Toasts for the boss’s birthday. Toasts for the woman’s boss on her birthday. I have respect for business people

U Today is the boss's birthday,
Looking forward to some great fun!
So that we can quickly drink to the bottom,
Vodka, or even cognac!
Our boss, in general, is great,
The team is a real example!
In general, it’s like pulling the cat by the tail,
It's time for us to grab a glass!

U one person had a cat. The cat is like a cat, the most ordinary. And as befits cats, the cat spent every March in an unknown place, and returned home dirty, skinny, shabby! This man was tired of the cat's adventures, and he performed the well-known operation on him. But then March comes, and the cat disappears from the house again, and returns only a month later - dirty, hungry and ragged! The owner asks him:
- But now, now what were you doing there?!
- I was in charge! - the cat answered proudly.
So let's drink to our mentors, leaders and teachers!

T active task.
- Cadets, imagine: you are moving in the desert, and suddenly you notice an enemy who is aiming at you from behind a rock. What are your actions in this situation?
- I'll shoot first.
- you misfired.
- I'll throw a grenade.
- all ammunition has run out.
- I will hit the enemy with a bayonet.
- Missed.
- Listen, instructor, who are you working for?
So let's drink so that our bosses don't get too carried away when they give us instructions!

AND It is known that ninety percent of all issues are resolved by themselves, and the rest are simply impossible to solve.
Let's drink, colleagues, to not worry about trifles and not to irritate our leaders - bosses!

L A large bird flies across the sky, majestically and smoothly flapping its huge wings. And nearby, fussing and chirping, a small bird flies:
-Where are we going, huh? Where, huh?
But the big bird doesn’t answer...
- Where are we flying, well, where, huh?
The big bird slowly turns its head:
- Don't know...
So let's drink to our scientific leaders!

P come to work with a smile
And “Narru birthdау…!” binge,
All day long we have one concern;
Today we drink to the CHEF!
Let's mark this day on the calendar,
The CHEF has a particularly bright look...
And, forgetting about taxes,
Let's raise our glasses together,
For the company to prosper,
For our entire glorious team!

ABOUT One student wrote in his school essay: “The milkmaid barely had time to leave the podium when the chairman of the collective farm immediately perched on her!”
I would like to raise a toast to the leaders. Not all of them are as lucky as that collective farm chairman, but... So, here's to our leaders!

E If at work you get both the tail and the mane, it means you are mistaken for a horse. So let's drink to our sensitive leader!

B It's not easy to be the boss of a company,

Milk would be harmful to him,

Overcoming all obstacles,
Without resting your feet and hands,
Well, that’s all you need in business!

He can make a profit
And express an aphorism,
He looks like an oligarch -
He has such charisma!

But don’t consider it a gamble,
Everything here is democratic:
We raise for you, boss,
All together and each individual!

And in the year of the wise monkeys,
We, as is the case with primates,
Let's take a peeled banana...
Let's drink to the boss, guys!

ABOUT A bookkeeping firm sent two sales agents to Central Africa to conduct market research.
A few days later two telegrams arrived.
“Things are bad,” said the first agent, “everyone walks around barefoot here.”
“Big profits await us,” writes the second, “everyone goes barefoot here.”
Let's raise a glass to the optimist leaders!

AND The inhabitants of the Bulgarian village of Gabrovo have been working on one serious problem for many years. They crossed a cow with a giraffe to create a new animal that would produce milk and feed... in a neighboring area!
Their colleagues from Russia crossed a cow with a bear in order to breed a cow that could only be fed in the summer, and in the winter she... sucked her paw!
But our leader solves such complex problems every day! For our heads!

P Let's share our glasses so that our capabilities coincide with the desires of our boss

TO a conservative is a person who has no ideas. A reactionary is a person who has no ideas and is furious about it.
So let's drink to our liberal authorities!

U it's our boss's birthday,
Everyone is in a great mood!
I’ll tell you a wonderful toast about the boss,
May profit and happiness always come to you,
This is why everyone drinks vodka now!

G Uniality is an extraordinary gift of endurance, which our boss trains in us. For our endurance, reaching the point of genius!

B It's not easy to be the boss of a company,
He pulls a cart, of which there are not many.
Milk would be harmful to him,
But it is not harmful, thank God!

