Carols - Russian folk Christmas songs. Texts and notes of Russian carols for Christmas for children and adults. Cool Christmas carols for adults and children (text) Kolyada carol and there are carols

Christmas is a special holiday. Children especially feel this. And in order to make it more fun, we suggest learning a few generous songs and carols, and then going to congratulate all your acquaintances, friends and...neighbors. Don't hesitate - everyone will have fun!

In ancient times, people in Rus' looked forward to Christmas. And when it came, the celebration was accompanied by great fun, songs, and all kinds of dressing up. One can say that real theatrical performances were created, in which both big, small, and old participated. Children especially rejoiced at this celebration. They took an active part in the celebration. Nowadays, unfortunately, no one, of course, dresses up anymore, but learning a couple of shchedrovkas and carols will not be difficult, especially since it is incredibly interesting. Don't you know Shchedrovkas and carols yet? No problem! Especially for you, we have made a selection of Christmas carols, generous songs, and sowing songs. All you have to do is choose the ones you like, learn them and go home to congratulate people on this wonderful holiday of Christmas.


Vasilyeva's mother
I went to be generous
Scatter wheat across the field.
Germinate, God, wheat,
Barley, buckwheat.

Won't you give me cheesecakes?
You'll get it on top of your head!
Won't you give me the pie?
I'll lead the cow by the horns.

Good evening to you,
Affectionate owner,
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

We are coming to you, master,
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

With good news
From the holy city.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

Shchedrovochka was generous,
I spent the night under the window,
Chi ram, chi sheep,
Serve the pancake,
Don't bite, don't break,
Let's talk about it in general.
Generous evening, oh good evening.

Hello, treats
Please accept congratulations!

You will live together for up to two hundred years!
I wish you happiness and good health!
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year!

May the Lord grant you
And we live and be,
And wealth in everything,
And God grant you, gentlemen,
Good health for many years to come!

You, master, don’t be tormented,
Give it quickly!
What about the current frost?
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
Orders to serve soon:
Either pies come out of the oven,
Or a penny of money,
Or a pot of cabbage soup!
God bless you
A yard full of bellies!
And to the stables of horses,
Into the calf barn,
To the guys' hut
And take care of the kittens!

Open the chest - take out the penny!

Good evening, generous evening,
Good health to good people.
The falcon has arrived
Sat at the window
I cut the cloth.
And the leftovers are for the owners’ hats,
And the scraps and for the belts,
Hello, happy holiday!

Good evening, generous evening,
Good health to good people.
What have you made, auntie?
What did you bake, auntie?
Carry it quickly to the window.
Don't pinch, don't break,
But in general, come on.

Little guy
He sat down on a sheaf.
plays the pipe,
The carol makes me laugh.
Give me a dumpling,
a spoonful of porridge,
Sausage ring.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children.


Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Light up the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!

You, master, don’t be tormented,
Give it quickly!
What about the current frost?
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
Orders to serve soon:
Either pies come out of the oven,
Or a penny of money,
Or a pot of cabbage soup!
God bless you
A yard full of bellies!
And to the stables of horses,
Into the calf barn,
To the guys' hut
And take care of the kittens!

You will give us -
we will praise
and you won’t give -
we will reproach!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Serve the pie!

Hurry up and give me a carol!
Feet are chilly
I'll run home.
Who will give
He is the prince
Who won't give -
Togo into the dirt!

Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my mother,
Knee-deep casing,
Give me some pie, uncle!
Open the chest
Give me a penny!
What is in the oven - swords in the bag!

New Year has come
The old one stole
Showed yourself!
Get up people
Come out of the gate -
To meet the sun,
Drive away the frost!
Koleda - moleda,
White beard
The nose is flat,
The head is like a basket,
Hands like sabers,
Legs - rakes,
Come New Year's Eve
Celebrate honest people!

Kolyada, they say poison,
The carol was born!
Who will serve the pie -
That's the yard of the belly,
More small cattle -
You wouldn't know the numbers!
And who won't give a penny -
Let's close up the loopholes
Who won't give you some cakes -
Let's block up the windows
Who won't give pie -
Let's take the cow by the horns,
Who will not give bread -
Let's take grandpa away
Who won't give ham -
Then we will split the cast iron!

How many aspens,
So many pigs for you;
How many Christmas trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Good luck to you,
master and hostess
Great health,
Happy New Year
With all the family!
Kolyada, Kolyada!

She arrived young!
We found a carol
In Mironov's yard.
Hey, Uncle Miron,
Take the good stuff out into the yard.
How cold it is outside
Freezes nose.
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
He tells me to serve it soon
Or a warm pie
Or butter, cottage cheese,
Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble!

Kolyada you, Kolyada,
A carol came by,
I recorded a carol,
Sovereign's courtyard,
The Sovereign's courtyard in the middle of Moscow,
Middle of stone.
Gossip darling,
Donate splinters
On holy evenings
To games, to gatherings.
Thank you, godfather, my white swan,
You didn’t celebrate, you didn’t play pranks,
I went for a walk to the market, bought some silk for myself,
I embroidered a fly and gave it to my dear friend.
Give you, Lord, forty cows, fifty piglets,
yes forty chickens.

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire it for an hour.
We're crackling with the frost,
With a prickly cold,
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sleighs
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is fun.

