Zakhoder Funny poems - Bird school. B. Zakhoder Funny poems - Bird school A story with magic

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder

Boris Zakhoder is a famous Soviet and Russian children's writer, poet and translator, screenwriter. He was born on September 9, 1918 in the Moldavian city of Cahul in the family of a lawyer, a graduate of Moscow University, Vladimir Borisovich Zakhoder and Polina Naumovna Herzenstein.

The parents met in a military hospital. Father - Vladimir Zakhoder in 1914 volunteered for the Russian army in the First World War. He was seriously wounded and ended up in a hospital in Cahul. It was in this hospital that Vladimir met his future wife Polina, a sister of mercy.

When Boris was still a child, the family first moved to Odessa and then to Moscow. My father graduated from Moscow University and began working as a lawyer. Mother knew several foreign languages ​​and worked as a translator.

From childhood, Boris was interested in natural science and biology. In 1935 he graduated from school. And in 1936, Boris entered the biological faculty of Kazan University, then transferred to the same faculty at Moscow State University. Lomonosov. However, the love of literature won out. In 1938, Boris Zakhoder entered the Literary Institute.

At the end of 1939, together with a group of students, Zakhoder volunteered for the Soviet-Finnish war. And in 1940 he returned home.

From March 1941, Boris continued his studies at the institute, but only until June 22, when the USSR’s entry into the war was announced.

In the very first days, Zakhoder volunteered. He fought on the Karelian and Southwestern fronts, and participated in the liberation of Lvov. He worked in the editorial office of the newspaper “Fire on the Enemy.” His poems were repeatedly published in army newspapers during these years.

In February 1944, Senior Lieutenant Zakhoder was awarded the medal "For Military Merit".

In 1946, Boris Zakhoder returned to Moscow, and the next year he graduated from the Literary Institute with honors. In the same year, his children's poem “Battleship” was published in the magazine “Zateinik”. This was Zakhoder's debut as a children's poet.

In the 1950s, Zakhoder began translating. In 1952, his translations of stories by Anna Zegers (under the pseudonym “B. Volodin”) were published in the Ogonyok magazine.

After the release of the first book, Boris Zakhoder quickly gained popularity; such works as “Monkey’s Tomorrow”, “Nobody and Others”, “Four-Legged Helpers”, “Who Is Like Whom”, “The Whale and the Cat” and others began to be published and republished.

In 1958, Zakhoder joined the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder became very famous for his translations of famous foreign children's fairy tales: A. A. Milne's tales "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All", P. Travers "Mary Poppins", L. Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" , fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm (“The Town Musicians of Bremen”, etc.), J. M. Barrie’s play “Peter Pan,” poems by L. Kern, J. Tuwim, J. Brzechwa, etc.

From 1966 to 2000 he lived in a house in Lesnye Polyany (Korolev), Moscow region.

In June 2000, B.V. Zakhoder was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.

Boris Zakhoder was widely known not only in our country, but also abroad; he was the winner of many literary awards, including the International Prize named after. G. H. Andersen.

Boris Zakhoder died on November 7, 2000 in the Central City Hospital of the city of Korolev. He was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery.


I'm rolling,
I'm flying
At full speed.
I am the driver myself.
I myself am a motor.
I press
On the pedal -
And the car
Rushing into the distance!


I need these things:
And ticks,
And a hacksaw
And all that is needed is


Master, master,
Help -
Lost weight
Hit it harder
Nails -
We'll go today


How easy it is to make lunch!
There is nothing difficult about this,
It's as easy as shelling pears:
This time - and you're done!
(If mom is cooking dinner.)
But it happens that mom has no time,
And we cook our own lunch,
And then,
(I don’t understand what the secret is!)


Got sick
This book:
Her brother tore her up.
I'll feel sorry for the patient:
I'll take it and glue it together!


All day today
I put on
The whole family.
Wait a little, cat, -
There will be clothes for you too!


How cunning
This little installer:
He's still holding the light
Only there,
Where there is no current!


Don't let your parents get angry
That they will get dirty
Because the one who builds
He's worth something!
And it doesn't matter what for now
This house is made of sand!

Seal diligence

Causes surprise
Diligence seal:
All day
The seal is lying
And to him
It's not too lazy to lie down.
It's a pity, seal's diligence -
Not an example to follow.

