Socks-sneakers for men. Women's sneakers-slippers, knitted with knitting needles. How to knit sneaker socks with knitting needles description

Dimensions: 30(38)46

You will need: yarn Novita 7 Veljesta (75% wool, 25% polyamide, 100M/50 g)-100(100)150 g red (549) or black (099) 50 g white (011) sock needles No. 4, Novita Virkkauslankaa yarn ( 100% mercerized cotton, 550 m/100 g) - remains of white (011) and red (542) colors, hook No. 1.75, laces 90 (100) 100 cm long.

Elastic band 2x2: knit alternately 2 persons. p. and 2 p. P.

Facial surface: persons rows of faces. loops, purl rows of faces only. loops; when knitting in the round only faces. loops.

Knitting density: 18 sts x 26 rows = 10x10 cm.

Using red or black thread, cast on 36(44)52 stitches, distribute the stitches onto 4 needles, 9(11)13 stitches on each needle. Change row between 1st and 4th needles. Work in the round with 2x2 rib, starting with k1. p., 2 p. p. (1 purl. p.), 1 persons. p., 2 p. P.

At a height of 10(11)12 cm, begin knitting the heel. To do this, knit only the loops of the 1st and 4th needles = 18 (22) 26 stitches, set aside the remaining loops. Knit faces. stitch in straight and reverse rows for a total of 13 (17) 21 sts. Then begin to perform heel decreases as follows: in knits. knit faces in a row. loops until 6 (7) 8 stitches remain until the end of the row, knit the next 2 stitches together. broaching (= slip 1 stitch as knit, knit 1 knit stitch and pull it through the slipped loop). Turn the work around. Slip 1 stitch as knit, knit 6(8)10 purl. p. and 2 p. together purl. Turn the work around. Slip 1 stitch as knit, knit. loops until 5 (6) 7 stitches remain until the end of the row, knit 2 stitches together. broaching Turn the work Continue decreasing the loops in this way until only the middle 8 (10) 12 sts remain on the knitting needles. Divide these loops into 2 knitting needles of 4 (5) 6 sts each. After this, cast on 9 evenly along the left edge of the heel on the 1st knitting needle (12) 16 p., on the same knitting needle, remove the loops of the left side of the heel, then knit the loops of the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles as follows: k4. p., *p2 n., 2 persons. n.* repeat *-* 1 (2) 3 times, 2 p. p. and 4 persons. sts. Then on the 4th needle, cast on 9 (12) 16 sts along the right edge of the heel + remove the loops on the right side of the heel = 44 (56) 70 sts. Continue knitting on all loops in the round. satin stitch

At the same time, tie the instep wedge. To do this, knit 2 sts together at the end of the 1st knitting needle, and knit 2 sts together at the beginning of the 4th knitting needle. broaching Repeat such decreases in every 2nd row until 9 (11) 13 stitches remain on each knitting needle. Then knit without decreases to the desired length of the foot (until the little toe is closed).

After this, start knitting the toe. To do this, knit all the face loops. satin stitch with white thread, knitting 2 stitches together at the end of the 1st and 3rd knitting needles, and knitting 2 stitches together at the beginning of the 2nd and 4th knitting needles. broaching Perform such decreases in every 2nd row until 5 (6) 7 stitches remain on each knitting needle. Next, perform decreases in each row until only 8 stitches remain. Cut the thread, pull off the remaining loops with the end of the thread and fasten.
Assembly: thread the lace through the loops of the sock as shown in the photo. When knitting red and white socks, crochet 2 circles as follows: with white thread, cast on a chain of 6 chains. p., close the ring half-st. Dial 3 air. lifting point. 1st row in the center of the ring, knit 16 tbsp. Knit the 2nd row with single stitches, doubling every 2nd st = 24 sts. 3rd row 1 dc. p., "knit 1 st b/n, in the next st of the previous row knit 2 st b/n* repeat *-* until the end of the row = 36 sts 4th row * 6 chain stitches, skip 2 sts of the previous row, 1 half stitch * repeat *-* 11 times. Cut the thread, fasten. When knitting black and white socks, crochet 2 white and red circles as follows: with a white thread, cast on a chain of 6 chain stitches, close the ring with a chain stitch. . lifting. 1st row in the center of the ring, knit 18 sts. 2nd row knit with stitches, doubling every 2nd st = 27 sts. 3rd row knit with stitches, doubling every 4- th st = 36 sts 4th row knit with red thread 1 st, * 3 sts, 2 sts in the next st of the previous row * repeat *-* until the end of the row, close the row half st = 45 sts Knit the 5th row with white thread in single stitches, doubling every 5th stitch = 54 stitches. Cut the thread, fasten. In the middle of the circle, perform embroidery with red thread, as shown in the photo. Sew the circles to the sides of the socks.

