Congratulatory words for September 1st from the teacher

The school opens its doors
The academic year begins
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
Those who go to knowledge.

Comprehend, develop,
Let the interest not fade away,
Let them bypass you
Boredom, laziness and even stress.

Let friends be reliable, faithful
You will have a whole class.
Well, students, go for it!
To school, to knowledge! Good morning!

So the summer has flown by,
And the Day of Knowledge is coming,
Student, get down to business
A sea of ​​knowledge awaits you!

Don't get lost in this sea,
Be diligent, don't be lazy,
Learn from the heart, try,
Your life will be bright!

Our dear students, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. May this year give you only good grades, only funny stories, only great mood, only successful days, only successes and victories. We wish you health, patience, perseverance, perseverance and perseverance to achieve important goals, as well as a lot of bright hobbies, travel, fruitful weekdays, varied weekends and cool holidays!

Summer flew by quickly
You came to school again,
Three months of vacation
Rested, grown up,
We wish you to be happy
This was an academic year
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge,
Joy and success await you!

You are in a hurry to go to school today.
The bell is ringing again,
Autumn day, the very first
I already called you to class.

Let studying be a joy,
Let the high fives fly to you.
Jokes, laughter, cheerful babble
Let them always sound among you.

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
And I wish you victories.
May you always enjoy
The world of bright school years.

May it be easy for you
Problems, rules and theorems.
Let the lessons be a joy
So is change.

May your memory not fail you,
It works flawlessly.
Congratulations, dear ones,
Happy important day - Day of Knowledge.

Happy Knowledge Day to everyone -
May you experience great success in your business.
May school be good
Cozy, fun, bright.
Let laughter and friendship here and there
They're running across the school floors!
We wish you wonderful knowledge,
Have fun but reasonable days,
Various questions, tests
And sincere teachers!

On the day of knowledge I wish you new discoveries,
Wonderful friends, many events,
Learning is always easy and successful,
And complete all tasks diligently.

Surprise everyone with your successes,
And never be discouraged at all.
Joy, happiness on all horizons,
To expand your horizons to the fullest.

We sincerely congratulate you on Knowledge Day,
We want to learn, try, strive.
Guys, let them always be close,
Your good, faithful friends.

May your school days be happy
Everyone needs knowledge in life.
May laziness never come to you
May everything always succeed with a bang.

Happy Knowledge Day, guys! Study hard
You are a great school of great hope.
Appreciate both friendship and our advice.
And stay healthy, guys!

Complete all tasks well,
Don't be bored at all in our lessons,
Make friends, play, grow, learn
And you will certainly fall in love with the good life!

The new school year is already coming!
New miracles await you outside the door.
Each of you understands in your heart,
That a new streak is beginning.

Be daring, eager to learn,
And discover a new world with joy!
We wish you success and inspiration,
So that you choose the right landmark!

May this year be rich in victories,
May all subjects be easy for you!
Happy holiday to you! Happy Day of Amazing Knowledge!
Think boldly, wisely and deeply!

Text of a congratulatory speech for the holiday
September 1

Dear friends!

With great pleasure, I congratulate everyone present on the Day of Knowledge, September 1! The long summer holidays are behind us, during which we all had time to rest properly. And now, with renewed vigor, we are ready to start studying and working. Today I would like to wish schoolchildren to easily and enthusiastically master new subjects and gain new knowledge. I would like teachers to treat their work with soul and inspiration, because only you are able to ignite a thirst for learning in your students, only you can develop in them the ability to think, analyze, feel, empathize, which is so important in the modern world. I hope that the coming school year will be interesting, eventful, full of new victories and achievements - and I invite us all together to make it just like that!

Congratulations in prose on Knowledge Day from the director

Dear colleagues, dear students, I want to congratulate you on the new academic year!

September 1 is a special holiday, the day when the first school bell rings after a long summer break. Over the summer, the students had a rest and matured, and managed to miss their teachers and classmates. The teachers went on vacation and accumulated many interesting ideas for conducting exciting lessons. We all have to once again plunge into the whirlpool of school life, full of bright events and impressions.

Today I wish everyone present that the coming year will bring everything that is planned. Let your plans come true and your dreams come true. Believe in yourself, work hard on your tasks, don’t get discouraged when faced with difficulties - and you will succeed!

