Medical Worker's Day is a cool holiday. Scenario of the holiday program dedicated to Medical Worker's Day. Phonogram: "drum entre", "rhythm"

This page of our website presents funny skits on a medical topic that will enliven any concert for workers of medical institutions. Such miniatures can also be staged at student celebrations, included in the program of skit parties, as well as corporate events for Doctor’s Day, which in 2019 is celebrated on June 16, the third Sunday of the month.

Funny scenes for Doctor's Day

Many comic skits about doctors are dedicated to the relationship between doctors and patients.

There is an appointment with a psychiatrist. The doctor asks the patient:
- What worries you?
- Doctor, crocodiles are coughing behind the wall in my apartment at night!
- Well, my friend, this is not for me, but for the veterinarian. Next!

Another scene also involves a psychiatrist and a patient.
- Doctor, a monster comes to me every night!
- And you send him somewhere.
The psychiatrist returns home and goes to bed in the evening. At night a monster crawls out from behind his bed:
- Sorry, doctor, but I was sent to you.

The patient complains to the psychiatrist:
– I have a split personality. It seems to me that I am not me, but two of us.
- I don’t understand anything. Repeat one more time. Just do me a favor, don’t speak both at once and don’t interrupt each other.

In another funny skit about doctors, a doctor prescribed medicine to a patient, who asks:
- Please write me a certificate stating that I am an idiot.
– Why is this still necessary?
– It seems to me that pharmacies should not give out drops for a runny nose for 8 thousand without such a certificate.

Another miniature takes place in the cabin of an airplane. The passenger becomes ill and loses consciousness.
– Is there a doctor on the plane? Urgently need help!
Nobody responds. Finally, one of the passengers approaches the flight attendant and says, embarrassed:
- I'm a doctor, but I'm a dentist.
- Examine the patient anyway.
He examines the body for a long time without signs of life.
The flight attendant asks:
- Doctor, what’s wrong with him?
- Well, what can I say definitely? Two caries and one pulpitis.

Another fun medical skit takes place in a doctor's office.
A man comes to see a doctor with a nail in his head (the artist puts on a cap with a nail sticking out of it).
- What, the nail needs to be pulled out?
- Well, yes…
- You have 10 thousand rubles.
- But I have a policy!
“According to the policy, we can only bend it for you so that it doesn’t interfere.”

The doctor indignantly says to the patient:
-You look pretty bad! I told you: only 10 cigarettes a day!
– I remember your words well, doctor. But you must admit, for a person who has never smoked, this is not so little!

At an ENT appointment, the doctor tells the patient:
“It seems to me that you are coughing easier today.”
- Yes, doctor, I practiced all night.

The patient informs the doctor.
– Doctor, I snore so much at night that I wake up from my own snoring. What will you advice me?
- Sleep in another room.

Another skit that can be staged on Doctor’s Day takes place in the office of an allergist.
The doctor hands the patient a box of screws:
“Okay, patient, let’s swallow the screws!”
- Oh... Ay...
- What, does it hurt?
- Yeahhhh...
- All clear! You are allergic to screws!

There is an appointment in the surgeon's office. The doctor asks the patient:
- What worries you?
– You know, doctor, I have a deviated septum in my nose.
- Everything is clear, it’s a common thing.
He goes to the closet and opens the doors. There is a set of various shoes from slippers to tarpaulin boots. The doctor selects a suitable pair and begins to put it on.
Patient (scared):
- Doctor, are you sure this will help?
- Sure. Although, let me look at your partition. (Carefully examines the patient’s nose.) It turns out that it is bent to the right side. Then you will have to wait for Ivan Ivanovich. He's left-handed. Otherwise I might miss with my left foot and hit you in the ear.

In the following joke about doctors, a bald man comes to the doctor and asks:
– Can you prescribe me a hair restoration product?
– Take this bottle – it’s the most effective remedy!
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely! Do you see that man with the mustache in the queue?
- Yes…
- So, this is my wife! Her mustache grew after she tried to open this bottle with her teeth.

