What surprises"Сибирская Масленица"? Сибирская масленица: фестиваль Конкурсы "Сибирской масленицы"!}

About the fact that there is a holiday SIBERIAN MASLENITSA in our region, we found out this year, a month before the event. We decided to take part in the competition for the best Maslenitsa scarecrow and definitely go!!!
The holiday took place in the village. Novotyryshkino is February 17, but the date changes annually, because... depends on the beginning of Lent and Easter, but always falls within the period from February to mid-March.
We got there on our own, but there are also specially organized buses from Belokurikha and to the celebration site, cost 50.00 per adult, 25.00 for children. Many more travel agencies organize delivery from other cities to the destination.
The bus schedule, program of events, organizers, proposed competitions, prizes, archive can be found on the Siberian Maslenitsa website.

I’ll say right away that BEFORE arriving at the site, I did not even imagine the full scale of the event.

Lovely large area; During our stay, we didn’t even go through everything that was prepared for the guests. We didn’t take children - we were afraid of the cool weather, but there are several cafes and 2 huge warm playpens, i.e. there is no question of where to warm up.

Enter the main gate through a metal detector.

At the entrance, new arrivals were greeted with hot tea and pancakes, and program brochures were distributed.

Russian beauties at the main gate.

In total I counted about 50 stuffed animals.

There is also an exhibition-museum!

You could leave an autograph, a wish, or a review on an improvised pancake package!

Many mummers in beautiful, bright, very attractive costumes!

A living hot stove that moved around the territory itself, you could ride on it, the kids rode with pleasure!

Next there was a long string of shopping arcades, with sturgeon, halva, dried meat, knitted socks, mittens, scarves, honey, tinctures and other foodstuffs, many of which also featured tastings of dried meat or fish, sweets, and barbecues were fried in long rows of barbecues!

Closer to the main stage, a platform for folk games was set up: running in sacks, stilts, spillikins, throwing felt boots, shovels, logs at a distance, etc.
For participation and victory, players were awarded pancake rubles, which could be exchanged for valuable prizes:
6 pancake-rubles - a can of condensed milk, 1 pancake-ruble - a magnet with the event logo, 3 pancake-rubles - aroma oils, you could also take oil, bath caps, rulers, car flavors, flour, noodles...

A shop for exchanging pancake rubles for prizes!

This is such an unusual carousel for children that worked!

Dance groups performed on stage, sang songs, and danced in a circle with the audience.
There were also competitions “my pedigree”, “best rug”, “best birdhouse” and “best sled”!

The prizes in all competitions are very substantial. For example, for 1st place in the “My Pedigree” competition - 50,000, 2nd place - 30,000, 3rd place - 15,000, in the Maslenitsa scarecrow competition the same prizes, plus the ten best participants - valuable gifts, in the competition of rugs and birdhouses - 1st place 15,000 and below, but there are already 5 cash prizes. those. for the 5 best places.
I won’t write about all the competitions. because I didn’t listen to everything, there was a summing up at different times - I’ll tell you about the competition in which I participated:

Maslenitsa 1st place - costs in the middle (50,000 rubles).

Maslenitsa 2nd place - left, in a kokoshnik (30,000).

Maslenitsa 3rd place - from twigs (15,000).

My work took only 6th place, received a package with a T-shirt, a mug, condensed milk, a bath cap, and also a certificate for bowling at the Rossiya sanatorium in Belokurikha.

Photos of the works "Best Birdhouse"! About 15 works, maybe less.

Photos of the works "Best rug"! I counted about 60 works.

We didn’t even get to the sled competition exhibition; it was behind the hill, on the other side of the lake.
The program also included an equestrian festival at the hippodrome, a ceremonial departure of three heroes, Russian greyhound races (they tie a fox or a hare to a long rope and gallop with them at full speed on a horse, then release the dogs after them), horseback riding, dog sledding, snowmobiling, competitions for harmonists and ditties.

In the evening - burning of Maslenitsa effigies on a large bonfire.

We arrived in the morning, at 10:00, we parked fine, but I won’t say it was close; when we left, I was amazed at the number of people who arrived; There were cars, off the top of my head - 4 sports stadiums, and the cars were parked right on the highway to enter. The police did not allow entry, or somehow tried to organize parking for visitors.

