What to do on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Signs for the Presentation of the Lord for all occasions. Signs of spring for the Presentation

When is the Presentation of the Lord 2018, what kind of holiday is it, customs, traditions, signs, congratulations in verse, and much more, read in our material.

Presentation of the Lord 2018: what date?

The great twelfth church holiday of the Presentation of the Lord is celebrated on February 15, 2018. The name of this holiday is translated from Church Slavonic as “meeting”. On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers the meeting of Simeon the God-Receiver in the Jerusalem Temple with little Jesus during the rite of dedication to God. The popular name of the holiday is Gromnitsa.

Meeting: the history of the holiday

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord entered Slavic culture after the adoption of Christianity. The day is dedicated to the events described in the Gospel of Luke, when the Virgin Mary and Joseph came to the Jerusalem Temple on the fortieth day after the birth of Jesus. Then the clergyman Simeon the God-Receiver met Christ. According to legend, he waited for the coming of the Messiah for about 300 years, and when Simeon took the baby Christ in his arms, he delivered a speech praising God, which was called the “Song of Simeon the God-Receiver.”

In Slavic times, the holiday was known as Gromnitsy - February 2 according to the Julian calendar (after the adoption of the Gregorian calendar - February 15) marked the boundary between winter and spring. The holiday was dedicated to the confrontation between cold and darkness and warmth and light. Our ancestors glorified the thunder god Perun and the goddess Gromovnitsa.

Presentation of the Lord 2018: traditions and rituals of the holiday

The Presentation of the Lord 2018 combines pagan and Christian traditions. So, on this day, February 15, an all-night vigil and Divine Liturgy are held in Orthodox churches. During the service, you can ask God for help in business and fulfillment of desires. It is believed that sincere prayers will be heard and fulfilled.

Orthodox Christians believe that the water consecrated at the Presentation of the Lord has special miraculous powers. It can be stored for a long time without losing its properties. It is used in magical rituals, consecration of houses, and healing from diseases.

On this holiday, unmarried girls tell fortunes using Christmas and Yuletide rituals.

There is also a tradition of making a loud candle using beeswax for Candlemas. It could also be bought at the church store. The candle is consecrated in the church at the Presentation of the Lord and kept in the corner behind the icons. It is lit only on special occasions, when sad or joyful events occur in the family. People believe that a loud candle can heal illnesses and cleanse a person’s soul and body.

What should you not do at the Presentation of the Lord?

It is not advisable to work on this day. You can't swear or use foul language. It’s better not to be sad or bored, otherwise happiness and love may pass you by.

Joyful meetings must be reciprocated.

You cannot put money on the kitchen table on Candlemas, otherwise prosperity and good luck may leave the house. It is better not to go on the road or move to a new place.

Meeting of the Lord 2018: signs

  • If the sky at Candlemas is strewn with stars, then spring will not come soon.
  • If drops ring on February 15, there will be a good wheat harvest.
  • If a candle lit on a holiday burns evenly and calmly, then all family members will be healthy.
  • Good luck and prosperity will come to the house of anyone who feeds a homeless hungry dog ​​at the Presentation of the Lord.
  • Treating loved ones, friends and neighbors with pancakes on Candlemas is good luck for guests and household members.

Presentation of the Lord 2018: congratulations in verse

Happy Presentation of the Lord


Let them be supportive

Heaven and fate come to you.

The sky gives joy and happiness,

And the Lord will come in a dream -

He will give his grace,

Bring magic to life!

Happy Presentation of the Lord

Congratulations now

Let there be peace in your soul,

And may the Lord bless you,

On this holiday we remember,

How they brought Christ into the temple,

May joy surround you,

The sun is shining brightly for you!

Let the fateful shadow meet

At the Presentation of the Lord

Will fall on every day of God,

Both tomorrow and today.

The Presentation of the Lord is celebrated on February 15th . This is a major church holiday that has a specific celebration date. There are a lot of signs and superstitions associated with this holiday. You can even say that there are many more of these signs than on any other day. These signs are associated both with the rules of farming and with the weather for the coming year.

