Congratulations to students on September 1

As a rule, on the first of September, ceremonial events are held, students thank teachers, teachers thank children. Moms, dads, grandparents also rush to congratulate their children on the new school year. On this significant day for schoolchildren, it is worth congratulating them in a special, beautiful and unforgettable way, so that school life begins with pleasant words and positivity.

Darlaik has selected wonderful congratulations on September 1 for students in verse. All the lines are very sincere, choose the most suitable wish and give them joy, smiles and the desire for new achievements.

On the first day of early autumn
It's like it's the first time:
Congratulations on Knowledge Day -
Friends again, girlfriends, class!
You, schoolboy, must study
After rest start
So, to distinguish yourself again -
Only get "tens" in school!!!

Day of Knowledge is a holiday of books,
Flowers, friends, smiles, light!
Study diligently, student -
The most important thing today is!!!

Happy Knowledge Day, student!
Today is your holiday:
The world is bright and great -
Discover it for yourself!!!

Happy Knowledge Day:
Friendship, sports and books!
Through work and daring
I have many vocations
Open up, student!

I see the light of happy eyes
(Look at the world like that more often!) –
You will soon enter the classroom again,
You will see your friends again,
Teachers! Find them like that
Have a good one! It's difficult!..
And the days of school will fly by
From September to summer.
I wish that not because of punishment -
For happiness only
you were given knowledge!!!

The first day of the autumn month is the main holiday of all children studying in educational institutions and teachers. This celebration is special; on this day the first bell rings after the long summer holidays.

September 1 marks not only the beginning of education, it is also an unforgettable meeting with your friends and classmates, teachers, exchange of impressions and the desire for new knowledge, because the time comes for a new stage on the path to amazing discoveries and bright impressions.

Day of Knowledge, and, of course, Day of Peace -
This is the first day in September for everyone,
When to the sounds of a waltz from the air
The announcer sends congratulations to the children.
Day of Knowledge is a peaceful day, necessary,
As a symbol of kindness and purity,
Long and firmly beloved,
And generous with smiles and flowers.

The school opens its doors
The academic year begins
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
Those who go to knowledge.
Comprehend, develop,
Let the interest not fade away,
Let them bypass you
Boredom, laziness and even stress.
Let friends be reliable, faithful
You will have a whole class.
Well, students, go for it!
To school, to knowledge! Good morning!

On this first autumn day,
Leave your laziness to summer -
And to school, for studying!
Within its walls I wish you
Learn with inspiration
And so that you, students -
All decisions were given

So the summer has flown by,
September has arrived again.
And solemnly the Day of Knowledge
Celebrates the whole world.
We wish you guys
Only fives in the diary,
Strength, health and good luck,
The necessary knowledge in your head!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!
Oh, it's quest season
Tricky questions
Yes tests and surveys.
You learn everything zealously,
And don’t be lazy in your studies,
Try to be the first in everything,
Discover your reserves. Strive for new knowledge
Rise up sharply
Jump over obstacles
Become very smart!

Knowledge Day is a very bright and at the same time exciting holiday, both for parents and for all teachers and students. On this autumn day filled with emotions, there are no indifferent people. Therefore, congratulate all your family and friends.

Congratulations on September 1
We hurry you today.
We've been waiting for our home school
And all your teachers.
Let everything be like the first time:
Smile, sparkle of happy eyes.
And ahead - study again
And your cheerful friendly class.
I wish you not to know the difficulties
And it's easy to get up in the morning,
Always willing to learn
And know any subject perfectly!

So the summer has flown by,
And the Day of Knowledge is coming,
Student, get down to business
A sea of ​​knowledge awaits you!
Don't get lost in this sea,
Be diligent, don't be lazy,
Learn from the heart, try,
Your life will be bright!

Here comes the breath of autumn,
New calendar sheet.
The Day of Knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!
You're in a good mood
Go to school every day.
Solution for any question
Then you can find it!
And with any school task,
We know you can handle it jokingly.
Rejoice in merry years,
They will fly by quickly!

Congratulations on September 1st!
With a new start, with a new expectation.
Believe me, you go to school for a reason -
So accept these wishes today:
Knowledge, it is known, is light,
You strive for them boldly and persistently,
And you will know the taste of big victories,
And you will be able to live fruitfully!