He plows, plows like a plow,
Overcoming all obstacles,
Without resting your feet and hands,
Well, that’s all you need in business!

He can make a profit
And express an aphorism,
He looks like an oligarch -
He has such charisma!

But don’t consider it a gamble,
Everything here is democratic:
We raise for you, boss,
All together and each individual!

I I treat business people with respect,
to their inexhaustible energy, efficiency, creativity, courage, ability to take risks and overcome all difficulties along the way. Everything I have said applies to the hero of today’s celebration. So let's raise a glass to him, to his success in the whirlpool of life!

AND Once upon a time a Fox was walking through the forest. He looks and sees a Hare sitting in a clearing and writing something.
- Hare, Hare, what are you writing?
- Dissertation. It's called "How the Hare Ate the Fox."

The two of them went, but only the Hare returned. And again for my dissertation. After some time, the Wolf comes out into the clearing:
- Hello, Kosoy, what are you writing?
- Dissertation. It's called "How the Hare Ate the Wolf."
- Why are you weaving, Hare, this can’t be!
- Well, it can’t, it can’t, but let’s go behind these bushes!
The two of them went, but only the Hare returned. And again for my dissertation. After a while the Bear comes out into the clearing:
- Great, Hare. What are you writing?
- Dissertation. It's called "How the Hare Ate the Bear".
- Why are you weaving, Hare, this can’t be!
- Well, it can’t, it can’t, but let’s go behind these bushes!
......... And behind the bushes sits a hefty Lion, and next to him is a pile of bones. And it doesn’t matter what your topic is - it’s important that you get a good leader.
So let's drink to a good leader!

WITH show me, silent hard workers,
Tell me, know-it-all scientists:
Who would our leaders be?
When would we not be subordinates?
Yes, if they had no one
Load yourself with useless work -
They would all become cripples
Or maybe even orphans.
No one would put the kettle on,
Wouldn't follow orders...
So let's drink to our bosses
And those who are subordinate to them!

TO everyone who is deprived of something in life,
Does not notice these properties in others:
It seems to the blind man that he is the only one
Invisible to the eyes of others.
Those who don’t want to hear themselves notice,
That everyone is deaf to the meaning of his speeches.
Who hides his heart and does not open it,
He does not believe the lover in the heat of his passions.
So let's drink this bitter honey in glasses
With the whole team, in one gulp, in spirit,
For our boss, who always lives
In our hearts, eyes and ears!

- AND Van, can you work after half a liter?
- I can.
- And after a liter?
- I can.
- And after two?
- I won’t be able to work, but I will lead!
We will drink to our dear leaders!

Our boss is beautiful and wise,
She is always competent and smart when it comes to questions.
Today we hasten to congratulate her on her birthday,
We will give her gifts and flowers with all our hearts.

I wish you tenderness, good luck and love.
Happiness and health, prosperity and warmth,
May your life bloom like a rose.

Everyone starting their journey in life
He wants to achieve a lot.
And he creates, he hopes, he lives,
Waiting for everything to come true any minute now.
But the path of life is not easy, it is difficult,
It is almost always tough and complex.
Go through everything, step over everything
Only one out of many hundreds can.
You have had a lot of difficulties,
But you were firmly moving towards your cherished goal.
Not broken, not wasted,
Everyone could and overcame everything.
They did not tolerate meanness and lies,
Don't waste your energy in vain
You have become one of hundreds!
This is clear to each of us today.
We want to congratulate you on today's day,
You earned every bit of it with your hard work!
Thank you for erecting and saving
Our beloved, strong, friendly home!

My dear boss,
Happy Birthday!
Please accept my congratulations!
I wish you to live in harmony with happiness,
And with amazing, loyal people!
I wish all your wishes come true,
So that the crisis does not affect your affairs...
You are a good caring woman!
May success follow you!

It's the boss's birthday today.
We give her beautiful flowers and congratulations.
We respect her, we adore her,
We hasten to wish her health and good luck.
Happy birthday, I congratulate you,
I wish you a lot of happiness and joy.
To be loved and to love always,
And also success and family warmth.

Being a boss is not an easy art!
Not everyone can handle it!
And today, happy birthday
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
You are not only a strict leader for us,
But also a friend, buddy, patron!
I wish you good fortune,
An ocean of happiness and smiles,
I wish you excellent health
And an inexhaustible fountain of love!

