Scenario for closing a shift in. Scenario for a concert dedicated to the closing of a camp shift at a school health camp. What kind of performance should be prepared from the squad for the closing of the camp

The ceremonial scenario for closing the camp shift will be very useful to brighten up the parting of children from summer camp. Surely many found new friends there and simply had a good rest. Therefore, the children do not want to go home at all. Our scenario for closing a camp shift will help structure the event in such a way that the guys spend some more time together and finally receive a positive charge.

An interesting scenario for closing a camp shift for children contains: a formal assembly, competitions, an entertainment program, a disco and an evening bonfire.

Scenario for closing a camp shift at a summer camp

Dear Guys! The cheerful summer days have flown by and your camp shift is ending! I know it’s hard to say goodbye, so we want to entertain you a little so that you will definitely want to come back to us next year. And this year we had many different age groups, and each of them prepared their own farewell performance.

Starting from the younger age group, children show their numbers. It could be a musical, dance, theater number or.

Thank you, everything was interesting. Let's applaud each other, you have done a great and interesting job. And now from each group I need one person who will defend the honor of his age group at the close of the camp shift.

Each group nominates its leader, and he goes up on stage. And so for each competition a new person from each group is needed.

So great, I propose the first accuracy competition as a warm-up.

Competition "Accurate throw"

At a distance of 3 meters from the children there are paper baskets, and in front of them are 15 sheets of plain paper. Each participant takes turns crumpling the sheet with his hand and throwing it into the basket; whoever gets the most crumpled sheets into the basket wins.

And now it’s time for the next participants from the teams. We now let's test your strength.

Competition "Triple Boom!"

There are three balloons in front of each participant. At the command of the leader, the children must burst them with their feet. Whoever bursts them faster without the help of hands wins.

Let's applaud our participants and our winner. I am announcing a second competition. I ask participants from each squad to come up to the stage.

Competition "Long Flight"

Each participant has a piece of paper in front of them. On command, the children begin to make a paper airplane. Then, one by one, the guys launch their airplanes into the air. The participant in the competition whose plane flies the farthest wins.

Let's summarize. Who do you think won all the competitions today? And friendship won here. Do you know why? Because during the time spent at the children's summer camp, you learned to be friends, respect each other and value friendship. Let's all applaud our camp and your close-knit friendship together!

Now let’s check how you can solve riddles about sports:

When spring takes its toll
And the birds are calling merrily,
I jump over it
And she - through me.

All :
Jump rope!

Along the path, along the path he runs,
And if you hit him with your shoe, he flies.
They throw him up and sideways in the meadow,
They head butt him as he runs.

All :

I want to become a strongman.
I come to the strong man:
- Tell me about this -
How did you become a strongman?
He smiled in response:
- Very simple. Many years,
Getting out of bed every day,
I'm raising...

All :

All tourists are at rest
They packed her up for the night.

All :

Along the green across the field
They rush to the gate at a gallop
As many as twenty adults
And one battered ball.

All :

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer:
This is my...

All :

What great fellows you all are! It’s immediately obvious that they did a good job. Well, now, the soloists of our detachment will perform a farewell song in honor of the closing of the camp shift.

(The song is performed by a duet or a small choir.)

The shift is over,
Camp, goodbye!
Warmed by the July sun,
Cheer up...
We will have meetings again,
Time to fly!
Song with you we will meet
Together on the road!

Goodbye camp
Do not forget!
We became friends at the camp
Games and laughter.
Joy shared
At once for everyone.
Spun in a waltz with you,
We are no better.
I will wait for your letters
Hello Summer.
Let's go to school to study
Again with you.
The camp will remain with us
Our dream.
The years will pass unnoticed
Childhood, goodbye
We will grow up, but you will
Do not forget!

At the end of our ceremonial line dedicated to the closing of the camp shift, let us say our wishes to each other as loudly as possible.

All :
We are finishing our holiday
And let's count it all together:
Let everything work out in your life - once!
May you always be healthy - two!
To warm the soul from the inside - three!
May everyone live in love and peace - four!
To never lose heart - five!
There are so many friends to count - six!
To give warmth to everyone - seven!
May autumn be fruitful - eight!
That everything will be fine, believe - nine!
And finally, more good songs - ten!

