Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, postcards, competitions for you at the Holiday Center! Script for February 23 for colleagues, cool competitions

Scenario “Equal to..!” - this is a cool way to congratulate the male half of the team on the holiday of February 23rd.

The scenario is designed for organizing up to 50 employees and is intended for a fun celebration in the office. Includes a large number of funny competitions and original congratulations from the female half of the team.

At the entrance to the office, the men are greeted by several colleagues who invite them to choose what they want to be today - a sailor or a paratrooper. Or you can distribute distinctive attributes by lot, so that each team has an equal number of people.

And to create the mood, each man, upon entering the premises where the corporate party will be held, receives an “Alenka” chocolate bar as a gift, only instead of the girl’s face, the face of an employee should be depicted on the wrapper.


The place where the holiday is planned must be formalized in military and sea green colors.

1. You need to hang paper airplanes and ships from the ceilings on a fishing line.

2. For the photo zone you need to make two large figures: a parachute and a submarine. Those interested can choose: take a photo with a parachute soaring in the sky or explore the marine world on a submarine.

3. To save space, it is better to cover the buffet tables - this will help free up more space for competitions and dances. You can add military-themed elements to the tables: toy tanks, airplanes.

Required details

1. Star shaped stickers.

2. List of songs for the “Guess the Melody” competition.

3. Two magnetic boards, two markers, two washing sponges.

4. Ten items for the “By the touch” competition.

5. Two suitcases with clothes, two matches.

6. Matchboxes, ribbons.

7. Two glasses.

8. Musical preparations for competitions.


Leading: Our dear, brave sailors and handsome paratroopers! On this men's day - February 23 - our entire female team congratulates you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and wishes you to always maintain good luck, good spirits, eternal youth of desires and feelings! And as an initial greeting, please accept our special musical gift!

Performance by a women's group

Two girls perform an adaptation of a song based on the song “Fortune Teller”, with a small group of girls as backup dancers.


First verse

Fashion changes daily
But as long as there is white light
Without men there is no good weather,
Without men there is no people.
Even in the cards of the old gypsy
Every other time it's a king, then a jack.
Yes, and we will tell you without deception:
There is a white light on the men.


Well, what can I say, what can I say.
Happy holiday to you, men,
And we want to wish you
And courage and strength.
You don't have enough stars in the sky,
Hold a tit in your hands,
Don't forget to dream sometimes
Store the heat particle.

Second verse

We wish you more happiness in life,
Don't be sad over trifles.
Congratulations on this day
Even though you weren’t in the army yourself.
We wish you a fair wind
To your life ships.
We dedicate this song to you
To your noble kings.

Leading: Applause to the charming sailors and paratroopers. And now the floor is given to the director of the company (full name).
(The director makes a short congratulatory speech).

Leading: At the beginning of our holiday, you had a choice: who to become - a paratrooper or a sailor. Divide now into groups according to your choice and let's see who is outnumbered here.
(Men are divided into groups).

Leading: It was no coincidence that you were separated. Today we will not only determine who is cooler - the Marine Corps or the Air Cavalry, but we will also identify the strongest, most courageous - a real fighter!
(Each team can tie a scarf around their neck; blue for the marines, green for the foremen).

Leading: Let's begin the test of strength and endurance.

Competition "Female Carrier"

One participant from each team is invited for the competition.

Task: to gather as many girls as possible in a certain place, but you need to carry them to the gathering place in your arms, on your shoulder, or whatever you like, just so that they don’t have to walk.
The one who collects the most girls receives a medal of honor - a star-shaped sticker that will be glued to each winner's clothing.

Leading: Here is the first victory! But let's see if the winner brought our girls to their destination in general condition?
(Looks at the girls). Girls, are you feeling well, are you not dizzy or nauseous? Well, everything seems to be fine! And let's welcome the first winner once again. And the opponents do not despair, because there is still a chance to win back. Sailors, paratroopers, choose 3 girls for your team!