Weather signs come true for Candlemas: verified

At Candlemas, winter fights with summer - who should go forward and who should go back. The signs for Candlemas associated with nature are unusually accurate. This sign means that both spring and autumn are a kind of intermediate stages between winter and summer. Just because spring has arrived does not mean that the winter cold will never return. Anything is possible. So it turns out that throughout most of the spring, winter and summer fight with each other.

If on the eve of Candlemas the sky is starry, then winter will not soon cry. It was customary among the people to look at the sky on the eve of the Presentation of the Lord. It was believed that if the sky was dotted with stars, then winter was not yet going to give up its rights to spring. Warming cannot be expected in the near future. And spring will be very late and cool.

If you go on a long journey to Candlemas, you may not return home soon. This sign is based on the peculiarity of this holiday that it is a kind of barometer with the help of which the weather for the future is determined. The fact is that on this day all the snow may suddenly melt, so you won’t get far on the sleigh. It may rain or, on the contrary, it may be frosty. Due to such unpredictability of the weather, it is better not to travel anywhere on this day. By the way, it should be noted that if a thaw occurs on this day, then the spring will be rotten. Fruit trees may not produce ovaries after flowering.

On Candlemas, the snow will make the spring rain. If there is old snow on this day, then this snow has nothing to do with this one.

  • But if it starts to snow, it will rain all spring.
  • And the heavier the snowfall on Candlemas, the rainier the spring will be.

Another sign is associated with snowfall on this day. It is believed that if it snows in the morning, it means a good harvest of early grain. If it snows at noon, then expect a good harvest of medium grains. Well, if snowfall begins in the evening, then the late grain harvest will be good.

The sun will shine at sunset - frosts will no longer hit. Indeed, people have noticed that if the sunset on this day is clear, no matter what the weather was like during the day, then there will be no more frost. You can relax and wait for the warmth to come. But if you don’t see a clear sunset on this day, then get ready for very severe frosts to hit Vlasia.

On Candlemas, a blizzard crosses the road - this is how it sweeps up food. Old people say that the expression “a blizzard crosses the road” means that a strong blizzard sweeps snow across the road. Long-term observations have made it possible to notice that if such a snowstorm blows, then this year the harvest will be so bad that there will be nothing to feed the cattle, and people will not be able to make enough supplies for the winter.

Financial signs for Candlemas

At Candlemas, the willow sheds its leathery coverings from its puffs. This only happens when spring comes on time. But in any case, the willow is a very hardy plant, so it will definitely bloom its buds before Palm Sunday.

On this day, do not put money on the kitchen table - luck may leave your home. Let's start with the fact that money generally does not like being placed on kitchen furniture. And it doesn’t matter at all what day this happens. If you know that you have such a habit, then try to get rid of it as soon as possible. If you need to distribute your family budget and it is convenient for you to do it at the table, then it is better to do it at your desk, or at a table that is located in the living room, but not in the kitchen. Otherwise, money will flow through you.

Presentation of the Lord- This is one of the twelve largest church holidays. If we approach the issue of omens from the point of view of the Orthodox Church, then there are no omens at all, all these are just superstitions. It is necessary to observe fasts, confess and receive communion. But people made their observations, and they believe in these signs. Will you believe? It's only your decision.

The Feast of the Presentation, which is celebrated on February 15 according to the new style, symbolizes the meeting of cold winter and hot summer. People also call this day the first meeting of spring - it is believed that after Candlemas, the frosts are already subsiding and spring drops are about to start pounding on the roofs.

Meeting has deep pagan roots, and this day became a church holiday only after the arrival of Christianity in Rus'. In the pre-Christian world, people asked the gods on this day to send a rich harvest and good weather. In the ancient Vedic faith of the Slavs, the day of Meeting serves as the border between winter and spring, therefore the holiday itself is popularly called the meeting of winter with spring: “at Meeting, winter met spring; On Candlemas the sun turned to summer, winter turned to frost.” There is a sign that on this daywishes certainly come true.

