Bride ransom in the style of a car. Ideas for a bride ransom scenario in the traffic police style: roles, competitions, tips. Details for the bride ransom in the traffic police style

First of all, I really want to thank Mashenka without her script ours would not have been born!!!🌾

Everything you need for redemption is here link
Near the entrance to the entrance, the groom is met by a love inspection inspector and shows him a fine with a photo of him and his car.
And the inspector reads the resolution 06/14/14 (Wedding date) at 10:30 at Okskaya Street, towards the Bride’s house, the driver, driving a Pink Zaporozhets, license plate was moving at a speed of 207 km/h, which exceeded the maximum permissible speed by 147 km/h .
The owner of this facility is the Groom.
Find the Groom guilty of a love offense and impose a punishment in the form of obtaining the rights to Family life.”
The groom will deny it and say that he was driving a limousine and he has witnesses. To which the inspector should not be inclined and say that the fee for the shortened driving test is 5 thousand rubles.

Photo of the fine
1. Competition “Love Darts”
The first exam to test your true desire to obtain the rights to family life!
Next hangs a dart board, on which are written the reasons why the groom is getting married.
The bridesmaids give one dart. If unsuccessful, they sell the next attempt, and sell another dart separately, etc.
Now that you have agreed, we will begin the marriage license exams.

2. Competition “Signs of Love Behavior”
Now we can continue our exam. To understand whether we are giving the bride into good hands, we need to make sure whether you know the rules of loving behavior... Will you be able to please and surprise our bride so that she is not sad and always smiles?? There are signs in front of you, explain the meanings of the signs that you must observe.

3. Competition “Test for intoxication with love”
On a tray there are 4 scarves with different scents of perfume.
The next test for intoxication with love. We must know whether the groom is in love with our bride, and for this he needs to guess the smell that she smells of.
4. Competition “Test for neuropsychic stability”
-So, do you have a medical certificate?
F: no
-If not, then I ask you to take a neuropsychic stability test. The bride's friend gives a sheet of paper on which affectionate addresses to the lady of the heart are written without spaces, for example: BELOVED BEAUTIFUL TENDER BERRY KIND KINDLY SMART and asks to read it.
It’s inconvenient to read, the guy will probably stammer, but he can cope with such a task, which will do him honor.
If he cannot read what was written, you need to ask if he drank? And is he always this nervous? If he refuses, ask for money to hide his alcohol intoxication and nervous diseases.

5. Competition “Who wants to become a Groom”
The competition involves testing the groom’s theoretical knowledge about the bride and her family in the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” format.
The point is this: the more correct answers the Groom gives, the less he will have to pay for the bride. Mark on the scale the number of correct answers.

6. Competition "Photo salon"
Since the groom did not take a photo of his license with him, he is invited to take a photo. The groom is given a felt-tip pen and begins to draw his photo. We need an urgent photo, everyone is counting to 10.

Based on the results, the groom is awarded the rights to family life.
I, the captain of the State Love Inspectorate, am convinced that our bride will be fine with you. And I give you the rights to family life

If the newlyweds or their witnesses work for the Ministry of Internal Affairs or are ardent car enthusiasts, then it would be appropriate to conduct a bride ransom in the style of the traffic police. It is also necessary that guests have a good sense of humor.

This stylized presentation allows for a large number of anecdotes and stereotypes associated with police officers.

In addition, the uniform looks very nice on your girlfriends. But for everything to go well, you must first draw up a script for the bride price in the style of the traffic police and preferably in verse.

List of details, room design ideas

To create a unique and memorable bride price in the traffic police style, you will have to try quite hard. Such a celebration cannot be done quickly, otherwise it will look low-quality and boring, because it is necessary not only to prepare the text.

