Scenario for the anniversary of a woman, Taisiya, 70 years old. Competitions for the anniversary. Games for the anniversary. Sketch"Визит Красной Шапочки"!}

A 70th birthday is a wonderful occasion for a woman to gather her family and friends around the same table and celebrate with them a new stage in her life. For a celebration to remain in the memory for a long time, it is not enough to gather guests, prepare delicious treats and select musical accompaniment for the evening. A good holiday is impossible without a script.


Of course, it is better not for the hero of the occasion to write the script, but for her friends, children or grandchildren - this way they can surprise a loved one. The event plan can be based on congratulations from the guests, who will appear in different images. These small roles should be given to the guests in advance so that they have time to learn them. What characters appear at the celebration:

  • doctors;
  • police officer;
  • fortune teller (gypsy);
  • Foreign tourists;
  • heroes of children's fairy tales (Little Red Riding Hood will do to congratulate your grandmother);
  • singers popular or beloved by the birthday girl, etc.

The necessary props are stored in a separate room: wigs, fake microphones, glasses, white coats, police caps, etc. At the festival, the host will take turns sending guests to this room, and then announce his appearance in public.

Some competitions also require preparation. For example, tasks in a wall newspaper:

  1. A photo is attached to a piece of whatman paper, showing the hero of the day at her workplace, and under the photo there is a question written and several answer options are given, what is the name of the institution and what year is it.
  2. In another photo she is on vacation, and under the photo (there should be no places recognizable at first glance) are options for where she most likes to relax.
  3. Questions may also include: what was the first car (if it’s the lady’s birthday); what was the name of the institute she graduated from; who are these children (photos of the hero of the day, her husband, children, grandchildren, nephews are attached to whatman paper), etc.

People who come to the holiday must write their answer options on a card. When everyone has gathered, the presenter announces a competition called “Tamarovology”, “Ninology”, “Svetlanology”, etc. - depending on the name of the hero of the occasion. The one whose answers are the most accurate wins.


If you decide to make costumed congratulations, then you need to involve all the guests - this way they can not only say kind words to the lady, but also present a gift from the character who happened to be portrayed.

  1. Doctors. It is better to congratulate two people - one will examine the hero of the day, and the second will record the data. It’s worth examining like this: check the pulse - quickened from the state of falling in love with life; they pretended to shine a light in their eyes - a realistic (optimistic) view of things; They examined the hands and made a diagnosis that they were “golden”, etc.
  2. Fortune tellers. The appearance of a fortune teller is accompanied by a corresponding melody. She takes her hand and begins to talk about the past and future of the hero of the occasion. We can predict that, for example, today she will definitely not wash the dishes, because her children or grandchildren will do it for her. Or what awaits her in the summer on the road by car or train to a wonderful garden where “treasures” are hidden, but in order to get them, you must first plant everything, then water it, and only in the fall can you enjoy them to the fullest.
If a lady has favorite performers, then you can prepare a parody number for her. The most artistic of the guests will appear in the image of a singer or singer. It is better to record the phonogram of the remade song in advance so that the speaker only opens his mouth.

Of course, costumed congratulations are not easy to prepare, but, according to many, they will create a special atmosphere at the holiday and make the birthday girl laugh or cry from the realization of how much effort was spent by loved ones to please her.

Games and competitions

All speeches at the event should not come one after another; they must be “diluted”. To do this, they write a script with competitions. What entertainment do you prefer?

