Cracked heels, dry skin of the feet. Ointments, folk remedies. How to choose an effective homemade or pharmacy ointment for cracked heels Ointment for healing cracked heels

Cracked heels definitely need to be treated, despite the fact that they look unsightly on your feet, they can also hurt terribly. Some people simply cannot do without socks or closed-toe shoes in the summer, as they have sensitive skin, and cracks form almost instantly. Also, this phenomenon will cause a lot of inconvenience, the skin becomes rough and thick, cracks increase over time, and all this is accompanied by stabbing and cutting pain.

Of course, in any pharmacy there are many remedies for cracks, but home remedies are no worse, because our grandmothers still used them.

Before you start treating cracks, you need to make sure that there are no serious reasons for their occurrence. In case of any diseases that cause cracked heels, folk remedies will not help get rid of this disease. Then you need to consult a doctor for help to prescribe correct and effective treatment.

The main methods of treating cracked heels are preparations made with Vaseline. They can be easily purchased at any pharmacy; it is advisable to first consult with a doctor or pharmacist.

If the cracks were not caused by abnormalities and other health problems, then first of all you need to determine the cause of their occurrence. This could be uncomfortable shoes, improper foot care, or a disrupted diet and daily routine. It happens that cracks may disappear immediately after the cause is eliminated. If not, then you need to seek help from traditional medicine. There are many folk remedies that will not only remove blemishes on your legs, but also make them healthier.

Do not forget that in such situations you should not hesitate. It is better to start treatment early than to wait for serious complications.

Special creams - pharmacy and folk remedies

You can make a wonderful cream for cracked heels at home. To prepare it, you will need 0.5 kg of cow butter, 25 g of marshmallow and 25 g of cinquefoil roots; carefully mix these ingredients and place in a steam bath for 1 hour. The prepared cream should be thoroughly rubbed into the cracks on the heels at night.

Foot cream “Healing against cracked feet”

This cream contains walnut oil and plantain extract, essential oil of fir and ebony. It contains a large number of medicinal properties, thanks to which the rapid healing of cracks and wounds occurs.

Walnut oil has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, and also has a moisturizing effect, due to which rough skin softens. The result will not be long in coming; after using the cream several times, the skin will become soft, unusually velvety and smooth.

This cream contains: allantoin (this substance renews epidermal cells); mountain pine oil; turpentine (improves blood supply and blood flow); chamomile extract (has an anti-inflammatory effect).

Effect: Thanks to the above components, the cream promotes cell regeneration. Regular use of the cream moisturizes the surface of the feet, and also makes them firm and elastic.

The cream is made on the basis of sea buckthorn extract and is intended for rough, dry and rough skin. And also for those who are sensitive and prone to the formation of corns, calluses, and cracked heels. This cream has a pain-reducing, wound-healing and relaxing effect.

Mode of application: The cream should be applied to clean skin of the feet, gently rubbing into the cracks. The procedure is best done before bedtime.

Ointment for cracked heels at home

Yolk ointment. To prepare this ointment you will need one yolk, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and one teaspoon of vinegar. Mix these ingredients thoroughly. Before applying the ointment, you first need to make a foot bath, then apply the resulting mixture to the heels, wrap it with cellophane on top and put on socks. The procedure is best done before bed, and in the morning, rinse off the remaining mixture and treat your heels with pumice. After two treatments, your heels will become smooth and soft.

Tetracycline ointment with apple cider vinegar. This ointment is good for getting rid of corns and cracks. First you need to make a foot bath with soda to steam your heels, then treat them with pumice and lubricate them well with tetracycline ointment. Put cellophane on your feet and then socks. The next evening, change the bandages; to do this, you need to soak gauze in apple cider vinegar and wrap it around your legs, with plastic on top and put on socks. The next morning, rough skin can be easily removed with a pumice stone. The procedure must be performed 2-3 times a month.

Onion ointment. Heat one glass of unrefined sunflower oil in a frying pan, add two finely chopped onions to it and fry until brown. The mixture is filtered and beeswax is added to the hot oil. These ingredients are mixed thoroughly and placed in the refrigerator. After a shower, the heels are lubricated with this ointment.

If you are suffering from heel pain in the morning, then you should consult a doctor, as this may be evidence of serious illness and there is no need to postpone the visit.

Folk remedies - compresses and baths

Preparing this remedy for removing cracked heels is very simple; before going to bed, apply a small layer of honey to your heels, wrap them in cellophane and put on cotton socks. The next morning, remove any remaining honey with a sponge. This procedure must be carried out over four days; you can also use spruce resin instead of honey, it is in no way inferior to honey.

To quickly get rid of thin cracks and nicks, you need to apply gruel of grated onion or apple to the damaged area every day. They have healing properties that will make your heels smooth and healthy.