Competition "Guess the melody"

One participant each comes out from the teams again.
3 girls are invited to help each of them.
Task: guess the melody.
The answer is given by the participant who raises his hand first.
The songs must be on a military theme.

Leading: A real soldier must be able to convey information so that the enemy does not understand it. Now you have to use all your intelligence, because you will explain not with words, but with drawings.

Competition "Secret Line"

One person is selected from each team to begin explaining the words first.
Each team has a magnetic board and a marker with which they can draw and, if necessary, erase excess with a sponge.

Riddle words should reflect some kind of action. For example, military porridge. It is important to name this particular phrase, and not just “porridge” or “food”. The person who guesses the word gets a star.

Leading: Well, you may not be a commander, but you must always clear the roads of snow!

Competition "Dance Battle"

4 participants are invited.
Each person is given a shovel. With it, they will have to imagine how they clear the roads from snow, but not just like that, but to the music.
Participants will have to demonstrate clearing snow to 3-4 songs.
The best dancer is chosen by the audience with applause.

Leading: They carry them in their arms, and they know the songs, and how beautifully they can move! How lucky our women are to have such colleagues! Let's check, how do they navigate in the dark?

Competition "By touch"

Two participants from each team are blindfolded.
They need to guess 5 objects by touch, and teams can suggest what kind of object is in front of them if the participant cannot identify the object for a long time.
But the clues should be suggestive - vaguely describing the subject and not contain cognate words.

Leading: A true defender of the Fatherland must be fast, dexterous, brave, and now we will find out who is the most exemplary soldier in your team.

Competition "Exemplary Soldier"

Each team chooses a suitcase. It's closed, so they don't know its contents.
The presenter offers to choose a captain and only then tells the rules of the competition.
The captains’ task is to put on all the clothes that are in the suitcase while the match is burning.
The one who puts on the most things wins.
To make it funny, the suitcase should contain funny and ridiculous things, for example, women's or children's clothing.

Leading: Are you guys tired of competing yet? While you rest, let's pass the baton to our beautiful ladies!

Competition "Fight the guy off"

Competition for girls.
One matchbox is tied to the belt of 5-7 girls on a fishing line or ribbon so that they touch the floor.
You need to stick a photo of any male object on the boxes.
Girls must trample their rivals' boxes as quickly as possible and at the same time prevent others from trampling theirs.
Those participants whose boxes are trampled are eliminated from the game.

Leading: What stern conquerors of men’s hearts you are, however. Let's congratulate the winner with thunderous applause and be careful with her, everyone saw how she took other people's guys away, beat and trampled her!
Attention! Now there will be a very serious competition, which will determine who will come out of here as the winner today!

Competition "Quick Reaction"

For the competition you will need a table and two glasses or two cut glasses.
The contents of the glasses can be anything.
A paratrooper and a sailor stand on both sides of the table.
The competition is like a duel. At the leader’s command, participants must grab the glass, drink the contents and loudly place the glass on the table.
You can conduct several such “duels”, but with different participants.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, in a fierce battle, in a hard struggle, we have a winner. The most active participant who has collected the most stars. Let's do the math!
(Music turns on, everyone applauds).

Presenter (announces the Winner): You receive a certificate for visiting a real Russian bathhouse! (The music turns on, the presenter addresses all the men). And the rest of the participants are not upset, because gifts have been prepared for you too!

(All participants who have stars receive memorable prizes, for example, a comic diploma with the inscription “The main thing is not victory, but confirmation that you are a real sailor!”)

Leading: Dear men! Today you showed your strength, dexterity, intelligence, but for what? After all, no matter how strong men are, their main incentive is to win the attention of a woman. In fact, there are no winners or losers among you today! The female half of our team approached me with a request to convey that you don’t need anything else, because for your colleagues, you are the strongest, the bravest, the best!