The dentist addresses the patient:
“As soon as I start drilling your tooth, please scream louder.”
- For what?!
“You saw that there was a whole crowd of patients sitting in the waiting room.” And after twenty
minutes the football championship begins.

An old woman comes to the doctor.
-What are you complaining about? What's troubling? What hurts?
- Oh, my dear, my legs can’t walk, my arms ache, my back can’t straighten, my head is pounding.
- Well, let’s just write it down: “The whole grandmother’s injury.”

A patient comes to the doctor:
- Hello, free doctor.
– Hello, terminally ill patient.

The participants in the following funny skits on a medical topic are a doctor and a blonde.
A blonde woman at a doctor's appointment asks:
- Doctor, help! I was bitten by a bumblebee!
– Don’t worry, we’ll apply ointment now.
- But how will you catch him? The bumblebee has already flown far away!
- No, I’ll smear the place where he bit you.
- A-a-a, I see. So it was in the park on a bench, under a tree.
Doctor, rolling his eyes:
- No, I’ll smear the part of your body where the bumblebee bit you, and everything will go away.
- That's what they would say, doctor! The bumblebee bit my finger.
- Which one?
- How do I know? To me, all bumblebees are the same.

The blonde asks the professor:
– Tell me, what exercises are good for losing weight?
– I recommend that you turn your head from right to left and from left to right.
- Yes? And how often?
- Every time they treat you to something!

Another cool scene for Doctor's Day takes place in a clinic.
There was a huge queue to see the doctor. A disabled person rides into the office in a chair.
– One day God decided to restore order in Russian medicine. He descended to earth under the guise of a doctor in a clinic.
God puts his hand on the shoulder of the disabled person and says:
- Get up and go!
He gets up and leaves.
There's a line of people in the corridor asking:
- How's the new doctor doing?
- Yes, like everyone else. I didn't even measure my blood pressure.

And in this sketch about doctors there is a conversation on the phone.
A patient wants to make an appointment with a doctor.
- Hello, clinic? Can I take a voucher to see the doctor?
Registration employee:
– You can, but we have a waiting list for this specialist a month in advance.
- Fantastic! And how do all these people know what they will be sick with in a month?

Doctor's Day is a special holiday, which is usually celebrated in the summer on the third Sunday of June. The warm season provides an opportunity to celebrate outdoors. A picnic in nature with the whole team will be the most enjoyable time on this day, and various games and competitions will add a little excitement and intrigue. Below are very interesting and exciting options for competitions for doctors, with the help of which the most entertaining program is formed. Medical gloves and gowns are an important attribute everywhere. Participation in games and competitions will bring a lot of positive emotions, as well as some competitive experience.

>Competition “Guess the specialty”

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance the name of the medical specialty on separate cards. For example: dentist, surgeon, gynecologist and others. Next, one leader from the entire team comes out and draws a card at random. His further task is that he needs to use gestures and facial expressions to depict the specialty indicated on the card. The presenter will be replaced by the one who can first guess the medical profession.

Competition "First Aid"

A very fun competition in which volunteers take part in pairs. For the competition, you should prepare bulky mittens and toilet paper. One member of the pair needs to tie his hands, and the other puts on mittens and begins to wrap toilet paper around his feet. The winners will be those who can complete this procedure faster and more accurately.

Competition "Dress the Doctor"

Participants take part in the competition in pairs, where one is a doctor and the other is his assistant. Each doctor in the pair should stand up straight, and in the meantime, the assistant should put his shirt on back to front and quickly fasten all the buttons. Those who quickly cope with the task will win this competition. Watching the assistant try to fasten the buttons very quickly will cause a lot of laughter from the audience, because, as it should be, this procedure is very difficult to speed up.

Competition "Guess the medicine"

The goal of the competition is very simple. On the cards you need to indicate the name of medications for various diseases. One person is selected from the group and, without looking, draws a card. Next, he needs to use gestures and facial expressions to depict the disease that the specified drug will help with. The one who can guess first will become a replacement for the presenter.

