In love, haste is a sign. Haste in love. Ransom scenario in the style of traffic police

Redemption scenario in the style of traffic police

Redemption scenario in the style of traffic police No. 1.

Bride ransom in traffic police style Suitable for those couples who are specifically connected with the police (police), lovers of motor transport, drivers and just joyful people.
For redemption you will need:
Traffic policeman costume
Active guests
Policeman's whistle
Game of Darts
2 Whatman paper, pencils, markers
Traffic symbols
Driver's license, driver's license
Blindfold scarf
White rope (clothesine)
Steering wheel
Toy cars
Paper traces
Good mood

Bridesmaids wear traffic police uniforms. If you feel like it and have the opportunity, dress up your brothers and friends of the bride in uniform. While the groom and his retinue are driving up to the bride's house, a traffic police inspector (a woman or a young man in disguise) stops the procession with a baton.

The inspector addresses the groom:
Good day. The traffic police captain welcomes you. Why do we exceed the speed limit? Where are we rushing?

The inspector presents the radar readings and points to the speed limit symbol “There is no need for haste in love!” (the symbol can be given to one of the guests or hung on a pole).

The inspector suspected that the groom was not entirely sober. To check, you need to walk along a line on the ground with a rope stretched. The groom is blindfolded. He starts moving now, one of the inspector’s assistants bends the rope to the side. Having reached the “turn”, the groom either gets lost or boldly moves on in a straight line. Yes, both are interpreted as a violation.

I: - Yes, this threatens with deprivation of rights. Claim your rights to home life!
J: - I don’t have one. (or starts to come up with something)
And: - If you don’t have a license, then you will need to get one, and our exams are extremely difficult. It goes without saying that I can help you, but it wouldn’t hurt to spice me up with something first.

The groom thinks about how to appease the inspector (he gives a bribe).

Domestic license exams begin.
First exam.
Lie detector test of genuine thirst for rights to home life!

Hanging darts with “thirsts to get married”:

Apple - for love
Other circumstances:

I wish you borscht and cutlets

Running out of clean socks

I want to wear a beautiful suit

Trying is not torture
The witness-inspector gives one dart. If unsuccessful, makes the next attempt and implements another dart separately, etc.
Bride ransom. Second exam. Knowledge of signs.
Exam on knowledge of signs of married life. The groom needs to explain what this or that symbol indicates.

The meaning of the signs should be extraordinary and joyful. The more fascinating the explanation the groom gives for the symbol, the greater the chance of taking the rights to home life.

Wash the dishes
Carry out marital responsibilities
Don't go left
No smoking
DO NOT drink
Raising children
Make a cup of coffee
Taking out the trash

Third exam. Medical suitability.
Doctor: Do you have a doctor’s certificate? Witnesses must voice the presence of neuropsychic stability and intellectual development of the candidate.

The groom's retinue is obliged to tell about all the advantages of the groom. They don’t name you, they don’t let you through without a bribe.
Fourth exam. Memory test for remembering numbers.
The groom must say what the numbers mean.

If you don't guess correctly, you will be fined.

Date Day Birth of the bride
First date date
Date of application submission to the registry office
Date Day of birth of mother-in-law, father-in-law
Number number of our bride's car
The number is the size of the bride's ring finger. and so on.
Bride price: Fifth exam. Photo on the right.
Since the groom is unlikely to bring a photograph of the bride with him, he is asked to draw the bride, and the groom is asked to draw the witness.

Sixth exam. Driving.
Traffic police inspector: - Just a little time left. It's time to test your driving skills. As we know, ladies love speed and at the same time accuracy. Imagine, there are 5 people in the car. Music is playing. Your task is to drive along the freeway, dancing, following the route.

The groom is given the steering wheel. The guests grab onto the groom like a train, joyful music turns on and they follow the tracks, which are scattered in a chaotic manner.
Seventh exam. Parking.
The groom needs to park his car. There is a “parking lot” of toy cars on the site. There is minimal parking space left. The groom is given a car on a string.

In the style of traffic police: Eighth exam. Technical inspection.
It is carried out specifically in the bride’s house or apartment.

Traffic police inspector: - We have a technical inspection! We will make sure that you are reliable at the level of quality of the equipment! What are you bringing to the bride? (groom shows the bouquet) What's all? Are you planning to marry her? (leading questions that the groom should show the rings).

Based on the results of the inspection, the groom is awarded the rights to home life.

Inspector: — I passed the technical inspection, passed all the exams, now I, the traffic police captain, am convinced that our bride will be fine with you. I solemnly hand over the rights to home life.

