School posters for the New Year. DIY wall newspapers for the New Year. New Year posters. Congratulatory inscription on the poster

Winter holidays are a time for carefree relaxation, pleasant surprises and real miracles. To give your colleagues, family and friends the appropriate mood, congratulate them with a holiday poster or wall newspaper. It can be used as decor or a large New Year's card for the whole team. Such a surprise will not leave anyone indifferent! Creating a “masterpiece” is not that difficult. Prepare whatman paper (A1 sheet), paints, brushes, felt-tip pens. To decorate the poster, use sparkles, decorative stones, quilling paper and whatever your imagination suggests.

The key to a beautiful New Year's poster is imagination and a little work!

Of course, it is best to draw a wall newspaper with your own hands. But if you don’t have artistic talent, it doesn’t matter. Print out the blank posters and decorate them to your liking. The product can be designed in the form of a collage. To do this, use photographs of those you plan to congratulate. Hang the finished wall newspaper on the wall or door. The main thing is that the poster is in a visible place and can please everyone. You can involve your colleagues or children in the creative process. Creating in company is just more fun!

New Year coloring posters

An excellent option for those who want to make congratulations in a short time. This is a good solution for pupils of kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions. By preparing this poster, kids will show their creativity in one way or another. Most templates available online have eight parts. Each size corresponds to A4 sheet.

New Year's wall newspaper (download in full size for printing)

For convenience, you can print each segment separately using a regular black and white printer. The main thing is to color the finished newspaper carefully and diligently. Decor in the form of sparkles, paper snowflakes and New Year's tinsel will also not be out of place.

Posters for schools and kindergartens

On New Year's Eve, children and their parents are involved in decorating the classroom. The content and appearance of the poster must be thought out in advance. Pay special attention to the color scheme. It is better if these are winter tones: blue, blue, purple. For young children, you can create greeting posters with their favorite fairy-tale or cartoon characters. It is worth using the image of a cockerel - a symbol of the coming year.

Practice drawing cartoon characters and decorate your wall newspaper with them

Make the title not too large, and arrange the compositions and congratulations evenly. Volumetric applications will look impressive. For example, you can make a Christmas tree from crumpled paper. To do this, cut out several rectangles from paper, assemble each of them on top with an elastic band and stick on top of each other in the form of a pyramid. Fluff the bottom part. Decorate the Christmas tree with special balls. They can be made from silver cardboard, onto which photographs of the students in your group or class are pasted.

Other options

Basically, thematic posters and newspapers are painted or applique is used in their design. But if you want to do something special, you can use other techniques!

Patterned snowflakes will provide the poster with volume and expressiveness.
  • Glue a Christmas tree made of New Year's tinsel onto cardboard or thick paper, and make balls from round chocolate candies in golden wrappers. Secure them to the “branches” with tape. All children who love sweets will be able to try the delicacies and will be happy with such a “delicious” poster.
  • For older children, you can build a capsule with predictions for the next year at the bottom of the wall newspaper. Hang them on long threads for easy cutting. Such a poster can be decorated with a garland that runs on batteries and flashes cheerfully with colorful lights.
  • A poster with a Christmas tree made of cut threads looks original. To make such a wall newspaper, prepare a sheet of thick paper for the base, woolen threads in different shades of green and brown, and glue. First, attach a long brown thread to the paper. It will be the trunk of the New Year's tree. Then draw branches with glue and cover them with short green threads. You will get an excellent fluffy spruce. It can be decorated with an applique made of colored paper.
  • You can build a wall newspaper in the form of a wall clock with a pendulum. The dial is drawn on whatman paper, and figures of animals - signs of the Chinese horoscope - are glued around it. They are made in advance from colored cardboard. The cones and the pendulum are made separately and attached to the base.

The artistic design of a poster or wall newspaper is very important. But wishes and congratulations should also be beautiful and cheerful, so as to evoke a good holiday mood in everyone. So try to find sincere words that will delight the readers of your newspaper!

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Traditionally, in various educational institutions and often in company offices, congratulations are posted for the holidays in the form of wall newspapers, which they try to design creatively, brightly and colorfully. This is what a wall newspaper should be like for the New Year, created with your own hands to lift the spirits of the entire team.

