Scenario for a holiday with a concert of students for Teacher's Day at a music school. Festive concert for Teacher's Day. Scenario Beautiful script for a concert for Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day. Holiday scenario

Teacher's Day, a professional holiday for all workers in the education sector, was established by UNESCO in 1994. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 3, 1994, Teacher's Day in Russia is celebrated on October 5. Teacher's Day is truly a national, beloved and very emotional holiday. After all, teaching is an art, work, hard and responsible, self-sacrificing, akin to a civic feat. It is the teacher, pedagogue, educator who creates the basis for creative human activity in economics, politics, and art.

Holiday for teachers

Preliminary preparation: Make a newspaper with the guys with wishes for teachers who teach in fourth grade.

Hall decoration: balloons, holiday posters, etc. In the background of the stage is a colorful congratulation on Teacher's Day.

Progress of the event

(The melody of the song “School Years” (music by D. Kabalevsky) sounds.)

Student 1.

“Teacher” is a word like the dawn,

What heralds a big and clear day,

Student 2.

In the rays of which the black earth

Becomes rich and beautiful.

Student 3.

The teacher is the children's best friend,

He is always with us.

Student 4. And I’m glad to praise you for your work,

And he is strict, if necessary.

Student 1.

We will go through many paths and roads,

And each of us dreams

May the teacher always be proud of us,

How proud we are of him now!

Student 2.

Will always make you remember something

What slipped my mind.

There is no more important job in the world,

Than what you do.

In the twentieth century and in the two hundredth

The teacher is eternal on earth.

Student 3.

Years will pass, centuries of thread

They will drown in the blue abyss of stars,

But the warm word is “teacher”

Always moves me to tears.

Student 4.

What's the hardest thing in the world? Guess!

What do children need most? Answer!

Care and affection, light and work

The one who is called a teacher!

Presenter. Good evening, dear teachers! We all know that today is a professional holiday for all teachers, we salute you! Our guys have prepared for you not only a lot of warm words, but also small gifts, the first of which is the release of a holiday newspaper.

(To the music, the guys carry the newspaper across the stage and attach it to the wall of the assembly hall.)

But the next gift is creative. We bring to your attention our comic ABCD, made up of statements from teachers.

(Guys come on stage, they hold the letters of the alphabet in their hands.)

A. Ahhhh! Gotcha, you're copying from your neighbor again!

B. You will be furious during recess!

B. Get out of the classroom!

G. Where are your parents?

D. Duty officer, the board is dirty again!

E. If you don’t shut up, you will write.

G. Don’t put chewing gum on your desks!

3. This is a school for you, not a market!

I. Or did you think that you were the smartest?

K. You will make your home beautiful.

L. Are you people or not people?

M. I’m already missing you all!

N. Don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong!

O. Move away from the window, there’s nothing interesting there!

P. Just terrible! When will you wise up?

R. Drawing on the desk is strictly prohibited!

C. It’s not funny at all, we’ll laugh during the exams!

T. A C is an excellent grade for you.

U. A smile won’t help you!

F. Electives are held for you, not for me. X. Stop popping the seeds. Ts. Circus, not a lesson!

4. Too literate, but you write with errors.

Sh. Calm down! The plaster has only crumbled a little, but the ceiling is not falling, so we continue the lesson.

Shch. Tickling each other in class is simply indecent!

E. This doesn’t fit into any gate!

Yu. A skirt is for wearing, not for wiping your hands of chalk!

Me: I can’t calmly look at all this outrage alone, I’ll go call the director!

Presenter. Today is a big holiday!

Student 1. There is not a single person who today does not remember his favorite teachers!

Presenter. After all, each of us chooses an ideal for ourselves, which we try to be like, and this ideal is our favorite teacher.

Student 2. For us, he is the smartest, talented, handsome.

Presenter. Let's greet our teachers with applause.

(To the music, the teachers go up on stage, the guys give them flowers.) As I promised, dear teachers, many gifts await you today.

Student 3.

You are like a mother above the cradle,

When again, again, again

Leafing through school notebooks

You can't close your eyes at night,

You feed us with knowledge

For the sake of goodness and happiness in the world.

May you be a hundred times

They will praise, thank

And they will ascend to the throne of songs,

So that with every generation from now on

It's magical for you to look younger

In work that is so wonderful!

Presenter. All over Russia, in all cities, Teacher's Day is celebrated on this day. And not in vain, because each of you was once a student, was once small. But our world consists of adults and children.

(Students perform the song “What does our world consist of” (music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by M. Tanich).)

Everyone chooses for themselves

A woman, a religion, a road,

To serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A word for love and for prayer,

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

I also choose - as best I can.

I have no complaints against anyone.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

The teacher who will be discussed now chose the path for himself... years ago and never once doubted the correctness of his choice.

(The most respected teacher of the school is invited to the stage and given Flowers. The presenter asks him questions.)

Presenter. Count how many issues you have had? Can you count all your students? Do you remember the names of the children from your first graduating class? What were they like in character? You don't know who they became? (The teacher answers questions.)