Bath with starch. You will need one liter of warm water and a tablespoon of potato starch. Dissolve starch in water and soak your feet for half an hour. During this time, the water will cool, so add hot water little by little. The procedure is best done before bedtime. After taking a bath, wipe your feet dry and lubricate with nourishing cream. It is advisable to do baths regularly, for two weeks.

Vegetable oil compress. This folk remedy has a softening effect, which allows you to quickly get rid of this disease. It is best to use olive oil; if you don’t have it, you can use sunflower oil. To prepare a compress, take cotton socks and soak them in oil, then put them on and wrap them in a plastic bag. The procedure must be maintained for four hours and after the time has elapsed, wash your feet with warm water.

Plant dressings. They are very effective; in addition to softening the skin, they also nourish it. For such dressings, you can use cabbage leaves, or in combination with onion juice or freshly prepared onion pulp. It is best to apply the bandage at night, then put socks on your feet and wrap them in cellophane. In the morning, wash your feet with warm water and lubricate with nourishing cream.

Compress made of honey and cabbage leaves. Honey should be applied evenly to the torture, thoroughly rubbing into the cracks, and a cabbage leaf should be placed on top. To make the compress stick better, secure it with a bandage. Continue this procedure until the cracks disappear completely.

Nettle bath. To prepare it, you need two tablespoons of dried nettle, pour one liter of boiling water and let it brew. After the water has taken on a darkish color and has cooled slightly, immerse your feet in the resulting bath for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the heels should be lubricated with a nourishing cream. Do this procedure every day for 2-3 weeks.

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What diseases cause symptoms such as cracking heels of the feet?

A short consultation from a dermatovenerologist at the second clinic of the Medical Unit.

Dry, rough skin on the heels with insufficient moisture begins to burst, forming cracks. Discomfort is not only aesthetic, but also physical, since pain is felt when walking. Treatment of wounds should be carried out immediately, avoiding infection in the problem area.

The use of even the most expensive means to eliminate cracked heels will be useless if the cause that provokes the appearance of new lesions is not identified. Pathology of the epidermis indicates the presence of disturbances in the functioning of organs or systems in the body. The problem may occur in the following cases:

  • overweight;
  • lack or excess of hygiene procedures;
  • daily wearing of low-quality shoes (tight, ill-fitting);
  • frequent use of alkaline detergents and concentrated detergents;
  • exposure to air temperature, direct rays and other natural phenomena;
  • constant walking;
  • presence of fungus;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • the course of a latent disease;
  • improper metabolism, etc.

The human heel serves as a kind of shock absorber, since the main load when walking falls on this part of the leg. Constant exposure to the problem area leads to separation of the skin layers. The resulting wound may even bleed, causing severe pain when walking.

To treat cracked heels, you can use both medications in the form of ointments and folk remedies. However, before starting treatment, it would be a good idea to consult a specialist for recommendations. A detailed study of the problem will provide the doctor with the opportunity, based on clinical studies, to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy to the patient.

Indications for the use of ointments for cracked heels

Today, drug manufacturers provide consumers with a wide selection of drugs for the treatment of various diseases, including the formation of wounds on the heels. Depending on the problem, a nourishing, wound-healing, and softening cream or topical ointment for heels may be prescribed.

First of all, it is important to reduce the load on the problem area, soften the edges of the wound, and only then start using wound-healing ointments. To achieve maximum effect and speed up the healing process, you can cover the wound with a bandage.

Therapeutic action and effect of use

Treatment of such an ailment as cracked heels should be carried out comprehensively. Applying a healing cream alone will not be enough. The use of any nutritional supplements or vitamin may be prescribed. The effect of such therapy will be obvious in the shortest possible time.

Important to know: Before applying the cream, you should clean the wound of the old cream, rinse with warm water, dry, and only then begin the procedure of moisturizing dry skin.

The depth of the crack also plays an important role in determining and choosing a treatment method. Various factors have a direct impact on the condition of the heels. If therapy is not carried out in a timely manner, it can lead to loss of elasticity and keratinization of the epidermis layer.

The attending physician will write out recommendations for the patient to be able to purchase a drug at the pharmacy, the cost of which will not affect the family budget. Pharmacy stores offer a fairly wide range of various creams and ointments designed to combat cracked heels.

The components included in the medications not only soften the skin, but also fight various infections. The main component of most products is Vaseline. Ointments and creams for cracked heels are used externally.

Dawn cream

Zorka cream is rightfully considered the most optimal solution to the problem of cracked heels. The cream is based on natural ingredients. In most cases, Zorka cream is prescribed by veterinary clinics. A positive effect is achieved very quickly, the skin softens, wounds heal.

Attention: The ointment has a specific pungent odor, which limits the time of use.

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment copes well with fungal diseases of the epidermis, as well as inflammation, which results in the formation of cracks, peeling and other pathological manifestations. The antiseptic properties of the drug also make it possible to combat unpleasant foot odor. The ointment is considered one of the most accessible and widespread among consumers.

