What to do if I’m ugly: learn to present myself correctly. I’m very scary. I’m ugly, what should I do

This can be called strange, but every girl will have her own understanding of the word “ugly”. Many people consider themselves fat, while others, on the contrary, are too thin. Girls often look in the mirror, so not a single pimple on their face will go unnoticed.

And even more so if they think they have a long nose, splayed ears or too big hips. And they ask the mirror: “What if I’m not beautiful?”

In fact, they are to some extent dissatisfied with their appearance almost all women. Even world-famous beauties manage to find flaws in their appearance. AND they suffer the same way, just like you.

Art and “ugly” women

If you sincerely think that you have been unlucky with your appearance in this life, then you are very mistaken. You are not at all alone in your feelings. Let's see how many films have been made about this, how many poems and songs have been written. The topic of appearance worried our grandmothers and mothers, and now it worries you. And when your daughters and granddaughters grow up, they will also worry about their appearance.

Let's once again remember the classic works about this together.

  • Film "Funny Girl" (1968)

A biographical film about the fate of the famous comic actress. Since childhood, Fanny Brice was interested in the question: “What should I do if I’m not beautiful?”

She really was very ugly - long nose, cross-eyed and very clumsy. She began her career with satirical songs that suited her appearance so well. And in the 20s, Fanny was already a Broadway star. The fate of actress Barbra Streisand was very similar, which is why she was offered the main role in the film Funny Girl. Barbra Streisand doesn't just play this role, but tells us about her real life.

Both actresses (Barbara Streisand and Fanny Brice) got married, made brilliant careers in show business, and even managed to outshine their husbands with their fame. Therefore, if you think that appearance can be an obstacle to a career or a successful marriage, then watch this film. The careers of these two remarkable women are worthy of emulation.

  • Poem by Nikolai Zabolotsky “Ugly Girl” (1955)

Nikolai Zabolotsky has a wonderful verse. Those who consider themselves ugly, be sure to read it. And the last phrase is even worth thinking about a little. Are you essentially a beautiful empty vessel that other people like, or do you have a fire burning brightly inside of you? And what kind of flickering fire are we talking about?

  • Rembrandt's painting "Bathsheba" (1654)

The portrait of a young beauty named Bathsheba is one of Rembrandt's most famous paintings. Take a close look at this young woman. What about your thoughts that you have cellulite? Do you still think: “What if I’m not beautiful?”

Do you think that with hips like yours, no guy will fall in love?

In addition, you may be very surprised to learn that King David, when he saw the young woman Bathsheba, lost his head. At that time, Bathsheba was married, but she accepted the king’s love and conceived a child. But her husband was unlucky - King David decided to remove Bathsheba’s husband as an obstacle from his path, and sent him to certain death.

If you look at the paintings of other artists of that era, you will see that they depict young women with very curvy figures.

What do men think about this?

For men, a woman’s appearance really matters, but we evaluate another person differently. Women are usually attentive to details, while men are used to thinking strategically and generally, so they read the entire image of another person.

It turns out that For men, figure is much more important, and the way a woman moves, how she presents herself, and how confident she is in herself.

Why is it so difficult to accept your appearance?

If we look for the reason why we are dissatisfied with our appearance, it turns out that this reason lies in our distant childhood. Our parents wished us well, taught and raised us. They always wanted our life to be better than theirs, so parents constantly make comments to their children. As a result, the child has an image in his head of an ideal person who is somewhere far away. But we real people are not like that at all, and do not correspond to that ideal image. This is the main reason for our anxiety.

The first thing to do is accept myself as I am. Today's me is my starting point from which I will begin changes in my life. After all, you can only change a real person. And when we don’t accept our appearance, we don’t accept ourselves.

It will be difficult for us to understand and accept another person, until we learn to accept ourselves entirely with all its advantages and disadvantages.

Accept yourself!

In general, accepting yourself is much broader than just loving your appearance.

