Gangster-style birthday party. Gangster party scenario: games and competitions. Images and costumes

Having a pleasant time in the company of friends and loved ones means giving yourself a charge of positive emotions for a long time. True, the usual sittings at the table and listening to endless and boring stories about how things are going at work or in the family have long since become boring to everyone. Themed parties are all the rage these days. They can be held in Hawaiian or Indian style or in hippie style. Or you can do something even more original and arrange an unusual holiday in mafia style.

What is a mafia party?

You can celebrate any holiday in mafia style, be it a birthday, New Year, wedding or other event. When organizing this, as well as other themed parties, it is important to take into account every detail.

In general, such a holiday is an excellent production with beautiful costumes and an unusual combination of recklessness, adventurism and eternal youth. In addition, a mafia-style party should be imbued with the spirit of freedom, which is inherent in any gangster and mafioso.

Organizing such a party is actually not too difficult. In order to organize such an event at the proper level, you just need to watch a couple of films telling about the everyday life and entertainment of American gangsters who dominated around the 30s and 40s, or the life of Italian mafiosi. These sources will help you understand what the participants should look like such a holiday and what to pay attention to when decorating a room. And, of course, attention should be paid to how the gangsters of that time had fun and what drinks they drank.

How to organize a mafia-themed party?

As mentioned above, to properly organize a party in this style, it is important to take into account every detail. After all, only a thoughtful event, held according to a pre-drawn plan, can give your guests a lot of indescribable impressions. What should you pay attention to first when organizing a corporate event, a wedding or a regular meeting with friends in the mafia style?

  • Preparation for such an event should, of course, begin with a specific plan according to which it will be carried out in the future. It is important to take into account every detail. Do not forget that your guests should not be bored for a minute, which means the party should be full of funny and cheerful competitions, jokes and other entertainment events.
  • Don’t forget to also invite an experienced photographer to a thematic meeting with friends., which can capture the moment at the proper level. Just a few days after the event, you will receive excellent photographs printed in retro style. The presence of a videographer will also make this event more striking, because most of the participants will begin, so to speak, to play for the camera.
  • Prepare unusual and original invitations in advance for all event participants. They can be given in person or sent by mail. These can be postcards in the form of revolvers, glasses of whiskey on ice, or wanted posters with the words “Wanted”. On each such postcard you can place a photo of the invited person.

What can be done? Choose your favorite options from our article. From the following you will learn how to decorate festive table dishes with your own hands. At this address you can read about how to correctly write a script for seeing off to the army.

  • Notify guests in advance that there will be a special dress code at the party.. Have them look on the Internet or in gangster movies to see what clothing items were typical for the era of your themed event.
  • Don't forget that The dishes you include on your holiday menu should also be in keeping with the gangster era.. The same should be said about alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks for impromptu mafiosi.

If you are not sure that you can hold such an event at the proper level according to your own Mafia-style party scenario, seek help from a professional. An experienced presenter will write his plan, which, of course, will be agreed upon with you in advance.

What should you wear for a mafia-themed party?

A mafia-themed party, like any other themed event, involves special dress code for guests. Deciding what clothing items can be used for this event is not at all difficult; all you have to do is watch a few gangster films and pay attention to what their characters are wearing. Women can wear short dresses that hug their figure tightly. However, their length can vary from mini to maxi, the main thing is that the fabric from which the evening dress will be sewn emphasized the waist and hips. The bottom of such dresses can be narrow or fluffy - it all depends on the woman’s preferences and on what kind of outfit she finds in the store. During the times of mafiosi and gangsters, women wore dresses made of corduroy or velvet in dark colors. It is worth noting here that recently organizations offering costumes for themed events have appeared in large cities. Everything you need to create an unusual look wardrobe items can be purchased or rented. Accessories ladies can use gloves above the elbow white, bright red or cream color, pearl necklaces, boas made of natural fur and small hats with a light veil. For those who smoke, you can purchase long original mouthpiece. A woman with such an accessory looks more impressive than with a regular cigarette in her hand. Don't be shy with your makeup– dark shadows, flying eyeliner and bright red or cherry lipstick – this is the ideal makeup for a gangster party.

Men planning to attend such an event should opt for such clothing items as a two-piece or three-piece suit with pinstripes.

Can also be purchased bow tie and hat like real mafiosi. They will also help to complement the image of a real gangster patent leather pointed shoes and cane. Every man, preparing in advance for a mafia-style party, can grow yourself a small thin mustache. You can style your hair with gel by parting it in the middle of your head.

Dishes and drinks for a themed event

Those who throw a mafia-themed party are probably wondering what drinks should be served at such a celebration. The ideal alcohol will be whiskey with ice, wine, champagne and gin. As for non-alcoholic drinks, you can use anything, for example cola, which they like to mix with whiskey to make a simple cocktail. The menu for a mafia-style party can be varied with Italian dishes. It can be spaghetti, risotto or lasagne for main course, as well as salads or pizza. Can be used as dessert tiramisu, pancho or tartlets with whipped cream. You can also order a culinary masterpiece in the form of a suitcase full of banknotes or a huge revolver.

How to entertain guests?

At such a themed event it is mandatory several competitions should be held, which in style should be suitable for a party of real mafiosi.