Strict and affectionate,

Wise and sensitive,

Student 1. For those who have gray hair at the temples,

Student 2. For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

Student 3. To those who, having told us the secrets of discoveries,

Student 4. Teaches you to achieve victories in work,

Presenter. To everyone whose proud name is teacher,


Our huge warm greetings!

(Concert number.)


To a wonderful life, to a journey of discovery

A kind and strict teacher prepares us.

Student 1.

The teacher is not only our patron,

He is also a tamer.

Student 2.

We can be stubborn, impudent, playful.

We don’t learn our lessons, sometimes.

All(together). Thank you!!!

Student 3.

Thank you for being so patient

Thank you for loving us!

Student 4. It’s such a blessing that we have such teachers. (Points towards the teachers.)

Student 1. And you have such students. (Points to himself 1 and other students.)

(The song “What They Teach at School” plays (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).)

Presenter. Dear teachers, all your students are growing up, and these guys will someday become adults!

Student 1. But all this will not happen soon!

Student 2. After all, we are still children!

Student 3. But you, teachers, are always next to us!

Student 4. But we offer you: let's learn together.

Student 1. Because a bad teacher is one who has forgotten that he himself was once a student.

Student 2. That he also didn’t know something and made mistakes.

Student 3. That he also loved to play around, laugh and run!

Student 4. Rollerblading and swinging! Student 1. Do you agree? Then feel free to hit the road! (Children perform the song “Winged Swings” (music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Yu. Entin).)

All(together). Happy holiday, dear teachers!

Scenario of the festive concert for Teacher's Day "Happy Teacher's Day, ladies and gentlemen!"

teacher of the educational institution "Krasnoyarsk adaptive boarding school" Shaldina Anna Viktorovna.
This development will be useful to teacher-organizers, music directors, and teachers in preparation for the holiday - Teacher's Day. An unusual form of holding a concert - in the form of a TV show - will add zest to your holiday.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere.
Preparatory work: In preparation for this concert, a huge amount of preparatory work was done - the presentations of the presenters were recorded on video, surveys of teachers, drawing up verbal portraits of teachers, etc.

(the hall is festively decorated with portraits of teachers drawn by children, congratulatory newspapers, ceremonial fanfare sounds)

Concert number. Song "Who is the kindest in the world!" 4b class

(presenters appear on the screen)
Presenter 1: Hello, dear TV viewers!
Presenter 2: Good afternoon
Presenter 1: Today we have a significant event - the new TV channel “Teacher” has begun its work.
Presenter 2: And this event is all the more significant because the launch of our TV channel coincided with a grandiose event - International Teacher's Day!
Presenter 1: And that’s why our today’s issue is dedicated to this holiday.
Presenter 2: The presenters are working live for you all day long -______________________
Presenter 1: And _______________________
Presenter 2: And our television broadcast opens with the program “Morning Star”

Dance + song 4 “a” and 4 “b” grade “Simply, simply, we are little stars!”

Presenter 1: We continue our broadcast...
Presenter 2: For those who have not yet fully understood the teachers of our school, a horoscope from Elizoveta Globa is on air

Sketch “Teacher's Horoscope” Lisa 7th grade
(a girl appears on stage and tells the teacher’s horoscope; during her speech, photographs of teachers are broadcast on the screen)

There are horoscopes of all stripes in the world,
Adults and children adore them
Only Horoscope for teachers
No one has composed it on the entire planet.
It's time for us to correct this mistake
And draw up a teacher's horoscope.

Aries will not let us bleat at the blackboard -
He's a real wolf in sheep's clothing
But Taurus are not formidable bulls,
And calves are kind by nature.
Geminis mercilessly mold couples for everyone,
Grumbling angrily: “What kind of baby talk?”

Cancers have very tenacious claws,
They don’t let you leave the board for a long time!
If you show stupidity, they back away,
And Leos roar, but reward generously.
For Virgo, appearance and diligence
Content is more important than answers!

Libras all want justice
But the balance is unstable.
And Scorpio hides a terrible poison,
Suddenly it stings - and in the magazine there is a deuce!
Sagittarius shoots with remarks,
Who can dodge - well done!

It is impossible to butt heads with Capricorn,
The teacher is right - he knows in advance!
And it’s also difficult to argue with Aquarius,
It will flood - and who will save you?
And you remain silent when you go to the bottom, -
After all, Pisces love silence very much!

Now we know everything about teachers
And we are not afraid of any flood,
After all, the student will be unsinkable,
When will he study this Horoscope!

(the presenter leaves the stage)

Presenter 1: We have received an orientation at our studio, listen carefully. People who are short, thin, noisy, inattentive, and not accustomed to school routines can easily get lost within the school walls. Vadim, who do you think this is?
Presenter 2: Well, almost half of the students at our school fit this description!
Presenter 1: It seems to me not quite, most of the students at our school are well versed in it, even too well. And only those who have come to us quite recently can easily confuse a psychologist’s office with a mathematics office.
Presenter 2: And I understand, I understand, these are our first graders!
Presenter1: In the next program they will tell us how they live in our school...