Redemption scenario in the style of traffic police No. 2.

The cortege with the groom and guests approaches the bride's house. It is better if the groom is in the lead car.

Already at the entrance, the car is stopped by a traffic police inspector, who is also the host, one of the bridesmaids, in the uniform of a traffic police officer.

Female Inspector: Inspector (last name, first name, patronymic). Are we violating? Where are we in such a hurry?

Groom's friend: To meet your happiness. Comrade Sergeant, he's going to get married!

Inspector: Marry? Do you have rights, may I be curious?

The groom shows his driver's license. Or if he doesn’t have rights, he says no!.

Inspector: Oh no, it won’t go like that! Your spouse is not a car, and you don’t have to drive your home life. Pay the fine and come with me. You need to find out whether you have been trained, pass a medical examination, a technical examination, get your license to live at home, and only then go to the bride!

They approach the house. There is a poster of the Main Directorate of the Traffic Police.

Exposure occurs on staircase landings. If the bride lives on the 1st floor, it is possible to partially conduct testing in the apartment.

First stop Check for the degree of intoxication with love and a lie detector test.

Inspector (to friends): Your fiance seems to be behaving suspiciously, breathing unevenly, swaying, his coordination of movements is impaired. Not otherwise, how drunk he is!

Groom's friend: Needless to say, drunk! He's drunk with love!

Inspector: I don’t know, I don’t know! Maybe he’s drunk, maybe it will be a marriage of convenience, who knows. A diagnosis needs to be made.

He gets something like a children's whistle or pipe and gives it to the groom

The groom whistles or blows the pipe.

Inspector: Once again, louder.

The groom blows or whistles again.

Inspector: Even louder! How is it possible to identify a person in love? He does all sorts of stupid things!

For example, he sings under the windows of his beloved. Well, you should have sung under the windows earlier. But for now, try to sing, and you all will help.

Requires the groom to sing loudly some kind of amorous song or romance.

So, so that all the neighbors can hear, and most importantly, the beloved herself, up there.

Bridesmaids (one floor above): We can’t hear you! We don't hear! It's like a mosquito squeaking!

The inspector demands the groom to sing even louder and with emotion, so that the neighbors will be moved.

Girlfriends upstairs: We can’t hear. We don't hear! It's as if the grass is rustling.

Then the groom and all his friends begin to sing loudly.

If they sing quietly, charge them a fine for not violating the order

If it is loud, take a fine for violating the order

Inspector: Well. I see that he adores his bride. But I may make a mistake. But the lie detector under no circumstances makes mistakes.

They bring out a man dressed as a lie detector (for example, with a box on his head. In order for him to receive it, the groom must put his hand on a special circle.

Or put on the groom a cap with wires that are connected to this human detector.

Inspector: Don't worry, we will only ask the simplest questions.

1. When you noticed the bride, did you immediately fall in love with her?

2. At the time you met her parents, did you like them?

3. Do you look at other girls now?

4. Do you like the way your loved one dresses up?

5. Are you marrying for convenience?

6. Are you getting married because you are tired of living alone and having no one to wash your socks?

7. You're getting married because everyone else is doing it.

8. Are you marrying for love?

How the detector reacts

2. A paper tape is pulled out of the box and the inspector deciphers it

The subject speaks mostly the truth. True, he thought about it several times, and did not answer right away, which speaks of his seriousness and the fact that he does not want to perform rash actions!

By and large, improvisation is good in this competition. If the groom does not answer any specific questions right away, it is possible to play on this and make a joke on him.

Second stop: Medical examination and technical inspection

The groom is greeted by a doctor - bridesmaids in white coats.

First: Oh, who came to us, hobbled. Yes, he can barely move his legs and everything is in the same direction - he decided to get married!

Second: And his eye twitches, and he’s kind of crooked.

Third: Zhanishok, Zhanishok. Oh, and he's also deaf!

Groom's friend: Nothing like that! He sees like an eagle, hears like a hare, walks like Belmondo. He's just very worried!

Girls: But at the moment we will make sure of the reliability!

Oculist. A poster on which are written the tender names of the bride and words like bunny, sunshine, and of course abusive words like bastard, fool, shapoklyak, etc. The doctor points with a pointer at various words. The groom's task is to read only good things.

Ophthalmologist: In married life, it is fundamentally important to have correct vision. It is necessary to see all the advantages and beautiful sides of a loved one and talk about them, but not notice the shortcomings and shortcomings.