Here are options for such tests for your guests:

  • Freeze Frame Game. To carry it out, you need to prepare in advance a cut from frames of Italian and American films about gangsters and mafiosi, which you can find on various Internet resources. Invite guests to guess which film this or that frame belongs to. The same can be done with music from such films.
  • Card game "Mafia". To carry it out you will need a small table with a green cloth. The rules of this exciting game are very simple. You can use both special and regular cards to play it. You can play it with a large team - from 7 to 25 people. The main thing is to explain the rules to all participants in advance and choose an experienced presenter who is well acquainted with this game.
  • You can also organize a game of poker or roulette, using fake dollars and playing chips.

You can also entertain your guests watching an Italian or American film about real mafiosi. You can also throw it at a Mafia-themed party. photo session in images chosen by guests. This way you will kill two birds with one stone - you will brighten up the time and leave pleasant memories of an unusual evening in the form of original retro photographs.

Where can you hold such a party and how to decorate the room?

You can organize a gangster holiday in a cafe, restaurant or banquet hall. True, for this you will have to rent a room for the whole evening, because if other people are present in it, they may not like your pastime. A regular one would also be suitable for this type of party. city ​​apartment or private house. The main thing is to use as many props as possible. For this You should create a light twilight in the room by hanging thick dark curtains on the windows. You can place tables throughout the room, scattering card decks and playing chips on some of them.

Suitcases with fake banknotes, photographs of vintage cars, flyers with the words “Wanted” in English and Italian and photographs of one of the guests present - all this is necessary for proper decoration of the room in which the mafia-style party will be held.

Cigars, square glasses of whiskey and weapons that resemble the real thing as closely as possible - all this will also be useful to you both for creating a gangster atmosphere and for a photo shoot. Replace boring get-togethers with friends with themed parties - this will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions and give you a reason to meet as often as possible. Put a minimum of effort into organizing such a holiday, and you will understand how wonderfully you can brighten up gray and dull everyday life in such a wonderful way! Well, in the next video you can see how people are having fun at a themed party dressed as gangsters:

A gangster party will help you to be transported to the atmosphere of Chicago of the 30s, to plunge into the world of chic and gloss, to find yourself in a pub filled with the smoke of expensive cigars. Gambling, expensive jewelry, alcohol are forbidden, but such alluring pleasures that await the participants in the grand gathering of “bad guys.”

Gangster Party Invitations

The general mood of the evening should be created long before the event. All guests receive information in advance about where and when the “mafia meeting” will take place, as well as requirements to comply with the dress code.

Since the party is secret, the invitations must be secret. If such an event is planned as a corporate event, then you can, for example, place leaflets with the necessary information in the drawers of the desktops.

How to greet guests?

At the entrance to the room where the event will be held, you can place a person who will invite guests with appropriate enthusiasm. This could be a guy in a “boy who sells newspapers” outfit, and he will talk about the latest news, who is getting married, or whose anniversary is today.

You can invite a photographer with an old camera, he will greet guests and capture happy faces. To make the photos memorable, you can organize a special stand against which you can take photos. It would be useful for the hero of the occasion to arrive beautifully at the main entrance in a rented vintage car, and the wait time will be brightened up by a waitress from the past who will offer guests aromatic coffee (the cups can contain both coffee itself and gin or whiskey).

Gangster surroundings

It is best to decorate the walls with 30s-style posters. Black and white “Wanted” flyers, photos of New York, portraits of artists and musicians of the period. Roulette tables, gaming chips, as if accidentally forgotten by previous visitors, any rare things - all this needs to be put into use, because it is from such little things that the overall mood of the evening is formed.

Place newspapers about gangsters on the tables, of course, use the real names of the evening participants and fictitious events about them, do not forget about humor - you will get a wonderful publication that will brighten up the minutes of waiting and become a wonderful souvenir.

By the way, don’t forget to pour alcohol into coffee pots, teapots, or “milk” cartons - this is required by the era when many things were prohibited. The glasses will also have to be put somewhere far away - coffee cups are quite suitable, to be encrypted - that’s for real.

Dress like a gangster

It would be a good idea to include a small tutorial on costumes with each invitation. For women - these are silk dresses, feathers, furs, cigarette holders, flirty hats, retro hairstyles. To create a masculine look, you will need suspenders, ties, striped suits, side-combed hair, a small mustache, cigars, and revolvers.

Gangster menu

Fresh meat fried in a hot frying pan, juicy vegetables (fresh and baked), sliced ​​potatoes - the menu can be quite varied. But with alcohol, things are more complicated, since the prohibition law, which was in force in the 30s in America, forces people to resort to tricks. You need to think about the beautiful presentation of strong drinks in advance. Maybe it’s worth ordering bottle stickers from a printing house in the style of those years with the inscriptions “Juice, Milk.”

Selecting musical accompaniment

The sound of retro music helps you to fully understand the era, to feel the rhythm of that time, its melody. In the thirties it was very popular

  • jazz,
  • foxtrot,
  • Argentine tango.

If you are planning a performance by a live musical group, then it is best to focus on the guys performing jazz. And to play recorded music, select tunes from “The Godfather” and the musical “Chicago”. On TV you can play the musical “Chicago” without sound.

Here are just a few striking examples to create the right gangster mood:

Gangster entertainment

Initiation into the mafia

Hand out mafia code leaflets to guests. Tell participants that they are joining the mafia for life, and only death can break those bonds. To become a member of the society, all participants must stand in a circle, read the mafia code in unison and take turns kissing the hand of the party organizer or the mafia leader, if one has already been elected.