Sketch “It’s hard to learn” 1st grade
(to the music, a group of first-graders appear, carrying heavy backpacks, looking sad and tortured)

1 student: Textbooks are like bricks
Size, shape and weight.
For those who decided to get a certificate,
It is advisable to be Hercules.

2nd student: I can do pull-ups many times,
I've been doing exercises since the morning.
But the school bag bends into an arc,
It was as if I was going on a hike.

3rd student:
I won't throw my bag away, keep that in mind!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.

4 student:(holds an open book in his hands) The problem cannot be solved -
even kill me!
Think, think, head
hurry up!
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think think -
For once I ask!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
And then I’ll hit you on the top of your head!
(hits himself on the top of his head)

High school girl: Don't be upset guys
You will succeed!
I'll tell you a secret, the holidays are coming soon,
Who studies during the holidays!?

All first graders
: Hooray!

(put on backpacks and skip off stage)

Presenter 1: And now some statistics. ___ people work at our school
Presenter 2: Total height ____, 2 of them Dmitry Anatolyevich
Presenter 1: Total weight ____
Presenter 2: Favorite color – red paste color
Presenter 1: Favorite drink is tea. Sometimes with valerian.
Presenter 2: Daily nervous tension - 221 Volts
Presenter 1: The hangout place is the teachers' lounge
Presenter 2: And the mood is always cheerful!
Presenter 1: Character – Persistent!
Presenter 2: Such a wonderful team!
Presenter 1: The next musical gift is for you!

Concert number. Dance “First Teacher” 5th grade

Presenter 1:
And we continue our broadcast.
Presenter 2: At the request of TV viewers, the program “Funny Panorama” is aired on our TV channel.

Sketch “Nikitichna and Petrovna” 9th grade
Nikitichna- Petrovna, do you hear??? Do you hear what I’m saying, Petrovna!?!?
Petrovna- What are you yelling about? I hear, I hear!
Nikitichna- So they say today is a holiday! Did you hear???
Petrovna- Holiday? What holiday? Nikitichna? I haven't heard anything
Nikitichna- Teacher's Day!
Petrovna- Why are they? You’re too old for school... And they’ve already recruited first-graders a long time ago...
Nikitichna-Where did they send you?
Petrovna- Yes, they dialed, I say, dialed!
Nikitichna- That's what I say - they lied! They said that teachers were getting bonuses, like them, but they were giving them in bucks!!! And I say - they lied! And one of them was even told, accept the reward - a dacha in Spain!
Petrovna- What do you care about teachers???
Nikitichna- Yes, they asked me the other day to teach at school
Petrovna- What should I give you?
Nikitichna- Don’t give, but PRE-GIVE!!!
Petrovna- A....that means teaching!!! Well, what about you?
Nikitichna- What about me? I wish I could!!! If I started teaching, I would show them! I would pour some peas into the corner! I'd bet those who spoil me on peas! I wish I had them wow!!!
Petrovna- Why... (adjusts his ears under the scarf) my ears are normal... normal...
Nikitichna- Yes, and I would definitely kick their fish soup!!! I would also give them a belt - wow!!! (twists the belt above his head) I would definitely be awarded a dacha in Spain for such work!
Petrovna- Yeah... exactly... exactly!!! You will be rewarded with a trip to Sobez!!!
Nikitichna- Leave me alone, old man. Let me at least dream!

(remove the “grandmothers’ disguise”)

1 student: To such unfortunate teachers,
All roads are blocked!
We need affection and patience
Go to the hearts of schoolchildren!

2nd student: It's hard to educate us all,
And give us knowledge.
So give in with the strap...
And if you're serious, bow to you!

(bow to the teachers, then leave the stage, the presenters appear on the screen again)

Presenter 1: Today, on this holiday, for the first time on our channel, you, dear TV viewers...No, I can’t do this anymore! This is not fair, we are here in a stuffy studio, and everyone else is there, in a festively decorated hall, having fun and congratulating each other. I also want to be there!
Presenter 2: _________ What are you doing, you’re disrupting the holiday broadcast, calm down and let’s continue.
Presenter 1: No, whatever you want, I'm leaving the studio, if you want, you can join me.
Presenter 2: I don’t know, we will be deprived of bonuses, or maybe even fired
Presenter 1: Don't be afraid, everything will be fine!

(the presenters get up and leave the studio, after a while they appear in the hall)

Presenter 1: Hello again, dear TV viewers! So where did we stop!? Oh, yes, only today, and only for you, on our channel the premiere of the TV show “Guess the Teacher”
Presenter 2: Meet the host of the program ___________________

Sketch show "Guess the teacher!" 9th grade
(the presenters leave the stage, the host of the “Guess the Teacher” program appears)

Leading: Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen, I greet you, the host of the “Guess the Teacher” program - Sergey Seleznev. The rules of the game are as follows: you need to guess the teacher working at your school based on the description. It is forbidden to shout out from your seat; the one who raises his hand first answers. The winners of the game will be awarded this certificate (shows certificate) to get 3 A's in any subject. Is everyone clear? (audience responses) Then, let's begin!