After the baptism of Rus', the church “adjusted” all pagan holidays to the new faith. Thus, in Christianity, the Presentation began to symbolize the meeting in the Jerusalem Temple of Jesus Christ with the righteous Simeon, and in his person - with all humanity.

Biblical legend says that Simeon was translating the Holy Scriptures from Hebrew into Greek. When he read the words “Behold, the Virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son,” he decided that an error had crept into the text and instead of the word “virgin” it should be written “wife.” However, just as he was about to correct the mistake, an angel appeared to him and assured him that there was no mistake and Simeon himself would be able to personally verify the truth of the prophecy. He waited a long time for the fulfillment of his promise - as much as 300 years. And finally, one day, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he came to the temple, where Mary and Joseph that same day brought the Baby Jesus, who was forty days old.

According to the Law of Moses, parents were required to bring their first-born male children to the temple for dedication to God on the fortieth day after birth. Thus, a meeting took place, which is still glorified by Christians all over the world.

According to the church calendar, the Candlemas holiday ends the Christmas holidays, which glorify the birth of Jesus Christ. On February 15, believers bless candles in the church, which they then bring into the house as a symbol of light and purification. Also on this day, water is blessed, and it is believed that it has the ability to heal from various diseases.

Rituals for Candlemas

The water blessed at Candlemas has special power, and here ancient pagan beliefs are clearly mixed into the Christian tradition.

For good luck and prosperity
You can perform a ritual with Sretensky water to attract prosperity and good luck. This must be done before noon, preferably on an empty stomach. You need to act as follows. First, miraculous water is poured into a cut glass glass. Place on a table covered with a light (preferably linen) tablecloth. Two blessed candles are lit on the right and left sides of the glass. They read the “Our Father” three times, then take the glass in their hands and take three small sips. After this, they put the glass in place, bend over the water and whisper the following words three times:

“As the water flows, so the winds blow, misfortune will spread, misfortune will dissipate, the servant of God... (name) will be washed by the morning dew, and will be fanned by the fresh wind. The servant of God... (name) will become successful, understanding, everything will flow together, everything will be connected, all barriers and dams will disperse, as if they were not there! The words are locked, but the key is gone.”

The candles must burn out completely. And you should drink the water 3 days in advance, to do this, mentally dividing it into three approximately equal parts.

Ritual for the fulfillment of wishes
Also on Candlemas in the church they pray for the fulfillment of desires and ask the Lord for help in business. For your wish to come true, at noon you need to turn your face to the east and repeat out loud 8 times:

“The people are standing at the temple gates, welcoming the people of Jesus Christ, the little Child. The Mother of God walks with Christ, Simeon bows to Them. I worship at the temple gates, I, God's servant... (name). I will bow to the Infant Christ, I will bow to the Cross of God, I will bow to the Mother of God to the ground. And I will whisper into Christ’s ear my cherished desire (name the desire). As I met the people at the gates of Christ, so my wish will come true very soon. Amen to my words. Amen".

Modern rituals for Candlemas
Nowadays, new rituals are timed to coincide with the Presentation. By the way, on this day a ritual for correcting karma is carried out. The procedure is as follows: on a piece of paper you should write what worries you most. For example: problems in the family, lack of income, illness, hard work and the desire to change it.
You need to roll the leaf into a tube and cut it into three equal parts. Then two protective circles are made: the outer one from Thursday salt and the inner one from holy water. The approximate distance between the lines of the circles is 30-40 cm. Church candles are placed in the centers of the resulting circles, which are lit at the beginning of the ceremony. In front of the circle of salt they read the “Our Father”, then they step over it, ending up in front of the circle of holy water. Here they read the prayers “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary...” and “Guardian Angel” and step over the circle of water. Now Psalm 90 is read and three parts of the cut sheet with written down problems requiring correction are burned in turn. While they are burning, Hallelujah is said forty times.

The next day after the ritual, you need to go to church and light 12 candles. The ritual ends with a three-day fast.

