Congratulations on the sponsor’s birthday. Congratulations in prose for the boss on his birthday. What words to include in the congratulations to sponsors on the holiday

“If there are people on this earth who are sincerely interested in your success, then these are your parents and your top sponsors...”

Irina and Vadim Ivanov

How many times have I been convinced of the truth of this phrase...

If you don't have a specific reason to call your sponsor, you can call to thank him for showing him the way to this business.

Thank you, sponsor!

Today is your birthday!

And, waking up in the morning, I remembered our first meeting, in the assembly hall of the railway station and your smile. I came into this business through an advertisement. Then you will tell you that you plastered the whole city with these advertisements - you carried them with you in packs, along with glue, and put your soul and hope into each advertisement that people would respond, who would become your collaborators and like-minded people...

I am one of them, Vitaly!

“People prefer to do business with those they like rather than deal with people they don’t like,” I read today in John Kehoe’s book “Money, Success and You...” and further: “Recent research showed that the ten most desirable qualities in a person are: a sense of humor, sincerity, honesty, openness and receptivity, a positive psychological attitude, compassion, patience, the ability to listen, self-confidence, politeness ...

You have all this, and also a high degree of responsibility, and the ability to lead, and the ability to put the interests of the business first...

And it’s hard for me to say, what am I most grateful to you for?

Thank you for your patience at the very beginning, when the question “Well, when will we start working?” I answered something incomprehensible, like “Well, I’ll dig up my three vegetable gardens and let’s start”...

A little later, I asked to give me some book on business - this book became one of my favorites. This is Og Mandino, “The Greatest Trader in the World”...

...I already realized that I love our company, and in response to your calls to go to the conference in Moscow, I answered with conviction: “I believe in the company, the MLM business and in myself, I need to continue working, but I don’t have time for travel, no money”... Having exhausted all the arguments, you threw up your hands and said “You just need to go and that’s it...”

And you So I said this, my heart shook and I made a decision...

During a break between sections, a man sat down next to us, and with his permission, you began to take pictures of us... Unable to bear it, I quietly asked: “Vitaly, who is this?” “Academician Paltsev, chief scientific consultant of the company,” was the answer. I talked with Alexander Ivanovich for two long hours...

Now you understand why I said: we have to go!?

We were returning from Moscow and it seemed to us that positive energy was radiating from us and attracting people who were close in spirit. And if at the beginning of the journey there was a feeling that everything was going at a slow pace and was not moving at all, now we felt that we were picking up speed...

Sunflowers. With Vitaly and Elina Kharaman

After 6 months, I, Elya Kharaman and Valya Golovataya were congratulated on achieving the rank of Director-President, and you, our sponsor, on third place in the company in the Leadership Development Program...

And then... further - a long journey, filled with interesting events and meetings. And along the way, of course, there were disagreements and misunderstandings, as is generally the case in life, as confirmation: the truth is sometimes born in disputes...

But in the most important, joyful and difficult moments you were there, and most importantly, I knew that I could count on you, on your understanding and support.

Thank you for being yourself, for being able to understand and listen, for the fact that I am confident in your reliability and ability to keep your word, and ability to keep secrets... and also for the fact that you don’t stop and keep going forward to new heights and achievements!

Let's raise our glasses and drink to the bottom -
After all, life is given to everyone as a reward.

On your birthday, we are happy to tell you,
What life has given us you as a reward!
Today, relatives wish with love
You have a lot of happiness, good luck, health.
And they believe that your life will always be
Full of nobility, hope and goodness!

On this wonderful day, your birthday, please accept our tribute. Life is a slalom where you have to maneuver between various circumstances and conflicting interests, especially for business people like you and me. Therefore, we wish you reliable partners, eternal sponsors, favorable conditions and successful slalom! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful person! With all my heart I wish you all the best on his life’s journey across the wide expanses of our planet! Happiness, luck, health, respect and understanding! But most importantly, more optimism and good people surrounded!

Today is your birthday. We give you congratulations! We want what we would like for ourselves - understanding, wisdom, joy of life. Let these qualities be combined in moderation! Then every year will be a joy for you and those around you.

Happy Birthday to you. May happiness fill your home, love fill your heart, comfort fill the hearts of your family and friends, and success fill all your deeds and endeavors. I wish you happiness, health and all the best. From my sincere heart, colleagues.

Hello, we hasten to congratulate you on the holiday. Think about something that you would like more than anything in the world. Just imagine it, don't say it out loud. Introduced? This is exactly what we wish for you. Happy birthday!

Since childhood, we love birthday parties. And on this holiday, we, the boss, wish you to look at the world through the eyes of a child. Sometimes we are so lacking in this naivety and our knowledge of the world—and, undoubtedly, a thorough one—is so hampered. We wish you not to be afraid of novelty and look for kindness everywhere!

The manager is a real leader and the brain center of our team! The boss is the basis, the core of our work, responsibility for us falls on your shoulders. You make the right decisions and create a comfortable microclimate! We wish you to remain the same good person, wish you good health, happiness and success!