(At this moment, a slow song starts and the women invite the men to dance. It is important not to leave a single man unattended!)

Leading: Dear men, if you are not yet convinced that without you life in our office would be boring and monotonous, the ladies have prepared another surprise for you. Happy holiday to you, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Video congratulations

(Preferably on a projector), a video on the topic “One day at work without men” is played.
The women's team plays out the situation of one day at work. They reluctantly do all the men's work that their colleagues do every day. And at the end they unanimously congratulate you on February 23rd.
The video should be copied onto a flash drive or disk and given to everyone as an addition to the main gift.
As a cool gift For your colleagues on February 23, you can prepare a bouquet of dried fish and a beer cake.

On this day, it is very important to pay attention to all men, so that everyone receives a portion of congratulations and feels the atmosphere of the holiday, because such events bring the team together, and a friendly team is the main secret of the success of any company.

Watch the very funny video “February 23”- you can take advantage of especially cool numbers and, after slightly altering them, insert them into the program of your corporate party (viewing time 43 minutes).

Colleagues - girls and women - should think in advance about the titles that will be awarded to each of the men, as well as medals or certificates for any merits. For example, our Alexander Alexandrovich (courier) - a true and brave lieutenant receives a certificate for confidence and success, as well as for delicious coffee and good news, or our Igor Nikolaevich (director) - a real general and receives a medal for courage, general success, brilliant mind and ingenuity, dedication and devotion to a brave cause, as well as gratitude for the sensitivity of the soul and kind indulgences. It will turn out to be fun and interesting, and men will enjoy it.

Fight song

Friends and colleagues - the stronger sex - are given the task: to remember and take turns singing a verse or chorus of any fighting song. And while the participant is singing a song, the women use a tape measure or a centimeter to measure the width of each colleague’s shoulders. When all the brave fellows have sung their verse, the women announce the winner, who will be the one with the broadest shoulders. He will receive the prize.

Fast connection

For this competition, you need to prepare sheets of paper in A4 format with inscriptions of the titles of films about defenders of the Fatherland, separating each title into 2 parts, for example, on one sheet it is written “They are going into battle”, and on the second - “Only old men”, on one sheet it is written “ They fought”, and on the second - “For the Motherland” and so on. Such preparations must be made in accordance with the number of fellow participants. Each man receives a stack of sheets of film titles (scattered) and the same number of files. At the “start” command, participants must “connect” the names of the films, putting each film in a separate file. The colleague who completes the task faster than the rest will receive a prize.

Gather your will into a fist

Participants are told that in this competition they will have to gather all their will into a fist. After which they bring out large sheets of paper on which the word “Will” is written. At the leader’s signal, each participant must crumple the entire sheet of paper in his fist, using only one hand. The one who does it first will win.

Well-deserved award

Participants are given round paper blanks and pins. Within five minutes, you need to depict a medal or order on the blank for some of your merits, which no one knows about, and then pin the award with a pin on your chest. There can be a lot of options: for example, “For a battle with a broken scanner”, “For courage in telephone battles with dissatisfied customers”, “For modesty in appetite at a buffet” and so on. The winner is the author of the most creative and funny award.

Durability test

Each male colleague stands in a pose on one leg and lifts the other forward. At the command “start”, women place a ball on each colleague’s raised leg. Whichever man can hold the stance the longest without dropping his ball will be the winner.

Curiosities of the army

Over a mug of hot tea or not, each colleague remembers and tells the most interesting and funny story that happened to him in the army. One tells, and the rest determine whether it is true or false. And you can show your imagination and laugh heartily.


Each man gets his own team of women (if there are few employees, simple chairs will do). So, for each participant there is a crossing mark and for each participant a row of the same number of chairs is lined up. At the “start” command, participants grab their first chair, run to their mark, place the chair and run for the second, grab the second chair, run to the mark, place the second chair and immediately pick up the first chair, returning it to its place, then grab the third chair , run to the mark and place the third chair, returning the second chair to its place. This continues until all the chairs are in place, that is, after the last chair, the participant returns the penultimate one and immediately runs after the last one. The participant who makes the fastest crossing will be the winner.

