Congratulations to relatives on the New Year. How to congratulate relatives and friends on the New Year Congratulations on the family

What is more important in life than family?

Nothing, because everything in the world is empty.

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Happy New Year to your nearest and dearest.

Let the frost crackle outside the window again,

I know where it’s always warm and cozy.

And I know the answer to my question,

And there is no place for recklessness in this.

Family is an endless wonderful light,

Family is support, trepidation, hope.

Family is the elixir for all sorts of troubles

And faith even where there is no room.

My dear ones, my loved ones, may it be a new year

What is really stepping into one’s rights?

It will only bring you happiness and joy,

And let kindness not leave.

I wish you good health, my dears,

On a wonderful New Year's Eve,

May your days be wonderful

Forming a mosaic over the years,

I wish you smiles, fun, good luck,

And all kinds of life achievements,

Solutions to the toughest problems

And only wonderful moments.

Let the light not go out, my dears,

In your close, charming eyes,

May the New Year, which is coming now,

Carries life on mischievous wings.

May there be happiness, may the world be more vast,

Let there be joy, as if without boundaries,

And let tomorrow be better than yesterday

That day that will amaze faces with a smile.

May the pages of obsolescence last long days

You will never be disappointed.

May you dream of a wonderful fairy tale,

Coming true in life every time.

The Christmas tree smells like a winter forest,

It smells like a fairy tale, a round dance.

Today I am for you, dear ones,

Happy New Year.

Congratulations on your new happiness,

With new joy great

And happy New Year,

Snowy, joyful winter.

I wish you snow slides,

To make the skating rink slippery

So that in the tender arms of your mother

I could always drown.

I am with my family today

I want to wish you happiness

And tell them that I'm strong

I love them very much.

The Christmas tree is lit with lights,

The smell of duck on the table

I feel warmly with you dear ones,

It's a joy to be with you everywhere.

We are saying goodbye to the old year

With tender sadness in my soul,

He brought so much happiness

To our friendly whole family.

New Year is very close

He rushes towards us with a loud ringing sound,

Visiting children on reindeer

Santa Claus is already flying.

Today I wish the Children

clever wife, to all relatives,

to all people close

To our friendly whole family:

Always treasure each other

To help in grief, in trouble,

To be close, and if it’s difficult

Call everyone to help you.

When your family is waiting for you at home,

When the light in the window burns,

It’s warm and joyful in the heart,

That someone values ​​you.

New Year is just around the corner,

Very soon there will be a knock on our window.

My family and I are next to you again,

Together we feel comfortable and bright.

I wish everyone joy today

Human tender warmth,

May all the life that we still have left

It will be woven with smiles and kindness.

Happy New Year greetings to the family in prose text

Beautiful, original, comic Happy New Year greetings to your
family in prose, wishes from mom, from dad, from children, from grandmother, from
parents, from grandchildren text in your own words

Congratulations to the family from mom in prose!

My precious ones
little people! My golden family! Congratulations! May grandpa be on New Year's Day
the frost will give everyone a bag, in which you will be expected not only
sweet candies, and also a lot of laughter and joy, endless happiness
and tremendous success, excellent health and eternal undying love,
enough for a whole year and a lifetime. And all your sorrows and
Let your grandfather take your sadness to distant places!
Text to the family from dad!

My family is my only and irreplaceable! Because I'm the head
families, for some a daddy, for someone a spouse, and for some a son-in-law!
I would like to congratulate everyone on the upcoming excellent New Year! Be
my beloved ones next year will be even happier, even more beautiful, even
more successful, even more loved and healthy! Get better every moment! A
your daddy will be nearby, ready to reward you with advice at any moment
and provide the fastest first aid of the highest class!
To parents from children in their own words! Our parents are the most wonderful! We congratulate you! New Year's
to you beautiful fairy tales, unexpected glorious miracles, let Santa Claus
will appear in childhood and fulfill all your desires, desires,
dreams! Never be sad and never grow old at heart. The most important
love each other, and even more us! Never quarrel, especially over
nothing. And don’t scold us, because you are the coolest and coolest among us.
advanced parents! Happy New Year!
Prose from Grandmother on NG My dear granddaughters! The New Year is coming! I'm in a hurry
congratulate your loved ones on this snow-white and magnificent holiday.
Always strive to go forward in all matters, but boldly, not
be afraid of life lessons. Enjoy life, be cheerful,
catch your luck quickly. Don't deal with grief and negativity. Be
more positive and kind. And most importantly, on New Year's Eve, know when to stop.
when drinking drinks containing alcohol!

Wishes from parents

Happy New Year kids! Today
you don’t even have to sleep at night, fool around until you drop, and eat as much as you want
any candy. Grow our sweet little shoes big,
smart and healthy. In the New Year, all dreams have
ability to come true, think of the most desired thing and it will certainly
will happen. This wonderfully wonderful holiday will give you many
happiest moments and days. Yes, and don't forget to look under
Christmas tree with a needle!
Words of congratulations from grandchildren on New Year's Eve

Our granny, New Year remains a fairy tale only if you are with
us in these moments! After all, remembering stories from childhood, you and
New Year's wonderful moments are inseparable. You were like Santa Claus for
us, who performs sacraments and miracles. Congratulations! Let
Every New Year brings you strength, health and youth. After all, if
you are with us, we always feel like little kids and wait
beautiful with wonderful.

Happy New Year 2018 greetings in prose

set goals.

Happy New Year! May this year bring us a lot of happiness, good luck,
smiles, warmth and light. Let it be full of bright colors, pleasant
impressions and joyful events. I wish everyone a happy new year
healthy, beautiful, loved and successful!

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! I wish you the best in the coming year
be surrounded by exclusively positive and friendly people,
experience only pleasant emotions, enjoy every day you live,
give joy and smiles to others. And may this New Year be
special for you.