  1. "Memories with a letter." Everyone present is invited to remember some fact or event related to the hero of the day, starting with a certain letter. For example, if the letter “Ш” is given, one of the guests remembers how they made repairs with the birthday girl, how they plastered the walls - the event will be called “Plastering”. It is best to offer “complex” letters: “I”, “CH”, “C”, “Zh”, etc. If you make a competition out of this, then the one who remembers the most in the end will win.
  2. "Ode to the Birthday Girl" Guests, within the allotted time, must write a song of praise dedicated to the hero of the occasion, but at the same time use certain rhymes, for example, “word-great”, “bird-particle”, “Tamara the doorman”, “Irina-fireplace”, etc. Even more a difficult option is to write an ode, each line of which begins with the letters of the name of the hero of the day.
  3. "Pour". Anyone who wishes is blindfolded, 3 empty glasses are placed on a tray in front of him and a bottle of water is given into his hands (the participant does not see how much water there is). Without touching the glasses with his hand, the player must fill them without spilling water.

The script can also include quizzes on the birthday girl’s favorite topics, composing fairy tales into which words shown by the presenter must be inserted, etc. And, of course, a birthday party cannot be complete without dancing, so it’s worth preparing a record player, a guitar, if Someone from those present can play it, or perhaps karaoke with the favorite songs of the hero of the day.

This scenario is intended for a holiday in a close circle, although it is also suitable for those who decided to celebrate their grandmother’s 70th birthday on a grand scale. Warm congratulations, interesting, not at all vulgar, competitions and an extraordinary atmosphere - all this is contained in the script.

The program will make your grandmother's anniversary a real family holiday!

Before the event, you should play your favorite songs that everyone in the family enjoys to create a festive atmosphere.

When the table is already set, you can meet your grandmother in the room to ringing applause and cheerful Irina Allegrova’s song – “Happy Birthday!”

All loved ones create a living corridor and everyone hugs and compliments grandma.

Approximate compliments:

  • Grandmother, dear one, is the best we have! We congratulate you at this hour!
  • There are no tastier pies than yours, but the anniversary cake is ready!
  • You are beautiful, you are the best among us, And so we will say together: simply classy!

The host can be a grandson or granddaughter of a grandmother who has sufficient charisma.


Dear guests, hello! Hello dear grandma!

Does everyone know that we have not gathered here by chance?

Then it's time to give a reason! Today is our dearest and most beloved grandmother's birthday!

Not just a day, but an anniversary! Therefore, today we are waiting for many of the most beautiful and kind congratulations and the most useful gifts for our beloved grandmother!

And let’s raise the first toast so that our grandma will always be healthy and cheerful! We love you very much and are always there for you, and you please us with your activity and optimism, don’t you agree?

They pour and drink.


And now we’ll conduct a mini-quiz, let’s see who knows the most about our dear birthday girl.

So my questions:

  • What year was the birthday girl born? Well done, everyone knows how to count!
  • How many classes did our grandmother complete?
  • What kind of education does our grandmother have?
  • What did our grandmother do?
  • Grandma's favorite color?
  • Grandma's favorite flowers?
  • What dish does our grandmother make the most delicious? Of course, that's it! And what is the brand name?
  • Who does grandma talk to on the phone the longest?
  • Well, the last question: what songs does grandma like and does she like music?

Of course, our grandmother really loves to sing and songs, so right now we will all sing a remade song to grandma together!

All relatives sing a song to the grandmother to the tune of “You are so beautiful”:

I’ll eat every centimeter of the pie boldly,
Whatever you want, choose
Everything I wanted!
Grandchildren for a week, telephone
And of course we’ll give you a super mood quickly!


YOU are so beautiful, it's unbearable
Not to be loved by our granny,
We congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you happiness and health forever!


And songs flow, wine flows. Without a glass there is no vocal!

And we sang so well that we simply have to raise our glasses to our granny again!


And now the most pleasant time has come, when everyone has the opportunity to congratulate their grandmother personally!

And the first word goes to the children of our hero of the day! I convey my word of congratulations...

Names the children one by one. Everyone offers congratulations and toasts.


Now I suggest you play a little!

Does everyone have a fork?? And who is ready to win the competition with its help?

So, here's this lucky guy! Right now we are blindfolded, and our player's task is not very simple. We will place dishes from the table in front of you, and you will have to recognize and name what is in front of you by touch.