Congratulations to a schoolchild on September 1 in prose

Congratulations on September 1st! Today is your holiday and that of thousands of other schoolchildren, and you all unanimously celebrate the beginning of a new school year! I wish you more excellent grades in your diary in the coming year and fewer difficult assignments. Let learning be easy, let lessons be interesting, let changes be fun. I wish that the new school year brings many amazing discoveries and true friends. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, believe in yourself, strive for knowledge - and, I believe, you will succeed!

Congratulations in prose for first-graders and their parents

Dear first-graders and their parents! Today I am glad to sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful day - the first day of school! A new stage of life is coming for all of you, full of amazing discoveries, new experiences, important achievements and victories. I will not hide that future schoolchildren will face many difficulties and obstacles along the way, but we - teachers - will always be there, we will help in solving difficult problems, guide and inspire them to achieve achievements. We hope that the years of school life will be happy, give the light of knowledge, teach kindness and justice.

Congratulations on September 1 for first graders (prose)

Our dear first-graders! Today is your first day of school - the first holiday of knowledge! You are all so elegant and solemn.

Of course, you are worried when entering a new world, and so are your parents and teachers. Together we have a long journey ahead of us – 11 school years. I hope that this path will be bright, that new friends, good grades, and many pleasant, unforgettable moments await you ahead.

At school you will learn to read and write, master foreign languages, gain the necessary knowledge in mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry and other school subjects, but, I want to tell you, this is by no means the main thing. The most important thing that school can teach you is the ability to think, independently find solutions to complex problems, analyze, and the ability to sympathize and empathize. I wish you that your first school year, and all subsequent years after it, will be like one of the chapters of an amazing book, full of miracles and new discoveries.

Congratulations on September 1 to the teacher from students (prose)

Dear (name, patronymic), on behalf of the entire class, we want to congratulate you on Knowledge Day! The new school year is starting, and we are sure that we have already prepared a lot of interesting materials to make our lessons exciting. You, (name, patronymic), are a wonderful teacher, and we are very lucky that (name of the subject) you teach with us. Like no one else, you know how to interest us in the topic being studied and explain incomprehensible points. Today, September 1st, we wish you diligent students, so that your efforts do not go to waste, but always bear generous fruit!

Congratulations on September 1 to the class teacher (comic)

Dear (name, patronymic), congratulating you on September 1, we want to wish you patience, so that you forgive us our tricks more often, optimism, so that you believe in the limitless possibilities of even inveterate “C” students, good mood, so that they cannot spoil our “D” grades, have more interesting events in life, so that you have no time to call our parents to school. But seriously, we wish you good health, so that you never have to cancel lessons, exemplary students, so that your work and knowledge are not wasted, and, of course, increased wages, so that you never want to leave school!

Congratulations on Knowledge Day to students from the teacher

My favorite 5 "A"! With all my heart I congratulate you all on September 1 - Knowledge Day! Today I want to wish you that the coming year will bring a lot of new knowledge, skills and abilities, that your school friendships will be strong, that the relationship between you and your teachers will develop well. Let school become for you a place where it will be interesting for you to spend time, where you will become smarter, stronger in spirit and body, more tolerant - in a word, become better in all respects!

Congratulations in prose to students on September 1 from the class teacher

My dear, beloved students, I am very glad to see you after a long summer break. I hope that during the holidays you had a good rest, gained strength and managed to miss school. I wish you this school year to receive only “B’s” and “A’s”, to be active, to strive for knowledge, not to quarrel with each other, and not to skip classes. May this school year be interesting and fruitful.

Wishes to a schoolchild for Knowledge Day (funny)

Today is not a very happy day for you, but nevertheless, I congratulate you on it! I understand that you are sad because the holidays are over, because again you will have to wake up every morning before dawn, because there will be very little free time. Dull lessons and boring homework await you... But look at it from the other side! You can skip classes, homework can always be copied from someone, you can play a vicious joke on your unloved teacher by smearing chalk on his chair or placing a button... Of course, I don’t advise you to do anything like that, but you can dream!

Other texts of congratulations in prose on September 1

September 1 is a long-awaited holiday for first-graders, their parents, teachers, as well as all schoolchildren and students! In this article you can find original congratulations on Knowledge Day for everyone, both in prose and in poetry.