That is, definitely, in order to fully enjoy the games, competitions and everything else, you need to arrive early, because then there was a line to participate in the competitions, although in the morning, when we arrived, they even invited us to play, we could freely take pictures with various life-size dolls, large sculptures-toys.

Overall, it’s a wonderful holiday, very bright, large-scale, I haven’t remembered a single city holiday in Barnaul so much and left so many positive impressions, I advise everyone to go, we ourselves are planning to go again next year!!!

Siberia is famous for its frosts! But even greater fame goes to the bright spring holiday - Maslenitsa, which is celebrated on a special scale in Siberia. Maslenitsa is perhaps one of the most beloved holidays by the people - it marks the end of winter and the arrival of spring. Pancake Week, Gluttonous Week, Kissing Week, Thrush - all these are different names for Maslenitsa. This is an ancient Slavic holiday with numerous customs, which has survived through the centuries to the present day.

Folk Maslenitsa, which opens cheese week, is a cheerful farewell to winter, illuminated by the joyful anticipation of imminent warmth and spring renewal of nature.

Even pancakes, an indispensable attribute of Maslenitsa, had a ritual meaning: round, rosy, hot, they were a symbol of the sun, which was burning brighter, lengthening the days. Perhaps pancakes were also part of the memorial rite, since the Saturday before Maslenitsa was revered as “parents' day” - the Slavs worshiped the souls of their departed ancestors.

Centuries passed, life changed, with the adoption of Christianity in Rus' new church holidays appeared, but the broad Maslenitsa continued to live. She was greeted and seen off with the same uncontrollable daring as in pagan times.

Maslenitsa was one of the Siberians' favorite holidays. This holiday did not fit into such a humble framework assigned to it by the church. His rituals, consisting of revelry, reckless fun, gluttony, and daring, crossed out all the rules of the church. The holiday came to Siberia about four centuries ago, with the first settlers from Russia. Siberia, not being a fanatical believer, nevertheless celebrated all Orthodox religious holidays. We walked around quietly: we started with baking pancakes, visiting, singing songs, and serving tea. And outside the gates, on the street, there was a carnival, the central event of which was “Madame Maslenitsa”.

They did Maslenitsa like this - they harnessed horses to sleighs or firewood, which were lined all around with bridles and thin matting. Musicians sat in the sleigh, standing on their feet and consoling the audience, playing violins, balalaikas, harmonies and tambourines.

A long log was “fixed” in the middle of the sleigh, a cart wheel was placed on it, and “Lady Maslenitsa” herself was placed on the wheel - a person dressed in the most ridiculous clothes, stained with soot. The festive “train” traveled around the yards, receiving money and wine from the owners as a reward. The burning of the effigy of Winter was also fun. And on the last, “forgiven” day of Maslenitsa, there was fun, skiing from the mountains and the capture of a snow fortress.

For each day of Maslenitsa there were certain rituals: The Maslenitsa holiday begins on Monday, which is called "meeting". On this day they celebrate Maslenitsa, dress up a stuffed doll, and build snowy mountains. Tuesday- “flirts.” They build snow and ice fortresses, buffoons sing their ditties. Wednesday- “gourmet”. On this day, sons-in-law come to their mothers-in-law for pancakes. This custom was especially observed in relation to young, recently married people. This is probably where the expression “to your mother-in-law for pancakes” came from. Thursday- “revelry”, the most fun day. The most crowded sleigh rides took place on this day. They carry a stuffed animal on a wheel, ride around, sing songs, and start caroling. Friday- "mother-in-law's evening." Now the son-in-law invites his mother-in-law to his house and treats her to pancakes. Saturday- “sister-in-law’s get-togethers.” The daughter-in-law gives gifts to her sisters-in-law (husband's sisters). On this day, the effigy of Maslenitsa is burned and they finally say goodbye to winter. The ashes are scattered across the field to ensure a good harvest. Sunday-the last day of Maslenitsa - “forgiveness Sunday”, “forgiveness day” or “farewell”. On this day, everyone visited relatives, friends and acquaintances, exchanged kisses, bows and asked each other for forgiveness if they offended them with words or actions. The party ends, fires are lit on the ice slides to melt the ice and destroy the cold. They do merciful deeds.