Master class on how to knit “sneakers”:

Abbreviations used:
circle.r. - circular row
decrease to the left = 2 sts. knit together with a broach: slip 1 st as knit, knit the next st. and pull it through the removed st.
VP - air loop
ss - connecting post
sc - single crochet
dc - double crochet

How to knit sneakers-slippers.
We knit a cuff.

On stocking needles No. 3, cast on 48 sts for sizes 35-39 and (56 sts for sizes 40-44) and distribute them onto 4 knitting needles, 12 (14) sts on each.
Knit 10 circles. with a 1x1 elastic band, so that you are left with a strip of 4 faces. on the back of the cuff and a strip of 2 faces. on the front of the cuff, i.e.:
1st needle: knit 2, x5 (x6)
2nd spoke: x6 (x7)
3rd spoke: x6 (x7)
4th needle: x5 (x6), k2.

For next 13th circle:
- continue knitting the front as before, and make 2 vertical stripes from the back. p., next way:
1st needle: k2, p1, k9. (11 persons)
2nd needle: knit 2, x5 (x6)
3rd needle: x5 (x6), k2.
4th needle: knit 9. (knit 11), purl 1, knit 2.

We knit the heel.
Knit 1 more round. and then move all the loops from the 1st knitting needle to the 4th, then knit only on these loops.
Turn the work, in each row remove the 1st stitch unknitted, knit 24 (28) rows of faces. in satin stitch, continuing to knit vertical stripes. across the entire heel.

Heel turn.
Remove 1 stitch and knit. stitch up to 7 (9) stitches on the left, decrease to the left and turn your work.
Remove 1 stitch and knit. stitch up to 7 (9) stitches on the left, 2 purl. together, turn your work around.
Remove 1 stitch and knit. stitch up to 6 (8) stitches on the left, decrease to the left and turn your work.
Continue in this manner until 12 stitches remain.

Knit 1 more row on these 12 stitches (slip 1 stitch, k11).
Using a free needle, pick up 13 (15) stitches along the heel and knit them behind the back wall.
Continue knitting with an elastic band on the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles, as before, knitting the outer stitch together with a loop of raised 13 (15) stitches until they end.
Divide 12 stitches of the heel in half, into the 4th and 1st needles, 6+6.

Continue knitting in stockinette stitch on the 1st and 4th needles, and in ribbed stitch on the 2nd and 3rd needles, as before (until the toe decreases)
Make decreases for the toe at the end of the 1st needle (knit 2 together) and at the beginning of the 4th (decrease to the left) in each row until 12 (14) stitches remain on the left on each needle.

Start shaping the toe when, at the desired length, the cuff and little toe are completely hidden.

We knit the toe.
1st and 3rd knitting needles: knit. before last 3 p., 2 knits. together, 1 persons.
2nd and 4th knitting needles: knit 1, decrease to the left, knit. all remaining items
Decrease in every 2nd round until 7 (8) stitches remain on each needle, then decrease in every round. When there are 2 stitches left on each knitting needle, cut the thread and pull it through the remaining loops, tighten it well and secure it from the inside out.

Trims with holes for laces.
Make strips in the front (top) part of the sock. Pick up every 2nd stitch along the edge of the beginning of the elastic band, starting from the cuff to the toe.

Knit 4 rows. satin stitch Let's start knitting faces. R. (one bar from the cuff to the toe, the other bar from the toe to the cuff).
Row with holes: *K2. together, yarn over, 2 persons.*
Knit 1 more purl row. and close all loops.

Tie 2 laces approx. 140 cm.
Cast on 2 stitches on a stocking needle. Knit knit stitches, passing the thread through the work, starting from the first loop, continue to the desired length, approx. 140 cm.

Using a hook (or needle, chain stitch) sew decorative stripes on the back of the sock and along the edges of the strips.

We knit the sole of the sneaker slippers with knitting needles.
Notes: yarn overs are needed for the holes in the sole.

For size 35-36
On stocking needles No. 3.5, cast on 8 sts and knit 93 rows in stocking stitch, next. way:
Row 1: K8. (then always remove the 1st stitch undone)
Row 2: K3. (i.e. remove 1 stitch, knit 2), yarn over, knit 2, yarn over, knit 3.
Rows 3-4: knit all.
Row 5: K3, yo, k4, yo, k3.
Rows 6-17: knit all.
Row 18: K4, yo, k4, yo, k4.
Rows 19-31: knit all.
Row 32: K4, yo, k6, yo, k4.
Rows 33-45: knit all.
Row 46: K4, yo, k8, yo, k4.
Rows 47-56: knit all.