Individual intolerance to the components of such an ointment can lead to irritation in the form of redness and rashes. At the first negative symptoms, use of the drug should be stopped.

Salicylic ointment is intended for healing wounds on the skin. Used to combat diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, fungi, and heel wounds. The drug is rightfully considered one of the best antiseptics.

There are several ways to apply the product:

  • Apply the required amount of product to the steamed (wet) skin of the heel and leave until completely absorbed;
  • a compress is applied in the following sequence - the ointment is applied to cellophane and applied to the source of the lesion. For reliable fixation, it is better to use fabric bandages or bandages.

Important to know: The optimal course of treatment will last up to 10 days.


Heel ointment Radevit is prescribed to those patients who have cracked heels due to a lack of vitamins in the body. The product acts on the epidermis in the following way:

  1. moisturizes;
  2. nourishes;
  3. regenerates;
  4. eliminates itching and other discomfort.

Before you start using Radevit ointment, you should study the attached instructions in detail. The drug is applied after treating the area with an antiseptic. It is recommended to lubricate problem skin no more than twice a day.

Footprim cream

Heels can also be treated with Bulgarian footprim cream. The drug contains a high percentage of urea and tea tree extract. Thanks to such components, the cream is classified as antibacterial.

Since the cream has a gel consistency, the absorption time into the skin lasts 5-7 minutes. When applied, the product melts, forming a kind of silicone film on the surface of the skin.

When using the cream for two weeks, there is a significant improvement in the condition of the epidermis. Dryness is eliminated, wounds are reduced and healed. Softened calluses can be removed with pumice without much effort.

Gehwol cream

Gevol ointment effectively combats dry skin, in particular cracked heels. Regular use of the ointment will renew the epidermis, restoring its former elasticity. The product is used twice a day. Using massage movements, the drug is rubbed into the area where there is a wound. The maximum effect is observed if you first soften the skin in warm water.

Flexitol flexitol

Flexitol, a special product in the form of a balm, is designed to combat dry skin and cracked heels. The drug, rich in useful substances, promotes wound healing and softening. It can also be used for medicinal purposes for calluses and chafing of the elbows and knees. It is recommended to use twice a day, but only for adult patients.


This healing remedy will allow you to cope with a variety of skin problems - corns, calluses, cracked heels, pain and heaviness of the legs. The composition includes essential oils, urea, vitamins, allantoin. However, it is worth noting that it is advisable to use the cream only in cases where cracks in the heels do not have an advanced form.

Prevention of cracked heels

Prevention is always better than cure, especially cracked heels. To prevent the appearance of such pathology of the epidermis on the extremities in the future, it is important:

  1. balance your diet according to your taste preferences;
  2. periodically undergo a medical examination with mandatory passing of all necessary tests;
  3. do not delay a visit to a dermatologist to identify and promptly treat a fungus, if one is discovered;
  4. purchase only high-quality and comfortable shoes;
  5. wear socks made from natural materials;
  6. refuse to purchase summer shoes such as flip-flops;
  7. analyze the frequency of pedicure procedures, the quality and quantity of use of cosmetics;
  8. Perform foot massage with kneading movements to improve blood circulation;
  9. if necessary, lose extra pounds.

In addition to following the above recommendations, you should know that steaming your feet in a bath with the addition of chamomile or plantain tinctures is done at night. The water should not be too hot. After taking special “water procedures,” the feet are wiped dry and then cream is applied. If the instructions allow, then wrap the heels in cellophane and put on socks. Overnight, your heels will become softer.

There are many folk recipes where the main component is propolis. It is quite possible to prepare ointment for cracked heels with your own hands. All available methods and means are good in the fight against illnesses. However, it is necessary to initially agree with the doctor on the advisability of using a particular drug for the effective treatment of pathology and its prevention.

Are you already preparing for the beach season? Don't forget to take care of the beauty of your feet. After all, beautiful nails and pink feet are certainly a source of pride and sexuality for every woman. Sometimes the mood is darkened by cracks and corns, so today we will talk about methods of treating cracked heels and the reasons for their appearance.

The skin of the feet is exposed to daily stress, so it is in great need of proper care. However, not everyone pays attention to inconspicuous areas. Yes, rough heels are hidden from the eyes of others, but the discomfort they cause cannot be hidden anywhere.

Many girls are tormented by the question, where do these cracks come from? There are actually many reasons for this. Let's talk about everything in order.

  1. Poor nutrition. As a rule, the foods you eat affect everything. From the health of our hair to the condition of the skin on our feet. Dry dermis is usually caused by a lack of vitamins A and E.
  2. Uncomfortable shoes. Poor quality material, unstable heels, etc. - all this can cause cracks and more. Hard skin is the most minor consequence of wearing “bad” shoes. And often the result of such savings is fungus and other problems.
  3. Diseases. Diseases can be either dermatological or internal. Cracks can appear as a result of diabetes, thyroid dysfunction and gastritis.