We heartily congratulate you, grandma!
We only wish you patience and longevity!
Smile a little, wink at your neighbor!
You’re young here, even grandfathers know!

Let's drink to your youth, which, despite the years, you have carried through and give to everyone around you! For you!

Pour, drink, snack


We've been sitting around for a while, it's time to dance!

There will be a dance break! But first, let’s warm up!

The competition is called “Sitting Dances”. We will play different music, and you, without getting up from your seat, must dance to it!

Ready? Go!

Dance break – 15 minutes.


Are you hungry? And you probably miss toast?

Then the time has come for our friend to congratulate grandma

(name of relative)


Grandma, you are the smartest, the most beautiful, but there are still many compliments that we will give you!

The competition is called “The Most-Most”. Everyone at the table must say what our grandmother is best at.

Are the terms clear?

Then let's go!


And now - a toast from the youngest participants of the anniversary, from the grandchildren of our grandmother, who prepared a surprise for the hero of the occasion.

Congratulations from grandchildren:

And our granny has a real anniversary,
Many wonderful guests gathered in the apartment (house/cafe)!
We sang and danced from the heart for grandma!
Now hurry up and memorize the poems from your grandchildren!
We wish you only health!
And good luck, earthly blessings,
To make my grandchildren happy
Their most naughty ones!
You are beautiful and wonderful, we will say it in spirit!
Our grandmother is wonderful. That's why I love it!

All together: On Galina’s birthday we baked a loaf of bread this low, this high, this dinner, this wide. Loaf1 Loaf! Congratulations to Galya! Congratulations!!! 3 times (cracker) Hurray---!

(Galya invites guests to the table)

Ved. 1B anniversary you are so beautiful!

The look is cheerful and playful -

Teeth sparkle like pearls,

And the smile is mischievous!

What, you're not 25?

How long will we celebrate?

Ved. 2 We are celebrating our anniversary

Congratulations to Galinka.

Chara full of wine

Let's drink it all down!

Ved.1 In some kingdom, kingdom-state

In the distant palace on the thirtieth floor

The queen gave birth to a wonderful princess daughter at night

Ved. 2 The Tsar is very happy with his daughter, for five whole nights in a row

Chose my daughter's name

Galya gave my daughter a name

Galya is silence

But the interpretation is not correct

Ved. 1 Beautiful, gentle and cheerful,

Charming, crazy,

Always loved and in love,

Forever young at heart,

With fire in my chest, with a dream in my heart,

Incomprehensible as a star

And an unsolved mystery

Is this really our Galya? Yes

(word to older brother)

Ved. 2 It's Galina's holiday today!

It's Galina's anniversary.

Let's congratulate Galya

Glorify her name.

Let's sing a song

Having prepared in advance a sufficient number of copies of the words, the song is sung:

To the tune of the song "Blue Car"

We came to congratulate the birthday girl.

Pour wine into a glass to the brim.

Let what is planned come true

May you always be happy!

May the mood be good

There will be many sincere friends,

Let there be funny adventures

And gifts from beautiful fairies!

Good riddance, good riddance to the long journey.

And sadness dissolves in the air,

Everyone, everyone believes in the best,

The childhood train rolls and rolls into the distance.

Presenter 1: Dear birthday girl! This date is celebrated only once in a lifetime. And we would really like you to be in seventh heaven on this day. We hope that our cloud of wishes will give you special joy.

Ved 2 Friends! I think that with your help this cloud will acquire tangible weight and fall into the hands of the hero of today’s celebration. I suggest you name wishes-adjectives starting with these letters. (D F Z I K L M N O P S H)

(Write adjectives into the cloud with a marker)

Ved. 1 We raise our glasses to the beautiful birthday girl.

Ved. 1 Day after day, year after year

The birthday girl is growing up.

Now Galya has become an adult

This is the beginning of fairy tales

Ved. 2 Do you hear the music playing?