Happy Knowledge Day, we congratulate you,
May the year be successful for you,
Your favorite class has been waiting for you,
And friends and girlfriends are tired of waiting!
We wish you to reach the top,
Study well, diligently,
Don't look for reasons for happiness
May everything be wonderful for you!

Happy Knowledge Day, happy autumn holiday!
The time has come, the bells are ringing,
And again the children are invited:
“Hurry to class, students.”
Studying is not easy
But everything will work out, you know.
With firm tenacity and patience
You will reach the top, just dare.

Knowledge Day is a special, bright day.
After all, there is an academic year ahead.
Perhaps it will turn out to be hot,
But glory awaits only the persistent!
We wish you courage, patience,
Wonderful discoveries and victories.
And let the wonderful moments
They will leave a mark for many years!

Happy Knowledge Day to everyone -
May you experience great success in your business.
May school be good
Cozy, fun, bright.
Let laughter and friendship here and there
They're running across the school floors!
We wish you wonderful knowledge,
Have fun but reasonable days,
Various questions, tests
And sincere teachers!

I congratulate you today on the Day of Knowledge!
May there always be room for dreams,
Achievements, daring and victories in life!
Make us a vow to be smart and brave.
Be the first in studies, be the first in business,
Not knowing what despair, fear is,
Strive, achieve, make dreams come true.
Not only to study, but to live wisely!

Happy Knowledge Day, students!
Your merits are great:
You know so much now
And the door to life is ajar!
I wish you further success,
So that all obstacles, interference
Well done you have overcome
And we managed to find out everything in five!
May the school year be easy,
And everyone will definitely not forget
Everything you've been taught
And how much you were loved!

The Day of Knowledge has arrived!
I started my studies!
On which I congratulate you,
And, of course, I wish
More courage, patience,
Happiness, school fun.
Always keep the path forward!
It's time to win!

The school opens its doors
The academic year begins
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
Those who go to knowledge.

Comprehend, develop,
Let the interest not fade away,
Let them bypass you
Boredom, laziness and even stress.

Let friends be reliable, faithful
You will have a whole class.
Well, students, go for it!
To school, to knowledge! Good morning!

So the summer has flown by,
And the Day of Knowledge is coming,
Student, get down to business
A sea of ​​knowledge awaits you!

Don't get lost in this sea,
Be diligent, don't be lazy,
Learn from the heart, try,
Your life will be bright!

Our dear students, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. May this year give you only good grades, only funny stories, only great mood, only successful days, only successes and victories. We wish you health, patience, perseverance, perseverance and perseverance to achieve important goals, as well as a lot of bright hobbies, travel, fruitful weekdays, varied weekends and cool holidays!

Summer flew by quickly
You came to school again,
Three months of vacation
Rested, grown up,
We wish you to be happy
This was the school year
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge,
Joy and success await you!

You are in a hurry to go to school today.
The bell is ringing again,
Autumn day, the very first
I already called you to class.

Let studying be a joy,
Let the high fives fly to you.
Jokes, laughter, cheerful babble
Let them always sound among you.

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
And I wish you victories.
May you always enjoy
The world of bright school years.

May it be easy for you
Problems, rules and theorems.
Let the lessons be a joy
So is change.

May your memory not fail you,
It works flawlessly.
Congratulations, dear ones,
Happy important day - Day of Knowledge.

Happy Knowledge Day to everyone -
May you experience great success in your business.
May school be good
Cozy, fun, bright.
Let laughter and friendship here and there
They're running across the school floors!
We wish you wonderful knowledge,
Have fun but reasonable days,
Various questions, tests
And sincere teachers!

On the day of knowledge I wish you new discoveries,
Wonderful friends, many events,
Learning is always easy and successful,
And complete all tasks diligently.

Surprise everyone with your successes,
And never be discouraged at all.
Joy, happiness on all horizons,
To expand your horizons to the fullest.

We sincerely congratulate you on Knowledge Day,
We want to learn, try, strive.
Guys, let them always be close,
Your good, faithful friends.

May your school days be happy
Everyone needs knowledge in life.
May laziness never come to you
May everything always succeed with a bang.

Happy Knowledge Day, guys! Study hard
You are a great school of great hope.
Appreciate both friendship and our advice.
And stay healthy, guys!