Our friendly team
We have come to congratulate you.
In this lovely environment
We want to say now:
“Happy birthday!
And we wish that worries
There was less, but luck
It multiplied from year to year.
So that health and wealth
A river flowed into your house,
So that you are always in it
Peace would be met with peace.
So that with love and comfort
You were surrounded
So that your home is a haven
Kindness and silence.
Let it be in frost and rain and cold
You will always be warm,
Those who are needed will be nearby
Let the sun shine through the window.
Let the birds chirp for you,
Let flowers bloom for you,
Let the pages turn through the days
Dreams come true.

The boss is a woman who leads us,
She is responsible and erudite in her work.
Always thought out and does the right thing.
And the team, moreover, knows it very well.
We wish her to be able to solve everything,
Successfully resolve all problems.
And there is no reason for excitement
And in the leadership she surprised all the men!

Let us congratulate you
Happy birthday!
Give, without unnecessary pompous phrases,
Your tribute!
You have been a leader for many years,
Not a light load for women's shoulders.
To be a teacher for subordinates
Take care of the full team.
To be fair, although strict,
Employees are valued and respected.
It's not easy to be punished
And help and understand.
You've done a lot of this.
You will leave a good mark.
And we wish you many new ones
Great achievements and victories!
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
Happiness, joy, kindness!
Let your dreams come true,
Warmth and earthly beauty to you!

You are an amazing woman
Sometimes, like the sky, it is changeable.
Still would! Three roles to play:
Wife, leader, mother.
And always be on top
Find joy in your own work.
Perform any action on "five" -
After all, this is a miracle, sorcery!
We wish you not to lose heart,
Keep the same fast pace.
Let the warmth warm your loved ones,
May things be successful.
We wish you well and laughter,
And endless success.
Let your dreams come true
And they will bring happiness. Those milestones that remain to be achieved!
We wish you success in a big way,
Stability, well-deserved victories!
May all projects turn out to be a blessing!
Happy days! And the best years!

I respect business people, their inexhaustible energy, efficiency, creativity, courage, ability to take risks and overcome all difficulties along the way. Everything I have said applies to the hero of today’s celebration. So let's raise a glass to him, to his success in the whirlpool of life!


When reason is in charge
There are pressing matters,

"Good Boss" says

Then every worker
Has a thirst for work.
And just like that
Our office is in good order!

Toasts to the boss

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Create a postcard

Ivan, can you work after half a liter?
- I can.
- And after a liter?
- I can.
- And after two?
- I won’t be able to work, but I will lead!
We will drink to our dear leaders!


I already asked the cobra:
- Why, when you sting a person, the person dies, and if a bee stings a person, the bee dies?
- It all depends on the degree of qualification. The bee is an amateur, and I am a professional.
So let's drink to professionalism in any matter!


For you, Chief!

Congratulations to you today
Our entire friendly, glorious workshop
And with all our hearts we wish
Hello dear boss

You are our smart, noble
Strong and brave like a lion
We are with you through fire and water
Our reliable, wise boss

May God give you a lot of happiness
Peace, a safe full of money
We are ready to give you everything
Our beloved, kind chef


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Father ended up on the plane. As soon as we took off, he calls the flight attendant:
- Girl, at what altitude are we flying?
- Five hundred meters.
- Then bring me fifty grams of cognac, please.
The flight attendant brings it. After a while he calls her again:

- Three thousand meters.
- Please, bring me fifty grams of cognac.
And the flight attendant brings it. Some time passes.
- Girl, excuse me, at what altitude are we flying?
- Five thousand meters.
- Fifty grams of cognac, please.
Half an hour later, the flight attendant, walking through the cabin, turns to the priest herself:
- Shall I bring you another drink?
- At what altitude are we flying?
- Ten thousand meters.
“No, no, I can’t,” says the priest, pointing his finger up, “the boss is close.”
And our boss, thank God, is far away (on a business trip, on vacation, etc.). Therefore, we can drink calmly.


You boss is simply awesome,
I'm drinking to the bottom now for you,
You have success, understanding,
Pleasure and prosperity!

And also to be healthy,
To be loved and to love,
So that your dreams come true,
And let your enemies be afraid of you!

