Glittery cards from the first of May

We have known the holiday of May 1 since childhood. Our parents associated it with May Day demonstrations, but in our time, many associate this holiday with. But almost everyone receives congratulations on May 1...

Official history of May Day

In fact, few people have thought about the history of the May 1st holiday. For us, this is a holiday with completely peaceful slogans "PEACE! WORK! MAY!" And the history of the holiday takes us back to the distant year 1886 in America. It was there that Chicago workers organized a protest rally on May 1st. They demanded that the working day be reduced to 8 hours. After this, about 1.5 thousand workers were fired. In protest, another rally took place on May 4, which ended in clashes with the police and led to numerous casualties.

It was in memory of these events that the first Paris Congress of the Second International in 1889 decided to recognize May 1 as “International Workers’ Day.”

Nature's Day

But it should be noted that in many cultures, May 1 was originally a holiday of spring and flowers. It was on this day that the final victory of summer over winter was celebrated. Hence all kinds of flower festivals in Europe.

For example, in Greece it is the Day of Flowers and the May Day Wreath, in France - the Day of Lilies of the Valley, in Spain - Green Santiago, Valentine's Day, in Sicily - the Day of Daisies.

May 1 is celebrated in more than 140 countries around the world. And only in some of them the tradition of going to rallies is still preserved, as, for example, in modern Germany.

Congratulations on May 1 in pictures

Today we receive congratulations on May 1 from our colleagues, friends, and relatives. We are congratulated on spring. They wish for peace, not forgetting, of course, that work is an integral part of our lives. And their wishes are most often expressed in postcards. And sometimes in an unusual form. JoeInfoMedia invites you to take a look at them.

The editors of JoeInfoMedia, in turn, congratulate its readers on May 1 and wish them all prosperity and, of course, peace! In the meantime, you can enjoy the warm spring days.

A popular idea on social networks is to take some animated character and congratulate them with inscriptions on his behalf. Most often, this character becomes Masha from the animated series “Masha and the Bear” or angry birds, whose job is to fly and scatter pigs.

Simple rhymes are in demand as inscriptions on postcards:

  • “Glorious May Day: eat kebab and relax,”
  • “May Day: mow and slaughter” (remember the coat of arms of the USSR - the hammer and sickle),
  • endless variations with “pour”, “sing”, “wash down”, etc.

And also common phrases like:

  • “Work is not a wolf, but the product of force and distance,”
  • “Labor made a man out of a monkey. The main thing is that he doesn’t make a horse out of a man,”
  • “The work won’t do itself, but the tea won’t drink itself.”

You can rename the holiday itself to the day of barbecue, hacienda or spring and rest.

A great theme for a postcard is May Day. In Soviet times, this was a continuation of the celebration of May 2, when people went to the dacha, to barbecue, or both there and there at once. Now this word is more associated with the May demonstration itself, and you can come up with a lot of rhymes for it: from “cooking” (kebabs) to “kraev-ka” (pour).

Soviet-style May Day cards are also very popular. You can take one of the many propaganda posters and come up with a new inscription for it, or you can draw your own “poster”, inspired by these samples. For example, depict the outline of a recognizable worker who drinks something from a bottle, and sign: “Let every proletarian remember: what he himself did not drink, the enemy will drink!”

Beautiful cards for May Day

If we ignore the funny, then on Spring and Labor Day you can give any ordinary postcards with flowers, the sun and other spring things (or draw them yourself). The slogan “peace, labor, may” is somewhat outdated from Soviet times, but it may be nice for the older generation to remember.

The only thing is that you shouldn’t give postcards for May 1 with ready-made poems. Firstly, these “poems” are usually far from perfect. Secondly, a ready-made typographical congratulation will never replace even banal, but handwritten “happiness and health.”

Until recently, the May 1 holiday was associated exclusively with demonstrations and loud political slogans. But today, for most Russians, May Day is a fun day off with family and friends, which can be spent actively in nature. Fewer and fewer people are attending rallies dedicated to international workers’ solidarity, preferring “kebabs” or gardening work.

Postcards and pictures from May 1, 2018 with congratulations and inscriptions - Beautiful, old times of the USSR and funny World, Labor, May

But despite the fact that this day has practically lost its originality, it still remains one of the most beloved holidays in the countries of the former USSR. Direct proof of this is the beautiful pictures and postcards from May 1, 2018, which are always sent via social networks, instant messengers and email.

Most people prefer universal options with cool greeting inscriptions, but there are also fans of old pictures from the Soviet era. At the same time, both modern and ancient May Day cards perfectly convey the cheerful mood of this holiday. Next you will find a selection of the best pictures and greeting cards for May 1 for adults and children.