Complete all tasks well,
Don't be bored at all in our lessons,
Make friends, play, grow, learn
And you will certainly fall in love with the good life!

The new school year is already coming!
New miracles await you outside the door.
Each of you understands in your heart,
That a new streak is beginning.

Be daring, eager to learn,
And discover a new world with joy!
We wish you success and inspiration,
So that you choose the right landmark!

May this year be rich in victories,
May all subjects be easy for you!
Happy holiday to you! Happy Day of Amazing Knowledge!
Think boldly, wisely and deeply!


Short congratulations on Knowledge Day to students in poetry

The Day of Knowledge has come into force again,
Autumn is dancing outside the window,
And soon the leaves will fall,
And the sky will water with rain.

I want to wish you today
You should study science
Let your studies succeed,
May the sun of knowledge shine forever!

Textbooks and desks are waiting,
Chalk and blackboard
Atlas, contour maps
And diary pages.

So take your briefcase and go to school,
Everyone in it appreciates the lesson,
So that prepositions from the verb,
I could tell the difference in no time!

Let it be desirable, interesting
Every school day will be
Let your soul know
Thirst for knowledge, not laziness.

Congratulations on the holiday of knowledge!
And I wish you all the best!
There are many adventures in life,
New plans, hobbies!

Don't move around in class
Study with all your might!
Read hundreds of books
Lots of pens to write,

It's good to learn poetry,
To get “excellent”!
Help out friends in trouble
In class and everywhere!

"SMS congratulations on Knowledge Day to students"

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
September came quickly -
He leaves summer in the past,
I wish you a lot of strength

Work hard, work from the heart,
Learn the basics of science!
It's worthy, it's good to study,
Problems with studies are unrecognizable!

Friends, how I missed you,
Camp will not replace you in the summer,
Today Knowledge Day has brought us all together,
There is no friendlier class in the world!

In honor it is beautiful, our union,
Like the one at the Poet's Lyceum,
And again together we carry our load,
A load of knowledge - and there is nothing more expensive than it!

Brother, the school year has come,
You have become even smarter!
I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
And today I wish

So that luck comes,
So that your studies are successful,
So that your heart is light,
Knowledge is power! Knowledge is power!

Here it is autumn outside the window,
School children are waiting
First graders with flowers
They walk next to their mothers!

Congratulations to you guys
On the first holiday of September!
And we wish that school
It was not in vain that you visited!

To learn a lot
So that we can do a lot,
To love the Motherland,
To take care of your loved ones!

Kind congratulatory words from teachers will be simply necessary for all schoolchildren on the first school day of the year.

Such congratulations can take the form of a poem or be written in your own words.

Teachers pronounce kind and touching texts in the form of parting words at a ceremony, but they can also be rewritten on a greeting card.

Beautiful congratulations from teachers on September 1 to students will support them after the long summer holidays and will certainly be received with gratitude.

So the summer has flown by,
September has arrived again
And solemnly the Day of Knowledge
Celebrates the whole world.

We wish you guys
Only “excellent” in the diary,
Strength, health and good luck,
The necessary knowledge in your head!

The school opens its doors
The academic year begins
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
Those who go to knowledge.
Comprehend, develop,
Let the interest not fade away,
Let them bypass you
Boredom, laziness and even stress.

Let friends be reliable, faithful
You will have a whole class.
Well, students, go for it!
To school, to knowledge! Good morning!

Happy Knowledge Day, September 1st!
The home school opened the door,
Into a fascinating world beckoning,
Where everything is mysterious and new.

So let the school year fly
Without failures and stumblings,
Let everyone find something for themselves
A treasure trove of valuable knowledge and skills!

An autumn day filled with the taste of knowledge
On the day of information from scientific sources
With a taste of skill, dexterity and ability
Gnaw on the stubborn, but sugary granite!
We wish you study as work,
So that they fulfill it with a sense of duty
You have learned all the tasks and secrets
Science of a wondrous fairyland!

To know and remember everything in the world,
Think about everything and understand everything,
To be responsible for everything in the world -
We celebrate Knowledge Day again!
Since there is a holiday, it means it is needed,
If only there was a reason in September...
Here the yellow leaf will spin again
Autumn day on the calendar.
When you need both intelligence and knowledge...
And that means the soul is alive...
The world will be born, through trials
Hurrying persistently towards wisdom!