Oh, carol
I went to the farrier.
- Farrier,
Forge me an axe.
-What's the ax for?
-Chop a pine tree.
-What's the use of pine?
-Paving the bridge.
-What is the bridge for?
- Frost to walk, -
Dress up the New Year!

Tausen, tausen,
We go to everyone!
Who won't give jelly -
I'll spray it at the gate.
Who won't give you a donut -
I'm a sheep's armpit.
Tausen, tausen!
Cook, grandma, jelly -
On the hill
In the skull.

We sow, we blow snow
On a silk bed.
The snow is falling,
The blizzard will break out!
Give it to you, master,
On New Year's Day:
There is offspring on the field,
On the threshing floor - threshed,
You will give us -
We will praise
And you won’t give -
We will scold.

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!
Open the chests, owners,
Take out your heels!
Give a penny to the Carolers!

In January we have many holidays: New Year, Christmas, Old New Year. On these days, people have fun, visit each other, wish each other happiness, health and prosperity, set a rich table and invite relatives to visit. In addition to festive feasts at Christmas, it is customary to carol, walk around the courtyards, and sing carols with wishes of health and happiness.

What are carols, how to carol correctly, what costumes do you wear for caroling? Today, on the eve of the holiday, we will talk about this, and also learn short and funny Christmas carols with the children so that they can congratulate their family, neighbors and acquaintances.

The tradition of caroling dates back to pagan times, when our ancestors worshiped the goddess of fertility Kolyada and celebrated the winter solstice, when the days became longer and the nights became shorter. People sang songs dedicated to this event so that the harvest would be good and there would be prosperity in the house.

With the birth of Christianity, the two holidays became intertwined and are practically one whole. At Christmas, adults and children dress up, go to their relatives and friends, learn carols, generosity, and wish everyone well-being and happiness. Carols- These are traditional ritual songs, which are often of a religious nature, glorifying the birth of Jesus Christ. With the words of carols they began to thank God for all the good things that happened in the old year, and they praised the generosity and hospitality of the hosts.

How to carol correctly

There are specific features of caroling in different regions, but there is also something in common. Nowadays you don’t often see carolers, as in the films of N.V. Gogol.

According to tradition, mummers walk around the village: boys and girls dressed in costumes and sing carols. The spectacle is very bright and interesting.

Firstly, to carol, you need to gather in a group of at least three people. At the head of the company of mummers is the “star”, who carries a large eight-pointed star on a stick - a symbol of the birth of Jesus Christ. The star is the main attribute of Christmas. It can be cut out of cardboard or made of wire, decorated with sparkles and broken toys.

Zvezdar- this is the main person. He must know carols very well and sing them.

Next comes ' 'Bell ringer", which carries a bell. He calls, thereby informing the owners that carolers are coming. And brings up the rear ‘ ‘mechonosha’‘. He has a bag where the owners put various sweets, rolls, and bagels. The bag should be bright and made of durable fabric. You can decorate it with stars, a month, and the sun.

Before starting caroling, the mummers must ask the owner for permission to carol. Of course, no one refuses this request, but for decency you still need to ask permission. If the owner has given the go-ahead, the mummers thank him, wish the hospitable hosts health, happiness, prosperity and begin to sing carols.

It’s not at all difficult to teach children how to carol. They can remember little carols. By learning carols and schedrovkas with children, we introduce them to the traditions of Slavic culture. Children very quickly perceive the words of carols by ear. A few repetitions and they know them by heart. Moreover, knowing that they will be given sweets later, children learn carols quickly.

Kolyada, Kolyada!

Give us some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or a chicken with a tuft,

Cockerel with a comb.

Christ the Savior

Born at midnight

In a poor den

He settled.

Christ the Lord,

On your birthday,

Give it to all people

World of enlightenment!

And I am small and remote,

Born on Tuesday

Magnify Christ!

Congratulations to you!

Be healthy.

Merry Christmas!

Today an angel came down to us,

And he sang: “Christ is born!”

We came to glorify Christ,

Happy holiday to you!

Nowadays, children go around with carols to have fun and get treats.

Children can be dressed up in bright clothes. For example, a buffoon: wear a bright shirt, trousers, a hat on his head with bells, and gird his shirt with a belt. If your children go caroling, make sure they are dressed warmly and don’t forget to give them some so they don’t freeze. Winter is still outside!

It is often customary to sow the floor with grain so that there is prosperity in the home. “I sow, sow, sow, Happy New Year or Merry Christmas!”

By learning carols with children, we help them develop memory and creativity; children learn about the rituals and traditions of Christmas.

Short carols for children at Christmas

Give me some sweet honey

Yes, a piece of pie

I will dance and sing.

And I’ll sing carols!

I help my mother.

I carol until the morning.

Have pity baby

Give me some candy!

Don't send the children away.

And give us a tastier treat!

Give me some sushi and bagels,

And some kind of gift!

We carol, we carol,

We alternate songs and dances!

And squatted, and around,

Treat yourself to some pie!

Children go home1

Give us some treats!

We wish you good luck,

And good health to boot!

The mummers came

All made up.

We will entertain you

Cheer up!

Give us some coins

Candy for the children

We don't bring harm to people.

We cannot be denied!

A horned goat is coming.

Rich in carols.

What is the chest filled with?

Put it in our bag!