A conservative is a person who has no ideas. A reactionary is a person who has no ideas and is furious about it.
So let's drink to our liberal authorities!

“I work a lot,” says a friend to a friend. - For example, yesterday, in the laboratory, I tried to get dynamite.
- What will you work on tomorrow?
- Well, of course... Now I need to get a new laboratory. Let's drink, dear colleagues, to the innovators thanks to whom our production is developing!

Accuracy is the main thing that we value in our employees, says the boss to a person who wants to get a job at his plant.
- Yes, I understand.
- And one more thing... More than accuracy, we value honesty.
- Excuse me, Mr. Director, but why don’t you even have a rug in front of the entrance?
So let's raise our glasses, colleagues, and drink to honesty!

Schiller wrote:
One honors science as the goddess of supreme pleasure.
The other is a good cow that supplies oil.
So let's drink to the fact that our beloved goddess also feeds us well!

I already asked the cobra: “Why, when you sting a person, the person dies, and if a bee stings a person, the bee dies?” - It all depends on the degree of qualification. The bee is an amateur, and I am a professional. So let's drink to professionalism in any matter! ©

Bursting with pride!
I was lucky in my life with my boss!
There he is - a reason for vital vigor!
I am sincerely grateful to fate
I wipe away my tears of joy
Well, there are such bosses -
Not a single nasty thing in my entire life!
No matter how you look at it, it’s all positive
Spinning like a squirrel at work
And from all our souls we wish
Live, bloom and not suffer from sadness!

So that there is always an alternative,
Shining in life, so that, perspective.
And your intuition did not let you down,
Inflation did not hit the wallet.

Some consider knowledge to be power, others - title.
So let's drink to the fact that our knowledge is the result of our knowledge!

It is not enough for a person to acquire knowledge; you need to be able to give them growth.
For the constant growth of our knowledge!

Beautiful happy birthday toasts to the male director

They say that to be happy, a person needs to be busy with work. Let's raise our glasses to our boss, who can always keep us busy with work, but does not forget that for happiness we still need the mind to be filled with purpose, the memory with knowledge and skills. And that would always give us hope for a bright future!

The main formula for success is the ability to manage people. I want to raise a glass to our boss: a wise and caring leader for his team, behind whom we are all like behind a stone wall. Success in work, comfort in the home, health in the body, to the detriment of all envious people! Happy birthday!

Two hunters are talking.
- Can you imagine! Yesterday I came across a couple of gorgeous pheasants quite by accident! I almost screamed in surprise!
- Well, how did you manage to take possession of them?
- No, it didn’t work out, we didn’t have enough... money!
Life shows how important it is for a hunter to have money! Let's drink to the hunters!

Our geologists visited the Sahara. They say that they saw sand dunes there, along which “Camel” walks in packs. To our wonderful geologists, the most all-knowing and all-seeing.

After a hearty breakfast, the husband sat down in a chair and began to look at the latest newspapers.
- Are you not going to work today? - asked the wife.
- Oh shit! I thought I was already at work.
Let's drink to the wives who know how to create a working atmosphere at home!

Creative toast to the manager

It's the boss's birthday today.

Vodka, or even cognac!
Our boss, in general, is great,

It's time for us to drink a glass!

We all want to congratulate you on this day,
Raising a glass to you,
We would like to wish that not a single shadow
It didn't fall on your way.
Let there be one positive in your life
Greets you with every dawn.
You are the best boss, we are your team,
And we are grateful for that.

We'll come to work with a smile
And “Narru birthdау…!” binge,
All day long we have one concern;
Today we drink to the CHEF!
Let's mark this day on the calendar,
The CHEF has a particularly bright look...
And, forgetting about taxes,
Let's raise our glasses together,
For the company to prosper,
For our entire glorious team!

It's not easy being the boss of a company.
He pulls a cart, of which there are not many.
Milk would be harmful to him,
But it is not harmful, thank God!
He plows, plows like a plow,
Overcoming all obstacles,
Without resting your feet and hands,
Well, that’s all you need in business!
He can make a profit
And express an aphorism,
He looks like an oligarch -
He has such charisma!
But don’t consider it a gamble,
Everything here is democratic:
We raise for you, boss,
All together and each individual!
And in the year of the wise monkeys,
We, as is the case with primates,
Let's take a peeled banana...
Let's drink to the boss, guys!