Rows 58-79: knit all.
Row 80: K1, K2. together, 14 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 81-82: knit all.
Row 83: K1, k2. together, 12 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 84-85: knit all.
Row 86: K1, k2. together, 10 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 87-88: knit all.
Row 89: K1, k2. together, 8 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 90-91: knit all.
Row 92: K1, k2. together, 6 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Row 93: knit all, bind off sts.

We knit the sides of the sole
Check the diagram on the right to see how many stitches to pick up from the edge of the sole. Knit with white yarn. Knit 7 rows. Knit purl. all toe and knit stitches. rest. Start by moving all toe stitches (13+10+13) onto one needle to get a neater look.

For size 37-38
On stocking needles No. 3.5, cast on 8 stitches and knit 98 rows in stocking stitch, next. way:

Rows 3-4: knit all.

Rows 6-18: knit all.
Row 19: K4, yo, k5, yo, k4.
Rows 20-33: knit all.
Row 34: K4, yo, k7, yo, k4.
Rows 35-48: knit all.
Row 49: K4, yo, k9, yo, k4.
Rows 50-60: knit all.
Row 61: K4, yo, k11, yo, k4.
Rows 62-84: knit all.
Row 85: K1, k2. together, 15 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 86-87: knit all.
Row 88: K1, k2. together, 13 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 89-90: knit all.
Row 91: K1, k2. together, 11 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 92-93: knit all.
Row 94: K1, k2. together, 9 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 95-96: knit all.
Row 97: K1, k2. together, 7 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Row 98: knit all, bind off stitches.

We knit the sides of the sole
Check the diagram on the right to see how many stitches to pick up from the edge of the sole. Knit with white yarn. Knit 7 rows. Knit purl. all toe and knit stitches. rest. Start by moving all toe sts (14+10+14) onto one needle to get a neater look.
Close the loops without tightening them with black thread.
You can use a hook to pick up the toe and heel loops.

For size 39-40
On stocking needles No. 3.5, cast on 8 sts and knit 103 rows in stocking stitch, next. way:
Row 1: K9. (then always remove the 1st stitch undone)
Row 2: K3. (i.e. remove 1 stitch, knit 2), yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 3.
Rows 3-4: knit all.
Row 5: K3, yo, k5, yo, k3.
Rows 6-19: knit all.
Row 20: K4, yo, k5, yo, k4.
Rows 21-35: knit all.
Row 36: K4, yo, k7, yo, k4.
Rows 37-51: knit all.
Row 52: K4, yo, k9, yo, k4.
Rows 53-64: knit all.
Row 65: K4, yo, k11, yo, k4.
Rows 66-89: knit all.
Row 90: K1, k2. together, 15 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 91-92: knit all.
Row 93: K1, k2. together, 13 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 94-95: knit all.
Row 96: K1, k2. together, 11 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 97-98: knit all.
Row 99: K1, k2. together, 9 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 100-101: knit all.
Row 102: K1, k2. together, 7 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Row 103: knit all, bind off stitches

We knit the sides of the sole
Check the diagram on the right to see how many stitches to pick up from the edge of the sole. Knit with white yarn. Knit 7 rows. Knit purl. all toe and knit stitches. rest. Start by moving all the toe sts (15+10+15) onto one needle to get a neater look.
Close the loops without tightening them with black thread.
You can use a hook to pick up the toe and heel loops.

For size 41-42
On stocking needles No. 3.5, cast on 8 stitches and knit 108 rows in stocking stitch, next. way:

Rows 4-5: knit all.

Rows 7-22: knit all.
Row 23: K4, yo, k6, yo, k4.
Rows 24-38: knit all.
Row 39: K4, yo, k8, yo, k4.
Rows 40-54: knit all.
Row 55: K4, yo, k10, yo, k4.
Rows 55-67: knit all.
Row 68: K4, yo, k12, yo, k4.
Rows 69-92: knit all.
Row 93: K1, k2. together, 16 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 94-95: knit all.
Row 96: K1, k2. together, 14 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 97-98: knit all.
Row 99: K1, k2. together, 12 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 100-101: knit all.
Row 102: K1, k2. together, 10 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 103-104: knit all.
Row 105: K1, K2. together, 8 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 106-107: knit all.
Row 108: K1, K2. together, 6 persons., 2 persons. together, knit 1, bind off sts.

We knit the sides of the sole
Close the loops without tightening them with black thread.
You can use a hook to pick up the toe and heel loops.