Expressing emotions and wishing everyone a successful school year is the main goal of any line dedicated to Knowledge Day. After all, this is an exciting holiday for everyone - schoolchildren who have matured a year, teachers, parents, kids who will sit at school desks for the first time, and graduates who have only one year of carefree childhood left.

To make the holiday memorable and touch your soul, you need to prepare solemn parting words in advance. First we will present you with several options congratulations on September 1 in prose.

Congratulations to 1st grade on September 1

First-graders are the main heroes of the occasion on Knowledge Day. The doors of the school where they will spend 10 years of their lives open before the excited kids. Here they will meet their first love, get their first grades, learn letters, multiplication tables and much more! That is why it is so important to find the right words on this day to support new students and wish them success in their studies.

In this article we will present several specific examples of congratulatory texts.

  1. Congratulations from parents to first-graders on September 1

“Today all words of congratulations will be addressed to the youngest schoolchildren - our first-graders! Guys, how the school uniform suits you! In it you look very big and seem so bold and fearless on the threshold of new knowledge! Your eyes are sparkling, and the smile never leaves your face, because today you are celebrating one of the most important holidays!

You will walk into school hand in hand with those who will become part of your life! You will follow the person who will become your second mother! We sincerely wish you to be kind, patient and obedient! Study well, don’t let your parents, your teachers and your country down, because you are its future and our hope! Be happy and healthy! Have a wonderful and unforgettable school year!”

“Dear first-graders, perhaps everything that adults are telling you now seems so incomprehensible to you! But we are sure that the main thing that you hear today will remain in your hearts for a long time. We wish with all our hearts that throughout your school years your angels will carefully protect you from harm.

We want you to learn to be friends, appreciate each other and love. Let the school, whose threshold you cross today, become a second home for you, where you will rush with pleasure every morning! Don't be upset by little things, be cheerful and cheerful! Learn with interest and pleasure! Believe me, every school subject will definitely be useful to you in life! Happy holiday to you, kids!”

“The first call is the most tender and warm holiday! Guys, from this day on, everything in your life will happen for the first time. Today you will enter your first class, your first teacher will speak to you, you will open your first school notebook and fill out your first diary. In a few years, you will fall in love for the first time, for the first time you will experience the joy of victories and the bitterness of disappointments!

And we, your parents, will always share all these moments with you, because we love you and want your life to be happy! On the Day of Knowledge, we wish you not to rush to grow up, to remain as sincere and spontaneous! Rejoice, learn, discover new talents in yourself - go for it! We will always support you in everything! Happy holiday!”

  1. Congratulations to first-graders on September 1 from the teacher

“My dear first-graders! I am sincerely glad to open the doors of our school for you today! I really want each of our days to begin with the same joyful eyes and shining smiles with which you illuminate this holiday today.

We have a lot to go through and experience together. But the main thing we must learn is to be friends, to love, to believe, to understand! I believe that each of you will grow up to be a good person who will achieve great success in life, build a wonderful family and fulfill your cherished dream! And we will lay the foundation for such a happy future today! I invite you to your first lesson in your first grade!”

  1. Congratulations to 11th grade first graders on September 1

“10 years ago, just like you today, we stood with white bows and bouquets of gladioli in our hands on the threshold of this school. It was so exciting and interesting, but at the same time a little scary, because everything was so unknown, unfamiliar and unusual! But we want to tell you that an unforgettable life awaits you, filled with joy and a sea of ​​positivity.

Just don’t be afraid of anything, study your lessons, don’t be lazy, answer, get grades and don’t give up if something doesn’t work out! We are always ready to help you at any moment! Good luck, dear first-graders! We are confident that you will become the best students in our school!”

Congratulations from first-graders on September 1

First-graders at the solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge also always have something to say to their parents, teachers and future classmates. It is so interesting to listen to their fiery speeches, when almost none of the newly minted students can pronounce many words correctly.

However, we have presented some congratulatory texts that can be assigned to first-graders to learn as an example below:

  1. Congratulations on September 1 to teachers

“On Knowledge Day, on behalf of all first-graders, I want to congratulate all our teachers on the holiday! Although we are still complete strangers, we hope that you are not very strict, but kind and affectionate, because we are still kids and it is so important for us to see love and support in your eyes!

We promise you that we will always be obedient and diligent students! We will teach you all the lessons and will never let you down! We really want you to be remembered and liked! We hope that everything will work out together with you! Just don’t get sick, be patient and strong! It may be a little difficult with us, but it will be unforgettable! Congratulations on the holiday of September 1!”