Happy New Year! And I would like to wish everyone that
in the coming year, the very miracle we are all talking about happened to us
so we dream. Although everyone has their own, it is definitely the most
necessary and most important. I wish that we are all alive and well,
to do what brings us pleasure. I wish to achieve
new heights and self-realization. And I also want to wish you more
joyful moments that will turn into pleasant memories, and
meetings with devoted friends and beloved household members.

Happy New Year! I wish you with all my heart bright moments in life, only
pleasant impressions, great wealth in the home, harmony in the family,
good luck in all matters and, of course, pure and sincere love!

Happy New Year! I wish that everything comes true this year, even
the smallest, dreams. To become more warm, to open more
opportunities, incredible prospects appeared, new friends, burned
fire in the hearth, a smile played on the faces of loved ones. Let
your most cherished dreams will come true!

May the New Year be successful and rich in good things for us
events and acquaintances, desires and opportunities. I wish that we
could share joyful moments with loved ones. I wish you health,
peace, good luck and prosperity. May the New Year bring joy and happiness
and changes for the better!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish that in
New Year, your most cherished and innermost wishes will come true, so that
you and your loved ones are happy and healthy, so that lady luck does not
passed you by, and all the things started ended triumphantly!

I wish the New Year brings not only happiness, but also confidence
in tomorrow, so that every morning begins with a feeling of joy and
fun! I wish every area of ​​life to be a full cup.
May you be filled with a thirst for new achievements, energy and sincere
joy from life, which in itself is a priceless gift!

Happy New Year! I wish you happiness, kindness, peace, warmth,
health, patience, care, lightness, holiday, love, faith, hope,
desires, dreams, events, success, mood, loved ones nearby, miracles,
blessings, prosperity, stability, adventure, beauty, strength,
wisdom. Let every year, and not just the current one, be the most
ideal, better than the previous one, uncompromisingly excellent in all respects
relationships that create a perfect life!

Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Have fun and laugh
Don't be offended by anything
Live easily and without worries
The whole coming new year.
Enjoy every moment
And give your warmth,
Always be positive
May you always be lucky in everything!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and kindness!
Let all bad weather pass by,
Life will give you full gifts!

I wish you peace and goodness,
Love, warmth!
May this New Year
Will bring success and joy!
May the New Year open its doors
Into the world of magic, care, faith.
And all good things will begin!
May luck smile on you!

Happy New Year! May the coming year bring only good things
events, bright moments in life, happiness, fulfillment of all hopes and
set goals.

All the best to you, all the best,
Good luck in everything and happy occasion.
May your worries be pleasant
Work brings good feelings.
Let the New Year not bring sorrow,
But only have a great mood!

May the New Year bring you joy,
Warmth of hearts, love of relatives.
May every day be sweet for you.
Fewer cold, angry days.
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Let life play with colors.
Fun, joy, enthusiasm!
Let everyday life become fairy tales.
Let luck not give up,
Let kindness surround you
May the New Year not offend you
And he will always be generous to you.

May all bad things be erased in the New Year,
How an eraser erases a stroke we don’t need!
May the best smile on you
And let every moment of the year be bright!
Health, success and a lot of luck,
Prosperity and blessings in the coming year!
Great ideas and always inspiration!
All the best for your destiny!

Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness in life,
Many good wishes,
May all your dreams come true!
The most vivid impressions,
The most fabulous moments.
May this year bring you
A lot of joyful troubles!

May the New Year shower you with
Money and wealth.
I wish all your dreams come true,
Desires - come true.
Good health, love
And joyful events.
I wish you happiness, newness
And fabulous discoveries.
Let there be a holiday every day,
Friends, family are nearby.
And all good things will come
Magic snowfall.

May the New Year bring you
Health and good luck,
Let them be resolved easily
All difficult tasks!
Let there be joy in your soul,
And in the heart there is inspiration.
More faith and love -
And doubts will go away!
To want to dance,
To love and to be loved,
Blessed to be in everything
And preserved by the Lord!

Let your wishes come true!
Everything bad will be forgotten!
Love will come with hope,
With unbridled passion!
May happiness be eternal
Health - endless,
All dreams are real
Ideas are only brilliant,
The charge is only long and vigorous!
Always! And happy New Year!

The time has come when everyone can
Dream about new plans,
Think about something carefully
Make a wish for everything under the tree.
I am glad to congratulate you on the New Year!
And late this evening
Let Santa Claus pass you by
Gives you happiness and warmth.
A herd of deer will come running to you
... they will bring gifts.
Rivers of goodness and delight to you,
Let comfort reign in your place.

Happy New Year 2017

New Year - January 1

Poems about the New Year
New Year's poems for children
Cool congratulations
Friends, the new year 2017 is coming - the Year of the Red Fire Rooster!
For most people, New Year's Eve is their favorite holiday.
The New Year is called magical, mysterious, amazing, unique,
enchanting. People are expecting another miracle, a bright fairy tale, a new
happiness... Someone makes a wish and believes that it will certainly come true
will come true in the coming year! We are waiting for the chimes to strike, we raise our glasses with
sparkling champagne and breathtaking - here it is, here it is
long-awaited holiday, New Year, a few more seconds and HE will enter
the threshold of every home, as a full-fledged owner, king and ruler.
He will enter and will certainly bring with him warmth and harmony with
every family, health is like the greatest treasure given to us
from above, good luck - so that it lasts for the whole year, love - so that your heart
overflowed and passion reigned over the mind, the treasured bag of gifts and
New Year's greetings to boot!
This holiday is always
accompanied by joyful chores and worries, New Year's
preparations, recipes and table decorations. Every housewife strives
surprise your loved ones with something specially amazing and
delicious dish, strives to set the table so that the aroma of fragrant
filled the house with salads and pies so that there would be a New Year's Eve on the table
mood, candlesticks, napkins with snowflakes, and cookies in the form
Christmas trees. And tangerines with sweets, and champagne! What about the house? The house is already
for several days a forest beauty, dressed in royal attire, adorns
shimmering with lights, shining stars. She, decorated
extraordinary balls and cones, has been waiting for the holiday for a long time! Soon soon
children and adults will join hands and dance in a merry
New Year's round dance around our elegant guest. "Born in the forest
Christmas tree..." - this is the holiday, the New Year, this is our happiness!
This time we are all trying to work part-time as wizards,
sorcerers, good fairies... Santa Claus and Snow Maiden receive children's
letters and preparing gifts. And this means that New Year is a must
will come - and will be no less cheerful and happy than all the previous ones.