Beautiful pictures of Spring and Labor Day on May 1 - universal options for family and friends

May 1 is not only a workers' holiday, but also Spring Day, the Wordyou website reports. That is why you can congratulate absolutely all your relatives and friends on May Day. And so that your congratulations are always appropriate, it is better to choose universal options for beautiful pictures with Spring and Labor Day on May 1. For example, these could be postcards with bright colors and the inscription “May 1” without any other congratulations, much less slogans. Pictures with the image of a white dove (a symbol of peace), balloons, spring sky, etc. are also perfect. Next, we offer you beautiful options for universal pictures for Spring and Labor Day on May 1 for family, loved ones, friends and acquaintances.

Universal options for beautiful pictures for Labor Day and Spring Day on May 1st for family and friends

Funny pictures for May 1st with comic inscriptions - a funny selection with photos

Many people associate the May 1st holiday with fun in nature and a good mood, so funny pictures with comic inscriptions are simply ideal for congratulations on this day. They are especially relevant for friends and family to whom you want to convey your positive attitude and give a smile. But keep in mind that funny pictures for May 1 with comic inscriptions are suitable for congratulations only if their recipient has a good sense of humor. Otherwise, your original wish in the May Day picture may not be appreciated.

A cool selection of pictures for May 1st with funny and comic inscriptions

Despite the fact that today the May 1 holiday no longer carries an ideological load, many still associate it with the times of the USSR and, accordingly, with old Soviet traditions. One of these traditions is sending themed cards with congratulations on May 1st. The pictures from the following collection are ideal for those who want to congratulate family and friends using vintage cards. After all, such pictures have a special beauty and “zest” in the form of a memory of the warm traditions of the past.

A selection of old postcards and pictures for May 1 from USSR times

Funny cards for the holiday of May 1, 2018 - original options with congratulatory inscriptions, photos

Especially for those who want to use funny cards for congratulations on May 1, 2018, our next selection of original options with inscriptions. Such unusual pictures can be used both for congratulations via email and in messengers and social networks. For these purposes, it is better to choose such cool May 1st cards, in which the congratulatory inscriptions will be not only original, but also funny. Then your congratulations will definitely lift your spirits and give you a lot of positivity.

Options for funny cards with greeting inscriptions for May 1, 2018

Here are some original options for funny postcards with funny greeting inscriptions that can be used on May 1st.

Beautiful cards and funny pictures from May 1, 2018 for children - the best options

You can introduce children to the traditions and history of holidays from an early age, including through beautiful postcards and funny pictures, for example, from May 1st. If we take May Day, then you can explain to kids the essence of Spring and Labor Day using the same Soviet postcards with simple congratulatory inscriptions. Or use modern options with cool wishes and beautiful designs.

Options for beautiful cards and funny pictures for May 1 for children

Greeting pictures and cards for May 1, 2018 from the following selection are perfect for both adults and children. And even if they do not contain old slogans from the Soviet past that could tell about the traditions of celebrating May Day during the USSR, these cards are beautiful and bright. This means that they will be able to attract the attention of a child and delight adults with their cool inscriptions on the Spring and Labor Day.

Postcards and short congratulations on May 1

Congratulations on May 1st. Happy May Spring Festival. I wish you all the best, peace, happiness and love.

Let the house be full of happiness, and, without a doubt, this May Day holiday will be a beautiful, bright, good spring day!

Congratulations on May 1st and with all my heart I wish that you bloom like spring, that you are happy, that you sparkle like a star, that you are with me

Congratulations on May 1st,
I wish you easy work,
Happiness, joy, good luck
We will celebrate the holiday, that is!

From May 1, from May 1,
Spring is knocking on us again.
Congratulations on May 1st
I love you, my love.


Outdoors, barbecue,
Guitar in two hands
We're having fun,
Let's celebrate this holiday
Well, come on, come to us quickly,
You need to drink a hundred grams!

When the Boston bandits
They dumped tea into the port of the bourgeoisie,
Under the banners of solidarity
The first May Day has risen!

And now we are at the scarlet dawn
In the forest, on the river near the barbecue,
Let's pour for labor and peace and May,
The drink is different, but not tea!


Who celebrates the first of May?
Day of solidarity, peace, labor?
Healthy people consider this holiday
Meeting spring - and rushes into the forests.
May Day opens
Summer walking season, picnics.
We congratulate you on this!
Always be ready for summer hikes!

Spring is coming to hearts, coming to homes,
And May Day makes our heads spin.
Winter has been thrown into oblivion by labor,
The sun is playing through the looking glass of a puddle!

Please accept our congratulations
On this free day in May!
Always let your mood
Blooms like May lilac!