For size 43-44
On stocking needles No. 3.5, cast on 8 sts and knit 113 rows in stocking stitch, next. way:
Row 1: K10. (then always remove the 1st stitch undone)
Row 2: knit all. (i.e. remove 1 stitch, knit 9)
Row 3: K3, yo, k4, yo, k3.
Rows 4-5: knit all.
Row 6: K3, yo, k6, yo, k3.
Rows 7-23: knit all.
Row 24: K4, yo, k6, yo, k4.
Rows 25-40: knit all.
Row 41: K4, yo, k8, yo, k4.
Rows 42-56: knit all.
Row 57: K4, yo, k10, yo, k4.
Rows 58-69: knit all.
Row 70: K4, yo, k12, yo, k4.
Rows 71-81: knit all.
Row 82: K4, yo, k14, yo, k4.
Rows 83-97: knit all.
Row 98: K1, k2. together, 18 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 99-100: knit all.
Row 101: K1, K2. together, 16 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 102-103: knit all.
Row 104: K1, k2. together, 14 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 105-106: knit all.
Row 107: K1, K2. together, 12 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 108-109: knit all.
Row 110: K1, K2. together, 10 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
Rows 111-112: knit all.
Row 113: K1, k2. together, 8 persons., 2 persons. together, knit 1, bind off sts.

We knit the sides of the sole
Check the diagram on the right to see how many stitches to pick up from the edge of the sole. Knit with white yarn. Knit 7 rows. Knit purl. all toe and knit stitches. rest. Start by moving all the toe stitches (16+10+16) onto one needle to get a neater look.
Close the loops without tightening them with black thread.
You can use a hook to pick up the toe and heel loops.

In the photo, the toe loops are on three knitting needles, but for a more accurate result, it is better to transfer the loops to one knitting needle.

Crochet or embroider with black thread a stripe along the sides of the slipper and around the heel.

We knit the white tip of the slipper, knit. satin stitch
Turn the sole out. side towards you and lift 4 sts in the center of the toe, behind the white jumpers. You will see them on the back of the black rim.

4 purl, then skip one (from the rim), pick up a new stitch from the rim and knit it purl, turn the work.
Now remove the first stitch, k4, skip a stitch from the rim and pick up a new stitch, as you did before, knit it. and turn the work around. Remove the 1st p.p., etc. until you have 2 pcs left. n. on each side of the rim. Close the loops. Don't cut the thread...

To finish, tie a ss crochet around the tip of the slipper, as shown in the photo.

We knit a decorative badge.
Crochet 4 ch and join into a ss circle.
1st row: 2 ch instep and 14 dc in circle, ss in 2nd ch instep.
2nd row: 1 ch rise, * 2 sc in next. p., 1 sc in next. p.*, repeat from * to * until the end of the row, ss in ch rise.
Cut the thread.
Using black thread and a needle, embroider a star as shown in the photo.

Stuff the sock, for example, with plastic bags, put slippers on top and attach it to the sock with pins. Then sew along the black decorative stripes using black thread and small stitches. Also use white thread to sew on the toe trim.

Knitted sneakers-slippers are ready!

Sneakers have long been ingrained in the wardrobe of every modern girl and can safely be called a classic. The secret of their popularity is their versatility and convenience. They can be easily combined with both regular jeans and light sundresses due to the variety of styles and materials used for their manufacture. You can add a unique pair of shoes to your wardrobe without much expense by knitting sneaker slippers; the diagram and description will help with this.

Materials for work

Three types of matching yarn. If you want to get slippers in classic colors, then choose a calm combination, for example, blue, white and black. If you want extravagant brightness, a combination of acidic colors with white or black is perfect.

The amount of yarn you will need is small, 50 grams with a thread length of 60 m. Also select a hook to tie the sole. Five knitting needles for basic knitting. Chalk or felt-tip pen for marking.

And the material for the sole. If you are making insoles and soles yourself, then you first need to trace a sample taken from another shoe along the contour, and then carefully cut the blank along the contour. Along the perimeter of the part, at a distance of about 1 centimeter from the edge and at the same distance from each other, make holes for sewing on the sole.

The master class provides a detailed description of how to make sneakers and provides several diagrams.

Knitting the base

Whatever material you choose for the sole, you will first have to knit the base of our slippers from the warp yarn. Let's look at how to do this in more detail.

We will knit the insole only with facial stitches. To start knitting, cast on 6 stitches and knit the outer stitches in stockinette stitch. We knit 7 rows like this. In every second row we add loops at intervals of 2 loops. So we continue to knit, making increases in every even row until you have knitted 16 rows.

Next we knit without increments until the 30th row. In the 42nd, 52nd, 60th, 64th rows, add 2 loops on each side until you have 24 loops. When there are 83 loops from the beginning of knitting, we begin to decrease 2 loops in a row. We make decreases in the 88th, 92nd, 96th, 100th, 104th, 108th, 110th row. When 8 stitches remain, bind off the stitches and finish knitting. To close the knitting, you need to knit 2 loops into one, and return the resulting loop back to the knitting needle. We do this until there is 1 loop left. The thread is cut and a knot is tied.