Competition "Guess the melody"

To conduct this competition, you must prepare several melodies on medical topics in advance. A short excerpt from a song is included, which the group must guess. The participant who guessed the melody first gets one point. The winner will be the one who scores the most points. This show jumping is no less interesting when the diagnosis is traced in the selected composition. Today there are many such new products. Accordingly, the participants will then not guess the name of the melody, but will have to determine the diagnosis in question.

Game "Lord of the Pipette"

Several people can take part in this game. Each player is given two glasses: one full and the other empty. The main attribute of the game is a pipette, with which the participant must transfer all the water from a full glass to an empty one. The winner will be the one who can complete the task the fastest. It will be much more fun if you play the game with music. As a prize, you can prepare a badge with the inscription “Lord of the Pipette.”

Game "Diagnosis"

One of the most exciting games is the Diagnosis game. Almost the entire team or only everyone can take part in it. They need to stand in one circle and take turns pronouncing the names of the diseases. However, not everything is so simple; they should be named strictly in alphabetical order. There is no need to think for a long time or give each other hints; you can simply come up with a new diagnosis. If you do this quickly, it will turn out very funny and fun.

Game "Maternity ward"

This competition will require two participants. The rules of the game need to be announced only after the volunteers come out. One of the players will be a wife who recently gave birth, and the second will play the role of a beloved husband and caring father. Next, the spouse should ask his wife questions related only to the child. The wife, in turn, without uttering a word, gives the answer with gestures and facial expressions. The reason for this method of communication is the sound-proof glass. It will be very funny if the participants are two men or women.
Game "Funny Figures"
This game is indispensable without several pairs of medical gloves. Several volunteers come out to participate, and the presenter gives them a felt-tip pen and a glove. The music turns on, and the players begin to paint their attribute with a felt-tip pen. As soon as the melody stops, each participant must provide the resulting figure. The creativity of the glove directly depends on the doctor’s imagination. The winner will be determined by the audience, who will act as a jury.

Game "Procedural"

The rules of the game are very simple. To participate, those interested come out in pairs, where one will be a nurse or nurse, and the second will be an ordinary patient with gumboil on his cheek. Each doctor in a pair should have a roll of bandage or toilet paper. While the music is playing, the nurse should actively begin wrapping the patient's cheek. This should be done until the roll runs out. Whichever couple can do it faster will be the winners.

Game "Movie Mania"

The entire team of doctors needs to be divided into two teams. The task is to alternately name domestic and foreign films or TV series about doctors. For example: “Interns”, “Doctor House”, etc. The winner will be the team that is the last to remember and name the name of a film or TV series about doctors.

Game "Strong-Spirited Doctors"

It is better for only men to take part in this game. Volunteers for the competition are given one glove, which they must inflate so hard that it bursts. The winner will be the player who completes this task as quickly as possible.
Game "Surgeons"
Another exciting competition for which you will need:
two pairs of robe;
two pairs of gloves;
two pairs of medical caps;
two pairs of shoe covers.
Only couples can participate. The music turns on and one player of the pair very quickly begins to put it all on the second participant. Once all the accessories are on, the first player in the pair shouts “Scalpel!” The winners will be those who can quickly complete the task. It will be much more fun if you prepare small symbolic gifts and prizes.

Game "Test of Nerves"

Only neurologists will take part in this game. Each person is given one blank sheet of paper. Their task is not to tear this paper into several small pieces, however, this is not the catch. You need to tear the sheet at arm's length, and there should be no help from the second hand. The winner will be the one who completes the task much faster than his rivals and does everything extremely carefully.

Game "Pipette"

>Throughout this game, participants and spectators will be able to truly experience intrigue and excitement. Several people are called from the team. Then everyone is given one pipette and a beaker with an alcoholic drink or juice. The main goal is to try to empty the beaker with liquid using a pipette in a minimum of time. The contents must be drunk completely. Cheerful music is turned on, and the participants in the game begin to complete their task. It will be incredibly funny to watch players who, with all their strength and tolerance, will try to drink the contents drop by drop. The winner will be the participant who is ahead of all rivals and quickly copes with the given conditions.

