Conscription speech. Congratulations in prose on conscript day. Repeat the main stages of topic development

Every boy dreams of becoming a soldier in order to honestly repay his debt to his homeland. The army tempers, educates and turns yesterday's boys into real men. Today is Russia's conscript day. Dear guys, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish you a peaceful service. Be patient and self-possessed, be true patriots of your country. May you always be lucky in everything, may you have faithful, reliable friends nearby. I wish you success in everything and good luck. May the good angel always protect you. ©


Serving in the army is a great honor for every boy. Today is All-Russian Conscript Day. Allow me to give you guys the warmest parting words from the bottom of my heart. Be faithful patriots of your Motherland, fulfill your duty in full. May good luck and good mood accompany you, may the service be a joy to you, may only a peaceful sky be above your heads. I wish you good health, success and strong soldier friendship, because it is simply necessary in the army. All earthly blessings and prosperity to you. ©


Today is a special and solemn holiday - conscript day. Dear guys, we sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event. Childhood will be left behind, and serious trials await you ahead, but we are confident that you will cope with any difficulties and prove your courage and willpower. May God grant you good health, happiness, good luck and always a good mood. Always be confident in yourself, never doubt anything and honestly serve your Motherland. Peace to you and always reliable friends. May the Lord always protect you. ©


Dear boys, it is a great honor for you to serve in the army. Today you are still conscripts, and tomorrow you are real defenders of our mighty power. We wish you great willpower, endurance and patience. Serve conscientiously and diligently in order to fully repay your debt to the Motherland. I wish you good health, good luck, and self-confidence. May your service bring you only inspiration, may you be surrounded by a friendly soldier’s family, may your beloved girl wait for you in civilian life. All the best to you and prosperity. ©


It is a great honor for you guys to be a soldier, a loyal defender of your Motherland. Today is conscript day, we sincerely congratulate you on such a solemn wonderful event. May good luck always accompany you, may a good mood never leave you, may the sense of duty be the most patriotic, the most important thing in your life. I wish you good health, endurance and self-confidence. May the service be peaceful and bring you only inspiration. May your guardian angel always protect you. ©


Today we celebrate the holiday of future soldiers, the holiday of conscripts. Dear guys, we sincerely wish you a happy and peaceful service. May your soldier friendship be strong and strong. Serve in such a way that your entire family can be proud of you, honestly fulfill your duty to the Motherland. I wish you good health, success and good luck, peace and good mood. Be vigilant and attentive, and conscientious about completing tasks. May the Lord protect you. All earthly blessings and prosperity to you. ©


Just yesterday you were mischievous boys, and today you are conscripts, future soldiers. It is a great honor for you to serve in the army. Every real man must serve in the army and pay his debt to his homeland. Today is a wonderful holiday. We sincerely congratulate you, future warriors. We wish you to serve honestly, always be self-confident, have real endurance and great willpower. I wish you good health, happiness, good luck and luck. May a good angel always protect you. Serve in a way that will make your family proud. ©


Congratulations on Conscript Day: In verse

Public speaking - appeal (speech development lessons in 6th grade)
The gift of speech is one of the greatest abilities of a person, elevating him above the world of all living things and making him truly human. Human life is unthinkable without language, without speech. The word is a means of communication between people, a way of exchanging information, a tool for influencing the consciousness and actions of another person. Mastery of words is highly valued. This ability is an integral part of a person’s general culture, his education. “For an intelligent person,” noted A.P. Chekhov, “speaking badly should be considered as indecent as not being able to read and write.”
Many people have the belief that the art of speaking in public is a gift from above, a talent possessed by a select few. But rhetoric is an academic discipline. Today, the tradition of fluency in speech is being revived, and there is a growing demand for people who can express their thoughts independently, influencing others not only with linguistic correctness, but also with logical and compositional content. Changes in society place high demands on a specialist’s oral speech. And it is necessary to prepare future professionals in a particular field of activity for public speaking from school. It is not only the teacher of Russian language and literature who is called upon to solve this problem. Teaching a student to speak in front of an audience as the development of general educational skills is the task of the entire teaching community. There is practically no academic subject in which students do not have to speak publicly. And any teacher will say that most schoolchildren experience difficulties when it is necessary to construct a statement in a formal setting and pronounce it in front of the class. It is a rare student who can consciously and emotionally present a message, report, or abstract. At best, it will be a rote speech, devoid of emotion, at worst, a speech read from a piece of paper. Therefore, one of the teacher’s tasks is to develop the student’s ability to prepare a speech, deliver it in such a way as to convince and interest the audience.
In T.A. Ladyzhenskaya’s Russian language program, in the “Speech Development” section, a system of lessons devoted to various aspects of oratory is presented.
Undoubtedly, two or three hours a year is not enough to turn schoolchildren into speakers, but this is enough to form in them a basic understanding of rhetoric, the requirements for public speaking, the ability to determine a goal, select material, evidence, work on language, answer questions , argue, analyze the performances of comrades. In these lessons, the Russian language teacher plays a guiding role. In the future, the student develops initial eloquence skills in other lessons (literature, biology, etc.)
Of course, not everyone will graduate from school as a Cicero, since the main thing on the path to mastering the art of oratory is self-education, the speaker’s tireless work on himself, the development of natural abilities, constant exercises and practice. In this aspect, the teacher’s task in these lessons is correlated with the task of rhetoric, which one of the theorists of eloquence, Russian statesman and scientist, M.M. Speransky, defined as follows: “it is impossible to teach eloquence, because it is impossible to teach to have a brilliant imagination and mind. But you can teach how to use this divine gift: you can teach how to cleanse these precious stones from their crust, increase their radiance and insert them in a place that would increase their brilliance. And this is what, in fact, is called rhetoric.”
Let's look at specific lessons on this topic. It should be noted that the elements of rhetoric were introduced into the Russian language program not so long ago, so the teacher himself needs to determine the goals and objectives of the classes, select practical material, topics for speeches, matching them with the content reflected in the program, and relying on the classical methodology of teaching rhetoric, which includes:
mastering rules (theory);
sample analysis;
exercises with analysis and criticism of speeches;
speech practice and exercises on speech technique.
In the 6th grade, the program allocates 3 hours on the topic “Public speaking-appeal. Its structure, linguistic features."
Naturally, before creating a speech himself, the student must become familiar with some theoretical issues of rhetoric (which is what the first lesson is devoted to). During the conversation, sixth-graders establish that in order for a speech to take place, a chain is necessary: ​​speaker - speech - audience. They also find out what types of speeches there are and three questions that any speaker is called upon to decide for himself:
Why am I saying this? (target)
For whom am I speaking? (audience characteristics)
What am I saying? (content).
The teacher reports that there is a system of classical rhetoric consisting of five components:
invention of speech;
Children also need to be convinced that not only the content of speech is very important, but also how it is pronounced. And in this regard, the following components are very important: intonation, diction, gestures, breathing. Breathing exercises were performed in Russian language lessons over the previous two weeks ([Download the file to see the link]), the results were recorded by students in notebooks.
The next part of the lesson is devoted to a discussion of the “Speaker’s Memo” (see Appendix 2).
The second lesson is devoted directly to the speech-call, namely:
the goals of such a speech (to convince the audience, to call for action);
features of the composition (introduction, which sets the topic; the main part, designed to convince the listener; conclusion, calling for action);
linguistic features (incentive sentences, rhetorical questions, addresses to a specific and abstract interlocutor, evaluative vocabulary, repetitions of words, etc.).
During the lesson, an appeal text is analyzed as an example; before this, children are given an analysis algorithm diagram ([Download the file to view the link]).
As homework, students are asked to prepare a short speech on one of the topics: “Take care of bread,” “Old age must be respected,” “Drug addiction is a modern problem.” The test is distributed throughout subsequent Russian language lessons. As a result, several speeches were selected for the “Best Speaker” competition lesson. We will dwell on this lesson in more detail, since it is intended to summarize what was learned in previous speech development lessons.
Objectives of this lesson:
deepening knowledge about the structure and linguistic features of conscription;
developing the ability to find features of a public speech-appeal in a prepared speech;
development of the ability to pronounce stimulating speech.