Anyone born with a brush and paints in their hands is lucky. You can draw any suitable plot, different characters. You don’t always want to paint congratulations, sometimes you just want to turn a wall newspaper into a colorful and memorable poster

There is no limit to creativity, as well as to perfection - you should not treat creating congratulations on paper as a boring chore. The efforts invested in the design of the poster and the words chosen from the heart will lift the mood and create the atmosphere of the approaching good holiday.

Don’t worry if you’ve been entrusted with creating New Year’s greetings on paper. Today there are many ways and means for those who do not consider themselves an artist.

What rules can you follow to create a New Year's poster or wall newspaper?

Before you begin an important task, you should determine your skills, abilities and capabilities. It just seems like you took a pencil, applied a few strokes of paint, and the masterpiece is ready. For people to actually admire the creation on paper, you have to work hard.

We choose what technique the work will be used in. If possible, someone will want to include scrapbooking elements in the poster, which makes things much easier. Some people are more interested in simply drawing an interesting plot and coloring it, while others will go further and combine several different techniques on paper, such as origami, appliqué, quilling and others.

If a full-fledged informative wall newspaper is meant, then photographs of the team, class, or group are used to decorate and design it. If you have the skill, instead of photographs, you can draw cartoons, caricatures, and recognizable silhouettes of the participants.

Information blocks include material about the successes of both the team and individual individuals, summing up the results of the outgoing year, and information about upcoming events.

Interest in a wall-mounted color newspaper will be stronger if it contains an interactive block with a fun competition and awards for the winners. It would be even better if a separate envelope was allocated for this.

The principle of creating any wall newspaper is simple:

Depending on the technique, the amount of space allocated for drawings is adjusted.

We select ready-made templates for creating a New Year's wall newspaper

In the age of technology, it is not a sin to use a printer and computer. Neat and beautiful posters have long been created and are waiting to be downloaded and printed.
How to print a large wall newspaper if the format is one sheet in an A4 printer. To do this, we go to the print settings via the keyboard shortcut CTRL+P. In the window that opens, we need to go to “Options”, uncheck the “Multi-page” option and select “Print poster”. We choose the size and get a small puzzle from sheets of the future wall newspaper.

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How to make a New Year's wall newspaper for kindergarten

In kindergarten, children always look with interest at the wall newspaper “Happy New Year!”, made with their own hands. Educators, parents, and children can take part in its creation. Little ones are entrusted with making handprints and fingerprints smeared in gouache; older children are given scissors and helped to make decorative elements. Parents admonish their children, draw and color. Such collective work brings people closer together and helps to tune in to a positive holiday spirit.

When creating a poster, you can also use different techniques and decorate the work with tinsel, rain, cut-out snowflakes and sparkles.

Wall newspapers for the New Year: what to hang on the wall in an educational institution

School, college, institute - students everywhere will be pleased to admire the bright, cheerful posters for the New Year. Even if a student pretends not to notice such art, this is not the case: on the contrary, interest in other people’s creativity appears, and who knows, maybe next year there will be more wall newspapers? Schoolchildren are even more willing to get involved in the work; you just need to help them select content, images and suggest successful ways to implement their ideas.

Selecting images and content

A wide range of images is suitable for children of different ages. If teenagers of 13-14 years old pretend that Santa Claus is something completely childish, and they are already adults, then students joyfully draw not only the Snow Maiden, but also give names to all the deer on the poster.


The main attribute of the New Year holidays is the Christmas tree, but an elegant tree should not be the only decoration of the house, office or school corridor. You can complement the festive decorations with balloons, tinsel and colorful posters. We will be happy to help you draw a wall newspaper for the New Year of the Rat for those who did not graduate from art school and do not have innate artistic talent.

A bright and cheerful wall newspaper consists of 8 graphic files, which as a whole form a large picture with windows for congratulations and wishes. In order to get a poster, you will need white A4 paper, a printer and tools for coloring.