Mafia code text

  • Members of the mafia mutually help each other, whatever the nature of this help.
  • Any attack on one of the members of the mafia in any form is an attack on everyone; he must be avenged at any cost.
  • They undertake to completely obey their superiors.
  • When justice needs to be done, mafia members turn not to civil authorities, but to the mafia itself. She is the one who makes the judgment. It is she who carries out the sentence.
  • If anyone, for any reason, reveals the names of members of the organization, he can be killed, by anyone, at any time; revenge extends not only to him, but also to his entire family.

During the party, you can give out various secret messages to guests, written on small pieces of paper, which will contain puzzles, riddles or questions related to the theme of the party. If the message is solved, then the one who solves his message receives a prize.

Organize a mini-casino

Use a toy tape measure. The roulette must have numbers on which bets will be accepted. Choose a dealer from particularly active guests. You can bet won chips or personal items, and the prizes will again be gangster-related items.

Competition "Gangster Couple"

Several couples participate in the competition; they are handcuffed to each other or their hands are tied with rope. Each couple is given a bottle of whiskey and a ribbon. The task of each couple is to tie a ribbon bow on the bottle. The winner is the pair that completed the task faster and better than anyone else.

Competition "Disarm the enemy"

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team receives a set of paper pistols and revolvers, printed on a printer, with the name of a particular team. Each team hides its arsenal in different places, and then the leader’s “start” teams must find all the enemy’s “weapons.” The team that finds the most or faster will be the winner.

Set up a store

Instead of currency, use the chips that guests received for winning competitions. “Gangsters” can exchange these chips for a product they like, namely a cigarette case, cigar, whiskey, a deck of cards, a cigarette holder, or women’s jewelry.

A Chicago-style party is an opportunity to feel like a real mafioso, try on chic outfits, and put on the skin of conspirators and lawbreakers. Such fun, forbidden, but attractive, will remain in the memory for a long time.

Gangster party COMPETITIONS.

Meeting with guests

Make sure that guests are greeted at the entrance by people in appropriate attire. This could be a boy selling newspapers in short pants, a baggy shirt and a cap on one side, who will invite guests and confidentially tell in whose honor such a stormy celebration is organized (birthday - name day of the head of the clan, wedding - the godfather's favorite daughter is getting married, corporate party - meeting on the occasion of a future business).

Guests can also be greeted by a photographer with an old camera, a cigar seller, or a girl dressed as a restaurant waitress from the 1930s.

"Gangster common fund"

The gangster party revolves around money, so for the next competition you will need to prepare samples of money (sold in tents), preferably in dollar bills of different denominations. Then you place 10-15 banknotes on a tray and invite the audience to guess how much money there is. The winner receives the guessed amount.

"Money doesn't smell"

It is better to use real money in this competition. Several participants are called, they are blindfolded, and their task is to determine by smell what denomination each banknote has.

“Outfox Prohibition”

5 male volunteers are called and given a transparent glass with liquid poured into it and a straw. The presenter announces that 4 glasses contain water, and one contains vodka. The players' task is to drink all the liquid from the glass through a straw without others guessing what they have in their glass. Spectators must guess who had the glass of vodka. In the end, it turns out that all the players had vodka in their glasses.

"Accurate shooter"

Guests compete for the title of the most accurate shooter. To do this, several participants are called and plastic cups are placed on the table at a certain distance (a color is written on the back of each cup. Everyone who does not get into the cup is eliminated. Next comes the second stage of the competition. Everyone who gets in needs to bring three things (from the guests) the color they knocked down, the one who does it first wins.

"Criminal Couple"

Couples participate in the game. Participants must be handcuffed to each other (or their hands tied with rope). We give each couple a bottle of alcoholic drink and a bright ribbon. The task of the criminal friends is to tie a ribbon on the bottle with a bow. An important condition is that you can only use it with your hands free.

"Hide the loot"

2 pairs of volunteers are called - 2 men and 2 women. Each couple receives 20 dollars (there should be 20 1 dollar bills) and the task for the girls is to hide this money in different secluded places on their man as quickly as possible. Pockets, lapels, hats, boots, socks, etc. can be used as secluded places. The main thing is to hide only one bill in each “secret place”. Whoever does it faster takes the money for himself.

"Slam the ball"

2-3 pairs of men + women come out. Each couple is given 5 balloons. The pairs face each other, holding one ball between them. The task for each pair is to “slam” all the balls as quickly as possible without the help of arms and legs, moving their bodies towards each other.

"Secret Spy"

For each of the teams, the leader thinks of a certain phrase, which, with the help of gestures, one of the team players must show so that the team guesses as quickly as possible. Speed ​​and artistry are judged.

Please click the “Tell your friends” button, we will be pleased :)

"Card Sharper"

Players receive several decks of cards. They have to hide the cards on themselves. They cannot be placed in one place. When the participants have already completed the task, the presenter announces that this was just the beginning. The winner will be the one who finds and provides the presenter with, for example, the queen of spades. Players will have to work hard to find one single card among those that have been carefully laid out. The fastest one wins.

At the end of the evening, invite guests to choose and approve a “godfather” by secret ballot. Be sure to have your ballots ready. It will be funny if only one voter is indicated on the ballot, who will need to be chosen.

Welcome drink
A large hall, a dance floor, on the walls there are posters with black and white pictures of New York. At the entrance there are “Wanted” posters with the faces of invited guests. Light American music of the 30s is played (you can also rock and roll, jive, blues or jazz).
On the counter there is a pile of newspapers, which are printed on yellowish paper of A3 size and larger. This is a corporate clan newspaper - several pages contain (comic) articles about the current economic and political situation, congratulations to partners who could not attend the dinner party. Message from the General Director. Funny advertisement.

I have collected this and other hit scenarios, as well as cool competitions, for you in one book, which can be bought online or in print.