(the presenter reads out descriptions of the school’s teachers, children’s photographs or portraits of teachers made by children appear on the screen. Children spectators guess the teachers. For the correct answer, they are awarded a certificate)

Leading: This concludes our program, until we meet again.

(the host of the program leaves the stage, TV presenters appear)

Presenter 1: Our holiday television broadcast continues with the program “Voice, Children”
Presenter 2: Meet its first member - the group “School-fun”

Concert number. Song “If there were no schools” 5th grade

Presenter 1: Attention, sensational news, a student with supernatural powers has been discovered in our school.
Presenter 2: He can force you to perform any action with the power of his thoughts.
Presenter 1: You will learn about the incredible abilities of a student at the Krasnoyarsk school from the program "The fight of extrasensories". Today the correspondent of this program comes to our school to interview this student.

Sketch “Incredible abilities” 7th grade

(a correspondent appears on stage, a camera on his neck, a notepad and pen in his hands)

Hello, hello, dear viewers! The program “Battle of Psychics” is on air. Today we are in a Krasnoyarsk boarding school, where, according to our information, a boy with supernatural abilities is studying - he has the incredible power of self-hypnosis. So, let's finally get to know the hero of our today's program!

(a boy appears, modest and shy, wearing dark glasses)

Correspondent: Introduce youreself!
Student: Artyom
Correspondent: Incredible, just Artyom, you are not only gifted, but also a very modest boy. Please tell us how you discovered this gift in yourself?
Student: Yes, somehow, by accident...
Correspondent: And detail…
Student: It’s just that my neighbor at my desk was preventing me from completing my task; at first I thought how good it would be if he stopped talking, completely. And then I couldn’t stand it and I hit the book
(takes out a book and swings it) and he stopped..., talking..., completely...
Correspondent: Incredible... Were there other cases of manifestation of your gift?
Student: Well, I really like Tanka and I thought how nice it would be if she said a few nice words to me, so I went up and shook her...
Correspondent: So what?
Student: Well, Tanka said a few words to me, yes, yes, she said... not entirely pleasant, but still!
Correspondent: And also?
Student: And I also thought how wonderful it would be if I got an A in physical education...
Correspondent: So what?
Student: What, what... that's what!

(takes off glasses, bruise under eye)

Correspondent: Most likely, your physical education teacher is immune to suggestibility. And right now, you can demonstrate your capabilities and convince those sitting in the hall to do something good and pleasant, for example, congratulate teachers on the holidays
Student: Well, I don’t know, let’s try...

(the student takes several children out of the hall, then hits them on the head with a book one by one and they begin to read poetry to the teachers)

To teachers beginning schools:
Dear Tatyana Viktorovna,
Irina Viktorovna,
Irina Nikolayevna,
Lyudmila Ivanovna!

You were our guide
When we are together with the primer,
“The basics” and “the beeches” were comprehended.
Now, even though we have become adults,
We have childish feelings for you
And we especially congratulate you!

For Russian language and reading teachers:
Tatyana Ivanovna and Valentina Nikolaevna!
In Russian and literature
We are joining the culture.
Learning to write correctly,
Seriously and thoughtfully read
And think figuratively at the same time.
We know the works of poets
And we remember the classics of the word,
Thank you for all this!

For teachers of biology, geography, history:

Adored Irina Alexandrovna
And Anastasia Vladimirovna!

Infinitely grateful!
There are no words for surprise
How do you know the subject?
May the Sun shine on you more generously!
And from everyone who is near and far,
We send you greetings from all pets -
And bow - from heaven to earth.

To the math teacher:
Dear Elena Anatolyevna!
How much are these functions?
Bringing us suffering?
How much are these games?
And X's are worth the pain?
Why do scientists
This math
Called without a doubt
Queen of all sciences?

To labor teachers and SBOs:
Dear Vera Borisovna, Zoya Vladimirovna,
Alexander Konstantinich
Roman Sergeevich and Dmitry Mikhailovich!
We will be scientists
Let's be engineers
Will we take possession
Secular manners.
But monkey into man
Only work could transform
Sewing, planing and pounding
We will! To live better.

To the Physical Education teacher:
Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich!
There are traces in the soul from our meetings
They will stay for a long time.
The heart is reliable, like a motor,
We run faster than a wolf
With health like ours,
We will move mountains.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Physical education lessons.

To educators:
Dear educators,
Your work is not a gift,
We speak with understanding.
Being a teacher is a calling
We thank you, dear ones.
Thank you for your affection
For your kind eyes,
For your wise tips,
For your kind words.

To the director:
Dear Vladimir Nikolaevich!
We admit that we are a little
You've been in trouble
But there can be no learning
Absolutely no worries.
We are ready to promise together,
Even though the whole school will come to you,
Dear you are our director,
We won't let you down again!