Short course for a fighter

From the very morning, the boss (boss) gives the command: Form up! All the men go to formation and receive a solemn congratulation with individual thanks (never been late - well done, never been on sick leave - well done, never remade a report - well done, in general, you need to find something special in each of the employees , for which you can praise). Then a quick exercise and breakfast, and for breakfast delicious barley (instant porridge made from bags in plastic plates). After breakfast, everyone got ready for shooting (you will need to throw paper balls into a bucket-basket. Well, after such a shake-up, it’s time to sweep the parade ground, figuratively speaking (you need to sweep away all the obstacles on the path to success) and do your job brilliantly. After such a charge of energy and positive impressions and the day will be cheerful, and the mood will be excellent, and the men will remember the gallant years of service.

The corporate event for Defenders of the Fatherland Day, February 23, is a traditional and favorite occasion to honor the male part of the office team. It is celebrated almost everywhere, officially or unofficially, organized or spontaneously.

"Event Consulting Service" organizes excellent corporate events for Defender of the Fatherland Day – from cozy office events to large-scale corporate events. Our arsenal and field kitchen are always ready! We will also promptly produce and pack gifts and souvenirs in military style.

Corporate party February 23 – scenarios, ideas

By organizing a corporate event for Defender of the Fatherland Day, we offer Scenarios for the office and corporate retreat , including express congratulations, military sports games, photo programs, office parties, corporate trips and much more.

Our non-standard ideas corporate organization February 23:

  • Express congratulations"Changing of the Guard"- a popular inexpensive way to congratulate male colleagues in the morning to create a festive mood for the whole day. The program includes: a bright meeting at the entrance to the office, express competitions, a shooting range, drawings and presentation of gifts.
  • Express congratulations "Heroic spirit"– meeting and greeting of the defenders of the Fatherland in the ancient Russian style. Agree, it’s unusual to walk into an office mansion in the morning, take a treasure sword from the hands of a beauty, chop a head of cabbage from your shoulder, and wash down the start of the day with a glass of kvass.
  • "Lunch fees"- script for February 23 “without interruption from production”. By order of the command, instead of a business lunch, “lunch gatherings” are announced at the entrance to the office. A field kitchen with Cossack cooks, army tents, an “Excellent in Combat Training” stand, assembling and disassembling weapons, a real armored personnel carrier, a brass band, military photo correspondents and charming sailor animators - all this will make an unforgettable impression on your team.
  • "Corporate Parade"- an unusual, very entertaining program with elements. Raises team spirit to unprecedented heights :). On the street or in a large room, your colleagues, singing a marching song, will parade in military uniform and with weapons in their hands. Participants will be given equipment in the form of camouflage suits, which will also become their corporate gift. Real or fake military equipment can take part in the “parade”.
  • “Gallery of Fame” is an unusual creative greeting in the form of an art exhibition of paintings. Thanks to the wonders of Photoshop, representatives of the male half of the office will become heroes of paintings by famous artists. There will be a “guide” at the exhibition who will tell you about each work with humor. At the end of the day, the paintings will become personalized gifts.
  • Costume photo studio with instant printing- this is an opportunity to try on the images of the defenders of the Fatherland - from Russian knights and tsars to soldiers of the Red Army or “avatars” :). Unusual photographs or photo magnets will remain as a keepsake of the event.
  • "Office shooting range"– adapted for indoors, archery competitions, slingshots, blowguns and much more. Spacious offices can afford a “Cowboy shooting gallery” or a real “Angry Birds military” with a huge slingshot.
  • Shooting competitions in a serious shooting range - an opportunity to remember or learn how to hold a variety of weapons in your hands - from pistols to rifles and machine guns. Surprisingly, but true - girls also take part in shooting programs with pleasure.
  • Team building on February 23– can be held in the office, like a “Young Soldier Course” or “Mobilization” with a field trip.
  • Test drive real men's vehicles - from real SUVs to modern or historical armored vehicles. It is possible to travel to equipped tracks and training grounds or to deliver equipment directly to the office. Whose armored personnel carrier is this at the entrance? :)
  • Corporate quest team building – a successful combination of a corporate holiday and unity during teamwork. We recommend conducting not a “room quest” for half an hour, but a real “male quest” quest team building, with finding and completing interesting tasks, which will be received by the team with a bang. Venues - military-technical museums indoors or outdoors, historical sites, cinema pavilions, park areas.
  • On-site photo studio "Ratnik" from "Event Consulting Service" - these are real men's. We offer not just military-style photography - we offer to get acquainted with modern army equipment, hold a real weapon (MGM) in your hand, feel how a bulletproof vest fits on yourself, what a “full gear” is and how modern “polite people” are equipped