And in the morning... in the morning we all, like children, steal a glance under
Christmas tree, is there a treasured bag of gifts lying there? Who knows, suddenly
There really is Santa Claus :)
And while there are still those most cherished
five minutes, stock up on New Year's greetings and wishes for
loved ones and people dear to you, for those you are going to meet
the coming year, and who is far from you. Stock up on good poems, and
Don't spare words for your friends. And most importantly, believe - everything is yours
wishes will certainly come true!
More about the New Year
Competitions, New Year's SMS, New Year's drinking songs, jokes and much, much more about the New Year!
Champagne will boil in a glass,
Bubbles will scatter around.
The old year is in a hurry to say goodbye to us!
The new one comes in like a new friend!
May he be full of inspiration
Joy, love and beauty!
May it give you the best moments
And will fulfill all your cherished dreams!
Open your door with hope,
Looking forward to happy changes!
And he will step out of the snowstorm
Under the native arches of your walls!

Happy New Year 2017
Happy New Year, my dears!
Let the champagne splashes sparkle!
With wishes of happiness, love,
Laugh more this evening
Don't be afraid to dream about something,
And wishes when twelve strikes,
Be sure to have time to make a wish -
May they all come true!

Happy New Year greetings in verse
Under the quiet, slow snow
Walking with soft steps,
Stepped over the threshold
The past year, saying goodbye to us.
Let him go, that's the way it should be
Don't regret anything!
A new one is already knocking on the door,
So open it for him quickly!
Believe that this year is coming
Will fulfill everything that the heart expects!
He will certainly be the best
Have a successful and happy year!

New Year is coming!
Snowy, frosty, spruce!
Joyful, friendly, happy -
Sixteenth, tireless!
After all, people are waiting for him,
Always dreaming of a miracle!
Happiness is already starting there!
Let it be bright for everyone!

Congratulations, friends, Happy New Year 2017!
Let's smile at all our misfortunes,
There is only success and luck ahead,
After all, it cannot be otherwise in life!
The New Year will bring us victories
All troubles pass by,
Let love, fun and light
Everything in this world will overflow!

Happy New Year, happy new snow!
Let your dreams come true
So that barriers - without a run -
Awesome height!
There is no more wonderful holiday!
How much joy there is in my soul!
New thoughts in a new song,
New meetings and in general!..
Let the past not return
A new day will come again
Only the old one remains
Our friendship and love!

This is how the white world works,
Starting from the beginning of the universe:
New Year - many summers,
To those leaving - goodbye!
Let the expectations warm us all!
Let our success not be torn to pieces!
May we become kinder and wiser!
Happy new year friends! With new happiness!

May the New Year be a sweet fairy tale
But he kept himself firmly in good shape
He has problems with his brain
Didn't load it very much.
So that the prince who came on horseback
Has not lost its heat and ardor
To continue to love and cherish
And to wash the floors more often.
And helped with housework
Forgetting your male selfishness
And even showed it in the kitchen
Your own culinary heroism.
So that the kids get chewed up
You didn't count on New Year's Day
And to be able to relax
From the adversity that has befallen.
May the New Year be brought under the tree
Patience for the whole family
Believe me, they love you madly
Your tender smile.

Happy New Year greetings in verse
Santa Claus is rushing towards you in a sleigh,
He brings you gifts.
A miracle will happen in the New Year,
And good luck will come to you!
With childish faith in your happiness,
Live this year.
Understanding and participation
Let him live in your heart!

"Happy New Year, Happy New Year!" —
Everyone around exclaims.
Under the high sky
The album opens.
Window Shade Binding
All embroidered with patterns.
On the outskirts of villages
The forest is mysterious.
Santa Claus dear long
Stuck in the snowdrifts,
But the Christmas tree
Decorated the hall festively,
And scattered mischievous
Rhinestone sparkles on the trees.
Adults will have the weekend
And holidays are for the little ones.
A wonderful moment in the morning
Without tossing and worries
Will be a reason for something
Calendar New Year:
Someone will buy a trinket
And he will put it next to the crystal.
Someone gently in your ear
He will say: “I love you.”
Someone will call friends.
Who, sitting by the ottoman,
Will be in the photo album
Rearrange sheets.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Let's stand up, thanks to life,
With the first sunrise
Early morning in January!
Semyon Khmelevskoy

What can you wish your beloved brother on New Year's Eve? Of course, only the very, very best and lots and lots of it. May this year bring you success, financial stability, recognition. I wish you health, love, prosperity, joy, good luck, kindness, sincere feelings. Always be as smart, beautiful, cheerful!
Happy New Year to my brother →

Happy New Year to grandson

Happy New Year, my glorious grandson,
With new happiness, dear,
Only good events
Let them happen to you.

Every day will be special
Full of joy and happiness.
You have enough strength, enthusiasm,
To achieve goals.

Let this year be the start
For victories and achievements,
Let him give you
Many joyful moments.
Happy New Year to my grandson →

Happy New Year to granddaughter

Happy New Year
Beautiful girl
Meek and gentle,
My beloved granddaughter!

We wish the princess
Happiness to heaven
Fulfillment of dreams,
Fabulous miracles!