Who will benefit from this book?
Presenters, event managers and simply those who want to organize an event, be it a wedding or birthday, corporate event or team building.

At the entrance to the hall there is a young girl dressed in the fashion of the 30s. After checking the invitation card (on which the password is indicated), she offers a glass of juice (but since Prohibition there is white wine in the glass). You can also take a souvenir photo against the backdrop of the “police line.” Each guest is given a picture with a logo or a board on which they can write their name in chalk.
On the table there are props for those who come dressed outside the dress code - pistols, hats, black glasses, fans, boas.
You can get a prediction for the new year by taking it out of the box.
Try your luck by betting on red or black at roulette.
At the beginning of the evening, guests will be given various secret messages written on small pieces of paper, which will contain puzzles, riddles or questions related to the theme of the party. If the message is solved, then the one who solves his message receives a prize.

A mandatory element is a suitcase with a million dollars, which is located in the most visible place so that everyone can admire it and take pictures with it; in the end, all the money won will go into it, as a payoff for Grandfather Frost. Interesting entertainment moment: making money. You can use fake dollars for this. Money is given to participants for games and competitions.
The guests take their seats.
A congratulatory word from the manager. Gentlemen - attention, the godfather will say a congratulatory word _____________________
Suddenly the lights go out and the sound of a police siren is heard. The presenter takes the microphone:
- Dons, barons and matrons! Kings and queens of the underworld! I want to officially welcome you all to our small gangster restaurant! You are running a legal business dealing in important substances. Honor your partners and eliminate your competitors. You know how to resolve controversial issues and have done a great job this year. I am sure that next year you will increase your turnover and increase your income.
Please consider today’s meeting of clans (company name) open.
Dear guests, I have sad news. The police wrapped up Father Frost, without whom the New Year cannot begin. And it is precisely to meet him that we have gathered! There are four powerful clans and its honorary dons. How can we save the New Year? How to rescue Grandfather Frost? (guests offer options, having heard - collect a ransom, the host says: Exactly!)
We have some money in our common fund, but we need more! And today we will try to collect as many greens, cashews, cabbages, and babuleriks as possible. And all this will be carried by the most worthy couple - Bonnie and Clyde, whom we will choose by secret ballot.
— As you understand, gentlemen, it’s the 1930s, and Prohibition is in force! Therefore, we cannot offer you either vodka, whiskey, or wine. But, gentlemen, we did everything possible to keep you from freezing.
— Try our “crystal clear water from Nemirovsky water sources!” Do not neglect the grape juices of Moldova, Georgia and Inkerman! We hope that our cough tinctures will be useful to the coldest people! For the superstitious - tinctures against the evil (police) eye. Help yourself!

Musical and gastronomic break
Let's warm up a little so that we can feel good and comfortable all evening. What could be the best warm-up? Dance competition! And I invite five charming girls to the stage. Girls dance to the music of the 20s Goths.
Well, the ladies showed top class. And now it’s the turn of the real gangsters. Five men take part in the competition:
"Breathe." A very simple competition is announced for mafiosi. Those who leave must inflate the balloon so that it bursts.
Toast from Pika's table. Don ______________ speaking

Musical and gastronomic break.
- Now let’s check how strong the hand and sharp eye of those who are with us today are?
(several participants are invited to the stage. Gender and age do not matter. Empty tin cans are placed at a certain distance of 3-4 m. You can shoot at them with a toy gun or throw balls at them.)
The winner will receive a Dead Eye certificate and a prize.
“Announcement” Men against women. Each team, according to the number of people, is given letters and asked riddles. Having guessed the riddle, the teams must form a word from the letters in a row.
Toast from Bubna's table. Don ____________ speaking

And it's time to dance again.
“Hot Couple” - Three couples are called: competition for the hottest dance (cut from different songs)
"Damn Bloody Mary." 2-3 participants are blindfolded, their task is to make a Bloody Mary cocktail from the prepared ingredients with the help of tips from the audience.
Toast from Kresti's table. Don ______________ speaking

Musical and gastronomic pause.
"Card Sharper" Players receive several decks of cards. They have to hide the cards on themselves. They cannot be placed in one place. When the participants have already completed the task, the presenter announces that this was just the beginning. The winner will be the one who finds and provides the presenter with, for example, the queen of spades. Players will have to work hard to find one single card among those that have been carefully laid out. The fastest one wins.
“Art Star” - eight people participate in the production of “Gangster Tale.” The most artistic one receives a diploma and all other incentive prizes.
“Outfox Prohibition.” 5 male volunteers are called and given a transparent glass with liquid poured into it and a straw. The presenter announces that 4 glasses contain water, and one contains vodka. The players' task is to drink all the liquid from the glass through a straw without others guessing what they have in their glass. Spectators must guess who had the glass of vodka. In the end, it turns out that all the players had vodka in their glasses.
Toast from the Hearts table. Don speaks _________________

Musical and gastronomic pause.
"Virtuoso of evading pursuit." We tie long threads to two machines, and pencils at their ends. Players begin to wind threads around pencils. The winner is the one who winds the entire thread faster.
Dance battle - the captain of each team sets a move, and everyone repeats it.
"Bonnie and Clyde." It's time to choose the king and queen of our evening. All ladies today are incredibly elegant, and men are gallant and brutal. But among us there are the best and brightest. We call them to this stage. (Voting results are announced)
So, we are well prepared for the ransom of Grandfather Frostbite. And we filled this suitcase with cash!!! Grandfather Frostbite is now with us again.
Disco with breaks for toasts.

