Wishes from graduates to students on September 1

Title: Congratulations on September 1 to students. On this wonderful day - the day of knowledge, I want to congratulate teachers and students on the new school year. We wish you wonderful ideas and exciting activities, high grades and worthy victories.

I want to congratulate you on Knowledge Day and say that there is no such thing as too much knowledge. Don't hide your talents, reveal your potential and strive to conquer the peaks! Happy holiday to everyone who wants to study!

I wish you an indestructible desire for knowledge, good friends, luck and high success. May your knowledge always be an incredible force leading you to success.

I wish you high spirits. May you enjoy calls, breaks, additional assignments, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers! Golden school years! Then you will remember these days with pleasure! Do not spare your efforts for your training, grab the opportunity to show yourself, take risks, try, dare!

The Day of Knowledge! From September 1st! We wish you to implement your plans, update your goals and achieve excellent results in your endeavors! Believe me, later you will remember these school years and feel nostalgic.

This day has come. September 1. I congratulate you, sunshine! But I won’t keep you, because you can’t wait to see your friends. Let this school year pass without you even having time to notice. Learn in a way that you have fun.

We wish you to always achieve your goals throughout the academic year and not lose interest in everything new and unknown. Efforts to you, as well as diligence, patience, good luck!

I wish you fruitful and positive studies, successful knowledge and achievements, the most good-natured teachers and more A’s in your diaries. May the new school year give you only excellent grades! Happy holiday.

On this wonderful Day of Knowledge, we wish you to always discover new boundaries of knowledge and horizons of success. And we all want to wish you to never stop believing in yourself.

Happy first of September! We would like to wish you maximum grades, high achievements and great success in the new academic year!

Happy start of the new school year! We would like to wish you to achieve as many of the highest grades as possible this academic year.

I wish you to always have the desire and opportunity to learn everything that is interesting. With a new start to great victories, high achievements.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! We wish everyone bold decisions in complex tasks! Learn and enjoy the moment! Believe that it will be even better, you just have to believe in it.

Happy new school year! I sincerely congratulate you and wish that this academic year will provide many opportunities to demonstrate your abilities and talents. I wish you a cheerful start to new success from the first days of sunny September. Most importantly, we wholeheartedly welcome and congratulate first-graders who are taking the first difficult step on the path to knowledge.

I wish you to confidently move towards your goals and make new discoveries. May you have good health, excellent mood and success in any endeavor all year round.

On this day of knowledge, we wish you to constantly strive for new successes and achievements, and that the granite of science gnaws with ease.

I wish you continued success, excellent mood and health for the whole year. May you always have enough time for excellent studies and a great mood with friends.

I wish you exciting leisure and interesting adventures, brave knowledge and personal achievements. May every day be accompanied by a good mood, good luck and the desire for success!

Happy start of the new school year! We would like to wish you incredible success and maximum potential.

On this wonderful day - the day of knowledge, I want to congratulate teachers and students on the new school year. We wish you wonderful ideas and exciting activities, high grades and worthy victories.

Hurray today is Knowledge Day! We would like to wish that what seems impossible comes easily and is certainly accomplished.

Happy first of September! We would like to wish you strong strength and confident knowledge.

Happy first of September! We would like to wish you wonderful friends and varied hobbies.

I wish you to learn and strive for your main dreams, collecting a huge amount of important knowledge. May learning and achieving your goals be much easier this year than last year.

Happy first of September! We would like to wish you great desire to learn, to learn and experience, to try yourself in new directions.

I want to wish you many cool lessons from which you will find something pleasant and useful for yourself. And may there always be a place for knowledge and wisdom in your life!

The Day of Knowledge! From September 1st! Be sure of a good result long before you get it! The main thing is attitude! In general, you must remember that every lesson has positive aspects that you must be able to find.

I want you to try to benefit from every lesson, from every day you spend at school. Let this holiday be fun and carefree, so that the coming school year passes in the same rhythm.

This day has come. September 1. I want to wish you successful and calm studies, a lot of A's and as few C's and D's as possible, although you can't do without them either. Let nothing stop you from achieving the highest level in school.

The Day of Knowledge! From September 1st! I would like to wish you a lot of fives, because your diary is so lacking in them, but there may be fewer threes. We also wish you to gain a lot of new knowledge, skills and experience in the new academic year!