On Baikal, the real celebration of Maslenitsa with national festivities, skating, folk competitions and fun can be seen in all its glory on the vast territory of the open-air museum “Taltsy”, where annually at the end of February this unique large-scale spectacle takes place, more reminiscent of a carnival with real mummers in ancient Russian costumes .

The Taltsy Museum is located next to the Baikal Highway, 47 km from Irkutsk and 15 km from Lake Baikal.

The scale of the nationwide Siberian festivities and fun in Taltsy amazes and draws into its circle anyone who visited this wonderful, original Russian festival during this period.

To feel the spirit of this event, mesmerizing in its scope, and to plunge into the atmosphere of folk fun in Siberia, it is worth watching these videos.

Fair, folk festivals, equestrian festival, Maslenitsa scarecrow competition “Our Maslenitsa”, fun, parade.

Maslenitsa is a Slavic holiday that says goodbye to winter and welcomes spring. Every year in the Altai Territory, at the “Sibirsky Compound”, a large festival is held - “Siberian Maslenitsa”. Folk festivals, funny competitions for children and adults. Thousands of tourists from the Altai Territory and various regions of Russia come to the holiday. In 2018 it will take place on February 17.

The celebrations at the “Siberian Compound” are truly wide-ranging – folk groups from different parts of the country come together in a Maslenitsa round dance. The rich fair delights guests with hot national treats, delicious drinks and handmade gifts. Entrance to the festival is free.


  • The Siberian Maslenitsa festival is included in the National Calendar of Events.
  • In 2016, “Siberian Maslenitsa” was given the Grand Prix of the regional stage of the competition of the National Award in the field of event tourism, Russian Event Awards, as the best tourist event popularizing folk traditions and crafts.
  • In 2017, Maslenitsa at the Siberian Compound was visited by people from the cities of the Siberian Federal District, Moscow, Kazakhstan, China, Germany and Sweden. How it happened, see ours.

Photo by Valery Stepanyuk and Olga Klein.

Event details

Altai region

Officially. Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia, 3419 km from Moscow. Territory 168,000 square km.

Informally. The Altai region is very large and diverse. The topography changes as you move through the area. He seems to be a growing bear, at first quiet and calm, then huge and majestic. This is how steppes and plains grow into foothills and mountains.

Officially. The climate is temperate continental, formed as a result of frequent changes in air masses.

Unofficially. The four seasons have many variations, and come back each year to see a different perspective. You can come in the hot summer, or you can come in the cool and rainy weather. Give me variety! - this is the main rule of Altai weather.

Summer and Altai Mountains

Officially: The Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, which are separated by deep valleys of mountain rivers and vast basins located inside the mountains.

Informally: The nature of Altai is amazing. Tourists from all over the globe rush to these places to enjoy the beautiful views of high mountains, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and deserted spaces. Immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of these places.

The settlement of the Altai Territory has begun
in the 18th century

Young Russia needed metal to produce weapons and coins. The Ural factory owner Akinfiy Demidov founded the first metallurgical plant in 1729 - Kolyvano-Voskresensky. The depths of Altai were also rich in silver. In 1744, Demidov began producing silver. The result of Akinfiy Demidov’s activities in the Altai region was the establishment of a feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of assigned peasants and artisans.

Event tourism in the Altai region

The creation and development of bright, interesting events in the business, cultural, and sports life of the Altai Territory has become the basis for the development of event tourism in the region. The region annually hosts more than a dozen festivals, forums, and holidays that can attract thousands of tourists from various regions of Russia and from abroad. These are the International Tourism Forum “VISIT ALTAI”, the festival “Blossoming of the Maralnik”, the drinks festival “Altaifest”, the Day of Russia at the “Turquoise Katun”, the festival “Shukshin Days in Altai”, the International Youth Forum of the Asia-Pacific Region, the SCO Forum, the Siberian International Forum on Health and medical tourism, the Altai Wintering holiday and many others.

Direction of work:

history, local history.


Getting to know the folk rituals and customs of Maslenitsa in our region.

Study methods:

    Study of literary sources.

    Conversation with elderly people in the village.