Question song

Cat meets Dog,
Case -
Usually! —
It ends in a fight.
Same -
Usually! —
The matter ends
If the Dog
Dating the Cat!

Oh, why?
Oh, why?
Oh, why?
So it turns out?..

We are friends

In appearance we are not very similar:
Petka is fat,
I am thin,
We are not alike, but still
You can't splash us with water!
The thing is,
That he and I -
Bosom friends
We do everything together.
Even together...
Let's fall behind!
Friendship is friendship
And we had a fight.
There was, of course, an important reason.
It was a very important reason!
- Remember, Petya?
- Something, Vova,
I forgot!
- And I forgot...
Nevermind! We fought honestly
As friends should:
- I’ll knock!
- I'll crack!
- He will give it to you!
- How can I give it to you!
Briefcases will soon be used,
Books flew into the air.
In a word, I won’t be modest -
The fight went nowhere!
Just look - what a miracle?
Water is flowing from us!
This is Vova's sister
She doused us with a bucket!
Water flows from us in streams,
And she still laughs:
- You are really friends!
You cannot be spilled with water!

Kiskino grief

Pussy is crying in the corridor.
She has
Great sorrow:
Evil people
Poor pussy
Do not give

My lion

Dad gave it to me
Oh, I was chicken at first!
I was afraid of him for two days
And on the third -
It's broken!


Among the toys - panic!
All the dolls are in tears -
Vanka-Vstanka has fallen!

Matryoshka dolls carry iodine,
Bandages, bags of cotton wool,
And Vanka suddenly gets up
With a roguish smile:

- Believe me, I'm alive!
And I don't need a babysitter!
It's not the first time we've fallen -
That's why we are Vanka-Vstanka!

Counting table

Once upon a time there were two neighbors,
Two cannibal neighbors.
For lunch.
The cannibal replied: - No,
I won't go to you, neighbor!
It's not a bad idea to go to lunch
But by no means
Not in the form

A story with magic

I saw Brownie.
With Leshim
Vova has been friends since childhood.

And Tom's -
Like at home:
Feeds him porridge

- I have, -
Galka said -
A mermaid is swimming in the bathtub.

- Stop lying!
Mermaid in the bath
As everyone knows, -

What a little mouse

- Mom! - said the Mouse. —
Give me some wine.
- WHAT? - said the Mouse. —
Here you go!

“Well,” said the Mouse, “
At least give me a beer!
“Ugh,” said the Mouse, “
Ugh, how ugly!
- I want to drink,
- On you, Mouse,

Apricot and others


Mom said:
- Orange!
- No, apricot! —
The son exclaimed.
- Watermelon! —
Dad's bass sounded.
And the daughter sighed:
- A pineapple…


A pineapple.

What tastes better?
A very difficult question.

To a difficult question
There is an easy answer:
- To taste and color
No comrades!

Things are not going my way

For some reason I
Whole year
No luck and no luck!

I have no luck at football:
When you hit it, there is no glass!
No luck at home
And at school...
Things are terrible at school!

Even on that test, say,
I was quite expecting a four:
Petka - contact has been established with him -
He gave me the cheat sheet.

Well, everything seems to be in order!
... They are returning our notebooks.
We are watching.
And what's in them?
There are four of them...
For two!
Petka looks guilty...
I didn't hit him, guys.
He didn't do this out of spite.
I'm just unlucky!

I'm so unlucky
Such an unlucky one!
Take this case for example:
I, having given up on everything,
I took my lessons and did it honestly,
I did it sparing no effort!
So what?
So no one asked!
And usually there is not even a day,
So that they don't call me.
At least crawl under the desk - and here
They will definitely find it!

There is no salvation
From such bad luck!
And what’s most offensive?
Nobody sympathizes!

... It happened early in the morning.
I got on the tram while it was moving.
I decided not to take a ticket -
I think I'll go soon.
Well, where at this time?
Was it possible for the controller to take it?
He stopped the carriage
And they take me out!
I said, of course, right away:
- No luck, as ordered! —
And everyone around will laugh!
“That’s right,” says the people, “
Since he doesn’t want to carry the tram,
It's clear here -
Things are not going my way!

Sea battle

What's that noise in the back?
Nothing can be understood!
Someone there hisses in excitement:
- E-one!
- A-six!
- K-five!