  • Accept your gender

It happens that from childhood a girl was more friendly with boys, played war games with them, climbed trees. When such a girl grows up, it is difficult for her to accept her gender. The reason most often lies in the fact that one of her parents (usually the father) really wanted a boy, but a girl was born. The most important thing in such a situation develop feminine behavior. For such a girl it will be very useful to take up oriental dancing.

If you practice regularly, over time your gait will become softer and more feminine, and your movements will become smoother.

  • Accept your age

Little girls really want to become adults. They enjoy twirling in front of the mirror, putting on high-heeled shoes, and trying on their mother's jewelry. Everyone understands that when a little girl paints her nails, lips or eyes, it means that she wants to become an adult quickly, just like her mother.

But very often it happens the other way around, when an already grown girl behaves just like a child and has no intention of growing up. This girl is just is afraid before adulthood: “What if I’m not beautiful?”

To overcome it, you need to remember how you used to cope with your fears. After all, you have probably already faced new, unknown tasks before. At first they also seemed scary and incomprehensible. But then you completed the lesson and the fear went away.

  • Accept your weight, height, figure

Magazines, television shows, fashion shows form in our minds the image of an ideal woman - tall, very thin, with an even boyish figure.

And millions of cute, attractive young girls want to change their appearance and be like those girls in the fashion magazines. A enterprising people know about this feminine weakness, and do their own business- earn huge money by selling miracle pills and miracle discs.

  • Accept your nationality, place of birth

People of different races and nationalities live on planet Earth, and each race has its own distinctive characteristics. Skin color, height, facial features will vary greatly from person to person. On the other hand, girls who live in different parts of the world meet their betrothed and get married.

So the question is not at all what your race, nationality or appearance is.

Southern people have always liked northern beauties. If you come to Egypt, men will look at you with admiration. It would be a great success for an Eastern man if such a beautiful girl like you would agree to become his wife.

Is it necessary to do something?

Have you ever wondered– why do you need to have a beautiful appearance? Most likely, you will answer that you want to meet the man you love and he will like you.

Did you know that Nature has already taken care of us. In order for life on Earth to continue, it is very important that men and women meet, fall in love and have children. The most suitable age for this is from 20 to 35 years. At this time, hormones are produced in large quantities in the body of each person. These hormones are somewhat similar to “rose-colored glasses.”

Remember yourself when you were in love. You loved everything about this guy. You didn’t even look for flaws in him! Hormones turn off the critical mind and reason in the human body, and in return you get a state of happiness and bliss. The same thing happens to a guy when he sees you. He doesn't look for minor flaws in your appearance, he has no time for that.

He is ready to love you for who you are. And you just need to take a small step towards him.

Criticism of one's own appearance is very popular among girls. What to do if I’m ugly is a very relevant question, since in our time an attractive appearance is considered almost a mandatory attribute of any girl, but how to do without it is not very clear.

How to become more beautiful

What should I do if I'm ugly? We offer some tips.

The first thing is to make sure that this is really the case. The fact is that your opinion of yourself largely depends on the people around you, and they are not always right. Just remember the ugly duckling, who turned out to be an outcast because he was unlike other ducklings. By the way, this fairy tale teaches another important thing - not to rush to conclusions. Don't give up on your appearance too early, many things change with age. So, for example, if you have small breasts, then, firstly, up to the age of 25 they can still grow, and secondly, who said that this is bad? Photographers and artists are very fond of girls with non-standard appearance.

If nature has deprived you of an ideal figure or correct facial features, then various tricks created by the female mind and modern industry will help you. Properly selected clothes will help present your figure in a favorable light; incorrect facial features can be corrected with the help of makeup and hairstyle. We correct an uneven bite with braces, and a bad figure with sports. Today it is quite possible for every girl!

You can also pay attention to your other positive aspects: intelligence, sense of humor, kindness, or maybe you are a great cook. If you have enough positive qualities, people will be drawn to you, regardless of your appearance.

Raise your self-esteem. Living among very beautiful women, especially in the northern regions, which are famous for their beauties, you raise your own attractiveness bar. But if you decide to come to the south, you will be surrounded by such attention as you never dreamed of. This could be the south of Russia, the Caucasus, Arab countries. Don’t get too carried away, just feeling this attention is enough to believe in yourself.