I'm called Mekhonoshey,

And I'm not afraid of frost!

I'm coming to see you,

And I'm carrying a big bag!

Ding-ding, ding-ding, the bells are ringing!

Sons and daughters have come to you!

You meet carolers,

Greet us with a smile!

Mother winter has come.

Open the gates!

Christmas time has arrived!

The carols have arrived!


Funny carols for children

We are funny mummers

Cold, tired.

Give me a piece of the pie

Let's warm up a little!

We dance, we dance at the door,

Will you let us in quickly?

We bring happiness to your home,

We sing carols in every home.

Carols, carols.

Chocolates for the guys,

For adults - a sandwich with lard,

We're having fun, people!

We walked through the village

They took bags and sacks,

They caroled well

It's a pity we didn't take backpacks!

How many aspens.

So many pigs for you.

How many Christmas trees?

So many cows.

How many candles?

So many sheep.

Good luck to you,

The owner and the hostess.

Great health

Happy New Year,

With all the family!

Kolyada carol!

I think that you and your children will enjoy cheerful and funny Christmas carols for children. Teach and sing to your family and friends, congratulate them on the holiday.

Carols with wishes

Merry Christmas to you, people!

May you have peace and harmony.

So that you don't know grief,

And they lived in wealth!

An angel came down from heaven to you

And he said: “Christ was born!”

We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Kolyada has arrived

On the eve of Christmas.

God bless whoever is in this house

We wish all people well.

Gold, silver,

Lush pies,

Soft pancakes.

Good health,

Cow butter.

Costumes for caroling

To sing carols correctly, it is not enough just to learn the words of the songs. You also need to dress up and choose costumes for caroling for the children.

You can dress up the children in folk style.

Clothes should be bright and elegant. You can look for something suitable in your grandmother’s chest and sew a suit for your child. For a girl, you can choose a bright scarf, a beautiful bright and fluffy skirt, preferably a long one, make a wreath, and decorate it with multi-colored ribbons.

Boys can also wear a folk-style shirt, decorated with embroidery, and wide trousers. The whole company can be dressed up and sent caroling around the village.


Masks have always been an important element of Christmas costume. Previously, they were sewn from thick fabric and leather. Now you can buy a ready-made mask or try to make it yourself. What masks are most often worn at Christmas: goat, deer, dog, horse masks.


A typical carol character. You can put on a sheepskin coat or sheepskin coat turned inside out, put on a goat mask, and a knitted cap on your head, to which you can attach horns.


Also a participant in the festivities for Christmas and Old New Year. The suit can be rented. Or you can also put on your grandmother’s old fur coat, your grandfather’s hat with earflaps, paint your face, draw a nose. Just! And the bear costume is ready!

Adults will not be able to resist dressed up children singing songs in clear children's voices. They will be generously treated with sweets and given coins. After all, children will bring so much joy and positivity, they will greatly lift the spirits of both relatives and neighbors.

Learn Christmas carols with your children and congratulate your family on the holiday.

Video of caroling at Christmas.

More articles about Christmas:

Merry Christmas to you again.

And we wish you sincere feelings,

A sea of ​​joy, great happiness

Let the savior Jesus guide.

Let the stars light up for you,

Illuminating your life path.

Bright dreams come true

Helping talent shine.

If you were interested in reading how to properly carol at Christmas, what costumes you can wear, short and funny carols for children, then write your comments and share the information with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks.

Best regards, Olga.

Carols are the most beautiful custom of Christmas. It appeared in pagan times, when our ancestors celebrated the winter solstice as the birthday of the sun god Kolyada. On this day, carolers put on their clothes inside out and announced to everyone about the birth of a new sun, carrying with them its image.

With the advent of Christianity, this tradition changed slightly. Instead of the sun, the star became an attribute of carolers, and they began to praise the birth of Christ in “Christian hymns” or church carols. But the legacy of the pagan ritual remained “master’s” or “people’s” carols - songs praising the owner of the house and wishing him and his family well-being.

Nowadays, this tradition is especially popular with children.

In this article:

Carol traditions - briefly about the main thing

To celebrate Christmas 2020 in accordance with the traditions of our ancestors, you need to fully comply with all the rules of this ritual:

  1. They carol on (January 6). In some regions, groups of carolers begin knocking on the doors of houses in the afternoon, but in most Slavs they wait for the first star to appear in the sky.
  2. Young people dress up in eccentric or even frightening (devil, gypsy, witch) homemade costumes. “Christ-glorifying” carolers wear costumes of biblical characters. Russian folk costumes or colorful clothes in folklore style would also be appropriate.
  3. The characters in a motley company can be varied, but three heroes should be mandatory - the star, the bell ringer and the bell-bearer. The first carries the Christmas star ahead, the second rings the bell, notifying the approach of the carolers, and the third carries a bag of gifts from generous owners.
  4. Approaching the house, they first sing “outdoor” or “window sill” carols, in which they ask permission from the owner of the house to enter to sing carols.
  5. When the carolers were let in, they began to sing carols. First there are religious songs, then an appeal to each family member with wishes.
  6. They also ask for rewards for their carols in song form. At the same time, none of the gifts can be taken in hand; the owners must put them in a bag or basket.

Safety rules are important!