Be like a beautiful flower
Smart, cool!
And may the coming year
It will only bring joy!
Happy New Year to my granddaughter →

Happy New Year uncle

Uncle, dear, Happy New Year, new happiness, and new prosperity to you! I wish you well and success, may this year be better and brighter than the previous one. Don't give up, and then all your dreams will certainly come true! May your home be filled with joy and prosperity, and may all adversity and sorrow remain beyond the threshold!
Happy New Year, uncle →

Happy New Year to son-in-law

My dear, beloved son-in-law,
I want to wish you
Great to celebrate the New Year,
May you be lucky in everything
In love, in work and in business,
In hopes, sincere dreams,
Good health to you
And joyful victories in fate,
May success come to you
Let the cheerful laughter sound,
Manage to earn recognition
I wish you to live in harmony!
Happy New Year to my son-in-law →

Happy New Year to godson

May this New Year bring you many pleasant surprises, joyful events and desired gifts! May God protect you, beloved godson, and always lead you along the right path! I wish you great happiness, new achievements and good health in the coming year!
Happy New Year to the godson →

Happy New Year to your goddaughter

My amazing, fiery goddaughter, Happy New Year! I wish you new victories, bright colors, sincere smiles and great happiness. May Santa Claus not only bring you many gifts, but also give you good luck that will accompany you throughout the year. My girl, I also wish you faithful and good friends and eventful days. Magic and miracles to you!
Happy New Year to your goddaughter →

Happy New Year godmother

They say that the New Year is a new life. I wish you, my dear godmother, that in your new life there will be no gray days, gloomy people, sadness and problems. Let magic, beauty and harmony reign in it. I also want your most cherished dreams to come true in the New Year and all your bold ideas to come to life. I hope this year brings you only positive emotions, peace of mind, success and good prospects! Happy new life, new happiness!
Happy New Year too, godmother →

Happy New Year to the godfather

Godfather, Happy New Year,
Congratulations with all my heart!
And I wish you to be happy
Together with my family.

May the year be successful
Fruitful for you.
Less workload at work
Homes always make you happy.

May everything be so wonderful
What words cannot say.
I wish you all the best,
And, of course, don’t get sick!
Happy New Year to the godfather →

Happy New Year godfather

My precious, dear gossip, I congratulate you on the New Year! This year I wish you, my charming and amazing one, that your every day will be filled with happiness, joy, positivity, magic and only positive emotions. I wish that luck follows you everywhere and that you never allow sadness to creep into your life. Leave all your experiences, adversities and sorrows in the outgoing year. Don't you dare drag them with you into the New Year!
Happy New Year too, godfather →

Happy New Year godfather

I wish my godfather this New Year
Accumulate a large amount
And go to the Maldives
Together with my beloved wife.

May your health not fail you
Let youth not leave.
Happiness, joy, love
And gifts from fate!

Have fun until you drop
Never lose heart.
Please accept congratulations,
They are all from the heart!
Happy New Year too, godfather →

Happy New Year to daughter-in-law

My dear, amazing, beautiful daughter-in-law, Happy New Year to you! It is believed that in the New Year you need to start life with a clean slate, leaving problems, grievances and troubles in the past. My dear, I wish you happiness, goodness and success. Let this year be special, bright and unforgettable for your family. I wish that magic, harmony and love rule your life.
Happy New Year to my daughter-in-law →

Happy New Year to my nephew

My wonderful nephew! Happy New Year to you and may you always remain the amazing guy that you are. I believe that you will pass all the tests that life will give you and maintain your kind and cheerful nature. Your parents are the happiest people, because they managed to raise such a young man. May this year bring you joy, happiness and the fulfillment of all your plans!
Happy New Year to my nephew →

Happy New Year to my niece

Dear niece,
You are our beauty
Happy New Year, smart girl!
May your wishes come true.

Be cheerful, sweet
And always happy
Smiling tenderly.
Let life become a fairy tale!
Happy New Year to my niece →

Happy New Year mother in law

You are an amazing woman, and I am glad that you are my husband’s mother. On this amazing night, on the night of magic and miracles, I want to wish you endless happiness, harmony, joy and the fulfillment of all your desires. May the New Year fill your home with light, joy, positive emotions and good events! Happy holiday to you, with new happiness, with a new miracle!
Happy New Year too, mother-in-law →

Happy New Year to father in law

May the coming New Year give you many happy moments, the realization of all your plans and desires, as well as good luck and all kinds of earthly blessings! Let this wonderful holiday fill your soul with joy, positivity and comfort!
Happy New Year to my father-in-law →

Happy New Year to father-in-law

For you, father-in-law, on New Year's Day
I raise a toast
Be strong and healthy
I wish it all year round.

So that there is order in the household,
The house smelled like pies,
Every day of the year for happiness
It just came to you in the palm of your hand.

The grandchildren climbed onto their knees,
Warmed my heart
So that all the days in the New Year
They became joyful.
Happy New Year to father-in-law →

Happy New Year Aunt

The New Year is in a hurry again,
What can you wish for your aunt?
I wish from the bottom of my heart:
You bloom like a rose!
May the New Year be successful
Unusual, interesting.
A sea of ​​happiness in your personal life.
On vacation? Only overseas!
So that you, aunt, do not know tears,
Never lost heart!
Happy New Year to Aunt →

Happy New Year mother in law

Without you, beloved mother-in-law,
I wouldn't have met my wife.
Life might be simpler
But family is important to me!
And if we're serious,
I love your daughter
And with her under the starry sky
I wouldn't mind living a hundred years!
But this is a retreat
But we're talking about something else.
May happiness and fun
Your house is filled,
May the New Year bring
Carnival of wishes,
Everything the soul asks for -
I wished for it!
Happy New Year too, mother-in-law →

Happy New Year to the matchmakers

Happy New Year
You, my dear matchmakers,
I wish that you
We were happy and healthy.