We knit the side

We cast on loops around the sole, dividing them between four knitting needles. As a result, you will have 30 loops on 2 knitting needles, and 31 loops on the rest. Total 122 loops.

We knit 8 rows with tight knitting. The height should be about 2 centimeters.

Then the first 4 rows need to be done in one color, then knit 1 row with yarn in a contrasting color. To do this, without cutting the main thread, we tie a contrasting thread to it. After knitting 1 row, the contrast thread is cut. We continue knitting with the main color, up to 3 rows. Close the knitting and tie a knot.

Forming the toe

In the center of the front of the sneaker we knit 5 loops on each knitting needle.

Now we knit, alternating front and back rows, adding 1 loop at the end of the row until 20 loops are collected.

Let's move on to the tongue

We begin to knit from the purl row with the main color, alternating the front rows with the purl rows, in each row combining the 20th and 21st loops into one. Up to 50 rows. Next, we knit another 20 rows, decreasing the loops without grabbing from the side knitting needle.

Then in each front row we combine the 2 outer loops on each side into one. So we continue knitting until there are 10 loops left. We close the knitting.

Main part and decoration

From the beginning of the tongue, we cast on 4 additional loops, so that the side of the sneaker overlaps the tongue on both sides. We knit 4 front rows with the main color. Turning the product over, we knit 4 rows with purl loops. To form a bevel in the next 4 rows, we knit 2 loops together at the beginning and at the end of the row. Next we knit 20 rows without changing the number of loops. We knit the last 4 rows with decreases.

Close the knitting and tie all parts along the contour with a contrasting thread. You can crochet the patch. To do this you need: cast on a chain of 4 air loops and close them into a ring. 1st row: 2 lifting loops, then knit 2 single crochets into each loop. 2nd row: 1 lifting chain stitch, then alternate: 2 single crochets in one loop, 1 single crochet in the next. So we continue knitting until the end of the row, closing the ring.

We embroider a star with a dark or contrasting thread.

These are the sneakers we got.

Knitting patterns for sneakers for your favorite ones:

Video on the topic of the article

After watching the video, you will immediately understand all the features of doing the work from the very beginning to the end, which will undoubtedly help you quickly and easily knit such an interesting model of slippers as sneakers.

Sneakers are not only comfortable sports shoes, but also an excellent option for house slippers or baby booties. In this case, they are best made from soft, thick yarn. A diagram and description for knitting stylish sneakers is given in our article!

We knit sneakers for children and newborns: diagram and description

In newborn babies, the mechanism of natural thermoregulation is not well developed, so they are recommended to wear warm woolen socks. Instead of boring booties, you can knit fashionable and stylish sneakers. Moreover, they are suitable not only for a boy, but also for a girl, if you choose the right decor and color combination of threads.

Necessary materials:
  • soft, scratch-free wool blend yarn of different colors;
  • stocking or circular knitting needles No. 3;
  • hook number 3.
Operating procedure.

Consider knitting booties for newborns. To knit sneakers for older children, you need to increase the width and number of rows in accordance with the required size.

We cast on 38 loops with a white working thread and knit the first row with knit stitches. In the second row we knit a lp, make one yarn over, knit 17 lp, make another yarn over, 2 lp, yarn over, 17 lp, yarn over, lp. We knit the third, fifth, seventh and ninth rows with facial loops. In the fourth row we knit loops by analogy with the second, but at the beginning and at the end we knit 2 loops instead of one, and in the middle - 4 loops instead of two. In the sixth row at the beginning, middle and end we knit 3 LP, 6 LP and 3 LP, the rest is similar to the second row. In the eighth row at the beginning, middle and end we knit 4 LP, 8 LP and 4 LP, the rest is similar to the second row. There are a total of 54 stitches on the knitting needles. We knit rows 10 and 12 with purl loops, 11 and 13 with knit stitches.

We knit up to the 23rd row with facial loops, and in the 18th and 19th rows we switch to an orange thread, then again we return to a white thread.

Let's start knitting the front part of the booties. We knit half the loops with facial loops and put a mark with a red thread. Add two loops in the middle and turn the knitted fabric over. We remove one loop, knit 4 knits, and turn the work over again. We continue knitting in this way until there are 12 loops on the knitting needles. A triangular protrusion should form on the knitting needles, as in the photo - the front part of future sneakers.

Close the loops and tie the tongue with white thread. We knit four rows on the sides with blue thread, then we begin to make decreases in each row, knitting two loops at the beginning and at the end of the row. Having reached the height of the tongue, we break the thread.

We tie the side parts of the sneakers with white thread, tucking in all the protruding threads. We knit the second bootie in the same way. Using red threads, we crochet long chains of air loops. We insert the resulting laces into the sneakers and tie them with a bow.