In modern big cities, the beautiful tradition of caroling is gradually fading away. One of the reasons for this is security. By knocking on the doors of an unfamiliar apartment or, conversely, opening them to a noisy company, you can put your life in danger, so it is better to carol only in those houses where relatives or friends live.

Beautiful carols will help instill good traditions in children, but since caroling is done in the evening, you should not let the child (even a teenager) go alone, only accompanied by adults. With proper preparation and following these simple safety rules, adults and children can have a good rest and have fun on Christmas Eve.

Funny and cheerful children's carols

I will help my mother
And I’ll go caroling.
I will sing songs, dance,
Merry Christmas to everyone,
So that there is a holiday around,
Happy New Year, dear friend!

Christmas, come soon
Prepare the pies
I'll come to sing carols
Songs to sing and dance,
So that your home is full
Happiness, joy, goodness.

I'm going caroling
To treat you with poetry,
Sweet songs
Straight from the sky.
Don't be sorry for me
You candy and pie.

May it be Christmas soon
The door will open to every house.
Let's sing songs together,
Together we have sweets.
Open the door for us quickly
And let them sing carols.

The moon is shining outside the window,
We go into every house
To cheer you up
Ask for a treat.
May trouble go away from you.
Christmas is coming here.

Give us some coins quickly
Give the children some candy.
We bring goodness with us,
Let it be with you.

I came (came) to carol
And you can't refuse me.
I took happiness with me
And I brought you to your house.
Joy, peace, tranquility, comfort -
Now everyone will live here.

Give it to me with you
Pies, mountains of sweets.
And you have happiness for this
It will drive away bad weather.

We will sing you a carol
And we'll take the cow away,
If you don't treat us,
Don't give us tea.
For that happiness and goodness,
What came to your house from us.

We wish you a Merry Christmas
And we’ll sing you a carol,
Let's read you poems,
Prepare the pies.
And prepare us a coin,
Another sweet piece of candy.
The house will be full of happiness,
Merry Christmas.

Congratulations on your holiday -
We glorify Christmas.
Prepare a treat:
Pies and cookies for us.
Give us coins,
And for this we are in return
Happiness, joy in this house
And we will bring health.

They came to you to sing carols,
Songs to sing and dance.
Wishing you happiness and joy
And receive candy.

We came to carol
Glorify the holy holiday.
We wish you full
Gold and silver.
So that your family is prosperous,
Let the house be like a full cup.
Let happiness come to your home!
Merry Christmas.

They came to you to sing carols,
Lift the mood.
We are waiting for some treats from you -
Pies, sweets, cookies.
Let them come to your house quickly
Happiness joy. Merry Christmas!

We brought you congratulations,
Happiness, joy, fun.
And dear guests to you.
Are you making pies?
Treats for us
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We brought you with us
Happiness, joy, friendship.
You give us pies in return -
That's all it takes.

Today we sing carols:
We sing songs and dance.
We always praise the Lord -
Here's a carol.

Today we are caroling,
We sing songs and dance.
For carols, our songs
We are waiting for a cup of refreshments.

Good people, let me in,
You will open the doors for us.
We came to carol
To glorify the bright holiday.
Let's jump on two legs,
Prepare the pies!

The kids are knocking on your door,
Open the gate.
Happiness comes to you with us,
Joy came forward.
And also love, kindness,
Asks for delicious pies.

Open the doors wider
So that they sing carols to you,
So that happiness comes to you
And health led.
Give us encouragement
It's a delicious treat.

We came to carol -
We need to open the doors.
To be happy all year long,
We need to give you a gift.
Pies, sweets in use -
And it will be a happy year.

The carol has arrived
Brought happiness to your home.
You give her some candy for this
Give me another coin.

We brought happiness to you
And they brought health.
Give us some candy in return,
Cookies and coins.

May there always be abundance
Will be with you through the years.
The path of happiness lives with you,
Treat us quickly.

The carol has come,
Answer our question “yes”,
They started caroling
And we glorify Christ.
To be close to you
Happiness joy. Where's the reward?

We'll sing carols,
We will bring happiness to your home.
Give us a piece of bread
Or a money bag,
Or delicious pies,
So that everyone always has shelter.

We came to you to sing songs
And they brought with them
Joy, happiness, ringing laughter,
To cheer you all up.
And for this we are on our way
Give me some pies.

Our laughter rings loudly,
We knock on your door loudly.
We came to carol
Songs to sing and dance.
And for this a little bit
Give us a bowl of candy.

We bring good news -
You can't sit still,
We'll sing and dance
And we glorify Christ.
After all, that’s what carols are for,
Give us some pie.

I asked my mother for leave
To go have some fun
To praise carols
This new year.
I brought good things to your house,
Come on, give me the silver.

We came in a big crowd
On this holiday, a saint comes to you,
To say: Christ was born,
He shared his happiness with us.
They brought it to you too
To replace pies.

We're knocking on your door in droves
On this holiday we are holy.
We brought happiness with us -
Will save you from bad weather.
And also love and light,
Give us some sweets quickly.

We will sing songs with you,
Lead a round dance, whistle,
So that happiness is nearby.
And love is like a reward for you
For your delicious sweets
And for hard coins.

Let's go to your house to sing songs
We lead happiness by the hand.
We will sing in the yard
Where are the candies for the kids?

We wish you well,
Luck is nearby.
May God protect you every day,
No sad shadow will fall.
For your kind words in return
Pour in a handful of candies (coins).