Intoxicating us with magic,

Young dancer

We are enchanted and captivated

(Oriental dance. At the end of the dance

great-grand-nephews appear).

Children. We are from a wonderful magical land

Fairies and wizards are not visible to you

We'll give Gala a gift today

And we will leave our wishes

Decree (read by dancer)

We, residents of a magical land, have long noticed Galya and watched her. This is an amazingly pure, sincere, hardworking, wonderful woman! And we could not leave her anniversary without our attention. Therefore, we give Gala a magic crown and proclaim her the queen of your celebration.

(They put on Gala’s crown)

Children..Dear birthday girl!

Happy anniversary,

We are protected as before.

.WITH protect from various troubles

Fast forward another hundred years.

Dancer. Let's raise a glass to the health of our queen!!!.

Ved. 1 Life flies by like in a fairy tale,

Moving forward

Days after days float away,

Year follows year,

Here's to a glorious anniversary

He came to us again

Ved 2 So let's congratulate

Ours continue!

(the floor for congratulations is given. relatives)

Congratulations to the family of the great-nephew (gnomes)

Plem. At-two, at-two,

Walk more cheerfully, lads!

At-two, at-two

Stay still and two!


We were in a hurry to get here to you

Children To congratulate Galya on the most wonderful of days

So that with us she becomes brighter and more cheerful!

Plem I'm a gnome dad

His wife I'm a gnome mom

children I'm a dwarf son

Children I'm my daughter!

In chorus In a word, a friendly family!!!

Plem I'm a gnome dad -

Noble healer

I know a lot about treatment (approaches the guests and says)

I'll give you an injection

A compress on your stomach

The nose is dry and does not get wet

The air is inhaled deeply

The eyes are burning with fire

Apparently they want vodka.

Hands to the belt, bend over,

Not a man, just a Knight!

Even my hands don't shake

They can hold a glass.

Open your mouth, say A

Things aren't bad for you.

Only the tongue is dry

Eat less and sing more.

Wife:I'm a gnome mom-

The doctor is wonderful

The illness hides in vain

She can't hide from me

If anyone is sick, come to me quickly!

Plem:No. we don't see any sick people here

Everyone looks healthy

Well then, just in case

A potion for the hero of the day.

Wife Morning, evening and afternoon

A full tablespoon

After eating

Take it, Galina, you.

In chorus Sickness, forget the pain

Have fun, be healthy!

Children Come out and dance with us

It's time to stretch your legs

2nd option

part 2(Congratulation nieces, we have scarves on our shoulders, we sing ditties)

We are Galina's nieces

I'm Natalya I'm Lyudmila

Our time to perform

Congratulations to the hero of the day

We'll sing ditties for you

we'll try very hard

Yes in love to our Galinka

We admit them

Wow, you, oh, you! We're celebrating our anniversary!

Wow, you, oh, you! sing more cheerfully!

And our dear aunt

A very round anniversary.

And that's why today

Everyone is warmer and happier.

She has everything: enthusiasm, charisma,

Tenderness, cute features

And besides, there’s a crowd behind her

Local cats are walking

Wow oh we are at the anniversary

Wow, sing more cheerfully

Us Galinka in her arms

In my youth I wore

And then I'm off to the dance

Tickbox drove

Take Galochka for a walk with me

I went with my little one

And when I grew up,

Took me to the south

Wow oh we are at the anniversary

Wow, sing more cheerfully

And always behind our Galya

There was a gang of guys

Fall head over heels in love

The choice was always hers

Our dear aunt!

We hope again

Will you call me for the anniversary?

There are 25 of us in three!

We sang ditties for you

We sang them and tried

Because we love Galya

They confessed this to her!

Wow, oh you. Smack! Smacks

Ugh. You, oh you. Smack smack smack!!!

L. Let's raise a glass to our forever young and beautiful aunt.

Ved. 2Such dates are not celebrated often,

But now it’s time to meet her -

We wish you happiness for the future,

And with it - health, vigor, goodness!