Let's try to make a model of sports sneakers for adults with our own hands

Slippers in the form of knitted sports sneakers are an excellent option for both men and women. In the first case, you should choose gray, blue or black yarn, and in the second, use brighter colors and do not neglect additional decor. Below is a detailed description of the process of making cozy house shoes in a sporty style.

Necessary materials:
  • blue, white and black yarn;
  • knitting needles No. 3 and 3.5;
  • hook number 3.
Operating procedure.

We start knitting with the cuff. To do this, cast on 48 stitches on needles No. 3 and close them into a ring. We knit with an elastic band 1*1 until the required length is reached. To knit the heel, we move all the loops from the first knitting needle to the fourth and knit only on them. Turn the work and knit 24 rows in stockinette stitch, then start decreasing. In each row we knit up to 7 loops on the left, knit 2 loops together and turn the work. We continue to knit in this way until there are 12 loops left on the knitting needles.

We knit one more row, then with a free knitting needle we raise 13 loops along the heel and knit them behind the back wall. We continue to knit with an elastic band on the 2nd and 3rd needles, knitting the outer loops together with one of the raised loops along the heel until they end. Divide the remaining 12 heel loops in half into 1 and 4 knitting needles. We continue knitting to the toe. To form it, we make decreases in every second circular row. When there are 2 loops left on each knitting needle, break and tighten the working thread.

Let's start with the lace strips. To do this, on both sides of the sock, symmetrically lift every second loop onto the knitting needle along the edge of the beginning of the elastic to the toe. We knit 4 rows in stockinette stitch, then form holes for the laces using yarn overs.

From white threads, we crochet two laces from air loops about 140 cm long. On the back of the toe of future sneakers and along the slats, using a hook, we lay decorative paths with white threads.

We knit the sole with knitting needles, as in the photo below. To do this, cast on 8 stitches on needles No. 3.5 and knit 93 rows in stockinette stitch, making decreases and increases to form the part of the desired shape.

Then we knit the sides of the sole with white threads, lifting the required number of loops onto needles No. 3 around the perimeter of the workpiece. After reaching the required height, close the loops with black thread. We form the white tip of the sneaker, as in the photo.

We thread the laces through the holes and tie them with a bow. We crochet all the edges to give the product additional rigidity. We lay decorative black stripes along the sole. If desired, we crochet and sew emblems with a star or decorate the shoes at our discretion. The sneakers are ready!

Video on the topic of the article

We invite you to watch instructional videos on knitting various models of sneakers for children and adults.

Crochet sneakers can be crocheted in any size and color. We present to you a master class - knitting and crocheting sneakers for beginners.
Advice: replace the first st. s/n in a circular row for 3 v/p., end the row with a connecting column. To make sizes larger or smaller, try using different hook numbers and different thicknesses of yarn.

To knit sneakers with knitting needles you will need:

  • yarn Novita 7 (75% wool, 25% polyamide, 300 m/150 g); knitted slippers
  • stocking needles No. 3 - for socks;
  • stocking needles No. 3.5 - for the sole;
  • hook number 3.

Abbreviations used

  • circle.r. - circular row
  • decrease to the left = 2 sts. knit together with a broach: slip 1 st as knit, knit the next st. and pull it through the removed st.
  • VP - air loop
  • ss - connecting post
  • sc - single crochet
  • dc - double crochet

Knitting a cuff

On stocking needles No. 3, cast on 48 sts for sizes 35-39 and (56 sts for sizes 40-44) and distribute them onto 4 knitting needles, 12 (14) sts on each.

Knit 10 circles. with a 1x1 elastic band, so that you are left with a strip of 4 faces. on the back of the cuff and a strip of 2 faces. on the front of the cuff, i.e.:

  • 1st needle: knit 2, x5 (x6)
  • 2nd spoke: x6 (x7)
  • 3rd spoke: x6 (x7)
  • 4th needle: x5 (x6), k2.

For next 13 circle.r. - continue knitting the front as before, and make 2 vertical stripes from the back. p., next way:

  • 1st needle: k2, p1, k9. (11 persons)
  • 2nd needle: knit 2, x5 (x6)
  • 3rd needle: x5 (x6), k2.
  • 4th needle: knit 9. (knit 11), purl 1, knit 2.

Knitting the heel

Knit 1 more round. and then move all the loops from the 1st knitting needle to the 4th, then knit only on these loops.

Turn the work, in each row remove the 1st stitch unknitted, knit 24 (28) rows of faces. in satin stitch, continuing to knit vertical stripes. across the entire heel.

Heel turn

Remove 1 stitch and knit. stitch up to 7 (9) stitches on the left, decrease to the left and turn your work.

Remove 1 stitch and knit. stitch up to 7 (9) stitches on the left, 2 purl. together, turn your work around.