Additional competitions for the gangster party:

"Card Sharper"
We give participants a deck of cards and ask them to quickly hide it on themselves, not just the whole deck at once, but several pieces and in different places - in their pockets, in shoes, behind the collar, in a hat, in a sleeve. When the participants have carefully and securely hidden the entire deck, ask them to quickly find and show the king of clubs, for example. Now the participants will have to pull out the entire hidden deck one by one in search of one card. Whoever shows it first is the winner!

“An experienced shooter is a clever thief!”
We are holding a shooting competition, shooting from a pistol with pellet balls at plastic cups. Each cup contains a crumpled fake dollar with a color written on it. when the participant knocks down the target, the presenter takes the bill out of the cup and names the color indicated on it. Less accurate shooters are eliminated. The rest, having decided on the color, go to work. Their goal is to “rob” the guests by getting three things of the specified color from them. Whichever participant, in addition to a sharp eye, also has nimble fingers, wins.

"Criminal Couple"
Couples participate in the game. Participants need to be handcuffed to each other (at worst, their hands tied with rope). We give each couple a bottle of alcoholic drink and a bright ribbon. The point of the game is this: the friends of the hero of the occasion (that is, the Godfather) escaped from prison to congratulate the hero of the day. And they have a gift, they just need to package it accordingly. The task of the criminal friends is to tie a ribbon on the bottle with a bow. With your hands tied, the task is quite difficult. Once the gift is “wrapped”, it is given to the recipient. And the couple that did it the fastest is declared the most skillful.

"Count the gangster's common fund."
A gangster party revolves around money. There is money in the bank; whoever can spot it by eye wins.

"Money smells".
Every decent gangster has a nose for money and the best one will accurately identify currency blindfolded.

"Secret Spy".
For each of the teams, the leader thinks of a certain phrase, which, with the help of gestures, one of the team players must show so that the team guesses as quickly as possible. Speed ​​and artistry are assessed (the winner receives 300 USD; third place receives 200 USD; the rest receive 100 USD)

"Criminal Couple" is the best couple of a gangster party. In pairs, participants are handcuffed to each other (you can simply tie their hands with a rope). Each couple is given a bottle of whiskey (can be accompanied by tea, of course) and a ribbon. The task is to tie a ribbon on the bottle with a bow. It's not that easy to do when your arms are strapped down. Those who tied must immediately present the “gift” to the heroes of the occasion. Whoever is faster wins (the winner receives 300 USD, third place receives 200 USD, the rest receive 100 USD)

Musical break. Guests are invited to dance a little. The captains of their teams gather their “gang” and the one that dances more synchronously receives points (the winner receives 300 USD, the third place receives 200 USD and the rest receives 100 USD)

Teams are participating. A captain is selected for each team. Teams sit opposite each other, participants take off one shoe or shoe at a time and throw it into the center in one pile. At this time, the captains stand with their backs to the teams. After the teams take off their shoes, the captains must put their shoes on as soon as possible. The winner is the team that is the first to be completely shod again. To complicate the task, you can add extra shoes to the pile (the winner gets $300, the third place gets $200, the rest get $100 each)

Teams, having accumulated enough money, can now bargain at the auction and buy themselves certain goods (all team prizes, sets of all kinds of souvenirs, sweets and cash prizes, etc.).


“Solo - Star” - 5 songs to choose from. According to the general recommendation, 3-5 people are called and each has the opportunity to sing a verse.

“Art Star” - eight people participate in the production of “Gangster Tale”. How is the production going? It’s very simple, the presenter reads the text of the fairy tale, and the participants depict the actions of the characters according to the text. The most artistic one receives a diploma and all other incentive prizes.

I have collected this script and other hit scripts, as well as cool competitions, for you in one book, which you can buy online or in print.

This is a separate world

Chicago is still considered the cultural and economic capital of the Midwest of the United States of America. It is lovingly called the “City of the Winds”, and sometimes also the “Second City”, without specifying, however, which one is meant by the first. This is a special world that attracts attention across time and space.

The thirties in America were romantic times, when, on the one hand, alcohol and entertainment establishments were prohibited, and on the other, life was in full swing, but everything happened under the cover of secrecy, which only added extravagance and attractiveness. The Great Depression openly coexisted with chic and glitz.

The war between the mafia and the police, love and blood, rhymed by life itself, and not by a bad poet, sophistication, devotion, deception and retribution, the sweetness of forbidden fruits - this is the atmosphere of that time, separated from us - just think! - for three quarters of a century.

The past years hide everything negative, and today, having forgotten about the tragic side, we enjoy the romance of those years and the blood-stirring images of anti-heroes, which we ourselves sometimes don’t mind trying on at a themed party.

Chicago... What are your associations?

If you are hosting or invited to a 1930s Chicago themed party, what are the first association words that come to mind? Mafia, gangsters, prohibition, casino.

If you think a little, you will add:

  • shootouts;
  • bank robberies;
  • cancan;
  • jazz;
  • movie stars;
  • money and jewelry;
  • weapon;
  • global crisis...

We will build on these ideas when preparing our special holiday, so that the expectations of the majority of guests are fully justified.

So, ladies and gentlemen, we invite you to plunge into the exciting world of the “Windy City”, experiencing the eternal appeal of retro!

Invitations “to the circle of the chosen ones”

Invitations need to be taken care of first, because they must be given to guests in advance. It takes time to choose a suitable suit, so it is advisable to deliver the invitations at least a couple of weeks before the gangster party.