Board design:
People are born poets, they become speakers. Cicero.
The ability to speak simply and beautifully is a whole science. K.S. Stanislavsky.
Consider everything that you intend to say first in your mind. Isocrates.
“Speaker’s Memo” ([Download file to view link]).
Information about speakers prepared by children ([Download the file to see the link]).
Preparatory work.
The students are divided into four groups. Each group prepared information about the following speakers: Cicero, Demosthenes, Socrates, Caesar. One person from the group received a prepared speech, which must be presented to the audience (the best speaker spoke in the lesson). The rest of the guys were given the task of preparing a short speech-appeal on one of the proposed topics (see previous lesson). The best speakers from each group were selected for the speech development lesson.
During the classes
Organizing time. The teacher tells the children the topic of the lesson and the goal. Students write down the date, topic of the lesson, epigraphs. Breathing exercise “33 Egorki”.
Representation of groups bearing the name of a particular famous speaker.
Updating previously acquired knowledge. Conversation on questions:
What is necessary for a speech to take place?
Tell us how you understand the words of Cicero and K.S. Stanislavsky, taken as an epigraph to the lesson?
Which paragraph of the “Memorandum of the Orator” corresponds to the words of Isocrates?
What are the features of an appeal speech?
Student speeches. First, the speaker gives a prepared speech “About Grandmothers” ([Download the file to see the link]). After discussing the speech, two groups must prove, using an algorithm, that the speech made is a call, the remaining groups determine whether the speaker complied with the requirements “ Memos.” Then there are original speeches written and prepared by the students themselves (one representative from the group). Groups comment on the performances and make comments.
Summing up the lesson. The class chooses the best speaker, who is awarded a certificate.
Homework. Write a short statement on the topic “Are speakers needed these days?”
S. Nikolskaya. Speech technique. – M., 1978.
Ch. Daletsky. Workshop on rhetoric. – M., 1995
V.I. Kapinos, N.N. Sergeeva, M.S. Soloveichik. Collection of texts for presentation with linguistic analysis. 5 - 9 grades. – M., 1994.

§104. Peculiarities of genres of calling speech

§ 104. Speeches calling for action aim to influence the actions of listeners. They necessarily contain an imperative modality, and therefore, in the classification according to the form of interaction with other remarks, all calling speeches belong to the heading “an answer is expected.”

Appealing speeches are closer to the Aristotelian type of deliberative speeches, discussing benefits and harms, as well as ways to achieve the best solution: “So, it is clear that we must keep in mind what is desirable in the future or what already exists in the present when we persuade someone , and that, on the contrary, when we dissuade someone, because the second is the opposite of the first. Since the goal pursued by a deliberative speaker is useful, because they are not consulting about the final goal, but about the means leading to the goal, and such means happen what is useful in a given state of affairs, what is useful is good.” Exactly means to achieve an end that is a public good, should be the subject of appealing speeches in the business sphere.

Aristotle points out two possible purposes of "deliberative speeches": "The purpose of deliberative speeches is to persuade or reject, because public speakers do one of two things [either persuade or reject]." However, in the classification we have adopted, inciting speeches can have only one goal - to “induce”, that is, to induce to perform a certain action. If in the speech the speaker set the goal of “rejecting”, that is, he encouraged don't commit any action, then his speech should be classified as persuasive, since as a result the audience did not produce any physical action, and the speaker only influenced its thoughts.

Among speeches calling for action, division can be made according to the degree of intensity of the motivation: speeches with low intensity ( advice, request, suggestion) and speech with strong intensity ( order, proclamation, ultimatum). The latter differ in that when they are created, additional means of strengthening the imperative modality are used. Moreover, some genres form pairs, which include genres that are similar in all respects except the degree of intensity: instruction - order, request - demand, invitation - challenge.

The same thing can be said about the essence of this type of speech as about persuasive speeches. However, in this case, all the actions of the speaker should be more intense and definitely expressed, that is, they have stronger pathos. “Consent in deliberative speech is agreement to act in a certain way for certain purposes, and accession is unification in action. The inclusion of speech in activity requires the rhetorician to pay special attention to pathos, which must be maintained and developed not only in the decision-making process, but especially in the process of its implementation."

An indispensable element of a speech that encourages action is also the formulation of the problem. The less the audience thought about the issue on which the speaker is speaking, the more vividly the hopelessness of the situation should be depicted, the urgent need to resolve this urgent problem should be shown. If the nature of the problem is not clear to the listeners, they cannot be expected to respond to the speech. For example: " Water is the source of life. That is why settlements are usually located along the banks of rivers. People have long noticed that daily water procedures rejuvenate the body and help maintain vigor and health for a long time. It's time to remember this age-old wisdom. We invite you all to purchase passes to visit the Spartak swimming pool, where you can swim for one hour three times a week all year round at a time convenient for you and perform the necessary exercises under the guidance of experienced trainers. If your health is important to you, we are waiting for you!" This is a completely unsatisfactory speech that cannot achieve the intended effect. All listeners, of course, agree that water is the source of life, but it does not at all follow from this that, given our extreme workload, we need to put an extra burden on ourselves - visiting the pool. It is completely incomprehensible why it is impossible to maintain vigor and health by taking a cool shower every day in your own bath (which is much more attractive because it does not require additional costs, both material and physical). In addition, it is unclear what diseases can be cured by visiting a swimming pool. After processing, the beginning of this speech took on the following form: " Dear Colleagues! With regret, I must admit that over the past year, cases of stress and nervous breakdowns have become more frequent in our team. This is quite understandable, because the workload has almost doubled during this time, but the number of employees has remained the same. In this situation, we need to take care of our health ourselves, and the main attention should be paid to strengthening the nervous system, which suffers first. How can this be achieved without resorting to the use of expensive and sometimes completely ineffective imported drugs? The solution is very simple, and it has been known to mankind since ancient times: you need to make friends with water. Moreover, the best effect is obtained by combining water procedures with reasonable physical activity. Passively standing in the shower does not lead to the desired result. You need to supplement your shower with long-term physical exercise in the morning. However, let’s be realistic and tell ourselves honestly: not everyone is capable of getting up half an hour earlier in the morning and swinging dumbbells and doing squats in splendid isolation. In this situation, the only way out is to visit the pool, where, under the guidance of experienced trainers, you will have the opportunity to swim and engage in physical exercises that are suitable for your age and health. That is why the management has entered into an agreement with the Spartak swimming pool and is offering you subscriptions through which you can actively improve your health for one hour three times a week." This sketch of the beginning of the speech can be refined and strengthened by describing egregious cases of nervous overload of employees or describing unsatisfactory results of a medical examination by a neurologist, which will increase the severity of the problem. The second part of such a speech is a description of what is proposed. Here, listeners should receive the most complete information about the pool, trainers, training conditions, the cost of a subscription, additional services provided by the pool, etc. However, if I understand that my health is not good, and I agree that the pool is wonderful, then this does not mean at all that I want to enroll in it. After all, nothing has been said yet about exactly how visiting the pool will solve my problems. Therefore, the third part of the speech appears, rich in emotional argumentation, where they show me this connection. Here it is possible to list positive examples of people who have already improved their health with the help of water procedures, describe their positive experience or (in a more rational audience) report the results of a doctor’s examination of people who visited the pool, etc.

It is important to ensure that the problem - the task - the thesis of the speech are closely related, one follows from the other. So, if problem: the number of nervous diseases among employees has increased; That task: encourage to visit the swimming pool; A thesis(and why should we attend it?): Swimming is the most famous and reliable way to strengthen the nervous system and prevent nervous diseases.

A typical mistake in campaign speeches is unclear formulation of one’s position and the way to resolve the problem. An example is the numerous pre-election speeches, most of which are devoted to the formulation of a controversial issue - in it the current government is cursed. However, what way out the speaker sees from this situation and what is required for this - they usually forget to tell the listeners. Of course, in an election speech the appeal is obvious: we are encouraged to vote for a candidate. It is much worse when this error occurs, for example, in proposal. Then, instead of analyzing the situation and indicating a specific way to solve the problem, they offer establish, enhance and improve work- something that does not indicate specific forms and methods of work and does not then imply monitoring of implementation (how to determine whether “work has been improved” or not?). Sometimes even experienced rhetoricians offer the following formulation as a task for a motivating speech: " make you think about....", which actually leads to a losing situation: the listener thinks - and what next?

Particular difficulties arise for the speaker when the audience is biased towards the thesis being discussed. sharply critical, has a clearly opposite opinion. It is absolutely clear that the usual methods of argumentation then turn out to be ineffective and can even lead to a result directly opposite to that expected by the speaker. What should we do here?