Having found out the cause of the disease, it will be easier to prescribe a course of therapy. Fortunately, there are many treatment options.

Treatment with medications at home

To eliminate defects in the skin of the feet, it is not necessary to visit expensive salons. Thanks to the variety of drugs, you can carry out procedures at home.

Medicines for cracked heels are available in the following types:

  • creams and ointments;
  • pedicure socks;
  • masks;
  • fortified complexes (containing A and E).

Creams and ointments

Cracked heel cream is the most common product used to soften rough skin. This is an effective and affordable product that is easy to apply.

There are many drugs available in pharmacies and cosmetics stores.

At the same time, I would like to highlight a number of the most popular funds:

  • "Radevit";
  • "Zazhivin";
  • "BioAstin antifungal";
  • "Lamisil";
  • "Balzamed";
  • Zinc ointment;
  • "Gewol";
  • Calendula ointment.

Action of ointments:

  1. Tissue regeneration.
  2. Skin moisturizing.
  3. Normalization of the process of keratinization of the dermis.
  4. Skin softening.
  5. Nutrition.

The product must be used according to the instructions. Each drug has contraindications that should be carefully studied.

If the problem is acute, then you should resort to stronger ointments. This is Bepanten and regular Vaseline.

If the hardening is not treated promptly, the problem may worsen.

We’ll talk about how to get rid of deep cracks in the heels, but one of the simplest and most effective remedies is Bepanten. This is a deep-acting preparation that should be applied twice a day to steamed, cleansed skin. The product is expensive, however, it has a cheaper analogue, De Panthenol.

Vaseline is a budget-friendly and at the same time very effective drug. The result of its use will be elastic, delicate skin, and the feeling of itching and irritation will go away.

Mask socks

A modern remedy in the fight against rough skin is the use of special pedicure socks. They are made in the shape of a leg and are made of waterproof material. There is a liner inside that produces the effect of a mask. It is impregnated with a special composition that eliminates dry skin and heals cracks.

These socks are best worn at night after a bath. Firstly, the dermis of the feet will be steamed. Secondly, the more hours of exposure, the better. At the same time, observe the measure - a maximum of 8 hours. The minimum time for wearing socks is 2 hours.

Folk remedies for cracked heels

Not everyone prefers store-bought medications and wonders how to treat cracked heels with folk remedies. There are many methods and recipes for home therapy for this problem. We have selected the simplest and most effective ones.

Foot baths

The baths are designed for steaming the stratum corneum. This will make the skin more responsive to procedures to remove roughened dermis. This therapy is very pleasant and gives a lot of pleasure.

However, like any other methods, it has contraindications:

  • wounds, skin damage;
  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • the first day after the pedicure.

Making baths is very simple. Water at a comfortable temperature is poured into the basin, and agents are added, depending on the type of therapy. Then the legs are lowered into the basin and steamed for 10–15 minutes.

For medicinal purposes, baths are done daily. Then - once a week to maintain the result.

Additives for baths in the ratio of 2 liters of water:

  • peat oxidate;
  • milk + starch 2 tbsp each;
  • hot whey;
  • 2 tbsp. soda + a little liquid soap;
  • 30 grams of starch;
  • about 1 liter of chamomile or calendula decoction;
  • herbal mixture of St. John's wort and nettle.

To soften the skin, regular bath salts, which are sold in any cosmetics store, are also suitable.

Natural ointments and creams

You can make your own creamy products.

Recipe 1. Ingredients:

  • badger fat;
  • decoction of celandine and calendula.


  1. The fat is heated in a water bath.
  2. The finished broth is poured into heated badger fat.
  3. The ingredients are mixed together.

After the mixture has cooled, apply it to the affected areas. The ointment should be warmed before each use.

Recipe 2. Ingredients:

  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • glycerin – 50 ml.

The components are mixed together and applied to the heels before bed. Cotton socks are worn on top.

Recipe 3.Ingredients:

  • petrolatum;
  • a mixture of dried herbs calendula and plantain.

The ratio of Vaseline and herbs is 1 to 10. The components are mixed together, and the finished mixture is applied to the skin of the feet.

You can add 1-2 drops of essential oil to ready-made homemade ointments for the best effect.

Compresses and masks

Compresses and masks are applied after baths or after showers. As part of the course of therapy, procedures are performed daily, and then 1–2 times a week.

There are 10 basic recipes:

  1. A mixture of glycerin and apple cider vinegar (2:1).
  2. 100 gr. mix flour with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 30 gr. melted honey. The mask is applied at night, and socks are put on top.
  3. Curd compress from one ingredient.
  4. A mixture of any cosmetic oils. Squeezes made from olives, grape seeds, corn and jojoba are best suited.
  5. Vitamin E capsules.
  6. Butter.
  7. A mixture of grated apple, beer and butter. For one fruit you need 100 ml of beer and 2 tbsp. l. oils
  8. A mixture of ammonia 10% and glycerin (1:1).
  9. Medical bile.
  10. Chopped celery and butter (1:1).