Invitations should match the chosen style and help guests get into the holiday atmosphere. In addition to information about the time and location of the event, be sure to indicate the dress code requirements, and you can also add short information about the features of the “golden age” of the mafia.

It will be much more interesting if the text itself is not trivial and standard, compose it based on the characteristics of the party, for example:

“Dear Don Vittorio (your guest’s name in a gangster style)!

Mr. Johnny and Mrs. Katie Ivanoff (changed names of the owners) have the honor of inviting you to a gathering of the most influential gangsters of our city under the guise of a holiday party. We are waiting for you at the appointed place as soon as the clock strikes 18 times. Don't forget your hat and don't bring your tail. Password: “Is this where they pour strong tea?”

We offer you to download a couple of ready-made invitation forms. And .

Designing invitations opens up space for creativity:

How to pass the dress code. Choosing a costume for a gangster party

To successfully transform into a resident of the Second City during the Great Depression, you must first choose for yourself the image of a person from those distant years.

Old films are good for inspiration: “Once Upon a Time in America”, “Some Like It Hot”, as well as the musical “Chicago” are nice to re-watch for the hundredth time.

Look options for men

1. Charming gangster. The most common image of a party in the style of “Chicago 30s”. Gangsters at that time dictated fashion, or rather, they were its brightest representatives; they were described as “polished”, “sleek”, “brilliant”, “brand new”. It was this style of clothing that gave rise to the term “tired elegance.” If you want to become a charming villain for an evening, pay attention to the costume and hairstyle.

Worth wearing:

  • classic suit: two or three noble, restrained colors: brown, black, milky, beige, dark blue;
  • a hat with a not very large brim;
  • patent leather pointed shoes;
  • not required, but a tie of a calm, non-flashy color is possible (preferably narrow or “butterfly”);
  • Gaiters combined with snow-white socks will add a special chic.


  • White gloves;
  • cane;
  • folded umbrella-cane;
  • pocket watch;
  • a rose in the buttonhole of a jacket;
  • cigarette case;
  • cigar;
  • model of any weapon: revolver or Thomson machine gun.

If your hair is not cut very short, comb it back using styling gel.

In no case don't wear:

  • no things of variegated, flashy colors;
  • neckerchief;
  • sweatshirt, sweater, jeans;
  • sports style clothes.

2. Trump ace. Rich representatives of the Chicago elite are business people, bank tycoons, stockbrokers, handling millions. They simply radiate respectability, good quality, elegance, making an indelible impression at first glance.

They will not hesitate to demonstrate their ability to pay with an expensive suit, a silk tie, or an accidentally sparkling diamond on their finger. Gangsters sought to merge with this class, and in many ways they succeeded, so many elements of their appearance will be common.

Worth wearing:

  • the same elements as for the gangster costume;
  • you can replace the suit with a black tuxedo with shiny satin lapels;
  • In addition to dark colors, a narrow vertical black and white stripe is acceptable.


  • the same as gangsters, except for the obvious display of weapons;
  • stacks of dollars in a wallet or just in a pocket;
  • a corner of a snow-white scarf or a notebook with a gold edge protruding from the breast pocket;
  • ring with a diamond, real or fake.
  • everything that is not recommended for gangsters (above);
  • shirts in pink, yellow, orange and other “non-protocol” colors;
  • no avant-garde style things;
  • a gold chain around the neck (a pocket watch is possible), earrings in the ear.

3. Reporter, newspaperman. Chicago's nightlife was consistently rich in money for press people who weren't afraid to stick their noses in. As a rule, they could not boast of great wealth, but they were crafty, cunning, and knew how to always get away with it and at the same time get hold of “fried” facts from the life of gangsters and the nouveau riche.

Worth wearing:

  • trousers and shirt in calm colors;
  • pants should be held with suspenders, not hidden under a jacket;
  • instead of suspenders, a vest is possible;
  • tweed jacket a couple of sizes too large;
  • cap a little askew.


  • notepad and pen (can be interviewed);
  • camera on a tripod.

Do not under any circumstances wear:

  • everything that is contrary to the era and is not recommended for other images;
  • sneakers, shorts, T-shirts;
  • narrow hats, bandanas.

If there are teenage boys at the party, the image of a reckless newsboy will suit them perfectly. The attribute is a stack of newspapers that can be distributed or sold to those present. Duty lines: “A terrible murder in Chicago” A terrible showdown on Bond Street! Horrible profits for liquor suppliers!”

4. Police officer. Of course, a policeman has nothing to do at a secret gathering of gangsters, but what if it ends in a raid? If you can find a costume that resembles a Chicago cop's uniform, then why not? You definitely won't go unnoticed!

5. cabaret artist. If you want brightness, choose the image of a dancer: but remember that professional skills are required. For an example, look again at popular musicals like “Chicago” or “Cabaret.”

6. Black jazzman. This image is suitable if you want to shock others or even remain unrecognized and are not afraid of makeup. Try on Louis Armstrong's laurels along with a snow-white suit and pointed boots, and pick up a guitar or a good old saxophone.

Look options for women

In contrast to the diversity of men's images, girls of the 30s, no matter who they were, preferred to look in approximately the same style. In the history of fashion it is called “Chicago style”. Decide for yourself which of the fair half of the Windy City you will personify:

  • gangster's girlfriend;
  • jazz singer;
  • cabaret dancer;
  • the owner of a popular establishment;
  • movie star;
  • banker's wife.

All of them are distinguished by true glamor, which appeared even before this term came into use by fashionable couturiers.