(the student hits the correspondent’s book with his book)

At your school, the best in the world,
That the teacher is a star,
And all over the country you are definitely
You will never find it!

Correspondent: Excellent, amazing, you have incredible powers of suggestion, we invite you to become participants in the television show “Battle of Psychics.” Please, Artyom, let's go backstage and discuss the terms of your contract...

(the correspondent and the student leave the stage, the presenters appear, one of them has a construction helmet on his head)
Presenter 1: ____, what's on your head?
Presenter 2: How is this, ______, don’t you see – a helmet!?
Presenter 1: But why do you need it?! Hurricanes didn’t seem to be transmitted, and neither did earthquakes!?
Presenter 2: _____, what kind of earthquake is there, THIS it will be worse!
Presenter 1: What THIS?
Presenter 2: TURN!!!
Presenter 1: Oh God, let's run away while we're still alive!

Sketch-song "Change" 5th grade

(the presenters leave the stage in a hurry, the song minus “Change” sounds, 4 running couples appear on the stage, they form a circle. For the verse, the couples stop and recite poetry, for the chorus they sing, then change places clockwise, etc. )

1 pair

1 student:"I'm running", "we're running"
“You are running” and “you are running.”
You tell me time
Brothers, tell me.
2nd student: Verb tenses i
I learned it poorly,
But what is this change?

Chorus: Change, change
Without her, studying is hell,
Everyone is screaming and freaking out
Through the halls and stairs
They don't want to go to class!

2 pair
1 student: Boys in class
We are just angels.
But during the changes -
Not boys, but special forces!
2nd student: That's for sure. How will they come together?
Sparks fly from the eyes.
We need a fire extinguisher.
So that the class doesn't catch fire!


3 pair
1 student: Hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog...
2 student: You don’t know cases!
1 student: It's like you know:
"Cinema" with "coat" you bow!


4 pair
1 student: - All day I was plagued by doubts:
Why, eccentric, did I teach this rule?
Why did I figure out this rule?
They still didn't give me an "A".
2 student: Well, why do you need an “A”?
You really are a weirdo.
For example, my rating is
This is a strong “troika”!


(bell rings, couples leave stage)

Presenter 1: The teacher is now an important figure!
Presenter 2: Teachers everywhere have honor and honor!”
Presenter 1: Teacher is an acronym
Presenter 2: I am ordered to read it now.

(children run out, they have large letters in their hands, they call them loudly)

The enormous preparatory work of the entire student body, parents and teacher-organizer for the professional holiday of teachers requires considerable effort so that the main event on Teacher's Day brings joy to the audience gathered in the assembly hall for the concert. Do you also want to surprise your mentors on the eve of the holiday? Start preparing in advance, because the Teacher's Day concert is not just a performance by children and former graduates. This is a most interesting theatrical performance with its own script, with the best presenters, with thoughtful competitions, bright costumes, crazy dancing, fiery music and original congratulations.

A festive concert for Teacher's Day, which is held at school, should not be a simple set of songs and poems that will be performed flawlessly on stage. No one claims that you can do without these wonderful numbers, but some kind of zest is required that will constantly remind the audience that an event dedicated to Teacher's Day is taking place. A special place on the stage will be occupied by presenters who, having a ready-made script in their hands, will be able to improvise it if necessary.

For a concert dedicated to Teacher's Day to be a great success, you need to know some of the subtleties of its organization:

  • All rooms must be carefully prepared.
  • Under no circumstances should you use songs and poems, which save any performance even within the walls of the school; they have been heard more than once.
  • Teachers can also be invited to perform in the concert, even though this holiday is organized for them. Young teachers, whom no one has heard in this school yet, are ready to perform musical congratulations.
  • It is advisable to recognize each teacher at the concert by inviting him to the stage to receive a small gift or certificate. It is very interesting at concerts to present certificates or medals in comic nominations (the funniest teacher, the coolest class teacher, etc.).
  • The title of the Teacher's Day concert should be exciting and memorable:
  1. Teachers are always needed
  2. We owe everything to the teacher
  3. Teacher is the best calling
  • Organize an enchanting conclusion to the event with the presentation of flowers, cards, the launch of balloons or a common song for all participants in this project.

Concert for Teacher's Day, script with poems and songs

This script has nothing superfluous. It can rightfully be used for the celebration of “Teacher’s Day!” The main roles are assigned to senior high school presenters. In addition to them, readers periodically appear on stage. These could be elementary school students who can light their spark and add zest to the event.

Festive concert for Teacher's Day in Russian and Tatar languages

An amazing development of an event dedicated to Teacher's Day, compiled for schools with the study of the Tatar language. The script alternates congratulations from teachers in two languages. If desired, you can change it by rewriting the text in Tatar.

Concert “Teachers are always needed”

This event takes place in a fun atmosphere. Not only leading and minor artists appear on stage, but also teachers. During the concert, all the teachers for whom their own nominations have been established for the holiday will take turns to accept congratulations on the stage. The script has two appendices with scenes, which are also never superfluous.