Essential oils

Natural oils help eliminate cracked heels. They are used in baths, massages and added to homemade creams. Only a few drops are needed to achieve the desired result.

To massage your feet, mix the following oils together:

  • coconut;
  • sesame;
  • olive

Add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the mixture.

The following extracts are suitable for massaging:

  • lavender;
  • lemon;
  • eucalyptus.

They have an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps prevent fungus and other infectious diseases.

A couple of drops of any essential oil will fill your bath with aroma and additional beneficial properties. Each extract has its own characteristics. Select the appropriate product and use it in your procedures.

Mechanical removal of dead cells

The mechanical procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Steaming the legs. For this purpose, baths with additives are made.
  2. Treatment of feet with pumice stone and brush.
  3. Light massage.
  4. Wipe with an antimicrobial agent.

Finally, the skin of the feet is moisturized with cream, ointment or cosmetic oils.

Which doctor should I contact?

Which specialist you should contact depends on the cause of cracked heels. But you shouldn't self-diagnose.

Just visit a therapist who will assess the condition of your feet and, most likely, write you a referral to a specialized specialist:

  • nutritionist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • cosmetologist;
  • endocrinologist;

If you are sure that you do not have internal diseases, then you should contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Preventive actions

Almost every girl faces such a problem as cracked feet. Therefore, it is very appropriate to devote time to measures to prevent the development of the problem.

List of preventive measures:

  1. Buy only comfortable shoes made from quality materials.
  2. Consume foods rich in vitamins A and E in sufficient quantities.
  3. Do home treatments for your feet (scrubbing, masks, baths) 1-2 times a week.
  4. Treat your feet with pumice several times a week.
  5. Try to use foot cream daily.
  6. After visiting public places, it is recommended to treat your feet with antifungal agents.
  7. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or solarium. All this leads to excessive dry skin.
  8. If possible, afford regular visits to a pedicurist.

Don't forget also about proper nutrition. In order to sufficiently receive the necessary vitamins, it is recommended to buy pharmaceutical preparations.

Cracked heels can be a problem all year round. If in summer this is usually the consequence of overheating in the sun, then in spring the problem is more often caused by vitamin deficiency. At the same time, it is better to have time to cure the skin of your feet before the hot season, so that you can enjoy wearing open sandals and running barefoot on the beach.

Hello, our beloved readers! Today we decided to pay special attention to the important issue of how to treat cracked heels. Peeling and roughening of the skin, leading to the appearance of microscopic and large cracks, can be caused by a variety of reasons.

In some cases, it is determined at the genetic level. Dried, cracked skin will reduce attractiveness and cause discomfort when walking.

In almost half of the cases, the formation of cracks is associated with unfavorable external factors (hard tap water, wearing uncomfortable shoes, frequent peelings, etc.).

Competent cosmetic care and the use of special products will help quickly restore the skin of the heels to an attractive appearance and smoothness, and heal open wounds.

Cracks in the foot can also be a consequence of other diseases (diabetes, etc.) In this case, it is necessary to determine the true cause of their appearance.

It is not always possible to completely heal cracks, but timely preventive measures and constant care of the skin of the feet will help soften rough skin and prevent the appearance of new cracks.

What to do if skin cracking is caused by a fungal infection of the skin of the feet? This will require a specialized integrated approach aimed at destroying harmful microorganisms. Doctors prescribe antibiotics, antifungal ointments and sprays.

To effectively treat cracks, not only ready-made pharmaceutical preparations are used, but also folk remedies, the simplest recipes of which we have tried to collect in this article.

Rough, whitish skin on the heels is nothing more than keratinized (dead) cells. They must be removed in a timely manner to stimulate the growth and development of new, viable dermal cells. Proper foot hygiene and skin treatment will help you do this.

In beauty salons, there is a special procedure for this, when the top layers are carefully removed using hardware attachments, and existing cracks are treated with special antibacterial compounds. Thus, the increase in size of cracks is prevented, the appearance of new microcracks is prevented, and the process of formation of new layers of the dermis is accelerated.

How to properly care for your feet at home?


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Contrasting foot baths will help with dry heels. You will need two small basins:

  • the first - with cold;
  • the second - with hot water.

The legs are immersed in basins one by one for 8-10 minutes. The optimal time to stay in the baths is:

  • for cold – 15 seconds;
  • for hot – 2-3 minutes.

Under the influence of high temperature, rough areas of the skin soften, exposure to cold water helps to narrow cracks and tones the skin. The contrast procedure increases blood circulation and stimulates regeneration processes.

You can also add to the bath water (per 2 liters of hot liquid):

  • 1 tbsp. soda ash;
  • 0.5 tsp any mineral soap.

Soda and soap are thoroughly dissolved, then the feet are immersed in the bath for 10-15 minutes. A simple solution will help exfoliate rough skin particles.