So that we get together more often
With you at the same table,
In our children's family,
So that everything goes well.

May the New Year distribute
Generously supply us with good supplies,
I wish that with you
We knew no differences.

So that we on all issues
Found a common language
I wish for the New Year,
So that we can live happily.
Happy New Year to the matchmakers →

In Ukrainian

New river - new inspiration,
New plans, ideas, directions.
May there be doors of knowledge,
Change for the better now!

Let us covenant with the new fate
Happiness, joy, love in your home.
And no less leads to sacredness,
And one day you will lose it!

Be generous, kohans, healthy,
The new river is dying.
I rejoice in my eyes, happiness dawns
That moon is merry, hai laughter!
More in Ukrainian →


May heaven send you good health and bright happiness in the New Year, may the blessing of the Lord always be with you, may your path be illuminated by a kind Angel and the bright light of good luck. I wish you peace and prosperity, pure love and great joy of heart!

Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness and joy!
Don't drink wine - cognac,
For a snack - pike perch,
Thicker New Year's cake
There are more friends at the table,
Have fun from the heart
But you can't fall under the tree,
To Santa Claus
He wasn’t taken to the sobering-up station.


I wish you a new year
So that everything that prevents you from living will disappear!
And your wallet is fat
It must come from money!
I wish you a beautiful house,
Nice car
A big basin of health to you,
So that your back doesn't ache!
And the main thing is that you
The toilet was made of gold!!!


New Year's greetings to mother or grandmother

This New Year's night
let the frost knock on the glass.
I give you warmth today with all my soul.
So that you are healthy and don’t get sick in the future,
I want to warm you up this night with a good word.
Let the evil blizzard subside and take the misfortune with it.
May you live happily in the coming year.


New Year is knocking stubbornly
Through the windows, blinding with frost.
Happy New Year again, mom,
This postcard is from me,
My tender love:
After winter, as before, there is summer,
And flowers and songs again!
Be as beautiful as flowers
Let no shadow of sadness fall...
And accept greetings from your daughter
The very first day of the year!!!


to all seniors

to all the elders
Happy New Year
And with all our hearts we wish:
Live longer, don't grow old,
Don't look back, look forward
Regardless of the years
Always be cheerful
Be happy everywhere -
In your personal life and at work!



Beloved parents,
Hope you like it
My gifts are modest
And they will remain in memory
Holiday emotions
Unique in everything.
I wish you happiness, joy
Happy New Year, dears!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Let everything be for you:
The sea splashes under your feet
On the sand, in the Canaries
In the company of beautiful women.
To have enough snacks
And the drinks never ran out
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!

Happy New Year greetings to relatives

grandma, grandpa, dad, mom
May the New Year not add wrinkles,
And it will smooth out and erase the old ones!
It will improve your health and relieve you from sorrows.
And may this year be happy!


It’s great when male or female friendships develop into family friendships. Could there be anything more fun than noisy common holidays and trips, picnics and going to the movies? New Year's holidays are a great occasion to thank your family of friends by sending them Happy New Year greetings.

1. Happy New Year to family and friends

Congratulations on the best,
A joyful ancient holiday,
The most tender and melodious,
Happy snow-white New Year.

May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you!
May he be the best
The most joyful for everyone!

Let them be good people for you,
Not afraid of worries,
It won't just be new,
And happy New Year!

2. Happy New Year to family friends

Happy New Year! May you have good luck
This year will give you
Complex problems will be solved
And it will bring success.
So that the soul does not know worries,
And at midnight it's time
There was moisture from the glass
You drank for us,
For love, for happiness to live
And cherish each other!

3. Happy New Year to family and friends

Time goes by quickly
Straight, straight into the New Year.
On the right course, at full speed, -
So what? Happy New Year!
You can't help but want this:
Be happy, friends!

4. Happy New Year to family and friends

On New Year's Eve, friends,
I wish you happiness.
Live cheerfully and sweetly,
Have a million friends
Love work, nature, loved ones,
And everything will be okay with you!

5. Happy New Year to family and friends

I wish you a Happy New Year
Fun ringing like ice,
Smiles as bright as amber,
Health, like frost in January.

May this year be a lucky star
Will enter your family comfort,
Hastily with the old year
Let all the troubles go away!

6. Happy New Year to family and friends

Hours fly, days pass -
This is the law of nature
And we want to congratulate you
Happy New Year today!

To the sound of festive glasses,
Within the house or not
May the New Year give you all
Health, happiness, long life.

7. Happy New Year to family and friends

Let the New Year come to your home
With hope, joy, love.
And he will bring with him as a gift
Great happiness and health.

​​ arrived on horseback

​no regrets!​ there will be no less​ - the most beloved​

​May you all be lucky!​

Even the smallest, New Year's wonderful moments

Happier, even more beautiful, With tender sadness on

​What there is in life​Haven't lost yours​

Already knocking on the cheerful and happy door,

holiday. New Year brings

​Happy New Year!​ dreams. To make it

​ are inseparable. You were even more successful, even

​more important to the soul than family?​

The heat and ardor of the door is new,

​than all the previous ones.​ called magical, mysterious,​

​A lot of joyful troubles!​ With new happiness!​

​ more warmth, opened like Santa Claus

​more loved and​He brought so much​

​It’s okay, because in​

To continue to love,

​So open it for him​ And in the morning... in the morning​

Amazing, unique, enchanting.

​Let the New Year shower

​Laughter, peace and

More opportunities have appeared

​for us, which​

healthy! Become better happiness

​ everything in the world - to cherish

​Hurry up!​ we are all like​

​People are waiting for the next you​

​good!​ incredible prospects, new

Creates sacraments every moment! A

​To our friendly whole family.​ empty.​

​And so that the floors​Believe me that this​

Children will sneak a miracle, a bright fairy tale,

​Money and wealth.​

​Let all friends go around, the fire was burning

Wonderful. Congratulations!​ your daddy will​

​New Year is really

​I want you from the bottom of my heart​

Washed more often.