And for the next shift, we’ll leave our wishes on the poster, and perhaps if you come here next year, you’ll read your wishes yourself!
I also declare open the traditional exchange of addresses, phone numbers, emails and other means of communication!

After the children exchange addresses, a festive disco and evening bonfire begin. And here, in the scenario for closing a camp shift, you can add another ritual called “Memorable Ribbon.” After several days spent together, the children become so close to each other that they certainly want to somehow express their friendly feelings. Tying a ribbon on your boyfriend's hand is the easiest way to show your friendship. If desired, the ribbons can be replaced with handmade souvenirs and given to friends at the end of the camp shift.

This scenario can also include, but this is only if the weather permits.

Dear children, guests, parents, teachers.

Today is a holiday for us, but at the same time a little sad. For a whole month we lived with you as one friendly family. And today the time has come to part.

But let's not be sad. You have made many new friends, and you have learned a lot during your shift. And you have a cheerful, perky, sonorous summer ahead. There is nothing better for children than the sun, a river, a cheerful song!


Hello, summer is ringing
We've been waiting for you
And warmth and sunshine
You invited me to visit you!
The hot sun - hurray!
Hello, summer time!
There will be games, songs will flow
Let's have fun this summer!

(Song "There is nothing better in the world")


What is summer?
That's a lot of light.
This is a field, this is a forest
These are thousands of miracles.
These are clouds in the sky
This is a fast river
These are bright flowers
This is the blue of heights
This is a hundred roads in the world
For children's fast legs!

(Song "It's fun to walk together")


Very kind, very bright
Golden clear day
We'll go visit in the summer
Let's go visit the sun.
Strawberries and flowers
Both the forest and the meadow will meet us
Our songs are with us
There will be birds singing around
Early morning bright ray
Will ring in the thick foliage
The river will teach us to swim
Wind - running through the grass.
In our glorious camp
All the guys are like a treasure
And more friendly than us, believe me,
Can't find the guys!

(Song "We are little children")

(If there is time, games are held with the audience)


Well, that's it, the season is over
And now we are parting
But we know for sure that we will return
We may come here more than once
But that's it, separation again
Sad eyes again
But we'll shake hands
And let's smile as always
We've all become very friendly here
And we value our friendship
Children's hearts have opened here
We thank you all!

(Song "We will survive this trouble")

(There is noise and screaming behind the stage. The presenter leaves to see what happened. At this time, aliens - space pirates - come out)

Alien-1: Where will we look?

Alien-2: Let's dig everywhere

Alien-1: (showing a shovel) And I’ve already dug up everything everywhere, there’s nothing anywhere.

Alien-2: What should we do then?

Alien-1: Maybe we can torture? They won’t stand the torture and will split!

Alien-2: Nothing will work, they are not afraid of torture, I tortured them

(shows mouse)

Alien-1: Or maybe we’ll give them a dark night?

Alien-2: They are afraid of the dark. In the absence of light, they begin to create very loud sounds, but they are silent about the treasures. What to do?

Alien-2: What if::.

Alien-1: Hush, someone is coming, let's get away.

(Quickly leave)

Host: It's okay, guys. Some jokers decided to scare our cooks and turned off the lights. And then a mouse appeared from somewhere in the kitchen. The mouse was chased away and the light was fixed, and who needed to create such a mess? Well, oh well, this won’t ruin our mood!


We say goodbye today
We say goodbye
This center is definitely
Will visit again soon

We had a great time
Gained strength and intelligence
We tried to become healthy
Doctors helped

The cooks fed deliciously
We now know a lot about food
Together with teachers
We've been everywhere

Unfortunately our time
Flew by like a star
Let's not forget this camp
Never in my life!

Host: No matter what happens in life, let optimism, like the hero of our song, save us all.

(Song "Sea")

(Unannounced alien exit)

Alien-1: Earth, earth, I'm there, welcome!

Alien-2: Got you, welcome! I'm here.

Alien-1: We are space pirates. We learned that on your planet, in your camp, there is a huge treasure.

Alien-2: Give away the treasure in a good way!

Host: What other treasure are you talking about?