The most expensive and dangerous solution to the issue of appearance is plastic surgery. Radically. Expensive. It’s painful and, most likely, with consequences. Not only you should be sure that you need surgical intervention, but your loved ones should support you in this endeavor.

A few harsh words about your appearance can cause years of illness. This disease is called dysmorphophobia (concern about imaginary defects in one's appearance), and according to official data, 1-3% of the population suffers from it. Although, if you are part of these small percentages, this does not make it any easier for you. Elina Lychagina told how she struggled with this disease and what psychotherapists and plastic surgeons advise.

“I feel sorry for the person who will spend money on plastic surgery to make you at least a little prettier,” he said when parting. I was fifteen and I thought I loved him very much. What can follow this phrase? No, of course, not suicide, although it sounded like a death sentence. I began to look at myself in the mirror with passion. After those words, the facial features really began to seem unattractive - the nose was too large, the eyes were bulging, the forehead was huge. We must hide all this! So cosmetics became my camouflage and invisibility cap. I needed makeup not to stand out, but to hide. My bag began to resemble a makeup artist's briefcase. It seemed to me that the foundation was absorbed without a trace an hour after application, revealing my pale, sallow skin to the world, that the mascara was crumbling and making my circles under my eyes even more noticeable. I corrected my makeup hourly - in the subway, cafe, theater, on the street. She turned into a beauty perfectionist. And immediately I acquired a new problem: I began to wonder why other girls were in no hurry to look perfect. What self-confident impudent people! Then it got worse - there was an open hostility towards women with tasteless makeup or dirty hair. Once, standing in a subway car, I spent a long time looking at the undyed roots of my neighbor’s hair and caught myself with an alarming thought that I wanted to kick her.

Much later, psychotherapist Liliya Zucker explained to me: “Unexpressed aggression towards the offender first “cooks” in one’s own head, then finds a way out to others.” And so it was. Suppressed aggression caused panic attacks. In the morning, I thought with horror that I would have to descend into my personal underground hell - the subway. The longer my aggression toward my own appearance accumulated inside, the stronger the attacks became: my heartbeat and breathing became more frequent, my legs became weak, and I felt dizzy all the time. In the end, the fear that I might just collapse among these people (with bad makeup and a dirty head) pushed me to the idea that it was time to go to a specialist.

Fight with yourself

When I came to see a psychotherapist, I didn’t know where to start. But the doctor was experienced and wise: she carefully led me to the main thing. It was necessary to voice my dominant fear - of myself and my appearance. I said that I don’t believe the words of my family, friends and another young man when they say that I am beautiful, I don’t believe that I can look good without my “camouflage”. “I think I look like a monster,” I summed up my passionate monologue.

The verdict sounded scary: “Makeup is useless.” This is not a defense mechanism that makes life easier; it only slows down the healing process. The nervous system is so shaken from the struggle with two inner selves, where one is a critic and the other is a defender, that makeup is unable to reconcile them. According to the specialist, I had embedded my inner critic too deeply, and the door was opened to him by the very words of my ex about plastic surgery.

The diagnosis included a mysterious dysmorphophobia - fear of bodily deformation (from the Greek words morphe - “shape” and phobos - “fear”). This is a mental illness that varies in severity: from mild forms - dissatisfaction with oneself, which occurs in almost everyone - to protracted stages of deep depression with complete denial of oneself and one’s appearance.

Comes from childhood

Where does the disease come from? Most people are sure that it is imposed by pop culture and gloss, but this is not so. It all starts from childhood. At that period of life when a little person has not yet had time to plunge into the world of imposed stereotypes. The causes of the disease can be of two types: genetic and psychological. People may be predisposed to the disease from birth. But dysmorphophobia can develop even in adulthood with a set of certain personality traits: perfectionism, shyness, introversion. However, more often the cause of dysmorphophobia is psychological trauma. For example, if classmates teased you at school. About 60% of people with body dysmorphic disorder say they were bullied by peers as children. There are often difficulties in communicating with parents. Other psychological traumas also occur. The disease, by the way, is not at all specific to girls: men and women suffer from it equally. But teenagers are the most susceptible to body dysmorphic disorder.