  1. You need the ability to present it correctly and the availability of thematic props.
  2. First of all, you will need to prepare a police uniform. You can use the standard guard outfit as a basis, or use a regular blue pencil skirt and a blue blouse with a jacket.
  3. Caps.
  4. Striped wands.
  5. Fake radars.
  6. 2-3 sheets of thick paper, it is best to buy a special one - for drawing. Suitable size A0 (84 cm by 119 cm).
  7. Traffic signs printed on a color printer, two copies each. Selected to match the theme of the holiday. Some symbols can be redesigned and supplemented.
  8. Fake driver's licenses and IDs of traffic police representatives.
  9. Thick bandage for blindfolding.
  10. 5–10 meters of bright twine.
  11. Toy steering wheel.
  12. Radar dummy, hand-held or on a tripod.
  13. Wooden sticks 1.5 meters long.
  14. White coat and doctor's cap.
  15. Signal tape (red and white stripes).
  16. 10 children's cars of approximately the same size.
  17. Printed traces, it is advisable to make them in color.

Before the groom and his friends arrive, it is necessary to improve the ransom venue. Most often, it begins long before the bride’s parents’ apartment.

If they live on the 1st or 2nd floor, then the hosts and guests wait for the men at the beginning or middle of the courtyard. But when the apartment is located high up, you can opt for the local area.

When they have decided how many competitions there will be and where the groom will meet the “inspectors,” they begin to decorate the event site. To do this, printed road signs are attached to sticks and placed in a chaotic manner throughout the area. You should also fence off the venue with warning tape.

If the main action will take place on the flights of stairs, then the main decorations can be left for the interior decoration of the entrance. Thanks to this, you don't have to look for wooden sticks to create signs. At the entrance, you can wrap the railings with warning tape, hang road signs and “driver instructions” on the walls. If the bridesmaids wish, they can complement the decoration of the staircase with white and blue balloons.

It is only important to observe moderation, and it is best to use helium-filled balloons so that they tend to rise up rather than droop sadly. It looks very interesting when a signal tape is used instead of a holding thread.

Ready script

Despite the fact that much attention is paid to the design of the area where communication with the groom will take place, the most important component is the competitions.

Therefore, it is necessary to decide when and in what sequence to conduct tests for the man and his friends, which requires careful preparation and development of the scenario.

If there is no desire, opportunity or confidence in your ability to create funny storylines, then you can use ready-made productions.

In them you only need to learn your lines and prepare the listed props.

The bridesmaids put on the prepared uniform or an imitation of it and try to decide where the groom should stop the wedding procession. This must be done in order to effectively “stop” him with the help of a striped rod. First girlfriend: I wish you good health, traffic police inspector, captain (last name). You violated the speed limit. For what reasons? Why are we in a hurry? They show the radar readings and pay attention to a special sign that says “You can’t rush in love.” First competition

- sobriety test.

Second girlfriend: Maybe he's drunk? Come on, walk in a straight line! 5–10 m of twine is rolled out on the ground, after which the groom is blindfolded. As he begins his journey, one of the inspectors or their assistant carefully wraps the rope. It is advisable to do this halfway or the last third of the segment.

Because of this, a man, reaching a turn, may stop or continue moving without realizing that something is wrong. In any case, he fails the test and must pay a fine.

First girlfriend: Violation! Such behavior threatens to deprive you of your rights! Show me permission to manage your family life! At this point, the groom may begin to deny or try to come up with something.

Second friend: Well, if you don’t have permission, you’ll have to get it! But first you need to pass exams and prove your knowledge about family life. Of course, I can help you pass them, but you understand that you need motivation (characteristic finger movement). At this moment, the groom offers a bribe.

The first competition is visual acuity: the groom is given a dart from a dart, asked to hit a drawn target with comic reasons for marriage, and only in the middle “for love.” If a man does not hit or is not satisfied with the result, then he can buy another dart.

The second competition is knowledge of the signs of family life.

First friend: Tell us what these signs mean in family life. The groom must make a guess about the meaning of the hanging pictures. Moreover, the funnier the answer, the better.

If a man finds it difficult to describe the drawing, he will have to pay a fine. But for such situations, it is important that the girlfriends themselves know the approximate meaning of the images. It consists of two parts. Third friend (dressed as a doctor): Do you have medical certificates about your suitability for family life? No? What can your escorts say about your state of mind? The groomsmen should list the greatest number of positive qualities of the groom. At the same time, it is permissible to praise him.