Congratulations on September 1 to students - I wish you as many A's as possible, as little homework as possible. May this wonderful holiday give you many pleasant moments. Let the advice of your mentors come in handy and keep good memories of your school years!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! I would like to wish you a great mood throughout this year, although this is far from a year, but only a few months. Let your goal motivate you, let your dream lead you!

The article contains congratulations on Knowledge Day: for students, teachers, parents, and grandparents.

September 1 for children is not only the beginning of a new school year, but also a meeting with friends, new experiences and the opportunity every day to discover riddles and secrets with teachers, get answers to their many questions, or simply learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Congratulations to a first-grader on September 1: in verse and prose

By congratulating children on Knowledge Day, adults thereby help them easily enter school mode and say goodbye to summer. For first-graders, like their parents, a new stage in life begins on September 1.

Let this exciting and memorable day bring them only joyful emotions, and let the ceremonial line be remembered by the teachers’ greetings for the rest of their lives. The first open lesson of kindness or peace will set the children in the right mood, because knowledge will help them move through life. In the following sections you will find a variety of wishes for first-graders.

  • Our dear first-graders! Today is your first day of school - the first holiday of knowledge! You are all so elegant and solemn. Of course, you are worried when entering a new world, and so are your parents and teachers. Together we have a long journey ahead of us – 11 school years. I hope that this path will be bright, that new friends, good grades, and many pleasant, unforgettable moments await you ahead.
  • At school you will learn to read and write, master foreign languages, gain the necessary knowledge in mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry and other school subjects, but, I want to tell you, this is by no means the main thing. The most important thing that school can teach you is the ability to think, independently find solutions to complex problems, analyze, and the ability to sympathize and empathize. I wish you that the first school year, and all subsequent years after it, will be like one of the chapters of an amazing book, full of miracles and new discoveries
First-graders - perseverance and success in their studies, dad and mom - patience

Wishes to first-graders on September 1

In this section you will find congratulations to a first grader on Knowledge Day. The collected wishes are suitable both for greeting parents and for congratulating relatives or friends. Short or long, humorous or serious - choose the wish that your first-grader will like

Congratulations to the first-grader,
I want to say now:
Good luck in your studies,
So that you can succeed in everything!

Today will be the first time
When you go to first grade,
And let this bell ring
For your most awaited lesson!

We wish you guys
Only fives in the diary,
Strength, health and good luck,
The necessary knowledge in your head!

All the trees are covered in yellow leaves,
But forget about the kindergarten,
There will be school moments
Everyone is waiting for you in first grade!

For the first time the bell rings for you,
Calling and beckoning along a new road!
Your first lesson is about to begin.
And the first date with school!

We would like to wish you today
Always strive for the heights of knowledge
And never give up in life,
And just have fun learning!

So you became a first grader,
Put on a new uniform.
Let it be a holiday for everyone,
This is the first day of school.

Congratulations to students on September 1: in verse and prose

The traditional assembly in the schoolyard begins with the principal greeting the children and their parents. On this special day, students can still enjoy the absence of homework, quizzes or tests.

Knowledge Day is a holiday with notebooks, books and flowers

There will be no full classes yet on September 1st. But there will be congratulations and wishes, songs and poems, the first call and a sea of ​​autumn flowers. After the Peace Lesson, children will be able to have fun with all sorts of fun activities

What to wish students on Knowledge Day? Search in this section.

To know and remember everything in the world,
Think about everything and understand everything,
To be responsible for everything in the world -
We celebrate Knowledge Day again!
Since there is a holiday, it means it is needed,
If only there was a reason in September...

Here the yellow leaf will spin again
Autumn day on the calendar.
When both intelligence and knowledge are needed
... which means the soul is alive...
The world will be born, through trials
Hurrying persistently towards wisdom!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!
Oh, it's quest season
Tricky questions
Yes tests and surveys.

You learn everything zealously,
And don’t be lazy in your studies,
Try to be the first in everything,
Discover your reserves.

Strive for new knowledge
Rise up sharply
Jump over obstacles
Become very smart!

Study, study, study again
Not too late, not too early, always and everywhere.
And to new knowledge for everyone
need to strive
After all, knowledge is power, like a bright star!

And let the book be your best friend,
You strive for something new without any complaints.
Let your head spin from luck,
The Day of Knowledge! And now touch the secret.