"Song Competition"

At the end of this wonderful day, it is worth holding this particular competition. The entire team is divided into two teams, each of which chooses a leader. Next, he names any part of the body or organ, and his team begins to sing a song with this word. It will be very interesting and fun, especially if the presenter chooses complex names. This competition should only be done as a last resort because it can be used to have a lot of fun and enjoy tunes about your specialty.
Such an entertainment program will bring a lot of positivity and positive emotions to the entire team. With the help of exciting games and competitions, they will remember this fun day with only pleasant memories for the rest of their lives.

Scalpels, syringes, people in white coats - complete horror? But not if it’s a medical party for a corporate event, on the occasion of a colleague’s birthday, Doctor’s Day, graduation from a university or medical school. Original competitions, dark humor, charming nurses - a great theme, even when neither the occasion nor the hero of the occasion has anything to do with medical practice!


To create a themed atmosphere, a hall designed in white is ideal - the main color of a medical-themed party. But the design should be bright and colorful, because this is a holiday. Less realism and more stylization so that guests don’t feel like they’re at a doctor’s appointment.

Auxiliary shades: red + blue, green, turquoise, orange, cherry or purple (or the colors of medical suits). For a corporate event, you can choose for decoration the color that predominates in the interior of the clinic.

The surroundings, clothing and the format of the party itself vary dramatically depending on the direction of the theme. Basic:

mental hospital- decor, attributes, entertainment, costumes and everything else, coupled with the epithet “crazy”. Guests in long-sleeved shirts, crazy experimental doctors, treats in bedpans, complete chaos, chaos and anarchy.

Hospital horrors- A common theme for Halloween celebrations. It’s similar to a madhouse, but more gruesome: fake body parts are used in the decoration of the hall/dishes, there is blood everywhere, toy scalpels, surgical saws.

Movie– the atmosphere is reminiscent of a film/series, guests try on the images of the main characters. Popular: Scrubs, Interns, House Doctor, Grey's Anatomy, ER.

« Medical party"– a youth party, usually in a club/private home. Minimum decor and snacks, maximum alcohol, dancing and sexy “nurses”. Perfect for pranks and juicy competitions, suitable for a modest budget.

The most popular way to organize a themed medical party is an associative cocktail. Any attributes are appropriate here - stylish, piquant, humorous, dark (depending on the occasion, the level of the event, the morals of the company).

We offer design ideas in a medical style without reference to any conventions:

  • come up with a name for the holiday, make a poster, banner or poster to decorate the entrance: Medical party “Injection of fun”, Clinical case, Pill for boredom, Night duty, Ward No. “age of the birthday boy”;
  • place a large glass vase with shoe covers at the entrance. Just for the ambience, there is no need to torture your friends by wearing these “shoes”;

  • put up signs– Reception of tests on the toilet door, Disinfection above the sink, Dining room or Dispensing medications on the wall near the table with treats. There will be a treatment room near the bar/table with drinks, and sofas and other seating areas will be numbered rooms;

Are you organizing a birthday? Hang a stand with a photo of friends and a portrait of the birthday boy in the “Best Employee of the Year” center. In Photoshop, it’s easy to “draw” medical berets/caps on your friends.

  • bouquets from multi-colored containers from shoe covers– make a hole at the bottom with a hot nail, place the box on a skewer. All that remains is to glue the paper petals around the lids and the leaves to the skewers-stems and place them in a vase;
  • red topiaries (mini-trees) from insulin syringes – Paint the blank ball in the desired color, insert a skewer from the bottom, and often puncture the base with syringes. Foam plastic blanks are sold in craft stores (you can do it online, they cost pennies). Wrap the pot for the tree with a bandage or cover it with a bright plaster, throw cotton balls on the “ground”;