The lilacs bloomed on the trees, And the cheerful birds began to sing, Let there be no more anxiety and evil, And let the faces glow with smiles.


Congratulations on May 1st
And with all my heart I wish
So that it blooms like spring,
To be happy
To sparkle like a star,
So that you are with me

Happy May Day!
I wish you warm days!
Don't pick up the poster
Now they need a shovel.
Work in the garden:
Both at work and in nature,
And just like the slogan:
“Peace, labor, May” - not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.


Please accept congratulations,
Wish all your friends bodies
To nature and to the river,
So that with a fishing rod in hand,
Meet the bright May Day,
Raise your glass

Above you is the May Day sky,
Just the sun without the clouds!
Labor Day in our native land,
The orchestra sounds powerful!

The trees have blossomed,
The chirping of birds and the buzzing of bees,
Please accept our congratulations,
So that your face blooms with a smile!


I congratulate you on May 1, on spring, with the nightingale’s song, on silvery dew. I will give you all the flowers on earth. Turquoise sky and dawn in the morning.


The lilacs bloomed on the trees,
And the merry birds sang,
Let there be no anxiety and evil
And faces glow with smiles.


Peace Labor may -
get the beer!
May, peace, labor -
Let's have a drink right here!


On the miraculous spring holy day - the Day of the First Grass!
Happy, healthy, spring warmth! Get creative, get creative! Let the holy feathers bring you and your loved ones joy and contentment! Hail the world, good luck will be with your donkeys!

Holiday, holiday in the yard,
All the kids have balls,
Adults have a drink and a snack,
And work, bite - all wrong!


Our strength and our wealth are in work.
People work, forgetting about themselves.
Congratulations to the working people, honest brotherhood,
And we will always say, everywhere:

We wish you to get what you deserve,
The reward for your work should be worthy.
To get along with the boss, as well as with each other,
And so that luck carries you on its wings.

May this holiday be bright. We congratulate you, and again we wish that he gives you and your children joy and love.


The sun shone in May
And immediately it dawned on me:
Summer and June are coming soon,
Happiness, sea and love

Congratulate with the May 1st
Happy May Spring Festival.
I wish you all the best,
Peace, happiness and love.


May 1 - we step forward,
Success leads us to a bright dream,
Know how to combine work and leisure -

From May 1, on this day,
We are just too lazy to work!
It's better for everyone to hurry to the river,
With kebabs in a backpack,
And friends to be close,
Do not need anything else!


We hasten to wish you -
Let everything in life come true!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Only those who work!

Never be sad
Are you for real
Be happy always
Smile more often!

Today the sun is shining.
Today is a holiday - May.
Climb on my shoulder, little son.
And raise your flag!
And in a year you will walk
With a red holiday flag.

Pershotraven - holy garne!
Union Radyansky guessed.
And we still don’t have enough days off...
We love all of us!

3 grass! I sincerely wish you happiness, health, prosperity and life!


Congratulations are flying,
They want to invite you all
For a walk, in nature,
The weather is good there!
We'll celebrate there, celebrate the holiday!

What was the May holiday like in childhood?
How much joy and dreams there are,
It seemed that I embraced the whole world,
And the sun poured into my soul!

Banners in the sky
There is grass and a stream in the park...
You have many thousands of happy years,
For the holiday - delicious kebab!

And spring penetrates into houses, and intoxicates, and dizzy. Somewhere in the past there is winter, And in the heart there is spring, not cold.


First day, month of May!
Rise up and stand up!
And don't worry, wake up
Greet the sun with a song!

The May sun is warming stronger,
How many green branches bloom!
For some reason I'm in a hurry to the parade
Hello hard worker! - I want to hear!

Let this miracle sacredly give you hope, optimism and trust in the powers that be, helping you to grasp the depth of the living ideals of goodness and justice!


Oh, let's celebrate, let's celebrate the holiday,
Pour it quickly
We won't notice any rest
May Day don't fly by!

On Labor Day we rest,
What I wish for you too
On this May Day
Let there be happiness on Earth!

Again, raising the purity of heaven above the world, the young wind of May flies towards us with the promise of miracles.


May the sky be above you
There will always be no clouds or thunderstorms!
Let every new day be good and kind!
I wish you health, peace and good luck!

We wish you success and results in your work, good luck and financial independence, unlimited opportunities, health, family well-being and happiness!


Happy Worker's Day, the day of solidarity and mutual support for the working people of this world to live in a peaceful, democratic partnership!


Happy May 1st, a bright holiday,
No gifts allowed
But the balls are set
A lot of all sorts of tinsel,
And carnations and a parade,
Yes, I am very happy about him!

We sincerely congratulate you on the young ringing May. Let him be the brightest, the kindest and most welcoming, open the doors in summer, generously bestow happiness.