Introduction page 4

What is Maslenitsa page 4

Preparing for the holiday p.4

Signs of Maslenitsa page 5

Treat page 5

Maslenitsa calendar page 5

Maslenitsa in Siberia pp. 6 – 7

Conclusion page 7

Meaning of the topic p.7

Appendix 1 p.8

Literature page 9


I always listened with interest to the stories of my relatives and teachers about what they did in childhood, what they did, how they lived, how they rested, what they were interested in, how they celebrated certain holidays. It fascinated me. And I set myself a goal to gain as much knowledge as possible about the past of our grandfathers, to comprehend the phenomena of folk culture as the moral and aesthetic values ​​of the people. I started asking older people and reading literature on this issue.

What is Maslenitsa?

Maslenitsa is a pre-Christian holiday, saying goodbye to winter and welcoming Spring. Even during pagan times, Slavic tribes celebrated Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa is a favorite folk holiday, the origin of which goes back to ancient times, to the Bacchanals and Saturns of the ancient world. In Western Europe, our Maslenitsa is related to the Italian carnival. The world of fun and laughter was opening up with unprecedented force these days.

Every year it happens on different days. It occurs from the second half of February to the first days of March. This is because the beginning of Maslenitsa depends on Easter. And the time of Easter also changes from year to year. To celebrate Maslenitsa, you need to find out the date of Easter. Count back seven weeks. And on the eighth - here it is Maslenitsa!

Maslenitsa is a turning point. Farewell to winter and welcome to spring. Farewell to the old and joyful anticipation of the new in the life of nature and in the life of people.

Preparation for the holiday.

Villages and cities were transformed for Maslenitsa: ice slides, snow palaces and fortresses, swings, fist fights and open-air tables with a variety of foods and drinks.

Maslenitsa was played by the whole world: old people and adults went to visit each other, young people got into mischief at get-togethers and parties, children had fun sledding, riding troikas, and, of course, gorging themselves on pancakes. For this, it is important for everyone to be together: young and old, family and friends, living and deceased. That’s why old people are so revered at Maslenitsa. And the newlyweds are so joyfully celebrated in every home.

Signs of Maslenitsa.

There was a popular belief: if you don’t do Maslenitsa well, Veles will send you a lean summer. Pancakes are an ancient symbol. Once upon a time they were the first unleavened bread, they were baked round, like the sun. It was believed that rosy pancakes were used to attract the blessed luminary, helping it to flare up. The first pancake was placed on the window and it was thought that thanks to this sign of attention, the sun penetrates into the world of the dead, warming the departed. All nations have spring commemoration of relatives.

And only then - broad joy to the whole world: The hot sun - bonfires and burning wheels on high pillars. Burn, shine, heat up!

Housewives - good luck in your cooking. So that the pancakes dance in the pot with the dough, asking to be placed in the pans, and then into your mouth!

For children, girls and young people - a long ride from the mountains and long songs.

Boys, young men and men - great fun.

For old people - gingerbread and low petitions.


Maslenitsa is a cheese and meat week. This is because they don't eat meat. But there is plenty of cheese, sour cream, butter and, of course, pancakes. Dear guests were invited to pancakes and refreshments. The more guests, the more happy days a year. If you don’t celebrate it well, you won’t be well-fed all year.

They couldn’t find any kind of tender words when addressing Maslenitsa: “Brown braid, wild, wide, cheerful, honest...”

Maslenitsa calendar.

As you know, “Maslenitsa lasts for seven days.” It starts on Monday. Each day of the holiday has its own meaning:

Monday - meeting

Tuesday - flirting

Wednesday is a delicacy,

Thursday - revelry, wide Thursday,

Friday - mother-in-law's evening,

Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers,

Sunday is a day of forgiveness, day of worship,

farewell to Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa in Siberia.

This is how the days of Maslenitsa of the peoples of Siberia passed.

On the first day of Maslenitsa, people celebrate an honest meeting

Maslenitsa, wide noblewoman. Children have been building snow mountains since the morning. They dress up a stuffed Maslenitsa, put it on a sled and lament at the meeting: “Maslenitsa has arrived!” - brought to the mountain. By the first day of Maslenitsa, public mountains, swings, ice pillars, and tables with sweet dishes are set up.

In the old days, not going to the mountains, not participating in games, not tasting pancakes meant living in bitter misfortune. Already on Monday, rich people began to bake pancakes, and poor people from Friday.

Girls and guys are invited to play on the mountains, ride on the mountains, eat pancakes. Here the fellows were looking for brides.

On Wednesday, young people gathered in the evening in some house, where they danced and sang, and during breaks they rode down the ice slides. Sedate people visited each other.