Anniversary and flashbulbs,
Toasts, cognacs, crystal,
The boss celebrates his anniversary,
He is active and not old,
Good health, peace,
Glory is only for labor,
We don’t create an idol for ourselves,
Happy birthday, dear!

We would like to wish our dear boss happiness, luck, optimism, and respect on his birthday. Peace, prosperity, big deals, long-term partnerships. Love, kindness, care - at home, new experiences, major achievements in hobbies. We appreciate you very much!

Tender and heartfelt poems for a woman director from the team

Happy birthday! Health and success,
New horizons and heights.
Don't let obstacles get in your way,
May your takeoff be swift and bright.

Results exceed expectations
Working days pass with a bang,
Let your income match your efforts.
Smile from the very morning!

It is a great honor to congratulate you,
We appreciate you. As a sign of respect
Let us now and here
Say it on your birthday!

You are a captain on a ship,
You are the right leader.
And when the strength is at zero,
Your advice is valuable as a reward.

Solve any issue
We follow you through fire and water.
You are a woman and the best boss,
We don't need another boss!

We wish you many years to come,
Prosperity and great success.
A smile is a company secret -
To eliminate all interference!

Dear director!
Please accept my congratulations on your birthday!
You are like a real captain
Standing at the helm of our collective ship.
I wish you not to know about natural disasters,
May peace come at work and at home,
Health and happiness to you!

It's the director's birthday today.
Looking forward to some great fun!
So that we can quickly drink to the bottom,
Vodka, or even cognac!
Our director, in general, is great,
The team is a real example!
In general, it’s like pulling the cat by the tail,
It's time for us to grab a glass!

You are an example for the team,
How to work quickly and beautifully.
You are never late for work
And come even on Saturday.
You worry about every employee,
You don’t leave anyone to their fate,
We are ready to help anyone who is in trouble.
We have never seen such a director anywhere!
So let's drink to your health, to you,
Continue to please us!
May your birthday be interesting
May many congratulations await you today!

Happy birthday to you,
I drink to your health,
I respect you very much
I want to wish you happiness!
You are the best director, really
From the bottom of my heart, earthly blessings to you,
So that everything works out for you,
To live a prosperous life!

Your anniversary has come so quickly,
And how many more achievements lie ahead -
Love, create and whatever you have the strength to do
There are still many birthdays to celebrate.
So that every day brings only positive things,
The course in life was quite definite,
And, thanks to you, our team,
May you be friendly, united and united!

Today is the anniversary,
The most beautiful boss.
And I want to lead
Always with the same joy.

Colleagues, subordinates,
From the boss in admiration,
They bring flowers and gifts
And just congratulations.

And on this most wonderful day,
It's not a sin to relax.
There's no room for seriousness
Be the most fun!

Live for many years in harmony with yourself,
Be joyful, control your destiny,
We wish you, boss, always!
Well, you know, it’s not a problem!
Today your anniversary has arrived,
And, of course, he gave me a lot of joy,
And respect from colleagues, and warmth,
And beautiful thoughts, purity!

Our team congratulates
Happy anniversary to the boss.
And with all my heart he wishes
Lots of patience for her.

You are a boss from God.
There's no doubt about it
Because there are a lot
Depends on skill.

Today we wish
Wisdom in decisions.
And smiles and flowers
On this birthday.

Let everything go smoothly at work.
Can I get a promotion...
At home, let your husband

Boss, congratulations,
Your birthday has arrived today.
We wish you all the luck
In matters of success, new fresh forces.

We wish you goodness and prosperity,
Comfort in the home, joy in the family.
So that all plans and desires come true
And, as before, always be on top.

We wish you friends who are not ephemeral,
The team, without which - well!
After all, if the stars light up the sky,
Someone must have lit them!

Let your deputies or assistants
They hear your victory cry more often!
Let age mean only percentages
The milestones to be achieved!

We wish you success in a big way,
Stability, well-deserved victories!
May all projects turn out to be a blessing!
Happy days! And the best years!