Neurologist: In order to live a joyful and long life at home, you need to have strong nerves and angelic patience. At this point, let’s make sure it’s reliable whether you have a supply of all this. I briefly outline the situation, and without hesitation you say your reaction and what you will do.

1. You are planning to visit, your wife has been dressing up and putting on makeup for an hour and a half. You are standing there, completely wet, in your jacket, and someone is expecting you. The wife comes up and asks questions: Dear, what specific shoes are best suited to this dress? Only honestly!

2. Your parents came to visit. Your mother, having tried the soup prepared by her wife, discovers a button in it and begins to swear.

3. You came home very tired, you have a headache. Your daughter or your son is playing music at full blast in their room with their friends. Your child comes into the room and demands money for a movie.

Neurologist: Fit for married life!

Another doctor (which one is unclear): Well, in almost all respects the groom is ready for married life. But at the moment we will make sure of the reliability of something without which marriage is truly impossible. Without which there is no harmony, what is considered by many to be the most important attribute of married life. Let's make sure it's reliable and technically sound. In other words, we will perform a technical inspection of your (intriguing pause).heart!

The doctor produces a box with the inscription ECG. Or a phonendoscope, listening to the heart.

Doctor: So, there is a violation of the heart rhythm, a small tachycardia. Arrhythmia. Diagnosis one LOVE

All doctors sign a certificate confirming the groom's fitness for married life. If the groom has made a mistake somewhere, the doctors hint at a bribe.

There are painted road symbols here. The groom should put them into two piles. In one, what is allowed and welcomed in married life. In the other, what is not permitted. The groom crosses out with his own hand what is not permitted, as in simple symbols of prohibition.

Examples of signs. bed (hotel), spoon and fork, two people arguing, one person with a child, two people with a child, flowers, a drunk man with a bottle, etc.

If there is a lot of time, the groom can undergo another test, after which he will receive a permit to drive a vehicle called a stroller. When maneuvering a toy stroller around obstacles, you need to park it at the door.

All testing has been completed. The groom receives a certificate from a doctor stating that he is healthy and fit for married life, and the right to enter domestic life.

Near the door with the bride, the bride's friends are waiting for him with a painted traffic light, on which the red or yellow light is still on.

Inspector: So, the groom brilliantly overcame all the obstacles, we noticed that he really adores the bride, we made sure that he can be entrusted with the steering wheel of the family. Only he must not forget that it is better for both to steer here. (They hand the groom the steering wheel).

Let's wish him a good home journey!

Married life is green!

The green light is turned on and the groom is allowed to meet the bride.

A ransom in a medical style will be very relevant for those whose lives are connected with medicine, despite the fact that for those who have nothing to do with it, but have a beautiful sense of humor, it will also be great!

We bring to your attention another thematic bride ransom scenario - ransom in the style of a clinic. This is a rather unique, but at the same time simple purchase that does not require much preparation, especially in terms of decorations and paraphernalia.

Bride ransom in the style of the police, and now the police, will definitely appeal not only to law enforcement officers, but also to simply people with a healthy sense of humor. The idea itself is quite simple: the groom will need to release the bride from arrest. She is accused of stealing a man's heart.

What’s right: we met and went straight to bed, and the next morning straight to the registry office? Or wait three or four years to get used to it? We are thinking about this topic together with KP readers and psychologists. How is it right: we met and went straight to bed, and the next morning straight to the registry office? Or wait three or four years to get used to it? We are thinking about this topic together with KP readers and psychologists


My friend, the well-known Dasha Zavgorodnyaya (you’ve probably read her funny essays in our newspaper or on the website, foams at the mouth and proves that there is no need to rush to jump into bed.

But opponents are not asleep either. They think this: it is better to immediately recognize a person in the main thing - in bed. And then decide whether to build a relationship with him or not. Like: “We are not suitable for each other at all, we are not a couple.” Or: “It was an unforgettable night! You Belong With Me! Our love will last forever! But this is such a rational approach. And love is not a rational thing. Love does not accept logic and common sense. I conducted a survey, almost sociological, among long-living happy couples. Don't ask me how I found them. With difficulties. Results: half ended up in bed on the first day of dating. What’s interesting is that most of the women from these couples have never done this before: to get acquainted - and into bed. A third of the couples surveyed had sex after about a month or two. (However, one couple admitted that this would have happened before, it was simply not possible.) And the remaining small part, 20%, only after 6 - 8 months finally decided on intimacy.

And what conclusion can you and I, dear readers, draw?