Features of the traditional approach to foot treatment

The classic approach to treating chapped skin on the feet involves the use of ready-made pharmaceutical preparations. Their choice is determined by the reason for the occurrence of cracks.

  • the use of soft silicone pads, instep supports and pads under the heels;
  • replacing tight shoes with more spacious and comfortable ones;
  • regular use of moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating creams (with golden mustache, plantain extract, sea buckthorn, grape seed extract, tea tree essential oil, etc.);
  • careful adherence to the schedule of pedicure procedures (once every 10-14 days);
  • inclusion of fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries in the diet, taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • compliance with the drinking regime (daily consumption of 2-2.5 liters of clean water);
  • limiting stress on the legs (frequent changes of body position, timely rest for tired legs, relaxing baths).

The average duration of treatment is from 10 to 30 days. it all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the severity of the cracks.

Ready-made products for treating cracks

Among popular advice you can often find positive reviews on the use of glue. Some people claim that it is great for deep cracked heels.

This is partly true, but you will need a special medical glue (BF-6), used for breaks in the skin. First, the skin is thoroughly washed, dried with a paper towel, and then glue is carefully applied, 1 drop at a time, along the entire length of the tear.

The glue has the property of holding the edges of deep tears together, reducing the depth of the crack, preventing dirt from getting into open wounds, and preventing the development of infection and inflammation. However, other drugs will be needed to stimulate rapid growth of new cells and wound healing.

6-7 days after using the glue, you can begin to gradually remove dead skin particles. Any hot bath (from clean water, with the addition of herbal infusions and decoctions) is suitable for this, where the feet are placed for 10-15 minutes. When the skin becomes soft, the feet are removed from the water and a pumice stone is gently passed over the roughest parts of the foot.

After cleansing, the skin of the feet is washed, dried and keratolytic creams are immediately applied. These are products that contain various acids:

  • dairy;
  • glycolic;
  • salicylic.

Did you know that dry heels need to be lubricated with cream at least twice a day? In the morning, use a lighter, moisturizing cream; at night, you can use thicker, greasy products. While applying the cream, you can simultaneously perform self-massage of the feet, this will help:

  • accelerate metabolic processes in tissues;
  • increase blood circulation.

Use of veterinary drugs

Did you know that some veterinary products containing Floralizin are helpful in the fight against rough heels?

Despite the repulsive smell, such creams are highly dense and fatty. Floralizin is not just one thing, but a whole set of skin-beneficial substances obtained from mushroom mycelium. In veterinary medicine, it is used in the treatment of injuries to the udder. However, the product will also be useful for humans, it:

  • cope with dry skin (including psoriasis and dermatitis);
  • eliminates peeling;
  • will accelerate the processes of tightening and healing of wounds;
  • will prevent the development of hyperkeratosis (keratinization of cells).

Veterinary creams are applied once a day to clean skin of the feet; due to the strong odor, it is best to do this at night. In the morning, rinse your feet thoroughly with clean water.

Traditional medicine recipes

Dryness and roughness of the skin of the feet caused by external causes can be treated both externally and internally.

Traditional healers recommend drinking 1 tbsp daily in the morning on an empty stomach. olive oil. This will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the face and body, as well as nails and hair. The only restriction on the use of oil will be the presence of gallstones.

An effective mask for softening the skin and exfoliating dead cells is prepared using regular aspirin and vodka.

8-10 tablets are crushed in a mortar into powder, pour 1 tbsp. alcohol, let it brew in a dark, cool place for 2 days, shaking regularly. Then a piece of gauze is generously soaked in the resulting infusion, the dry heels are wrapped in cloth, wrapped in polyethylene on top, the feet are insulated by putting on socks, and left overnight. In the morning, the skin is thoroughly washed with water, removing any remaining mixture, dried with a towel, and a nourishing cream is applied.

A paste of fresh tomatoes will help quickly get rid of deep, old cracks on the surface of the foot. The vegetables are washed, then crushed to a puree-like consistency, the resulting pulp is spread on several layers of gauze or clean cotton cloth, then applied to the legs.

A complex of vitamin bath and Vaseline has a good effect on rough skin. First, the skin of the feet is steamed in warm water, adding:

  • 1 capsule of liquid vitamins A and E (can be replaced with the ready-made drug Aevit);
  • 1 tsp boric acid, previously dissolved in 1 tbsp. liquids.

The feet are placed in the bath for 10 minutes, then the remaining moisture is removed with paper napkins and a thick layer of regular Vaseline is applied to the heels, leaving until the morning. The skin can be covered with polyethylene or gauze, securing them with pieces of adhesive tape. After 3-4 procedures there will be a noticeable improvement.

To eliminate dry heels, you can use vegetable and essential oils:

  • tea tree;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • linen;
  • castor;
  • peach, etc.