Such a wonderful school time,
Autumn day is the brightest!
Happy Knowledge Day - kids at school,
Such lush bows and bouquets!
Study, children, only perfectly!
A great country is counting on you.
Solve all problems yourself -
Good luck, there is only one life!

There is no such thing as too much knowledge
Let your mind preserve them.
After all, without knowledge there is nowhere -
Neither here nor there.

Don't be lazy, find out
Discover the secrets of the world.
And let every knowledge gram
Helps you in life.

We wish you new knowledge,
And successfully gnaw on strong granite,
Have fun with friends
The discipline called life!
And in the new school year
We wish you success, victories,
To make you proud
After many, many years!

Today is a special day -
Autumn is bright
Both boys and girls
She loudly called me to school.

Excellent grade so that they can study,
We give you parting words.
You are granite of science complex
Conquer every day.

Inspiration to you, talent,
No obstacles on the way,
To make it interesting
Go to school in the morning!

The date dedicated to knowledge and the start of the next school season is always and everywhere awaited with impatience and enthusiasm. She comes into our lives quickly, noisily and cheerfully. This day is extraordinary: clear, like a cloudless horizon, gentle, like the first teacher, and important, like any significant event. It is with pleasure that I congratulate you on the beginning of the educational process, because it is like a new life, like a clean, snow-white notebook. Let's fill it together with valuable knowledge, without mistakes or blots.

September 1 is the Day of Knowledge and the start of the new school year. We wish that it will not be the cause of sadness and sadness, but will be remembered for long-awaited cheerful meetings, ringing laughter, and new acquaintances. Charge with positivity and energy so that you have enough strength and patience for the whole coming year. Good grades, easy tests, interesting lessons and true friends!

The leaves on the trees have turned yellow again,
And the birds fly away to the south,
And all the summer dates are forgotten,
On the calendar September 1st,
And this is a special date,
Which everyone calls the Day of Knowledge,
And I’m very glad to congratulate you,
May A's await you in your studies!

May your first day be filled with flowers
And the joy of long-awaited meetings,
Stays with you longer in my soul,
So that I want to save my mood.
Let your faces shine with joy
And the children happily rush to school,
We wish you to study with them -
Only then will discoveries be made.
Let the fire of creativity burn brightly,
Will make you think and look for an answer,
Let it only be hot in the field of truth,
Let the light of knowledge touch everyone!

The holidays are over -
We had a lot of days off...
Friends meet again
At the school door
Strong and healthy!
Praise to forest hikes...
With new knowledge!
And - Happy New School Year!!!

So the golden autumn has come,
September pleases with gentle coolness...
On Knowledge Day, I sincerely wish you
Happy to build an altar to wisdom!
Maybe you will become famous as a scientist?
He who knows a lot looks far!
Let the learning process be interesting,
Learn science simply and easily!

Knowledge Day is a universal holiday -
He is dear to everyone, we need him.
Day of Knowledge - a day of goodness and childhood
With a reasonable word in half!
We certainly congratulate everyone,
We wish you new milestones,
Go from September to May
In the company of school days!

6The whole city was full of bouquets,
It will bloom early in the morning.
Summer said goodbye to the guys,
Sends greetings today is Knowledge Day.
And there is turmoil in the schoolyards.
First-graders tremble like leaves.
An elegant baby with a bell
Invites everyone to study again.
And let there be no mistakes,
And all subjects are easy!
Success, good luck, smiles to everyone!
And be patient until the new summer!

Beautiful congratulations on the Day of Knowledge on September 1

Happy Knowledge Day, country! Let's start learning!
The schools opened welcomingly again,
Their beloved teacher is waiting for our children,
And now a new school year is upon us!
So let learning be fun,
And let every child love to learn,
He will gain skills and knowledge,
So that moms and dads can be proud of him!

Hello, golden autumn!
Hello school! To class
Calls us without stopping,
Iridescent call.
We are with cheerful friends
Distance on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge
To an unknown land.
We want to travel around the world
Go through the entire universe.
Wish us success
And bon voyage.