You are an amazing woman
Sometimes, like the sky, it is changeable.
Still would! Three roles to play:
Wife, leader, mother.
And always be on top
Find joy in your own work.
Perform any action on “five” -
After all, this is a miracle, sorcery!
We wish you not to lose heart,
Keep the same fast pace.
Let the warmth warm your loved ones,
May things be successful.
We wish you well and laughter,
And endless success.
Let your dreams come true
And they will bring happiness.

Sometimes you were a merciless whip
Sometimes the gingerbread was presented on time.
You've never been a fool
In our eyes, you are a worthy director.
On this solemn day,
Let your cherished goals come true.
Let us sometimes cause a migraine,
But we will follow for days and weeks.

Without him we are like without hands,
He is our best friend!
Without a director and plans,
We are all a bunch of cockroaches!
Happy birthday
And we wish you a promotion!
To the Minister of Defense
Or a golden crown!

Our director is a great man,
And we encouraged you to do this!
Admit it, you would for a whole century
This could not have been achieved without us!
Well, okay, we're joking
But if I tell you seriously,
We wish a century later
It’s stellar to take the same path!
Great blessings, victories, good luck to you,
Careers as bright as a comet
And exciting tasks,
Good luck and sunshine!
No wonder nature gave you
Such creative power
Life seems to be never enough for you,
And you grow effortlessly
To great achievements and dreams,
Happy meetings and achievements!
You are the best boss, let us
Tell you in unison:

Today is definitely the day
When we speak directly:
Lead any business
And you will save from any pit,
Always lead wisely
Always immersed in worries
Evening, afternoon and morning are ready,
And you can even work through the night.
Please accept our admiration!
Happy Birthday to you!

Under your strict guidance
This is not the first year we have been working.
And here to congratulate you today
All the honest people gathered.

We want to say now all together
We are without deception and without flattery,
That there is no better chef in the world -
More beautiful, more elegant, cooler.

Yes, you are strict, but we know
What's in the depths of your soul
For you, we are like your children,
Although they are not kids at all.

We wish you on your birthday
Love, health and luck.
In work - success and good luck.
And all wishes come true
As soon as possible, no less!

Happy birthday, director.
Let's shout loudly, without any pretense.
We communicate like brothers -
Let's fill it up!
We drink to your sincerity,
For honest leadership,
We respect you
You respond in kind!
We wish you
Another career takeoff,
So that joy overflows -
And to the Canary Islands, on a plane!

The coolest toasts and wishes to the director

There is a lot of responsibility on your shoulders
And you have a very business sense.
You negotiate skillfully
And you will select new employees with high quality.
We are proud of you, dear director.
And your birthday will be endless.
We raise a glass to your health,
Director, we respect you with the whole team!

You are the most important person in the team,
Live without getting sick for a whole century.
May you achieve everything you dream of
And let your plans always come true.
We'll drink a glass to your prosperity,
So that everything goes well with you.
We have a great desire.
Happy anniversary, happy birthday!

It's our boss's birthday,
Everyone is in a great mood!
I’ll tell you a wonderful toast about the boss,
May profit and happiness always come to you,
This is why everyone drinks vodka now!

The responsible employee speaks:
- We are often asked: are there many bureaucrats in Russian institutions? We answer: at most forty percent. For comparison, I will say that in England or Germany there are 70-80%. It is clear that the rest is made up of... bureaucrats!
I propose to drink to the poor downtrodden Russian bureaucrats!

A wise man remarked: “If people pay debts as willingly as they borrow, this is a sure sign that they have become better people.”
Gentlemen! In connection with the above, my toast is not difficult to predict. For people to strive for excellence! They kept getting “better” and “better”!

One friend complains to another:
- Can you imagine? I sent a telegram to my wife that I would come home on the tenth. I arrive on the tenth and... find her in bed with a man! Here's a prostitute!
“You shouldn’t think badly of your wife,” says a friend. - Perhaps she... just didn’t receive your telegram!
Let's drink to postal workers! Sometimes the fate of the family depends on them!

On your birthday, congratulations from us - this is the time.
We send kind words - that's two.
Being ahead all the time is three.
Living with everyone in friendship, in peace, seems to be four.
Never be discouraged - that's five.
Multiplying everything you have is six.
Being attentive to everyone is seven.
Always being at a normal weight is eight, nine, ten.
Well, and in addition to this -
Happiness, joy, good luck!