Signs for Candlemas
Among ordinary people, Candlemas was not considered a very big holiday. Like many centuries ago, February 15 is perceived among people as the day of the first meeting of winter and summer. Therefore, many agricultural signs are associated with it. For example:

What is the weather on Candlemas, so will spring.
If a thaw sets in on Candlemas, spring will come early and warm; If the cold turns up, spring is cold.
Snow falling on this day means a long and rainy spring.
On the Meeting of Drops - expect a good wheat harvest.
Quiet and cloudy day - there will be a good harvest of fruits and grains.
At Candlemas, the starry sky means late spring.
People believed that the wind on Candlemas would blow away all the evil spirits from the trees, and the stronger the wind on this day, the better the fruit harvest would be. In many villages and villages, even in our time, the custom of helping nature in this important matter has been preserved - shaking the trees in the gardens with your hands. Also, on February 15, housewives feed the chickens especially diligently so that they have socks. They say: “Feed your chickens oats on Candlemas, and you’ll have eggs in spring and summer.”

For good luck

The ritual takes place on Candlemas. The magical action will help you attract good luck and prosperity to your home and family, and get rid of troubles and failures. On Meeting Day, collect Holy water from the church. Buy six large wax candles.

When you return home, pour some holy water into a plain glass without a design. Read the Lord's Prayer three times and drink three sips from it. Then place this glass on a table covered with a green tablecloth.

Make a symbolic triangle from candles, in the middle of which place a glass of water.

Read on the water: “Water, sister! Take away grief, wash away failure, wash my brow! I, the servant of God (my full name), will become lucky! As you easily flow, leak, wash away the steep banks, so everything will come together for me, all the dams will separate! Let it be so!".

Leave the candles to burn out completely. Take three sips from the glass and wash with the rest.

Repeat the ritual two more times.

After the third day of the ritual, take the candle cinders to the church and throw them into the bucket where church cinders are stored.

Light candles for your health, for the health of your friends and enemies. When leaving the Temple, make a feasible donation for its needs.

For well-being

Before the ceremony, warn everyone at home that you are not allowed to talk until dawn.

On Candlemas, wake up before sunrise. Silently draw water.

When you return with a bucket of water, the eldest of the household, preferably a man, should meet you on the threshold and ask: “What are you carrying?”

You answer: “Water.”

He asks: “Why?”

You answer: “For all good things.”

He: “Can I get some water?”

You answer: “It’s possible.”

He fills a large mug with water.

Pour the water into a jar and store for a year.

They drink it in difficult life circumstances. You can wash your face and spray the product.

To fulfill a wish

This conspiracy is read at noon on the day of the Meeting, at the gates of the Temple, turning to the East, three times.

“The Mother of God walks with Christ, Simeon bows to Them. I will bow at the temple gates!

I, God’s servant (my full name), will worship the baby and pray to the Mother of God!

Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, hear my request (say your most cherished desire).

As I met the people at the gates of Christ, so what I ask will come true. Amen!".

To fulfill a wish

Fill a glass with holy water collected in the church for the Presentation of the Lord, drink 3 sips and read the Lord’s Prayer.

Place a glass of holy water on the table, place two candles on the sides, also brought from the church for Candlemas, and read on the water: “As the water flows, so the winds blow, misfortune will spread, misfortune will dissipate, God’s servant (name) will be washed by the morning dew, blown by a fresh wind. The servant of God (name) will become successful, understanding, everything will flow together, everything will be connected, all barriers and dams will disperse, as if they were not there! The words are locked, but the key is gone.”

The candles should burn out completely, and drink the water within 3 days, mentally dividing the contents into three equal parts. By the way, it is better to carry out the ritual on the waxing moon, in the morning on an empty stomach.

How to be reconciled at Candlemas

So, half of winter is over. People said that spring had come. We analyzed natural phenomena and tried to predict the weather for the near future.