  • Any thematic attributes will be useful for a medical party– dishes, tools, cutlery, figurines. You can take something from work to a corporate event. Many children have hospital play sets, ask your friends. Or print/draw suitable pictures and glue them onto a thick base;
  • cardiogram on the wall– glue a red cord or an electric garland with red/blue light bulbs in a zigzag pattern. The cardiogram line can be depicted with acrylic on vases, the rim of white plates, and even on clothes;

  • buy balloons in the colors chosen for decoration. Decorate some in a medical style - applications made from self-adhesive film: a red cross wrapped around a bowl of snakes, syringes, syringes. If it's a corporate event, order balloons with the company logo;
  • medical gloves are a godsend for an imaginative organizer! Ideas:
    • inflated with helium, they can easily cope with the role of balloons;
    • slightly inflated and tied in a bun, they look like funny hedgehogs/suns;
    • make a palm out of plasticine, put a glove on it, form the “hand” into a thumbs up gesture, okay or Victoria (V). For compositions as independent decor on tables;
    • For the New Year, in a medical style, assemble a Christmas tree from slightly inflated gloves. The base is a cardboard cone (put it through the holes of the cuff, tie it in a knot);
    • against the background of the inscription “Welcome” there is a good-natured smiling face in a surgical cap (glue the face onto the already inflated “palm”) and two hands (plasticine inside) holding a huge enema.

Gloves come not only in white, but also in any color of the rainbow. You'll probably have to order them online - pharmacies usually sell standard blue/flesh pairs.

  • hang posters, pictures, medical style posters to decorate the walls and create the right atmosphere. Lots of ideas:
    • stills from the film, humorous comics, caricatures, demotivators;
    • information posters like in hospitals (first aid for..., body structure, symptoms of the disease);
    • ordinary x-rays, specific humor - scissors sticking out of the head, keys in the stomach) or the so-called. artistic x-ray (group portraits, with children or animals in arms, in unusual poses);
    • USSR posters about the dangers of smoking/alcohol, the importance of the medical profession.

  • All that remains is to decorate the room with garlands of thematic attributes:
    • Fill syringes without a needle with water painted with gouache, collect them on a thread, tying the pistons with it;
    • from multi-colored containers from shoe covers collected on a cord, colorful “beads” will be obtained. Translucent medicine jars can be attached to garland bulbs;
    • white triangles with a red cross and/or a serpent with a bowl;
    • gloves, hats, masks hung up to dry;
    • any attributes against the background of triangles or silhouettes (print in a mirror image, glue directly on the thread).


If you are planning a corporate event, a laconic card with the company logo will do. The text is semi-official, but friendly - still a celebration, not a challenge to the carpet. Other ideas:

  • postcard in the form of a thematic attribute or parts of the body, if the party is specialized (ophthalmologists - eye, dentists - tooth);
  • invitation in the form of a bandage package. The packaging is a stylized sealed envelope that will need to be torn. Inside is a rolled up sheet of paper with text (you can print a picture with the texture of a bandage);
  • vitamin box or container, inside card + multi-colored dragee;

  • invitation to a medical party in the form of a voucher(guests are both doctors and patients):

Dear Ivan Vasilyevich, in gratitude for your impeccable work, the management gives you a ticket to the sanatorium “ Boredom pill"! The wellness program includes life-giving infusions of the solution C2H5OH, anti-gloom diet, anti-stress entertainment and much more!


The dress code depends entirely on the format of the meeting. Even within a corporate event, options are possible: elegant outfits in a restaurant, comfortable clothes in nature, an informal costume party for staff. Let's take a closer look at the last option:

  • medical suits for a party - the image of a doctor, orderly, nurse. Clothes can be either modest or very revealing. Rent or decorate with your own hands, for example, a purchased robe: shorten, sew on thematic symbols, put on stockings with garters. Accessories - a cap or beret, a fake thermometer sticking out of a pocket, a dangling stethoscope around the neck, a mask on the face;

Draw funny faces on the masks and stenciled inscriptions on the caps. Or hand out badges at the entrance: Doctor Ryumashkin, Nalivaiko, Smeshnetsky, Tostin, Pol-literologist.