The foliage is still green everywhere,
But your head is spinning.
All your thoughts are about school on this day,
Although, I’m still too lazy to get up in the morning.
But the long-awaited bell will ring again,
And the lesson will begin in the classroom as before.
May everything in your school destiny come true,
The Day of Knowledge! Good luck in your studies!

And again in the gilded poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students,
To start a new life.
There is no richer and more generous person in the world,
What are these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers,
Although they themselves are almost gray.
They are in the destiny of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly say every time
Three simple words: “This is my teacher.”
We are all in his most reliable hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder...
Always live in your students
And be happy, our captain is a teacher!

The leaves rustle, the pages of books,
Bows are everywhere, satchels are everywhere.
And every new student
Ready to become a messenger of science.
It doesn't matter whether you are old or young -
Please accept my congratulations!
May the day of knowledge be glad to us -
Let us honor him without delay!
After all, we are without the wisdom of centuries
We won’t turn on the light, we won’t say a word.
Science is life without shackles
We will overcome the darkness of centuries again.

I want to congratulate you on Knowledge Day!
After all, this is a bright holiday for people!
He will lead you to the heights of knowledge
And you will become more successful and stronger!
After all, without studying you will not achieve in life
Everything you want to have.
I know you will understand all sciences,
The school bell, start ringing!

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 in your own words

Today our students, as well as their teachers, have a wonderful, bright holiday - September 1st! Day of Knowledge! The beginning of success! Step forward! Textbooks, notebooks and brand new diaries are neatly placed in backpacks and bags, awaiting good grades! Autumn time sends you to school, to the palace of science and knowledge, and we wish you great success in your studies, good mood, optimistic inspiration and unforgettable sadness! We wish you to determine your calling during the educational process! Set your goals and achieve them! Solve problems, prove theorems and remember useful things! Let the great people of history from textbooks leave a trace of their achievements in your memory! Develop your abilities and never stop looking for yourself! Happy holiday to you, students and teachers! Make friends and exchange experiences!

The Day of Knowledge remains a warm, especially exciting holiday for each of us. You, beautiful and elegant, smiling and curious, have gathered here to gain new knowledge. You have bouquets in your hands, and new satchels behind your backs. But the most important thing is what's in your heart. And this is a slight excitement and desire to learn everything about this amazing world. More than anything, we want each of you to become not only a worthy, educated person, but also a true professional in your chosen field. Happy Knowledge Day!

Summer has flown by in one bright moment, today is already September, autumn, winter, spring, school are ahead... I want to wish that the entire upcoming school year will not be a boring list of pages from the day Evnika, and scattered to meet each of us with a thousand bright moments: bells, lessons, breaks , school events, interesting communication... Let our common path to knowledge begin with the Day of Knowledge this year. And it will be interesting, fascinating, a little mysterious, and in some ways a little difficult, because through overcoming difficulties we prepare for life. As you know, life does not forgive mistakes. But the school helps to warn them.
From September 1st! Let's learn to learn without mistakes!

On the Day of Knowledge, I would like to wish my colleagues plenty of patience, health and respect. May the new school year be easy and fruitful. May each of us realize all our plans. I wish everyone happiness, love, prosperity and great luck.

This day has come. September 1 is the Day of Knowledge and the start of the new school year. I would like to wish that this day is not a cause of sadness, but is remembered for long-awaited cheerful meetings, cheerful and ringing laughter, new interesting acquaintances and the awakening of a thirst for knowledge, so that there is enough strength and patience for the whole coming year! High grades, easy tests, interesting lessons and true friends, with whom everything that has already been said will easily come true!

A beautiful, light autumn day aches my heart. Another school year has arrived at school. Let knowledge be enriched with the correct terms, let formulas serve not only for solving mathematical and physical equations, but also for resolving life situations. Let teachers be true friends and mentors. Let the grades paint on the pages of the diary, which will please the eyes of the parents. Let each of you study not for the sake of a grade, but for the future use of the accumulated knowledge. Learn not only to write beautifully and competently, but to be real people!

Knowledge Day is a special and important day. Its meaning is identical to holiness. Let the unforgettable fire of love for science burn in the minds of each of you. She is the force that leads forward. Thanks to the power of human intelligence, we humans can do a lot, and by acquiring more and more knowledge, we can do even more. The Day of Knowledge! He gives us the future!

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 (Knowledge Day) pictures