Alien-1: The Biggest in the Galaxy!

Host: Guys, do you know what treasure we are talking about? You see, we don’t know anything about the treasure.

Alien-2: If you don't give us the treasure, you will be left without a holiday dinner.

Host: Do you really want to grab our lunch?

Alien-1: No, we took your cooks hostage.

(Tied cooks are brought out)

Host: Kidnapping of cooks is prosecuted by law!

Alien-2: Be quiet, call the police, it will be worse for you.

Host: Guys, what are we going to do? Looks like they're not to be trifled with. Let's think about what treasures we are talking about. (Everyone thinks). I think I understand what we're talking about!

Alien-1: You see, I told you that taking hostages is profitable. They love to eat and will not give up their cooks.

Alien-2: Let's hurry up, we're already tired of waiting.

(The presenter plays a game with balloons. Inside the balloons is a note with the word “Friendship.”

Task: who will be the fastest to extract a note from the balloons and form the word “friendship” from the cards)

Alien-1: Friendship!? What else is this?

Alien-2: How can you touch it and what can you buy with it?

Host: Friendship is something that cannot be bought and cannot be sold!

Guys, let's all sing a song about friendship together now!

(The song “Strong Friendship” plays)

Alien-1: So what happens, you are all friends?

Alien-2: And this is your common treasure?

Alien-1: We want to be your friends too. Then we will have a treasure!

Alien-2: Let's be friends with us!

Host: Will you stop harming our planet?

Alien-1: Yes! Now we'll hand over your cooks.

Alien-2: Here, take them, we'll untie them now.

Alien-1: Hurray! Let's have lunch!

Alien-2: It's great that we now have friends too!

Alien-1: Let's be friends and cherish our friendship!


Host: Goodbye, friends, see you again!


We are finishing our holiday
And let's count it all together:
May everything work out in your life - once!
May you always be healthy - two!
To warm your soul from the inside - three!
May everyone live in love and peace - four!
So that you never lose heart - five!
There are so many friends for everyone - six!
To give warmth to everyone - seven!
May autumn be fruitful - eight!
That everything will be fine, believe - nine!
And finally, more good songs - ten!
More kindness, patience, effort:.
Well, let's say goodbye and tell everyone:

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union N.I. Boreeva

Morshansk, Tambov region


Scenario of the concert dedicated to the closing of the camp shift at the school health camp "RITHM"

Screenwriter and director: MOKSHANOVA I.V., additional education teacherIqualification category


The song by I. Reznik and A. Pugacheva “Starry Summer” is played. The presenter comes out.

Host: Hello, hello, hello!

Glad to see you all:

So many bright smiles

I see it on their faces now.

Today is the closing holiday

Happy camp shift, friends.

A lot of enthusiasm and fun awaits us,

I want to start our holiday with RIDDLE:

The hot sun will warm everyone,

He will dress the meadows in colorful attire,

He will invite you to play and swim,

He will bring mushrooms and berries.

What is the name of the season, who can name it for me? (Summer)

Host: And one more riddle:

The sun is shining brightly,

It's both light and hot.

And all around there is grass, flowers, -

Wander, wander all day...

What time of year is this? Well of course it is … (Summer)

Presenter: I invite the guys to the stage who will tell us about

wonderful summer time. What is summer?

Group of kids reading POEMS - _____squad.

Presenter: Today at our holiday it is obligatory

Demonstration performances:

This is a bright, interesting range -

Talented concert program.

There are many talented children in our camp who can

you will see today! So, we meet: ___________________



Host: There’s no escape from cheerful rhythms.

Modern rhythms are the rhythms of childhood!

Our concert continues ___________________________________.

CONCERT NUMBER ________________________________________ - ____squad

Presenter: Today at our holiday you, probably some of

you're a little sad, but all because it's over

a fun and interesting shift. We all had a nice rest

learned a lot of new and interesting things, but we have to

break up. And so that the separation is not difficult,

head of the camp, our dear Larisa Pitirimovna

I have prepared a surprise for you: diplomas and certificates for everyone

to a camp participant who distinguished himself with his unique

talented and deserving of an award. Our all-seeing asset

camp watched for a long time each participant in the shift and

everyone noticed something for which they deserved to be rewarded.