They lubricate rough areas instead of cream or ointments. Oils have a softening effect; due to their high fat content, they are well absorbed into the skin, softened after baths.

A mask based on cosmetic wax (not for depilation!), which can be found in pharmacies or specialized stores, has an amazing effect. A small portion of wax is heated in a water bath until it becomes liquid, then 2-3 drops of mustard oil are added to it, the resulting mixture is applied in an even layer to dry heels and left overnight.

In the morning, the frozen mixture is easily removed, and along with it the dead skin cells. This mask must be done daily for 10-12 days.

With this we say goodbye to you, my dear readers. We tried to tell you about the most effective traditional and folk remedies that help eliminate dry and cracked heels.

We wish that the skin of your feet always remains soft and healthy, and we ask you to recommend us on social networks.

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Many people have encountered the problem of painful cracked heels. In most cases, it indicates the development of pathology and serious disorders in the body. Even if changes in the skin are not associated with pathology, it is also not very pleasant, since cracks can be painful, can cause discomfort while walking and interfere with an active lifestyle. To get rid of this problem, you need to contact a specialist. He will find out the reasons and prescribe appropriate treatment. The most popular products include ointment and cream for cracked heels, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can also prepare medicine at home using traditional recipes.

Under the influence of external and internal causes, the skin of the heels undergoes drying. This leads to a loss of elasticity and strength, and the stratum corneum cracks under stress.

Pharmacy ointments

In addition to external causes, such as dry air, chlorinated water, temperature changes, wearing tight, open shoes, internal factors can also affect the skin of the heels. This includes various diseases.

When cracked heels are caused by diabetes or changes in the function of the gastrointestinal tract, treatment is aimed at combating the disease.

If there are fungal infections, the doctor will prescribe antifungal medications for cracked heels for external use, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  • Terbizil
  • Nizoral
  • Mycoterbin

In other cases, drugs are used, medications with local effects, the components of which can keep the skin elastic, moisturize and soften it, and help heal damage.

If the cracks in the heels are deep, then therapy is carried out with the use of creams that contain antibiotics, since they do not allow a secondary infection to occur.

Vaseline-based creams and ointments for cracked heels have a good therapeutic effect. They help moisturize and soften the skin, and help cracks heal quickly.

After examining the doctor and determining the cause of the pathology, the most effective remedies for cracked heels will be prescribed.

List of ointments for treating cracked heels.

  • Cream Zorka
  • Zinc ointment
  • Salicylic ointment
  • Radevit
  • Footprim cream
  • Cream Gehwol

In addition to the fact that cracks can be treated with medication, folk methods are also used, using homemade creams.

Cream Zorka

This remedy is classified as a folk remedy because it has a natural composition. The cream is designed to care for the cow's udder. It has an excellent effect that heals cracks, softens the skin and relieves dryness. It is also suitable for cracked heels, psoriasis, and dermatitis.

Cream Zorka

Before using the cream, you need to steam your feet in warm water. Dry and apply the product to your feet. Leave the ointment on the heels for 10 minutes so that it is well absorbed. After which you should put on warm socks and go to bed in them. In the morning, the heels can be steamed again and treated with pumice.

This cream for cracked heels received the title - a gold mark of quality.

Zinc ointment

The drug is one of the most common in the fight against various types of skin damage, as well as cracks.

Zinc ointment copes well with inflammation and helps eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, it combats foul odor.

Zinc ointment

To treat cracked heels, rub the product in the morning and evening using massaging movements. Before using the ointment, your feet should be washed and dried. It is recommended to apply the medicine after a foot bath.

Often the cream is well tolerated and combats the problem, but sometimes it can cause a negative reaction. If rashes or redness appear, stop using the drug.

Salicylic ointment

Thanks to Salicylic ointment, rapid healing of cracked heels occurs. In addition, it is used for psoriasis, burns, fungi, and eczema. The product is a good antiseptic.

Salicylic ointment

Ointment for cracked heels can be applied in several ways:

  1. The medicine is applied to the damp skin of the heels and left until absorbed.
  2. You can make a compress. The medicine is applied to cellophane, then applied to the sore heel and fixed with a fabric bandage.

If the cracks in the heels are very deep, the maximum therapeutic course takes 10 days. With minor cracks, it is possible to get rid of the problem much faster.


Ointment Radevit

The product is indispensable if the presence of cracked heels is caused by a lack of vitamins. The effect of Radevit ointment on such cracks is as follows:

  • Hydration
  • Nutrition
  • Starting regeneration processes
  • Elimination of itching

The product must be applied after treatment with antiseptics. Lubricate cracked heels 2 times a day.

Before using the ointment to heal cracks, you should carefully study the instructions. The product should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and in old age only under the supervision of a specialist.

Footprim cream

Bulgarian cream for cracked heels has a high percentage of urea. Thanks to the tea tree extract present in the composition, the product has an antibacterial effect.