“Sometimes, in order to instill self-doubt in a girl, all it takes is one stupid comment or critical remark made by a mother or a young man. Moreover, those around you may not understand that their words sound offensive. “And no one in your family had a nose like that!” “It seems like an innocent remark, but the girl starts saving money for rhinoplasty,” says Igor Gulyaev, plastic surgeon at Clinic K+31. At receptions, girls often tell him about their shortcomings, which in fact do not exist. “If uncertainty gnaws from within and the patient wants to change this and that, and to be like Angelina Jolie, she should not go under a scalpel, but turn to a good psychologist. In our practice, there have been cases when women came to the clinic who had undergone more than one or two operations, but still wanted to “correct and improve.”

According to statistics, the greatest dissatisfaction is caused by the skin - this is the opinion of 73% of dysmorphophobes who took part in a special survey. In second place in the anti-rating among patients was hair (56%). Next came the nose - 37%. There are often patients who are dissatisfied with several parts of the body or face at once. And the stars suffer too! Uma Thurman honestly admits that in childhood and adolescence she hated her own body for being too thin and having large feet. The mother of the future star made the right decision and sent her daughter to a modeling agency. There they explained to the girl that her thinness and height were advantages. Another star “dysmorph”, singer Lily Allen also suffered from self-doubt. Her husband helped her, convincing Lily that she was beautiful. Actress and producer Sarah Michelle Gellar was saved by motherhood. She admitted that caring for a child does not leave her time to look at herself in the mirror for a long time and think about her own shortcomings. By the way, this method will suit many women.

Georgy Stefanov, a psychotherapist at the K+31 clinic, talks about the social aspect: “Most often, such a disorder is associated with artificially high requirements for appearance in some part of society. And people with low self-esteem begin to experience inferiority complexes, trying with all their might to adapt to a certain ideal. In this case, a person needs to come to a clear thought: beauty is relative and each person has his own ideas about it.”
Typically, psychologists begin working with a patient from early memories and look for problems in childhood. We must learn to love ourselves again. Essentially, psychologists do the work that parents could not do.

In my case, there were no problems in the family: my mother surrounded both me and my sister with attention and taught us to criticize ourselves only for what we ourselves are responsible for - for our actions and attitude towards others. “You need to learn to resolutely ignore your inner critic. In this sense, become tougher towards yourself,” explains psychotherapist Dmitry Marukhlenko.

Love yourself

So, the first goal was to suppress internal aggression towards one’s appearance. Learn to look at yourself in the mirror without fear. First, I had to break the old algorithm: stop getting up an hour earlier so that my lover wouldn’t see me without makeup. By the way, he didn’t even notice that I wasn’t wearing makeup. But the problem was different: I knew about it. And I was nervous. Which means she didn’t trust the person next to her. The relationship was doomed.
The psychotherapist I turned to suggested taking a radical approach: giving up makeup for a couple of days and seeing what happens.

Now I understand that “shock therapy” was not for me. My panic attacks got worse. Psychotherapist Lilia Zucker argues that radical measures can only worsen the situation. I should have acted more gently: gradually reduce the intensity of my makeup, remove one thing from my makeup bag every day. To use medical slang, reduce the dose. First, give up thick foundation in favor of light BB creams, replace bright lipstick with balm, etc. Your morning ritual will not go anywhere, but you will look much more natural.

The worst challenge for me was coming to work without makeup. But I did it! And I saw that people didn’t shy away from me at all. I wondered what to do next. The idea came quickly. In the editorial office where I worked, the beauty department editors were sitting at adjacent tables. These beauty fairies always caused me slight pangs of envy: coupled with my beauty perfectionism, their work seemed like a dream to me. So what's the problem? I will bring beauty myself! Looking around, I thought that I could help my loved ones. I gave my older sister the right eyebrow pencil and asked her not to pluck them to the last thread. She obeyed - and after a couple of months her face began to look different.