It's Vova and Petya again
Forgot everything in the world:
In class all day long
They are fighting at sea!
Two war fleets are fighting
On pieces of paper from a notebook.
Vova and Petya are not pirates,
They won't board you
And they point at the squares

And they will catch up with the enemy
Well-aimed volleys everywhere!

Here is a battle cruiser sinking
In lined water,
Victory is already close:
Destroyers are hitting point blank...
Well, another torpedo -
And the battleship will go to the bottom!

But suddenly everything disappeared:
Sea, waves, ships...
Louder than a squall:
- Head for the board, admirals! —
Admirals are broke...

- Petka, friend, save me - I’m drowning!
- I myself am going down!..

Often fails
The bravest admiral
If there is a place for battle
He chose poorly!


“Change, change!” —
The call is ringing.
Vova will definitely be the first
Flies over the threshold.
Flies over the threshold -
Seven are knocked off their feet.
Is it really Vova?
Dozed off the entire lesson?
Is it really Vova?
Five minutes ago, not a word
Couldn't you tell me at the board?
If he is, then undoubtedly
A big change with him!
You can't keep up with Vova!
Look how bad he is!
He made it in five minutes
Redo a bunch of things:
He set three steps
(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka),
Rolled somersaults
He sat astride the railing,
Dashingly plopped off the railing,
Got a slap on the head
He gave someone back on the spot,
He asked me to write off the tasks, -
In a word, I did everything I could!
Well, here comes the call again...
Vova trudges back to class.
Poor! There is no face on it!
“Nothing,” sighs Vova, “
Let's relax in class!

Petya dreams

...If only there was soap
It came
In the mornings to my bed
And it would wash me itself -
That would be nice!
If, let's say,
I'm a wizard
Gave me such a textbook
So that he would
I could do it myself
Answer any lesson...
If only I had a pen,
So that I could
Solve a problem,
Write any dictation -
All by myself
By itself!
If only books and notebooks
Learned to be okay
Everyone knew
Their places -
That would be beauty!
If only life would come then!
Take a walk and relax!
Mom would stop here too
Saying that I'm lazy...

What does a walrus dream about?

What can you guys do?
Dream about it
To a walrus?
Nobody will tell you
And I’ll tell you.
Dreaming of a walrus
Good dreams:
Africa is dreaming
Lions and elephants
Good sun,
Hot Summer,
Dreaming about the earth
Green color…
That he's friends
With a polar bear...
That we will come to visit him!


The rain sings a song:
Drip, drip...
Only who will understand it -
Drip, drip?
Neither you nor I will understand,
But the flowers will understand,
And spring foliage,
And green grass...

The grain will understand best:
Will start

Song of the Frogs

The frogs were asked:
-What are you singing about?
After all, you
Sit in the swamp!
The frogs said:
- That’s what we’re singing about,
How pure and transparent
Native reservoir.

Clean fly

Once upon a time there lived a clean fly.
The fly was swimming all the time.
She was swimming
On Sunday
On Monday
In cherry liqueur.
On Tuesday -
In tomato sauce.
On Wednesday -
In lemon jelly.
On Thursday -
In jelly and resin.
On Friday -
In yogurt,
In compote
And in semolina porridge...
On Saturday,
Having washed myself in ink,
- I can’t do it anymore!
Terribly, terribly tired,
But it seems
It hasn't gotten any cleaner!

Boris Zakhoder composed his poems in such a way that anyone who took his book did not put it down after one fairy tale, but continued further and further. Witty, funny, sometimes just a little sad, but always funny stories that everyone loves.

Reading the poems of Boris Zakhoder is an incredible joy. It’s rare that poems are remembered almost instantly, so that after reading them when they are still small, adults remember them all their lives and tell them to their children. Actually, these are the poems of Boris Zakhoder. A number of generations have already loved reading fairy tales telling about playful Peter Pan, strict Mary Poppins, touching Alice in Wonderland, and the glorious Winnie the Pooh. Did you know that it was Boris Zakhoder who retold them to us? He also translated the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and Karel Capek! Zakhoder adored animals and many of his stories are dedicated to them. In these poetic tales, animals behave exactly like people and the stories about them, although fabulous, are very reminiscent of human ones. And the heroes in them are exactly like people: kind, naive and smart, harmful, stupid and cunning...