If the description is pale, then you will have to pay a fine “into your pocket”, to the doctor.

Third friend: Well, you passed the test. Now prove that you have a good memory. At this stage, they take out a stack of treatment forms, which differ only in dates.

The groom must answer what unusual happened. Days are chosen that are important for the future family, such as the bride's birthday, date of acquaintance, first date, filing an application with the registry office, etc. For each unguessed number, a fine must be paid.

The fourth competition is driving accuracy. First friend: You have passed the medical examination, now you need to confirm your driving accuracy. The groom is given a toy steering wheel, his groomsmen take his shoulders, and he must drive their “car” along the designated route. To do this, use colored marks glued to the floor.

The fifth competition is the ability to park.

Second friend: Well, now there is very little left, you need to prove your ability to park. The groom is given a car on a string, and he must guide it past other children's cars and stop at the marked place. For each toy touched, a fine must be paid.

The sixth competition is technical inspection. Second friend: There is one last test left to obtain the rights to family life. Answer - what are you saying to your beloved? The groom shows a bouquet. Second friend: And what is all this? Why so stingy? What else can you offer?

The groom is not allowed to see the bride until he shows the rings. First friend: Well, you passed all the tests. I solemnly entrust you with the rights to your family life.

It is necessary to distribute roles well between the presenters of competitions. The first should be strict and demanding, and the second roguish and resourceful.

It is advisable to give bribes to the latter, and she will then persuade her stern colleague.

A very funny bride ransom in the traffic police style:

Bridal ransom in the traffic police style is a rather unusual way of conducting an obligatory part of the wedding day. But even in a sphere so far from marriage, there are many clues for holding competitions. What situations can you think of related to the traffic police and suitable for testing the groom?

The bride's ransom on the wedding day is always one of the brightest events that will remain in the memory for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously prepare his script in detail. This funny ransom scenario in the style of a meeting with the traffic police will be a great option for any wedding.

During this ransom, the groom will undergo many tests, including the content of love in the blood, the ability to solve suddenly unusual situations, knowledge of the rules of movement along the road of family life, and in the end he will receive the right to drive the “family” vehicle.

The ransom is carried out by a witness or another guest. You need to prepare a traffic police officer form in advance. What you will need to find in advance for this scenario: a traffic police uniform (or just dark blue clothes), a cap, a striped baton (it can be made from scrap materials in advance), rope, various objects simulating obstacles, a radio-controlled toy or just a toy car on a string, a children's whistle, a notebook with a pen for writing fines, a jar of soap bubbles, ribbons or strips of paper soaked in various perfumes, a white medical coat and a stethoscope, a driver's license for the groom, which is filled with funny wedding-themed inscriptions.

For this ransom, you also need to decorate the space where it will take place to create an atmosphere. For the surroundings, you can put a “brick” sign (cut out of cardboard) near the bride’s house, place other signs everywhere, and fence off the area with tape.

Prepare a place for honey as well. The office where the doctor will be located requires two chairs. Estimate the time for approximately half an hour. During this time, you will have time to amuse the guests, but the action will not drag on for too long.

Approaching the bride's entrance, the groom finds a traffic police inspector waiting for him.

Task 1. The content of love in the blood.

Inspector: “Good afternoon! Traffic police captain Ivanov. You have committed a traffic violation. You were speeding and failed to stop at a stop sign. Come with me".
The groom refuses.

Inspector: “There is no need to rush in the matter of love.” The inspector sniffs. “Are you still drunk, citizen? Let’s breathe into the tube.”
The groom exhales.

Inspector: “It’s not clear... Let’s do a couple of tests. Walk in a straight line."
There is a rope on the asphalt in front of the entrance; the groom has to walk along this rope without opening his eyes. In the last few steps, the inspector's cunning partner changes the direction of the rope, bending its end to the side. Thus, the groom commits a violation and the inspector summarizes that a protocol needs to be drawn up.