I sublimated my hidden aggression into texts where I told how to transform for the better. Thank God I have become an expert in this. I worked until late in the evening, came home closer to midnight - with occupational therapy I tormented the evil animal that was tormenting me from the inside. A couple of months of this rhythm - and one morning I noticed that I was looking at myself in the mirror completely calmly. No make up. It was a revolution. Victory over yourself. Panic attacks happened less frequently; I no longer wanted to hit poorly made-up girls. No, beauty perfectionism has not left me, but it has ceased to be a mania and moved to another plane - it has become my job.

Just like before, I want to look perfect, but the current “ideal” is a healthy complexion without several layers of powder. No hysterical glances in the mirror! I began to believe when they tell me that I am beautiful. And most importantly, I met a person with whom I can sincerely smile, knowing that I have neither lipstick nor mascara on. I was finally convinced by the words of my husband’s twelve-year-old niece, who, in a conversation with him, said that she really liked me. And to the question: “Why?” - She answered simply: “Because she is beautiful.”

Bodysmorphophobia can be killed in the bud. How to recognize it?

● Mirror syndrome. Look into every reflective surface? Be careful. The desire to look good is great, but if you can't walk a few meters down the street without looking into shop windows and car windows, think twice.

● Obsessive groping. Constantly touching a part of your body or face you hate? For what? To once again convince yourself that she is imperfect and get upset? A pointless activity.

● Torment of loved ones. “Darling, tell me: are my lips too thin? Do I have thick ankles? If you compulsively question others about your appearance, it's unhealthy. Think about what you want to hear in response?

● Photography symptom. A categorical refusal to be photographed or fear of the lens are signs of body dysmorphic disorder.

● Discomfort in society. Most people with dysmorphophobia are sure that everyone around them only looks at their defects and laughs behind their backs.

● Low self-esteem. You are sure that at work you do everything worse than everyone else, that you don’t deserve your boyfriend’s love, that your friends just need something from you. If all these thoughts regularly come to your mind, it’s time to consult a specialist.

● Excessive self-care. You feel like you can't leave the house even for five minutes without wearing full makeup. You think that laying the “second day” is a direct road to hell. You are the most favorite client in the beauty salon because you go there several times a week. There may be something wrong with you.

The appearance of a woman
whatever may be the strength and breadth of her mind,
whatever the importance of the objects,
which she does
will always be either a helper or an obstacle
in the story of her life.
Anne-Louise Germaine de Staël

Do you look at beautiful girls with envy? Does your own reflection in the mirror disappoint you? Do you consider yourself ugly? Then this article is for you!

And from the very beginning I hasten to please you - you are not the only one. According to sociological studies, 98% of girls and women consider themselves ugly.

And I would like to draw attention to the key word here - “consider themselves.” That is, in fact, they are not ugly. They just consider themselves ugly.

Feeling ugly is not a problem of appearance, it is a complex, insecurity and dislike for oneself.

Do not believe? Then look at famous models and actresses. Very few of them are truly beautiful (although this is a very controversial issue), that is, they have regular facial features and a beautiful figure.

But each of them was able to become a global star. How did they do it? They just accepted their appearance.

If it were only about appearance, I would never have become a model - after all, many people consider me ugly. But it was my signature “wolf look” that made me famous. In my youth, I looked this way because of painful shyness, and later - because this look began to bring me millions of dollars. Kate Moss

So, the first thing you need to do is accept and love yourself.

The following articles will help you with this:

By the way, being beautiful comes not only with benefits in the form of a sea of ​​admirers, but also with problems. Therefore, do not rush to envy the first beauties of your school or district. After all:

  • They are constantly afraid that someone more beautiful will be found, and a little later they suffer due to age and loss of their former appearance.
  • They are often not taken seriously and it is sometimes difficult for them to achieve career growth (we are talking about serious professions)
  • They are quite often unlucky in love. After all, people fall in love with their appearance, not their personality. Or they meet with them for status, popularity (Look, look what you grabbed).
  • Their boyfriends/husbands are very often jealous (and they can be understood).
  • They attract the gaze of others (especially men). And all this takes energy.