  • patients in pajamas, dressing gowns, sweatpants and other comfortable home-style clothes. One has a syringe sticking out of his buttocks (a toy one, of course), another has his head bandaged, the third generally looks like a mummy;
  • a surgeon in a blood-stained apron, a pathologist with some poor guy's hand sticking out of his pocket. Or a character costume: Hannibal Lector, Dr. Evil, Queen, Dolittle, Aibolit, Watson, Zhivago, Bormental.

To decorate the hall and for a photo shoot, huge pills, syringes, enemas, thermometers, surgical instruments, crutches (draw, cut and glue on a thick base) will be useful. Or toy attributes, if there is something suitable. On a large cardboard you can depict an ambulance, cut out the windows - you get a tantamaresque.

Menu, serving

It is often written that at a medical party the menu should be extremely healthy. But it's boring! Approach the menu as you would for any other holiday – the priorities are the tastes of the guests and the format of the event. But it’s worth thinking about the presentation in order to fit the treats into the medical style of the room’s decoration. Ideas:

  • Decorate the skirt of a snow-white tablecloth and the corners of white napkins with thematic symbols to get away from banal “surgical” sterility;

  • The dishes are one-color, the same shade that is used in the design. It is advisable that trays, serving dishes, tweezers, and other utensils be metal. You can decorate the dining area with silver balloons;
  • pour ketchup and other sauces into liquid soap dispensers (new ones, of course);
  • print plates for dishes, labels for alcohol: medicine of happiness, anti-sadness, vitaminosis, gastroenterologist's nightmare, alcohol 96, tranquilizer, anesthetic “Seventh Heaven”;

  • draw alcoholic drinks into large syringes without a needle, place them in glasses/vases with the spout up - injections of joy;
  • multi-colored jelly cooled in syringes looks cool (and is funny too);
  • desserts/drinks can be served in plastic test containers, measuring cups, flasks, beakers;

  • nuts in yogurt and marshmallows will become cotton swabs, crunchy sticks dipped in white chocolate will turn into ear sticks. “Rassmeshin” pills are bright dragees in large transparent containers or, conversely, portioned into cups;
  • Decorate some menu items and the cake in a medical style: sprinkles, icing, mastic, toppers with pictures. You can bake cookies, pour chocolate, cut fruits and ham into the shapes of hearts, crosses, flasks, and plaster.


As a rule, a medical corporate event is not complete without creative performances by the staff. There are a huge number of thematic skits with humor, praise, advertising, etc. on the Internet, there is plenty to choose from. But you shouldn’t get carried away - continuous amateur theater can tire guests.

An informal scenario for a medical party is easier to come up with. For example, passing an exam (test competitions), rest in a sanatorium (procedures), one day in the hospital No. age of the birthday boy, medical commission (tests again), according to the plot of the film. The main idea is the same - maximum fun, fewer monologues from the presenter. We offer competitions suitable for any medical themed party scenario.

Comic quiz

Hand out pens and pictures of a girl in a bikini to guests/teams. The presenter reads out the names of body parts, everyone puts numbers where this part is located. Compare with the template from the presenter and determine who is closer to the truth.

  • Umbilicus (navel)
  • Glabella (space between eyebrows)
  • Filtrum (vertical hollow between the upper lip and nose)
  • Tragus (triangular cartilage “in front” of the auricle)
  • Lunula (white crescent at the base of the nail)
  • Axilla (armpit)
  • Cilia (eyelash)
  • Mamma (bust)
  • Mandible (lower jaw)

For a medical corporate event, choose competitions that will not offend any of the guests. Those. only humorous, without a hint of checking the level of professionalism. For example, bandaging your head correctly for speed is a bad idea, but bandaging it with one hand while blindfolded is fine.

Best Laboratory Assistant of the Month

Relay race for 2 or more teams, racing. Start – a can of orange juice, finish – an empty can. The first player takes a glass for analysis, pours juice into it and runs to the finish line, pours the “analysis” into the team’s container, runs back, passes the glass to the next player. Who is faster, who has more juice in the “finish” jar.