Inspector: “Well, shall we formalize or agree?”
The groom is trying to buy himself off.

Inspector: “Well, what can you do, we can’t take you to the department on your wedding day! By the way, do you have a “family” driving license? Why not? Do you want to govern without rights? You have to pass the exam. Well, since I’m so generous today, give me the exam right now.”

Task 2. Drunk with love.

Inspector: “Sometimes a mind clouded by love is nice. Is your mind sober when you are next to your beloved? Can you recognize her scent among others?

The groom is invited to choose from ribbons soaked in different perfumes, the one that smells like the perfume of his beloved. Ribbons can be beautifully placed on the tray, and a variety of scents can be used - from women's to men's - to confuse the groom and amuse the guests.

If the groom makes a mistake and chooses someone else's scent, the inspector offers to move on to the next part of the exam for a fee.

Task 3. Driving test.

Near the house, you need to scatter previously prepared “obstacles” in advance; these can be children’s blocks, pieces of wood, etc. The groom is given a toy car and he must drive through the entire territory without touching the obstacles.

Inspector: “Citizen, can you drive? Here's a car for you. Will learn. If you pass the exam, let’s say it’s to your fiancée, but if you don’t, you’ll go home and then retake it.”

Task 4. Endurance.

Inspector: “In the matter of family life, a husband must be very strong and resilient. Let’s see how strong our groom is!”

The groom is given a jar of soap bubbles and instructed to blow up as big a balloon as he can manage. If the bubble is not large enough, the groom is sent to medical treatment. inspection".

Task 5. Honey. inspection.

The inspector leads the groom to the doctor's office, where the doctor is waiting.
Inspector: “Peter Ivanovich, here you go - a candidate for medical school. inspection".
The doctor picks up a piece of paper that needs to be prepared ahead of time. On the piece of paper, in a very small font, you need to print various compliments to the bride without spaces. The letters should be so small that it is difficult to see them without a magnifying glass.

Doctor: “How are you feeling? Heartbeat? Misty-eyed? Yes, you have a serious illness, my dear. Love! It is incurable. But let’s at least take a look at your eyesight.”

The doctor gives the sheet of compliments to the groom and asks him to read it.
If the groom cannot see the letters or is at a loss, the doctor makes a disapproving exclamation and makes notes in his notebook.

Then the doctor checks the stability of the groom’s nervous system. The groom must justify, explain and come up with excuses for the strange actions of his beloved that she could presumably commit. Such actions could be: “I spent my salary on a new bag” (follows fashion), “I took two kittens from the street” (Kind), “I watched sad films on TV all weekend” (Romantic).

Then the traffic police inspector comes up again and asks: “Well, Pyotr Ivanovich, will we issue a license or send it for a retake?”

Doctor: “I made the diagnosis - an incurable chronic form of love in the last stage. It cannot be treated. However, I authorize the issuance of rights.”

The inspector gives the groom a comic license and says: “Congratulations on receiving the rights to drive the Family vehicle.” You have proven that you can safely and accurately drive this vehicle and please your bride!”

Regardless of the style of the wedding, most newlyweds want it to be fun, relaxed, and memorable.

For a wedding to become exactly like this, you just need to use fiction and imagination: the creativity of the masses is a terrible force.

In order to organize a bride price in the traffic police style, you will need some simple preparations and a maximum of ideas from your girlfriends, from which you will choose the funniest ones together.

We organize a buyout

Distributing roles

First, you should appoint performers for the roles of imaginary traffic cops. These could be bridesmaids, her brothers, and older relatives.

Girls should be dressed in short “uniform” skirts, tunics, and blue caps.

But if a man is appointed as a traffic cop, then the funnier his image is, the better. You can play on the contrast of a uniform jacket with old, worn, holey jeans and worn out sneakers.

It’s even good if the shoes “beg for porridge”: then the “traffic cop” with a pure soul will extort a bribe from the groom literally for every word, citing the fact that “ Why do you walk here all day?, You won’t be able to stock up on any shoes, but who will appreciate it, who will say thank you?!».