Boris Zakhoder's poems are rhymed in wonderful language and written by a man with a child's soul. This is easy to prove: you just have to open the book and read poetry.

Doesn't let me study!

I just sat down at the table,

I hear: "Meow..."

"What have you come for?

Leave! - I shout to the cat.

I already... can't bear it!

You see, I'm busy with science,

So scurry and don’t meow!”

He then climbed onto the chair,

He pretended to fall asleep.

Well, he cleverly pretended

It’s almost like he’s sleeping!

But you can't fool me...

“Oh, are you sleeping? You’ll get up now!”

You are smart and I am smart!"

Strike him by the tail!

He scratched my hands

He pulled the tablecloth off the table,

Spilled all the ink on the floor

I stained all my notebooks

And he slipped out the window!

I'm ready to forgive the cat

I feel sorry for them cats.

But why do they say

As if it's my fault?

I told my mother openly:

"This is just slander!

You should try it yourself


For some reason I

No luck and no luck!

I have no luck at football:

When you hit it, there is no glass!

No luck at home

And at school...

Things are terrible at school!

Even on that test, say,

Waited for fours:

Petka - contact has been established with him

He gave me the cheat sheet.

Well, everything seems to be in order!

They return our notebooks.

We are watching.

And what's in them?

There are four of them...

For two!

Petka looks guilty...

I didn't hit him, guys.

He didn't do this out of spite.

I was not lucky!

I'm so unlucky

Such an unlucky one!

Take this case for example:

Giving up on everything,

I did my homework honestly

I did it sparing no effort!

So what?


So no one asked!

And usually there is not even a day,

So that they don't call me.

At least climb under the desk - and here

They will definitely find it!

There is no salvation

From such bad luck!

And what’s most offensive?

Nobody sympathizes!

It happened early in the morning.

I got on the tram while it was moving.

I decided not to take a ticket

I think I'll go soon.

Well, where at this time?

Was it possible for the controller to take it?

Stopped the carriage

And they take me out!

I said, of course, right away:

No luck, as ordered!

And everyone around will laugh!

That's right, says the people,

Since he doesn’t want to carry the tram,

It's clear here

Things are not going my way!

Sea battle

What's that noise in the back?

Nothing can be understood!

Someone there hisses in excitement:


It's Vova and Petya again

Forgot everything in the world:

In class all day long

They are fighting at sea!

Two war fleets are fighting

On pieces of paper from a notebook.

Vova and Petya are not pirates,

They won't board you

And they point at the squares



And they will catch up with the enemy

Well-aimed volleys everywhere!

Here is a battle cruiser sinking

In lined water,

Victory is already close:

Destroyers are hitting point blank...

Well, another torpedo

And the battleship will go to the bottom!

But suddenly everything disappeared:

Sea, waves, ships...


Louder than a squall:

Head to the board, admirals!

Admirals are broke...

Petka, friend, save me - I’m drowning!

I myself am going down!

Often fails

The bravest admiral

If there is a place for battle

He chose poorly!

My neighbor is a violinist,

Yes, what else!

At least cry!

He recently moved in with us.

He is also a boy.

Studying at some place

In musical school.

I invited him to play football

But of course he didn’t go:

"I'm busy, unfortunately.

I'm getting ready to perform."

What to expect from a violinist!..

He's probably afraid of the ball!

At least he could play

On your violin!

I would play all sorts of things

Pretty little things

And then he saws all day

The same rubbish.

You're still walking up the stairs,

And you hear in the distance:

"Tili-dili, tili-dili,


What is he sawing there, our neighbor?

I ask my mother.

“He doesn’t saw,” was the answer,

And he plays the scale.

Then my mother began to explain,

What you need to practice

What would I rather than chase balls,

I could also work out

That without studying it’s okay

You won't even become a violinist.

In general, because of these scales

I sat down for the lessons myself.

I thank him for these scales

I'll ask again sometime!

And the other day they gave me a ticket

To the concert in the Hall of Columns.

It was a wonderful concert!

I wasn't bored at all.

It's almost at the end,

This Tolka comes out.

In a suit

With a collar

With a violin

And with a bow...

Shaking straight:

Will begin

Let's leave quickly

I'm pushing my neighbor

Otherwise it will start to itch

Won't finish until lunch!