Targeted injection

Using foam and a design glued on top (thin paper works better), make a peach-shaped target. A dart acts as a syringe. You need to go not to the center, but to where the injections are given. You can put dots with a marker for clarity.

General ward

Two teams, two “queues” and a pair of cardboard thermometers. You need to pass the thermometer from the first to the last player in the chain, holding the thermometer under your armpit (without helping yourself with your hands, racing).

Prevention of boredom

Drink a certain drink from a test tube/measuring glass faster than your opponents, pouring it into your mouth with a pipette. The team option is to drink alcohol from a common container in the same way.


Draw red crosses on the ping pong balls and hand out 1 ball + syringe to the guests. You need to drive your “ambulance” to the finish line before others, moving the ball forward with a stream of air (pressing on the bag). You can extinguish candles with water from a syringe, knock down paper figures.

Whoever's gloves burst first, inflate them. Make mummies from bandage at speed. Build towers from test containers. Play pantomime or crocodile with honey. terms, attributes. Come up with medical-style toasts: I wish you stable well-being, acute happiness, recurring success, chronic health, incurable longevity!

Host: Dear guests! Today you are all about big connections, you will undergo a medical examination completely free of charge. You will be examined by the most highly qualified doctor, whose appointment...
A doctor comes in wearing a robe and cap.
- Hello, guests! Please prepare your hearts for a medical examination.
(Approaches everyone, listening to the heart with a phonendoscope) says:
1.Completely healthy.
2. Let me hear what you have on
heart? Diagnosis: slight love!
So, the diagnosis is clear - that means 100 grams of vodka every half hour
for tonight. By the end of the anniversary, the wound will heal itself.
4. Young man, say A-A-A.
Enough. We write: confuses day with night. It's okay half
Our population lives quietly with this diagnosis.
5. But, you are dearer than us
will you please? All clear. She is sleeping!
6. And you, father, why are you so sad?
Write. Depression.
8 Who are you, can I listen? Overpriced
self-esteem. There's nothing you can do about it.
9. Well, your heart will definitely introduce you to us,
Who are you, what is your last name? Persecution mania...
10. You sigh throughout the entire medical examination. Have you eaten today
anything, how do you generally eat?
11. Here is your heart, it seems like it’s about to jump out of
excess of feelings. Is there something you really want to say? Well done.
12 Your heart, it seems to me,
worried about the gifts you gave the birthday boy today? Let's listen better
heart, it will tell the truth.
(approaches the hero of the day)
Say, THIS IS THE END OF THE ANNIVERSARY, everyone will go home and in the evening you will privately say the words to your wife that are on your heart.
Can we listen too? .
So, I checked all the guests, the diagnosis for everyone is clear:
1 Chronic jubilism.
2 Bottleism
3 Tanzelite
4 Overeating
5 Peretostitis
6 Acute drunkenness
7 Hangover syndrome
8 Acute drink deficiency

I urgently prescribe a potion for everyone: White, Red, Dry!
Our dear hero of the day also underwent a medical examination!
our council of relatives and friends who came to the anniversary.
Having examined the hero of the day: ear, throat, nose, liver, heart, kidney, spleen.
Taking the depth of the convolutions and the length of the intestine,
The conclusion was that our hero of the day is young.
The cardiogram says, the heart beats without a flaw.
According to a blood test, he is fit for fiery love.
And like urine like a piece of glass, it doesn’t hit your head
and on the lower floor, when viewed in the lower floor,
Everything is in order, everything is in order, just smeared heels,
Well, it doesn’t matter, he always runs a lot.
And the hero of the day’s tongue is not worn out, there are no unnecessary wrinkles on his face.
The brain and digestion are normal, only the reproductive channel is blocked,
Well, it doesn’t matter, he always wants sex.
And he can physically work until he sweats.
We conclude that he does not need treatment.
Is it just to relax?
And with the guests a little bit at a time,
For your health, take
100, 125 grams!