On Wide Thursday, Maslenitsa revelry begins: horse riding in the streets, games were held, songs were sung. In Siberia, on this day people, a bear and a girl dressed up for Maslenitsa sat in a sleigh or took a stuffed animal and rode around singing.

In 2009, we also rode through the streets of our village on horses dressed up for Maslenitsa.

And in 2008, the main action of the day was the capture of a snowy town. They built a town and divided into two teams. One team attacked, and the second defended.

On mother-in-law's evenings, sons-in-law treat their mothers-in-law to pancakes. The mother-in-law and her relatives were invited to dinner with honors.

The young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her sister-in-law's gatherings. Let us remember that the sister-in-law is the husband’s sister. The daughter-in-law should give gifts to her sisters-in-law.

On the day of forgiveness, they cheerfully said goodbye to Maslenitsa, arranging a funny “funeral” for Maslenitsa, and Maslenitsa died with joy, symbolizing the death of winter and the birth of the New Year. In addition, on this day, the ancient ritual of asking for all the grievances accumulated over the year was performed: “Please forgive me if I am guilty of you.” Then they kissed and bowed deeply. In the family, people approached the eldest first to ask for forgiveness.

At the end of the Maslenitsa week, people were taken out of the village with songs. Here Maslenitsa - the overthrown idol - is no longer magnified, but is called disrespectfully “a deceiver”, “a polyzuha”. Maslenitsa was either burned or torn into pieces; In some areas, the ashes and parts of the scarecrow were scattered and scattered across the field, which, in the opinion of the peasants, was supposed to contribute to a rich harvest.

Maslenitsa was considered a transitional winter - spring holiday. The first spring holiday - welcoming spring - falls in March. These days, in the villages, bird figures were baked from dough and distributed to children. Children climbed onto the roof, fence, trees and threw them, shouting stonefly songs as they did so. People believed that the birds made of dough would cause the arrival of real birds, that there would be a friendly spring, a summer of bread. The songs asked for health: “the first is cow’s, the second is sheep’s, the third is human’s.” The peasant did not put his own health first, but the health of the livestock, on which the well-being of the family depended.


The Maslenitsa holiday with all its structure, attributes, plots of ritual songs, symbolism of customs, as if helps the sun, which has turned to summer, to prevail over Winter - a period of cold, darkness and temporary death of nature.

Forgotten holidays, inextricably linked with Russian history, culture, and folk customs, are coming back into our lives.

The meaning of the topic.

Despite the fact that ancient holidays are not celebrated so often now, we should not forget them, remember the traditions of our grandfathers. Holidays instill in us a sense of beauty, love and respect for elders, for history. Without the past there is no future. We, the younger generation, are being brought up in the best traditions of our ancestors.

Annex 1


"Spring is red"

1. Spring is red, Minya’s mother brought it.

What did you come with? On the perches,

On twigs, on grooves,

On clamps, on a thin one,

I didn’t come myself, for the dried food.


2.Zhavorata, zhavorata,

Don't peck my legs!

You are sitting on the arc!

Sing in the meadow!

3. Wide Maslenitsa,

We boast about you

We ride on the mountains,

We gorge ourselves on pancakes.


4.Spring is red,

What did you come with?

On the plow, harrow,

On a crooked spit.

On the plow, on the harrow.


1.L.A. Kuchegura, V.A. Krivtsov “Folk culture in elementary school.”

Omsk - 1999.

2.A.N. Konshunov “Traditions, rituals, songs in the life of the Russian people of Western Siberia.” Omsk 1999.

3.M.Yu. Novitskaya “Introduction to Ethnic Studies”, “Native Land” Bustard

Moscow - 2002.

4.M.Yu. Novitskaya “Introduction to Ethnic Studies”, “Native Land” Bustard

Moscow - 1997.

5. A.F. Nekrylova “All Year Round” - M: Pravda, 1997

6. V.M. Petrov, G.N. Grishina, L.D. Korotkov “Winter holidays,

games and fun for children." Moscow - 1999.

Walk, people! After all, this week we have four days off at once - from February 23 to 26! And in addition to them there are two big holidays - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the big festival "Siberian Maslenitsa", which we will talk about in detail today.