Download fragments of the New Year's wall newspaper 2020

How to make a newspaper for the New Year of the Rat

  1. Download 8 graphic fragments to your computer or immediately print them on a black and white printer.
  2. Assemble a whole picture from its components, focusing on the serial numbers of the images.
  3. Glue the elements together using a glue stick or tape, securing it on the back side.
  4. If desired, duplicate the poster with whatman paper or thick paper.
  5. Color the wall newspaper with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, using bright and pearlescent paints, and leave “clouds” for congratulatory inscriptions.
  6. Supplement the New Year's poster with tinsel, sparkles, and broken toys.
  7. Enter in the “windows”.

The resulting wall newspaper can be hung anywhere, it will create a festive mood everywhere and bring a smile!

New Year's wall newspaper No. 2

The wall newspaper consists of eight graphic fragments, each of which corresponds to the format of a standard A4 sheet. You can use any black and white printer to print fragments.

Download wall newspaper fragments

How to make a New Year's newspaper

  1. First of all, you need to download fragments of the wall newspaper to your computer (but you can print immediately, directly from the browser).
  2. Print the images one by one on the printer.
  3. Create a whole poster from the existing parts: the sheets can be glued together with tape or any glue, and if you need a thicker newspaper, stick it on a corresponding sheet of Whatman paper or cardboard of a suitable size.
  4. Now all that remains is to color the blank with paints, colored pencils or felt-tip pens and write it into each cloud.
  5. To obtain a “New Year’s effect,” the picture can be additionally decorated with tinsel, fragments of broken toys, cotton wool or sparkles.

It is known that the example of mass congratulations is nothing more than a wall newspaper. Today, many educational institutions, as well as families, prepare these crafts at home. After this, the congratulations are posted for everyone to see. A wall newspaper for the New Year of the Rat 2020 may contain various pictures, poems, as well as congratulations.

This decoration is a traditional custom in which both adults and children can participate. But before you start designing such a New Year’s greeting, you need to think in advance about how to make this newspaper original and informational for the New Year 2020.

Important nuances when designing

Usually, to create this masterpiece, they use whatman paper, where they sketch out the entire plan of information with a simple pencil, and then use colored paints. Drawings and inscriptions must be bright and clear. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the tools at hand for this and come up with a theme, since templates, pictures and inscriptions will depend on this.

Tools at hand for making wall newspapers:

- gouache paints of different colors;
- felt-tip pens;
- a simple pencil;
- eraser;
- scissors;
- office glue;
- ruler;
- sample pictures for copying them onto whatman paper;
- photos or templates for design;
- watercolor paints;
- colored paper;
- colored cardboard;
- brushes of different thicknesses;
- container for water;
- New Year's accessories for decoration (glitter, rain, snowflakes, tinsel, serpentine).

Holiday decoration design

A DIY wall newspaper for the New Year 2020 can be made in various styles. All this will depend on where it will be mounted; if in an office, then you can prepare photographs of all employees in advance. If this masterpiece is being prepared for school, then it is better to take characters from Russian folk tales and use them to create an original image of congratulations. The wall where this creativity will be mounted is decorated with multi-colored tinsel and Christmas tree decorations.

After the topic has been thought out, it is necessary to apply an auxiliary layout onto whatman paper. Moreover, New Year's posters are prepared in exactly the same way. First you need to distribute where and what will be located. That is, using a simple pencil, draw a title and mark the places where photos, drawings and inscriptions will be located.

There shouldn’t be a lot of free space left, but if it’s like that, then you need to either stick it there or draw beautiful patterns. In the very center there should be a bright congratulation, which should not be too long. Fir branches with images of bright and beautiful Christmas tree decorations are placed closer to the edge.

After this, you can post photos or fairy-tale characters. Poems, as well as congratulations, should be placed randomly throughout the entire sheet, so the New Year's wall newspaper will look much more attractive. In the middle, a little space is usually left so that everyone can leave their wishes or congratulations.

Posters for the New Year are an integral part of the celebration, you just need to consider where it will be hung. After all, sometimes such decoration is prepared specifically for the home, and then interesting photographs of the family can be attached there. You can also come up with small quatrains in the form of rhymes for them.

For information, you can put interesting facts on the poster for the New Year 2020 with your own hands, which may relate, for example, to the predecessor of the year or New Year’s traditions, as well as customs. One should not exclude riddles, proverbs and signs that are associated with such a wonderful holiday.