In this situation, the speaker must first analyze reason such a critical mood of the audience. If the reason is a bad attitude towards the speaker himself, it is better to refrain from speaking and consider other methods of influence. If the reason is rejection of the idea of ​​​​speech, it is necessary to find out its essence as accurately as possible. For example: a teacher offers students to buy a new textbook, but they are in no hurry. What is the reason? 1) They have no money; 2) there are other textbooks in the library that seem to students no worse than the new ones; 3) the subject does not seem too difficult to them, and they hope to pass it without any extra hassle.

The next step is to determine the degree of resistance. Here you should ask yourself the question: to what extent is this reason strong, can it be overcome with the help of speech? So, if students are hoping for a different textbook, an experienced teacher can easily argue the advantages of the new edition and its indispensability when passing the exam. But if the reason is lack of money, no amount of speech will change the situation. Similarly: you encourage listeners to get a flu shot, but they are allergic to the vaccine; you call on the team members to switch to double-shift work, but the team includes young women who have no one to pick up their children from kindergarten - these reasons cannot be overcome with the help of speech.

After the cause of resistance has been established and assessed as surmountable with the help of speech, we formulate the task of speech aimed at overcoming this cause and the thesis associated with it. For example, you have developed a plan for reorganizing a department and insist on its adoption, but the employees of the department are actively resisting. What is the reason? If the reason is inertia of thinking, the main emphasis should be on the benefits and advantages that they will receive as a result of the reorganization - “the reorganization of the department is necessary in order to free employees from unnecessary functions and duplication of operations, to make their work easier.” If the reason is that they are afraid of being laid off as a result of the reorganization, it is important to assure them that this will not happen - “the reorganization of the department will lead to the optimization of our work, which will finally allow us to allocate some of the employees to work with correspondence and compile an archive” . If the reason is that they do not want to retrain, which will inevitably be required during the reorganization, you should pay special attention to the usefulness of the training for them - “the advanced training courses that you will take during the process of reorganizing the department will allow you to become a more qualified employee, more valued and respected by management, which in the future will allow you not to be afraid of any reductions and layoffs,” etc.

During this stage, we pay special attention to explaining the importance of the event specifically to the audience. Managers often make the mistake of justifying mainly the need for an event for the enterprise, which is completely ineffective, especially since employees are not the owners of the enterprise and always put personal interests above production ones. That is why, if the speaker is going to justify the need for the team to switch to two-shift work, then this cannot be explained by the fact that the enterprise has to pay a lot for equipment downtime. It is much more effective to talk about how employees’ salaries will increase due to cost savings, or, in extreme cases, how much free time they will have, how much freer the work space will become and how much more convenient it will be to work.

So, 1) proof that this is a very important issue to be addressed immediate decision ( If we do not immediately change the structure of our institution, then perhaps tomorrow we will all join the ranks of the unemployed); 2) emphasizing the fact that this issue is important specifically for this audience ( two apartments have already been robbed in your building, if you don’t immediately get a dog, you will end up third); 3) demonstration of the benefits and advantages that the audience will receive from solving this problem ( if you complete a foreign language course, you will be able to get a more prestigious job involving business trips to other countries).

The next step is to develop the argumentation of the speech. Needless to say, it should be as saturated as possible with topoi of all kinds. Concern for the interests and tastes of the audience comes to the fore here. For example, if a speaker wants to encourage students to go out on a cleanup day and clean up the area around the institute, then the argument is completely ineffective: the janitor quit, there is no one to clean, the environment is so dirty that you are ashamed in front of strangers. The following arguments will give a completely different impression: 1) Many students complain that it is impossible to approach the institute without getting their shoes dirty; they have to walk in dirty shoes. In order not to spoil your shoes, I suggest everyone go out and fill up the puddles; 2) yesterday a first-year student slipped on ice near the institute and broke her leg. I urge all young men to go out and cover the ice with sand, without waiting until all the girls become cripples.

At the same time, the speech should contain many formulas of agreement with the problems and difficulties of the audience: these problems cannot be dismissed as insignificant, unimportant, they must be treated with respect, cf.: " I understand that you are the busiest...", "Of course, it will not be easy for you to change...", "Of course, it will be difficult, but.…" and so on.

If the speaker knows that the audience holds an opposing point of view, one should not resort to direct and open argumentation. Perhaps he will consider only minor aspects of the topic that are not particularly controversial; perhaps, it will generally limit itself to informational, unemotional speech, which can only create doubts in the souls of listeners. A variation of the tactics of constructing speech in this case is indirect argumentation, which addresses one addressee, but intends to influence a completely different one, who is passively present during the conversation. An example of such argumentation is all kinds of television debates in which the participants address each other, but have in mind the impact on television viewers.

To reduce the critical mood in the audience, a warning technique is also used, which consists in the fact that the speaker himself expresses possible objections and doubts about his thesis in a form convenient for him, without waiting for these objections to be expressed by opponents in a form convenient for them. Wed: " The presiding officer announced the start of the report. “I wouldn’t call my speech a report,” Garin said slowly and clearly. - Walking through the hall, I heard some statements about me and my future performance. Some, the youngest, said that they would be happy to listen to how the arrogant and daft people were whipped. Others, older ones, said that I did not come here to teach, flog, or be defeated. I think this is not a rally of political opponents, not a meeting, or a stadium. I expect here to think about the most difficult questions of human nature together with intelligent and thirsty people. Perhaps for the first time in the history of mankind, science makes it possible to solve these questions."(I. Efremov)

If the listeners still did not agree with the speaker, in no case should you blame them for this - after all, we will continue to work together, why spoil the relationship.

The listed techniques are completely acceptable and consistent with the ethics of the speaker. At the same time, logic has a whole set of speculative techniques for influencing the audience. They were analyzed in detail in A. Schopenhauer’s book “Eristics or the art of winning arguments” and boiled down to a description of ways to deceive a critical public. Such techniques, of course, should not penetrate public speaking practice.

§105. Offer

§ 105. Speech- offer can be used within the macro genre speech in debate, but can be used independently. In the first case, this genre differs significantly from deliberative speech a typical element of content - a description of the mechanism of specific measures to solve the problem. “The proposal acts as an incentive for actions that must be explained, organized, distributed in time and among the performers.”

Offer is always pronounced within the framework of an official meeting, so the roles of the participants are clearly defined: the speaker is a participant in the meeting with the right to vote, while his more or less high status is not emphasized (the leader can put forward a proposal on the same conditions as an ordinary member - otherwise it won't happen anymore offer) The specificity of the audience is that it is competent to make a decision on the issue under discussion.

Offer exists in two completely different versions, the choice of which depends on whether the speech is assessed as initiative or conventional.

1. Initiative offer assumes that the meeting is not obliged to consider the proposed issue, has not thought about the importance of the problem being raised, and has the right to refuse to consider the issue. In this case, the speech has a pronounced call to action (propaganda) character.

Such a speech should be structured according to the scheme described in the previous paragraph. It necessarily begins with a more or less detailed formulation of the problem, and since speeches calling for action are more intense than persuasive ones, offer involves first a more detailed, reasoned, often emotional justification of the importance of the issue raised. It is important to note that the problem must be clearly formulated by the speaker and relevant specifically for this audience. The less the audience thought about the need to resolve it, the more emotional and personal this part of Wed should be, for example, as deputy I.A. Shashviashvili begins offer on the inclusion of the issue “On military doctrine and the situation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” on the agenda of the Congress: " Dear people's deputies! In our opinion, when determining the agenda of the Congress, we do not have the right to ignore such an important issue today as the situation that is developing in the Russian army. The developments in the Armed Forces today are of particular concern. This is due to a sharp drop in the combat readiness of the troops, and with the wholesale departure of officers from the troops, with the flourishing of corruption in the army, and with an unacceptable decline in military discipline. But the main thing that causes the greatest concern is that, by the will of the current military leadership, the tendency in the army to transform it into an anti-democratic, police mechanism, a blind instrument of uncontrolled manifestations is gaining strength. Today, all democratic institutions in the army have already been destroyed, officer meetings have been dispersed. Their leaders are leaving the Armed Forces en masse under various pretexts. Strict lawlessness is established in the troops, persecution is taking place for attempting to open the eyes of the public to the real state of affairs in the Armed Forces. Human rights are violated on a massive scale".