Each couple has its own dynamics,” our expert, psychologist Adelia Mizitova, cleverly put it. - Women are afraid of seeming frivolous and therefore can slow down the beginning of intimacy. But it happens that men also slow down because, strange as it may sound, they fall too much in love: they want “this” more than anything in the world and... are afraid to even touch their beloved. Fear goes hand in hand with love. This is how you can recognize great love - by the fear you experience towards your beloved object. This is an almost physiological reaction when the throat tightens, the muscles tense, some people shake, others have a stupor. And here it depends on people how quickly they overcome their fear.

Important point. I, as a convinced supporter of the theory of the German psychoanalyst Bert Hellinger (so that’s what you are, Tatyana Ogneva! - Ed.), would still advise not to be in a hurry to test all candidates for the position of a loved one through the bed. Hellinger argues that sex creates a bond between people that is greater than blood kinship. Having slept together is like getting married. This is how our subconscious is structured. And all previous partners may subsequently interfere in relations with the very present one.

However, when resistance is useless, and it’s impossible to tear yourself away from the eyes of a person you met an hour ago, what if this is it – the real one? Listen to your heart, it will not deceive.


Okay, bed. People often rush through all stages of a relationship. This is before - for six months they walk hand in hand, confess their love, for another six months they blush and turn pale, then for another year they write letters to each other. Now the pace of life has accelerated, and events in relationships are also developing very quickly.

“I met Andrei,” reader E. writes to us, telling us about her love story, “Andrei was like one from my fantasies about an ideal man. We fell in love at first sight and couldn't tear ourselves away from each other for a week. We went to the registry office, and two months later we signed. Happy!

Then they went through a very difficult period with betrayals, quarrels, scandals and three months of silence. Now we're together again. And they love each other again. But this is a different kind of love. Not enthusiastic, but hard-won.

When people talk about some ideals, this is not love yet,” says psychologist Inna Shifanova, our regular consultant. - Relationships should not be with an ideal, but with a living person. They would have to go through the destruction of ideals one way or another.

There are stages in the development of relationships, continues clinical psychologist Mikhail Kamelev. - First, the stage of falling in love, which lasts up to 7 - 8 months. When idealization of a partner rules the roost. Everything here depends mainly on hormonal surges. Then everything goes into stabilization, when either the relationship settles down, or people get tired of each other and separate. Many girls feel good at this stage; they feel calm.

But even when he and she have sorted out their feelings, some are already in a hurry to get married, and some are not. Why?

Let’s say people have already started living together, says psychotherapist Yulia Urushadze. - That is, we have entered the main stage. And they live for more than a year or date, but do not marry. This means that they are not confident in this relationship. However, there are quite a lot of couples who lived together for four or five years, or even ten, and then got married. But, as a rule, after a year in a couple, at least one of them already understands that he is ready to throw in his lot with this person. And it all depends on how ready the other one is for this. And if one of the partners realizes that he is not ready, the relationship falls apart. A year is an indicative period in this sense. If we talk about relationships that are really fast-paced, then this can be a kind of game. A man plays the game of searching for a beautiful woman, then quickly realizes that this is not the right woman, and moves on. Looking for an ideal. But there are no ideals. Relationships can develop very quickly, but then you need to be prepared for the fact that they will end quickly.

They say that without suffering and torment, a love story is incomplete. She is boring, you know, without pain and tears. And if you haven’t had a sip yet, don’t worry, you will later. And all-knowing psychologists also see suffering as a cementing element.

When people go through difficult moments in life, they begin to understand each other better and can give more feedback. Crises in relationships, if they don’t lead to divorce, then bring us closer. They lead to the fact that only these two truly understand each other,” says Mikhail Kamelev with conviction. - It brings people closer together, relationships become stronger if they have gone through a difficult period. At the stage of creating and developing a family, many small problems arise. And if there has already been experience in the complex formation of relationships, overcoming obstacles together, then problems are solved unnoticed.


Here psychologists are unanimous: take your time.

From the moment you decided to get a divorce, time must pass, says Mikhail Kamelev. - We need to determine the reason. Suddenly it’s just depression-apathy, a person wants change. And he immediately decided to get a divorce. Yes, I always say that in this situation you can make two mistakes: get a divorce and not get a divorce. In one case, it may simply be a difficult period in a person’s life. And sometimes you wait for it to end, but it still doesn’t end, and you suddenly realize that your whole life has turned into one continuous difficult period.

On the verge of divorce, there will still be periods when a person begins to doubt whether he did the right thing and to weigh everything again, reports Mikhail. - This may last a month or two. Some people decide not to get a divorce. Maybe that's right. But in general, if the question of divorce has arisen, then everything is serious.