​the coming year​

​look under the Christmas tree,​

​ new happiness... Someone

​I wish everything comes true

bad weather

at home,

​ Let every New

Nearby, ready to reward close

I congratulate

​And helped so that

​Fulfills everything​

Isn’t he lying making wishes, and


​Life will give you

A smile played on

The year brings you advice at any time

​Call loudly to us​

​Relatives and closest ones​

The heart is waiting for housework!

​ there the treasured bag believes that it

​Wishes come true.​

​ in full!​ in the faces of your loved ones. Let

​strength, health and​ moment and provide​

In a hurry, Happy New Year.

​Forgetting my masculine

​He will certainly be​

with gifts? Who

will certainly come true in

​Good health, love​

​I wish you peace and goodness,​

The most cherished thing will come true! Youth. After all, if

​fast first aid​On deer to children​

Let selfishness outside the window again

​the best,​ knows, suddenly Grandfather

​the coming year! We And joyful events.

​Love, warmth!​Let the New Year be​

​you are with us,​

​top class!​ visit​

The frost is crackling, And showed on

​Successful and happy​ Frost is true

We are waiting for the chimes to strike, I wish you happiness and newness

Let this one

​successful for us​

​we always feel​Parents from their children​

​Santa Claus is already flying.​I know where he always is​

Happy New Year greetings to the family in prose text

​ year!​ yes:)​ let's raise our glasses with​ And fabulous discoveries.​ New Year​ and rich in​ good words for little children!​ Today I wish the Children,​

Warm, cozy. Your own culinary heroism.

​The New Year is coming!​And for now with sparkling champagne and​May the holiday be​Success and joy​with events and acquaintances, and we are waiting for the beautiful​Our parents are the most​clever wife, To all our relatives,​And I know the answer​So that the children will be chewed up by their backs ​Snowy, frosty, spruce!​ there are those very breathtaking things -​ every day,​ will bring!​ desires and opportunities.​ with the wonderful.​ magnificent! We congratulate all the people close to your question,
​You didn't count​Joyful, friendly, happy​ cherished five minutes, here it is, here are​ Friends, family -​ Let the New Year​ I wish you​​ you! New Year to you Our friendly whole family: And there is no place in the New Year - stock up on New Year's greetings; it is a long-awaited holiday, nearby. It will open the doors so you can share the joyful Happy New Year! A year of beautiful, unexpected fairy tales. Always cherish each other, this recklessness. And to relax
​Sixteenth, tireless!​ and wishes for​​ New Year, also​ And all the good​ Into the world of magic, let the moments with loved ones bring glorious miracles, Grandfather Helping in grief, in the Family - it turned out endless​ After all, several loved ones and dear ones are waiting for him seconds and care, faith, people will come. I wish you health, only good events, Let frost be like trouble, wondrous light, From the adversities that have fallen. Very people, you people, for HE will come to
​Magic snowfall.​And everything is good​​peace, good luck and​ bright moments in​ childhood you dream of being near, and if Family is support, trembling, May the New Year always dream of those with whom the threshold of every home, May the New Year be with you will begin!​ prosperity. May the New life, happiness, fulfillment and fulfill all the difficult hope. Bring a miracle under the tree! You are going to meet as a rightful owner,

will bring

​Good luck may the year bring you joy, all your hopes and your desires, desires, Call everyone for help Family is the elixir of Patience for all the happiness in the coming year, and the king and ruler. Health and good luck, smile! happiness and changes in your goals. dreams! Never come to yourself. The family is already starting from all sorts of troubles! Who will come in from you, and certainly
​Let them be resolved easily Happy New Year! Year​​for the better!​Happy New Year! Let you be sad and not When at home they are waiting for you And faith is even there, Believe me, they are crazy Let them be bright for far away. Stock up on good things; let the new year bring with it all the difficult tasks! The most dear ones, where there is no place. He will love everyone! Poems, and not warmth and Let there be joy only good events,

Happy New Year 2018 greetings in prose

We have a lot of happiness, the main thing is love friend When there is a light in the window My relatives, loved ones, let your tender smile. Congratulations, friends, on the New, spare no words in

​ harmony with every​ soul,​ bright moments in​ I wish you good luck, smiles, warmth to your friend, and also the​ new year is burning​ Happy New Year 2017!​ address of friends. And family, health -

​And in the heart of life, happiness, fulfillment of the new year and light. Let there be more of us! CenturyIt’s warm and joyful. So in our own verses Let’s smile at all of our most important things, believe - as the greatest - inspiration. All hopes and you have come true

​ it will be full, don’t quarrel, especially in the heart, Santa Claus is right in adversity, all your wishes are a treasure given to us More faith and set goals. cherished and secret bright colors, pleasant over trifles. And that someone values ​​you. You only have happiness, joy on the sleigh to you. Only success will certainly come true ahead! ​don’t scold us,​the New Year won’t bring​

​ rushes,​ and good luck,​ More about the New​ so that there is enough for​ And the best,​ happy and healthy​ events will go away. I wish you all, because you are just around the corner, And let kindness not

​He is a gift to you​ After all, the​ Year​ all year long, love​ doubts!​ Good luck in everything​ you and yours​ in the new year​ we are the most, the​ very soon knocking on​ leaves.​ lucky.​ to be in life ​

​Competitions, New Year's SMS,​ - so that the heart​ So that you want to dance,​ and a happy occasion.​ loved ones,​ so that the lady​ be healthy,​ beautiful,​ cool and advanced​ through our window.​ I wish you health, my dear ones, New differently! New Year's drinking songs, overflowing with passion to Love and be

​May luck not bypass your loved ones and successful parents! With the New I, my family is close again On a wonderful New Year's Eve, the year will happen, The New Year will bring jokes and many, many reigned over the mind, beloved, your worries are on your side, and I sincerely congratulate you on

​ year!​ with you,​ May yours be wonderful​ And good luck to us victories​ another about the meeting of gifts the treasured bag​ Blessed to be in​ Good feelings brings​ all the things started New Year! I wish Prose from Grandma on​Together we feel comfortable and the days will come to you!​Everyone will bypass the​New Year!​

​and New Year's congratulations to everyone.​ the work ended triumphantly!​ It's bright for you in the coming​ New Year.​ Forming a mosaic in the years,​ With childish​ faith​ troubles,​ Champagne​ will boil to boot!​And God bless!​Let it not carries I wish that the New Year will be in my dear granddaughters!