Live in peace and love,
Work for everyone's benefit!
We wish you spring for your soul!
And sweet May!

We wish you productive work and interesting leisure, wonderful friends, a happy and friendly family!


I send you warm greetings to Pershotravny - the holy world and the free spirit on the new land - Ukraine!


Never be discouraged
Celebrate May Day
Blow up the balloons brighter
And let the weather be hotter!

Happy Labor Day
And I wish you forever
Love your job
And not to see concern in it.

I also wish you
So that you rejoice in May,
A lot of money on merit
Holidays somewhere in the South.

In May the sun shone and immediately it lit up. Summer and June are coming, Happiness, sea and love


From May 1, from May 1,
Spring is knocking on us again.
Congratulations on May 1st
I love you, my love.

I wish you health and good mood, all the blessings and pleasures of life, prosperity and home comfort, love and human happiness!


May he always be happy
He who calls labor his life!
Who, sparing no time and effort,
Transforms this complex world,
Who needs perseverance, work and inspiration?
Eternal companion and only idol!

Everyone stand in ranks,
Get ready for a walk!
And walk, have fun,
And have a great time celebrating!

Work hard and you will become a man -
That's what we've been told since childhood.
And we got off with laughter,
But we didn’t believe the words.

So let everyone who believed in the work
Who always works honestly
Doors will open in luck,
So that you never close!

Oh, how many times, getting up from sleep, I promised that in the future I would not drink wine, But now, Lord, I don’t make a vow. Can I not drink when spring has come?


On the first of May we step forward,
Let the road lead to a bright dream!
Learn to combine work and leisure -
Then your grandchildren will have something to tell!

Let the moments of joy and relaxation give your heart serenity and joy, paint your life with bright colors, and let happiness, like music, sound in your soul!


We sincerely congratulate you
Happy young ringing May.
May it be the brightest
The kindest and most welcoming,
Opens the doors in summer,
Generously bestows happiness.

Accept it quickly now
Answer me by SMS
Show some interest!
And we'll go for a walk,
Drink coffee and celebrate!

Accepting the teachings of Marx,
Everything was created with our labor!
Happy May Day,
Let's fill the glass with wine!

We raise our first glass,
Let their faceted ringing flow,
We wish everyone only happiness,
We drink together to a bright world!

May the one who calls work his life always be happy! Who, sparing no time and effort, Transforms this complex world, To whom perseverance, work and inspiration are the eternal companion and the only idol!


I wish you to enjoy the bright sun and good weather, the smile of a child and the warm gaze of the dearest person on earth!


Long live May Day
Spring and holiday day,
Nature wakes up in spring
And the lilac blossoms.
Let's give congratulations
To beloved family and friends
Tell me how much you love
How dear they all are to you.

Please accept our congratulations
On a beautiful, bright May day!
Let your mood be
Always blooming like lilacs
May your life be wonderful
And the children are always happy
Let your home be a full cup!
Good luck, happiness and goodness!

The mood is excellent, the weather is amazing;
Come on, friend, get up quickly:
Meat has been soaked, beer has been purchased -
It's time to celebrate May Day!
But no, we won’t, wagging the column,
Walk with a banner in your hand!
I just congratulate you today
And I'm waiting for you at the picnic!

May Day is coming!
Don't forget him
Have fun and relax
But, of course, know when to stop.
This day is beautiful and bright,
Adults and children know
They go to May Day,
And they have a great rest!

Gives us labor Day of May
Solidarity with all people
Have fun and take a break from work
And please accept my congratulations.
Labor achievements await
And I’ve already lost count of them
You are for your necessary and military work
Receive respect and honor!

All nature celebrates the arrival of spring,
People also have a spring holiday
Today our glorious land celebrates
Spring day and labor day is our May Day.
Let your work be a joy, and let it be paid
It will be at a decent rate,
I wish you inspiration and good luck,
And may spring be in your heart!

May Day rejoices on the planet,
In the green haze of young foliage.
Russia celebrates Labor Day
From Vladivostok to Moscow.
I wish you on the spring day of May Day
Enthusiasm, faith in your success.
I congratulate you on May 1st,
This is a bright holiday, and for everyone!

Happy May Day,
We wish you revival,
So that the soul blooms like May,
May there always be strength!
So that spring crops
They gave a generous harvest,
To give you and me happiness
Good old May Day!

May Day is walking across the planet
Apricot and cherries in white foam
This is a holiday of joy and light,
Warm rain on the roofs.
On this day, may the sky be clear.
Smile - and happiness will come into your home
With a quivering sparkling ray,
What will call to Love and Peace.

Labour Day
It always happens in May.
Listen to the sun quickly,
And work hard, don’t yawn!