The outfits of women of these times reflect the first fruits of emancipation, which did not have time to cancel and devalue the eternal mystery of femininity.

Icons of this style from which the image can be copied are Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe, Greta Garbo, Emma Fitzgerald.

Worth wearing:

  • a rectangular dress with a low waist, knee-length or floor-length;
  • tight-fitting silhouette, neckline, bare back;
  • a loose or tight-fitting skirt, not necessarily the same color as the top;
  • materials that look expensive and presentable: satin, velvet, silk;
  • dark colors: black, burgundy, night sky color, purple; white or cream possible;
  • abundant decor: rhinestones, sequins, fringe, beads, sparkles, mesh, lace, etc.;
  • stockings with an imitation seam at the back or in a large mesh;
  • shoes with medium heels and a round toe.


  • long strands of pearls or other beads;
  • long mouthpiece (even if you don't smoke);
  • clutch bag;
  • fan;
  • long gloves covering the elbows (with short sleeves);
  • a feather boa, a boa or a stole made of fur.

Headdress, hairstyle, makeup

At that time, a lady could not appear in public without a hat: a small “tablet”, perhaps with a veil, or a wide-brimmed one. She could also decorate her lovely head with an exquisite turban, flowers, a ribbon with sparkles, and a large feather.

The hairstyle should be elegant and well-groomed. Negligence is unacceptable: you will have to devote time and attention to it. Hair needs to be styled “hair to hair” using gel or hairspray, and large “cold” waves or curls should be formed. If there is a parting, it should be oblique. A radically short haircut is not a hindrance to matching the style, the main thing is to do a high-quality styling.

Makeup included an emphasis on both the eyes and the lips: dark shadows with clear arrows on the eyelids, black mascara on the eyelashes, scarlet or wine-colored lipstick on the lips. No pastel or pearl shades. The face is not rouged, an interesting pallor is preferred.

Do not under any circumstances wear:

  • revealing mini;
  • trousers, shorts, jeans;
  • sports style clothing;
  • clothes with several color combinations;
  • sandals, sneakers, artsy shoes;
  • fitted dresses with a modern cut.

Decorating a hall for a gangster party

The room should also be brought closer to the chosen style. If you are renting a room, choose one with massive, representative furniture in dark colors, preferably with round tables.

If you are transforming your home, you do not need to strive to literally follow the fashion of that era: you will not replace your furniture with retro pieces.

You can create the spirit of Chicago with a few significant touches:


Everyone should have not only amazing impressions of the “Chicago 30s” party, but also unique photographs. If you have decorated the room in accordance with the tips above, then you already have a background for photos!

But there are a few more classic ideas for a photo shoot at a gangster party, and we present them to your attention:

  • “Shooting with a linear scale” is what professionals call photography against the backdrop of a prison stadiometer. Print rulers with height marks on a light background, prepare a number written on cardboard (you can hold it in your hands or hang it around your neck). According to the requirements of the prison photographer, such photos must be taken in profile and full face.
  • Traditional “Wanted” looks interesting not only as posters on the walls, but also as a photo background if the middle is cut out so that a face can be placed there.
  • A panorama of Chicago at night in the form of a printed poster or photo wallpaper, with the skill of the photographer, will become a magnificent background for a photo.
  • A gangster car can be cut out of a large sheet of packaging cardboard (covered with film ordered from a printing house). Anyone can “get behind the wheel” of a retro car and capture this moment.
  • Photo with weapons. If you rent a rifle or a model of a Thompson machine gun, then the photographer will definitely have a lot of male clients!
  • It will also be very interesting to take a photo next to a gangster or movie star in the form of flat cardboard figures.

Such photo zone design can be rented from specialized companies.

Musical surroundings

For constant sound, choose your favorite compositions from the films “The Godfather”, “Pulp Fiction”, “Gangster City”, “Once Upon a Time in America”, etc. or any foreign jazz.

For the dance part, melodies of Charleston, rock and roll, foxtrot and, of course, fiery Argentine tango are suitable.


The feast should not be too plentiful: after all, those were the times of the Great Depression, when brilliance and external chic coexisted with severity and simplicity. In addition, the gangsters were not going to eat, but mainly to treat themselves to illegal alcohol and solve their pressing issues.

Let there be canapés and tartlets on the table; pizza could be an excellent option.

The highlight of the table will be disguised alcoholic drinks: in those days they were served under the guise of tea, coffee, and juices. Since Prohibition is one of the main features of Chicago in the 1930s, do not place glasses or glasses on the table.

The following options for serving whiskey, vermouth, various balms and other strong drinks are possible:

  • in a teapot or coffee pot, and pour into cups, respectively;
  • bottles are disguised in loaves of bread, poured “under the counter”;
  • alcohol is poured into juice and lemonade bottles, the labels only hint at the contents of “Godfather’s Tincture”, “Very Strong Lemonade”, “Grandfather Corleone Juice”, etc.;
  • do not hide bottles of alcohol, but re-label them, replacing them with lemonade and milk bottles;
  • You can use bottles of potions and other medicines (even ink bottles were used in those days!).

How to have fun at a gangster party

And let us quote again: “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,” that is, gambling and shootouts, as well as music and light cigar smoke (it is not recommended to smoke in the halls, but you can disguise electronic cigarettes with corrugated brown paper)…

Modern parties dictate a different set of entertainment, so let the style and atmosphere of those exciting times be preserved! Here are several entertainment options for a wide range of tastes that can be adapted to any company.

