a friend

Congratulating you on your birthday,
I won’t use banal phrases,
I wish you fucking chicks
Fuck many times a day!
Fuck all the troubles en masse,
Fuck the problems, send them away,
Stress less about work,
Don’t fucking strain yourself!
Cheerful, strong and lucky,
Fly to victory, don’t wander,
So that everything in life goes well,
Rake in more money!

Always be in a chic body,
So that everyone wants you
And it’s wonderful to live -
I wanted it and I could!

So that the intimacy is very passionate
Morning, evening and night,
No problems and no days off -
More explosive cases!

So that all the furniture cracks
From such intense passions,
And my legs were always shaking
From bliss and delight!

Happy birthday
And I want to debauch
Dashing, bright, sparkling,
Enchanting, carefree!

Let your eyes shine with passion
To have something to brag about,
And you are lucky in everything
At night and even during the day!

Have a cool and successful life,
Joy, health, happiness.
Never be discouraged
Don't get sick and don't suffer!

Always be on top
Know moderation in sex and in food.
Always be okay with everything
Live life to the fullest and without looking back!

I want to wish you only one thing:
Love, like in a good and passionate movie.
Let everything be in him - desire, longing,
Moans of ecstasy, excitement, pleasure.

So that the body burns, so that the soul wants,
But the hands and lips knew everything and were able to do it all.
For the ending to be successful, there should be a sequel.
And so on for up to 100 years. Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!
Let passion quietly creep up
And will give pleasure,
Will give fun and emotions.

Let it swirl voluptuously
Inspiration flows
And drown in a sea of ​​happiness,
Clean, noisy and deep!

hot nights
And passionate hugs
Let the stream flow
Pleasant pleasures.

Let there be desire
Moans, feelings, languor,
And let it become a holiday
Finish caress. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday,
I wish everyone to be happier!
May the fruits of love and passion
They will be only in your power.

In personal and intimate life
Let everything be mutual,
Joy and lust will come
And they will cheer you up!

Birthday is the best holiday
He brought you into the world.
Congratulations to dad and mom,
After all, without them there is no reason!

And we congratulate you,
You are the reason for the celebration.
Life is easy and fun,
Know that fate is always right!

Live in love, practice it -
Better than sports, it's no secret.
Surrender to her wholeheartedly,
After all, there is no life without sports!

Wonderful miracles on your birthday,
Desires of different fulfillment.
Health, happiness, kindness,
Luxurious beauty all around!

Always be on top of everything,
Draw energy from outside.
Be a winner in everything
And so that everything is a bundle!

Let your imagination play
Doesn't let you get bored
And more and more often it captivates
Passionate ardor takes you to bed.

And let flexibility allow
Realize all your ideas,
Even the chandelier may confuse
Your poses are piquant.

Don't be shy about your desires,
Get everything from life
Sing, love and enjoy,
And don't be bored at night!