After this, the speaker proceeds to formulating a specific way out of the current situation, and the mechanism for its implementation, which is within the competence of the listeners, must be spelled out. Compare, for example, a speech in the State Duma: " To stop this madness, it is necessary to make such fundamental changes to the law “On Production Sharing Agreements” that would eliminate the slightest possibility of Russia concluding enslaving agreements and discourage fly-by-night companies from any hopes of profiting at our expense, as the Australian company did.” Star" with our largest gold deposit "Sukhoi Log". And, to put it mildly, there are about 85% of such “foreign investors” in Russia, according to competent sources... All this, of course, can be corrected through the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, completely repealing the previously adopted law, or it can be done now by making changes and additions into the law on PSA, which is what is proposed in my bill... My bill proposes the following important norms: 1) The development of competition conditions and the preparation of draft agreements should be carried out in state economic institutions for public money, with subsequent compensation for these costs by the investor. The future user should not be allowed to set his own conditions or directly finance the work. Such a serious matter cannot be entrusted to some interdepartmental commission, the members of which cannot be held accountable after the passage of time. 2) Limitation of mineral reserves provided under the terms of division in order to ensure national security interests. For example, it is proposed to limit strategic types of mineral raw materials to 10% of proven reserves, and for other types - 20%". (V.P. Zvolinsky)

Latest micro theme offers may be devoted to describing the benefits and advantages that the audience will receive if they implement what is proposed. In cases where we are not talking about the direct interest of the audience, but concern the interests of society, the final part summarizes what has been said and emphasizes the importance and urgency of the proposed measures. " Ecology, along with the economy and national relations, has become one of the main painful problems of the country. We believe that the set of measures outlined in this speech would mark an important step in dramatically improving the environmental situation. If the air cannot be breathed, the water cannot be drunk, and the food cannot be eaten, then all social problems lose their meaning. If we do not solve the environmental problem, both housing construction and the implementation of the Food Program are called into question. Solving environmental problems is also extremely important from a political point of view, as it leads to the consolidation of society. Both the “left” and the “right” are in favor of immediately solving environmental problems. And we must definitely look for ways to consolidate our society." (A.V. Yablokov)

An initiative proposal uses both rational and emotional arguments of all types. Compare, for example, how V.I. Goldansky uses historical illustrations to confirm his thoughts: " Neither the majority nor the minority has a monopoly on truth. According to the Gospel, it was the majority who shouted: “Crucify him!” Half a century ago in our country, the majority angrily demanded the death of those innocently convicted by shameful courts. It is easier, of course, for the majority to shout down the minority. Although the minority can also sometimes be quite noisy"; psychological argument: " And the whole world witnesses manifestations of intolerance towards other people’s opinions, hissing, shouting, clapping, almost stomping, and sometimes personal insults heard in this room. And we ourselves are lowering our parliamentary authority and the authority of the entire Congress by this", assessments.

2. Conventional offer assumes that the meeting cannot refuse to discuss the stated problem, that it is bound by certain obligations in this regard. The listeners do not oppose the solution to the problem, but want to solve it, they specially gathered to discuss solutions and are looking for them. In this case, the emotional elements that are usual for the first option are inappropriate; the speech should be purely businesslike and rational. This offer has the appearance of informational speech (opinion subtype).

The introduction to this version of the genre offers a description of the situation that led to the need to put forward proposals: “Dear deputies! We present to your attention the draft federal law on conscription and military service, which is being considered in the second reading. The current law was adopted in February 1993, but already in June mass amendments to this bill began. November 16, 1994 "The bill under consideration was adopted in the first reading by the former Duma. But the former Duma was unable to bring this bill to completion, and it is up to us to do this." (M.V. Surkov) Or:“Dear colleagues! Just the other day there was a meeting of the Government, where all non-state extra-budgetary funds were sharply criticized, including the Social Insurance Fund, to which we want to transfer functions with this law so that it acts as an insurer. Expert Council on Insurance of the State Duma and The All-Russian Union of Insurers has now presented you with a document with a negative conclusion regarding this law. It is in front of you, you have it." (V.A. Tarachev)

The main part may begin with a description of the history of the issue: " Initially, the Defense Committee summarized 344 amendments to the bill. Of the 171 amendments adopted, 173 were rejected. The bill with these amendments was prepared for consideration by the State Duma in the second reading back in October last year. Three times it was included in the order of work and was not considered for various reasons. On December 6 last year, Gennady Nikolayevich received a letter from the President of the Russian Federation: to finalize the bill taking into account his proposals. A working group was created, which included all representatives - the President, the Ministry of Defense, and all law enforcement agencies. The President sent 139 additional amendments. Of these, we accepted 80 and rejected 59. On April 17, the bill was sent to the President and the First Directorate of the State Duma Apparatus. The comments received have been taken into account. The bill is supported by the Government of the Russian Federation (its representatives worked). The Main State Legal Department, Mr. Orekhov once again sent two comments on the eve of our meeting". (M.S. Surkov)

However, most often the main part offers consists of a rational justification for the feasibility of the option that is proposed. It is important to note here that the audience is not necessarily constructive - many offers at meetings and in Dumas they are rejected, but the speaker still cannot resort to emotional arguments, put pressure on the psyche, if he does not want to look like he does not fall into the genre.

The speech ends with a statement of the essence of what is being proposed. After this, at the request of the speaker, brief indications of the performers, special conditions and options for acceptance, etc. are possible.

Mixing these options offers leads to the fact that the speaker does not achieve the result he expects and dooms himself to rhetorical failure. Moreover, if in a conventional audience a speaker begins to make an initiative speech to “agitate,” then he simply looks funny and irritates the listeners with unnecessary pathos. A much more serious mistake seems to be the case when, in an initiative situation, the speaker tries to make a conventional speech. In this case, all the compositional parts inherent in the first type of the genre may well be preserved, but they have an unemotional, stating character. Wed, for example: “Dear comrade deputies! I want to draw your attention to one problem. In my opinion, the difficulties that we now have when nominating candidates for national-territorial districts to the Council of Nationalities stem from the fact that we are trying to combine things that are essentially incompatible, namely elections and delegation. If we maintain the order we have now settled on, that is, the republic determines 11 candidates for 11 seats, then the elections of the Congress turn into a fiction. On the other hand, it is naturally necessary to provide for the sovereign rights of the republics. In my opinion, this situation can be resolved in the following way: oblige each delegation and republic to nominate at least two candidates for one seat in the Council of Nationalities, which will allow the Congress, for its part, to also hold elections without reducing the whole matter to an empty appointment , which in the past cost us quite a lot.” (A.G. Kosteniuk) There is also a formulation of the problem here ( At the Congress, difficulties arose regarding the nomination of candidates to the Council of Nationalities), its score ( replacing elections with delegation), a specific solution to the problem is outlined ( oblige republics to nominate two candidates for one seat), benefits and advantages are shown ( this will make it possible to hold full-fledged elections without reducing the matter to an empty appointment, which has cost us quite dearly in the past). At the same time, there is no direct call for action by the listeners; the speech does not contain indications of the extreme hopelessness of the situation, which is mandatory in the initiative version. However, in the situation of the Congress, the audience could not be assessed as conventional; from the speech itself it is clear that the listeners did not think about the problem posed, and to overcome the inertia of perception, simply pointing out the problem is clearly not enough. Therefore, using this option was an obvious mistake - the speaker could not be heard and supported.

Main disadvantages speech-sentences usually the following are:

1. An unclear description of the mechanism for implementing the proposed action: all possible variants of the wording “to increase, establish and improve work” - which cannot be implemented in principle, and the audience cannot then control whether this proposal has been implemented. In this case, even if the idea itself is correct and valuable, it goes unclaimed. So, if at a meeting of the institute a speaker says that student life has become very monotonous and suggests paying more attention to organizing cultural events, then such a speech can be called depending on the specific form criticism, remark etc., but not proposal. (Cf. obligatory element of the sentence: " I propose to introduce the position of vice-rector for cultural affairs and appoint A.I. to it. Sidorov, who showed himself to be a capable organizer, as a person who knows how to captivate students". Or: " I propose that our institute join the Council formed by the youth center. Of course, you will have to pay an entrance fee, but in the future students will be able to take part in evenings, concerts, KVNs held by the Council, and not feel cut off from the student cultural life of the city".)