Remove 1 stitch and knit. stitch up to 6 (8) stitches on the left, decrease to the left and turn your work.

Continue in this manner until 12 stitches remain.

Knit 1 more row on these 12 stitches (slip 1 stitch, k11).

Using a free needle, pick up 13 (15) stitches along the heel and knit them behind the back wall.

Continue knitting with an elastic band on the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles, as before, knitting the outer stitch together with a loop of raised 13 (15) stitches until they end.

Divide 12 stitches of the heel in half, into the 4th and 1st needles, 6+6.

Continue knitting in stockinette stitch on the 1st and 4th needles, and in ribbed stitch on the 2nd and 3rd needles, as before (until the toe decreases).

Make decreases for the toe at the end of the 1st needle (knit 2 together) and at the beginning of the 4th (decrease to the left) in each row until 12 (14) stitches remain on the left on each needle.

Start shaping the toe when, at the desired length, the cuff and little toe are completely hidden.

Knitting a toe

1st and 3rd knitting needles: knit. before last 3 p., 2 knits. together, 1 persons.

2nd and 4th knitting needles: knit 1, decrease to the left, knit. all remaining items

Decrease in every 2nd round until 7 (8) stitches remain on each needle, then decrease in every round. When there are 2 stitches left on each knitting needle, cut the thread and pull it through the remaining loops, tighten it well and secure it from the inside out.

Trims with holes for laces

Make strips in the front (top) part of the sock. Pick up every 2nd stitch along the edge of the beginning of the elastic band, starting from the cuff to the toe.

Knit 4 rows. satin stitch Let's start knitting faces. R. (one bar from the cuff to the toe, the other bar from the toe to the cuff).

Row with holes: *K2. together, yarn over, 2 persons.*

Knit 1 more purl row. and close all loops.

Tie 2 laces approx. 140 cm.

Cast on 2 stitches on a stocking needle. Knit knit stitches, passing the thread through the work, starting from the first loop, continue to the desired length, approx. 140 cm.

Using a hook (or needle, chain stitch) sew decorative stripes on the back of the sock and along the edges of the strips.

We knit the sole of the sneaker slippers with knitting needles.

Notes: yarn overs are needed for the holes in the sole.

Only for size 35-36

On stocking needles No. 3.5, cast on 8 sts and knit 93 rows in stocking stitch, next. way:

  • Row 1: K8. (then always remove the 1st stitch undone)
  • Row 2: K3. (i.e. remove 1 stitch, knit 2), yarn over, knit 2, yarn over, knit 3.
  • Rows 3-4: knit all.
  • Row 5: K3, yo, k4, yo, k3.
  • Rows 6-17: knit all.
  • Row 18: K4, yo, k4, yo, k4.
  • Rows 19-31: knit all.
  • Row 32: K4, yo, k6, yo, k4.
  • Rows 33-45: knit all.
  • Row 46: K4, yo, k8, yo, k4.
  • Rows 47-56: knit all.
  • Rows 58-79: knit all.
  • Row 80: K1, K2. together, 14 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 81-82: knit all.
  • Row 83: K1, k2. together, 12 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 84-85: knit all.
  • Row 86: K1, k2. together, 10 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 87-88: knit all.
  • Row 89: K1, k2. together, 8 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 90-91: knit all.
  • Row 92: K1, k2. together, 6 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Row 93: knit all, bind off sts.

We knit the sides of the sole

Check the diagram on the right to see how many stitches to pick up from the edge of the sole. Knit with white yarn. Knit 7 rows. Knit purl. all toe and knit stitches. rest. Start by moving all toe stitches (13+10+13) onto one needle to get a neater look.

Only for size 37-38

On stocking needles No. 3.5, cast on 8 stitches and knit 98 rows in stocking stitch, next. way:

  • Rows 3-4: knit all.
  • Rows 6-18: knit all.
  • Row 19: K4, yo, k5, yo, k4.
  • Rows 20-33: knit all.
  • Row 34: K4, yo, k7, yo, k4.
  • Rows 35-48: knit all.
  • Row 49: K4, yo, k9, yo, k4.
  • Rows 50-60: knit all.
  • Row 61: K4, yo, k11, yo, k4.
  • Rows 62-84: knit all.
  • Row 85: K1, k2. together, 15 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 86-87: knit all.
  • Row 88: K1, k2. together, 13 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 89-90: knit all.
  • Row 91: K1, k2. together, 11 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 92-93: knit all.
  • Row 94: K1, k2. together, 9 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 95-96: knit all.
  • Row 97: K1, k2. together, 7 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Row 98: knit all, bind off stitches.