First holiday of September
We are all celebrating for a reason!
This day of knowledge has come,
He gathered all the schoolchildren:

To the line and the bell,
And then to class.
We all need knowledge
They are very important.

I wish you good luck,
Everything is easy to solve problems,
Overcome all sciences
And succeed in many ways.

  • May the beginning of the school year bring not only the usual pain and suffering, but also the joy that a wonderful new stage has begun in the life of every student and teacher. And let “Knowledge Day” give everyone new knowledge about each other, new acquaintances and a new beginning
  • Congratulations on September 1 to the class teacher (comic)
    Dear (name, patronymic), congratulating you on September 1, we want to wish you patience, so that you forgive us our tricks more often, optimism, so that you believe in the limitless possibilities of even inveterate “C” students, good mood, so that they cannot spoil our “D” grades, have more interesting events in life, so that you have no time to call our parents to school. But seriously, we wish you good health, so that you never have to cancel lessons, exemplary students, so that your work and knowledge are not wasted, and, of course, increased wages, so that you never want to leave school

Flowers and bows, smiles and laughter - this is how the holiday of September 1st passes

Congratulations to the teacher on September 1: in verse and prose

In order to adequately congratulate teachers on the beginning of the school year, we suggest using the following selection of wishes in prose and verse. Inspire your children's mentors to be creative in their work. Let teachers also rejoice at the Day of Knowledge and the fact that their work is especially valuable: they teach children to become adults, to be responsible for their words and actions, to rely on themselves and on the knowledge acquired at school!

  • Congratulations to the director
    Dear Viktor Ivanovich (_ _ _ _)! Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year!
    We sincerely wish you the implementation of all your plans aimed at the prosperity of our native school!
    The team of teachers at school No.
  • Dear Nadezhda Alekseevna (_ _ _ _)! Please accept congratulations on September 1st! We wish you good health, good mood and success in your hard work!
    Students of the "" class
  • Congratulations to the class teacher on September 1, the beginning of the school year

Dear Nina Ivanovna (_ _ _ _)! Please accept sincere congratulations on the start of the new school year from your restless “” class! We wish you creative success, great happiness and good health! Always remain as beautiful and cheerful! And we will try not to upset you!
Students of the "" class

  • Our “coolest coolest” Alexander Vladimirovich (_ _ _ _)!
    Congratulations on September 1 - Knowledge Day! You are our compass in the Land of Knowledge! We wish you to always remain as young, cheerful and witty! And we will try not to let you down!
    Students of the "" class

Dear Colleagues! Allow me to sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year! I wish you success in your teaching career, good luck in all your endeavors, kind and smart students! Let your ship sail calmly on the waves of stormy school life! Happy sailing!

May the start of the next school year be successful for you, may the first holiday bell give you a good mood, cheerful mood, inspiration

Class decoration for September 1 adds solemnity

Dear teachers!

The first day of September is a day of hope and faith. Hope that this school year will be successful for our children, and faith in you, teachers. We believe in your professionalism and skill. We know that you love our children and are always ready to help them.

We, parents, wish you patience, pedagogical victories and joys. We promise to support you and help you. Together we will help our children become real people.

Let the wind of knowledge fill the sails of the school frigate, the wind of creativity be favorable, and the wind of hope come to the rescue as soon as calm comes in school life.

Let hurricanes and storms of inspections not be scary, and let the ship’s crew be professional, reliable, ready to overcome any difficulties and rejoice in common victories.

We wish you everything, dears,
Good, decent guys.
Let their eyes be big everywhere
They look after you with love,

Let a sea of ​​flowers greet you,
Let your soul be open
Returns good for good
Rushing to help in misfortune,

Let the salary be higher
Let there be less worries,
Love and recognition crown
A tangle of everyday roads.

Here's the first number
School time has come
Then September has come - hurray,
Go to school, kids.

As if everyone had arrived at eight o'clock.
My teacher, you accept
Congratulations on September,
Happy first best day of school.

First-grader with lush bows
Rings the silver bell.
The bell is beating - the school heart,
Invites us all to the lesson.

Knowledge Day is an annual holiday,
And we are worried like the first time.
Happy holiday, dear teachers,
May every class greet you with love.
Inspiration to you, talent,
No obstacles on the way,
What would be interesting
Go to school in the morning!