False, dashingly curled mustaches will help complete the look: the more, the better. Naturally, you will also need a wand. It can be glued together from cardboard painted in black and white stripes. The rest of the details and preparations depend on the challenges that the organizers come up with for the groom.

There is no need to warn either the groom or his friends about the details of the planned “operation”.(it will be funnier that way), but they and the guests must be warned that they arrive at least half an hour earlier.[

You also need to make sure that the groom and his friends have sweets and money: the bargaining will be serious! The more participants and spectators there are, the funnier the skit will be.

And you definitely need to agree with a photographer or one of the guests to capture what is happening on camera.

Setting up a checkpoint

The traffic police “post” should be installed in front of the bride’s house.
The groom getting out of the car must be resolutely blocked by a traffic police “inspector” with the words: “ Sergeant Major Karmanenko. Five children, salary one hundred rubles. We violate, citizen, we violate. Where did you get under the brick?»

If the groom starts to object, you can point him to a pre-prepared drawn sign with the inscription “last seconds of a single life” or to a real brick wrapped in aluminum foil and beautifully tied with a bow.

A traffic cop girl with a “video recorder” should immediately appear. Any household appliance is suitable for this purpose: a hair dryer, a mixer, a coffee grinder, a meat grinder, or even a spyglass or a children's kaleidoscope - the more ridiculous it looks, the better.

A girl with a smart look should look at the device or even turn it on (you can attach pieces of paper with numbers to it in advance: 120, 130, ... 1000) and name some huge and absurd speed.

If the groom starts to object, the traffic cop can turn on the hairdryer or mixer and take out a piece of paper with an even larger number. Thus, the “bribe” rates will increase.

Then it all depends on the groom’s sense of humor. If he suddenly starts telling you that he wasn’t driving fast and didn’t exceed the speed limit, you can play around with the situation.” they say, Was he on his way to his bride and in no hurry? Disorder!».

You need to choose two witnesses to the accident from among the guests. The main thing is that both the guests and the groom's friends feel like participants in the scene: then the jokes will start pouring in on their own.

The whole scene boils down to the fact that the groom has no rights to family life. As the action progresses, it is necessary to constantly extract bribes from him. .

To the groom’s question: “ How many?", - you can answer: " I would like to for a Mercedes, but let's at least have a beer».

Exams for the groom

Eyesight check

Hang a target on the wall and write on it:

  • I love borscht;
  • Mom told me to get married;
  • ran out of clean socks;
  • I'm afraid to be alone in the dark;
  • by calculation;
  • trying is not torture.

In the center of the target you should write “for love.”

The groom is asked: “ For what reason are you marrying a young man?" and give him darts.

The groom must hit the center of the target, if he doesn’t hit, again rip off the bribe from him and make a funny play on the phrase he “hit.”

Does he know the signs?

If the “traffic cops”, in preparation for the ransom, had a desire to engage in creativity, you can prepare “signs of family life”, in which the phrases are encrypted with drawings:

  • taking out the trash;
  • coffee in bed;
  • wash the dishes;
  • wash;
  • prepare;
  • raise children;
  • no smoking;
  • not to drink.

The groom must guess the meaning of the sign shown to him.

What about your future husband’s memory?

Write the numbers on a piece of paper prepared in advance and make the groom guess what they mean (the height of the bride, the date of her birth, the birthday of the future mother-in-law, the date the newlyweds met).

Is he sober?

Write in advance on a piece of paper:

“swallow, beloved fish, sunshine, cat, kakisnik, sweet little babies,” and make the groom read it. If the groom gets tongue-tied, it’s another bribe.

Let's test your driving virtuosity

Draw a winding path in the yard in advance and fence it off with pegs.

Scatter signs along the path: “left”, “for beer”; “to go fishing”, “to the bathhouse”, etc.

Line up the groom's friends in a chain behind him, give the groom an impromptu car steering wheel and tell them to run along the path so as not to step on the inscriptions.