Footprim cream

The cream has a pleasant gel consistency. When applied, the product begins to melt. The cream is not absorbed immediately, but takes 7 minutes. After use, a silicone film forms on the heel, so it is better to use it at night.

The product is positioned for therapeutic and prophylactic use. Footprim cream is intended for cracked skin of the heels, moisturizing and softening rough areas on the feet.

If you smear your heels for dryness, the effect occurs after 2 weeks of regular use. become less noticeable and can be easily processed with pumice.

Cream Gehwol

Gevol solves the problem of cracked, rough and dry skin, heals cracked heels. If you regularly apply the ointment, it will allow you to:

  • Renew your skin
  • Restore elasticity
  • Protect chapped skin from infection
  • Ease her pain

Apply cream against cracked heels every day 1-2 times, carefully massaging the problem area. The greatest effect can be achieved if you make a softening foot bath in advance.

Homemade ointments for cracked heels

Making homemade ointments

How to get rid of cracked heels? In addition to medications, you can quickly and effectively get rid of cracked heels using folk recipes. To remove cracks at home, traditional medicine suggests using:

  1. Foot bath
  2. Homemade ointments
  3. Compresses

Baths have the most effective effect. Herbal infusions, sea salt, starch, and wine are added to the water as a medicinal component.

A salt bath is used to soften the skin on the heels, exfoliate and increase blood circulation. Add 100 grams of sea salt and a tablespoon of soda to warm water. Keep your feet in the solution for about 15 minutes. At the end of the manipulation, smear the heels with vegetable oil and put on woolen socks.

To carry out a starch bath, you need to dilute a spoonful of potato starch in a liter of water and lower your feet into the basin. Add hot water as the solution cools. The procedure takes half an hour. Next, remove the stratum corneum using pumice. Do the procedure carefully, without injuring the skin. Afterwards, wipe your feet dry and lubricate them with nourishing cream.

The basis of homemade ointments to heal cracked heels is Vaseline, badger, and pork fat. Fat must be present in the preparation of homemade creams, since one of the main tasks in the fight against cracked skin is to restore its firmness and elasticity. Although these fats themselves are considered healthy, they also have antibacterial properties and quickly heal wounds. The ointment is used before bedtime. To achieve the best effect, you need to wrap your feet in a bag and put on socks.

Thanks to the use of compresses, you can quickly eliminate skin diseases; they will moisturize and have a nourishing effect. As a treatment, lotions made from onions, potatoes, and apples are used. You can soften the skin well with oils - olive, sunflower, almond. After the procedure, the feet are washed in warm water and smeared with nourishing cream.

From a large number of recipes, you can choose the appropriate method that helps in the fight against cracks. At the same time, how to treat cracked heels is everyone’s business, be it a pharmaceutical cream or a folk recipe.

Ointments Recipes

Folk recipes used to get rid of cracks and calluses have one undeniable advantage - effectiveness, proven over generations. At home, you can try a number of foot care recipes and choose the one that is most effective.

Yolk-based product

To prepare the medicine, you need to mix the yolk with a large spoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of vinegar.

If the wounds are deep and bleeding, treatment with acids may cause discomfort, so it is better to use a different recipe.

First, take a warm foot bath, then apply the cream to the painful areas, wrap your feet in a plastic bag and put on warm socks. You can leave the ointment on all night. In the morning, wash your heels and remove the softened skin using pumice.

Calendula ointment

Calendula ointment will help remove cracks. To prepare it you will need:

  1. 60 grams of calendula oil
  2. 4 grams of beeswax

Combine the components and place in a water bath. The mixture must be kept until the wax is completely melted. The composition must be stirred all the time. Then place a few drops of ointment on a flat surface and wait for it to cool. When a medium-thick consistency is obtained, the product can be poured into a glass jar. The medicine is stored in the refrigerator. The ointment is applied to the heels before bedtime.

Folk recipe

To prepare the product, 100 grams of olive oil is initially heated, then beeswax is added to it. The mixture is stirred until the wax melts.

Wax and Olive Oil

Then add a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and glycerin. Transfer the product into a container. Before applying the mixture, you need to steam your feet. The manipulation is carried out at night. Afterwards, put on warm socks. The procedure is repeated every day until the cracks in the heels go away.


Prepare oatmeal and add a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil to it. Place the oatmeal in a bag, place your foot in it, secure the bag and wrap it in a towel. The procedure takes at least 2 hours. Then rinse the mixture and use a moisturizing cream. The manipulation is repeated every day, for up to 5 days.

All creams and lotions are effective. Which recipe is best to use to treat cracked heels is a purely individual choice.


Prevention is better than therapy because cracked heels do not occur overnight.

  • If you have cracked heels, it is recommended to get examined and get tested.
  • Wear shoes made from natural materials.
  • Eat right, including vitamins in your diet. If the cause of the pathology is their lack, then the doctor will notify you which vitamins are missing and how to replenish them.
  • Use suitable cosmetics.