On Medical Worker's Day, our valiant doctors organize celebrations; we decided to collect for them in one place many holiday scenarios for Medical Worker's Day. These scenarios will help organize events in hospitals and clinics; even students in medical schools will be able to organize an interesting corporate party in honor of the holiday.

We have found scenarios for you in different versions: humorous, solemn, fairy-tale scenes, even in the form of musicals about doctors. Of course, we don’t exclude competitions for health workers.

Scenario for Doctor's Day "Hands that give life"

1 block
The curtain is closed. Fanfares sound, announcing the beginning of the holiday, and the curtain opens. On stage Brass band “Silver Trumpets”, director: Sergey Dzhioev.
Presenter from behind the scenes: Let us consider the ceremonial event dedicated to the National Holiday - Medical Worker's Day - open.
The anthem of the Russian Federation is performed by the Silver Trumpets brass band.

Text from the presenter behind the scenes.
VED: Who influences our destiny,
And in whose undivided power are we,
And our fragile cup of life
Whose participation is it filled with?
That mother who gives us to the world,
Beloved - transforms him,
And the doctor, who in a terrible hour
It saves both life and happiness for us.
On this day - words of greetings to him,
Let him grow younger year by year,
And may God preserve this fidelity
Serving my people!
“Men in White Coats” soloist of the “Silver Trumpets” orchestra
A film about medical workers is playing on the screen.
At the end of the video there is a video congratulating medical workers and patients on the screen.

Music sounds as the presenters exit

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!
Hello, dear healthcare workers of the Chekhov municipal district! Dear friends, today is your holiday and it is very pleasant that you heard the first holiday congratulations from the lips of your work colleagues, people for whom this year has become an anniversary.
Let us congratulate you all on your professional holiday with applause!

Download the script for the Day of the Medical Worker "Fable for the Day of the Doctor"

Jumping dragonfly
She kept jumping around and going crazy.
Suddenly I suddenly fell ill -
A tear trembles in my eyes,
Itching and pain appeared.
There are no more bright days,
When under every bush
You can “wiggle your tail.”
It's all gone. Monotonous
Day after day it goes - it wanders.
And who would think of
Walking with a dragonfly is contagious!
Depressed by illness
She crawls into the dispensary,
There's a knock on the office door,
He sits down in front of the doctor.
- Doctor, it's not my fault.
My damned temperament -
I want everything, I want it, I want it,
And then I fly, I fly!
Don't you leave me
Deliver me from my troubles!

Scenario for celebrating Medical Worker's Day

Music is playing. The presenters come out.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, guests, dear healthcare workers

Presenter: Medical Worker's Day is one of the significant and revered professional holidays in our country. It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work of doctors, paramedics, paramedics and paramedics who fight every day for the health and lives of sick people.

Presenter: The floor for congratulations and opening of the holiday is given to the chief physician of the Central Regional Hospital, Viktor Vasilievich Ubaichin

The anthem of the Russian Federation and the Altai Republic is played.

Scenario for Doctor's Day "Men in White Coats"

Scenario for adults. Scenario of the evening celebration dedicated to Doctor's Day. The script includes competitions and games of a medical nature; any musical material can be taken, or one close to the topic.

The tables are covered with white cloth up to the floor, and there are flower vases on them. Upon entering the hall, each guest is given lottery tickets. Tables are designed for 2-4 people. There is pleasant music in the hall.

- Words of gratitude to you,
To nurses and doctors,

Scenario for Doctor's Day "Good Doctor Aibolit"

Script for children. Designed for the middle group of kindergarten, or the senior group. Spectators can be both parents and children of other groups. This scenario does not require much preparation and is easy to implement.
Doctor Aibolit and a nurse appear in the hall, you can use music from the cartoon at the exit. Nurse: - Good Doctor Aibolit will warm everyone, heal everyone, Whoever hurts, He talks about that.
(The doctor sits down at the table, the nurse prepares everything for receiving patients. The first patient comes in with a bandaged cheek, his tooth hurts.)