2. The statement part is too long, where not all thoughts lead to the need to implement what is proposed. That is, the main part is built according to the principle opinions or speeches in debate, but ends like offer, which is wrong, since in this latter genre all elements of content from the very beginning should be aimed at developing an idea of ​​​​the necessity of what is proposed.

3. The main part (this is especially common in initiative speech) is built in the form critics, the harm of the current state of affairs and the benefits of changing it are described, while it is necessary to talk about the usefulness for the cause of certain measures - what is proposed to correct the situation and resolve the problem. At the same time, the presence of overly voluminous, not directly related to the thesis, critical micro-topics in proposal- a very common phenomenon.

§106. Advertising speech

§ 106. Advertising speech. In a market economy, this genre is becoming one of the most common among appealing speeches. However, most often our audience deals with radio and television advertisements, the specificity of which is extreme brevity (after all, the advertiser pays for every second of advertising) and the associated increased brightness and imagery of speech. At the same time advertising speech may also have a more traditional form used outside the media.

“Advertising can be defined as information to people and the influence on them in all possible ways to create wide fame for something or someone, notification about the consumer properties of goods and the advantages of various types of services with the aim of selling them and creating active demand for them, about remarkable economic events , cultural, political life in order to evoke active participation of people in them. Thus, the object of advertising can be not only goods, services, shows, but also political actions, i.e. rallies, processions, political elections, etc."

Advertising- a clearly expressed initiative genre, which therefore requires active actions to attract the attention of the audience. “Advertising must be offensive, causing involuntary attention, which is defined as the concentration of consciousness on an object (in our case, on the advertising text) due to the characteristics of this object as a stimulus.”

For advertising It is very important to correctly determine the nature of the intended audience. First of all, we determine whether it is intended for organizations (trading and manufacturing companies, government and public organizations, research institutions, etc.) or simply consumers. But even in the latter case advertising It will be much more effective if it is addressed not to the “broad consumer masses”, but to a specific category of listeners. Even if it is a very common product, in advertising It is better to limit yourself to addressing the most promising group of buyers. Wed. in television advertising soap (a product needed by absolutely everyone): " Soap "Kamey" - the irresistible art of seduction" - to young girls, " "Saveguard" and you are protecting your family" - mothers of the family, etc. Most often, the addressee is determined by the nature of the advertised product: fashionable razors - for young men, diapers - for caring mothers, new fertilizer - for gardeners, etc. Such narrowed addressing is necessary in order to more accurately take into account value audience guidelines for building an effective topos.

Task advertising appears to consumers and advertisers in completely different ways. The consumer wants to see advertising as objective information as possible about the product, its properties and purpose. The advertiser’s goal is to encourage the audience to buy the product offered; people should want to do this even if the products are quite ordinary and do not have noticeable advantages. It is obvious that both those and other tasks are quite worthy of respect, and advertising in general can be considered good only if it takes into account the interests of both parties. That's why it's good advertising must necessarily combine both rational and emotional argumentation.

For advertising, the question HOW is extremely important. because it must break through to the listener and grab his attention. “The cliched, standard, monotonous nature of an advertising text can reduce stability and concentration of attention. Our consciousness glides along a standard text, although a speech standard, used as a ready-made phrase or phrase that is easily reproduced in certain conditions and contexts, can also form a constructive unit that retains its semantics The positive side of the standard is that it most often corresponds to psychological stereotypes as a reflection in the mind of frequently repeated phenomena of reality and is therefore easily reproduced, as a result of which the communication process is facilitated and effort and time are saved for the writer and reader of advertising.For example, as the standard uses phrases such as Our phone...; Use the services...; Phone for information…; Studio address...; Inquiries by phone...; The store is open daily… But such standards in advertising are limited. Thus, we are talking about separate standard combinations. Standard text is less effective than expressive text."

Existing literature usually offers advice on constructing only short advertising texts: newspaper advertisements, television advertisements, etc. Expanded advertising speech cannot fully comply with such recommendations, however, some features of advertisements can be used in large speech. First of all, all advertising products are united by the main principle of construction advertising: “There are four stages of the impact of advertising: to attract the consumer’s attention, to convince him of the need to take advantage of the advertisement’s appeal, to force him to remember the main idea of ​​the advertisement and resort to its recommendations.” However, the specific implementation of each stage in a big speech will be different than in an announcement. So for an ad, one of the main elements is considered to be an advertising slogan - “a striking line in a composition that can be instantly perceived and remembered, it makes the advertising text stand out from the sea of ​​others.” In a full speech, this element is used extremely rarely, and its role is performed by an extended introductory part with a similar task. Wed, examples from the cited work: “Do you want to learn how to conduct banking the way they do in Switzerland? You have such an opportunity! (advertisement of a consultative and methodological seminar on the problems of organizing and functioning of commercial banks) or: “Your dream no one will violate if...”, “Do you want to sell the apartment? We offer the highest prices." It is easy to notice that such slogans formulate the problem that faces the consumer and which the advertiser proposes to solve. It is with the formulation of the problem that any propaganda speech should begin, which for advertising seems to be a particularly strict rule. Wed: " Today, in our age of speed and progress, when there are many opportunities to have a pleasant and useful time, and we want to do everything, we often do not have enough time. I myself was a student a couple of years ago and I know how difficult it is to combine studying for exams, communicating with friends, visiting your favorite section and reading fiction. But today there is a way out of this situation. Our company will help you deal with this problem. (N. Ryabets)"

One cannot but agree with the recommendations for constructing the following two parts of the advertisement: “The content - the main part of the text - talks about the merits of the advertising object, provides arguments in its favor that convince the consumer to follow the call of the advertisement. The conclusion is intended to consolidate the main idea, dispel doubts that may arise in the consumer, finally convince him of the validity of all of the above. It also gives etiquette formulas of politeness such as “We are glad to see you”; “We thank you for your attention”; “We are always with you”, undoubtedly pleasant to the potential consumer, as well as the address and telephones." However, for advertising speech this is clearly not enough; the general wish for structure must be supplemented with specific recommendations for developing the argumentation of a speech, which begins with the identification of the main topos.

Imitation, fashion, conservatism. In low-intellectual and emotional audiences, it is worth resorting to arguments based on the tendency to do like the majority. In this case, the main type of argument will be a list of authoritative and famous people who purchased the advertised product.

The desire to stand out. In this case, we are talking about a person’s desire to somehow stand out from the general background and be somehow different from others. For example, the speaker says that the store sells consumer goods, a mass product cannot be elite, and only our cosmetics will show your taste and high standard of living, emphasize uniqueness, etc.

Striving for novelty. There are many people who are attracted to the unknown, the unexpected, and are captivated by innovative ideas; those wishing to renew their acquisitions or relationships. New products satisfy their need for change, and the speaker's task is to emphasize the originality of the new item.

Strength, reliability, safety. People are often afraid of new products because they may be short-lived or unhealthy, or, after all, just fakes. Therefore, one of the micro-topics of the speech must necessarily be devoted to overcoming this fear. In it we talk about how reputable our company is, how long and successfully it has been thriving in the market, what famous partners (clients) it deals with, etc. A description of the reputation among consumers and the opinions of regular customers is supplemented by an indication of safe and effective composition, laboratory tests performed, warranty obligations, etc.

Comfort, convenience. People with a practical, rational character are more susceptible to this type of argument. In this case, the speaker talks about the advantages that are expected from the product: it is easy to keep in order, it is easy to handle, not bulky, does not take up much space, lightweight, etc., and in the case of cosmetics: it combines three functions in one, is offered in a convenient, economical package, has an improved brush, etc. It is necessary to be creative in painting a picture of the benefits and advantages that listeners will receive from the proposed item or product

3. Economical. Showing material benefits and advantages, emphasizing that for the same price in our case you get a better quality product than in other places, can be a win-win argument (pragmatic topos). In real practice, this topos occurs most often and is the most important and effective.

It is important to remember here that when searching for a topos, we should talk about the reasons that motivate a person to buy the advertised product. Therefore, such reasoning, for example, does not seem legitimate: “There may be other motives. For example, love - I want to buy my wife (if, of course, I have money!) a fashionable and expensive fur coat. The motives may be jealousy, envy, fear.” A man’s love for his wife is not at all a reason to buy a fur coat from our company in our store. His love is only a precondition that gives reason to fight for him as a buyer.