Brought with you to your home
Abundance and laughter!
Merry Christmas
Everyone is in harmony in the song!

We'll sing you a song,
We will bring happiness to your home.
Give us some on the way
There are only a few pies to take with you.

You open the gates
All the kids came to you.
We will sing carols
Songs to sing and dance.
On our way back
Give me some pies.

The snow creaks and we go
And we take good things with us.
Let him enter every home.
Merry Christmas!

I learned songs for a long time,
I still don't remember.
But I'll tell you from myself,
God has already been born.
I'm coming to you to sing carols,
Loud to glorify
Miracle, happiness, peace and laughter.
Give me those sweets.

We are carol-carolers
We'll sing it right into your ears.
Give me some sweet candies
May the Lord send you children.
Give me some crisp money,
So that there is happiness in the house.
Give me a handful of coins, master.
Merry Christmas!

We are funny carols
Let's sing for a sweet life.
If you give us a great gift,
There will be happiness and wealth.
Shake your wallet
Give me a piece of the pie
Chocolates and sweets,
To live the whole year without troubles.
Share from the bounty
The mummers are asking.
We won't leave without gifts!
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!

We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!
Friendly hosts
May the year be fruitful.
Give the mummers some sweets,
Happiness will send you greetings.
Give me rubles, coins,
You will live a hundred years.
Pour everything into the bag until it piles up.
It's bitterly cold outside,
We were cold, but warm
Warmed up your good home!

Open the hut, master,
Listen to the glorious carol.
Quickly rush to your wallet,
Don't skimp on gifts.
Generous people will be happy
All bad weather will bypass them,
The house will be abundant.
Merry Christmas!

Oh, carol-carol,
The hostess is young
And the owner is strict
Meet me at the door
Costumed artists
Treat yourself to something delicious.
Sprinkle money, sweets,
Don't scare away happiness.
Let everything go wrong for you
And it will be rewarded a hundredfold!

The carol has arrived!
Open the gates!
Get the gold!
You will be rich!
Let it be in the owner's yard
There will be harvest and livestock!
Let at every time
The family is glorified!

Carol - carol,
Life will be sweet
Offer some honey
I won't reach the ford!
Bring me some gingerbread
You will be a clannisher!
There are no gingerbreads or honey,
Run along the garden!
Bring the treasure
We will be glad to see him!

A boy came, a young daredevil,
He plays songs and amuses the kids.
And you, the owners, look and bring some treats!
Candy and nuts, for my fun!

A cow was running from the field to the forest!
Then to grandpa's yard!
Grandfather to reprimand!
Grandfather, don't sulk!
Get out the rubles, there will be bagels for you.
Yes, call grandma
Let him carry the pancake!
Then pancakes and meat,
From your stock!

And he protects me
From bad weather, various troubles,
After all, he made a vow to Christ:
Who glorifies God,
The angel is protecting him.

We carol, we carol,
For you, friends, we will conjure
Lots of happiness and goodness
May life be easy.
Give us some candy with you,
Pies and some coins.

May the angel protect you
The dream preserves and protects.
On this glorious evening let
Sadness goes away forever.

Knock-knock, were you expecting guests?
Open the door quickly.
We will arrange a noble feast,
So that there is peace in your home,
So that comfort always reigns,
The angels are watching over you.

May the Lord protect you everywhere,
There will be a miracle next to you.
Because the carol -
These are kind words
So it's Christmas soon
This means happiness has come to the house.

The carol came, but they didn’t open the gate!

You can invent the texts of carols yourself, because in Rus' this has been done for a long time. The tradition of thanking carolers for their songs and poems has reached us. Not opening the door on Christmas Day is considered bad luck. Kicking out the carolers was shameful and even dangerous. They had to be seated at the festive table, fed, and even their hands full of gifts. And they present children and adults with sweets, fruits and small money. When the mummers were denied a treat, they could respond with not so kind wishes. So, the housewives were told:

“May the Lord bring into the house one cow, and even that thin one, one pig, and even that lame one!”

On the one hand, not opening it is a bad omen. On the other hand, letting the company of not children, but, for example, unfamiliar teenagers, into your home is an unpleasant idea. But if they have already opened, treat those who came properly! Don't spare any money or candy!

Carols are a kind of echo of the ancient tradition of celebrating the winter solstice, symbolizing for the Slavs the birth of a new sun. The celebration in honor of God Veles has long been a thing of the past, but a new, no less significant one has appeared - the Nativity of Christ. Since then, carols have become folk winter fun, an integral part of the Christmas holidays. It is not surprising that “walking with a star” and caroling are one and the same thing for many people. In the 19th century, these two traditions were indeed often combined. But still, it is worth being able to distinguish them. On the evening of January 6, only adults take part in the walks; they dress up in costumes and recite Russian folk carols. On the morning of January 7, it’s the children’s turn: the kids go to familiar houses, recite short children’s texts, sing Christmas songs and accept delicious gifts and small money from the hands of hospitable hosts.

We have collected the best short children's carols with texts and notes on our portal. Prepare for Christmastide in advance, involve children in the process, and learn ancient Slavic traditions together!