Three to four years of marriage is a dangerous, potentially crisis period,” says Yulia Urushadze. - People get to know well not only each other’s strengths, but also their weaknesses. At this moment, someone has a desire to interrupt everything. Because it’s as if a veil is falling and some people feel deceived. And they themselves were deceived. And in fact, this is a chance to finally move into the stage of mature love from the stage of blind love. If someone manages to take advantage of this chance, well done. But some won't be able to. So what should they do - get a divorce?

Here you cannot reason with aphorisms like “cut off the tail at once, and not in pieces,” says Yulia Urushadze. - In the case of a tail, half measures are, of course, worse, but if we are talking about relationships, then everything can be just the opposite.


In general, if you listen to psychologists, you won’t be able to draw any meaningful conclusions. You'll only get more confused. So to rush or not to rush? Let’s pose the question differently: “Is it possible to be late in a relationship?” Probably not, because if it is real, it will remain, develop and lead to something. But, on the other hand, let us remember the classics. As in Pushkin: “But I was given to someone else and I will be faithful to him forever!” Zhenya Onegin was late. But because I didn’t listen to my heart. He jumped like a dragonfly and missed the woman of his life. Although... Today morals are not so harsh. And if this story happened in our time, and Pushkin’s Tatyana, having met a handsome man at the ball, realized that she still loved Evgeniy, nothing would stop her from getting a divorce and making this idiot happy. How do you think?

For redemption you will need:

Vests with reflective tape – 4 pcs.

Traffic policeman's cap – 1 piece

Whistle - 1 piece

Meeting: Rod – 1 pc.

Radar – 1 piece

Rope – 1 pc.

Shawl for gauze – 1 piece

1 exam: Darts – 1 piece (either real or drawn)

Numbered pieces of paper in an envelope – 8 pcs:

For love

I want borscht and cutlets

Running out of clean socks


Mother-in-law forced

I want to wear a nice suit

By calculation

Trying is not torture

Exam 2: Signs – 11 pcs.

Wash the dishes

Fulfill marital duties

Don't go left

Raising children

Tea in bed

Taking out the trash

Go shopping

Cook to eat

Plant a tree, build a house

Give a new phone every year

Live to old age

3rd exam: Medical gown – 1 piece

Red cross made of paper – 1 piece

Exam 4: Chamomile from ransom. Petals – 9 pcs:

Your fiancee's date of birth (01/25/1990)

Date of application to the registry office (02/21/2012)

Date of birth of your future mother-in-law (12/22)

Date of birth of your future father-in-law (08.11)

Your fiancee's ring finger size (17.5)

Your bride's foot size (36)

Your bride's eye color (brown)

Your bride's natural hair color (brown)

Your bride's height (166 cm)

5 exam: Sheet A4 – 2 pieces

Felt pens – 1 pack

Exam 6: Steering wheel – 1 piece (can be homemade)

Glue the marks - approximately 20 pcs.

Exam 7: Machine – 1 piece

Draw lines - parking spots

Thread – 1 pc.

TECHNICAL INSPECTION: Poster on the inspection door – 1 piece

Rights to family life – 1 piece (with photos)

Meeting of the groom's retinue. It takes place outside. Characters: Traffic police inspector - Marina, traffic police officer - Natasha

Natasha with Radar and rope.

Marina with a baton and whistle.

Traffic police inspector:

Traffic police inspector:

The groom gives a bribe.

Family life license exams begin

First exam. Take place at the elevators on the first floor. Characters: Traffic police officer – Natasha.

Name of the exam: lie detector test of the true desire to obtain the rights to family life

- “Let's start the first exam. First, we will check your true desire to obtain rights to family life. We need to make sure that you are pursuing your license with the right intentions. Please, here’s a dart for you, throw it.”

The traffic policeman gives darts. Each number on the darts field corresponds to a piece of paper with a desire to obtain a license. True - out of love. Each next dart is a bribe.

When the correct piece of paper falls out, Natasha:

- “Congratulations, you have passed the first exam. Proceed to the next stage"

Second exam. Conducted on the 1st flight (between 1st and 2nd floors). Characters: Traffic police officer - Dasha.

Name of the exam: Knowledge of signs.

- “So, now we will test you on your knowledge of signs. Without this right, you won’t see it!”

There are signs on the wall. The groom guesses what this means. Every wrong answer is a bribe.