Our respected and decisive boss. We would like to wish you, on your birthday, that your path will be pleasant and uncomplicated, may the pipe never cease in the heart of love. And we, in turn, as a friendly working team, will help so that July sings its songs to you.

Please accept my sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! I am confident that your inherent high sense of responsibility for the assigned work, together with your experience and inexhaustible energy, will continue to serve you as faithful assistants in your responsible work. May hope always live in your heart, and may the flowers, attention and smiles that you are given on this day never end! I wish you happiness, good health and good mood!

Let me congratulate you on your birthday! And know that this day is wonderful just because you were born today! Please accept my warmest and most sincere wishes! Be always healthy, strong in spirit, young at heart! Let happiness be your faithful companion, and luck your best friend! Love with all your heart and be loved! And may every day of life bring only new joys. And all tasks will always and everywhere be within your reach!!! After all, a person like you deserves exactly this.

Dear boss! Happy Birthday! Please accept our sincere congratulations! We wish you that your life is full of fun, laughter and joy! May your heart be forever young! I wish you health, success and bright happiness in your destiny! Happy birthday!

>We sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts congratulate you on your birthday. It’s not every day that such personalities are born that people want to imitate and that people are so drawn to. You are one of the few! I would like to wish a lot, but not a single word has such power to convey the entire ocean of goodness, light and warmth that we wish you! May all your hopes and goals come true. You have sufficient strength and inner potential to turn any dream into a long-awaited reality.

You are the current of our full-flowing river, you are the tailwind of our sailboat, you are the guiding star for the team! A leader who is followed, listened to and followed! Let your vital energy splash out with new, extraordinary ideas that overwhelm your strong mind! Diamond health promotes hard work! Finances with their quantity confirm the correctly chosen path in life! Happy birthday!

Congratulations to colleagues on the phone

Today is the birthday of the one
Who gave us a helping hand unselfishly,
We are ready to wish him everything,
What do you dream about in his pure ideas?
Decency and good deeds
The desire to sacrifice, which is not common to many,
Everything boomerangs back in full,
For this we bow at your feet.
Our sponsor, you deserve praise,
Your kind smile is pleasant,
We are lucky to be on the wave of fate
You appeared like a goldfish.

For patron, sponsor
This is very necessary
There is a word - sponsor, philanthropist,
And happy is he who through friendship
There are a lot of such people.
We thank you sincerely for your participation,
For kindness, confessions and gifts,
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you a lot of happiness
From everyone (teachers, graduates and children).
There are many expense items,
But the truth is a hundred times more valuable,
After all, the main investment of capital is
Into the hearts and souls of our guys.
Health, peace and prosperity
In all matters, a successful outcome,
Let a ray of hope warm you,
Flowers, smiles of children's people!

Our sponsor, praise and honor to you!
Thank you for being in the world,
These people are golden
You helped raise Russia!
Don't you languish over silver,
And you shared the good!
Happy birthday! And a lot of happiness!
Let the road be easy!

We want to say thank you
Our selfless man!
We wish you to live always happily,
We wish you love forever!
And, happy birthday,
We wish you many good deeds!
There is no one better than you, we know for sure
After all, helping people is your destiny!

Not many people are used to giving,
And it’s not appropriate to share what you’ve acquired,
And you started helping people,
And this has become your goal in life!
We would like to congratulate our dear sponsor
Happy Birthday! And wish you good health!
Thank you for your generous hand
You have given us help for business.

Our sponsor, we wish you happiness in life!
We are grateful to you for your kind participation,
That you help us in difficult times.
Let us pray to the Lord for you!
And on your birthday we wish you prosperity,
Let your cherished wishes come true!
Let there be only success in life,
Live long, without any interference!

We wish our sponsor on his birthday,
May there be happiness in life for centuries!
So that he helps everyone, without regret,
The hand of the giver will never fail!
Let whatever he gives be returned in abundance
To him, and he will always be rich,
Let his goodness echo,
Everyone is happy to congratulate him on his birthday!

Our sponsor, our philanthropist,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Yes, of course you are rich
But actions are also good!
Glad to have you with us
And we wish you long days,
So that the good fire does not go out
Never in your soul!

You always do good
You help people
And your soul is warm
You give it to everyone, everywhere.
Happy Birthday to You,
Sponsor, congratulations!
And love, warmth, always
In life we ​​wish!

Sponsor, may it always be
Happiness in your life!
Your kind star
Let it shine for us in bad weather!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy birthday to you!
And we wish to live a hundred years
We are for you, without a doubt!

Teacher-expert in applied socio-economic programs at the Specialist Educational Center at MSTU. N.E. Bauman

New Year's greetings to sponsors can be remembered more than any other letter you send. Take advantage of the situation to remind yourself and your request.

How to write congratulations to sponsors

New Year is approaching. On the one hand, we sum up the results, on the other, we make plans for the future. For many of us, this future is inextricably linked with new financial costs. New Year is a period when we begin to hope that money next year will be better than in the past.