Congratulations on September 1 to colleagues: in verse and prose

On Knowledge Day, teachers prepare for daily work, for everyday life filled with joys, difficulties, sometimes happy moments, and sometimes sad or touching. Congratulate your fellow teachers on September 1, and our selection of wishes will help you with this. Choose the words you like, and let this significant day become truly happy and joyful for the employees of the Temple of Knowledge!

Being a theorist is dangerous,
After all, it’s better to be a practitioner!
Beautiful disciples on their way,
Patience, tactics.
Glorify your discipline,
Maintain your qualifications.
Colleagues, Happy Knowledge Day
A standing ovation sounds in your honor!

The adorations of the glorious disciples,
So that your main motto is: “Ready for the lesson!”
So that children listen to and respect you,
So that you receive certificates and awards.
We wish you happiness, smiles on Knowledge Day,
So that children are filled with effort in their studies.
And today, colleagues, take a rest,
After all, the calling sounds very proud - “teacher!”

How nice it is to be in a friendly team
Start the school year again.
Let it pass on a positive note,
It will bring a lot of impressions.
Dear dear colleagues,
Cheerfulness, health and strength to you,
Creative spirit, mood.
The work of teachers is invaluable!

Guys can be obnoxious
But we teach them nonetheless:
They are no worse than adults...
Long live our patience!

Long live our luck,
Colleagues! May each of you
Enter in a bright mood
Today to your favorite class!

Well, the bell is ringing again,
Let's go to class!
All life is one big lesson,
Teaching children is wonderful.
And on this solemn day, allow me
Congratulate you with all my heart,
And wish you with pleasure
You walked into class every day.

My friends, colleagues! Congratulations!
I choose the best words
To express my wishes to you,
May the praise be sincere!

I wish you success, inspiration,
Good health and success.
Always have a great mood for you,
More joy, luck, laughter.

September 1st congratulations to parents: in poetry and prose

What to tell parents on Knowledge Day? Wish them patience and that the children bring home only good grades. Congratulations for parents in verse and prose in the following collection

Congratulations, dear parents,
Happy first grade to your kids.
You raised wonderful children,
And at school they will become even smarter.

Today you are going to first grade,
And the child, worried, holds your hand.
The first bell is waiting for him at school today,
The first teacher and the first lesson...
I wish you and your baby,
So that all obstacles can be overcome!
Let the first-grader be happy at school,
And all family dreams easily come true!

You will forgive us for the deuces,
For absenteeism and jokes,
What's the tenth road
Sometimes we go around the school
That we are flying for recess,
We're not in a hurry to go to class,

If we suddenly run away from the test,
We won't surprise you with this.
Our deepest bow to you for everything,
May God give you a lot of strength,
In careless loafers
You invested your soul!

The desired hour has come,
Your child is enrolled in first grade,
Dear mommy, please accept my congratulations,
We wish you patience, and more patience.
May luck not leave you,
May you always be lucky with your first-grader,
Let the beginning of studies be solemn,
Let the start of your nerves be September 1st.

September 1st came to us,
It's time for your child to go to school,
Forget, mommy, about peace and sleep,
Let you be interested in all school news.
On the Day of Knowledge, please accept congratulations,
We wish you, mommy, endurance, patience,
Let your son’s studies go smoothly,
Then you too will sleep sweetly.

For parents Knowledge Day -
Day of hopes, memories,
A day of pleasant expectations,
Very important wishes:
For children to succeed
We didn't miss anything.
So as not to be called to school,
Less was rented out for repairs.
We wish you patience
Bold plans for implementation,
Fighting mood
And great luck!

Happy September 1st greetings to granddaughter and grandson from grandparents

When preparing for the holiday of September 1, grandparents can use the following selection of beautiful, original and sincere congratulations for grandchildren from modern authors.

On September 1, grandparents worry about their grandchildren no less than parents

Congratulations to granddaughter Ksyusha
Happy September first school day!
It is important to listen to teachers
And look for only true friends.

You should sit closer
There are usually children in front
Those who are ready to learn
They want to know about everything in the world!

Every school day is a miracle,
Develops, captivates...
Be attentive, inquisitive,
Life is easier for those who know.

Katya, granddaughter, congratulations,
And without any doubt,
I tell her the rule:
The mother of learning is repetition!

Congratulations Veronica!
Strive for new goals
The disease is a terrible race,
It's better to be healthy at school.