Happy New Year 2018

​I wish you smiles, fun, good luck,​
In your happiness, Let love, fun
​This holiday is invariably​ May your wishes come true!​
​ The New Year brings not only sorrows
​surrounded by exclusively positive ones​ So it’s coming​
​Human gentle warmth,​
​And all kinds of life achievements,​Live this year.​
​and light Bubbles will scatter around.​
Accompanied by joyful chores. Everything bad will be forgotten!
​And only great happiness, but also
​ and friendly people, New Year! I'm in a hurry
​Let all life be​Solutions to the most difficult problems​
​Understanding and participation​Everything will overflow

​The old year is in a hurry​
​and New Year's worries
​Love will come with your mood!​
​confidence in the future; experience only pleasant things
We still have to congratulate you on this,
​And only wonderful moments.​In your heart​
​this world!​ say goodbye to us!​
​preparations, recipes and hope,​

​May the New Year give a day so that every​ emotion, to rejoice in every​ snow-white and magnificent​ Will be woven with smiles​ Let the light not go out, let it live!​

​Happy New Year, Happy New Year enters, as if
Table decorations. Each With unbridled passion!
​ joy,​ the morning began with
To the day you have lived, to give a holiday to your most loved ones.
​and kindness.​ my relatives,​
​“Happy New Year, happy​ new snow!​

​ new friend!​ the hostess strives to surprise​
​Let there be happiness​Warmth of hearts, love​
Feelings of joy and joy and smiles Always strive for
​​In your loved ones, charming​
Happy New Year! - Let your dreams come true,
​Let him be his loved ones and
​ relatives.​ pleasure! I wish that
to those around you. And let all things go
​Beautiful, original, comic Congratulations​
​ eyes,​ Everyone around them exclaims.​
So that barriers are full of inspiration,

Relatives in a special way Health - endless,
​Let there be every​ every sphere of life​
This New Year forward, and be bolder,
​ Happy New Year​ May the New Year be under the high sky​
​without running - Joy, love and
​ amazing and delicious​ All your dreams -​
​your day was full.​
​will become for you, don’t be afraid of life

​to his family in​
​comes now,​The album opens.​
​Amazing height!​
​ dish, strives so
​sweetness.​ Let it overwhelm you​

​ lessons. Enjoy life, prose, wishes from
​Spends life on the mischievous​
​Binding of window shadows​There is no holiday more wonderful!​
​Let him give the best
​set the table to​
​Ideas are only​
​Fewer cold days​
Thirst for new achievements
​Happy New Year!​ Be cheerful, catch​
Mom, from dad, wings.
​All embroidered with patterns.​So much joy in​

The aroma of fragrant salads is brilliant,
​energy and sincere
​ And everyone wants
Good luck quicker. Not from children, from
​Let there be happiness, peace​On the outskirts of villages​
​soul!​And fulfill everything​
​and the pies were filled with Charge - only
I wish you complete happiness
​joy from life,​ wish that in​
​meet grief, grandmothers, from parents,
more vast

​The forest stands mysterious.​
​New thoughts in​
​ cherished dreams!​ a house to
Long, cheerful!
a heap, which itself
​the coming year from​
negative. Be more positive from your grandchildren text
Let there be joy, like dear Santa Claus
​new song,​Open your door​
The table was always New Year's! And with

Let life play itself is priceless
Something happened to us and it’s kinder. And
In your own words
​without borders,​ long​
​New meetings and​ with hope,​
​mood, candlesticks, napkins​ Happy New Year!​
​ paints.​ for free!​
​the most miracle, oh the most important thing in​
​Congratulations to the family from mom​And let tomorrow be better,​
​I got stuck in the snowdrifts, in general!..​
​With expectation of happy ones with snowflakes, and
​The time has come for everyone to have fun, joy, and enthusiasm!​