Further, in accordance with the two sides of the problem advertising We develop two sides of the argument. For advertising, like no other genre, rhetorical arguments are important. They form the basis of the argument, but must be supported by logical arguments that do not give advertising turn into pure suggestion. IN advertisements, which are addressed to ordinary consumers, it is the emotional appeal of the advertised product that should come first, and only then care should be taken to ensure that he understands its benefits and advantages. The rational part is especially important in cases where advertising addressed to organizations: companies, wholesale buyers, etc.

The rhetorical side of argumentation is usually based on evaluative arguments, which are most common in this genre. It is important to remember, however, that very often it is not enough to simply indicate that a product is good (or even very good). Type ratings gorgeous, beautiful, cheap etc., although acceptable in advertising, turn out to be ineffective. If we are talking about an ordinary, well-known subject, arguments that show it from an unexpected side can be very effective. So, the argument should be considered successful advertising speech about imported ice cream (see Appendix), which does not say that it is tasty, nutritious, healthy, etc. (which everyone already knows): it must be bought, firstly, because it makes it possible to experience completely unusual , previously unknown taste sensations, and secondly, because it takes us back to childhood.

Since in advertising a direct call to buy the product offered is often translated into a super task; it is necessary to use special means of implementing such a communicative intention. The simplest technique for this is to avoid using second person forms. The speaker does not say: “You should do this,” but reports what good success someone else has achieved who did it, or talks about his feelings and actions, cf.: “Returning to the communication “you and me,” It may be noted that it is often encountered in propaganda literature.In principle it is associated with the conative function of language, but it happens that this function turns out to be disguised in an expression that at first glance has an expressive function and in which “I” replaces the expected second person. At one time in the United States, the slogans "Vote for Eisenhower" or "You should vote for Eisenhower" were equally transformed into the slogan "I love Ike." It is clear that the numerous senders of this message were not limited to expressing their opinions. They were addressing millions of their listeners, "To make them think in the same way. When they said 'I,' they meant 'you,' and relied on mass psychology, hoping that all 'you' affected by a given message would identify with its subject." It is easy to recall numerous examples of this technique from television advertising, when they tell us how quickly he recovered using this medicine, and what wonderful results she achieved by washing with this particular powder.

1. Argumentation is based exclusively on rational arguments. This is the mistake of a novice speaker who believes that all he has to do is explain to the audience how good the product is, and success will be achieved. However, this is a misconception. Advertising must overcome the inertia and passivity of listeners and therefore necessarily appeal to emotions.

2. The opposite mistake is to use exclusively emotional arguments, to turn advertising into pure suggestion.

3. The topos was found incorrectly: it does not reflect the actual needs of this particular audience: " VILAN-405 is a pourable semi-rigid foam plastic of light yellow color. Water- and airtight, elastic, which allows it to withstand all temperature and humidity deformations that arise during operation. The joint designs with this material are repairable. Its use is permitted by the Ministry of Health without restrictions. The use of polyurethane foams allows you to increase the service life of joints up to 40 years without repair, which is 5 times longer than the service life of joints made from traditional materials"The speech is intended for builders, but the benefits that will be received by future residents and organizations responsible for the repair and operation of houses are listed, which is unacceptable in a serious speech.

When constructing an argument advertising speech It is also important to remember the ethical restrictions that exist for this genre. The most important and most pressing requirement is that what is reported in advertising speech information must be absolutely reliable. You cannot attribute properties to a product that it actually does not have. One cannot remain silent about harmful side effects that accompany the use of an advertised product, etc. An example of dishonest advertising This type of television advertising was for Panadol, which was declared to be an effective and safe antipyretic. However, doctors claim that Panadol contains crude paracytomol, which contributes to the destruction of the liver, and therefore this medicine cannot be called safe.

Among other methods of unethical argumentation in advertising Two cases should be noted: 1) Discrediting competitors' products. IN advertising speech You can praise your product as lavishly as you like, but you can’t criticize your competitors’ products. That is why the speech should not contain references to the poor quality and ineffectiveness of creams, medicines, etc. from other companies. This requirement is often violated in television advertisements, where you can find statements about the unconditional superiority of your detergent over “ordinary powder” or “ordinary cleaning agent”, ridicule of toothbrushes of a different shape, not similar to ours, etc. 2) Defamation of people, not using our products. This includes cases where advertising speech they talk with contempt about people who do not use the advertised product: what wrinkled skin they have, bad complexion, what terrible acne, etc. An example of this technique in television advertising is a story about “Chappie” food: a dog who does not eat “Chappie” ”, is lethargic and sick, while a dog consuming “Chappie” is healthy and cheerful. The unfoundedness of such a comparison is evidenced by the fact that dogs have been living with people for several thousand years, all this time they have managed without “chappies” and have always been cheerful and healthy.

§107. Appeal

§ 107. Appeal.Appeal- a very frequent genre in our social practice. This term is often used to describe any formal invocation speech. However appeal has its own genre features, enshrined in our speech tradition and dictated by the official situation, the status of the speaker (official authorized person), the status of the addressee ("non-subordinate"), the goal of inducing listeners to certain actions in accordance with the prevailing circumstances. Thus, appeal- this is an official speech in which in an intensive form (as opposed to requests) a detailed, reasoned call for socially significant actions is expressed (in contrast to motives) and which is intended for an audience not in a relationship of direct subordination to the speaker (as opposed to order). That is why appeal cannot limit itself to just listing (as in an order) the actions that need to be performed, but must contain a detailed argumentation of the need for the action to be performed for the listeners themselves and its social usefulness.

Let's look at the specifics of this genre using the example of election appeals.

In this option, it is especially important to accurately represent your audience, the most promising group of people capable of supporting the candidate, to appeal not to the “broad masses of the people”, to all voters, but to keep in mind your specific electorate, to say something that will turn out to be a topos specifically for it . Therefore, speakers who promise to increase pensions, fight crime, build roads in the countryside, improve the state of science, etc., will most likely turn out to be of no use to anyone. Consequently, it is better for a young person nominated as a candidate by a youth organization to talk about the problems and needs of young people and ask for support from the younger part of voters; It would be wiser for a representative of the Yabloko bloc to turn to the scientific and technical intelligentsia, who only support G.A. Yavlinsky; the representative of the agrarian party - to the rural residents, etc. Violation of this important requirement costs the speaker dearly. So, appeal to residents of a district known for its communist sentiments, criticizing the communist governor, his program and actions cannot improve the candidate’s position and will be the cause of failure, since this criticism not only will not become a topos, but will also lead to the speaker’s rejection.

The program set out by the candidate must correspond to the level of the body to which he is elected. An extreme case of such a discrepancy was the speech of a candidate for the city duma, whose entire program consisted of a promise to fight for the restoration of the USSR within its former borders. At the same time, neither the path nor the methods of this struggle were revealed. The whole point of the speech was to present to elderly people with a communist orientation an obvious state topos, not supported by any real considerations. It goes without saying that a candidate for the city council should not talk about agrarian policy or land law; candidate for the regional Duma - talk about Russia's foreign economic relations, etc., since all this is not within the competence of his government body.

The main part of a speech urging voters to vote for a particular candidate usually consists of two micro-themes: 1) reporting information about the candidate as a person worthy and capable of fulfilling his future duties; 2) presenting and justifying a program for future action, from which voters could understand that this is exactly the person they need. The first micro-topic does not imply a detailed presentation of the entire biography; it only tells what will help listeners get an idea of ​​the candidate as a person corresponding to the desired role, capable of bringing benefit in the elected body, as well as about his political orientation, moral and spiritual principles, life priorities, i.e., what will inspire voter confidence in him. The first micro-theme is especially important when voters are unfamiliar with the candidate. For example:

We will elect a new person as governor - a business person, an economic person. There is a suitable candidate - Nikolai Kirillovich Maksyuta. He knows what and how to do first-hand, not from books. The first calluses on his palms are peasant ones: through his labor, Nikolai Kirillovich learned how bread grows and how much sweat must be shed for it. The second calluses are working, engineering: two hundred ships received a start in life from his hands. Then he was director of the same shipbuilding plant for ten years. It was under him that more than five thousand apartments and saunas were built for workers. This kind of school is not in vain. What about your experience as chairman of the Volgograd City Duma? He is also worth a lot in our difficult times. In this post, he continues the same course today. The City Council took control of the city budget (our State Duma as an example!), did not allow prices for travel on city electric transport to rise, sharply reduced the rate of growth in the cost of utilities for the population, and introduced free travel for schoolchildren. Nikolai Kirillovich knows how to build, increase the wealth of the state and the people, not forgetting about his fellow countrymen, about those who live nearby. Knows how to value and take care of working people. He knows: they are the salt of our land, and not those tumbleweeds who, apart from speculation and theft, do not know any other craft, and do not want to know. (G.A. Zyuganov)

Such a presentation, framed in the style of a friendly conversation, devoid of the usual speech cliches in this case, fully realizes its objectives, creates a positive portrait of a candidate capable of coping with his future responsibilities and inspiring the confidence of voters. Although from the point of view of the proportionality of the parts, it looks unnecessarily extensive. In this case, this is explained by the fact that the speaker ignored the second part of the address, undoubtedly more important, since success in the past does not necessarily guarantee success in the future - in the position for which the candidate is applying.