We knit the sides of the sole

Check the diagram on the right to see how many stitches to pick up from the edge of the sole. Knit with white yarn. Knit 7 rows. Knit purl. all toe and knit stitches. rest. Start by moving all toe sts (14+10+14) onto one needle to get a neater look.

Close the loops without tightening them with black thread.

You can use a hook to pick up the toe and heel loops.

Only for size 39-40

On stocking needles No. 3.5, cast on 8 sts and knit 103 rows in stocking stitch, next. way:

  • Row 1: K9. (then always remove the 1st stitch undone)
  • Row 2: K3. (i.e. remove 1 stitch, knit 2), yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 3.
  • Rows 3-4: knit all.
  • Row 5: K3, yo, k5, yo, k3.
  • Rows 6-19: knit all.
  • Row 20: K4, yo, k5, yo, k4.
  • Rows 21-35: knit all.
  • Row 36: K4, yo, k7, yo, k4.
  • Rows 37-51: knit all.
  • Row 52: K4, yo, k9, yo, k4.
  • Rows 53-64: knit all.
  • Row 65: K4, yo, k11, yo, k4.
  • Rows 66-89: knit all.
  • Row 90: K1, k2. together, 15 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 91-92: knit all.
  • Row 93: K1, k2. together, 13 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 94-95: knit all.
  • Row 96: K1, k2. together, 11 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 97-98: knit all.
  • Row 99: K1, k2. together, 9 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 100-101: knit all.
  • Row 102: K1, k2. together, 7 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Row 103: knit all, bind off stitches

We knit the sides of the sole

Check the diagram on the right to see how many stitches to pick up from the edge of the sole. Knit with white yarn. Knit 7 rows. Knit purl. all toe and knit stitches. rest. Start by moving all the toe sts (15+10+15) onto one needle to get a neater look.

Close the loops without tightening them with black thread.

You can use a hook to pick up the toe and heel loops.

Only for size 41-42

On stocking needles No. 3.5, cast on 8 stitches and knit 108 rows in stocking stitch, next. way:

  • Rows 4-5: knit all.
  • Rows 7-22: knit all.
  • Row 23: K4, yo, k6, yo, k4.
  • Rows 24-38: knit all.
  • Row 39: K4, yo, k8, yo, k4.
  • Rows 40-54: knit all.
  • Row 55: K4, yo, k10, yo, k4.
  • Rows 55-67: knit all.
  • Row 68: K4, yo, k12, yo, k4.
  • Rows 69-92: knit all.
  • Row 93: K1, k2. together, 16 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 94-95: knit all.
  • Row 96: K1, k2. together, 14 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 97-98: knit all.
  • Row 99: K1, k2. together, 12 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 100-101: knit all.
  • Row 102: K1, k2. together, 10 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 103-104: knit all.
  • Row 105: K1, K2. together, 8 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 106-107: knit all.
  • Row 108: K1, K2. together, 6 persons., 2 persons. together, knit 1, bind off sts.

We knit the sides of the sole

Check the diagram on the right to see how many stitches to pick up from the edge of the sole. Knit with white yarn. Knit 7 rows. Knit purl. all toe and knit stitches. rest. Start by moving all the toe stitches (16+10+16) onto one needle to get a neater look.

Close the loops without tightening them with black thread.

You can use a hook to pick up the toe and heel loops.

Only for size 43-44

On stocking needles No. 3.5, cast on 8 sts and knit 113 rows in stocking stitch, next. way:

  • Row 1: K10. (then always remove the 1st stitch undone)
  • Row 2: knit all. (i.e. remove 1 stitch, knit 9)
  • Row 3: K3, yo, k4, yo, k3.
  • Rows 4-5: knit all.
  • Row 6: K3, yo, k6, yo, k3.
  • Rows 7-23: knit all.
  • Row 24: K4, yo, k6, yo, k4.
  • Rows 25-40: knit all.
  • Row 41: K4, yo, k8, yo, k4.
  • Rows 42-56: knit all.
  • Row 57: K4, yo, k10, yo, k4.
  • Rows 58-69: knit all.
  • Row 70: K4, yo, k12, yo, k4.
  • Rows 71-81: knit all.
  • Row 82: K4, yo, k14, yo, k4.
  • Rows 83-97: knit all.
  • Row 98: K1, k2. together, 18 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 99-100: knit all.
  • Row 101: K1, K2. together, 16 persons., 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 102-103: knit all.
  • Row 104: K1, k2. together, 14 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 105-106: knit all.
  • Row 107: K1, K2. together, 12 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 108-109: knit all.
  • Row 110: K1, K2. together, 10 persons, 2 persons. together, 1 persons.
  • Rows 111-112: knit all.
  • Row 113: K1, k2. together, 8 persons., 2 persons. together, knit 1, bind off sts.

We knit the sides of the sole