(congratulation girlfriends)

Ved. 1 Galya loves life.

Knows how to admire

Sunshine, admiring nature

Hear the music?

Meet beautiful swans

They rush to congratulate you, you pour them a glass!

(dance of little swans, great-nephews dancing)

.(hands Gala a firebird feather)

Swans: Our glorious queen

You know everything, friends.

She will be born today

It was not in vain that I was lucky,

Life runs after her at a gallop,

Galya rushes ahead,

So that old age with shortness of breath

You can't catch up with her on the way.

Ved. 2Let femininity and beauty

They will be with Galya as long as possible,

After all, what for the woman of the year,

When she is so appreciated and loved!

(congratulation girlfriend 2)

Ved. 1We Congratulations on this significant event,

Today is your legal anniversary,

Do you remember, Galya? As it used to be,

You walked in line to the song.

Meet new guests

(congratulations from the niece's family. They march out to the chant:

L.Who walks together in a row?

Choir: our pioneer squad

L: Friends!

Chorus: Brave

L. Beautiful!

Choir: Skilled

We walk joyfully in a friendly column

Congratulations to our birthday girl

Date: Women's Day

(Valya pulls the date)

In chorus Happy Anniversary!!!

Squad, stay where you are! One-two! Right! One-two! Be equal! Attention! Pay off the first and second! Congratulations begin!

We, the pioneers, are the children of our country!

There is no one happier than us in the world.

To be with you again today,

We came to congratulate the hero of the day!

Her whole life serves as an example for children

Both the October soldiers and the pioneers.

We came to you to learn from the elders,

How should you drink so as not to get completely drunk?

How should you eat to keep your figure?

We came to congratulate our Galochka!

We say without despondency and laziness:

We don't know about generational conflict.

You are our Galochka - younger than us,

We must take your example in this too.

We are the pioneers of the Soviet country.

We have been in love with you, our Galya, for a long time.

We can't find a better friend -

We have come to congratulate you today!

(They sing a song.)

Let the blue nights fly like fires!

We, the pioneers, “want a glass.”

It's high time for us adults to pour:

We came to congratulate our Galochka!

Com: Your Majesty! Let us accept you as an honorary pioneer of our squad.

Dear Galochka!

Please accept our congratulations,

And instructions for life.

Promise us not to get sick,

Getting younger every year

Don't be sad and don't be bored,

Every day is easy to meet.

Be ready!

Jubilee: Always ready!

: Do physical exercises

And always keep yourself in order

Don't forget about your relatives

Invite me to visit you more often.

Be ready!

Jubilee: Always ready!

(Drum roll, they tie a tie on the hero of the day.)

Let's raise our glasses and glasses,

We will hasten to tell you a new toast:

For the happiness and health of the hero of the day,

For the beauty and youth of the soul!

Ved. 2 Bright day and long-awaited

It's finally here

Your anniversary is the most glorious

I've gathered all my friends!

(word to friend 3)

Ved. 1 I would like to become a sorceress

Or catch a miracle fish in a pond.

There would be only one wish,

But to make sure it comes true:

Ved 2But if the fish jumps off the hook,

And I couldn’t perform a miracle myself,

I will ask you, my dear:

Take care of yourself and don't be sad!

Ved. 1Sunny days and less hassle,

So that your garden always blooms,

Happiness, health, cloudless days

I wish my Galinka!

Ved. 2 And now. And now

The fish invites you

Leave everyone from the table

And move around a little.

Part 3(based on the song Sweets - Little Lambs)

A relative comes out. there's candy on the tray Hey, you honest people, come and buy the goods!

Niece. What are you doing? Don't you see that you're attending an anniversary party?

Niece's husband: What am I? Where am I? Oh, I wish I had a saber and a horse and in the line of fire!

Plem: Wow, you're crazy! I haven’t fought yet!

Better congratulate the hero of the day! Look how beautiful she is sitting!

husband: Why, I’m okay!