What about our nervous system?

The groom is told the situations in which his bride finds herself, and he must characterize her positively. For example:

  • “Two hours ago I went out to my neighbor’s house for five minutes.” Answer: sociable;
  • “I went to the store for bread and bought new boots.” Answer: prudent, winter is coming;
  • “I burned your new trousers with an iron.” Answer: delicate, I didn’t want to say that they weren’t suitable for me.
  • “I brought three stray kittens into the house.” Answer: kind.

At the end, the groom is given the rights to family life. They should be prepared in advance.

You can paste a photo of the bride on the license and write: “Handle with care, cherish and cherish.” After this, the groom can be allowed to meet the bride.

Look at the video of how the bride ransom takes place according to the traffic police scenario

A wedding is, of course, a serious, but at the same time a fun event. The bride and groom have a lot of troubles before an important event in their lives. The bride, of course, worries the most. After all, it bears the most interesting wedding moment - the ransom.

Boring and repetitive competitions have long been boring, so every bride wants to come up with something unusual. At the moment, they are coming up with ransoms in accordance with some theme. The most creative one at the moment is a traffic police-style buyout. The idea is that the groom at the end of the ransom receives a “Driving License for Family Life.” After passing all the stages, the inspector will issue a license to the groom and the bride as a navigator.

Bride ransom scenario

So, if it was decided to conduct a bride ransom in the traffic police style, then you should start preparing the props.

  1. Uniform and cap of a traffic police officer. The real uniform and cap look beautiful and more impressive. But if there are none, then you can put on a jacket and attach paper shoulder straps to it. The cap can also be made of paper, but it will need to be attached to the head with hairpins or bobby pins so that the cap does not fly off in the wind.
  2. Rod. It can be purchased at a specialty store. You can also take a stick of a suitable shape and cover it with black and white paper strips. As a last resort, you can simply make a wand out of paper and paint it.
  3. Traffic police officer's ID. Can be printed on a color printer. True, now in the “joke store” you can buy a ready-made crust.
  4. Red and white ribbon. This prop will be needed at the entrance to the yard or in front of the entrance to block the groom’s path.
  5. Road signs. At the entrance, along with a stretched tape, you will need a “Brick” sign. You can make a few more signs for the surroundings. They can be drawn on whatman paper and glued to cardboard.
  6. Folder A4. It contains protocols, receipts and a pen.
  7. Poster for determining vision. You can print Sivtsev’s table on a printer. Here it is worth considering that the letters should mean beautiful epithets that characterize the bride. So you can make any changes to the original.
  8. White coat and headdress for a doctor. You can make a headdress with a red cross made of cardboard.
  9. A mechanic needs a wrench to check the groom's car.
  10. Printed Family Life Driving License Certificate.
  11. The car is remote controlled, and you can also take the car on a rope.
  12. Children's construction machine or ready-made cardboard machine parts.
  13. Bubble.
  14. Stapler.
  15. Pictures of temptations. If possible, it is better to draw it yourself. It will be much more colorful this way. If this is not possible, then print the pictures on A4 sheets on a color printer. This is necessary for guests so that they do not have to look carefully.
  16. Mobile camera – mop with leaf.

Trials for the groom for ransom

As mentioned above, the first barrier for the groom is installed at the entrance to the yard or in front of the entrance, by pulling the tape and placing road signs. Girls dressed in police uniforms can also hold them, it will be more beautiful. The long-awaited moment has arrived - the groom has arrived. And this is where the fun begins.

Stage 1. “Verification of documents. Technical inspection."

The groom's wedding procession must be stopped by a witness-inspector. She should have a staff and a folder with receipts in her hands. When the groom gets out of the car, the witness must introduce herself in the form and invite the groom to present his license. He can also present a regular driver's license, but in any case, the groom will have to obtain a “Family Life Driving License.” The inspector informs the groom about this, and then proceed to inspect the car. The witness demands to open the trunk. All the things that are there are recorded in the protocol, while constantly asking the groom: why does he need this in his family life. It all depends on the sense of humor of the groom and his witness. If the groom cannot answer, the inspector begins to hint at a bribe.