Holiday concert scriptfor Teacher's Day

Target: lay the foundation for the formation of a favorable climate between teacher and students.

Form: holiday

Methods: joint creative work

Preparatory work: choose presenters, invite guests, prepare student performances, organize a concert.

The progress of the holiday

Ved.1: Hello, dear teachers, students and guests of our holiday.

Ved.2: Dear, dear teachers. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day! But there is no teacher without students. This means that today is not only your holiday, but also that of everyone who studied and is studying at school. And all our grandparents, mothers and fathers studied at school. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.


Let autumn be here for a whole month,
Today suddenly there was a breath of spring,
Flowers bloom today in every heart:
Teacher - today is your holiday.


The path of a teacher is not a mistake,
After all, this is not work, but fate,
Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,
Today, everything in the world is for you!

Ved.1:. The teaching profession is very difficult; it requires a lot of patience and understanding from a person. Basically it consists of difficult but interesting everyday life. However, today is our dear teachers’ professional holiday, and they, of course, deserve the most sincere and warm congratulations and wishes addressed to them.

Ved.2: We want to congratulate you and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - knowledge. With your hard work, you make us smart people, ready to embark on the path of life. Happy holiday to you, our dear teachers!


Wonderful routes of exploration
We're on a life's journey
From the ABC book to the secrets of the universe,
From school desks to sunny heights.


And in this continuous ascent,
As a guide, attentive and strict,
Leads by work and inspiration
Comrade and mentor - TEACHER.

1. Musical composition


1.You won’t find a more beautiful time...
The rustling of linden alleys,
The holiday of ___________________________________ enters with a ringing blue
My friends are teachers.

2.They will burn and worry again,
Once again everyone is a master and creator,
Give away your wealth again, ___________________________________
Wealth of thoughts and hearts.

3. You need to study - this is the job!
Step! The roads are good.
There is no more joyful thing in the world, ___________________________________
What is the education of the soul!

4. For mentors - poems and songs;
The sparkle of inspired lines -
The wisest of all professions, ___________________________________
With the proud title Teacher!

5. There is no more beautiful position in the world
Labor is braver and sweeter.
Blue shines. It is a holiday today __________________________________
My friends - teachers!

6.You are always young at heart,
Sharing work and joys with us,
Our strict ones, our relatives, ___________________________________
Patient teachers.

7. You give us a lot of strength,
And love, no matter what.
How much do you believe in us, that perhaps __________________________________
No one can believe like that.

8. Beautiful at heart and very kind,

You are strong in talent and generous in heart.

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

The lessons and undertakings will not be in vain!

You managed to find your way to the children, _________________________________

May success await you on this path!

2. The song is performed


And now we have a television studio in touch, today your students have prepared wonderful congratulations. We hope that they will delight you on this autumn day and that you will remember them for a long time! Well, we give them the floor.



School years... They are truly the happiest, most cheerful and wonderful.

Ved. 1:

Teaching is not work, but renunciation.

The ability to give your all,

Leave for a long feat and torment,

And in this we see light and grace.


Teaching - when in the eyes of cold

The dawn of understanding will light up,

And you will understand: I tried not in vain

And it was not in vain that he scattered his knowledge.



1. On this day we congratulate
The best of people -
Our dear, fair, ___________________________________
Dear teachers!

2. Your work is an everyday feat,
Let's put it bluntly, without embellishment.
Honor and respect to you, ___________________________________
We love you endlessly!

3. We know that light is teaching.
Knowledge is power, let’s confirm!
For your care and patience ___________________________________
We say thank you!

4. Today is Teacher's Day in Russia,
And therefore we want to congratulate you,
You are our dear teachers, ______________________________
We thank you for your great work!

5. Let everything that you have long dreamed of,
No problem, easy to implement!
And may salaries invariably rise, ___________________________________
May you go on vacation abroad in the summer!

6. The teacher knows his business -
Bring a bright light to the world of knowledge.
So unobtrusively, skillfully ____________________________
Able to give advice to children.

7. And on this day, rightfully important,
We wish you a sea of ​​flowers.
Let everyone say “thank you” to you, ___________________________________
Who do you give love to?

3. Musical number


We learn at school to appreciate goodness,
How to overcome rudeness and evil.
And how difficult it is for you sometimes -
You and I don't know this.
How much patience, affection and strength,
The teacher invested in you and me!



Anya, girl

Vanya, the neighbor's boy

Anya is on the front stage.

Anya. Many children and some adults often use unnecessary slang words in their speech. For example... (Vanya appears, whistling.) Hello, Vanya.

Vania. Hello.

Anya. Well, tell me, Vanya, how are you?

Vania. Wow, things are going strong!

Anya. I'm sorry, what?

Vania. Cool, I say. Just one wick froze this. Rolls up to the net. Let me drive the bike, he says. He sat down and scratched. And here is the teacher. And let him show off. He opened his mitten. Yes, how it gets messy. Himself with a black eye. The teacher almost went crazy, and the bike booed. Laugh. Cool, right?