Good evening, dear guests, beauty of the day!!

Birthday girl from heaven

I pulled out a miracle of miracles.

Happy anniversary.

And I put on magic beads

(Puts bagels around his neck)

Plem.Every bagel matters

husband. Get some instructions:

Plem. So that you don't know grief,

husband. so that everything gets done

breed. So that health, happiness, laughter

Love, joy and success

breed. And take another envelope.

man sings: Nice company, sounds of voices

And the song is cheerful, the aroma from the tables

Together: Lamb candy

We're feasting at Galochka's

Eh, you are visiting guests

Pour the wine

Look at _Galochka

Our Galya the dove

And so happy

In the whole world she is.

husband: Years rush so fast

But Galochka is dear to us.

Let's drink, let's drink to Galya

We are intoxicating wine

Together: Lamb candy

We're feasting at Galochka's

Eh, you are visiting guests

Pour the wine

Look at _Galochka

Our Galya the dove

And so happy

In the whole world she is.

Ved 2 Today is your special day,

There is no need to hide your years.

And these years will not frighten us,

they are your wealth and reward.

and it doesn’t matter that the hair turns grey,

the soul remains young as before!

then your maturity, wisdom, is not the limit,

that is experience, joy, but not yet old age.

My years are my wealth

Scenario for a festive evening in honor of a woman’s 70th birthday. The script is designed for an audience of 70-100 people. (The hero of the day is a labor veteran, has awards, and raised several children with her husband)

Hall decoration: congratulatory posters, wall newspapers, balloons, flowers. In the most prominent place is a poster for wishes as a keepsake. Everyone can write their wish and subscribe.

Necessary equipment: musical equipment, microphones, laptop, video projector.

There are two presenters, but some of the heroes of the evening are guests.

Pleasant music sounds, the hostess greets the guests and invites them to the table.

(fanfare sounds)
Presenter1: Good evening, dear guests, today the family ……… held a general meeting council. At this meeting, an order was created: this evening everyone should give each other smiles free of charge, and several decisions were also made:
It's forbidden to be sad
eat more and drink more,
songs to sing and dance,
and not get tired at all!

Presenter 2: Those who agree with these decisions, those who are in favor, raise our right hand high, higher. Well, everyone is unanimously “for”, where we lowered our hands, we raise them back, now with these hands we fill the glasses and listen to the first toast

Ved. 1: We invite the head of the family, the husband of the hero of the day, to announce the first toast.
(approximate text) Husband: “My wife is simply a miracle, I once couldn’t even believe that she could love me, because she is the most beautiful, smart, hardworking, caring, thrifty, economical, well, just a miracle. I am infinitely glad that this miracle is with me, and now she is not only wonderful, she is the most beloved! So let’s drink to the fact that miracles will be with us and turn life into love.”

(while the guests are being treated, the video projector is turned on, a 10-minute video is shown about the life of the hero of the day, her family, her hobbies, a presentation video introduces the hero of the day in detail: favorite color, dish, flowers, song, etc.)

Ved. 2: And now her most beloved guests want to congratulate the hero of the day, don’t be jealous - these are great-grandchildren.
(The grandchildren read the poem and sing ditties with the great-grandchildren)
Poem: Our grandmother is beautiful
The kindest person!
We won't be in vain
Sad her forever.
We congratulate grandma
Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart!
We wish her health
Yes, stronger. Don't bother
That older children
How the years fly by.
You are the most beautiful in the world,
Be forever young!