The content of this micro-topic largely depends on the political views of the candidate and the values ​​of the social stratum to which he is addressing. Communist-oriented candidates usually talk about their worker-peasant origins and closeness to popular interests (see above); representatives of right-wing parties - about legal or economic education, which provides good preparation for the development of new laws, work experience in government bodies, participation in the work of elected bodies, etc. If the candidate does not have such winning points in his biography, this micro-topic is reduced to a minimum, and consists only of a message about the views, priorities and moral qualities of the applicant. Extra information in this situation only harms the candidate. For example, there are often cases when a candidate’s confidant reports about him that he, for example, is the chief physician of a district hospital, an excellent surgeon, has organized the work of the team, is adored by patients, etc. All this creates a positive attitude towards the candidate, but listeners cannot do not conclude that this person’s place is in the hospital, where he works so well, and it is there that he will bring much more benefit than in the Duma.

“Often the biography of a leader is made up not only of what he did, but also of what he did not do. For example, lack of political experience and non-participation in certain types of political activities can be considered as a merit of a candidate for a leadership position... Lack of work experience in government structures can be presented as evidence of “political purity”, non-involvement in “backroom political deals”, lack of ties to “corrupt authorities”.A politically inexperienced candidate can easily be presented as a true representative of the people who, if elected, will represent the power of the people and protect the people." True, a caveat must be made here. The candidate must then necessarily have some other merits and advantages: experience in managing a large company, work as a trade union leader, etc., or proven positive qualities, since an undistinguished person from the street can hardly count on the support of voters.

In the second micro-topic, the speaker sets out and argues for the program of his future actions: he lists specific cases related to the problems of public life and the current situation. An important substantive aspect is an indication of exactly how he intends to carry out all this, justifying the proposed actions as the most correct in real conditions, so that listeners can imagine how feasible what is promised, evaluate the forms and methods of the upcoming work of the current applicant and make a choice of “their” candidate . A contender for the highest positions (president, party leader) may not go into depth in explaining specific paths (such reasoning is difficult for non-specialists), but only outline the priorities of his future activities, but at the same time he must inform that a specific program for bringing the country out of the crisis he has it, and he is ready to present it as soon as he is elected.

The conclusion summarizes what has been said and confirms the obligation to fulfill all of the above if elected. In our country, in conclusion, speakers often urge listeners to at least come to the polls and vote, and not remain passive to the fate of the state.

Let us consider this type of appeal using the example of V.D.’s election speech. Maydannikov (see Appendix). This speech, of course, cannot be considered an outstanding example, but it satisfies the basic requirements of the genre.

The speech contains a micro-theme about the personality of the candidate. True, it does not reveal in detail all the components of the candidate’s career path (as in the speech of G.A. Zyuganov), but only reports the place of his current work and the reasons that forced him to accept the offer of Uryupinsk voters to run for office in their constituency. This is a completely acceptable option for constructing this micro-theme. The second micro-topic reveals in detail the candidate’s program of future actions and priorities. I am impressed that the program does not consist of vague promises like “I will fight crime” or “I will fight for workers’ rights,” but includes very specific areas of activity that correspond to the candidate’s qualifications (which is very important) and his work experience: implement the “Rural Home” program ", promote financing of rural gasification from the budget, and carry out the construction of roads in rural areas. The speech includes criticism of the existing situation, but this is not a sweeping criticism of the authorities (everything is bad), but an indication of what the candidate first of all does not agree with and what can really be changed by the new composition of the Duma: the distribution of the regional budget is carried out unfairly, Volgograd has an advantage, the interests of rural areas are disadvantaged; The money for rural gasification is supposed to be collected from the collective farmers themselves. It is interesting that the only positive example of the work of the Duma is associated with the developments of the candidate himself, which is an argument proving that he will be able to cope with the declared task. It is also correct that the tasks are set such that the solution of them falls specifically within the competence of the government body to which the candidate is elected. Thus, the speaker determines for himself a realistically achievable task, which will allow voters in the future to check whether he has fulfilled his promises (it is impossible in principle to check the fulfillment of what other candidates usually promise, for example, whether the status of the family has strengthened and whether the spirituality of society has increased ). The speech ends with a short conclusion, which expresses confidence that the proposed measures will bring concrete benefits to the village residents.

At the same time, it is the election speeches of parliamentary candidates that most often contain contradictions and absurdities that are incompatible with the genre appeals. The most typical disadvantages are the following.

1. Genre appeals is completely destroyed, since the motivating intention is not expressed in it, the speaker is limited to philosophical reflections on the elections, without completely revealing his program. Compare, for example: " My position has been and remains unchanged. Guarantees must be realistic, quantifiable and enforceable. Voters today expect specific answers to vital questions from all candidates. Where are we going? How will our children and grandchildren live? What will Russia be like in the 21st century? These questions cannot simply be brushed aside and dismissed with general phrases. The experience of history clearly shows: enough experiments on the peoples of Russia, when they first set unrealistic, invented goals, and then sacrifice the lives and destinies of people to their implementation. Each generation must independently determine its future, the path of further development based on what already exists, without shocks and crossing out the past." (A.V. Dronov) This kind of reasoning is possible in a big speech, when the speaker wants to expound as fully as possible his general principles of life. However, in a three-minute television speech, every second must be counted, and in this situation the speaker cannot afford such passages, since they do not give voters the opportunity to determine whether he will be useful in the Duma, whether he will be able to work fruitfully there.

2. Instead of setting out his program, the speaker limits himself to sharp critical remarks, sometimes reaching the point of slander, against those currently in power or other contenders. If the speech is exhausted by this, then from a call to action it turns into a blasphemous (epideictic) speech, which forms only a negative attitude towards the phenomenon (the current social situation), and not the desire to act in a certain way, since it does not at all follow from a sweeping condemnation of the existing state of affairs the need to vote specifically for a given candidate does not at all imply the need to vote for a given candidate from a sweeping condemnation of the current state of affairs. The speech, of course, may include criticism of the current government, but this criticism must be completely specific (they adopted the wrong law, voted for an unfair budget, appointed the wrong person to the position, etc.) and combined with the proposal of measures to eliminate the current situation. Wed, for example: “Nowadays, the stratification of society by income is becoming more and more obvious. On the one hand, rich mansions, expensive cars, the luxurious life of the new Russians, on the other hand, unpaid wages, meager pensions. Prices for medicines have risen to outrageous proportions, treatment is not affordable for many pocket. Many years of savings have turned to dust. In general, the situation in the Volgograd region continues to become more complicated. This is due to the deepening crisis in the economy, with the ill-conceived policy of the authorities towards representatives of culture, health and education, whose work is paid from the state budget. In the most difficult conditions are rural workers, the safety of our society is a concern. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the responsibility of the authorities to citizens, to control those in whose hands the executive power is. A deputy of the regional Duma must do everything possible to ensure that wages and pensions are paid. It is necessary to help strengthen the status of the family, introducing a healthy lifestyle and increasing the spirituality of society as a whole." (I.M. Gureev) This speech is a bad example of epideictic speech (khula), since it has no thesis at all, and the presented completely unsystematic list of individual shortcomings of our life, which does not even give a hint of what exactly needs to be changed and how, is more suitable for a rally speech under the slogan " Down with the government!” than for an election appeal.