  1. Congratulations to parents of first-graders on September 1

“Our dear parents! Today is a very important day for you and us. You are releasing us into adult school life, in which we will learn to make our own decisions and gnaw on the granite of science. We wish you to walk this difficult path with us, withstand our whims and gain strength to do your homework with us! We promise you that we will not let you down! You will be proud of your children!”

  1. Congratulations to 11th grade on September 1

“Dear graduates! You are already quite big! Today your last academic year at school begins! We hope that you will have time to teach us everything, because we want to be a good replacement for you! We wish you to successfully graduate and receive an excellent certificate! Happy September 1st! The Day of Knowledge!"

Congratulations on September 1 to teachers in prose

Teachers are the main people in school. Therefore, congratulations on the beginning of the school year should always come first of all not only from students and their parents, but also from the school administration. Here is an example text congratulations on September 1 to colleagues from the school director:

"Dear Colleagues! Today is a special day for each of us - we meet first-graders, our grown-up students and begin a new school year! I wish you all inspiration, strength, health, good mood and talented students! May each of you experience a sense of pride in your work and students this school year! We wish you well-being and family happiness!”

Official congratulations on September 1

Every year, each school receives an official congratulations from the head of the city or district on September 1. This letter is a solemn greeting on behalf of the administration of the locality. It contains congratulatory words addressed to teachers, students and their parents.

“Dear fellow countrymen! Today we celebrate the wonderful, bright Day of Knowledge - September 1st! It concerns everyone - after all, we all once crossed the school threshold for the first time, sat down at a desk and proudly called ourselves first-graders. Then it seemed to us that mathematics problems were very difficult, but they taught us how to cope with complex life problems. From school we realized that we would study all our lives, even after we graduated from school. And we, first of all, must express our gratitude to the teachers for this!

Dear teachers! We honor your invaluable work! We wish that all your successes and achievements only multiply! Be healthy!

Dear pupils and students! Congratulations on the start of the school year! After you sit down at your desk today, you must realize that your entire school journey depends entirely on your own efforts. Listen to your teachers, they will help you discover your self!

We convey our warmest congratulations to the first-graders and their parents! You have a difficult but very interesting period of life ahead of you! We wish you to easily overcome all difficulties, reach great heights and achieve your goals!”

Video: Cool congratulations on September 1

Congratulations on Knowledge Day in verse

Preparing for the Day of Knowledge, we are always looking for beautiful congratulations on September 1 in verse to include them in holiday cards for teachers or first graders.

We have prepared for you a small selection of good poems that may be useful to you.

Congratulations on September 1 to parents

"Knowledge Day for Parents"

Always very exciting

After all, daughters and sons,

They carry books in their briefcases,

Markers, notebooks,

Not chocolates.

The time for training awaits them,

Tasks, instructions.

Therefore, parents

We sincerely wish

Positive emotions

And live without knowing troubles.

Let your first graders

They grow up to be good people

And let them be in everything

They will look like you!”

Congratulations on September 1 to students

“Today is a big holiday in schools -

Day of Knowledge, First Bell!

Both graduate and first grader

They carry notebooks in backpacks!

We wish them with all our hearts

Study well and not get sick,

Good luck in gaining knowledge

Be brave and don’t be timid!”

Congratulations to graduates on September 1

"Knowledge Day for graduates

This is no reason to have fun

After all, in the status of a student

We'll have to do a lot in a year:

Pass exams, hand over books,

Decide on a profession

Study without the slightest break

And strive for everything new!

Good luck in this difficult task

We sincerely wish you!

Love, achieve goals,

And follow your dreams!”

Congratulations to students on September 1

“Happy Knowledge Day, dear students!

From now on, all of you will have no time to sleep!

Large monographs are waiting for you

And a whole mountain of notes!

Study fruitfully, relax

Try to keep up with everything in the world,

And never be discouraged -

Dejection prevents you from achieving your goals!”

Congratulations to first-graders from graduates on September 1

“Just yesterday they called you kids

You are now full-fledged students!

You are unrecognizable - you are all with flowers,

Backpacks in hands with pencils!

You have a difficult learning path ahead of you.

We managed to overcome it!

We wish you strength, patience,

Grow big – don’t get sick!”