Simple and short Russian folk carols, texts

Our ancestors traditionally went to caroling on Christmas Eve. It was not children who took part in the funny ritual, but only adults or youth. Caroling was more like a kind of Slavic carnival: everyone dressed up as “goats”, “gypsies”, “bears”, “araps”, wore birch bark masks and inverted casings, smeared their faces with beet juice and soot. Mischievous carolers could have a great time frolicking, sometimes even misbehaving - moving someone else's horse to another stall, overturning a cart, untying a yard dog and scaring away the household. At this moment, the carolers were a kind of embodiment of the souls of the ancestors who came to earth at Christmas, so no one dared to deprive the mischief-makers of such powers. Moreover, young people used not only simple and short Russian carols, but also sarcastic poems with scares and witticisms. Especially if you come across rude and unfriendly hosts who skimp on treats.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

It's Christmas Eve!

Good auntie,

The pie is delicious

Don't cut, don't break,

Serve it quickly

Two, three,

We've been standing for a long time

Let us not stand!

The stove is heating up

I want some pie!

Kolyada, Kolyada,

We open all the houses,

All the windows, chests,

We give sweets and pies,

So that it would be good for you,

Say thank you to heaven

God will give us all health,

After all, he is good at this.

Kolyada, Kolyada!

Give us some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or half a buck,

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a comb!

Russian folk carols for children for Christmas 2017

The Christian "Walking with the Star" has always been considered a children's tradition. They usually went to praise Christ early in the morning on Christmas Day. All Russian folk carols and short children's songs were of religious content. The main attribute was the eight-pointed “Bethlehem” star on a pole, symbolizing the arrival of the Magi. The little carolers did not dress up and behaved modestly and decently. In small companies they came to the courtyards and under the windows of houses, sang songs, read out texts, glorified the owners and the born Savior. In return, guests received tasty treats and coins. In some villages, only the poor or orphans were allowed to walk with a star and carols. The owners of rich houses rewarded them generously, so that everything they caroled would become a tangible help for poor families. Over the decades, ethnographers have recorded many short Russian folk Christmas carols for children; there are even entire stories retelling the plot of the birth of Jesus. But the advantage still lies in short children's poems with a light style and deep meaning.

Now an Angel has descended to us,

He sang: “Christ is born!”

We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday!

We carry a star, we sing a song,

We set our path to home,

We glorify Christ God!

The night is silent, the night is holy,

There is light and beauty in the sky.

The Son of God is wrapped in swaddling clothes,

Lies in the Bethlehem den.

Sleep, Holy Child,

Sleep, Holy Child.

The night is silent, the night is holy,

And light and clean.

The joyful choir of angels praises,

Revealing the space far away

Above the sleeping earth.

Above the sleeping earth.

The night is silent, the night is holy,

We sing of Christ.

And with a smile the Baby looks,

His look speaks of love

And shines with beauty.

And shines with beauty.

Kolyada, Kolyada

Open the gates

Get out the chests

Serve the snouts.

Even a ruble

Even a nickel

Let's not leave home like that!

Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin

Don't regret anything

It's Christmas Eve!

Christmas songs for carols: short children's texts for Christmas

All carols that have entered our folklore since ancient times can be divided into two different categories: short “sowing” songs and Christmas songs. Sowing children's motives originated in paganism. Their short texts are full of stories about the power of nature, about the fertility of Mother Earth, they all praise the owners and wish them a generous harvest. Only in a few regions of Russia carolers turn to Kolyada. In other regions of the country, the God of Fertility is called differently: Avsen, Vinograden, Tausen. Children's Christmas songs for caroling appeared after the baptism of Rus'. Their texts easily trace the message about the great event - the birth of the Savior and the congratulations of all Christians on the appearance of little Jesus. They are more complex in their lyrics and melodies. And if to perform short sowing carols it is enough to remember a few simple repeated phrases, then the melodies and lyrics of Christmas songs for caroling need to be learned for a long time.

Silver light streams through the window,

This night is not an easy one.

Let it be outside the window, let it be outside the window,

Fairytale snow sparkles.

In the morning a star will flash in the sky

Brighter than all the stars in the world.

It will become brighter than ever

And the children will smile.

Christmas tree

Christmas tree

May he give us all

Joy and warmth.

Christmas tree

Christmas tree.

Let it be on your heart

Quiet and bright.

The Christmas forest has become fabulous.

A fairy tale is floating around.

A song of love flows from heaven,

There is no life without miracles.

In the morning a star will flash in the sky,

Brighter than all the stars in the world.

And never, and never,

Children will not cry.

On Holy Christmas -

Joy in the world, celebration.

On the birthday of Jesus

Merry singing carols.

Christmas tree bright toys,

Stars, balls, firecrackers,

And delight and admiration

On the day of Jesus' birth.

On Holy Christmas -

A celebration for the children of the world.

The whole Earth rejoices in singing

On the day of Jesus' birth.

Snowflakes are quietly spinning.

A fairy tale comes to our home!

Christmas tree, gifts, pictures:

Let's call it all Christmas!

The stars are sparkling in the sky,

But there is only one brighter than all of them!

He announces joy to us,

About the Christmas holiday!

On this magical holiday

Everything will suddenly be filled,

Faith, Hope, Love

And the light of goodness all around!