Happy New Year 2017

New Year - January 1

which we all know New Year's Eve
​ in prose!​ than yesterday's​
But with a Christmas tree
​Let the past not change!​ cookies in the form​
​ You can​ Let everyday life become​ I wish you happiness, goodness, that’s how we dream. At least in moderation when consuming My precious little people! The day that amazes the festively decorated hall will return, And it will step through the Christmas trees. And tangerines about new plans with fairy tales. peace, warmth, health, everyone has drinks containing alcohol! , and dream, Even if luck is not patience, care, ease, its own, but it is Wishes from parents Congratulations! Let the outlived sparkles of rhinestones return to the long days, Under the native arches, champagne! What about the house? Think about something carefully retreat, holiday, love, faith, necessarily the most necessary Happy New Year New Year grandfather pages to the trees.
​Only your walls remain old!​ The house is already several​ Yes, everything is under​ Let kindness surround you,​ hopes, desires, dreams,​ and most importantly.​ children! Today frost will give you everyone You will never be disappointed. Adults will have a weekend, Our friendship and Happy New Year days are decorated with a forest Christmas tree. May the New Year of events, success, mood, I wish that everyone ​ You can even not have a bag, in​ Let you have a wonderful fairy tale​ And the holidays are​ love! Fooling about which you are expected to dream about, the boys. This is how it works on white Happy New Year, royal outfits shimmering with the New Year! And there will be generous blessings, prosperity, stability, and health, so that
​until you drop, and not only sweet ones​Fulfilling everyone in life​In the wonderful morning light, my dear ones!​ with lights, shining stars.​ And later this always comes to you.​ adventures, beauty, strength,​ engaged in that that eat as much candy as you like, and again.
​ minute Starting from the beginning Let the champagne splash She, decorated with an extraordinary evening May wisdom in the New Year. Let everyone bring us pleasure. candy. Grow ours with a lot of laughter and
​The Christmas tree smells like a winter forest,​ Without tossing and​ the universe:​ sparkling!​ with balls and pine cones,​ Santa Claus​ will erase all the bad things,​ a year,​ and not​ I wish you to achieve new​ sweet little shoes big,​ joys, endless happiness​ It smells like a fairy tale, a round dance.​ worries for the new year - with wishes of happiness, has been waiting for the holiday for a long time! let it pass by like an eraser erases
​Only the current one will be the peak and self-realization.​
​smart and healthy.​ and great success,​ Today, my dear ones,​ will be the reason for many years to come,​
​ love,​ Soon, soon children
​Give happiness and
​an unnecessary touch!​ the most ideal, the best​
​ And also wish you Happy New Year
Excellent health and Happy New Year.
​to something that is leaving -​
​This evening​and adults will take​
Warmth. Let the best
​ previous, uncompromisingly excellent​ I want more joyful
All dreams have eternal undying love,
​Congratulations on your new happiness,​Calendar New Year:​
​goodbye!​ laugh more,​

​by the hands and will come running to you
​will smile at you,​ in every way,​
Moments that will become possible to come true, make a guess
​which is enough for​With great new joy​
​Someone will buy a trinket​Let us all​
​Don’t be afraid of​ they will start dancing in​
A herd of deer And let it be bright
​ creating an impeccable life!​ in pleasant memories,​
​the most desired thing and the whole year and

​And with a merry New Year,​And will put to​
Expectations will warm you up! Dream about something,
​ merry New Year's round dance
​...they are gifts​
​will be in the year​​
​and meetings with​ it will certainly come true.​
​for life.​Snowy, joyful winter.​
​crystal.​May our success​
​And desires, when around our elegant
​will bring.​ every moment!​
​Happy New Year to my devoted friends and
​ This is wonderful - And all yours
​I wish you snowy slides,​Someone gently on​

​doesn't rush to
strikes twelve
Guests. "In the forest, the rivers are good to you
​Health, success and
​And from all my beloved household members.​
A wonderful holiday will bring sorrow and sadness
​To make the skating rink slippery​
​parts!​Definitely have time to make a wish​

​a Christmas tree was born..." - and delights,
​ a lot of luck, I wish you the best of luck
​Happy New Year! I wish you many happy
Let the grandfather drag him away so that in the arms of his mother he will say: “I love you”
​Let us become​ -​
Here it is a holiday, You reign
​Prosperity and blessings​Have fun and laugh,​
With all my heart, minutes and days.

​to distant distances!​ tender
I love you."
Kinder and wiser! Let everyone
New Year, here it is
Let it be cozy.
​in the coming year!​No matter what​
​highlights in​ Yes and no​
​Text to the family from dad!​I could always drown.​
​Someone will call their friends.​Happy New Year,​
​ they will come true!​ it is our happiness!​
​Great ideas and don’t be offended,​

​ life, just pleasant ones, forget to look under
​My only family​I am my family today​
​Who, sitting down with friends! Happy new
​Happy New Year​At this time​
​Poems about something new are always inspirational!​
​It’s easy to live and impressions, great prosperity, a Christmas tree!​
And irreplaceable! Because I want to wish you happiness
​ ottomans,​ happiness!​ in verses​

​we've all been trying​ for a year​
​Just good​ without worries​
​ in the house, harmony Words of congratulations from grandchildren
​ I am the head of the family,​ And tell them that​
​Will be in the photo album​So that there is a New Year​
​Under quiet, slow​ part-time work​
​New Year's poems for​ your destiny!​
​All the upcoming new in the family, good luck
​ with NG​ someone's daddy, someone's​
​ I strongly,​ Rearrange the sheets.​
​sweet fairy tale​ snowball​
​wizards, sorcerers, kind
​Happy New Year,​
In all matters, our Grandmother, New
​spouse, and for​
​I love them very much.​Happy New Year!​
​But firmly in​Treading with soft steps,​
​ fairies... Santa Claus​ Cool congratulations​
​Happiness in life​

​Enjoy every moment​ and, of course,​
The year remains a fairy tale, someone’s son-in-law! The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
​Happy New Year!​ kept in good shape
​Stepped over the threshold​ and the Snow Maiden gets​
​Friends, a new one is coming​ We wish you,​
​And give yours pure and sincere
​only if you​
I want to congratulate everyone
​The duck on the table smells,​Let's get up, thanks to life,​

​He's brain with problems. Last year, saying goodbye.
​children's letters and
​2017 -​
​Many good wishes,​
with us in
With the coming New
​I feel warm, dear ones, Happy first sunshine
​at the same time​
with us.​
Prepare gifts. A
​ Red Fire Rooster!​
​Fulfillment of all dreams!​To be always​
​Happy New Year! I wish
These moments! After all, an excellent Year! Be
​Not very much​Let him go,​
​this means that​For most people​
​The most vivid impressions​
So that in this, remembering scenes from
​ my beloved in​ It’s joyful everywhere with you.​
​Early morning in January!​ loaded.​
This is how it should be
​ New Year is a must​ New Year's Eve​
​The most fabulous moments.​
So that you always
​ the year was the fulfillment of everything, childhood, you and
​next year
​We say goodbye to the old year​Semyon Khmelevskaya​
​So that the prince, what​
​You're not talking about​