It is on February 15 that believers celebrate the great feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The Holy Scriptures say that when Jesus was 40 days old, his parents Joseph and Mary took him to the temple to dedicate him to God. Then Elder Simeon lived in Jerusalem, who knew that he would live until he saw the Savior. The elder waited 300 years to meet Jesus and led a pious and modest life. That day Simeon came to the temple and saw that the prophecy was coming true. He took Jesus in his arms and then gave him to his parents and died.

Among the people there are many folk signs, beliefs and traditions dedicated specifically to the Presentation. For Russian people, February 15 is the time of the first feeling of spring - it was felt in the air.

They judged the weather of that day and the harvest of grass, for which they threw a stick across the road and observed: if it is covered with snow, then there may not be enough feed for the livestock before the first pasture, and the grass will be expensive in the spring. It was also customary to feed breeding birds oats at Candlemas so that they would lay eggs well in summer and autumn.

Talking about the customs and signs of the great Christian holiday of the Presentation of the Lord, it would be unfair not to mention the fact that in time it coincided with the ancient Slavic rite of honoring fire, the so-called pagan holiday of Gromnitsa.

Once upon a time on February 15, our distant ancestors lit grandiose bonfires near the roads outside the outskirts. And just a century ago, the ritual of worshiping the “living fire” was replaced by the custom of making a “cleaning” or loud candle for the Meeting. It was spun from wax collected from eight to ten peasant households, and kept in turn until a certain votive holiday: St. Nicholas the Winter, Barbara, Flora and Laurus, etc. A priest was always invited to the solemn ceremony, lighting a public candle and serving a prayer service for the entire village.

Every year, it was customary to restore the Sretensky or loud candle, adding new wax, and when its weight reached a pound (16 kg), the candle was transferred to the church for storage, and for personal use, the peasants kept small Sretensky candles, which were kept behind the shrine.

Believing in the miraculous power of loud candles, they certainly took them with them to the fields on the days when plowing, sowing and harvesting began. It was believed that they were able to keep ripening grain intact, prevent creases, and protect the harvest from the evil eye. And the lighted thunderbolt was given into the hands of the deceased, sincerely hoping that the flame of a small candle would help the soul of the deceased find the right path on “the path of afterlife ordeals and torment.”

Folk signs for February 15

  1. If the sun peeks out from behind the clouds, there will be a thaw, the days will become clear and sunny, and you can also expect a rich harvest of grain crops.
  2. If snow falls on February 15, spring will be rainy and cold, and summer will not come soon
  3. Cloudy - expect colder weather. Wind, on the contrary, suggests a rich harvest of fruit and is a good sign
  4. Many stars at Candlemas - a sign that spring will not come soon
  5. Large icicles hang on the edge of the roof - there will be a rich corn harvest
  6. A quiet and sunny day on February 15 foreshadows the flax harvest
  7. They said that the last frosts occur on Candlemas
  8. There is no need to get ready for a long journey on this day - you can get caught up in the first libertine
  9. Thaw is a sign that the spring will be rainy and damp, and the harvest will be poor
  10. Snowstorm on Candlemas - spring will be late, and you need to save food supplies
  11. A clearly visible sunset in a cloudless sky - the frost will end soon
  12. On Candlemas, churches need to light gromnitsa - special candles, the flames of which protect people’s homes from fires and evil spirits. It was also believed that thunderbolts eased the suffering of dying people.
  13. If you bless water in the church on Candlemas, then with its help you can cure many ailments
  14. If, according to the sign, you feed poultry oats on February 15, then it will breed good offspring
  15. From the roofs of drops - hemp and wheat will grow well

There is one day in the year when wishes certainly come true - this is February 15, when Candlemas is celebrated. In the paganism of the Slavs, the Meeting serves as the border between winter and spring, which is why the very name of the holiday of the Meeting is explained by the common people as the meeting of winter with spring: “at the Meeting, winter met spring; On Candlemas the sun turned to summer, winter turned to frost.”

The Feast of the Presentation, which is celebrated on February 15 according to the new style, symbolizes the meeting of cold winter and hot summer. People also call this day the first meeting of spring - it is believed that after Candlemas, the frosts are already subsiding and spring drops are about to start pounding on the roofs.

