Sports Certificate Template"победа". Шаблон диплома и грамот к Дню Победы (5 бланков) Шаблоны грамот к дню победы для детей!}

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In this webinar, you will learn accessible and interesting ways to increase parental involvement in the meeting. Parental participation can be not only passive, but sometimes even against the teacher’s opinion. Create conditions, use soft forms of invitation to activities and find like-minded people in the person of parents.

Children may find some lessons boring. And then discipline begins to suffer in class, students quickly get tired and do not want to take part in the discussion.

Case lessons were created to connect school knowledge with urgently needed competencies such as creativity, systematic and critical thinking, determination and others.

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If you are a teacher, then of course you have wondered: what books do you need to read to make your work bring joy and satisfaction? There is no doubt that you can now find a wealth of information on this issue on the Internet. But it is very difficult to understand such diversity. And figuring out which books will really help you will take a lot of time. In this article, you will learn about what books every teacher should read.

The clarity of the material motivates elementary school children to solve educational problems and maintains interest in the subject. Therefore, one of the most effective teaching methods is the use of flashcards. Cards can be used when teaching any subject, including in club activities and extracurricular activities. For example, the same cards with vegetables and fruits are suitable for teaching counting in mathematics lessons, and for studying the topic of wild and garden plants in lessons about the natural world.

The certificate template is made in an official and ceremonial style. At the header is a golden victory cup decorated with golden laurel branches. The flag of the Russian Federation is depicted in the form of a double-sided developing ribbon. The edging is represented by a yellow figured frame with patterns on the corners. The background for writing the text is light, beige. The certificate template is suitable for any special and official events and occasions.

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Scenario of the competition program “Battle of the Choirs”, as part of events dedicated to the Great Victory on May 9.

“And the songs also fought!”


Promoting civil-patriotic education of the younger generation and preserving the memory of the Great Patriotic War.

* cultivate a sense of patriotism, pride for one’s country, for the Russian people using examples of songs from the war years;
* expand students’ understanding of the history of war songs;
* cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation;
* instill a sense of respect for soldiers participating in hostilities

Progress of the event

The song “So that there is no more war” plays

That's how far the day is
Brightened up the evening light.
Why do I care?
Songs of the war years?
As if he wants to remind
We talk about the past
Is it a blue handkerchief?
Is it a song about the Dnieper?

Warm my soul
Having barely touched the string,
Those evenings at the roadstead
Trembling words.
At first glance, maybe
There's nothing in them
What's bothering me again?
Songs of the war years?

Presenter 1: Good afternoon

Presenter 2: Hello, friends! We are glad to see you at the battle of choirs “And the songs also fought.”
Song of the war years... Together with the Fatherland, she joined the soldiers' ranks from the first days of the war and walked along the dusty and smoky roads of the war until its victorious end. She helped the people survive and win.

And it helped! And we won!

Presenter 1:

Years have passed, the country has healed the wounds of war, but the songs of the war years still sound today, shaking hearts. They have not aged at all, they are still in service today. There are so many of them... beautiful and unforgettable. Each of the war songs is a true masterpiece, with its own life and history.

Presenter 2.

Song! How much it means in the life of each of us, in the fate of the entire country. The song has been a part of many great achievements. It reflected the history, the fate of a great country.

Presenter 1 : Songs of the Great Patriotic War are the brightest page of the spiritual wealth of the Soviet people, who, in a terrible hour of mortal danger, managed not only to survive battles with a powerful enemy, but also to reflect their thoughts, hopes, their indestructible optimism and deep confidence in victory in the artistic images of poetry and music .
Created during the Great Patriotic War, they will forever remain a beautiful, resounding monument to the courage and bravery of the Soviet people who saved the world from fascism.

Presenter 2: Today we will take a short journey through the history of songs of the war years. And students from our Center for Extracurricular Activities will help us with this.

Presenter 1 : So, let's welcome the participants with applause:

Association “Stylish Things”

Association "Young Masterok"

Association "Keepers of Nature"

Association "Caramel" "Dance"

Association "Children+"

Association "Guitar Song"

Association "School of Leisure Managers"

Presenter 2:

And of course, since this is a competition, this means that we must meet and greet the jury members:

Editor-in-Chief of the Progress News newspaper Vasily Viktorovich Guranov

Participants of the veterans' choir of the town of Progress Lyubov Anatolyevna

- ______________________________________________

Presenter 1 : The jury will determine the winners in several categories at once.

In the meantime, we want to give small souvenirs to our guests.

Presenter 2:
And before our competition begins, I offer everyone a little warm-up following the “Guess the Melody” program. A melody will sound. Your task is to guess it. If you guessed right, we will give you applause. And perhaps even at the end of this warm-up we will have a winner among those present.


Presenter 1

I would start my story with a song,
From that simple, secret song,
Which, like a symbol of joy, rushed
Over Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna...

Presenter 2

“The Song of a Frontline Driver” was born not during the war, but in the post-war year 1947. It was sung by Mark Bernes on behalf of the driver Minutka, the resurrected hero of the film about the Battle of Stalingrad. The driver of the front commander, Minutka, dies, but manages to connect the telephone wires in his teeth, thus restoring the interrupted connection with the command post. The bravery of Minutka, who fearlessly raced along any road in the film, without letting go of the steering wheel, was reflected in the song,

Presenter 1 I invite the choir of the association “Children +” to the stage

"Song of the Frontline Driver"

Presenter 2:
I would start my story with a song...
Let the young soldiers know
Like in the harsh pre-dawn hour
The songs were picked up by machine guns.
No awards were hung on their chests,
And there were no portraits in the newspaper...
Thrice glorious is their difficult path
And the people who created these songs!