Photos of corporate events held on February 23

What else could be in the program?

Invitations - "agendas", decorations in "army" or "front-line" style, creative meeting of guests, army "face painting", individual and group competitions, lottery with thematic souvenirs, auction "sale" of army property, safe shooting range, music and dance program, special menu, gifts - “parcels from the front”, “men’s” master classes, colleagues in various images, memory photography and much more.

When holding an event outdoors, we offer a field kitchen, Cossacks as cooks, real or fake armored vehicles, and real army props.

Will be held in many offices and organizations. Usually women prepare the holiday for Defender of the Fatherland Day - they choose gifts, cover the table and, of course, come up with competitions for men. Which ones can be arranged?

"The most accurate shooter"

This competition is perfect for men on February 23rd. Save the Darts game for the accuracy competition; men will throw darts. But this competition can be modernized. Invite men to throw markers or felt-tip pens at a target drawn on paper from a distance of 3-5 meters. Felt pens and markers must be open. The most accurate participant receives a prize. Buy markers designed for drawing on paper only, so marks left outside the paper can be easily washed off with alcohol.

"The Strongest Man"

For this competition you will need empty matchboxes. The presenter opens the empty box and places the lid on the inner box. The task of the male participants is to flatten both parts of the box with one blow of the hand. Believe me, it is very difficult. If the men fail, you can give an audience award for the funniest attempts.

"The Smartest Man"

Make up humorous questions for men on different topics. You can ask more questions about women's “secrets”. The man who answers the most questions will become the “Smartest”.

What is a shootout? (Penalty in hockey)

Why do women drip nail polish onto torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not appear on torn tights).

Is yeast used in shortbread dough? (No)

In which direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)

Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey)

What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)

Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)

What is a carburetor a part of? (Motor)


The game will go well when the company has already warmed up with alcohol. Four young people are called. Everyone is given a plastic bag containing 2 raw eggs. The presenter announces that the bags of eggs must be secured to the front of the belt. And split into pairs. The participants' task will be to break their opponent's eggs as quickly as possible. You can't use your arms or legs, you can only fight with bags of eggs.

"The tanks were rumbling on the field"

The game is stationary and requires good lung function. To play you will need matchboxes, matches, and a smooth, preferably polished table. The box should be made to look like a tank, you can paint wheels on the sides, and make a barrel out of matches.

The players' task is to blow away the opponent's tank from the table with the power of their lungs, and not allow their own to be blown away. The game can be played in several stages, at each stage weighing down the tank with matches. Team competitions can also be held.

"Beer fight"

This competition is suitable for celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day in the company of beer lovers. The name of the competition speaks for itself. Does everyone know the game "Battleship"? So, in the game "Beer Fight" ships are replaced with glasses of beer. Anyone who wants to can play, there is only one condition: everyone must split into pairs, that is, find an opponent.