The floor is given to the chairman of the camp commander

Svechnikova Larisa Pitirimovna.

FANFARE sounds.

Awarding the participants with diplomas in the following categories:

the bravest, the youngest, the smartest, the most athletic, the funniest, the most principledetc.

Presenter: And we continue our celebration of talents!

It’s fashionable these days, everyone knows,

Sing songs to a soundtrack.

We keep up with fashion:

Look how we sing!

________________________________ song is singing for you


CONCERT NUMBER ________________________________________ - ____squad

Presenter: Masters, alas, are not born,

And not everyone becomes them:

After all, talent comes with hard work,

To reach the top of your skill.

Sounds like _______________________________________ to you

performed by __________________________________________.

CONCERT NUMBER ________________________________________ - ____squad

Host: We hear songs here and there...

Meet us, Hollywood!

Two stars are singing now

Applause is expected from you.

They sing _____________________________________________ for you.

CONCERT NUMBER ________________________________________ - ____squad

Presenter: Wonderful dance! This is magic

It attracts you quickly and tenaciously.

Movement, rhythm and music are related

Intertwined with magical lighting.

DANCE _____________________________________________________ - ____squad

Presenter: The singer will put his soul into the song,

The dancer lives entirely in dance.

The poet will write a poem about happiness -

His soul sings in him.

CONCERT NUMBER ________________________________________ - ____squad

Host: Today is a real celebration of talent:

Here is a combination of kindred spirits

Performs poetry and funny songs.

But the main thing is that today we are together!

________________________________________ sings for you!

CONCERT NUMBER ________________________________________ - ____squad

Presenter: It’s time for you and me to warm up a little and play!


Look at each other

Raise your hands higher

And put it on your shoulders,

And hold tight, everyone.

Hold your hands tightly,

Now give me a playful hug

Clap your hands together.

Why do we need this? Because it... (Friendship!)

1st squad, you are the best!

2nd squad, you are a blast!

3rd squad, you are a super squad!

At the end of our holiday, let's be together

Let's sing our camp song about friendship!


Host: We were together for more than 20 days in a row.

Someday all good things come to an end.

And the guys’ faces become a little sad:

The time has come - our camp is closing!

And, finishing the holiday,

Let's count together:


May everything work out in your life - this...

To always be healthy is...

To warm the soul from the inside - this is...

May everyone live in love and peace - four!

To never lose heart - five!

There are so many friends to count - six!

To give warmth to everyone - seven!

May autumn be fruitful - eight!

That everything will be fine - believe! - This…

And, of course, more good songs are...

Presenter: We thank everyone who took part

in organizing a summer health camp

We would like to wish everyone well, patience, effort!..

Well, let’s say goodbye and say to everyone: “Goodbye!”

Tatiana Schiller
Scenario for closing a summer health school camp

Scenario for closing a summer health school camp"Rainbow".

We will now open the holiday,

We will arrange wonderful games.

Turn everyone towards each other

And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands up everyone

And move the top.

Let's shout merrily: "Hooray!".

It's time to start the games!

Help each other

Answer the questions

Only "Yes" but only "No"

Give me the answer together.

If "No" you speak,

Then knock your feet

If you say "Yes" -

Clap your hands then.

We eat grass for lunch.

Is this true, children? (children tap their feet).

Is grass food for a goat?

Answer together... (clap hands).

Is spruce always green?

We answer, children... (clap hands).

Is rain frozen water?

We answer together... (knocking feet).

Are you okay with humor? (clap hands).

Am I doing a squat jump now? (knocking feet).

How are you guys having fun? (clap hands).

But I do not. And to make it more fun for me, let's remember all the days we spent in camp and answer my questions. Ready?

What color are the boss's eyes? camps?

What is the name of our physical teacher's dad?

How many shops are there in camp?

How many men and how many women are there on staff? camps?

How many children were on vacation in camp?

What date did the shift start and end?

What is a physical teacher's favorite activity?

Name the most beautiful boy of the shift?

Which employee has the largest shoe size?

Who is the smallest of the vacationers?