Congratulating you on your bright anniversary,
Let's read the beautiful sonnet by heart.
Let your life shine with joy,
And may there be a lot of happiness in life.
Let joy bloom like a rose
Let love not fade away in the gardens of the soul.
Tears come from laughter, not from sadness
Let them sparkle with dew again and again.
We wish you years multiplied by two hundred.
With luck to live under the roof of one.
Sing songs of discoveries and accomplishments
And be happy with your wife.
We wish you happy changes,
May the businessman be cheerful in life!

Please accept congratulations from your colleagues,
We wish you a healthy, long life!
We wish your salary to increase!
And may the family live happily!
What more could you want for things to work out?
And don’t get tired of work!

The girl asked the sailor:
- Is it true that the sea is very beautiful?
- Did not see. I'm a submariner.
Let's drink so that the beautiful does not pass us by, no matter how busy we are!

One grandmother complained to the doctor:
- Doctor! My hearing is so bad that even when I cough, I can’t hear the cough itself!
The doctor prescribed medicine and told me how to take it.
- Will I hear better now? - she asks.
- Now you will... cough louder!
I propose to drink to the doctors! Many of them are such virtuosos that they can teach you to cough louder!

He and she. He reads aloud:
- Hands slowly move from the chest to the shoulders, then slide down the spine along the back to the hips, smoothly moving to the stomach.
- Honey, what is this, the Kama Sutra?
- No, instructions for customs inspection.
Let's drink to professionalism!

Toasts for a feast to the male director in your own words

Whatever one may say, a satisfied boss is not only the key to the success of the entire team, but also to the good mood of each employee. On the birthday of our dear _Name_, I want to drink to his constant positive mood. And we will try to disperse all the clouds in the sky that suddenly decide to appear. Happy birthday!

There are not many events at work that allow us to raise our glasses in unison, without a twinge of conscience or condemnation from management. So let's drink to the health and good mood of the hero of the occasion, who so wonderfully decorates our working days with his birthday. For your prosperity, _Name_.

It’s hard for a boss to want material things; he probably has everything he wants. Wish you love, happiness? Not professional. I wish you health, because this is something that money cannot buy, good luck, because this is something that is hard to keep. And the existing professionalism and intuition will help you conquer the planned peaks.

Just as climbers do not stop at the heights they have achieved and strive to conquer more and more new peaks, our director has come a long way up the career ladder. On his difficult path, he constantly faced insurmountable obstacles: corruption, envy and deception, but at the end of his long ascent an inevitable reward awaited him - a personal account and a delightful bonus, a stunning secretary with a cup of steaming coffee! I sincerely congratulate our strong-willed director on his personal holiday, happy birthday!

Every director must have a reliable rear. Just as Suvorov or Ushakov once commanded a devoted army from the headquarters, so the director must, from his comfortable office, develop an important strategy for victories over competitors and anonymous people, and a close-knit team, having invested soul and inspiration in the common cause, will always support and complete any task respected boss. Because together we are strong! Today is our director’s birthday, and on behalf of the entire large, friendly family, which I hope we are for him, I wish that his treasury will not be empty forever, and that all financial transactions will only increase it! Happy holiday!

It seems to a blind man that he is not seen, to a deaf man it seems that he is not heard, to an egoist it seems that no one loves him.
For our wonderful director! He is in our ears, in our sight and in our hearts!

On trial:
- How did you manage to rob seven stores in one week?
- If only we all worked like this, otherwise everyone shouts “Crisis!”
So let's drink to those dodgers who don't care about the crisis!

The Russian merchants had a tradition of generous patronage of the arts. We lived according to the principle: “God gave it - give it back to God.” So let's drink to the revival of this noble tradition, and also to the glory of the Russian merchants!

La Rochefoucauld said: “Everyone complains about his memory, but no one complains about his reason.”
So let's drink to you and I in general

At the court hearing, a witness is being questioned.
- Tell me, witness, how did you guess that it was the thieves who were taking the goods out of the store?
- Yes, at first I thought they were just movers. And then I looked closer and understood everything. They worked too fast!
Let's drink to us, true masters of our craft!

They say. What memory is for limited minds is capital without turnover.
So let’s drink to ensure that our capital not only is constantly in circulation, but also provides a high guaranteed profit!