Presenter 1

The events sung about in the following song are not fictitious. All this happened in reality. Where the Kaluga region neighbors the Smolensk region, there is the village of Rubezhanka. And there is a height not far from it. Our soldiers went on the attack several times, trying to knock the Nazis out from this height, but to no avail. And it was necessary to capture it at all costs. This combat mission was undertaken by a group of soldiers of the 718th Infantry Regiment, consisting of eighteen soldiers, Siberian volunteers. At night, under cover of darkness, they crawled close to the enemy fortifications and, after a fierce battle, captured the heights. And then they heroically held her, bleeding, but not giving up.

Presenter 2

I invite the choir of the Guitar Song association

"On a Nameless Height"

Presenter 1.

Songs on the front line of fire were needed like air. “Without songs in war, it is doubly difficult,” says a front-line proverb. In moments of relaxation, the song allowed me to relax and take a break. And in decisive moments she helped to mobilize her strength, get rid of weakness and panic.

Presenter 2.

In 1944, when it was already clear that victory was just around the corner, the USSR government issued a decree: “Urgently make a cheerful, joyful film about our valiant warriors.” On April 1, 1946, a musical comedy about our pilots, “Heavenly Slug,” was released on Soviet movie screens. The picture became a hit, and the leading actors became idols. Three front-line pilot friends swore not to fall in love until the end of the war, but they had to break the oath.

Presenter 1.

I invite the choir of the association “Dance” and “Caramels”. There is a song about pilots

"Because we are pilots"

Presenter 2.

It seems that everything is known about the legendary Katyusha - a rocket artillery combat vehicle.

The enemy trembled when he heard about "Katyusha"

The power of the Katyusha rockets led the soldiers forward.
Listen to the battle song,
What people put together and sang about her.

Presenter 1.

Millions of people perceived the heroine of the song as a real girl who loves a fighter and is waiting for an answer. This song was performed for the first time in 1939. During the war, the soldiers loved the song so much that they called the new formidable weapon with the affectionate word “Katyusha”.

We all love sweet Katyusha.

We love to listen to her sing
It drains the soul from the enemy
And it gives courage to friends.

Presenter 2.

I invite the association “Keepers of Nature” with the song “Katyusha”


Presenter 1.

Song of the war years... Together with the Fatherland, she joined the soldiery from the first days of the war and walked along the dusty and smoky roads of the war until its victorious end.

Presenter 2.

The song helped to endure hunger and cold, hard long hours of work in the name of Victory.

Poems and songs led into battle, and they became a devastating weapon. The song shared both sorrows and joys with the soldiers, encouraged them with a cheerful and mischievous joke, and saddened with them about their abandoned relatives and loved ones.

I invite the association “School of Leisure Managers” to perform a medley of songs from the war years.

"Medley of songs from the war years"

Presenter 1

Even then we were not in the world, When fireworks thundered from one end to another.

Soldiers, you gave the planet a Great May, a victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world, When in a military firestorm,

Deciding the fate of future centuries, you fought a battle, a sacred battle!

Presenter 2

Even then we were not in the world, When you came home with Victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you, soldiers, for life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home, for the world in which we live!

Presenter 1

Song "About that spring" " was written at the very beginning of the 21st century in 2009. This song is like a look from the present through the eyes of modern children - at the heroic past of their great-grandfathers, their difficult path to Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

And I invite the guys from the Stylish Things association. There is a song about that spring

"About that spring"

Presenter 2

And finally, the main victory song of our great country.

The main “victory” song was born only 30 years after the end of the war, but without it today’s story about war songs would be incomplete.

Song "Victory Day" was created by a poetVladimir Kharitonov and composer David Tukhmanov to the 30th anniversary of the great date.

The song “Victory Day” is performed by the girls of the “Young Masterok” association

"Victory Day"

Presenter 1

The battle of the choirs is over. Now our jury has to sum up the results.

And we offer you a dance composition PERFORMED BY THE CHILDREN OF THE ASSOCIATION “School of Leisure Managers “And Scarlet Sunsets”

“And the sunsets are scarlet”

Presenter 2

So, word from the jury.


"For the glory of Victory!"

"Songs of Combat Brotherhood"

"For the will to win"

"Great-grandchildren of Victory"

"Soulful Performance"

"Living Memory"

"children sing about war"

Presenter 1

I want that on our planet

The children were never sad.

So that no one cries, no one gets sick,

The laughter was only childish, cheerful.

Presenter 2

So that everyone’s hearts become akin forever,

So that everyone can learn kindness,

So that planet Earth forgets

What is enmity and war?

Presenter 1

Songs about war are songs about the Motherland, about meeting, about separation, about hope. Songs that will forever link these two dissimilar lives with a thread: military and peaceful.

Presenter 2

And this thread of sacred memory, about the great feat of the valiant Soviet soldier, will not be interrupted while songs about the war continue to be heard.

Thank you all for your participation and attention!

"So that there is no more war"