The most beautiful Russian folk carols: children's text and notes

As in ancient times, in our years children and adults prepare in advance for the arrival of Kolyada. The children learn short, but the most beautiful Russian folk carols with texts and notes, parents help sew children's costumes and make masks of a goat, ram, fox, bear, etc. Since mainly primary and secondary schoolchildren go caroling, they begin to prepare for Christmastide in advance: at home with books and videos of short Christmas songs, or at school during thematic literature lessons. However, today's beautiful Russian children's carols differ from the old traditional ones. Instead of glorifying the harvest, the children sing about the birth of Christ, winter fun, holidays and gifts. In gratitude for the beautiful and soulful songs, children receive sweets, pies, gingerbreads, and fruits from adults. In the north of Russia, children's Christmas songs are sung for caroling with choruses, while in most other regions, individual short and perky carols are more often sung.

"Christmas Carols"

Music by A. Shidlovskaya. Folk words.

1. How cold it is outside

Freezes nose

Doesn't tell me to stand for long

He tells me to serve it soon!

2. Or a warm pie,

Or butter, cottage cheese,

Or money with a spear,

Or a ruble in silver.

"Carol has arrived"

Russian folk song.

The carol arrived on the eve of Christmas.

Christmas carols are an indispensable attribute of the holiday. We began to return to our roots. Increasingly, in Orthodox families, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ rightfully began to take its traditional place. Our ancestors strictly observed the rules of celebrating the Nativity of Christ.

The housewives beautifully set the tables and prepared the best treats; they did not forget about the poor, sick, and needy people: they visited orphanages, shelters, hospitals, and prisons. In ancient times, even kings, dressed as commoners, went to prisons and gave alms to prisoners.

On Christmas Eve they began to decorate the Christmas trees; probably not everyone knows that the spruce is a symbol of eternal life and unfading.
After the solemn Christmas service, all Orthodox Christians began to congratulate each other on the holiday. In the afternoon we sat down at the table.

A special tradition of Christmastide in Rus' was caroling, or glorification. In villages and hamlets one could meet miners on the streets. Young people and children dressed up, walked around the courtyards with a large homemade star, singing church chants - the troparion and kontakion of the holiday, as well as spiritual carols dedicated to the Nativity of Christ.

This tradition is called Christmas carols. The caroling ended with general fun, sliding down the slides, and a general feast.

In the evening, the fun spilled out into the streets and continued for another twelve days - until the feast of the Epiphany. These twelve days are popularly called Christmastide. Holy days consecrated by the Nativity of Christ.

Carol (from the Latin “calends” - the name of the first day of the month among the ancient Romans) is a ritual song with wishes for wealth, good health, and a good harvest. Christmas carols were sung, mainly on the night before Christmas. The owners brought treats to the carolers, and they wished them every kind of well-being.

History of caroling in Russia

Initially it was associated with pagan Gods. Previously, people went to caroling on the day of the winter solstice. Among the Slavs, this particular day was the Nativity of the Deity - the Sun.

Carolers walked through the streets, sang ritual songs and announced to everyone about the birth of the Sun. Later, with the penetration of Christianity, caroling was dedicated to the Nativity of Christ. Thus, biblical motifs appeared in carols, and people began to glorify the birth of Christ.

Carols for Christmas 2020: for children

Text of Christmas carols and carol songs for children and adults

Kolyada, Kolyada

Open the gates

Get out the chests

Serve the snouts.

Even if you chop

Even a nickel

Let's not leave home like that!

Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin

Don't regret anything

It's Christmas Eve!

Kolyada, Kolyada,

Who won't give you the pie?

We take the cow by the horns,

Who won't give donuts,

We hit him in the face,

Who won't give a penny?

That's a neck on the side.

The carol has arrived

On the eve of Christmas,

Give me the cow

Oil head.

And God forbid that

Who is in this house?

The rye is thick for him,

Rye is tough.

He's like an ear of octopus,

From the grain he has a carpet,

Half-grain pie.

The Lord would grant you

And living and being,

And wealth.

And create for you, Lord, even better than that!

An angel came down to us from heaven,

And said Jesus was born.

We came to glorify him

And congratulate you on the holiday.
We sow, we weave, we weave,

Merry Christmas!

You glorify Christ,

Give us some treats!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Epiphany

And in Jerusalem they rang early -
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Merry Son of God,
God... was born.

We come to you, master, with good news -
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Merry Son of God,
God... was born.

The Blessed Virgin gave birth to a son -
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Merry Son of God,
God... was born.

And the owner is coming to you, three holidays to visit -
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Merry Son of God,
God... was born.

And that the first holiday is Holy Christmas,
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Merry Son of God,
God... was born.

And what about another holiday - Holy Epiphany,
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Merry Son of God,
God... was born.

And what about the third holiday - St. Basil the Great,
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Merry Son of God,
God... was born.

* * *
The night is silent, the night is holy,
People are sleeping, the distance is clear;
Only in the cave is the candle burning;
The holy couple does not sleep there,
In the manger the Child slumbers, in the manger the Child slumbers.

The night is silent, the night is holy,
The heights lit up
A bright angel flies from heaven,
He brings news to the shepherds:
“Christ was born to you, Christ was born to you!”

The night is silent, the night is holy,
A star is burning in the sky;
The shepherds have been on their way for a long time,
They are in a hurry to come to Bethlehem:
There they will see Christ, there they will see Christ.