It must be said that the Presentation has deep pagan roots, and this day became a church holiday only after the arrival of Christianity in Rus'. In the pre-Christian world, people asked the gods on this day to send a rich harvest and good weather.

After the baptism of Rus', the church “adjusted” all pagan holidays to the new faith. Thus, in Christianity, the Presentation began to symbolize the meeting in the Jerusalem Temple of Jesus Christ with the righteous Simeon, and in his person - with all humanity.

Biblical legend says that Simeon was translating the Holy Scriptures from Hebrew into Greek. When he read the words “Behold, the Virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son,” he decided that an error had crept into the text and instead of the word “virgin” it should be written “wife.” However, just as he was about to correct the mistake, an angel appeared to him and assured him that there was no mistake and Simeon himself would be able to personally verify the truth of the prophecy. He waited a long time for the fulfillment of his promise - as much as 300 years. And finally, one day, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he came to the temple, where Mary and Joseph that same day brought the Baby Jesus, who was forty days old.

According to the Law of Moses, parents were required to bring their first-born male children to the temple for dedication to God on the fortieth day after birth. Thus, a meeting took place, which is still glorified by Christians all over the world.

According to the church calendar, the Candlemas holiday ends the Christmas holidays, which glorify the birth of Jesus Christ. On February 15, believers bless candles in the church, which they then bring into the house as a symbol of light and purification. Also on this day, water is blessed, and it is believed that it has the ability to heal from various diseases.

Rituals for Candlemas
The water blessed at Candlemas has special power, and here ancient pagan beliefs are clearly mixed into the Christian tradition.

For good luck and prosperity
For example, you can perform a ritual with Sretensky water to attract prosperity and good luck. This must be done before noon, preferably on an empty stomach. You need to act as follows. First, miraculous water is poured into a cut glass glass. Place on a table covered with a light (preferably linen) tablecloth. Two blessed candles are lit on the right and left sides of the glass. They read the “Our Father” three times, then take the glass in their hands and take three small sips. After this, they put the glass in place, bend over the water and whisper the following words three times:

“As the water flows, so the winds blow, misfortune will spread, misfortune will dissipate, the servant of God... (name) will be washed by the morning dew, and will be fanned by the fresh wind. The servant of God... (name) will become successful, understanding, everything will flow together, everything will be connected, all barriers and dams will disperse, as if they were not there! The words are locked, but the key is gone.”

The candles must burn out completely. And you should drink the water 3 days in advance, to do this, mentally dividing it into three approximately equal parts.

Ritual for the fulfillment of wishes
Also on Candlemas in the church they pray for the fulfillment of desires and ask the Lord for help in business. For your wish to come true, at noon you need to turn your face to the east and repeat out loud 8 times:

“The people are standing at the temple gates, welcoming the people of Jesus Christ, the little Child. The Mother of God walks with Christ, Simeon bows to Them. I worship at the temple gates, I, God's servant... (name). I will bow to the Infant Christ, I will bow to the Cross of God, I will bow to the Mother of God to the ground. And I will whisper into Christ’s ear my cherished desire (name the desire). As I met the people at the gates of Christ, so my wish will come true very soon. Amen to my words. Amen".

Modern rituals for Candlemas
Nowadays, new rituals are timed to coincide with the Presentation. By the way, on this day a ritual for correcting karma is carried out. The procedure is as follows: on a piece of paper you should write what worries you most. For example: problems in the family, lack of income, illness, hard work and the desire to change it.
You need to roll the leaf into a tube and cut it into three equal parts. Then two protective circles are made: the outer one from Thursday salt and the inner one from holy water. The approximate distance between the lines of the circles is 30-40 cm. Church candles are placed in the centers of the resulting circles, which are lit at the beginning of the ceremony. In front of the circle of salt they read the “Our Father”, then they step over it, ending up in front of the circle of holy water. Here they read the prayers “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary...” and “Guardian Angel” and step over the circle of water. Now Psalm 90 is read and three parts of the cut sheet with written down problems requiring correction are burned in turn. While they are burning, Hallelujah is said forty times.