Each player is given a lined sheet of paper and 10 small glasses of beer. A skewer with a funny inscription attached to it is inserted into each glass. For example: “A lot of beer - less mane!”, “You killed me with a word, I ruined you with beer”, “Soldiers drink a lot, we’re screwy!”, “Drink beer, life is beautiful!”, “We drink, Let’s pour, there’s no time to rest!”, “Happy holiday, my friends, drink beer, since you set it on fire!”, “Drink foamy beer, you’ll have a hefty belly!”, “Here, have a drink, don’t be shy, and let’s give up already!”

And now, when the ships are prepared, that is, glasses of beer are placed on the marked field, you can start the game. The winner is the one who shoots down all the opponent's ships.

"War pantomime"

Good competition for February 23rd. Invite young people to pantomime various attributes of military service without words (for example, weapons). Everyone is given pieces of paper with the names of weapons and military equipment. And those present must guess what kind of weapon it is. On pieces of paper you can write the following: mortar, all-terrain vehicle, airplane, flamethrower, gun, tank, pike, stiletto, parachute, etc.

The main thing is that everyone understands what exactly the participant is depicting.

"3 sons"

This is an old riddle game. All participants leave the room, leaving only one person. He receives the following text: “The father had three sons. The eldest was smart, the middle one was this and that, the youngest was a complete fool.” The player’s task is to depict without words what he read to the next player who is called. Then this player describes everything to the next person called as he understood it. Again, without words. The last player tells out loud what he understood from the gestures of the second to last one. Often the initial and final results are very different from each other.

"Antaeus and Hercules"

For the competition you need to choose two men, preferably of the same build. Let one of them be named Antaeus, and the other Hercules, and the competition itself will revive the ancient Greek myth. These two “heroes” stand in a circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters. Now the most important thing: Antaeus must not take his feet off the ground, which means not allowing himself to be moved (after all, according to legend, his mother Gaia, the goddess of the earth, endowed him with magical powers), Hercules’ task is to “crush” Antaeus, i.e. tear it off the ground and take it outside the circle. There are 2 rounds in the competition, i.e. in the second round, players change roles so that everything is fair and everyone can try their hand at different images.

"Button Duel"

For this competition, the presenter selects two participants. Each person is given six “bullets” - buttons. The duelists are separated at a distance of 5-7 meters. The presenter-second throws lots (coin) - who should start. At his own signal, the beginner takes a button, places it on the thumb of his right hand (with the other fingers clenched into a fist, and the tip of the thumb rests on the index finger), “prying” it with his thumb, “shoots” at the enemy. Then the second player shoots. In the end, the winner is determined by the number of well-aimed hits.

The enemy can deviate and crouch, but cannot take a single step.

"Red and Green"

Take two kilograms of apples - a kilogram of red ones and a kilogram of green ones. Mix them in one vase. We blindfold the men one by one and ask them to pull out apples of the same color. How they cope with this task is none of our business. Their task is to separate green from red.

Those who pass this test and identify red apples to the touch can be characterized as the most passionate. Green apple lovers are the most prudent. But these secrets need to be revealed only after the competition is over.

"Prize in Riddles"

Any item that can act as a prize is wrapped in paper. The contents of any riddle are glued to the wrapper. This package is wrapped again, and the riddle is stuck again. This operation must be repeated 10 times.

The players sit in a circle. The presenter gives one a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed right, he says the answer, if not, he reads the riddle out loud. The one who guessed it gets the right to further unwrap the prize, and everything continues according to the same pattern.

The prize is given to the one who guesses the last riddle.

"Shooting Banks"

An impromptu shooting range can be organized in the fresh air. You will need children's plastic pistols with bullets in order to arrange an exciting shooting competition. It is best to shoot at empty beer and Coca-Cola cans. Adult men will be happy to take part in the competition. The most accurate person wins the prize.