The night is silent, the night is holy,
All hearts await happiness.
God, let everyone come to Christ,
Find bright joy in Him.
Eternally glorify Christ, eternally glorify Christ!

* * *
In the land of Judea stands Bethlehem,
The star above the nativity scene shines low.
The skies are shining, the angels are singing,

The shepherdesses were guarding the flock in the field,
The Blessed Virgin was found in a cave.
And they came to the cave to give food to the herd.
And they look into the manger - there is the Mother of God.

The little baby is wrapped in swaddling clothes
The Blessed Virgin lies in her arms, -
She pressed him to her chest and fed him
And tenderly caresses his Son.

O Lord God our Creator,
Bless us all every hour.
The skies are shining, the angels are singing,
Glory is given to the Eternal God.

* * *
Nativity of Christ - An angel has arrived.
He flew across the sky and sang songs to people:
- All people rejoice, on this day rejoice -
Today is Christmas!

I am flying from God, I brought you joy,
That Christ was born in a poor den.
Hurry up and meet the Baby

The shepherds from the East came before everyone else,
The baby was found in a manger on straw.
They stood, wept, and glorified Christ
And His Holy Mother.

And the wise men, seeing a bright star,
They came to worship God and the King.
They bowed to God, they gave gifts to the Tsar:
Gold, myrrh and Lebanon.

And the rebellious Herod learned about Christ,
He sent warriors to kill all the babies.
Babies were killed, swords were dulled,
And Christ was in Egypt.

We have sinned a lot, O Savior before You.
We are all sinful people, You alone are Holy.
Forgive our sins, give us forgiveness.
Today is Christmas!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Get ready, villagers,
Let's have carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get your pennies!
Come, don't be shy,
Now we'll amuse the people.
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!

A carol came
Christmas Eve
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,
Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail!
Who won't give you the pie?
That's why a chicken leg
Pestle and shovel
The cow is hunchbacked.

The night is silent, the night is holy,
There is light and beauty in the sky.
The Son of God is wrapped in swaddling clothes,
Lies in the Bethlehem den.
Sleep, Holy Child,
Sleep, Holy Child.

The night is silent, the night is holy,
And light and clean.
The joyful choir of angels praises,
Revealing the space far away
Above the sleeping earth.
Above the sleeping earth.

The night is silent, the night is holy,
We sing of Christ.
And with a smile the Baby looks,
His look speaks of love
And shines with beauty.
And shines with beauty.

Today an Angel has descended upon us
And he sang: “Christ is born!”
We came to glorify Christ,
And congratulate you on the holiday.

Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven.
We make our way to home,
We glorify Christ God.

This night is holy, this night is salvation
Announced to the whole world
The Mystery of the Incarnation.

That night the shepherds did not sleep near the herd.
A bright angel flew to them
From the heavenly bright distance.

Great fear seized those children of the desert,
But he said to them: oh, do not be afraid, -
There is joy in the whole world now.

Where Christ was born to save people,
You go and have a look
To great humility.

And suddenly a song was heard from the heights of heaven:
Glory, glory to God in the highest,
There is good will on earth

Here is a spruce in the forest, so green
And how beautiful she is
But how more beautiful she is,
When the house is full of candles,
She shines clearly.

On one of the joyful nights
The Lord Jesus was born.
He is the One who redeemed people
After all, without Him in your darkness
This world is lost.

For all who believe in Christ,
And at night the light shines.
And this night is holy for us,
May everyone's joy be pure,
Jesus is here.

Let Him, child, into your home:
He lives in the heart,
He wants to build a garden in it,
Will enrich him with fruit,
Who lets Him into the house?

Children's carols for Christmas evening: lyrics

You will give us -
we will praise
and you won’t give -
we will reproach!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Serve the pie!

Little guy
Sat down on a sheaf
plays the pipe,
Kolyada is amusing.
Avsen, avsen,
Tomorrow is a new day!
Don't stand at the gate
Tomorrow is New Year!

To your new summer,
Have a great summer!
Where does the horse's tail go?
It's full of bushes there.
Where does the goat go with its horn?
There's a stack of hay there.

How many aspens,
So many pigs for you;
How many Christmas trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Good luck to you,
master and hostess
Great health,
Happy New Year
With all the family!
Kolyada, Kolyada!

Give me the dumpling!
a spoonful of porridge,
Top sausages.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children!

The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!

Today is a party
fortune telling,
Pancakes, pies, tea party,
And pranks and dates.
Winter is hurrying us up - hurry up!
Hurry up to see
Get dressed and leave your houses,
Carol, dance, joke!

There is some good fun:
Who will get the rooster?
On a high pole
Conquer the heights!
Who's in the bag non-stop
He will be able to gallop deftly,
Who can break the pot -
He won't regret anything!
We are waiting for well done guys on stage -
Amateur singers,
Balagurov and dancers,
Harmonists and readers!

The carol has arrived
On the eve of Christmas.
Give me a cow, an oil head,
And God forbid whoever is in this house
The rye is thick for him, the rye of a supper:
He'll get an octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And life, and being, and wealth
And reward you, Lord,
Even better than that!

Carols go on holy evenings,
The carol comes to Pavly-Selo.
Get ready, villagers,
Let's have carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get your pennies!
Come, don't be shy,
Now we'll amuse the people.
Who will be the devil and who will be the devil!
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!