The next day after the ritual, you need to go to church and light 12 candles. The ritual ends with a three-day fast.

Signs for Candlemas
Among ordinary people, Candlemas was not considered a very big holiday. Like many centuries ago, February 15 is perceived among people as the day of the first meeting of winter and summer. Therefore, many agricultural signs are associated with it. For example:

What is the weather on Candlemas, so will spring.
If a thaw sets in on Candlemas, spring will come early and warm; If the cold turns up, spring is cold.
Snow falling on this day means a long and rainy spring.
On the Meeting of Drops - expect a good wheat harvest.
Quiet and cloudy day - there will be a good harvest of fruits and grains.
At Candlemas, the starry sky means late spring.
People believed that the wind on Candlemas would blow away all the evil spirits from the trees, and the stronger the wind on this day, the better the fruit harvest would be. In many villages and villages, even in our time, the custom of helping nature in this important matter has been preserved - shaking the trees in the gardens with your hands. Also, on February 15, housewives feed the chickens especially diligently so that they have socks. They say: “Feed your chickens oats on Candlemas, and you’ll have eggs in spring and summer.”

The ritual takes place on Candlemas. The magical action will help you attract good luck and prosperity to your home and family, and get rid of troubles and failures.

On Meeting Day, collect Holy water from the church. Buy six large wax candles.

When you return home, pour some holy water into a plain glass without a design. Read the Lord's Prayer three times and drink three sips from it. Then place this glass on a table covered with a green tablecloth.

Make a symbolic triangle from candles, in the middle of which place a glass of water.

Read on the water: “Water, sister! Take away grief, wash away failure, wash my brow! I, the servant of God (my full name), will become lucky! As you easily flow, leak, wash away the steep banks, so everything will come together for me, all the dams will separate! Let it be so!".

Leave the candles to burn out completely. Take three sips from the glass and wash with the rest.

Repeat the ritual two more times.

After the third day of the ritual, take the candle cinders to the church and throw them into the bucket where church cinders are stored.

Light candles for your health, for the health of your friends and enemies. When leaving the Temple, make a feasible donation for its needs.

For well-being

Before the ceremony, warn everyone at home that you are not allowed to talk until dawn.

On Candlemas, wake up before sunrise. Silently draw water.

When you return with a bucket of water, the eldest of the household, preferably a man, should meet you on the threshold and ask: “What are you carrying?”

You answer: “Water.”

He asks: “Why?”

You answer: “For all good things.”

He: “Can I get some water?”

You answer: “It’s possible.”

He fills a large mug with water.

Pour the water into a jar and store for a year.

They drink it in difficult life circumstances. You can wash your face and spray the product.

To fulfill a wish

This conspiracy is read at noon on the day of the Meeting, at the gates of the Temple, turning to the East, three times.

“The Mother of God walks with Christ, Simeon bows to Them. I will bow at the temple gates!

I, God’s servant (my full name), will worship the baby and pray to the Mother of God!

Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, hear my request (say your most cherished desire).

As I met the people at the gates of Christ, so what I ask will come true. Amen!".

To fulfill a wish

Fill a glass with holy water collected in the church for the Presentation of the Lord, drink 3 sips and read the Lord’s Prayer.

Place a glass of holy water on the table, place two candles on the sides, also brought from the church for Candlemas, and read on the water: “As the water flows, so the winds blow, misfortune will spread, misfortune will dissipate, God’s servant (name) will be washed by the morning dew, blown by a fresh wind. The servant of God (name) will become successful, understanding, everything will flow together, everything will be connected, all barriers and dams will disperse, as if they were not there! The words are locked, but the key is gone.”

The candles should burn out completely, and drink the water within 3 days, mentally dividing the contents into three equal parts. By the way, it is better to carry out the ritual on the waxing moon, in the morning on an empty stomach.

How to be reconciled at Candlemas

If you have a quarrel with someone and you are burdened by resentment, try to meet that person at the Presentation of the Lord and greet him first. The resentment will be removed as if by hand.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.