3. The main argumentative part is absent in principle, or contains only biographical information about the applicant, or is replaced by promises of a non-specific nature (“ we will restore confidence”, “we will not give offense”, “I take responsibility", etc.). In this case, it is also difficult to hope for the planned reaction of voters, since it is not clear to them whether this is “the” person and whether he will act in their preferred way. Sometimes the speaker tries to set out his program, but it turns out to be extremely non-specific, strives to cover all directions and therefore consists exclusively of abstractly formulated topoi. Cf., for example: " I am for the revival of domestic production, for a strong agriculture, for a fair distribution of the budget, for ensuring a decent old age, for stable funding for youth programs, for maximum protection of the rights of citizens to work, rest, and medical care." (T.G. Gornyakova) It is difficult to find a person in our country who would not share these values ​​of the speaker. However, it is absolutely not enough to proclaim them; it is necessary, at least in general terms, to outline the path that the newly elected deputy will take in solving these problems. How exactly are you planning to revive domestic production? What does "fair budget distribution" mean? If instead of declaring “maximum protection of citizens’ rights to medical care,” the speaker had said: “ The hopes placed on insurance medicine were not justified. Medical care simply became paid. I am a medical worker and I know that now it is possible to receive treatment only for money. For the remaining patients there is not enough medicine or equipment. I believe that it is necessary to return to the previous state, when all medicine was free and equally accessible to all citizens. If you elect me, I will fight for it.", then we could determine whether this program is suitable for us, whether we want a person in the Duma who has set the goal of fighting for the revival of the previous medical care system. That is, when setting out your program, you do not need to strive to cover all aspects of life; it is better to choose 1-2 areas, but consider them in more detail, indicating ways to solve the problem raised.

In conclusion, we note that a particularly dangerous mistake in an election appeal is the replacement of argumentation with vague promises or slander against political rivals, since an avalanche of idle talk and aggression that falls on the heads of listeners usually buries the speaker himself. So the following appeal is completely unacceptable for listeners and unproductive for the speaker: " Russians! Stop whining and snotting! Everyone must fight for their future! If you can’t strangle the enemy, but you don’t want to play the game, go and throw your ballot into the ballot box, not for representatives of parties, movements and committees, but for a representative of YOUR people. Is there really not enough strength and intelligence for this?"

Another type of RA call is found in contexts like (12):

(12) A. APPEAL An appeal, speech or request addressed to someone. [Ozhegov, Shvedova 1992]

b. APPEAL,-I, Wed 4. An official appeal, a speech to a wide audience, to the people. Pre-election o. candidate. Weekly o. president. Release o. Make an appeal.

V. APPEAL 3. An appeal, speech or request directed to someone. O. to the people. Make an appeal.[Russian semantic dictionary 1998]

ADDRESS 3. A request, an appeal, a speech addressed to someone or something; appeal. Message from the World Peace Congress. Staff clerk. Motley - tapped out the brigade headquarters' address to the Plastun regiment. Sun. Ivanov, Death of the Iron.

Examples of group (12) represent such an understanding of calling, fixed in the linguistic consciousness of Russian speakers, which characterizes contexts like appeal to the people, make an appeal, Appeal of the World Peace Congress. The fact that this is often a type of call is indicated, as in previous cases, by the presence of the word call as an element of interpretation in dictionary descriptions of these contexts. This type of call can be called appeal.

This type of call has its own characteristics. If slogan calls most often have a depersonalized authority as an addressee (the working class, the intelligentsia, the people, the peoples of the world, progressive humanity, etc.), then for calls and appeals the presence of a specific addressee is typical - most often a political subject. In this sense, context (3d), in which an example is given from the story of Vs. Ivanov - the appeal of the brigade headquarters to the Plastun regiment - is perceived as somewhat unusual, however, in this one can see a typical tendency for the revolution to hypertrophy political life and replace other spheres of existence with it, which was perfectly reflected in the works of A. Platonov. The army was no exception. In addition to the command staff, a commissar staff was created in the army, which exercised political control over military operations. Since an offensive is not only a military, but also a political act, then an appeal to the advancing regiment is quite appropriate.

The second significant difference between the call and appeal is its greater structural complexity. In contrast to the call-slogan, the type of call under consideration is a coherent text, which as a whole is called an “appeal”, while it includes calls that are structurally simpler, since they consist of one phrase - classic calls, calls-slogans. Thus, in the call-appeal “Appeal to the Russian government to include “Programmer’s Day” in the list of official holidays of Russia,” at least two appeals are presented:

“Appeal to the Government of Russia

A proposal to add a new entry to the list of official holidays in Russia - “Programmer’s Day”, scheduled for every 256th day of the year.

Surely the word “programming” and everything associated with it is associated by the average person only with a personal computer, but this is not so. Almost every electronic device - from a TV remote control to complex industrial machines with program control - has at one time passed through the hands of programming specialists. Every hour we are faced with the fruits of the labors of what the programmer did.<…>

<…>The work of programmers has fully contributed to the use of many achievements of modern science, but there is still no official professional holiday reflecting the high importance of this profession.

The importance of the programmer profession in everyday life cannot be overestimated. This type of activity is becoming more and more widespread and, at the same time, symbolizes the avant-garde of modern society. Let's do the little thing that will allow us to express our recognition to programmers - give them a professional day. Let the country know its heroes!” (Corps of Journalism).

Structurally simpler calls are introduced in the text of the above call-appeal using the forms Let's And let: Let's Let's do the little that will allow us to express our recognition to programmers - we'll give them a professional day And Let the country knows its heroes!

The above example shows that an appeal is one of the forms of organizing an appeal within a coherent text.

Let us note that, as in the case of slogans, not all appeals are appeals. Thus, an appeal may communicate the author’s intention to perform some socially significant action; it may be intended to evaluate certain events. Here the subject of consideration is precisely appeals.

Based on the above, the appeal can be defined as follows:

Appeal– this is a complex speech act within the framework of socio-political communication, which is a coherent text containing structurally simpler appeals and intended for a specific addressee - society, a social group or a significant political subject; it aims to induce the addressee to perform an action considered as an important part of a socially useful activity that contributes to the achievement of some ideals, or to induce the addressee to take into account these ideals in his daily behavior.

Talk like Putin? Speak better than Putin! Apanasik Valery

Speech-appeal, or Incentive speech

Speech-appeal, or Incentive speech

Incentive speech is speech in a situation that requires a decision regarding future actions. She calls to do this or not to do that. For example, start a war or make peace, invest in a project or cut costs, vote for a certain candidate or not go to the polls at all.

Incentive speech is speech in a situation that requires a decision regarding future actions.

Speech here is always aimed at the future, its goal is to encourage action, to convince of its reasonableness. The main criteria of belief are the benefits or harms of a particular course of action. In general, persuasion in such situations is the main component of the speech. Conviction, as we will see later, is not always based and should not always be based on reasonable arguments. It is important to awaken in the listener a desire to do one way or another if we are talking about recommended actions, or fear if we encourage him not to do something. Bare argumentation alone will not achieve such a goal, except perhaps for a cold and rational public. We'll talk about this later when we discuss ways to influence listeners.

What situations fall into this category? Almost all political debates are of great importance in our political life. Unfortunately, citizens today pay little attention to the arguments of political leaders, paying attention first of all to the character of this or that figure and then agreeing to leave all decisions regarding future policies and specific steps in his or her hands. That is, a modern political speaker, first of all, “sells” to listeners not his program, but himself as a person, as a character. Each speech of a candidate, presenting his honesty and crystal clear intentions, is intended to convince voters to vote for him, that is, it is motivating.

Presentations for potential clients, advertising appeals, proposals for new investment projects, and the presentation of a new corporate strategy can be called equally motivating. In each of these cases, the goal is to encourage listeners to take certain actions, make certain decisions, and support the speaker’s proposals.

If a speaker fails to “connect” his points to the underlying concerns or aspirations of his audience, the latter are likely to find themselves in opposition to the ideas being preached.

In such cases, the main mistake of many speakers is focusing on the subject of their presentation, on describing the characteristics of the product or project itself. Whereas listeners are more interested in their own benefit, and even more concerned about their own safety, including the safety of their own wallet. Therefore, if the speaker fails to “connect” his points to the underlying concerns or aspirations of the listeners, the latter will most likely find themselves in opposition to the ideas being preached.

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