An actor who had worked for more than twenty years came to the theater director.
- I have been working in the theater for a long time and would like to ask you to improve my financial situation.
“Okay,” the director agrees, “you will play all the roles in which you have to eat on stage.”
Let's drink to ensure that our financial situation is at the proper level!

A new, newly built house is being commissioned. The foreman enters one entrance, his colleague enters the next one. Check soundproofness. And the first one begins to shout loudly to the second one:
- Petrovich, can you hear me? Petrovich!!!
The second foreman calmly answers:
- Semenych, don’t yell, I see you!
So let's drink to our clever builders and far-sighted foremen!

Toasts to the director

Cicero said that “memory becomes dull from inaction.”
So let's drink to our memory, which simply has no time to be stupid!

Toast to the boss on his birthday

Here, Marya Ivanovna, I worked and worked, but I have to leave.
- Why?
- I don’t think we will work well with the new director. Here are the two previous ones - there were people. One respected hunting. The other fisherman was a noble one. Even hockey doesn't care about that. I don’t know how to approach him...
- Have you tried to get busy?
Let's drink to enlightened and democratic leaders!

Toast to the boss

The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said: “We are people, born to help each other, as a hand helps an arm, a leg helps a leg, and the upper jaw helps the lower.”
I propose a toast to our mutual assistance, to our friendship!

Toasts for leaders

A sanitary doctor came to one enterprise. He was shocked by the abundance of flies in the workshops.
- Mr. Director, couldn't you at least buy adhesive tape?
- In this case, I would go broke.
- But why?
- Flies are the only thing that prevents my workers from sleeping at work.
So let's drink to non-standard solutions!

Birthday toast for boss

Toasts to the boss

In a restaurant at the station.
- Waiter! I haven't been able to chew a piece of this steak for 10 minutes!
- Don’t worry, they just announced: your train is three hours late.
For catering workers!

Toast to the boss

Some people work but don’t earn money, others earn money but don’t work.
So let's drink to the golden mean!

Toasts to the director

I do the hardest work before breakfast.
- What kind of work is this that can be done on an empty stomach?
- I get out of bed.
Let's drink to our official duties!

Toast bussu

Father ended up on the plane. As soon as we took off, he calls the flight attendant:
- Girl, at what altitude are we flying?
- Five hundred meters.
- Then bring me fifty grams of cognac, please.
The flight attendant brings it. After a while he calls her again:

- Three thousand meters.
- Please, bring me fifty grams of cognac.
And the flight attendant brings it. Some time passes.
- Girl, excuse me, at what altitude are we flying?
- Five thousand meters.
- Fifty grams of cognac, please.
Half an hour later, the flight attendant, walking through the cabin, turns to the priest herself:
- Shall I bring you another drink?
- At what altitude are we flying?
- Ten thousand meters.
“No, no, I can’t,” says the priest, pointing his finger up, “the boss is close.”
And our boss, thank God, is far away (on a business trip, on vacation, etc.). Therefore, we can drink calmly.

Birthday toast for boss

As ancient legends say, a Roman general had a daughter named Tarpeia. During the war with the Sabine king, this commander was entrusted with defending a fortress on a Caspian hill. However, the Sabine king managed to bribe Tarpeia. He promised to give her what the Sabine wars wore on their arms, i.e. Golden bracelets. At night, Tarpeia opened the gates to the enemies, but, fulfilling the promise, the Sabine warriors threw shields at her, which they also wore on their arms. Subsequently, the Romans threw Tarpeia from a cliff for betrayal.
Friends! The moral of this legend is: firstly, never betray your loved ones and partners; secondly, when concluding a deal, clearly formulate mutual obligations. Let's drink to that!

Toast to the boss on his birthday

A young man broke his arms in a car accident. However, he got to good doctors and the treatment is going well.
- Doctor, when my bandages are removed, will I be able to play the piano? - he asks.
- Of course you can!
- This is cool! - the patient rejoices. - Doctor, you are a magician! After all, I never played the piano before!
Let's drink to the doctors who can work miracles!

Toast to the boss on his birthday

Heine said: “What is music? It forms the middle between thought and phenomenon and constitutes an airy transitional stage from spirit to matter. It is akin to both of them and, however, different from both. It is spirit, which needs a measure of time; it is matter, but matter , which does not need space."
For the hero of the occasion, a real musician!