Ditties: We love grandma
We often help at home.
Wash all the dishes
So, fragments are everywhere!
Grandfather loved grandma
He gave her a bouquet.
Grandma - run to the window,
There are no flower beds! Well well!
To grandma, grandma
I'm in a hurry to get some pancakes.
I lived for a week
The blouse is too small!
Our grandmother is angry:
We trampled down the garden bed.
Got angry, smiled
And she grabbed us!
(grandchildren hug grandmother, give their gifts, great-grandchildren can give crafts)

(a block of congratulations to the guests, the hosts announce a poster for wishes, and offer to later write something to remember the hostess about this evening)

(gypsy music sounds, the children of the hero of the day come in, having gone to change clothes, in gypsy costumes, the baron is the eldest son of the heroine of the evening)
Baron: Dear ladies and gentlemen, let me predict this evening and tomorrow morning. Today will be fun
There will be dancing today
The feast will be hearty,
Everyone will hug.
And tomorrow there will be tinnitus,
Lie down a little
With a smile, remember all the fun,
You'll want to come here!

Gypsy: Let me tell you fortunes. So, look at each other, and now at yourself. Then we look in front of us, check whether the glasses are full, if not, we fill them, we do all this slowly, carefully, and now I’ll say - here are the glasses full, and now they will become empty. By the time I count to ten, the glasses will be completely empty. This is a correct prediction! 1, 2, 3….
Well, I’ll tell you another fortune, everyone who is under 30 years old here will be very lucky today. Let's see how many such lucky people there are here. They, who are under 30, will be so physically tired today, doing unusual exercises to cheerful music, but their soul will rest and be recharged with new strength.
And for those over 30, we raise our hands, how many of them there are, they will be doubly lucky. Today they will be lucky enough to remember their youth, to plunge into youth. Interesting conversations await them with friends and family about how it is with you and how it is with us.
And the most pleasant surprise awaits those who most cheerfully shout today: “Congratulations to the hero of the day.” Exactly who is more fun. And so we compete, put on the most cheerful appearance, smile from ear to ear and shout in unison. Those who are under 30. And now those who are over 30. Wow, everyone here is funny.
(Baron congratulates the hero of the day, the whole team is presented with a gift)
(dance block: competitions are held for the best dancer in the oriental style, for the best dancer in the rock and roll style, for the best dancer of Russian folk dance)

Presenter1: We are all very interested in what kind of baby our heroine was, today, and only today there is such an opportunity.
(The hero of the day sits on a chair behind the screen, behind her is the husband. The screen has a cutout for the face of the hero of the day, she puts her head through the cutout, with a cap on her head, and a pacifier in her mouth. The screen also has holes for the hands of the husband and the hero of the day, the hands of the hero of the day will be legs, and the husband's hands will be arms. The baby's arms and legs will be dressed in children's overalls. That is, the audience will see the head of the hero of the day and dangling arms and legs under the overalls).

Presenter 2: But what she was like. In the mornings, she did gymnastics, one-two, one-two (at the same time, the spouses make movements with their hands that resemble exercises), and did not forget about running and walking. The heroine was sure to wash herself, wash her face, hands, feet well, and did not forget about her ears. Then, of course, she ate (it turns out that her husband feeds her porridge). Sometimes our baby was capricious and cried loudly (the hero of the day pretends to cry), and sometimes she laughed (the hero of the day laughs). Well, when she heard music, she immediately started dancing. This is what our Maria Ivanovna was like.
(the screen is taken away, a dance block, after the dance marathon everyone sits down at the table again)

Presenter 1: And now the most important moment has come - the family choir is performing. (Children, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren come out and perform a remade song to the tune of “We wish you happiness”).
Our house is always so warm
My soul is calm and light.
Because we have been very lucky in life.
You take care of us and love us deeply,
You can do everything and you won’t betray,
And you will never let discord and evil into your home.

We wish you to become more beautiful every day.
Like the sun in the morning, it warmed us with warmth.
We wish you good luck and that all your dreams come true!
Good health and may there be no trouble!

In a world where sometimes there is no peace,
Where the sun's light is dim,
That’s when I often dream about my parents’ house,
We need it in a thunderstorm and snowfall,
To see our mother's kind look,
Also see the father's gaze, remember their lesson.