Poems-wishes for a grandson
May your heavenly good angel
Will show you the right path,
To make life interesting
Lots and lots of love and happiness!

You are one of those who achieve goals,
Again striving for new frontiers!
Without losing faith in yourself,
You can achieve everything yourself!

Let what was complex become simple,
Close - distant dreams,
Even the impossible is possible!
You deserve better!

Beloved grandson! Always dreaming
Opening my heart to the cherished ones,
Strive for distant shores,
Trusting your luck!
Let her guide you
To bright and beautiful successes,
And in the future only joy awaits
And every day will be happy!

I wish my beloved grandson
Study, be friends with discipline,
Find something you like
Grow up as a real man!

Video: congratulations on September 1

The school opens its doors
The academic year begins
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
Those who go to knowledge.

Comprehend, develop,
Let the interest not fade away,
Let them bypass you
Boredom, laziness and even stress.

Let friends be reliable, faithful
You will have a whole class.
Well, students, go for it!
To school, to knowledge! Good morning!

So the summer has flown by,
And the Day of Knowledge is coming,
Student, get down to business
A sea of ​​knowledge awaits you!

Don't get lost in this sea,
Be diligent, don't be lazy,
Learn from the heart, try,
Your life will be bright!

Our dear students, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. May this year give you only good grades, only funny stories, only great mood, only successful days, only successes and victories. We wish you health, patience, perseverance, perseverance and perseverance to achieve important goals, as well as a lot of bright hobbies, travel, fruitful weekdays, varied weekends and cool holidays!

Summer flew by quickly
You came to school again,
Three months of vacation
Rested, grown up,
We wish you to be happy
This was an academic year
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge,
Joy and success await you!

You are in a hurry to go to school today.
The bell is ringing again,
Autumn day, the very first
I already called you to class.

Let studying be a joy,
Let the high fives fly to you.
Jokes, laughter, cheerful babble
Let them always sound among you.

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
And I wish you victories.
May you always enjoy
The world of bright school years.

Let it be easy for you
Problems, rules and theorems.
Let the lessons be a joy
So is change.

May your memory not fail you,
It works flawlessly.
Congratulations, dear ones,
Happy important day - Knowledge Day.

Happy Knowledge Day to everyone -
May you experience great success in your business.
May school be good
Cozy, fun, bright.
Let laughter and friendship here and there
They're running across the school floors!
We wish you wonderful knowledge,
Have fun but reasonable days,
Various questions, tests
And sincere teachers!

On the day of knowledge I wish you new discoveries,
Wonderful friends, many events,
Learning is always easy and successful,
And complete all tasks diligently.

Surprise everyone with your successes,
And never be discouraged at all.
Joy, happiness on all horizons,
To expand your horizons to the fullest.

We sincerely congratulate you on Knowledge Day,
We want to learn, try, strive.
Guys, let them always be close,
Your good, faithful friends.

May your school days be happy
Everyone needs knowledge in life.
May laziness never come to you
May everything always succeed with a bang.

Happy Knowledge Day, guys! Study hard
You are a great school of great hope.
Appreciate both friendship and our advice.
And stay healthy, guys!

Do all the tasks well,
Don't be bored at all in our lessons,
Make friends, play, grow, learn
And you will certainly fall in love with the good life!

The new school year is already coming!
New miracles await you outside the door.
Each of you understands in your heart,
That a new streak is beginning.

Be daring, eager to learn,
And discover a new world with joy!
We wish you success and inspiration,
So that you choose the right landmark!

May this year be rich in victories,
May all subjects be easy for you!
Happy holiday to you! Happy Day of Amazing Knowledge!
Think boldly, wisely and deeply!

We hasten to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
We wish you great success from the bottom of our hearts.
Always be a good example in everything,
After all, knowledge is valuable at all times.
Try, learn and go to victory,
May there be difficulties along the way at times.
In battle, the spirit is stronger and the character is stronger,
Everything will work out! Just believe in yourself!

Knowledge Day is a holiday for the whole country!
When all schools open their doors,
And everywhere the happy laughter of children,
And maples in red greet everyone in schools,
We congratulate each of us
Happy autumn holiday and we wish you
To make the class a great start in life,
Where we start studying in the fall.

The school opens its doors
The academic year begins
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
Those who go to knowledge.