What words should you include in your holiday greetings to sponsors?

Often sponsors are not individuals, but legal entities. This means that, in the person of the leader, we congratulate the entire organization. Start your congratulations to sponsors by addressing the manager by name and patronymic. Then include one of the following phrases in your congratulations to the sponsors: “congratulations to you and the company team...”, “we wish you and the team...”. In view of the special love of Russians for the New Year, add solemn words in an excellent form: “sincere congratulations”, “heartfelt congratulations”, “best wishes”.

Proceed from the fact that sponsors are, first of all, people. And like all people, they are someone’s husbands and wives, children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters. Therefore, it will always be appropriate to wish health and family happiness.

Considering the specifics of your relationship, wish your sponsor financial well-being in the coming year. Thereby hinting: you will be fine and don’t forget about us. Conclude your congratulations to the sponsors with an expression of hope for cooperation in the new year: “with hope for fruitful cooperation,” “with hope for continued cooperation.”

The New Year is the forerunner of good fortune, renewal, and new horizons.

We have many common tasks, unexplored fronts.

So let this New Year renew a reliable partnership,

What success is our stronghold! And he will reward us for our work and perseverance!

How to send congratulations to sponsors

Congratulate your sponsors on letterhead or a printed greeting card. The congratulation must be signed personally by the head of the organization - the recipient of sponsorship. In the case where the congratulations to the sponsors are written on the organization’s letterhead, which is quite acceptable, then, like any other outgoing letter, it must be certified by the organization’s seal. Be sure to send it in an envelope by post or courier.

How to diversify congratulations to sponsors

It is known that by the end of the year the number of correspondence in organizations increases: invoices, notifications, congratulations... So that your congratulations to sponsors do not drown among others, supplement it with something unusual. These could be drawings by your students on the topic “Best Sponsor”, “Best Producer...”. Or a photo album from an event that was held with the participation of a sponsor. It would be appropriate to send the sponsor a poster of holiday events, a calendar of events, a training schedule, a program program, and a work schedule on holidays.

Your congratulations to the sponsors may not be remembered by everyone for their content, but the fact of receipt will remain in the memory of the secretary of the organization. Often, it is this specialist who determines who your next letter will go to.

I thank you with all my heart
For your help and efforts,
Thank you I say
And I wish you all the best.

May your life be sweet,
Luck always follows!
Health to all your family,
And, of course, for you too.

May it always be joyful
Warm and cozy in your home,
Let all your friends be near you
Who is with you in joy and sorrow.

I will thank you for your help,
You helped me immensely
I wish you strength and strength,
So that you can give warmth.

Let it be rewarded by Heaven
For your good deeds,
Let there be a streak in life
Always white as snow.

Because there are people in the world
With kind hearts, with souls,
May the glory of the Lord be,
I bow my head before you!

For your help and support,
Hard work, and for advice,
Because everything went well,
Thank you and hello!

May God give you much strength,
Health, joy and success,
You are so kind and so beautiful
I truly love you all!

Thanks for the help,
Thanks for all,
I will always remember
Good I am yours
Also for your support
Thank you very much,
You gave me hope
And the necessary strength!
No matter what obstacles
Fate did not allow
I'll be glad to see you
I'm always here to help!

There is kindness in your heart
This is so valuable these days!
After all, you always help me
Unselfishly and so frankly!

I'm grateful now
I express it to you with all my heart!
Your help in such a difficult time
It turned out to be a great support!

How we need good friends
And kind people are always important to us,
I thank you sincerely for your help,
And I will never forget this help!

I wish God sends blessings,
And He was with you every moment,
So that a kind heart answers a request,
And I never got tired of fighting until I was a hundred years old!

May all your loved ones be alive and well,
And people will be grateful again,
So that you share the joy in half,
And you didn't need any help!

Thank you for your help and support,
Thank you all for participating.
May life give you hope for the best,
There will be fewer grievances and fewer problems.

I wish you health and goodness,
Don't get tired, don't get angry, don't suffer.
I promise to always remember you,
And if anything happens, I’ll contact you again.

I send you thanks for your help,
Because you were nearby,
Let only blessings for caring,
You will be judged for your work.

May your good deeds
They will return to you a hundredfold soon,
And all your dreams and plans
Let them certainly ask themselves.

The world does not rest on whales,
It depends on human kindness.
May he be happy forever
Who does this kindness?

Thank you for your help,
May you be rewarded for it,
Never know in life
No troubles, no envy, no evil!

I appreciate it, I value it,
You will support me in difficult times,
I need this so much, it’s just what I need.

Thank you, I’ll say that you won’t leave me in trouble,
Thank you for everything you give me,
Either feelings of care, or a feeling of warmth,
Your help is enough for me.

Thank you for your help, I will say thank you
I won’t forget this, I’ll prove it to you,
And if you feel the torment of difficulties,
I will extend my hand to you in return.