(Children congratulate mother and give gifts)
(block of congratulations to relatives and friends)

Competition 1. The presenters ask questions about the hero of the day, as discussed earlier in the videos.
Competition 2. The hero of the day closes his eyes, the guests congratulate her, the hero of the day must guess by his voice who it is.
Game 1. Theater game. Guests are given roles that are in the text. As the text is read, the actors perform their roles.
Game 2. The game is called “Friendship Signal”, everyone stands in a circle and holds hands, one leader squeezes the hand of his neighbor, the neighbor squeezes the next, and so on in a circle, when the signal begins to reach the beginner very quickly, a dance of friendship is announced - lambada.

At the end of the festive evening, an anniversary fireworks display is held - everyone takes 1 inflated balloon, and on command everyone begins to burst them. When there are many guests, more than 50 people, it really creates the feeling of fireworks.

The script was written to celebrate a man's seventieth birthday. It is perfect for both a professional presenter and for the children or grandchildren of the hero of the day. Following this scenario, the holiday will turn out to be warm, sincere and memorable for the hero of the day.

Guests. Of course, such a date is celebrated with closest people. Children, grandchildren, old friends - ideal company.

Room. This date is best celebrated in a cafe or restaurant. It is very important that the interior of the establishment corresponds to the age of the hero of the day: no ultra-modern decorations.

Music. The music should also correspond to the age and taste of the hero of the day. The hits of his favorite bands from his youth are best suited.

Table. Considering that the main contingent of guests is middle-aged or elderly, food should be simple, tasty and prepared with a minimum content of hot pepper and other seasonings.

Leading. Of course, you can also hire a professional presenter. However, the hero of the day will be pleased if his children take on the role of presenter. It’s doubly nice if you have grandchildren.

Attributes. Flowers. You shouldn’t think in stereotypes and think that flowers are not a gift for men. The hero of the day will be very pleased to receive a beautiful bouquet.

Comic certificates. Certificates “Best Husband”, “Best Father” and “Best Grandfather” can either be purchased or made yourself. It is desirable that the surname and first name of the hero of the day can be written on the certificates.

(The guests are seated, the host begins the celebration)

Presenter: Hello, dear guests! Today we have gathered in this wonderful restaurant to celebrate an equally wonderful date - 70 years since the birth of a good man, a faithful friend, an excellent father, husband and grandfather. The famous heroine of the film lied when she said that at 40, life is just beginning. In fact, real life begins after seventy. At this age, wisdom and experience reach their peak, children are already adults, and there is no need to build a career. By this time, only the most devoted friends remain, all life values ​​​​have finally formed a logical chain. Our dear *name and patronymic*! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you good health and the fulfillment of all your dreams (and there are many of them at your age). For you!

(Everybody eats and drinks)

Presenter: Dear *first name*. By the age of seventy, you have earned your main wealth - your environment. Your relatives, children, grandchildren, best friends - everyone wants to congratulate you personally. The word is given by *name*.

(Guests take turns toasting, eating and drinking)

Host: We all know that the soul does not age. What about the body? Now the birthday boy will show us what he is capable of! *first name*, we invite you to dance. Guests, join us!

(Everyone goes to dance. After dancing they return to the table)

Presenter: Dear hero of the day! You may not know, but recently there were competitions for the title of the best husband, father and grandfather. I want to pleasantly surprise you - you won in all three categories! The floor is given to those people who sincerely believe that you are the best - your wife, children and grandchildren.

(One by one, the wife, children and grandchildren present certificates to the hero of the day and explain why they consider the hero of the day to be the best. Then everyone eats and drinks. The evening comes to an end)

Presenter: The day of the seventieth anniversary is coming to an end. Well, real life is just beginning! Our beloved *name and patronymic*. For seventy years, you have strived for the best and achieved ever new heights. I wish you that the sparkle in your eyes never goes out, that you continue to achieve everything you want. Remember that you, as the winner of competitions for the titles of the best husband, father and grandfather, must confirm this title from year to year. I wish you happiness, health and long life!