Stage 2. “Car mechanic”.

The inspector makes a verdict that the car is not in order, and it requires an inspection by a car mechanic. The next moment a car mechanic should appear with a wrench. He can walk around the car, press the tire, and then tell the groom that he must reassemble the car, since this one cannot be driven, because the groom will have to carry his wife and children. The groom is offered a children's construction car. He must assemble the machine correctly, proving his skills. Instead of a car, they sometimes give out paper car parts and glue. In this case, the car can be glued together. More savvy guests can get smart and simply pay a mechanic to do the repairs. If, nevertheless, the car was assembled or glued together, the groom is offered to give his new car a test drive. He must “ride” it with music that he will perform himself.

Stage 3. “Learning to drive a car.”

Now the groom must prove his skill in driving a car. The groom is given a car with a remote control or on a string, which will be more interesting. The inspector draws a line and places obstacles. The groom's task is to guide the machine exactly along the line without touching a single peg. For each knocked down peg or going into the oncoming lane, the groom pays a fine to the inspector right there on the spot.

Stage 4. “Breathalyzer”.

The inspector may not like the groom's clumsy driving in the car. He is asked to take an alcohol test. To do this, the groom is given soap bubbles and the principle of the “breathalyzer” is explained. If the driver is sober, the breathalyzer will produce a large soap bubble, but if the driver is intoxicated, then he cannot concentrate, and the breathalyzer will produce many small soap bubbles. The groom's task is to blow one big soap bubble. The catch is that the soap bubbles were selected carefully and the handle does not have large holes. Now there is a wide variety of this product, so it will not be difficult to find the appropriate soap bubbles. After several failures of the groom, he is offered to undergo a medical examination.

Stage 5. “At the doctor’s.”

At this stage, the groom is tested for moral and alcohol stability.

First of all, the groom is checked for temptations. He is taken to a prepared path. Sheets with printed pictures of female models, a strip club, a bottle of vodka, cigarettes, friends in a bathhouse or sauna, etc. are thrown onto the asphalt. At the end of the road they draw wedding rings. You can just take a large photo of the bride. The doctor stands at the end of the road, and the groom must “reverse” to reach his future wife. There are a lot of temptations along the way, so friends and guests should show the groom the way. The doctor records the results in a notebook.

Next, you can check the groom’s reaction and vision. The doctor takes out a poster of an ophthalmologist and stands some distance from the groom. Showing him a letter, the doctor asks him to say a kind word about the bride, the word of which begins with the indicated letter. It will be funny if you point to the letters Y, Y, etc.

After the groom has completed all medical checks, the doctor issues a certificate to the inspector stating that the groom is sober and ready for family life.

Stage 6. Near the bride's apartment.

The inspector decides to issue the groom a “Family Life Driving License.” But the groom did not prepare a photograph for the certificate. He is asked to take a photo. The photographer brings with him a mobile camera. The mobile camera is a mop with a sheet of paper glued to it. The mop is placed on the floor, and the groom is given a felt-tip pen with an offer to draw his portrait. The bridesmaids will, of course, assist the groom. They must support the edges of the sheet, but periodically the girlfriends either “stumble”, tearing the sheet towards themselves, or begin to faint from such a “handsome man!”, again pulling the sheet along with them. As a result, the portrait will turn out to be very interesting, amusing and funny. The inspector “glues” the photo to the certificate (fastens it with a stapler) and gives it to the groom. Here a car mechanic may appear and hand the groom a car he has assembled, with an offer to “drive” to the bride.

After receiving the "Family Life Driving License", the groom can approach the bride with an offer to become his co-driver.

These competitions are just the basis. You can come up with a lot of interesting and funny competitions. First of all, you should proceed from your specific situations, it will be much funnier. All competitions can be held in poetry. The main thing is that this wonderful and fun day will be remembered for a long time by the newlyweds.

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