Anya. Was there a horse there?

Vania. What horse?

Anya. Well, the one who was laughing. Or did I not understand anything?

Vania. Well, you didn't understand anything.

Anya. Come on, let's start all over again.

Vania. Come on. So, one wick...

Anya. Without a candle?

Vania. Without.

Anya. What kind of wick is this?

Vania. Well, one guy, a long one, rolled up to the sket...

Anya. What did he ride up on, a bicycle?

Vania. No, the bike had a cage.

Anya. Which sket?

Vania. Well, there's only one idiot. Yes, you know him, he walks around here with such a snob.

Anya. With whom, with whom?

Vania. Yes, not with whom, but with what, his nose is in the shape of a snob. Well, let me drive the bike, he says. He sat down and scratched.

Anya. Did he have an itch?

Vania. No, he said.

Anya. Well, how did you cut it?

Vania. What did you saw?

Anya. Well, is it big?

Vania. How?

Anya. Well, this same schnobel.

Vania. No, the cat had a snob. And the wick had a black eye, a blast hit him in the head, and he began to wander around. He opened his mitten, and so he jerked.

Anya. Why the mitten, did he get fussy in the winter?

Vania. Yes, there was no winter there, there was a teacher there.

Anya. Teacher, what do you mean?

Vania. Well, with a black eye, that is, with a big one, no, with coils. But it was the rolling of the bike that made the bike whoop.

Anya. How did you whoop?

Vania. Attack, it's covered. Into small pieces. Now I understand?

Anya. I realized that you don’t know the Russian language at all.

Vania. How come I don’t know?

Anya. Can you imagine if everyone spoke like you, what would happen?

Vania. What?

Anya. Now listen to how it sounds in your quirky language: “The cool Dnieper in cool weather, when wandering around and showing off, saws its cool waves through the forests and mountains. It won’t whoop, it won’t cover itself. You hatch your eyes, open the mitten and don’t know whether he’s sawing or not. A rare bird with a snob will reach the middle of the Dnieper. And if he finishes scratching, he will whoop so much that he will throw off his hooves.” Do you like?


We speak words of recognition
And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
With this song we congratulate you,
We value and praise our teachers.

4. Dedicated to our dear teachers: Musical number


You give everything to a great job,

You awaken a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living

Here's to the beauty of your deeds and thoughts!

Today we congratulate not only teachers, but also all educators, all teachers working with children.

The teacher knows everything, he can do everything,

At least he doesn’t expect affection from life.

Stops children running

He will enter the thundering hall.

He writes poetry, draws,

Cooks, and knits, and sews,

Plays on stage, dances

And even, imagine, he sings!


Dear teachers, the time has come to hear congratulations from those for whom this year at school will be the last. In just a year, when you meet your former students, you will be proud of their successes, worry about them and rejoice at their victories as if they were your own. In the meantime, welcome.

5. Musical number

Our concert is coming to an end. We once again sincerely congratulate all the teachers of the school on this holiday.


No matter how life flies by.

Don't regret your days.

Do a good deed

For the sake of the children's happiness.

No matter how difficult it is,

Stand firm, keeping the faith

In the tenderness of the new morning

To the valor of a new day.


To make the heart burn,

And it didn’t smolder in the darkness,

Do a good deed -

This is how you live on earth.


Our concert has come to an end. We once again sincerely congratulate all the teachers of the school on this holiday.

We wish you peace and goodness!

Good guys, and more!

We wish you wonderful work,

And the school can live and not grow old longer.

6. A song is playing

Oksana Bychkova
Scenario of a holiday with a concert of students for Teacher's Day at a music school

Fanfare sounds. Two presenters come out stage.

Presenter 1. Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen!

Presenter 2. Ladies gentlemen!

Presenter 1. Signors and signorinas!

Presenter 2. You are lucky enough to be spectators today concert dedicated to the Day Teachers!

Presenter 1. Concert broadcast on satellite television throughout Russia, as well as neighboring countries!

Presenter 2. Our the concert continues(name of song artist...

Presenter 1. Performed by her will sound the most popular hit "A million roses for teachers»

To the tune of a song "Million Scarlet roses" from rep. A. Pugacheva

Once upon a time teacher alone, knew how to do a lot in life,

Besides the goods, he only had notes and chalk.

He sowed warmth in children, gave the music of peace.

He may have had nothing, but he loved his work.


A million, a million, a million red roses,

You give it to him, you give it to him

And at least once, at least once, don’t regret it,

Tender words of love for him

Let him be sometimes stack: he could give deuces,

Anyone who was late for class might not be allowed to enter the door.

I could call the parents if the child got impudent,

But he solved all problems cheerfully, as if jokingly.

Presenter 2. Today in Russia and other countries they honor teachers. But, unfortunately, not just a million scarlet roses, but also a daisy flower today not every teacher will receive.

Presenter 1. We sincerely hope that in the coming holidays students compensate for their inattention.