Comprehend, develop,
Let the interest not fade away,
Let them bypass you
Boredom, laziness and even stress.

Let friends be reliable, faithful
You will have a whole class.
Well, students, go for it!
To school, to knowledge! Good morning!

So the summer has flown by,
And the Day of Knowledge is coming,
Student, get down to business
A sea of ​​knowledge awaits you!

Don't get lost in this sea,
Be diligent, don't be lazy,
Learn from the heart, try,
Your life will be bright!

Summer is over and it's calling tenderly
The kids are all at their desks at school.
And with books a new, magical flight
The Day of Knowledge will give you again.

And on the first day of autumn, the day of September
School friendship meets you.
And childhood years, like silver,
The light of goodness shines on you.

Congratulations today
Guys, teachers.
We wish everyone success
And bright school days.
We have nothing to be embarrassed about
After all, we are one family.
Let's smile!
Happy Knowledge Day, friends!

Congratulations on September 1 to students and parents

Learning is light, it is known,
Ignorance is darkness.
It's interesting to study
Good for the mind.
Happy Knowledge Day!
The school year has arrived!
We wish you diligence
And happy troubles!

Today is a special, solemn day,
Look at this world, you are more cheerful!
A wonderful stream of discoveries awaits you,
After all, school life is a source of new knowledge.
Now you are just at the beginning of your journey,
Get ready to go through it with victory,
Give warm hearts to your classmates.
Happy Knowledge Day to you! And study well!

On this first autumn day,
Leave your laziness to summer -
And to school, for studying!

Within its walls I wish you
Learn with inspiration
And so that you, the students -
All solutions were given!

Summer flew by quickly
You came to school again,
Three months of vacation
Rested, grown up,
We wish you to be happy
This was an academic year
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge,
Joy and success await you!

You are in a hurry to go to school today.
The bell is ringing again,
Autumn day, the very first
I already called you to class.

Let studying be a joy,
Let the high fives fly to you.
Jokes, laughter, cheerful babble
Let them always sound among you.

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
And I wish you victories.
May you always enjoy
The world of bright school years.

Congratulations on September 1 to students in verse

Knowledge Day is a white bow
On the head of a first-grader,
A boundless ocean of flowers,
What will we bring to our school?
Where again from September 1st
A cheerful call will congratulate us,
And, generously giving knowledge,
Your home school will open the door!

It's September again. Students,
Pack your backpacks!
Pens and notebooks are waiting for you,
And fives at the board.

We wish you to grow up,
Become more serious, wiser.
Always be ready for school
One hundred sciences to overcome!

Congratulations on September,
We'll go to school together
On the road of new knowledge -
The Uncharted Path!

The Day of Knowledge has come,
And again you are at school
We wish you well
Start a new year for you!

Let your studies give you
A solid foundation
To strive to know
Peace again and again!

Let it never happen
Classes are boring
From September
All is well!

Congratulations, guys, on Knowledge Day!
May this year bring success
It will work without any complaints
Academic achievement will increase.

Everything will work out for you,
Don't worry about it unnecessarily.
Make your parents proud of you
Teachers are praised more often!

September gilded the foliage,
And we go again with joy,
Where knowledge lives
Where are they ready to give them to us?
Eyes glow with delight -
After all, we were waiting for the meeting all summer,
Happy Knowledge Day, September 1st
Congratulations to everyone on this holiday!

Text of a congratulatory speech for the holiday
September 1

Dear friends!

With great pleasure, I congratulate everyone present on the Day of Knowledge, September 1! The long summer holidays are behind us, during which we all had time to rest properly. And now, with renewed vigor, we are ready to start studying and working. Today I would like to wish schoolchildren to easily and enthusiastically master new subjects and gain new knowledge. I would like teachers to treat their work with soul and inspiration, because only you are able to ignite a thirst for learning in your students, only you can develop in them the ability to think, analyze, feel, empathize, which is so important in the modern world. I hope that the coming school year will be interesting, eventful, full of new victories and achievements - and I invite us all together to make it just like that!

Congratulations in prose on Knowledge Day from the director

Dear colleagues, dear students, I want to congratulate you on the new academic year!

September 1 is a special holiday, the day when the first school bell rings after a long summer break. Over the summer, the students had a rest and matured, and managed to miss their teachers and classmates. The teachers went on vacation and accumulated many interesting ideas for conducting exciting lessons. We all have to once again plunge into the whirlpool of school life, full of bright events and impressions.