The Siberian Maslenitsa festival will take place on February 25 in the village of Novotyryshkino. Guests can expect pancakes prepared according to a variety of recipes, burning of effigies, mummers with fun games, competitions and prizes, a traditional Maslenitsa pillar, where brave conquerors will fight for valuable gifts.

The main idea of ​​the festival is to create a fairy tale and the feeling that after passing through the main gate, a person finds himself in a holiday from childhood, - said Olga Babaeva, main director.

According to the organizers, one of the central events of the festival will be the interregional equestrian festival "Siberian Maslenitsa": the hippodrome will host races of the legendary Russian troikas and Oryol trotters, as well as a unique greyhound race from the "Tsar's Dog Hunt".

By the way, this year “Siberian Maslenitsa” will be held for the tenth time! Therefore, the holiday is being prepared on a special scale; the organizers plan to gather 45 thousand guests (last year there were 35 thousand)! The owner of the Siberian Compound site spent 30 million on new facilities. Well, is it possible to miss such an event?

Do not miss!

"Siberian Maslenitsa" program

11.00 - the fair will begin its work - with pancakes, Altai products, souvenirs and various wonders. By the way, as they write in the blog “About the Belokurikha Resort”, “Okhotny Ryad” will appear at the fair for the first time this year - trade in game and traditional hunting dishes. There will also be entertainment for guests and a lottery draw.

11.30 - Solemn meeting of guests “Our Russian pancakes are of unprecedented width!” Folk festivals, games, tasting of pancakes and honey. Maslenitsa photo zones will be installed throughout the entire territory of the Podvorye. Also during the opening it will be possible to receive a prize by taking part in the quest “Gold of Altai”.

12.00 - “On Buyan Island” - the opening of a children’s town will take place near the zoo.

12.15 - “Fair fun”: round dances, fun with the participation of the Yarmanka ensemble and the Petrushki theater, songs to the accordion and other fun and entertainment.

12.30 - Maslenitsa Parade - procession of mummers from the Main Gate to the Main Stage. Everyone is invited with flags, in costumes, and in a good mood!

13.00 - Concert "10 years of Siberian Maslenitsa" with the participation of the group "Otava Yo" (St. Petersburg) and the group "Dunya" (Minusinsk).

13.30 - Awarding ceremony for the winners of the “My Pedigree” competition “My Pedigree” (main stage).

13.00-18.00 - riding on the Russian Oven throughout the holiday area. This fun is one of the most popular among children.

14.10 - Round dances with giant Ritual Dolls. Meeting of Winter and Spring. Honoring the winners of the Maslenitsa scarecrow competition.

14.15 - Procession to the hippodrome. The ceremonial departure of the three heroes.

14.30 - Beginning of the equestrian festival "Oh, you horses, my horses!" (hippodrome). Arrival of Russian Troikas.

15.00 - Dog hunting parade (hippodrome). The program includes races of Russian greyhounds.

15.00 - 17.00 - “Maslenitsa Tale”: theatrical play program for children and adults. Performance by creative groups.

15.15 - Cossack circle. Traditional Cossack fun at the fairgrounds.

15.30 - “Heroic Strength” competition. Weightlifting competition near the Maslenitsa pillar.

15.45 - “Maslenitsa” competition. Registration of participants will begin at 9 am and end at 15.30.

16.00 - Awarding ceremony for the winners of the “Best Birdhouse” and “Country Doormat” competitions.

16.50 - Big surprise from the organizers of Siberian Maslenitsa.

17.00 - Concert "Farewell, Maslenitsa" with the participation of the group "Ivan Kupala" (Moscow).

17.40 - Festive burning of Maslenitsa. A big Maslenitsa round dance around the fire, tug of war, riding Russian troikas around the hippodrome.

And at this time

Competitions "Siberian Maslenitsa"

The festival is not only an excellent occasion to relax on a truly Russian scale, but also an excellent opportunity to express yourself. Thus, as part of the Siberian Maslenitsa celebration, several exciting competitions will be held, the winners of which will receive good prizes!

Maslenitsa scarecrow competition "Our Maslenitsa". The main criteria are that the height of the scarecrow is at least 1.5 meters. The stuffed animal should be cheerful and positive, made from natural materials that can easily burn at the stake. All participants must install their creations on a special site on February 25 before 11 a.m. Prizes: 1st place - 50 thousand rubles, 2nd place - 25 thousand rubles, 3rd place - 15 thousand rubles.