Presenter 2. Congratulations and best wishes come from... (artist name)

Concert number

Presenter 1. Day Teachers it’s not in vain that they celebrate in autumn: keep in mind that at this time the memories of summer are so strong that from time to time teachers They smile contentedly at the memory of the warm sun, the gentle sea and the hot golden sand.

Presenter 2. And the students... haven’t started yet study, but only – only "swinging" in order to begin to analyze new works.

Presenter 1. But we know that before you have time to look back, technical tests and academic tests will immediately begin concerts, rehearsals for the competition and other pleasant surprises.

Presenter 2. Let’s not talk about such a distant future, it’s better to look at the next issue

Presenter 1. Speaking (artist name)

Concert number

Presenter 2. It’s still great when you study in two schools, one of which is school of ART.

Presenter 1. Yes (doubtful). And take it to end each half-year and year there are twice as many tests and exams as others. Really cool!

Presenter 2. What if it’s fun? Learns music and dance.

Presenter 1. Then the question is removed

Presenter 2. Speaks. (artist name)

Concert number

Presenter 1. Strange. But very often we hear the opinion that musicians should only do music.

Presenter 2. And artists only draw.

Presenter 1. Where do these stereotypes come from?

Presenter 2. The next number will convince you that in our school has talent who may qualify for "masters" scenes» .

Presenter 1. So... (theatrical miniature)

Concert number

Presenter 2. Yes, love, love... There is so much in this word! The next song is about love... for a teacher. Don't get me wrong! But we didn't change anything.

Presenter 1. But, as they write in the prologues, any similarity with real events should be considered an accident.

“To the melody of Yu. Antonov “You are no more beautiful”

For me there is no one more beautiful than you,

But I catch your gaze in vain:

How the vision is elusive

Every day you pass by.


And I repeat again and again:

"You, not music... you and not music...

You are my only love"

I am a smart student for you,

And not in you, but in the object in love.

How elusive the vision is,

I adore you, Irina.

But I know that the day will come

And the ice will melt in your eyes,

I will receive a certificate, not a certificate

And love will get better

Presenter 2. This song has everything It's clear: unrequited love…

Presenter 1. Love. Jealousy. Love triangle: he, she and the lesson...

Presenter 2. A difficult thing - a lesson. But if you teach, teach, and then bam - and you have to pass the exam. You study, but you don’t understand anything. Well, the subject does not submit to your mind, for the life of me!

Presenter 1. That's why there is another song for the occasion.

To the tune of a song "am I to blame" from rep. Gr. "Gold ring"

Am I to blame, am I to blame

The fact that with I'm not friends with music?

That neither Mozart, nor Bach and, of course, Cui

Never been close?

Oh, you are my mother! Oh, you are my mother!

You can't scold me anymore,

If it’s not given to me, it’s not given in any way

on solfeggio heels to receive.

My teachers! My teachers!

Is it too much to ask?

At least four, at least five, I just tearfully ask -

Help me pass solfeggio!

Presenter 2. Yes... Solfeggio is a difficult subject and you don’t just give up.

Presenter 1. How difficult it is when several instruments play. What a sensitive ear should be.

Presenter 2. I agree. The next issue of our program will prove that in our school people with absolute pitch learn.

Presenter 1. Speaking (artist name)

Concert number

Presenter 2. Complex art.

Presenter 1. This is not just for you. This need to study.

Presenter 2. Who are we all about? teaches?

Presenter1. Of course teacher. By the way, instructions "If you teacher»

Presenter 2. About the intricacies of the profession...

Concert number

Presenter 1. Every teacher, without exception, is pleased to see his, yes, his personal child at stage.

Presenter 2. And how it all began... We came to art school. (first grader exits)

Presenter 1. Having studied at school for several years, we got older and, of course, grew up. (middle class student exits)

Presenter 2. Well, now, we are completely adults. Five minutes to graduates. A little bit left until the end schools. (graduate exits)

Everyone who came to stage students sing a verse of a song,

The last verse is sung together.

To the tune of a song “At least believe it, at least check it”

1. At least believe it, at least check it,

But I came in September,

To taught at school,

Music literacy.

There are a lot of notes there, a lot pauses:

Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si.

To remember all this for me

It takes a lot of strength.

2. At least believe it, at least check it,

But in the fourth grade I

And it’s not at all difficult,

I should play Beethoven.

I can easily build now

Intervals and chord.

And now I can play easily

D7 and G major for you.

3. At least believe it, at least check it,

But I'm already a graduate.

And all that remains is to pass the exam,

So that your diploma get.

Oh, thank you, thank you,

Mine to you teachers.

That they gave their souls,

Me teaching music.

4. At least believe it, at least check it,

We come to you with all our hearts now.

Congratulations and best wishes

Great happiness and joy.

And we also wish you:

Bright days for the whole year.

And we wish you good luck

May you be lucky every year.

Presenter 1. Our the concert is over! Let me thank you for your attention.

Presenter 2. And once again I wish you health, success in your work and great personal happiness!

Presenter 1. Let the Day Teachers lasts all year for you.