Today I wish everyone present that the coming year will bring everything that is planned. Let your plans come true and your dreams come true. Believe in yourself, work hard on your tasks, don’t get discouraged when faced with difficulties - and you will succeed!

Congratulations to a schoolchild on September 1 in prose

Congratulations on September 1st! Today is your holiday and that of thousands of other schoolchildren, and you all celebrate the beginning of a new school year! I wish you more excellent grades in your diary in the coming year and fewer difficult assignments. Let learning be easy, let lessons be interesting, let changes be fun. I wish that the new school year brings many amazing discoveries and true friends. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, believe in yourself, strive for knowledge - and, I believe, you will succeed!

Congratulations in prose for first-graders and their parents

Dear first-graders and their parents! Today I am glad to sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful day - the first day of school! A new stage of life is beginning for all of you, full of amazing discoveries, new experiences, important achievements and victories. I will not hide that future schoolchildren will face many difficulties and obstacles along the way, but we – teachers – will always be there, we will help in solving difficult problems, guide and inspire achievements. We hope that the years of school life will be happy, give the light of knowledge, teach kindness and justice.

Congratulations on September 1 for first graders (prose)

Our dear first-graders! Today is your first day of school - the first holiday of knowledge! You are all so elegant and solemn.

Of course, you are worried when entering a new world, and so are your parents and teachers. Together we have a long journey ahead of us – 11 school years. I hope that this path will be bright, that new friends, good grades, and many pleasant, unforgettable moments await you ahead.

At school you will learn to read and write, master foreign languages, gain the necessary knowledge in mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry and other school subjects, but, I want to tell you, this is by no means the main thing. The most important thing that school can teach you is the ability to think, independently find solutions to complex problems, analyze, and the ability to sympathize and empathize. I wish you that your first school year, and all subsequent years after it, will be like one of the chapters of an amazing book, full of miracles and new discoveries.

Congratulations on September 1 to the teacher from students (prose)

Dear (name, patronymic), on behalf of the entire class, we want to congratulate you on Knowledge Day! The new school year is starting, and we are sure that we have already prepared a lot of interesting materials to make our lessons exciting. You, (name, patronymic), are a wonderful teacher, and we are very lucky that (name of the subject) you teach with us. Like no one else, you know how to interest us in the topic being studied and explain incomprehensible points. Today, September 1st, we wish you diligent students, so that your efforts do not go to waste, but always bear generous fruit!

Congratulations on September 1 to the class teacher (comic)

Dear (name, patronymic), congratulating you on September 1, we want to wish you patience, so that you forgive us our tricks more often, optimism, so that you believe in the limitless possibilities of even inveterate “C” students, good mood, so that they cannot spoil our “D” grades, have more interesting events in life, so that you have no time to call our parents to school. But seriously, we wish you good health, so that you never have to cancel lessons, exemplary students, so that your work and knowledge are not wasted, and, of course, increased wages, so that you never want to leave school!

Congratulations on Knowledge Day to students from the teacher

My favorite 5 "A"! With all my heart I congratulate you all on September 1 - Knowledge Day! Today I want to wish you that the coming year will bring a lot of new knowledge, skills and abilities, that your school friendships will be strong, that the relationship between you and your teachers will develop well. Let school become for you a place where it will be interesting for you to spend time, where you will become smarter, stronger in spirit and body, more tolerant - in a word, become better in all respects!

Congratulations in prose to students on September 1 from the class teacher

My dear, beloved students, I am very glad to see you after a long summer break. I hope that during the holidays you had a good rest, gained strength and managed to miss school. I wish you this school year to receive only “B’s” and “A’s”, to be active, to strive for knowledge, not to quarrel with each other, and not to skip classes. May this school year be interesting and fruitful.

Wishes to a schoolchild for Knowledge Day (funny)

Today is not a very happy day for you, but nevertheless, I congratulate you on it! I understand that you are sad because the holidays are over, because again you will have to wake up every morning before dawn, because there will be very little free time. Dull lessons and boring homework await you... But look at it from the other side! You can skip classes, homework can always be copied from someone, you can play a vicious joke on your unloved teacher by smearing chalk on his chair or placing a button... Of course, I don’t advise you to do anything like that, but you can dream!

Other texts of congratulations in prose on September 1