It will be more interesting if, for winning competitions, you give guests special “money” or chips from your personal casino, with which they can “purchase” memorable prizes and souvenirs at the end of the evening. Among them may be small bottles of alcohol (with the labels re-taped), a cigarette case, a deck of cards, a flask disguised in a book or loaf, cinema tickets for a film about gangsters, etc.

Casino for rent.

Now this service can be ordered from various companies specializing in outdoor entertainment. A table for roulette or other gambling games, a charming croupier who easily explains the rules to guests, will be at your disposal throughout the evening.

Gangster nicknames. As we know from films and books, gangsters and their girlfriends called themselves fictitious names. Invite your guests to come up with a name for themselves! It will be even more interesting if the guest writes an invented nickname on paper and puts it in one of the hats (separately for men and women), and then a nickname is pulled out at random for each guest.

Let your friends call each other Old Doc, Little Johnny, Big Carlito or Black Thomson for one evening, and let the girls call you Julie the Beast, Red Sophie, Little Mary or Jane the Golden Fingers. The entertainment part of the scenario should begin with this game.

War of clans.

First, you need to divide your guests into two or three “families”: to do this, everyone must pull a note, a ball of a certain color or marked bills out of a hat. Then you can hold any team competitions. For example, “intellectual shootout”: take turns remembering the names of films of the gangster era or simply films about gangsters, criminals and mafiosi. It will be even more effective if the presenter accompanies each answer with the sound of a gunshot.

Those who cannot remember are eliminated, the clan that fired its last “shot” wins. “Shootout” can last a long time, because there are many such films: “Some Like It Hot”, “Chicago”, “Once Upon a Time in America”, “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels”, “The Godfather”, “Octopus”...


A deck of cards is distributed to guests, they must hide the received cards on themselves. The presenter, the “dealer,” names a card that needs to be found and placed on the table as quickly as possible. Of course, you need accompanying music.

“Hide the cash register.”

On the table is a suitcase with stolen dollars. You need to hide as many bills as possible on yourself, because in 1 minute a raid is coming! The one who can hide the most money will win.


If you provide your guests with a weapon that shoots plastic bullets or suction cups, you can place plastic cups as a target and put a bill in each. The one who shoots down the target takes the winnings. You can also shoot at targets depicting police officers.

“Only girls in jazz.”

Using the provided accessories, the girls need to disguise two young men. There will be a lot of laughter, and the photos will be stunning! Don't forget the saxophone and double bass (cardboard models work great).

Let's ruin the bootlegger.

Bootleggers - smugglers who secretly deliver alcohol - hid part of the goods in this very room! And then we organize a quest to find the treasured bottles (using a pre-drawn map, riddles or notes with directions).

Catch the offender.

One person plays a policeman, the rest each receive a plastic cup and straw. All the glasses contain water, and one of them contains prohibited alcohol! Everyone drinks, and the policeman must identify the offender by appearance.

A gift for Don.

A prisoner escaped from prison to attend his "godfather's" celebration. He didn’t even have time to take off the handcuffs, but he still had time to wrap the gift. Put fake handcuffs on the participant or tie their hands, and they must tie a ribbon bow on the gift box. It's very difficult! Or you can make a speed game if there are several prisoners, and everyone tries to give Don a gift first.

“I heard, I understood, I did.”

The presenter, accompanied by music, speaks words in different orders, to which the participants must react accordingly with gestures or actions: “Lady” - raise your hat, “Pharaoh” - grab a weapon, “Roundup” - turn away with the look of “I have nothing to do with it.” The words are spoken at different tempos to confuse the players.


One or two trained participants stage a “robbery” of the guests (or a “police search”). The selected items are put into a suitcase. Then they will be played for forfeits.

Don ordered!

This is a type of forfeit game. The Godfather (mafia Don) is chosen by voting (pieces of paper are thrown into a hat). Then the newly minted Don assigns forfeits to be performed by the guests.

Passionate cigar.

The loving gangsters must roll a "cigar" out of a hundred dollar bill on their lady's thigh, then the lady inserts it into her cigarette holder and lights it. The winner was the one whose lady started “smoking” first.

Find the master key.

Players are given a lock and a set of keys. The task is to find the key as quickly as possible. If possible, lock the boxes with these locks - “safes” in which the prize will lie.

Tango with a rose.

An idea played out in many gangster films: a fiery Argentine tango with a rose in the mouth, passed on to the partner during the dance. Cut the rose's thorns in advance and have your camera ready!

And, of course, the most appropriate game at a mafia-style party would be the popularly loved game of “Mafia” itself. Its rules have long been known: roles are assigned, and you need to guess who is who. At night, the “mafia” kills “civilians”, and the “commissar” hunts the mafiosi themselves. In the morning, the presenter reveals the results of the “night murders”, and the clarification of secret relationships begins.

You can make cards for the game yourself, and often just playing cards are used: the ace of spades represents the Don, the jack of hearts the commissar, the black suit the mafia, and the red suit civilians.

The simplest thing is to buy a game in advance, which will have a set of cards and detailed rules for neophytes.

The finale is a relaxing one, with drinks, toasts, jazz and a group photo, Al Capone and His Crew style.

Our tips will help you organize a holiday that will leave your guests with the best impressions and will be remembered for a long time as extraordinary, exciting, stunning. After all, experiences are treasures that cannot be taken away by any robbery!

What better way to immerse yourself in the right atmosphere than a video of a party in the style of Chicago 20-30? Watch the video below, you will probably like it. And think about whether you should make a similar video about your holiday... Fortunately, finding a cameraman is not a problem these days.