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2020, templates can be made from colored cardboard. A three-dimensional drawing can be made for the ruler of the coming year. The one made by the Rat will fit perfectly in the middle of the wall newspaper. Around this wonderful bird you can write congratulations for each employee of the enterprise and hang a selected small photograph nearby.

A wall newspaper for the New Year should be designed correctly and not have spelling errors, so first you should write everything using a simple pencil, and then if you have beautiful handwriting, you can simply circle all the letters. Anyone who knows how to draw beautifully can draw letters in some fairy-tale style, because it is not uncommon for people to have artistic talents.

You can also show your artistic talent for fairy-tale characters. To do this you will need colored paper, glue, scissors, a simple pencil and an eraser. Next, on the back side of multi-colored paper, elements of fairy-tale characters are drawn, which are then carefully cut out and pasted onto whatman paper. You can use velvet cardboard or the same colored paper, then the drawn characters will not need to be painted.

If there are no artistic skills, then templates and stencils will come to the rescue. The symbol of the year can be drawn using a template, and then beautifully decorated. Also, don’t forget about Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, who must certainly be on such an artistic masterpiece. Snowflakes, Christmas trees, New Year's toys - all this should fit on the wall newspaper of the New Year's plan.

It is not uncommon for many artists to be creative and draw various characters without heads, and then, cutting out their faces from photographs of employees, glue them to these images. It turns out to be very fun and interesting, such a wall newspaper will definitely lift everyone’s spirits. Just don’t portray the negative in this regard, because this masterpiece will be posted for everyone to see, and in order not to offend anyone, it is better to arrange everything in a cheerful and non-offensive style.

Of course, knowing where the wall newspaper is being prepared, you can offer a lot of interesting ideas. Also make auxiliary preparations in advance and then arrange everything at the highest level. After all, it’s not uncommon for such a little thing to bring a lot of joy and give a good pre-holiday mood. And wherever such a wall newspaper is hung, it will always be useful, by the way, and will be interesting.

New Year's posters are a very simple way to decorate your home for the New Year. In addition, such posters can be a good gift for your friends and family. Those who have never taken on such a task probably do not know how to draw New Year 2017 posters.

How to make a New Year's poster?

First of all, when creating such a New Year's decoration, you will need a sheet of whatman paper, as well as drawing tools. These can be pencils, markers, felt-tip pens, paints. Some additional elements and accessories are often used for decoration. If there is no Whatman paper, and you need to make a poster urgently, then you can staple together several sheets of plain A4 paper. Such sheets should be connected on the reverse side with ordinary transparent tape.

Posters for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 can be decorated with your own hands with various additional elements that can be made from colored paper or cardboard. To add some originality to your New Year's poster, you can add decorations from foil or beautiful shiny fabric. You can also add rhinestones, beads and beads here. Even fragments of old Christmas tree decorations can be used for decoration. To do this, it is necessary to apply glue not to the fragments, but directly to the place of the Whatman paper to which they should be glued.

Volumetric posters for the New Year 2017.

Such posters look very original on the wall. Making them is also quite simple. For example, to make a poster in the shape of a New Year tree, you need to cut out 4 identical Christmas trees from whatman paper. Each of them must be folded in half lengthwise.

Next, each of them must be unfolded and glued together with glue or fastened with a stapler. Then all that remains is to fantasize. You can glue New Year's tinsel around the perimeter. Paint the tree itself green. Or you can make the tree original and paint it pink or orange. In other words, there is complete freedom for creativity and the realization of your wildest fantasies.

New Year's posters made from natural materials.

To make such a poster, you will need whatman paper that is thick enough so that the materials on it hold tightly and do not fall off after a few hours. In addition to whatman paper, you will also need: Christmas tree branches, cones, nuts and additional accessories for decoration.

The branches should be attached around the perimeter of the Whatman paper using wire. The thicker the branches, the better. In some places you can attach cones or nuts. Before this, the cones can be painted with gold or silver paint from a spray can. Additional accessories must be attached to the branches: small Christmas tree decorations, beads, bells, bows. When the border is ready, you can start working on the middle of the poster. Here you can write a New Year's poem or draw some New Year's drawing. For example, fairy-tale bunnies, the Rooster or Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Such posters will be a wonderful decoration of the room and will contribute to the New Year's festive atmosphere.