As a prop, we will need a transparent container that is wide and tall enough. It may not be a narrow decanter, or in extreme cases, just a three-liter jar. We place an empty glass at the bottom of the container, and fill the container itself with water to the brim. The projectile is ready.

How to play. You need to throw a coin into the container so that it falls directly into the glass. This is quite difficult to do - the water changes the trajectory of the coin’s fall each time, and it does not want to fall into the cup.

And the one who manages to get the coin into the glass wins. The winner can take back all the change that previous players threw there.

Protect your orange

The game involves two men. Everyone holds a spoon with an orange or potato in their teeth. Hands behind your back. The task is to drop your opponent's orange with your spoon and not let him drop yours. The bravest rescuers can use a raw egg instead of an orange.

Surely many men will want to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day at a friendly party or at least a corporate event with colleagues. To make the celebration of Men's Day fun and memorable for a long time, we offer original competitions for February 23.

Competitions for colleagues on February 23 are an excellent opportunity to test whether male defenders are strong, dexterous and brave enough and to make sure that they can protect loved ones in case of danger. And on February 23, they will slightly dilute the harsh atmosphere of the holiday of real men and allow you to have fun from the heart.

By the way, you shouldn’t think that cool competitions on February 23 are intended only for the stronger sex. Ladies can also take part in some funny competitions if they want, of course. Besides, it’s not a big deal and it’s their holiday—is there any point in congratulating the defenders if they have no one to protect?

Dashing cowboys

For this competition you will need raw eggs, several plastic bags called “T-shirts” and ropes or tape. In each bag (or better yet, in several bags nested inside each other, for reliability) two eggs are placed. The number of bags of eggs must correspond to the number of participants. Then a bag is secured to each participant’s belt (in front) using ropes or tape.

Participants are divided into pairs. The task of each player is to break the eggs hanging on the opponent’s belt without the help of hands and feet and keep his own bag safe and sound. This fun competition lasts until there is only one winner left.

With one blow

The presenter explains the rules of the game: “A real man must be strong, like a lion, and be able to break boards and bricks with one blow of his fist. Let's check if our men are capable of this? Unfortunately, we don’t have boards or bricks, but we do have a matchbox. I’m sure that for our strongmen, flattening it is a piece of cake!”

The presenter takes an empty matchbox, opens it, places the inner box on its side, and places the lid on top perpendicular to the box (as shown in the figure). The players' task is to flatten both parts of the box with one blow of their fist. This task turns out to be not at all as simple as it seems at first glance - no one manages to flatten the boxes the first time. If none of their participants copes with the task, a prize can be awarded to the most diligent or funniest strongman.

Football with matches

The matchbox can be used for one more competition - but in this case it should not be empty, but full. In addition to the box, you will need ropes and plastic bottles with a small amount of water (for gravity) according to the number of participants and two improvised football goals (they can also be made from bottles placed at some distance from each other).

The players are divided into two teams. Each participant has a bottle of water tied to his belt (the length of the rope should be such that the bottom of the bottle is just below the knees). A matchbox - a “soccer ball” - is placed on the floor in the middle of the room. The task of the participants of each team is to score boxes into the opponent’s goal and defend their own goal. In this case, the boxes can only be pushed with a bottle; touching the box, ropes and bottles with your hands is prohibited! The first team to score a goal is considered the winner.

Every man should...

As you know, every man must do three things in his life: build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. There is no point in planting trees in February; raising children is a purely individual matter, but in building houses you can both practice and compete.

For this competition you need to prepare a large number of parts from children's construction sets (like Lego). All the parts are dumped into a large pile in the center of the room. At the leader’s signal, players must run up to the pile, take one (only one!) piece, return to their place and run for the next one.

After the agreed time, the presenter gives a second signal, and the players begin to build a house from the reclaimed parts. You can leave them the opportunity to exchange the necessary parts from other players by mutual consent. The winner is awarded to the participant who built the most impressive and high-quality house.