The obsession with the desire to be flawless on the outside very soon makes one ugly on the inside. Muhammad Okar

This list can go on and on. For example, they date beautiful girls and marry attractive and sincere ones with whom it is good to live.

It turns out that beauty has as many disadvantages as advantages. Have you thought about this?

My appearance brought me not only triumphs and the admiration of men, but also a lot of suffering. Michelle Mercier

Therefore, stop envying beautiful girls and better spend your energy on yourself.

The second important step is to take care of your development. Both external and internal.

To interest a man, you need to apply a whole dozen efforts, because the ideal appearance will “pass” on the first date, on the second and third you need to talk about something. Oleg Roy

Find something special in your appearance, learn to emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. And once again - love yourself and be confident in your attractiveness (beauty and attractiveness are two different things).

Is height or weight really important when there is something special, something attractive about a person? Oleg Roy

Find the advantages in your imperfect (in your opinion) appearance:

  • You can be sure that you are loved not only for your pretty face
  • Guys may take you seriously
  • You have an incentive to develop.
  • Sometimes what you consider to be a flaw (freckles, big eyes) can please a guy and set you apart from others.

Therefore, I emphasize once again - your “ugliness” is only in your head, and you yourself can make yourself an attractive and interesting girl.

You can immediately take into account for the future: the less a woman is obsessed with the complex of her own appearance, the more intelligent, balanced, tolerant and reliable she is. Vis Vitalis

When you don’t have such a trump card as a chic appearance, you are simply forced to develop other qualities in yourself and this very soon gives results.

If you are unattractive, that's only a plus. All the beautiful girls I went to school with and who went on all my dates then spent their entire lives in fear of losing their beauty. They were always so beautiful that they never developed anything else about themselves. As they grew older, they only worked on how not to lose their youth. And if you are outwardly unattractive, you develop charm and wit, perhaps some talent or unique trait. If you are ugly, you are more likely to become attractive. And if you are beautiful, often you are just beautiful and that’s all. Iris Apfel

So stop feeling sorry for yourself and suffering! Better take care of yourself: read a book, learn how to choose clothes and do your hair, pay attention to your body and be sure to smile! :). Make your appearance a helper, not an obstacle!

Greetings, my dears!

What should I do if I'm ugly? How can you get rid of complexes about your own appearance?..

Such questions regularly populate the heads of women from all over the world. It's just some kind of epidemic).

Let's talk about this today!

The desire of every girl to be beautiful is quite natural and legitimate! Who, if not we, will save the world with our feminine charm?

But before you suffer that you are somehow different, first decide what you want from your beauty? To please men? Or maybe for yourself? To boost your self-esteem or get a pass somewhere (for example, modeling)?

You need to sincerely understand for yourself why you want to be beautiful. The answers can be anything, the main thing is that they are yours.

In almost all cases, anyone can look great today. The entire beauty industry is thriving, regularly bringing new trophies to the altar of female attractiveness.

Now everything can be easily changed, repainted, decorated, lengthened, corrected, reduced, increased, hidden, tightened and adjusted. So much so that my own mother won’t know)

Please, if you don’t like your hair, stylists will be happy to change its color in any direction. There is not enough length - it will be there, if you want something exotic - creative haircuts or afro braids - no problem. If you are unhappy with your eyelashes, they will be extended. Perpetually short nails are bothering me - and this is not a question.

If you want your lips to look even more seductive and your eyes more expressive, cosmetic giants around the world are racing against each other to solve this burning issue. The first wrinkles have appeared - hundreds of beautiful jars of creams, and procedures in the salon promise to solve this problem too.

If you are stressing about how to dress to look irresistible, style guides work for this purpose, who skillfully emphasize all the advantages and hide the shortcomings under beautiful clothes.

Plus, for self-education in the topic of beauty, there are many resources on the Internet, thematic TV shows and glossy magazines. You will easily find out what to wear, what and how to use, how to look.

If you are ready to take on completely drastic changes, modern plastic surgeons can skillfully do a lot to correct anything.