Ti-i-she! - they shouted from behind.

I didn’t even have time to get up.

I hear it became quiet in the hall.

I heard someone suddenly start singing.

Is this really a violin?

There's some kind of mistake here!

I'm looking at the stage

No, there is no error!

Standing there with a violin

Tolya, my neighbor!

He plays and is not afraid!

But there are people all around...

The violin is like a bird

Sings, sings, sings...

And suddenly she fell silent,

And the hall thundered!

I'll shout:

Well, why did you stop?

The neighbor nudged me with his shoulder:

Do you know the violinist?

And I answered triumphantly:

Yes, we live with him!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We were on our way home.

He gave me

Carry the violin!

Two and three

Seryozha went to first grade.

Don't joke with Seryozha!

He can do it with us

To ten!

It's no sin for such a wise man

Turn up your snub nose!

Once upon a time at my father’s table

And he asked a question:

There are two pies here, dad, right?

Do you want to bet?

I can always prove

That there are not two, but three!

Let's count together:

Here's ONE

And here are TWO, look!

ONE and TWO,” the son finished,

There will be just THREE!

Well done! - said the father.

And actually three!

I'll take two

And take the third one!


Grunt on the Christmas tree

Believe it or not, there lived, they say, a little pig named Khruk, and he was extraordinary: he could walk on his hind legs.

It used to be that he would go out for a walk, and all the kids - lambs, calves, kids - would follow him like that:

Little Piggy, show me your skills!

Grunt will stand on his hind legs, fold his front legs on his belly, and stand out looking very important.

Everyone just gasps:

Well, Grunt! Oh yes Grunt!

Boris Zakhoder's first poems appeared in a children's magazine in 1947. Imagine, your great-grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers grew up with them, and now you too - cheerful, smart children who know about everything in the world. These lines keep up with the times, and do not turn into old, archaic and uninteresting literature.


When a poet has the soul of a child

And it’s all very simple: he never grew up and at heart remained a cheerful, playful child who could read smart books and play pranks with the kids on the street. Only such people can write forever young poems for children.

Boris Zakhoder composed poems for children when he was in a cheerful and bright mood, after communicating with young readers. That’s why the lines of his quatrains breathe such fun, dynamics and enthusiasm.

The writer's favorite topic is animals. His poetry series about the living world is impressive. In funny poems, the poet not only talks about big and small animals that live on planet Earth, but also describes their habits and characteristics. Here's a little lesson in zoology and literature. Well, who else can combine these two disciplines in such an unusual way? Only those who know how to create for children and create a new and interesting world for them can do this.

Education with love and creativity

Don’t know how to raise a little mischievous child and teach him good manners? Boris Zakhoder considered poetry for children the best teacher, and a kind word the best teacher. Remember his poem about the prankster Nikto, who stole candy, scattered candy wrappers in the kitchen, drew on wallpaper and things? Oh, yes, he lives in your house! Read poems about mischievous guys to this fidget and let him recognize himself as the main character. Children pick up on these things very quickly and try to be better.

Boris Zakhoder not only knew how to write interestingly, but was also an excellent teacher and psychologist. He was one of the first to write educational poems for children that teach and entertain at the same time. Read “The Furry Alphabet” to your snub-nosed dogs and they will not only quickly learn letters, but also learn about new animals that live in Africa, Asia, America, Australia and Europe.

For kids and schoolchildren

Our pages are also rich in poetic lines for schoolchildren. Recognize yourself or your classmates in the prankster Vova. This boy relaxes during lessons and “works” during breaks. And who are the mischievous boys and girls from the writer’s works who got bad grades like? Well, of course not on you.

It’s amazing: so much water has passed under the bridge, but the children have not changed. Just like 100 years ago, they love recess more than lessons, are not lazy to play pranks and slip “surprises” to teachers and sadly drag behind them a briefcase in which the nasty “two” lives. These are eternal topics that will always be of interest to children of all generations.

Boris Zakhoder, poems for children, knew how to turn poems into funny songs, which are still heard by all generations today. The funny lines of Winnie the Pooh songs are sung with pleasure by both grandmothers at the entrance and children. Guys are running down the street, and the song flies with them, and the perky lines merrily jump and stumble along with their performers.