Congratulations to teachers on September 1 in verse

“You lead us to knowledge,

You give your warmth,

You give us your soul

And you surround yourself with goodness.

Let there be joy in your heart,

In the houses - comfort, love, prosperity.

May pain and obstacles pass you by,

Live long and richly!”

Congratulations to the class teacher on September 1

“Knowledge Day is a meeting with the class,

With friends, school and teacher!

We all especially miss you

Behind our class teacher!

We wish him great strength,

Health, joy, goodness!

After all, we can cope

It’s not as easy as it seems!”

Video: Congratulations on September 1st! Musical Card!

This video presents several original cards and songs with which you can organize congratulations, if you don’t already know How to congratulate your child on September 1st.


Short congratulations on Knowledge Day to students in poetry

The Day of Knowledge has come into force again,
Autumn is dancing outside the window,
And soon the leaves will fall,
And the sky will water with rain.

I want to wish you today
You should study science
Let your studies succeed,
May the sun of knowledge shine forever!

Textbooks and desks are waiting,
Chalk and blackboard
Atlas, contour maps
And diary pages.

So take your briefcase and go to school,
Everyone in it appreciates the lesson,
So that prepositions from the verb,
I could tell the difference in no time!

Let it be desirable, interesting
Every school day will be
Let your soul know
Thirst for knowledge, not laziness.

Congratulations on the holiday of knowledge!
And I wish you all the best!
There are many adventures in life,
New plans, hobbies!

Don't move around in class
Study with all your might!
Read hundreds of books
Lots of pens to write,

It's good to learn poetry,
To get “excellent”!
Help out friends in trouble
In class and everywhere!

"SMS congratulations on Knowledge Day to students"

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
September came quickly -
He leaves summer in the past,
I wish you a lot of strength

Work hard, work from the heart,
Learn the basics of science!
It's worthy, it's good to study,
Problems with studies are unrecognizable!

Friends, how I missed you,
Camp will not replace you in the summer,
Today Knowledge Day has brought us all together,
There is no friendlier class in the world!

In honor it is beautiful, our union,
Like the one at the Poet's Lyceum,
And again together we carry our load,
A load of knowledge - and there is nothing more expensive than it!

Brother, the school year has come,
You have become even smarter!
I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
And today I wish

So that luck comes,
So that your studies are successful,
So that your heart is light,
Knowledge is power! Knowledge is power!

Here it is autumn outside the window,
School children are waiting
First graders with flowers
They walk next to their mothers!

Congratulations to you guys
On the first holiday of September!
And we wish that school
It was not in vain that you visited!

To learn a lot
So that we can do a lot,
To love the Motherland,
To take care of your loved ones!

Write different letters
With a thin feather in a notebook
They teach at school, they teach at school,
They teach at school.
Subtract and multiply
Don't hurt kids
They teach at school, they teach at school,
They teach at school.

Congratulations on the start of the school year! We wish you success in your studies, excellent grades and a great mood!!!

Dear teachers!

Congratulations on the first of September!
We wish you a lot of patience!
After all, now day by day with you,
We will be in your care.
We rely on your kindness,
Affection, severity, understanding!
And thank you for the completeness of knowledge,
What will you give us more than once over the years!

Knowledge Day is a special, bright day.
After all, there is an academic year ahead.
Perhaps it will turn out to be hot,
But glory awaits only the persistent!
We wish you courage, patience,
Wonderful discoveries and victories.
And let the wonderful moments
They will leave a mark for many years!

Today at the school gate
The older guys are coming.
You greet them with a smile
And, of course, they are happy to see you!

I want to tell you on an autumn day,
That you are like a queen
In that kingdom of knowledge and skills,
That bell rang again!

Like sparks are burning,
First-grader eyes,
On this day for them around,
Everything is a piece of a fairy tale!

You are the best today
Everyone is more beautiful today!
It's a small success
In your young life!

Let your dreams come true
Let learning be a joy,
And accept it from the heart,
Our congratulations!

Son! Happy Knowledge Day to you!
You are going to study again.
You remember: I believe in you.
You will learn everything and understand.

Today is a holiday of light, friendship, books,
Flowers, smiles, sometimes torment...
So let every moment give you
The delight of gaining new knowledge.

Learning is light. So don't be lazy
Discover your talents and calling.
And study for “excellent” without difficulty.
Today is your holiday. The Day of Knowledge!

Materials taken from open sources