Now you've made me laugh. But we don’t stop there and now we will solve the riddles.

Who's going to exercise in the morning?

Will he take you, kids?

Without him we are like without hands,

Well, of course, ours... (gym teacher).

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

Fun football game -

Already scored the first... (Goal).

Someone ran wild

And without the ball he flew into... (gates)

And Petya slams the ball with his foot -

And pleased the boy in... (forehead).

The boy laughs merrily.

A large... (cone)

But the guy doesn't care about the bump,

Again he runs after... (ball)

Tell me who is so delicious

Preparing cabbage soup

Smelly cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes? (cook)

All the guys are like children to them

Olya, Kolya, Sveta, Petit.

They will always help the dreamers

They are not counselors, but... (educators)

He is indispensable on the farm.

Paper, pen, plasticine

And only he solves all the different questions.

IN in the camp he is the most important, who is this? (boss camps)

The floor is given to the boss camps...

The guys have a lot of merit.

What a miracle master!

We want to congratulate you

And we will present certificates!


Publications on the topic:

Development of activities for a summer health day camp All children of the camp are divided into 3 cities, planets, ships, depending on the theme of the shift Game program “ZOO” 1. How beautiful and amazing.

Competitive and entertaining game for summer camp “Fun Mosaic” A competitive and entertaining game for the summer camp “Fun Mosaic”! Host: -Good afternoon, girls! Good afternoon, boys! -Good afternoon.

Organization of the summer health period in family education groups. Organization of the summer health period in family education groups. Staying preschoolers in the fresh air in the summer.

Event plan for the school camp “Holiday Every Day” Plan of events: July 1/2016 1. Meeting the children. 2. Instruction. 3. Competitions in the city park on traffic rules..

Children's summer recreation program "Rainbow of Childhood" Municipal government educational institution “Kindergarten of the village of Valdgeim” Summer recreational program for children “Rainbow.

Scenario for the opening of the school summer health camp "Rainbow" SCENARIO FOR THE OPENING OF THE SCHOOL SUMMER HEALTH CAMP "RADUGA". Host: Hello, hello, hello! We are glad to welcome you.

Scenario for closing the adaptation state enterprise “Ladushki” Children live in kindergarten, play and sing here, find friends here, go for walks with them. Together they argue and dream, growing up imperceptibly.

In the summer of 2019, at the end of each shift in the camp, all units prepare performances - songs, dances and other numbers. Theater miniatures are also staged at such concerts. Short funny skits to close the camp from the detachment are more successful than long serious performances. Such miniatures can be based on famous fairy tales, films or cartoons.

What kind of speech should be prepared from the detachment at the closing of the camp?

And you can talk about your shift, because you have something to remember - communication with friends, funny pranks, participation in concert programs, quizzes and sports competitions.

- Summer, summer, summer, summer!
There are no lessons!
You can run and jump
You can kick the ball
Sing songs loudly
And lie in the sun!

– We came to the camp in the summer
And you found friends!
We rested here a lot,
We had fun and played.

- How great it is that someone once
I decided to give the kids joy!
All that was needed for this was
We will open a summer camp at the school.

- And every day is like a wonderful moment,
Like a holiday: hiking, entertainment,
Museums, discos and awards –
Everyone thinks that this is how it was supposed to be!

Then, in this cool scene at the end of the camp shift, one of the guys will sadly say:
- Wherever we have been! But we didn’t go to the zoo.
Another child:
- And to the circus too!

Funny scenes for the closing of a summer camp at school

In another scene at the closing of a school camp, you can depict the behavior of the children in the cafeteria.

First girl:
- Don't be sad, guys! We go to the canteen every day. And there is a real zoo: Pasha always gets dirty like a pig and even forgets to use a napkin!

Second girl:
- Well, yes! And Seryozhka stretches his head like a giraffe in search of bread. Like this! (shows).

The first boy is one of the girls:
- And you are as cunning as a fox. The first thing you remember is the rules of behavior at the table: “He who eats does not listen to anyone!” And as soon as you leave the dining room, you start telling everyone who was talking about what at the table!

First girl:
– And Vanka, by the way, behaves like a real clown in the dining room: he makes everyone laugh, tells jokes right at the table!