Of course, being beautiful is beautiful! In no way do I encourage you to renounce existing opportunities and give up on self-care. And I am happy to write articles on this topic on my blog.

Now there is an opportunity to be irresistible to any girl and woman, and it should be used!

But let's approach this issue consciously. After all, there is a flip side to the glossy coin. Beauty sometimes looks impersonal. Girls who follow this fanatically are often surprisingly similar. They are all beautiful, but they look like identical dolls that came off an assembly line.

What if we remove all these cluttered cosmetic appearance decorations? What will happen and who is hiding behind them? Why don't you want to be yourself? Where has your own natural exclusivity gone? Why, in the pursuit of self-care, are they no longer they at all?

And now it's time to reveal secrets)

Down with all complexes, boycott them! Let them go where they came to you from. In the meantime, we'll talk about the main thing.

The external always comes from the internal. Primarily it is you. And only secondarily all the means that you use! Don't push yourself and make yourself feel like you're ugly.

As I already wrote, now there is everything to look good. Moreover, for many it is enough to get a suitable haircut from a competent hairdresser, learn how to apply light makeup or choose beautiful things to suit your figure in order to shine.

However, as long as you are unhappy inside yourself, this will be translated into your appearance, no matter what it is. And there are many such examples. You need to start becoming attractive from within yourself - your thoughts, reactions, values, dreams.

Beauty without the ability to present oneself, without inner confidence means little.

The same beauty is easily replaceable. Someone will always have longer legs, or a more seductive figure, or a thinner waist, or more regular facial features...

The main thing is to believe in yourself! After all, it is your individuality, the unique features of your appearance, your natural charm that make you irresistible.

The whole simple secret is that you are unique! No matter how trite it may sound, in any case, there is no one like you anymore! Remember, each of you is not just beautiful, but special!

Stop indulging in sorrowful thoughts that you stood in the wrong line when they were handing out beautiful legs or slender figures that are not spoiled by bars of milk chocolate and baskets of fragrant buns.

Stop beating yourself up because you can’t get rid of extra centimeters around your waist or change your breast size. Stop doing this now! Who is the most charming and attractive here? I can not hear. Of course you! Yes Yes Yes!

Is it already clear what I'm getting at? Run to the mirror, look at yourself. Straighten your shoulders, raise your head, be sure to smile at yourself, wink! Now praise yourself.

Say, looking at your reflection, “You are beautiful, You are special, You are charming!”

Tell yourself this as you would your dearest, beloved little girl. Sincerely and tenderly.

When you believe in this, start telling it to your real self—an adult. Maybe imagining yourself as a girl, it won’t be difficult for you to say this, but it won’t be easy for you as an adult.

However, stop being shy! You deserve these words right now. From that girl you naturally turned into a beautiful girl, into a charming woman. So compliment yourself loudly and confidently.

Even louder and more confident! So that you yourself believe in it to the depths of your soul. You may doubt these words at first, but repeat them, with feeling, with confidence, until you agree with yourself.

Happened? Be sure to say them several times, thereby securing the effect. And follow this pleasant ritual regularly.

I assure you that soon you will see your own uniqueness, your sly smile, shining eyes, playfully protruding collarbone, cat-like gait... or something else, your own.

It is your inner beauty that makes your appearance charming. Your look, voice, gestures, facial expressions and energy coming from within turns you not just into a beautiful person, but gives you a special charm and charisma.

And all this wealth only needs to be emphasized by external means. Just make a skillful emphasis on this.

And just after you love yourself, you yourself will want to exercise to keep yourself in good shape, eat healthy food, give up bad habits, look pretty and stylish.

For herself, and only then for others. You will begin to enjoy taking care of yourself, learning with interest women's secrets on this topic, and in general many things will become different - cool, joyful and fulfilling!

And most importantly, in addition to all this, you will naturally begin to smile! And it is a sincerely, kindly smiling girl or woman who becomes charming and attractive in an instant! Remember this main decoration))

And I wish you a harmonious combination of internal and external attractiveness!

With love,

Smolinets Anastasia.