When all the signs have been guessed, Dasha:

- “Congratulations on successfully passing the second exam, move on to the next stage”

Third exam. Conducted on the 2nd flight (on the 2nd floor). Characters: nurse - Galya.

Exam Name: Medical Aptitude.

- "Good afternoon! Do you have a medical certificate?

“In this case, your friends will have to answer for you and vouch for you. Tell me about his merits, about his mental state. About the intellectual level. What is he like?

If they don’t name it, then it’s a bribe. The more qualities they name, the better.

- “I see that your friends have a good opinion of you. Under their responsibility, I render a verdict that everything is fine with your psyche and intellect and let you pass to the next stage.”

Fourth exam. Conducted on the 3rd flight (between the 2nd and 3rd floors) Characters: Traffic police inspector - Marina.

Name of the exam: Memory test to remember important points.

- “Oh, here we are again. All my efforts are evident, since you have reached level 4. Congratulations. Now I will test your memory. Try not to make mistakes, you don’t want me to become incredibly rich for this?”

The groom pulls daisy petals and answers. The wrong answer is a bribe.

- “Well, great. I’ve earned a little extra money again. I’ll let you pass to the next exam. Good luck!"

Fifth exam. It is carried out on the 4th flight (on the 3rd floor). Characters: Traffic police officer - Dasha

Name of the exam: photograph for driving license.

- "Hello! Well, did you bring photos of yourself and your bride to paste into your license?”

- "How so? What document can there be without a photograph! What should I do with you?... Please take your pencils. Draw a photo of the bride, and you, the witness, draw a photo of the groom.”

- “Well, now there’s something to paste in. Move on"

Sixth exam.

Test name: driving.

-"Hello! Well, finally, I've been waiting for you. There is very little left. It's time to test your driving skills. As you know, women love speed and at the same time accuracy. Imagine there are 5 people in a car and music is playing. Your task is to drive through the track, dancing, following the route.”

The groom is given the steering wheel in his hands, the guests (5 people) grab the train for the groom, the music turns on (you can use your phone) and they follow the tracks.

- “Well, great! You know how to drive. Now let’s check how you park.”

Seventh exam. Take place at the elevators on the 3rd floor. Characters: Traffic police officer - Katya.

Exam Name: Parking

The groom needs to park the car. There is a parking lot for toy cars on the site. There is minimal parking space left. The groom is given a car on a string. For each car hit there is a fine.

- "Congratulations! You have passed almost all the tests. The goal is already close. Move on"

Eighth exam. Conducted in the apartment at the door of the room. The character is Marina.

Title: Technical inspection.

- “Once you have reached here, it means you have successfully passed all the exams. I congratulate you, but don’t rush to rejoice. Now you will have to undergo a technical inspection. We will check you for the quality of the equipment. What are you bringing with you to the bride? (groom shows the bouquet) Is that all? And you’re not going to marry her (leading questions that the groom should show the rings)”

Shows rings.

- "Here. Now I see that you are fully equipped. Based on the results of the technical inspection and passed exams, I, a traffic police captain, am convinced that our bride will be fine with you. I solemnly present the rights to family life!”

With the rights of the groom, we are allowed into the bride's room.

Individual roles:

NATASHA. Present at the meeting. Conducts the first exam.

It takes place outside. Characters: Traffic police inspector - Marina, traffic police officer - Natasha

Natasha with Radar and rope.

Marina with a baton and whistle.

A traffic police inspector stops the groom's retinue (ideally cars...) with a baton.

- "Good afternoon! Traffic police inspector - Captain Ilyukhina. Why do we exceed the speed limit? Where are we in a hurry? Look at the radar readings, this is unthinkable, young people!” The assistant presents the radar readings and points to the speed limit sign “There is no need for haste in love” (the sign can be given to someone from the groom’s retinue or hung on his forehead).

The traffic police inspector suspected that the groom was drunk.

- “Ohhh, yes, you’re also drunk... Well, let’s go and check your sobriety.”

To check, you need to walk along a line - there is a rope stretched on the ground. The groom is blindfolded. He starts moving. At this time, the assistant bends the rope to the side. Having reached the turn, the groom either gets lost or boldly moves on. Both are interpreted as violations.

Traffic police inspector:

- “Yes, this threatens with deprivation of rights!!! Present your rights to family life!”

I don’t have one (or I’m starting to come up with something)

Traffic police inspector:

“If you don’t have a license, then you’ll have to get one, and our exams are very difficult. Of course, I can help you, assist you, persuade my colleagues who will take your exams, but it wouldn’t hurt to spice me up with something first.