Second boy.
- Well, and you say, we weren’t at the circus.

- You're right! Here you are - a real circus performer!
- You act like a monkey in a circus arena.

In this funny scene, prepared by the detachment for the closure of the camp, the guys use pantomime to depict different animals.

Second boy (shows the girls his fist):
- Oh, did you see it? I'll give it to you now!

First girl:
- Exactly! And now he’s roaring like a lion! What don't you like? He needs to be trained!

The first boy (bending his elbows in front of him and clenching his fingers into fists, heads towards the second boy):
- Don't you dare touch them!

Second boy (does a “boxer stance”):
- Aha, a defender has been found!
- No! Lion trainer! To the barrier!
- Yes, for your information, I don’t touch girls! But if you want, I’ll show you two or three tricks!

At this time, the counselor takes a whistle, blows it and says:
- Stop! The fight ended in a draw. Friendship won!

What other numbers should be prepared for the closing of the camp shift?

Also, at the concert organized to close the camp shift, you can act out cool scenes with the participation of fairy-tale characters - the Forest Fairy, Baba Yaga, Leshy and others, who will tell the children riddles with a trick.

-What time of year is this?
When is the weather good?
The grass is rich in greens,
All the guys are on the street.
The sun is shining very brightly,
This time of year is... (Not autumn, but summer!).

- Every person knows
Even the little one knows -
So as not to sweat in the summer,
People wear... (Not felt boots, but sandals).

- In summer sundresses
Only... (Not boys, but girls) go.

- Let’s pick up an armful of flowers
And now we will weave... (Not a hat, but a wreath).

- He drums on the roof -
I took a running start straight from the sky.
I went out to him happy,
I love July... (Not snow, but rain).

- At night, every window
Poorly illuminates... (Not the Sun, but the Moon).

Participants in the following miniature for children will address the audience at the closing of the school camp:

- Dear Guys! Summer is ending, soon we will go to school and learn our lessons. Let's check if you have forgotten mathematics, physics and other subjects. Try solving fun puzzles:

There were 90 apples growing on a birch tree. A strong wind blew and 10 apples fell. How much is left? (Answer: apples do not grow on birch trees).

How fast must a dog run without hearing the clink of a tin can tied to its tail? (Answer: the dog just needs to stand still).

Two fathers and two sons were walking and found three oranges. They began to divide - everyone got one. How could this happen? (Answer: they were grandfather, father and son).

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse? (Answer: five).

Cheerful performances by units at the closing of a summer camp may include staged remake songs, for example, this one:

- Here our squad is flying forward,
Stop at the dining room!
Counselor, run out of the way,
After all, Vovka is ahead of everyone!
Vovka will sweep everyone off the road,
Sweeps away lunch in a minute,
He is always successful
Along this route!
But here's to the labor landing
Everyone in the squad goes out -
Our Volodya, like a saboteur,
Sitting in ambush in the bushes...

Or you can perform perky ditties:

My friend and I fall asleep,
We love to sleep for a long time.
But from eight in the morning our camp,
And you have to get up!

In our camp, of course,
Lots of entertainment.
And we have counselors
Simply super class!

Our counselor is the best
Studying at the institute!
We know what it is
The teacher will succeed!

Our counselor is adored
We love him.
All the guys like him
And he is a champion in everything!

There are girls in our building
Most beautiful,
There are boys in your building -
The most pugnacious!

Don't worry, dads, moms,
Summer holidays are the best!
We rested for twenty days -
You don't recognize the children.

Breakfast, afternoon tea and lunch –
Soup, fruit, cheese and bread,
Porridge, vegetables, cutlets,
Juices, buns, omelettes.
Well we all ate here,
They've even gained a little weight.
Vitamins were collected
And stock up on health!

In our cheerful camp
Jokes, dancing, songs, laughter.
Even our mothers won’t recognize us,
How we all grew up here.

We sang ditties for you -
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you,
So that you clap!

It is not difficult to stage such short skits for the closing of a summer school camp, because for such productions you do not need special props. For everything to go well, you need to learn and rehearse your roles well the day before. Try not to worry during your performance so as not to mix anything up - and your performance will certainly please the audience!