We have already found out that it can be influenced by changing the quality of one or several components of the process.

I don’t know how you perceived the previous information, but if you continue reading, there is a chance to say that the process has begun. True, where it will take you depends only on your desire and your abilities. If you want to understand, you will gradually figure it out, if you want to find a reason for denial, you will definitely find it, and you will have the most compelling reasons for not accepting this “inconvenient” information.

And I will gradually continue.

So changing process components.

The most common misconception in this matter is when a person begins to think that if he acts faster, pushes himself and those around him, then the result will come out faster, he can do more things in the same time. This is called something like RUSH.

Haste changes processes beyond recognition

Today it has become common practice. One of the signs of success is when a person has a lot of things to do, he manages to do them all, it means that the person is in demand, it means he is in the know, it means he is doing serious business.

In transport everyone is in a hurry, on the roads - a delay at a traffic light is almost a crime, on the street people move half-running, on TV - successful people are always talking on their cell phones and are constantly in a hurry, in a hurry, they always have no time.

This is a sign of our time. As they say today, life dictates its own conditions.

On the one hand, this is correct. If you increase task execution speed, then, in fact, you can significantly increase your own efficiency; you can do much more in the same period of time than with a slow execution speed. Everything is correct here.

But it’s one thing when a person calmly and slowly, having reached a certain level of skill, quickly, efficiently and efficiently does his job. And it’s completely different when a person is always in a hurry, always in a hurry, constantly on the nerves, in a kind of stable nervous state.

Here, I think, you can see with the naked eye where the actions are correct. It is immediately clear that haste leads to a constant state of stress in the body, and this also means further impairment of health, mental health, loss of objectivity, and so on.

Everyone knows this, but they can’t do anything about it. And there is no need to judge anyone, this is a person’s choice. There is a desire to experiment with your health, forward and with song.

I propose to consider this issue from the point of view of the Universal Laws, where you can easily see that haste not only exposes the body to unnecessary overload, but also affects the processes so much that the results can be the most unpredictable.

There is good folk wisdom:


And this is not just a statement from our dense ancestors who have never seen the metro or the Internet, this is information for action, proven over the years.

What is its essence?

You have conceived a good and correct process. All components are present, all Laws have been observed, and implementation can begin. Everything is great.

In any process there are three main components:

  • 1 This Starting point, from which we start,
  • 2 point final, i.e. the desired result,
  • 3 between them is himself implementation progress this is yours process.

Everything here is simple and clear.

If the first and third points are implemented correctly, then we automatically get the desired result. And there is nothing complicated here; this is the simplest scheme for materializing the desired processes.

And most often, few people pay attention to the third point. And it is no less important than the first one.

If everything is clear with the first point, everything was calculated correctly, everything was weighed, and implementation began. The third one must be performed with the same correctness and compliance with the Universal Laws. But this is precisely what is most often not observed when in a hurry.

Watch it happen. You are moving along the road and the traffic light turns red. There is no one there, you can drive through without risk.

You can reason as follows: our matter is serious, and we can get through it. And what happens at this moment? Violation of principles that lead to violation of Laws, and thereby to distortion of the final result and creating the need to compensate for this violation.

This violation of the Laws is quite gross and understandable. But, there are less obvious, but no less significant components.

In front of the same traffic light there is a white line on which you must stop the car when the light is red. How many of you paid attention to this? I think few people. But when moving, you need to stop not before this line, not after, BUT EXACTLY AT IT. This is again a rule, non-compliance with which leads to a violation of the Laws. And this will also have to be compensated. And this also leads to a distortion of the final result of your process.

And the most common moment is when a person gets somewhere and, seeing that time is running out, constantly repeats one word, FASTER, FASTER, FASTER.

What is he doing at this moment? He directs his inner strength to distort pre-formed and planned components, plus, as it were, he pulls up the result, forcing it to happen before the planned moment.

At this moment, an additional, most often unnecessary, expenditure of one’s own energy occurs. And the entire course of the process is distorted, all components are forcibly compressed, they are not given time to unfold, and this is a direct loss of the quality of the process. And this, you know, leads, again, to a distortion of the result.

I could go on and on about all the little things that people do when they are in a hurry. You can call these little things unimportant and insignificant, but, if you wish, with the right approach and some training, you can learn to perform these little things automatically, without straining. And this will significantly increase your chances of getting and realizing the desired results.

And their non-compliance, constant haste, will NEVER lead to what you want. There will be only a similarity, a surrogate, but not the desired result. And this must also be taken into account.

But that's not all. You and I already know that the cause of any action is only two forces, either love or fear. Naturally, it is not difficult to guess that the basis of haste is fear. Fear of being late, fear of not being on time, fear of not doing everything that was planned. The same feeling that easily turns constructive, creative processes into destructive, mechanical ones.

They came running, patted the child on the head a couple of times, asked how he was doing, and ran on to attend to important and urgent matters. No warmth, no love, just vanity. What kind of mutual understanding can we talk about? The parent seems to be nearby, but his thoughts are already somewhere further, at the next meeting or event.

It’s quite funny to watch people sitting at the same table in cafes, and everyone talking on their own phone. What is the quality of communication here, you yourself understand.

Small detail. When a person tries to combine two things at the same time, both talking on the phone and communicating with a real person, it turns out mixing of energies. A telephone conversation has its own process, its own frequency, and the communication process has its own. They are different. It is quite natural that an attempt to combine them for the body does not remain without consequences.

It would be nice to do this once. Overvoltage can be compensated. But, if this is a habit, part of your life, the consequences will be unpredictable. This, by the way, is one of the main reasons for modern “sudden” illnesses and unplanned surprises in well-being. A banal attempt to combine the incompatible, to cram the “unshoveable” into oneself.

So, if you wish, think in this direction. Watch yourself, your schedule, your desires, your plans and tasks. Most of them, most likely, will not be at all so important and significant as to necessarily participate in them.

Freedom does not lie in doing what you want, but in not doing what you don’t want.

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Haste in love

"Let's run away together!" It is impossible for two flaming hearts to tear themselves away from each other and they are ready to run away and live together as soon as possible, and often in the very first days of acquaintance. Such a rash step deprives partners of the chance to get to know each other better and learn as much as possible about each other, so as not to be disappointed by unpleasant surprises in the future. Usually, such relationships are doomed to failure and end quickly. Eyes open, and the man who recently seemed like a handsome prince suddenly turns out to be an ordinary guy who throws his socks everywhere. To replace the amorous euphoria, everyday life enters into the life of the couple. What recently seemed wonderful becomes very negative and depressing, everything is not at all as it began. At some point, people realize that they made a hasty and disastrous decision to start living together so hastily.

"With you to the end of the world!". The desire to live in a foreign country can be a more serious action than simply inviting your lover to move under the same roof. Distance has long been no barrier for two fiery hearts. And often the offer to move to another country or city, through the prism of uplifting emotions, may seem so easy at first glance. In such situations, they quickly fall to the ground when they find themselves in a foreign country, where sometimes they cannot get used to local traditions and culture. The inevitable depression of one of the lovers and the guilt of the other often becomes a point in their romantic story.

"Meet the Parents!" You want the whole world to know about your love and happiness, and you can’t wait to introduce the object of your adoration, who has captured your heart, to your parents. As a rule, in these sublime moments it would not even occur to you that your ideal person might not be liked by your family in some way. A thoughtless remark from the mother that Vanya has a wrinkled shirt or dirty shoes can hurt the heart with such power that it will seem like the end of the world. The results of such criticism risk being so dramatic that they can even lead to a quarrel with their parents.

"Want to get married!" Often, the victim of sudden love does not understand that he is somewhere in the clouds and believes one hundred percent that everything is fine and wonderful, “He is the one and only and we were born to be together. And why wait for anything if you can tie our unearthly love in marriage right now.” Neither parents nor friends in this situation have the slightest opportunity to reason with a madly in love person who madly wants to tie his feelings with a stamp in his passport. The fog in the eyes makes it difficult to see not only a likely fatal mistake, but also the resentment of relatives who only want happiness for their child.

"Let's make a baby!" The power of insane passion can have such an effect on people that the ability to think judiciously and sensibly fades into the background, and actions acquire the aroma of madness. “Let’s make a baby,” these crazy whispers of two little-known people in a fit of passion are not fairy tales. It’s easy to imagine that crazy vows of constant love disappear somewhere immediately after the appearance of pregnancy. We draw a conclusion from all this: living together, meeting your parents, moving to your loved one even to the ends of the earth, getting married and even having a baby is all true and wonderful. The main thing is to understand that you should not do this too quickly under the influence of a fit of passion or just emerging love. Any similar decisions can be made only when you get to know each other closely and love and passion are replaced by a stronger and more serious feeling. Do not forget that breaking up a relationship or divorce is a very unpleasant and too painful process. And getting a divorce if you also have a child, as they say, is generally a tragedy. So fall in love, but be careful.